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Pulmonary lesions developed in three patients with an invasive hydatidiform mole. At open thoracotomy the modules were found to contain molar tissue. Therapy with twice-weekly methotrexate induced complete clinical and biologic remission of the disease in all three patients.  相似文献   

Summary The present report summarizes molecular studies of parental origin and sex chromosome mosaicism in forty-one 45,X conceptuses, consisting of 29 spontaneous abortions and 12 liveborn individuals with Turner syndrome. Our studies indicate that most 45,X conceptuses have a single, maternally derived X chromosome, regardless of whether the conceptus is liveborn or spontaneously aborted. In studies of mosaicism, our identification of X- and Y-chromosome mosaics among 45,X spontaneous abortions indicates that mosaicism does not ensure survival to term of 45,X fetuses. However, the incidence of sex chromosmome mosaicism is substantially higher in liveborn than in aborted 45,X conceptuses, indicating that the presence of a second cell line increases the likelihood of survival to term.  相似文献   

Isozyme markers were used to investigate the origin of the polyploid liverwort, Pellia borealis (gametophytic n=18), which was believed to represent an autopolyploid form of Pellia epiphylla (n=9). Enzyme variation was studied in four taxa: polyploid P. borealis, two recently discovered sibling species of P. epiphylla complex, and the closely related P. neesiana (n=9). Gametophytes of the polyploid showed a complex electrophoretic phenotype for three diagnostic enzymes (DIA1, MPI1 and ACO) in contrast to simple pattern in all haploid taxa. It was postulated that the pattern found in the polyploid represents a fixed heterozygous phenotype resulting from allopolyploidy. Alleles present in the polyploid were found (with only one exception) in the two sibling species of the P. epiphylla complex, suggesting that they are the parents of the allopolyploid. Pellia neesiana was excluded as a donor of either of the genomes. Variation in the polyploid suggests at least three separate origins of P. borealis.  相似文献   

A reassessment of the origin of the polyploid wheats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Kimber G 《Genetics》1974,78(1):487-492
The diploid species that donated the A and D genomes to the polyploid wheats have been recognized for some time. New evidence indicates that Triticum speltoides cannot be the B genome donor to T. turgidum or T. aestivum. T. speltoides is probably homologous to the G genome of T. timopheevii. The donor of the B genome to T. turgidum and T. aestivum is currently unrecognized.  相似文献   

Summary The three major isoenzymes of the NADP-dependent aromatic alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH-B), distinguished in polyploid wheats by means of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, are shown to be coded by homoeoalleles of the locus Adh-2 on short arms of chromosomes of the fifth homoeologous group. Essentially codominant expression of the Adh-2 homoeolleles of composite genomes was observed in young seedlings of hexaploid wheats (T. aestivum s.l.) and tetraploid wheats of the emmer group (T. turgidum s.l.), whereas only the isoenzyme characteristic of the A genome is present in the seedlings of the timopheevii-group tetraploids (T. timopheevii s.str. and T. araraticum).The slowest-moving B3 isoenzyme of polyploid wheats, coded by the homoeoallele of the B genome, is characteristic of the diploid species Aegilops speltoides S.l., including both its awned and awnless forms, but was not encountered in Ae. bicornis, Ae. sharonensis and Ae. longissima. The last two diploids, as well as Ae. tauschii, Ae. caudata, Triticum monococcum s.str., T. boeoticum s.l. (incl. T. thaoudar) and T. urartu all shared a common isoenzyme coinciding electrophoretically with the band B2 controlled by the A and D genome homoeoalleles in polyploid wheats. Ae. bicomis is characterized by the slowest isoenzyme, B4, not found in wheats and in the other diploid Aegilops species studied.Two electrophoretic variants of ADH-B, B1 and B2, considered to be alloenzymes of the A genome homoeoallele, were observed in T. dicoccoides, T. dicoccon, T. turgidum. s.str. and T. spelta, whereas B2 was characteristic of T. timopheevii s.l. and only B1 was found in the remaining taxa of polyploid wheats. The isoenzyme B1, not encountered among diploid species, is considered to be a mutational derivative which arose on the tetraploid level from its more ancestral form B2 characteristic of diploid wheats.The implication of the ADH-B isoenzyme data to the problems of wheat phylogeny and gene evolution is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract.— Allozymic diversity at 21 loci was analyzed in 470 individuals of three species of mole cricket superspecies, Gryllotalpa gryllotalpa (two new chromosomal species, G. tali and G. marismortui ) and G. africana in Israel, which are distributed along a southward transect of increasing aridity. Two outstanding findings emerged in G. tali and G. marismortui : (1) genetic polymorphism was high but heterozygosity very low, indicating significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations; and (2) significant linkage disequilibria at an unprecedented level for outbreeders and remarkable intersite differences. The results may characterize subterranean gryllotalpids worldwide because a single sample of Neocurtilla hexadactyla from Tefé, Amazonia, shows the same features. Significant variation of heterozygote paucity among loci , combined with the biology of the species, rejects the simple explanation of inbreeding or any other single explanatory model. Likewise, direct selection against heterozygotes or specific multilocus associations can explain, but is not necessary nor likely to explain, the observed results in mole crickets. To explain these results, we developed a multiple-factor mathematical model combining niche viability selection, niche choice, and positive assortative mating. This model involves a special case of Wahlund effect and inbreeding. Simulations based on this model showed that a combination of these three mechanisms may produce the observed distribution of alleles, via selection on a few loci, to affect the entire genome organization.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Ongoing and previous range expansions have a strong influence on population genetic structure of plants. In turn, genetic variation in the new range may affect the population dynamics and the expansion process. The annual Ceratocapnos claviculata (Papaveraceae) has expanded its Atlantic European range in recent decades towards the north and east. Patterns of genetic diversity were investigated across the native range to assess current population structure and phylogeographical patterns. A test was then made as to whether genetic diversity is reduced in the neophytic range and an attempt was made to identify source regions of the expansion.


Samples were taken from 55 populations in the native and 34 populations in the neophytic range (Sweden, north-east Germany). Using amplified fragment length polymorphism markers an analysis was made of genetic variation and population structure (Bayesian statistical modelling) and population differentiation was quantified. Pollen/ovule ratio was analysed as a proxy for the breeding system.

Key Results

Genetic diversity at population level was very low (mean He = 0·004) and two multilocus genotypes dominated large parts of the new range. Population differentiation was strong (FST = 0·812). These results and a low pollen/ovule ratio are consistent with an autogamous breeding system. Genetic variation decreased from the native to the neophytic range. Within the native range, He decreased towards the north-east, whereas population size increased. According to the Bayesian cluster analysis, the putative source regions of the neophytic range are situated in north-west Germany and adjacent regions.


Ceratocapnos claviculata shows a cline of genetic variation due to postglacial recolonization from putative Pleistocene refugia in south-west Europe. Nevertheless, the species has expanded successfully during the past 40 years to southern Sweden and north-east Germany where it occurs as an opportunistic neophyte. Recent expansion was mainly human-mediated by single long-distance diaspore transport and was facilitated by habitat modification.  相似文献   

Summary Restriction fragment patterns of DNA fragments obtained after EcoRI cleavage of chloroplastic (cp) and mitochondrial (mt) DNAs isolated from different wheat species were compared. T. aestivum, T. timopheevi, Ae. speltoides, Ae. sharonensis and T. urartu gave species specific mt DNA patterns. Consequently, the cytoplasmic genomes of wheat cannot have originated from contemporary Ae. speltoides, Ae. sharonensis and T. urartu species. It is shown that cp and mt DNAs of Ae. ventricosa, a tetraploid used to transfer eyespot resistance into T. aestivum, contains cp and mt DNAs differing from DNAs isolated from T. aestivum and other wheats. In contrast, the cytoplasmic DNAs of Ae. ventricosa and Ae. squarrosa reveal an important homology, suggesting that Ae. squarrosa was the female parent of Ae. ventricosa. Disomic addition lines (T. aestivum — Ae. ventricosa) in both Ae. ventricosa cytoplasm and T. aestivum cytoplasm contained cytoplasmic DNAs identical to those of the maternal parent. Restriction patterns of the cp and mt DNAs isolated from eight lines of Triticale differing in their cytoplasm have been compared to those of the maternal parent. A strict maternal inheritance has been observed in each case.  相似文献   

An enrichment procedure after ethyl methanesulfonate mutagenesis and exposure to the fungicide benomyl yielded mutants auxotrophic for several amino acids from two polyploid Saccharomyces spp. Benomyl treatment was found to have a marked morphological effect on polyploid Saccharomyces cerevisiae, causing cells to adopt a characteristic doublet cell morphology in which buds are nearly as large as the parent cells. Experiments in which nuclear division was monitored in benomyl-induced doublet cells by Giemsa nuclear staining demonstrated an unusual sequence of cytological events which culminated in the formation of binucleate parental and mononucleate bud components. The frequency of formation of doublet and binucleate parent cells was found to depend on the strain employed and the benomyl concentration administered.  相似文献   

Polyploidy is a prominent process in plant evolution and adaptation, but molecular phylogenetic studies of polyploids based on DNA sequences have often been confounded by their complex gene and genome histories. We report here a retroposon insertion in the nuclear gene granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI or "waxy") that clearly reveals the ancient hybrid history of the medically important polyploid species belladonna (Atropa belladonna) and resolves the controversy over the taxonomic group to which it belongs, the tribe Hyoscyameae (Solanaceae). Our inferences based on the pattern of presence or absence of the retroposon insertion are corroborated by phylogenetic analyses of the GBSSI gene sequences. This case may suggest that retroposons are promising molecular markers to study polyploid evolution.  相似文献   

A polyploid organism by possessing more than two sets of chromosomes from one species (autopolyploidy) or two or more species (allopolyploidy) is known to have evolutionary advantages. However, by what means a polyploid accommodates increased genetic dosage or divergent genomes (allopolyploidy) in one cell nucleus and cytoplasm constitutes an enormous challenge. Recent years have witnessed efforts and progress in exploring the possible mechanisms by which these seemingly intangible hurdles of polyploidy may be ameliorated or eventually overcome. In particular, the documentation of rapid and extensive non-Mendelian genetic and epigenetic changes that often accompany nascent polyploidy is revealing: the resulting non-additive and novel gene expression at global, regional and local levels, and timely restoration of meiotic chromosomal behavior towards bivalent pairing and disomic inheritance may ensure rapid establishment and stabilization as well as its long-term evolutionary success. Further elucidation on these novel mechanisms underpinning polyploidy will promote our understanding on fundamental issues in evolutionary biology and in our manipulation capacities in future genetic improvement of important crops that are currently polyploids in genomic constitution. This review is intended to provide an updated discussion on these interesting and important issues within the scope of a specific yet one of the most important plant groups--polyploid wheat and its related species.  相似文献   

Thirty five bands (alleles) from six enzyme systems and fifty seven random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments were selected to analyse the genetic diversity of 33 polyploid wheatgrasses (Triticeae) populations of species Thinopyrum junceiforme and Elytrigia pycnantha, and two hybrids, one pentaploid and one novel 9-ploid. Dice’s similarity coefficient, the UPGMA-derived phenograms from RAPD, and allozymes markers showed that the clustering of wheatgrass populations was based on ploidy level. These markers had similar levels of diversity between populations, with high genetic similarity within the same ploidy-level and within population’s individuals. The tetraploid Th. junceiforme populations are closely related, with a large similarity distances varied from 0.8 to 1. Based on the isozyme and RAPD analyses, diploid taxa are related to polyploids with similarity coefficients 0.4.  相似文献   

Summary Based on results of mutation studies in the fungus Schizophyllum commune, a new mechanism of the origin of genetic polymorphism is proposed. This may explain the intractable problems of the rise of multiple allelism controlling incompatibility in plants and the wide array of antibody diversity controlling immunity reaction in animals.Based on a lecture given at a joint meeting of the Mendelian Society of Lund and the Institute of Genetics, Lund, on 6th October, 1975, The author is grateful to Prof. A. Muntzing and Prof. A. Lundqvist for the invitation, and for the kindness and hospitality shown to him during his brief visit to Lund. This lecture formed a part of a lecture tour of Europe organized under the auspices of the Commission of European Communities, Brussells, and Association EURATOM-ITAL, Wageningen. The author is grateful to Dr. D. de Nettancourt (E.C.) and Dr. D. de Zeeuw (E.I.) for the kind invitation and financial support which made this memorable visit possible.  相似文献   

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