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Population dynamics of theSmith 's red-backed vole predominantly common through uplands of Shikoku have been in some degree disclosed by the use of my own and Government Forest Station's samples collected since 1955 onward. It has proved that the upper-range population reaches its density peak possibly in late summer or early fall, but the lower-range one does probably in October–November as the seasonal trend in usual years. The upper one produced a peak three times at 3–4 year intervals, the first peak being an outbreak followed by a crash, during the last decade. It seems likely that all the populations through the range have, in the gross, fluctuated in phase after 1959 at least. The cyclic fluctuation may readily be explained by the theory of intrinsic mechanism, because no external factors are considered to have exerted a conclusive effect. Except what was concerned in the outbreak, the role of the social stress could be set at naught. The regulation of fecundiy by density was expressed more markedly in litter size and less in active reproductivity rate and incidence of pregnancy. The mean litter size at term as small as 2.00 is contrary to our expectation in view of the supposed prolific potential, nevertheless the observed frequency of litter poduction and intra-uterine survival rate has proved not to be so high as to make up for the small litter size. The problem in the postnatal mortality has remained to be solved.  相似文献   

The effects of the abundance of acorns of the oak, Quercus crispula, on the population dynamics of three rodent species (Apodemus speciosus, A. argenteus, and Clethrionomys rufocanus) were analyzed using time series data (1992–2006). The data were obtained in a forest in northern Hokkaido, Japan, by live trapping rodents and directly counting acorns on the ground. Apodemus speciosus generally increased in abundance following acorn masting. However, the clear effect of acorn abundance was not detected for the other two rodent species. Acorns of Q. crispula contain tannins, which potentially have detrimental effects on herbivores. Apodemus speciosus may reduce the damage caused by acorn tannins with tannin-binding salivary proteins and tannase-producing bacteria, whereas such physiological tolerance to tannins is not known in the other two rodent species. The differences in the effects of acorns between the three species may be due to differences in their physiological tolerance to tannins.  相似文献   

Population dynamics of the gray sided-vole,Clethrionomys rufocanus, in Hokkaido, Japan were described on the basis of 225 time series (being from 12 to 31 years long); 194 of the time series have a length of 23 years or longer. The time series were classified into 11 groups according to geographic proximity and topographic characteristics of the island of Hokkaido. Mean abundance varied among populations from 1.07 to 21.07 individuals per 150 trap-nights. The index of variability for population fluctuation (s-index) ranged from 0.204 to 0.629. Another index for population variability (amplitude on log-10 scale) ranged from 0.811 to 2.743. Mean abundance and variability of populations were higher in the more northern and eastern regions of the island. Most populations, except for the southernmost populations, exhibited significant direct density-dependence in population growth. Detection rate for delayed density-dependence varied among groups from 0% to 22.6%. Both direct and delayed density-dependence tended to be stronger in the more northern and eastern populations. The proportion of cyclic populations was higher in the northern-eastern areas than that in the southern-western areas. There was a clear gradient from the asynchronous populations in southwest, to the highly synchronized populations in the northeast.  相似文献   

The bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus) and the northern red-backed vole (C. rutilus) are two closely related species where interspecific crosses result in fertile female but sterile male offspring. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fromC. rutilus has passed the species barrier and is found inC. glareolus from northern Fennoscandia. The present report shows that the genetic distance between the two species, calculated from enzyme data (Nei'sD), is 0.64. Isoelectric focusing of muscle proteins resolved around 55 bands, of which each species had 6 or 7 bands not present in the other species. Sequence divergence of mtDNA from the two species is 13.9%. A comparison between protein and mtDNA distances in other species pairs reveals a high correlation between the two measures, indicating that differences in mtDNA between taxa are not random when compared to divergence in protein-coding nuclear genes. The relationship between genetic divergence in proteins and that in mtDNA betweenClethrionomys glareolus andC. rutilus is similar to that found in other species pairs. It is also shown that despite large differences on the protein level it is still, in some cases, possible for species pairs to produce fertile hybrid females.This study was sponsored by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council, the Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation, and the Nilsson-Ehle Foundation.  相似文献   

Age variation in a fluctuating population of the common vole   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We analysed variation in age in a fluctuating population of the common vole (Microtus arvalis) in southern Moravia, Czech Republic, to test the assumption of the senescence hypothesis that the age of voles increases with increasing population density. Between 1996 and 1998, we monitored the demographic changes by snap-trapping and live-trapping in a field population passing through the increase, peak and decline phase of the population cycle. We used the eye lens mass method to determine the age of snap-trapped animals and those that died in live-traps. The average age of winter males was clearly higher after the peak phase breeding season than before it. No such phase-dependent shift in age, however, was observed in the female component. Male age continued to increase from autumn to spring over the pre-peak winter, and the highest age was in spring of the peak phase year. However, after the peak phase breeding season the highest age was achieved in winter, with the decline phase males during the next spring tending to be younger. The average age of females in spring populations was always lower than in winter populations. The average age of voles from live-traps was always higher than voles from snap-traps, particularly in winter and spring populations, suggesting the presence of senescent animals. Although the density-dependent changes in age are consistent with those observed for other voles, they provide only weak evidence that population cycles in the common vole are accompanied by pronounced shifts in individual age, particularly in female voles.Due to an error in the citation line, this revised PDF (published in December 2003) deviates from the printed version, and is the correct and authoritative version of the paper.  相似文献   

In territorial microtines intra-specific density dependent processes can limit the maturation of individuals during the summer of their birth. This may have demographic consequences by affecting the number and the age distribution of breeding individuals in the population. Little is known about this process on a community level, though populations of many northern microtine species fluctuate in synchrony and are known to interfere socially with each other. We experimentally studied the influence of the field vole Microtus agrestis on maturation, breeding, space use and survival of weanling bank voles, Clethrionomys glareolus. Two additive competition experiments on bank vole populations were conducted in large outdoor enclosures, half of them additionally housing a field vole population. In a mid-summer experiment low population density and absence of older breeding females minimised intra-specific competition. Survival was not affected by the presence of field voles. Season had a significant effect on both the probability of maturation and breeding of the weanlings. Competition with field voles significantly delayed breeding, and coupled with seasonal effects decreased the probability of breeding. In a late-summer experiment breeding and survival of bank vole weanlings were studied for three weeks as part of a high density breeding bank vole population. Weanlings did not mature at all nor were their space use and survival affected by the presence of field voles. Our results show that competition with other species can also have an impact on breeding of immatures. In an extreme seasonal environment, even a short delay of breeding may decrease survival chances of offspring. Seasonal and competition effects together may thus limit the contribution of year born females to reproductive output of the population. Other studies have shown that adult breeding bank voles suffer lower survival in the presence of field voles, but this study showed no survival effects on the weanlings. Thus it might be beneficial for weanlings to stay immature especially in the end of the breeding season and postpone reproduction to the next breeding season if densities of competing species are high.  相似文献   

Parental behavior in ten pairs of male and female red-backed voles, Clethrionomus rutilus, was studied under laboratory conditions. Significant sex differences were found in total time spent in the nest, time spent by adults alone in the nest, grooming time, and nest-building activity; in half of the males under study, the level of paternal care was extremely low. These findings indicate different paternal contributions of female and male red-backed voles into the rearing of young, in agreement with the spatial-ethological structure of populations of this species. Parental behavior of C. rutilus is discussed in comparison with that of other species of the subfamily Microtinae.  相似文献   

Sandell M  Agrell J  Erlinge S  Nelson J 《Oecologia》1990,83(2):145-149
Summary In a sample of 240 juvenile field voles 8% of the males and 22% of the females reached sexual maturity within their natal home range. Among individuals retrapped as adults, 58% of males and 23% of females had dispersed, i.e. had moved more than one home range diameter. The mean distance moved for males (58.5 m) exceeded that for females (28.6 m). Male movement distances were negatively associated with total density, and with density of adult females, but not with male density. Female movements were not related to population density. There were no relation between sex ratio and distance moved. The distribution of distances moved for both males and females fit a geometrical distribution, suggesting the importance of competitive processes.  相似文献   

H. Korn  M. J. Taitt 《Oecologia》1987,71(4):593-596
Summary Feeding the secondary plant compound 6-Methoxybenzoxazolinone (6-MBOA) during winter to a free living population of Microtus townsendii accelerated breeding in females. Both the recruitment of young and sexual maturation of these young were advanced by four weeks in comparison with a control population. Overwintered females supplied with 6-MBOA matured at a lower body weight than control females. But there was no such weightat-maturity difference between the grids for males. During April and May 72% of all juveniles captured came from the experimental population. Winter reproduction and early recruitment of young stimulated by 6-MBOA could have important population consequences for these voles.  相似文献   

The larch bud-moth cycle has been observed in the sub-alpine larch-cembran pine forests 16 times since 1850. Infestation is easily recognized by the characteristic red-brown discoloration of the larch crowns due to the wasteful feeding of the bud moth larvae. The heaviest defoliation recurs at intervals of 8.47±0.27 (SE) years, and the larval density per kilogram of larch branches varies more than 10000-fold over four or five generations. The basic regulatory mechanism for this cycle is the induced change in food quality for the two or more subsequent larval generations. Defoliation functions as a negative feedback mechanism acting on larval density. In 1989 local discoloration in the Upper Engadine valley was observed in the usual first focus. In 1990 and 1991, however, instead of the expected widespread defoliation damage, larval densities decreased drastically. Based on extensive field data collected from 1961 to 1991 on the development and the survival of the bud moth (Zeiraphera diniana Gn.) and the phenology of the host, Larix decidua L., this paper shows the effect of weather on survival in the egg stage and on the coincidence of larval hatching with the sprouting of the larch. It is shown that the winter and spring weather conditions in 1989–1991 were conducive to unusually high egg mortality. Since these conditions occurred in three successive generations, population growth was effectively reduced and the cycle collapsed prematurely. Thus the rather persistent cyclicity of the larch-larch bud-moth system was disturbed by weather conditions with a very low probability of occurrence, but due to the inherent high resilience of the system, the next population peak with visible defoliation is expected to occur 1996/1997, provided that the weather conditions return to the climatic standard.  相似文献   

Survival and cause-specific mortality rates of female sika deer (Cervus nippon) were studied using radio telemetry in eastern Hokkaido, Japan. We captured and radio-collared 18 female deer, and monitored their survival from April 1993 to May 1996. Estimated annual survival rate for adult females was 0.779 (95% confidence interval was 0.609–0.997). The harvest mortality rate of adult females was higher than the natural mortality rate. Experimental female hunting during 1994–1996 contributed to an increase in the mortality rate for females and was useful in the control of the sika deer population.  相似文献   

Voles of the genus Microtus represent one of the most speciose mammalian genera in the Holarctic. We established a molecular phylogeny for Microtus to resolve contentious issues of systematic relationships and evolutionary history in this genus. A total of 81 specimens representing ten Microtus species endemic to Europe as well as eight Eurasian, six Asian and one Holarctic species were sequenced for the entire cytochrome b gene (1140 bp). A further 25 sequences were retrieved from GenBank, providing data on an additional 23, mainly Nearctic, Microtus species. Phylogenetic analysis of these 48 species generated four well-supported monophyletic lineages. The genus Chionomys, snow voles, formed a distinct and well-supported lineage separate from the genus Microtus. The subgenus Microtus formed the strongest supported lineage with two sublineages displaying a close relationship between the arvalis species group (common voles) and the socialis species group (social voles). Monophyly of the Palearctic pitymyid voles, subgenus Terricola, was supported, and this subgenus was also subdivided into two monophyletic species groups. Together, these groupings clarify long-standing taxonomic uncertainties in Microtus. In addition, the "Asian" and the Nearctic lineages reported previously were identified although the latter group was not supported. However, relationships among the main Microtus branches were not resolved, suggesting a rapid and potentially simultaneous radiation of a widespread ancestor early in the history of the genus. This and subsequent radiations discernible in the cytochrome b phylogeny, show the considerable potential of Microtus for analysis of historical and ecological determinants of speciation in small mammals. It is evident that speciation is an ongoing process in the genus and that the molecular data provides a vital insight into current species limits as well as cladogenic events of the past.  相似文献   

The effects of host cannibalism on a host-parasitoid system were explored through experiment and modelling. In individual encounters between parasitized and unparasitized Plodia interpunctella larvae, parasitized larvae were more likely to be cannibalized. Inclusion of this differential cannibalism into a simple Lotka-Volterra-type model of host-parasitoid population dynamics generates alternative stable states-including stable coexistence and extinction of the parasitoid — which depend on starting conditions. Possible mechanisms for differential cannibalism, and its implications for studies of host-parasitoid populations and biological control programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

In prey communities with shared predators, variation in prey vulnerability is a key factor in shaping community dynamics. Conversely, the hunting efficiency of a predator depends on the prey community structure, preferences of the predator and antipredatory behavioural traits of the prey. We studied experimentally, under seminatural field conditions, the preferences of a predator and the antipredatory responses of prey in a system consisting of two Myodes species of voles, the grey-sided vole (M. rufocanus Sund.) and the bank vole (M. glareolus Schreb.), and their specialist predator, the least weasel (Mustela nivalis nivalis L.). To quantify the preference of the weasels, we developed a new modelling framework that can be used for unbalanced data. The two vole species were hypothesised to have different habitat-dependent vulnerabilities. We created two habitats, open and forest, to provide different escape possibilities for the voles. We found a weak general preference of the weasels for the grey-sided voles over the bank voles, and a somewhat stronger preference specifically in open habitats. The weasels clearly preferred male grey-sided voles over females, whereas in bank voles, there was no difference. The activity of voles changed over time, so that voles increased their movements immediately after weasel introduction, but later adjusted their movements to times of lowered predation risk. Females that were more active had an elevated mortality risk, whereas in the case of males, the result was the opposite. We conclude that, in vulnerability to predation, the species- or habitat-specific characteristics of these prey species are playing a minor role compared to sex-specific characteristics.  相似文献   

Aplopsora corni sp. nov. is proposed for a rust fungus whose uredinial and basidial stage occurs onCornus controversa (Cornaceae) in Hokkaido. This new species is separated by its larger urediniospores and probasidia from the morphologically closely relatedA. nyssae onNyssa aquatica andN. sylvatica (Cornaceae) distributed in southern North America.  相似文献   

A seminal study was conducted in which the population dynamics (growth, mortality and recruitment) of the mudskipper (Periophthalmus papilio) in the Cross River, Nigeria, was elucidated for the first time using length frequency data and the ELEFAN software. The allometric relationship was: Weight=0.012(Length)2.940, n=415, r2=0.939, P <0.0005. The seasonalized Von Bertalanffy growth parameters were L=19.39 cm, K=0.51 y–1, C=0.3, and WP=0.4. The instantaneous total mortality coefficient Z was 2.208 y–1 while the instantaneous natural mortality coefficient was 1.341 y–1. The instantaneous fishing mortality coefficient of 0.867 y–1 yielded the expectedly low exploitation rate E of 0.393. Our estimate shows that the species could reach an average maximum life span of about 6 years in the Cross River system. These results are used in quantitative elucidation of the state of exploitation of the population and will serve as input for the proper and scientific management of the fish resource.Alfred Wegener Institute Contribution nr. 1090.  相似文献   

From 1987 to 1989 we monitored population changes during summer of the collared lemming (Dicrostonyx groenlandicus) and the tundra vole (Microtus oeconomus) at Pearce Point, Northwest Territories, Canada (69° 48 N, 122° 40 W). Populations on four study areas did not cycle but remained at low density (<3/ha) each year and continued at low numbers for the following 3 years (Reid et al. 1995). Lemming numbers often declined throghout the summer in spite of continous reproduction, and population recovery occurred overwinter. Heavy predation losses of radio-collared lemmings occurred each summer and this lemming population may be trapped in a predator-pit. Collared lemmings breed in winter and only because of winter population growth do these populations persist. Tundra vole numbers increased rapidly in most summers but usually declined overwinter. Tundra voles do not seem able to sustain winter reproduction in this extreme environment and this prevents them from reaching high density because of the short summer. Population growth in both these rodents could be prevented by poor food or by predation losses, and landscape patchiness may also help to prevent population growth. For lemmings we do not think that a shortage of shelter or intrinsic limitations could be restricting population increase at Pearce Point. This is the first detailed study of a non-cyclic collared lemming population.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Betula pubescens and Picea abies in a boreal forest near Kvikkjokk, northern Sweden, are governed by a process of storm gap regeneration similar to the gap regeneration described for boreo-nemoral forests. Cumulative age distribution curves, interpreted as static survivorship curves, lead to a simple theory of differential survival based on properties of the species, i.e. shade tolerance and relative growth rate. The theory is sustained by diameter and height distributions and by the spatial distributions of logs and of trees in different life-phases. Species of the field and ground layers respond differentially to gap formation and the ensuing successional stages. Browsing by moose (Alces alces) may prevent tree species, mainly Sorbus aucuparia, Betula pubescens and Pinus sylvestris, from developing into a tree layer. The regeneration ability for tree species growing in a stand at 460 m a.s.l. is limited compared with the regeneration at 330 m a.s.l., and typical storm gap formation involving more than one tree seems to occur rarely if at all, while overthrown trees with exposed rootplates are uncommon. Spruce at 460 m a.s.l. shows also a lower growth rate and a lower height/diameter ratio compared to the lower situated stands.  相似文献   

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