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We have introduced amino acid substitutions into two regions of the extracellular domain of the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) glycoprotein (G protein) and examined the effect of these mutations on protein transport, low-pH-induced stability of G protein oligomers, and membrane fusion activity. We suggested previously that the region between amino acids 118 and 139 may be important for the membrane fusion activity of G protein, on the basis of the characterization of a fusion-defective G protein mutant (M. A. Whitt, P. Zagouras, B. Crise, and J. K. Rose, J. Virol. 64:4907-4913, 1990). It has also been postulated by others that this region as well as the region between amino acids 181 and 212 may constitute putative internal fusion domains of VSV G protein. In this report, we show that three different amino acids substitutions between residues 118 and 139 (G-124-->E, P-127-->D, and A-133-->K) either altered or abolished low-pH-dependent membrane fusion activity. In contrast, substitutions between residues 192 and 212 resulted either in G proteins that had wild-type fusion activity or in mutant proteins in which the mutation prevented transport of G protein to the cell surface. Two of the substitutions between residues 118 and 139 (G-124-->E and P-127-->D) resulted in G proteins that were fusion defective at pH 5.7, although syncytia were observed after cells were treated with fusion buffer at pH 5.5, albeit at levels significantly less than that induced by wild-type G protein. Interestingly, when either G-124-->E or P-127-->D was incorporated into tsO45 virions, the resulting particles were not infectious, presumably because the viral envelope was not able to fuse with the proper intracellular membrane. These results support the hypothesis that the region between amino acids 118 and 139 is important for the membrane fusion activity of VSV G protein and may constitute an internal fusion domain.  相似文献   

Fusion of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) with Vero cells was measured after exposure of the virus to low pH under a variety of experimental conditions. The method of relief of fluorescence self-quenching of the probe octadecylrhodamine was used to monitor fusion. Incubation of the virus at pH 5.5 prior to binding to cells led to significant enhancement of fusion at the plasma membrane, whereas fusion via the endocytic pathway was inhibited. Fusion of pH 5.5-pretreated VSV showed a similar pH threshold for fusion as nontreated virus, and it was blocked by antibody to VSV G protein. Activation of VSV by pretreatment at low pH was only slightly dependent on temperature. In contrast, when VSV was first bound to target cells and subsequently exposed at 4 degrees C to the low pH, activation of the fusion process did not occur. The pH 5.5-mediated activation of VSV could be reversed by returning the pH to neutral in the absence of target membranes. The low pH pretreatment also led to aggregation of virus; large aggregates could be pelleted by low speed centrifugation and only the effects of the supernatant, which consist of single virions and/or microaggregates, were considered. The data were analyzed in the framework of an allosteric model according to which viral spike glycoproteins undergo a pH-dependent conformational transition to an active (fusion-competent) state. Based on that analysis we conclude that the conformational transition to the active state is rate-limiting for fusion and that the viral spike glycoproteins are fusion-competent only in their protonated form.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) infects and kills a wide range of cell types; however, the mechanisms involved in VSV‐mediated cell death are not fully understood. Here we show that VSV infection interferes with mitotic progression, resulting in cell death. This effect requires the interaction of VSV matrix (M) protein with the Rae1–Nup98 complex in mitosis, which is associated with a subset of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs). VSV displaced Rae1 from spindle poles, caused spindle abnormalities and triggered substantial cell death during metaphase. These effects were attenuated in cells infected with VSV expressing a mutant M protein that does not bind efficiently to the Rae1–Nup98–RNP complex. In cells that progressed to late mitosis, M protein prevented proper nuclear formation and chromatin decondensation. VSV is an oncolytic (anti‐tumour) agent as it preferentially replicates and kills tumour cells. As tumour cells have a high mitotic index, VSV‐mediated mitotic cell death probably contributes to its oncolytic activity.  相似文献   

Entry of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), the prototype member of the rhabdovirus family, occurs by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Subsequently, during traversal through the endosomal compartments, the VSV G protein acquires a low-pH-induced fusion-competent form, allowing for fusion of the viral membrane with endosomal and lysosomal membranes. This fusion event releases genomic RNA into the cytoplasm of the cell. Here we provide evidence that the VSV G protein acquires a fusion-competent form during exocytosis in a polarized endometrial cell line, HEC-1A. VSV infection of HEC-1A cells results in high viral yields and giant cell formation. Syncytium formation is blocked in a concentration-dependent manner by treatment with the lysosomotropic weak base ammonium chloride, which raises intravesicular pH. Virus release is somewhat delayed by treatment with ammonium chloride, but virus yields gradually reach those of control cells. In addition, inhibition of vacuolar H(+)-ATPases by treatment with bafilomycin A1 also inhibited cell to cell fusion without altering virus yields. Virions released from infected HEC cells were themselves not fusion competent, since viral entry required an active H(+)-ATPase and a low-pH-induced conformational change in the viral G protein. Thus, the conformation change leading to fusion competence during exocytotic transport is reversible and reverts during or after release of the virion from the infected cell.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) contains a single structural glycoprotein in which the sugar sequences are largely host specified. We have used VSV as a probe to study the changes in cell glycoprotein metabolism induced by virus transformation. Analysis of purified VSV grown in baby hamster kidney (BHK) or polyoma transformed BHK cells showed that the virus glycoproteins have identical apparent molecular weights. The glycopeptides derived from the glycoproteins by extensive pronase digestion have an identical molecular weight distribution.On the basis of labeling experiments with fucose, mannose, and glucosamine, the oligosaccharide moieties of the VSV glycoprotein were different in virus from the two cell lines. The VSV glycopeptides from transformed cells showed an increased resistance to cleavage by an endoglycosidase, indicating structural changes in the core region of the oligosaccharides. They also showed an increased ratio of sialic acid to N-acetylglucosamine.VSV grows in a wide variety of cell types, and the carbohydrate structures of its single glycoprotein are amenable to analysis with specific glycosidases. The virus thus provides an excellent tool with which to study alterations induced by cell transformation in the glycosylation of membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus N and NS proteins form multiple complexes.   总被引:19,自引:17,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The vesicular stomatitis virus nucleocapsid protein, N, associated specifically with the viral phosphoprotein, NS, in an in vitro system which supported vesicular stomatitis virus RNA replication. Essentially all the N protein was found complexed with NS. In addition, multiple forms of the N-NS complex were detected which differed in their sedimentation properties and ratios of N to NS.  相似文献   

S Yamada  S Ohnishi 《Biochemistry》1986,25(12):3703-3708
Fusion of vesicular stomatitis virus with some cells (HELR 66, KB, and human erythrocytes, both intact and trypsinized) and liposomes made of various natural and synthetic lipids was studied with spin-labeled phospholipid. Binding of virus was assayed separately with radiolabeled and spin-labeled virus. Binding to cells and liposomes was small at neutral pH but enhanced at acidic pHs. Fusion with cells and liposomes was negligibly small at neutral pH but greatly activated at acidic pHs lower than 6.5. Activation of fusion occurred at lower pH values than enhancement of binding. Fusion occurred rapidly and efficiently, reaching a plateau at 50-80% after 3 min at 37 degrees C. Binding and fusion with cells were enhanced by pretreatment of cells with trypsin. Binding to liposomes was dependent on the head group of the phospholipid, stronger to phosphatidylserine than to phosphatidylcholine, but not much dependent on the acyl chain composition. On the other hand, cis-unsaturated acyl chains were required for the efficient fusion, but there was only a small, if any, requirement for the head group. Cholesterol enhanced the fusion further. High fusion efficiency with cis-unsaturated phospholipids cannot be ascribed to the membrane fluidity but may be related to higher tail-to-head volume ratios. Possible mode of interaction of viral G glycoprotein with phospholipid is discussed. The virus cell entry mechanism is suggested as binding to the phospholipid domain in the cell surface membranes, endocytosis, and followed by fusion with the phospholipid domain in endosomes upon acidification.  相似文献   

Antibiotic susceptibility of Salmonella spp. at different pH values   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have examined the effects of acidic pH, in the range of those prevailing within phagosomes and lysosomes, on the growth and the susceptibility to different antibiotics of several strains of Salmonella spp. The minimal inhibitory concentration and the minimal bactericidal concentration of several beta-lactams were increased considerably during culture at pH 5.2. The extent of the increase was a function of: (1) the beta-lactam structure and, more particularly, the hydrophobicity of the side-chain of the molecule; and (2) the bacterial serotype. This phenotypic resistance at acid pH was not due to beta-lactamase activity or to a lower growth rate. In contrast, rifamycin SV was more active at acidic pH than at neutral pH and chloramphenicol, another highly hydrophobic drug, was equally efficacious at both pH values. Membrane lipopolysaccharide mutants, but not porin mutants, cultivated at an acidic pH were inhibited by lower concentrations of the beta-lactams. This suggests that the increased resistance to beta-lactams, and the increased susceptibility to rifamycin SV, at acidic pH, could have resulted from modified permeability of the outer membrane to antibiotics.  相似文献   

A Barge  Y Gaudin  P Coulon    R W Ruigrok 《Journal of virology》1993,67(12):7246-7253
Vesicular stomatitis virus is an enveloped virus with an external glycoprotein G and a nucleocapsid that form, together with the M protein, a tight helically coiled structure: the skeleton. Negative staining and immunoelectron microscopy studies on skeleton preparations were performed to determine the localization of the M protein. These studies have resulted in a new model for the structure of rhabdoviruses in which the nucleocapsid is wound around a core containing the M protein. This model predicts contact between M and lipid only at the extreme ends of the skeleton, which is confirmed by skeleton-liposome binding studies.  相似文献   

The neutralizing immunoglobulin M (IgM) response to vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) has been shown to be largely T-cell independent in several T-cell-deficient models of mice. By using different antigen froms of VSV, VSV antigen doses could be graded in vivo (infectious > > UV inactivated > formalin inactivated). The present study reveals a T-cell-dependent component of the neutralizing IgM response in nude mice given intravenous injections of low doses of noninfectious UV-inactivated VSV serotype Indiana (VSV-IND) only if the mice are transfused with VSV-IND-specific helper T cells. Instead, nude mice immunized with infectious VSV, which leads to greater antigen doses in vivo, were able to mount an IgM response in the absence of T cells. These results indicate that the IgM response to low doses of VSV-IND glycoprotein (G) is T-cell dependent. Nude mice immunized with infectious VSV also made a variable but low VSV-IND-neutralizing IgG response. A VSV-IND matrix (M)-specific helper T-cell line rendered this response more consistent, much higher, and longer lasting. Thus (i) VSV-G induces a mostly T-cell-independent but partially T-cell-dependent IgM (the latter can be visualized best at low doses of antigen) and (ii) the antibody response to VSV in nude mice proceeds through steps, i.e., IgM and IgG, that are dose dependent. The results suggest that the predominant role of helper T cells may be to expand and maintain the individual steps of differentiating B cells.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus M protein in the nuclei of infected cells.   总被引:14,自引:10,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
D S Lyles  L Puddington    B J McCreedy  Jr 《Journal of virology》1988,62(11):4387-4392
The M protein of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) was localized in the nuclei and cytoplasm of VSV-infected cells by subcellular fractionation and immunofluorescence microscopy. Nuclei isolated from VSV-infected Friend erythroleukemia cells were fractionated into a nuclear membrane and a nucleoplasm fraction by DNase digestion and differential centrifugation. G protein was present in the membrane fraction, and M protein was present in the nucleoplasm fraction. Immunofluorescence detection of M protein in the nucleus required that fixed cells be permeabilized with higher concentrations of detergent than were required for detection of M protein in the cytoplasm of VSV-infected BHK cells.  相似文献   

Lipase from Nigella sativa seeds was immobilized by adsorption on Celite 535 from phosphate buffer solutions varying pH values of 5.0–8.0 at 25?°C. Langmuir isotherms described the adsorption equilibria well for lipase adsorption at all pH range. The saturation capacity for adsorption of lipase increased from 14.5 to 24.3 mg g?1 Celite as the adsorption pH was reduced from 8 to 5, but the adsorption equilibrium constant remained constant and was determined to be 1.92 × 105 M?1. The adsorbed enzymes showed different activity values depending on the pH of the adsorption medium. The immobilized enzymes prepared at pH 6 displayed the highest activity values.  相似文献   

Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) is a candidate oncolytic virus that replicates and induces cell death in cancer cells while sparing normal cells. Although defects in the interferon antiviral response facilitate VSV oncolysis, other host factors, including translational and growth regulatory mechanisms, also appear to influence oncolytic virus activity. We previously demonstrated that VSV infection induces apoptosis in proliferating CD4(+) T lymphocytes from adult T-cell leukemia samples but not in resting T lymphocytes or primary chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells that remain arrested in G(0). Activation of primary CD4(+) T lymphocytes with anti-CD3/CD28 is sufficient to induce VSV replication and cell death in a manner dependent on activation of the MEK1/2, c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase, or phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway but not p38. VSV replication is specifically impaired by the cell cycle inhibitor olomoucine or rapamycin, which induces early G(1) arrest, but not by aphidicolin or Taxol, which blocks at the G(1)1S or G(2)1M phase, respectively; this result suggests a requirement for cell cycle entry for efficient VSV replication. The relationship between increased protein translation following G(0)/G(1) transition and VSV permissiveness is highlighted by the absence of mTOR and/or eIF4E phosphorylation whenever VSV replication is impaired. Furthermore, VSV protein production in activated T cells is diminished by small interfering RNA-mediated eIF4E knockdown. These results demonstrate that VSV replication in primary T lymphocytes relies on cell cycle transition from the G(0) phase to the G(1) phase, which is characterized by a sharp increase in ribogenesis and protein synthesis.  相似文献   

In vitro RNA synthesis by purified virions of a stock of tsG16(I) was aberrant compared with that of wild-type (wt) vesicular stomatitis virus. RNA made in vitro by tsG16(I) contained a larger proportion of A residues in polyadenylic acid [poly(A)] tracts than did RNA synthesized by wt virus, tsG13(I), tsG21(II) or tsG41(IV). Experiments to determine whether the aberrant polyadenylation was correlated with the known thermolability of the tsG16(I) L protein were inconclusive. Total product RNA made by tsG16(I) was methylated to almost the same extent as wt RNA, contained the same major methylated 5' cap structure as wt RNA, and was translated as well in a reticulocyte cell-free system, yielding the same molecular weight proteins in similar ratios. Most polyadenylated [poly(A)+] RNA made by tsG16(I) was considerably larger than wt poly(A)+ RNA and richer in AMP:UMP residues; however, the protein-coding capacities of mutant and wt poly(A)+ RNAs were similar. This suggested that most mRNAs made in vitro by tsG16(I) might possess very long poly(A)+ tracts, and digestion of RNA by T1 RNase supported this. It appeared, therefore, that a virally coded component of vesicular stomatitis virus could affect polyadenylation. This could be the poly(A) polymerase itself, a protein involved in control of polyadenylation, or a protein which affects an event spatially and temporally connected with polyadenylation (such as initiation of the subsequent mRNA).  相似文献   

In cultured Drosophila melanogaster cells, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) established a persistent, noncytopathic infection. No inhibition of host protein synthesis occurred even though all cells were initially infected. No defective interfering particles were detected, which would explain the establishment of the carrier state. In studies of the time course of viral protein synthesis in Drosophila cells, N, NS, and M viral polypeptides were readily detected within 1 h of infection. The yield of G protein and one of its precursors; G1, was very low at any time of the virus cycle; the released viruses always contained four to five times less G than those produced by chicken embryo cells, whatever the VSV strain or serotype used for infection and whatever the Drosophila cell line used as host. Actinomycin D added to the cells before infection enhanced VSV growth up to eight times. G and G1 synthesis increased much more than that of the other viral proteins when the cells were pretreated with the drug; nevertheless, the released viruses exhibited the same deficiency in G protein as the VSV released from untreated cells. Host cell control on both G-protein maturation process and synthesis at traduction level is discussed in relation to G biological properties.  相似文献   

BackgroundTraditionally, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and other oncolytic viruses (OVs) are thought to kill tumors by inducing apoptosis. However, cell apoptosis leads to immune quiescence, which is incompatible with the ability of OVs to activate the antitumor immune microenvironment. Thus, studying OVs-mediated oncolytic mechanisms is of great importance for the clinical application of OVs.MethodsWe examined the pyroptosis in tumor cells and tissues by morphological observation, Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) assay, frozen section observation, and western-blotting techniques. The critical role of GSDME in VSV-induced pyroptosis was confirmed by CRISPR/Cas9 technique. VSV virotherapy-recruited cytotoxic lymphocytes in the tumors were examined by flow cytometry assay. VSV-activated antitumor immunity was further enhanced by the co-administration with anti-PD-1 antibody.ResultsHere, we observed that VSV was able to trigger tumor pyroptosis through Gasdermin E (GSDME) in tumor cells, human tumor samples, and tumor-bearing mouse models. Importantly, the effectiveness of VSV-based virotherapy is highly dependent on GSDME, as depletion of GSDME not only reverses VSV-induced tumor-suppressive effects but also diminishes the ability of VSV to activate antitumor immunity. Notably, VSV treatment makes immunologically ‘cold’ tumors more sensitive to checkpoint blockade.ConclusionsOncolytic VSV induces tumor cell pyroptosis by activating GSDME. GSDME is critical in recruiting cytotoxic T lymphocytes in the context of VSV therapy, which can switch immunologically ‘cold’ tumors into ‘hot’ and enhance immune checkpoint therapy efficacy.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the NS mRNA of vesicular stomatitis virus (New Jersey serotype) was established from two cDNA clones spanning the entire coding region of the mRNA. The gene is 856 nucleotides long and can code for a polypeptide of 274 amino acids. Comparison with the nucleotide sequence of the NS gene of the Indiana serotype revealed only 41% sequence homology. The deduced amino acid sequences of the NS proteins were only 32% homologous, with no identical stretches of more than five amino acids. However, at the C-terminal domain there was a conserved region of 21 amino acids with greater than 90% homology. Surprisingly, relative hydropathicity plots also demonstrated the presence of a large number of hydrophilic amino acids sequestered similarly over the N-terminal half of the protein. In addition, the total number of serine and threonine residues, presumptive phosphorylation sites, was similar and included seven serine and three threonine residues located at identical positions. It appears that during divergent evolution of these two vesicular stomatitis virus serotypes from a common ancestor, considerable mutation occurred in the main body of the gene but the overall structure of the protein was retained. The function of the NS protein in relation to the evolution of the two viruses is discussed.  相似文献   

The hemagglutinin (HA) glycoprotein of influenza virus performs two critical roles during infection: it binds virus to cell surface sialic acids, and under mildly acidic conditions it induces fusion of the virion with intracellular membranes, liberating the genome into the cytoplasm. The pH dependence of fusion varies for different influenza virus strains. Here we report the isolation and characterization of a naturally occurring variant of the X31 strain that fuses at a pH 0.2 units higher than the parent strain does and that is less sensitive to the effects of ammonium chloride, a compound known to elevate endosomal pH. The bromelain-solubilized ectodomain of the variant HA displayed a corresponding shift in the pH at which it changed conformation and bound to liposomes. Cloning and sequencing of the variant HA gene revealed amino acid substitutions at three positions in the polypeptide. Two substitutions were in antigenic determinants in the globular region of HA1, and the third occurred in HA2 near the base of the molecule. By using chimeric HA molecules expressed in CV-1 cells from simian virus 40-based vectors, we demonstrated that the change in HA2 was solely responsible for the altered fusion phenotype. This substitution, asparagine for aspartic acid at position 132, disrupted a highly conserved interchain salt bridge between adjacent HA2 subunits. The apparent role of this residue in stabilizing the HA trimer is consistent with the idea that the trimer dissociates at low pH. Furthermore, the results demonstrate that influenza virus populations contain fusion variants, raising the possibility that such variants may play a role in the evolution of the virus.  相似文献   

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