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Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes were sonicated in a medium containing sucrose, albumin, and calcium as stabilizers, to yield mainly unbroken parasites and free flagella. The latter were separated, first by differential centrifugation and finally by an isopicnic centrifugation, in a discontinuous sucrose gradient. The flagella obtained in the 1.661.84 M interphase show, by electron microscopy, the typical axonemal structure surrounded by the flagellar membrane and are completely free of extraneous subcellular components. They are also very homogeneous by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and enzyme marker criteria. The purified flagella were further subfractionated into well-preserved axonemes and a soluble flagellar membrane preparation. In order to detect in these fractions only the parasite immunogens that elicit a humoral response in humans, sera of chagasic patients were exclusively used. Indirect immunofluorescence reveals that both intact and membrane-free flagella are reactive. Passive hemagglutination and complement fixation of the flagellar membrane and axonemal fractions show a 21- and 8-fold purification, respectively, over a standard (Maekelt) antigen used for diagnostic purposes. Approximately 10% of the antigenicity of the total parasite is found in the flagellum, and two-thirds of this in the membrane. Double-immunodiffusion tests reveal the presence of two antigens in the axonemes and four in the flagellar membranes, one of which is common with one of the three antigens detected in a total parasite membrane fraction. The high degree of flagellar purification achieved here and the use of chagasic sera allow to conclude that at least six antigenic determinants for humoral response in humans are present in the flagellum of T. cruzi epimastigotes, two of them localized in the axoneme and four in the flagellar membrane.  相似文献   

Established cultures of human skin-muscle cells were used for determining the parasite—host cell relationship of Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes (12–16 passages) cultured in a cell-free medium (F-69) at 37 C. The medium used for this experiment was tissue culture fluid M-199 enriched with 10% fetal bovine serum and relatively high concentrations of ATP, ADP and AMP. Amastigotes entered skin-muscle cells incubated at 32 or 35 C, multiplied and completed their intracellular life cycle in about 7 days. At 35 C, 23.6% of cells became infected in 7 days and at 32 C, 43.6% were infected in 5 days. The higher infection rate of cultured cells at 32 C was probably due to more frequent and prolonged cell-parasite contact, as amastigotes multiplied in the tissue culture medium and remained viable for a longer period at the lower temperature. As a control, epimastigotes were used to infect skinmuscle cells. Epimastigotes transformed into metacyclic trypomastigotes before entering host cells, multiplied, and completed the intracellular life cycle. We conclude that the amastigotes cultured in F-69 at 37 C are biologically similar to intracellular amastigotes from the vertebrate host, in that both can multiply and complete the life cycle intracellulary.  相似文献   

A cell fractionation procedure for obtaining membrane and flagellar fractions was developed using Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote forms. The cells, swollen in an hypotonic medium, were disrupted in the presence of a nonionic detergent, and fractions were isolated by differential centrifugation. The flagellar fraction, pelleted in 10 min at 10,000g, was further purified on a sucrose gradient. The membrane fraction was obtained by centrifugation of the supernatant at 27,000g for 30 min. Electron microscopy of the isolated fractions demonstrated a high degree of purity of each fraction. The membrane fraction showed homogeneous vesicles with low ribosome content. In frozen-etched preparations, the distribution of intramembranous particles on the vesicles was similar to that of the plasma membrane of intact cells. Enzymatic assays indicated that the membrane and flagellar fractions had low contamination with mitochondria and lysosomes. 5′-Nucleotidase activity was not detected in the membrane fraction; Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity was slightly enhanced, although, the enzyme was not sensitive to Na+, K+, and Ca2+ ions. The membrane fraction showed about five times the adenylyl cyclase activity of the whole homogenate. Gel immunodiffusion revealed the whole antigen of T. cruzi extracted by formamide to be identical to the membrane fraction when both were tested against rabbit anti- T. cruzi (epimastigote) immune serum.  相似文献   

T-Cells and a T-cell-depleted population were prepared from the spleens of C3H mice immunized with epimastigotes of the Brazil strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. Both populations of cells, as well as unfractionated spleen cells, were capable of reducing parasitemias and protecting against death when transferred to susceptible C3H mice 24 hr before challenge with 104 Brazil strain trypomastigotes. The immune T-cell-depleted subpopulation was, on an equal cell basis, more effective in engendering resistance than the immune T-cell subpopulation. Protection could also be transferred with unfractionated immune spleen cells if the cells were given within 8 days following challenge of recipient mice. Transfer after 8 days led to significantly reduced parasitemias but all mice died.  相似文献   

An allopurinol metabolite, 4-aminopyrazolopyrimidine, was tested on two different strains of mice (NMRI-IVIC and C57Bl/6J) that had been infected 4 days earlier with the virulent Ya strain of Trypanosoma cruzi. Low doses of 4-aminopyrazolopyrimidine (0.125-0.500 mg/kg body wt/day) for 10 days induced a significant reduction in parasitemia (direct counts and subinoculation experiments) and increased survival time (without any evidence of toxicity) compared with untreated animals. When tested in vitro, 4-aminopyrazolopyrimidine was sixfold more active than allopurinol as a trypanostatic drug. The low therapeutic doses of 4-aminopyrazolopyrimidine suggest that this drug may be useful in the treatment of acute Chagas' disease.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi: inhibition of protein synthesis by nitrofuran SQ 18,506   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SQ 18,506 is a nitrofuran compound related to the trypanocide Lampit. In vitro, radiolabeled leucine, uridine, and thymidine were incorporated into macromolecular protein, RNA, and DNA in order to study growth inhibition of Trypanosoma cruzi. Our findings suggest that the primary effect of the drug is on protein synthesis and not mediated solely by inhibition of RNA synthesis as indicated by prior studies. The drug was also found to reduce markedly the uptake of uridine into the nucleotide precursor pool but to affect only slightly the formation of aminoacyl-tRNA.  相似文献   

The release of beta-glucuronidase and lysozyme from human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) engaged in phagocytosis and lysis of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes was studied in the presence or absence of chagasic serum. Lysosomal enzyme release was enhanced when parasites were sensitized with serum from a chronic Chagas' patient, increased up to 3 hr of incubation at 28 C, and depended on the PMN:parasite ratio. The release of lysosomal enzymes was determined by the presence of 2 mM cyanide, 2 microM azide, 3 mM amobarbital, and 1 mM phenylbutazone. These drugs inhibited the killing of sensitized T. cruzi by interfering with the oxidative microbicidal mechanisms of PMN without affecting the uptake of the parasites. Lysosomal enzyme release occurred in the presence of cyanide and azide, indicating that in these cases the enzymatic release was unrelated to the killing of the parasites. Amobarbital and phenylbutazone, which stabilize PMN membranes, inhibited the release of beta-glucuronidase and lysozyme by PMN. The addition of 10 micrograms/ml of cytochalasin B inhibited the phagocytosis and killing of sensitized T. cruzi by PMN but increased the enzymatic release by effector cells. Since cytochalasin B did not affect the close contact between PMN and parasites, it appears that the enzymes released to the extracellular milieu were not toxic to noningested parasites. Furthermore, the lysosomal enzymes did not lyse bystander unsensitized parasites. Therefore, the release of lysosomal enzymes during the interaction of T. cruzi epimastigotes and PMN seems to be related to the triggering event of the phagocytic process and does not bear a cause-effect relationship with parasite death.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi: colony formation and clonal growth in agar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Trypanosoma cruzi exhibited colonial growth when incorporated into 0.5–0.6% agar. Colonies were established from a single organism and clones readily derived. The plating efficiencies were variable depending on the original inoculum but were consistently over 50% when 104 to 105 parasites were added. The use of this technique for evaluation of an antitrypanosomal agent, nifurtimox, was demonstrated, making possible large-scale testing of potential antitrypanosomal agents and assessment of microbicidal and microbio-static drug levels.  相似文献   

An immunogenic polysaccharide prepared by phenol-water extraction of Trypanosoma cruzi was characterized by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and molecular sieve chromatography. The polysaccharide was shown to be a cell surface constituent by adsorption of rabbit anti-polysaccharide serum with live culture forms of the protozoa. The cell surface localization of the antigen was visualized using fluorescein- and ferritin-conjugated antibodies.  相似文献   

Both the intracellular and the extracellular differentiation of Trypanosoma cruzi amastigotes was studied. Intracellular differentiation was monitored during the parasite's cycle of infection in mammalian cells, and extracellular differentiation was monitored after transfer of the parasites to Warren's medium at 27 C. Several different chemical antagonists of ADP-ribosyl transferase inhibited parasite differentiation in both systems. This inhibition was mediated by a specific effect on the differentiation process and could not be ascribed to interference with simple proliferation of the parasite. The effect is strikingly similar to that observed in studies of the cell differentiation of several higher animals and suggests that ADP-ribosyl transferase frequently constitutes an important element in the mechanism of eukaryotic cell differentiation.  相似文献   

The homocytotropic antibody response to unrelated antigens of mice with acute or chronic infection with Trypanosoma cruzi was studied. The production of IgG1 and IgE antibodies was observed in animals immunized with ovalbumin. The levels of IgG1 and IgE antibody were determined by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis. There was a depression in both IgG1 and IgE when infection and immunization were simultaneous. This depression was more intense when the animals were immunized 3 days after infection. A depression of IgG1 but not of IgE was observed in the animals with chronic infection and in the animals infected during the course of the humoral antibody response (12 days after immunization). It is suggested that a loss of T-cell regulatory mechanism may explain these results.  相似文献   

Immune serum obtained from mice with a chronic infection of Trypanosoma cruzi was fractionated on Sephadex G-200 or on protein ASepharose 4B. Mice were infected with a standard infective dose of T. cruzi 24 hr after injection with either IgM, IgG, IgG1, or IgG2 + IgG3 fractions. Mice were also pretreated with immune serum depleted by affinity chromatography of either IgG2a, IgG2b, or both subclasses before infection with T. cruzi. Control mice were pretreated with normal mouse serum or immune serum depleted of IgG. The parasitemia and survival of the animals were determined and used as parameters of protection. The results of these experiments demonstrated that the protective antibodies were mostly IgG2 and seem to be preferentially located in IgG2b subclass. IgM and IgG1 fractions were very little, if any, protection.  相似文献   

The therapeutic effect of allopurinol was studied in an experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection (Chagas disease) in outbred IVIC-NMRI and inbred C57B1/6J mice intraperitoneally inoculated with the parasites 2–6 days before drug treatment. Allopurinol protected against T. cruzi infection. This effect was evidenced by highly significant reductions in both parasitemias and mortality rates and increased survival time in allopurinol-treated animals compared with untreated infected mice. Allopurinol protected effectively when administered in 10 daily doses of 32–64 mg/kg body wt/day injected intraperitoneally. Using direct methods, parasitemia remained undetectable for at least 310 days. An indirect method, subinoculation to susceptible mice, showed a few circulating trypanosomes which decreased greatly in number after a second schedule of allopurinol treatment; finally no trypanosomes were detectable 275 days after treatment initiation. Allopurinol also induced a strong trypanostatic effect when tested in vitro on five different Trypanosoma cruzi strains (optimal inhibitory concentration: 3 μg/ml). These results suggest that allopurinol protects mice with acute Chagas infection by a direct trypanostatic effect. The low toxicity of this drug suggests its use in more chronic experimental Chagas infections.  相似文献   

In order to ascertain if there were biochemical differences in the autonomic nervous system of both C57BL/6-(resistant) and C3H/HeJ-(susceptible) mice infected with the “Brazil” strain of Trypanosoma cruzi we studied the depletion of the enzyme, choline acetyltransferase (EC in the hearts and brains of these infected mice. In the hearts of C3H/HeJ mice, a 30–35% depletion of choline acetyltransferase was evident by day 7 of infection, a time characterized by lack of obvious parasitemia and frank morphological changes in the myocardium or atrial ganglia. When these mice were moribund (day 25) the depletion of choline acetyltransferase was approximately 40%. Myocardial inflammation, necrosis, and increased pseudocyst numbers were evident as the infection proceeded and as the parasitemia rose. In addition, right atrial ganglia were involved with inflammatory cells but were devoid of amastigotes. In resistant (B6) mice choline acetyltransferase levels were not depleted during the course of infection. Brain choline acetyltransferase levels were significantly depleted in moribund C3H mice but there were no frank morphological changes. Extracts of T. cruzi were devoid of any substances capable of inhibiting choline acetyltransferase. Choline acetyltransferase depletion in the hearts of infected susceptible animals precedes morphological alteration. Depletion of this enzyme may be utilized as an early parameter of infection.  相似文献   

During the course of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in C57BL/6 mice, which are relatively resistant to the parasite, the hosts developed antibody activity against previously unencountered antigens. The anti-sheep erythrocyte and antitrinitrophenyl antibody levels increased rapidly from Day 7 of infection, reached a peak by the 21st day, and were maintained at this level through 120 days postinfection in these mice. In contrast, highly susceptible C3H(He) mice did not have demonstrable antibody responses to SRBC or TNP during the 24-day infection period. Autoantibody activity against the selfantigens presented on isologous erythrocytes or thymocytes, however, were reduced in infected C57BL/6 mice. No significant reduction in autoreactivity to the self-antigens on erythrocytes or thymocytes was observed in C3H(He) mice infected with T. cruzi although a trend of reduced autoresponsiveness toward erythrocytes appeared to be developing by the time of death. C57BL/6 mice immunized with sheep erythrocytes as neonates and infected with T. cruzi as adults, or adult mice primed with low doses of sheep erythrocytes prior to infection, had elevated antibody responses to sheep erythrocytes unless the mice were immunized with sheep erythrocytes during the course of infection, in which case suppression of the response against sheep erythrocytes resulted. The nonspecific synthesis of immunoglobulins in infected C57BL/6 mice was, in part, a result of the lymphocyteactivating properties of T. cruzi-associated antigens. The T. cruzi-associated antigens induced proliferative and differentiative responses in spleen cells in vitro. It is proposed that the T. cruzi-associated antigens differentially affect lymphocytes capable of responding to antigen and those lymphocytes previously stimulated by antigen.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi: Immunosuppressed response to different antigens in the infected mouse. Experimental Parasitology45, 190–199. Trypanosoma cruzi infection in mice results in functional changes in the normal immunological responses to heterologous antigens. An immunosuppression of the 19 and 7S antibody response is observed in infected animals against both a particulate antigen and against soluble antigens. Furthermore, the immune response to the soluble T-independent antigens, DNP-Ficoll and LPS, was also similarly impaired when antigen was administered to trypanosome-infected animals. The suppression of the immune response to these antigens does not seem to involve an alteration in the macrophage, as evidenced by a normal uptake and handling of soluble 131I-labeled HSA and by a normal immune response when antigen-exposed peritoneal macrophages from trypanosome-infected mice were transferred to normal mice. These data support the concept that T. cruzi induces an immunosuppression to both T-dependent and T-independent antigens and that the depression observed is not due to an alteration in macrophage function.  相似文献   

About 200 clinically used amphiphilic cationic drugs have been shown to be active in vitro against Trypanosoma cruzi at concentrations of less than or equal to 1 mM. Activity against epimastigote and trypomastigote forms was similar, and in both cases the most potent drugs were litracene, maprotiline, thioproperazine, and the acridines: acranil, aminacrine, and mepacrine. Fluorescence microscopy demonstrated that epimastigotes rapidly accumulate acridines initially in discrete subcellular organelles. The amount of drug incorporated during 15 min of incubation was sufficient to produce subsequent lysis of both trypomastigotes and epimastigotes within 24 hr at 4 C. Trypanocidal activity was dependent on the extracellular pH (optimum greater than or equal to 8) and drug exposure time, but was independent of red blood cell density, serum dilution, and temperature (4 to 37 C). Despite their trypanocidal activity, amphiphilic cationic drugs appear to have no significant effect on the energy state of red blood cells at a concentration of 1 mM. These drugs have a possible role in the prevention of Chagas' disease by blood transfusion.  相似文献   

Olivacine (a pyridocarbazole derivative) causes ultrastructural and metabolic alterations in Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. The cytoplasm of cells grown in the presence of olivacine appears vacuolated, and swelling of the mitochondria is observed. Concomitant with the ultrastructural alterations, there was a reduction of the respiratory rate as well as inhibition of pyruvate oxidation. A marked inhibition of protein synthesis and a slower although significant inhibition of DNA, RNA, and lipid synthesis were also observed. The in vivo activity of olivacine does not parallel its in vitro effects suggesting inactivation of the drug by the host.  相似文献   

Nonspecific immune responses during the course of murine Trypanosoma cruzi infection were examined in mouse strains genetically resistant or susceptible to the Brazil strain of T. cruzi. Spleen cells from infected susceptible (C3H) or resistant [C57 B1/10 and FI (C3H × C57)]mice at various points during the course of infection exhibited a reduced response to concanavalin A and lipopolysaccharide in vitro. Since this reduced response occurred in both susceptible and resistant mice, it was not predictive of resistance or susceptibility in vivo. We next examined the kinetics of in vivo primary antibody response to sheep red blood cells (SRBC) in infected C3H and C57 mice. C3H mice exhibited inhibition of the direct plaque-forming cell assay (d-PFC) which persisted until death. In contrast C57 mice exhibited no inhibition of the response at Day 5 and subsequently a markedly augmented response was observed. Other strains of mice were similarly investigated: all the susceptible mice examined (A/J, BALB/c) showed inhibition or depression of the primary antibody response and resistant mice [B10Br, C57B1/10, SJL, F1 (C3H × C57)]demonstrated either no inhibition or considerable augmentation of this response. CS7 mice resistant to the Brazil strain were susceptible to the Tulahuén strain. The mice in this latter group exhibited a markedly significant inhibition of the in vivo primary antibody response to SRBC. Culture forms of the Brazil strain protected C3H mice from a virulent challenge. This immunization resulted in a markedly augmented antibody response. The data reported herein are consistent with the notion that inhibition of the primary antibody response to SRBC correlates with susceptibility whereas no inhibition or, indeed, augmentation of the response correlates with natural as well as acquired resistance.  相似文献   

The transformation of Trypanosoma brucei bloodstream forms to procyclic culture forms in the semidefined medium SDM-77 has been studied by light microscopy and quantitative electron microscopy. Stumpy and intermediate forms are able to transform to culture forms whereas slender forms die after approximately 24 hr. The surface coat and infectivity for the mammalian host are lost after 72 hr. Morphometrical analysis of the cells during transformation process revealed: (1) The cytoplasm and the cell surface increased significantly; (2) the volume density of the mitochondrion increased twofold and the surface density of the inner mitochondrial membrane increased threefold; (3) the volume density of the glycosomes remained about constant; (4) the volume density of the lipid inclusions increased up to 72 hr, probably as a result of the complete oxidation of glucose. Transformation as observed by light microscopy was completed in 72 hr. However, quantitative electron microscopy revealed that establishment of the culture form was incomplete even after 11 days.  相似文献   

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