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Neospora caninum (Apicomplexa) in an aborted equine fetus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Tachyzoites of Neospora caninum were found in sections of lung of an equine fetus aborted 2 mo before term. Individual tachyzoites were approximately 3-5 x 2-3 microns, divided by endodyogeny, and stained positively with anti-N. caninum serum but not with anti-Toxoplasma gondii serum. Toxoplasma gondii antibody was not found in the mare's serum. This is the first report of N. caninum in a horse and indicates that N. caninum can be transmitted transplacentally in equids.  相似文献   

In vitro development of Neospora caninum (Protozoa: Apicomplexa) from dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of Neospora caninum isolated from naturally infected dogs was examined in mammalian cell cultures. Tachyzoites developed by endodyogeny when inoculated onto bovine monocyte or bovine cardiopulmonary artery endothelial cell cultures. Tachyzoites were 5.0 by 2.0 microns and had a posteriorly located nucleus. Cytopathogenic effects of parasite development consisted of the formation of holes in the cell monolayer associated with the rupture of infected host cells. Serial passage of tachyzoites was achieved by subinoculation of tachyzoites onto non-infected bovine monocyte cell cultures. It appears that N. caninum can be continuously grown in cell cultures.  相似文献   

Tachyzoites of 2 isolates of Neospora caninum (NC-1 and NC-2) were inoculated subcutaneously (s.c.), intraperitoneally (i.p.), or orally into mice to compare the effects of route of inoculation on pathogenicity. Mice developed more severe disease, and disease occurred sooner when inoculated with the NC-1 isolate compared to the NC-2 isolate. Deaths occurred earlier in mice inoculated i.p. with either isolate. Mice inoculated orally or s.c. with tachyzoites responded similarly to infection. Tissue cysts of the NC-2 isolate produced infections in mice following oral or s.c. inoculation. Lesions seen in mice inoculated with tachyzoites or bradyzoites were primarily acute pneumonia, myositis, encephalitis, ganglioradiculoneuritis, and pancreatitis. In vitro studies demonstrated that tachyzoites of both isolates were killed by incubation in pepsin-HCl solution but not 1% trypsin solution. Bradyzoites of the NC-2 isolate were able to withstand treatment with pepsin-HCl solution.  相似文献   

An immunosuppressed mouse model was used to determine the effects of amprolium and sulfadiazine on experimental Neospora caninum infections. Both drugs were given in the drinking water. Neither drug was effective in treating infections when given 7 days after inoculation of tachyzoites, when clinical signs of disease had developed. Amprolium did not prevent deaths or development of clinical signs when given in the drinking water at 1 mg/ml or 5 mg/ml 3 days after inoculation of tachyzoites. Sulfadiazine in drinking water was not effective when given at 0.5 mg/ml but was effective in preventing deaths and clinical disease when given at 1 mg/ml 3 days after inoculation with tachyzoites. Most mice (6 of 10) treated for 3 days with 1 mg/ml sulfadiazine in drinking water developed encephalitis after drug treatment was stopped. Treatment for 14 days with 1 mg/ml sulfadiazine in drinking water was needed to protect 90% of inoculated mice.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to identify the occurrence of Toxoplasma gondii and Neospora caninum abortions in goats from Argentina by serological, macroscopical and microscopical examination and bioassay, and to characterize the obtained isolates by molecular techniques. For this purpose, 25 caprine fetal fluids, 18 caprine fetal brains and 10 caprine placentas from 8 dairy/meat goat farms from Argentina were analyzed. Gestational age of the aborted fetuses was determined in 18 cases. Protozoal infections were detected by at least one of the applied diagnostic techniques in 44% (11/25) of examined fetuses; specifically, 24% (6/25) were positive to T. gondii, 8% (2/25) were positive to N. caninum and 12% (3/25) were positive to both parasites. In this study IFAT titers were similarly distributed in younger and older fetuses. Macroscopical and microscopical examination of one placenta revealed chalky nodules in the fetal cotyledons and normal intercotyledonary areas, as well as necrosis and calcification of mesenchymal cells in villi. Tachyzoites were observed in peritoneal wash from 2 mice inoculated with brain and a pool of brain and placenta of two fetuses. Cell culture growth of tachyzoites was achieved from one inoculated mouse, and confirmed as T. gondii by PCR. The T. gondii isolate was identified as atypical or non-canonical by nested-PCR-RFLP. This is the first study that investigated the involvement of N. caninum and T. gondii in cases of goat abortion in Argentina.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum (Protozoa: apicomplexa) infections in mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Groups of mice were given 0 mg, 4 mg, or 2 mg of methylprednisolone acetate (MPA) 7 days prior to, the day of, and 7 days after subcutaneous inoculation with 0 or 2 x 10(5) tachyzoites of Neospora caninum. Clinical signs of disease were seen only in mice given both MPA and N. caninum tachyzoites. Mice given 4 mg MPA and N. caninum tachyzoites developed severe disseminated neosporosis and most died or were killed when comatose 11-13 days postinoculation (PI). Acute pneumonia, polymyositis, encephalitis, hepatitis, and pancreatitis were the main lesions in these mice. Mice given 2 mg MPA and N. caninum developed mild pneumonia and many mice began showing neurological signs 14 days PI. Neurological signs consisted mainly of pronounced head-tilting and associated impairment of movement. Grossly visible 1-2-mm single or multiple, white areas of discoloration were seen in the brains of many of these mice. Encephalitis, ganglioradiculoneuritis, pneumonia, and polymyositis were the main changes seen in these mice. Tissue cysts of N. caninum were only seen in mice given 2 mg MPA and were first seen 21 days PI. Tissue cysts were 16-34 by 13-29 microns and had a 1.5-3.0-microns-thick cyst wall. Tissue cysts were seen only in the brain. Mice given 4 mg MPA and tachyzoites and host cells that had been frozen for 1 wk did not develop clinical signs of infection, indicating that freezing kills tachyzoites and that viruses or other agents were not involved in the genesis of disease seen in mice given MPA and viable tachyzoites.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Neosporosis, which is caused by the coccidian parasite Neospora caninum, is recognized as a major disease of domestic animals that causes high abortion rates in cattle and fatal neurological disease in dogs. A life cycle of N. caninum in wild animals (i.e. sylvatic) has long been suspected because neosporosis has been detected in several wildlife species. Recently, the transmission of N. caninum has been confirmed in coyotes and white-tailed deer. The newly confirmed wild hosts and other wild animals are probably involved in the sylvatic cycle of the parasite. Control measures for neosporosis could now become more complicated, given the participation of wildlife in the life cycle of N. caninum.  相似文献   

Fatal congenital Neospora caninum infection in a lamb   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Neospora caninum tissue cysts were found in the brain and spinal cord of a 1-wk-old lamb that was unable to stand after birth. The lamb was originally diagnosed as having toxoplasmosis, but ultrastructural and immunohistochemical techniques used in the present study permitted a definitive diagnosis of Neospora caninum tissue cysts in the brain and spinal cord of this lamb. This is the first report of N. caninum in sheep.  相似文献   

To understand the genetic basis of virulence, gene expression profiles of a temperature-sensitive clone (NCts-8, relatively avirulent) and its wild type (NC-1) of Neospora caninum were characterized and compared using a high-density microarray with approximately 63,000 distinct oligonucleotides. This microarray consists of 5692 unique N. caninum sequences, including 1980 Tentative Consensus sequences and 3712 singleton ESTs from the TIGR N. caninum Gene Index (NCGI, release 5.0). Each sequence was represented by 11 distinct 60mer oligonucleotides synthesized in situ on the microarray. The results showed that 111 genes were significantly repressed and no up-regulated genes were identified in the NCts-8 clone. The level of 10 randomly selected genes from the repressed genes was confirmed using real-time RT-PCR. Of the 111 repressed genes, 58 were hypothetical protein products and 53 were annotated genes. Over 70% of the repressed genes identified in this study are clustered on five chromosomes (I, VII, VIII, X and XII). These results suggest that the down-regulated genes may be in part responsible for the reduced pathogenesis of NCts-8; further characterization of the regulated genes may aid in understanding of molecular basis of virulence and development of countermeasures against neosporosis.  相似文献   

Coyotes (Canis latrans) are definitive hosts of Neospora caninum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four captive-raised coyote pups consumed tissues from Neospora caninum-infected calves. Faeces were examined from 4 days before to 28 days after infection. One pup shed N. caninum-like oocysts, which tested positive for N. caninum and negative for Hammondia heydorni using PCR tests. Coyotes are the second discovered definitive host of N. caninum, after dogs. In North America, the expanding coyote ranges and population increase the probability of contact with domestic livestock. To reduce the risk of transmission of N. caninum to intensively farmed cattle, we recommend protection of feedstuffs using canid-proof fences, and careful disposal of dead stock.  相似文献   

Transplacental Neospora caninum infection in cats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Transplacental transmission of Neospora caninum was studied in 2 pregnant cats (queens). Queen 1 was inoculated subcutaneously with 2 x 10(6) cell culture-derived N. caninum tachyzoites on day 47 of gestation. She gave birth to a full-term kitten on the 17th day after inoculation. The kitten died the second day after birth due to generalized N. caninum infection. The mother cat was killed on the third day after parturition and was found to have a macerated kitten in the uterus. Severe placentitis, metritis, hepatitis, and nephritis due to N. caninum were seen in tissues from the queen. Queen 2 was fed N. caninum tissue cysts and mated 111 days later. She gave birth to 3 healthy full-term kittens. The kittens were necropsied at 2, 22, and 30 days of age. Neospora caninum was recovered from the organs and was seen in histologic sections in 1 of the 3 kittens. Results indicate that N. caninum can be transplacentally transmitted in cats during acute and chronic stages of infection. Neospora caninum-specific IgG antibodies were demonstrated in the sera of inoculated cats and nursing kittens.  相似文献   

Fatal Neospora caninum infection in kittens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Three 3-day-old kittens were inoculated subcutaneously and orally with Neospora caninum tachyzoites. A littermate and the queen were not inoculated with N. caninum and served as controls. Kitten 1 died between 14 and 16 days postinoculation (DPI) and was eaten by the mother. Kitten 2 died 17 DPI and kitten 3 was euthanized 29 DPI in a moribund condition. The control littermate and the dam remained healthy. Granulomatous skeletal myositis and nonsuppurative encephalomyelitis were the main lesions and were associated with numerous N. caninum tachyzoites in kittens 2 and 3. Cysts were found in kitten 3. Oocysts were not found in any cats. Neither lesions nor parasites were found in control cats.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum naturally infects many mammal species, but has not previously been demonstrated in birds. We examined sera for N. caninum antibodies from 200 outdoor chickens and from 200 chickens confined indoors in the state of Bahia, Brazil. Seroprevalence was greater in outdoor chickens (23.5% versus 1.5%, P<0.001). PCR testing for N. caninum was positive in six of 10 seropositive chickens. Amplicons from two of these were sequenced and had 97-98% nucleotide identity with N. caninum. This finding extends the list of intermediate hosts of N. caninum to include birds and may have important epidemiological consequences.  相似文献   

Serum samples of 400 white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) from 16 preserves in northeastern Illinois were tested for Neospora caninum antibodies in the N. caninum agglutination test using mouse-derived N. caninum tachyzoites and mercaptoethanol. Antibodies were found in 162 deer with titres of 1:40 (47 deer), 1:80 (32 deer), 1:160 (17 deer), 1:200 (eight deer), 1:400 (19 deer), 1:800 (17 deer) and > or = 1:1600 (22 deer). There were no significant differences in prevalence between age or sex of the deer. The high prevalence of N. caninum infection in deer is consistent with a sylvatic cycle of N. caninum.  相似文献   

During a canine distemper virus (CDV) outbreak in raccoons (Procyon lotor) from Cook County, Illinois, a juvenile female suffering from seizures was killed and necropsied. Gross and histologic findings of necrotizing encephalitis and proliferative bronchopneumonia were attributed to CDV infection and considered the cause of clinical signs. A section of cerebellum stained immunohistochemically for Neospora caninum revealed an approximately 40 microm diameter, round to oval cyst with a 2- to 3-microm-thick wall and filled with 1-2 microm diameter, round to oval bradyzoites. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) results were positive for N. caninum using DNA extracted from the brain. Specific PCR for the closely related organisms Toxoplasma gondii and Hammondia heydorni yielded negative results. This case report provides histologic, immunohistochemical, and molecular evidence that raccoons are a naturally occurring intermediate host of N. caninum.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is an obligate intracellular protozoan parasite that infects domestic and wild animals. Canids are considered to be definitive hosts since they may shed oocysts into the environment through their feces. The disease is recognized as one of the major causes of bovine abortion worldwide, leading to important economic losses in the dairy and beef cattle industries. Previous studies have reported N. caninum infection in different species of birds; infection in birds has been associated with increased seroprevalence and reproductive problems in dairy cattle. Although the role of birds in the epidemiological cycle of neosporosis is unknown, birds are exposed to infection because they feed on the ground and could thus contribute to parasite dissemination. This review is focused on the current state of knowledge of neosporosis in birds.  相似文献   

Isolation of Neospora caninum from the brain of a pregnant sheep.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Neospora caninum was isolated from the brain of a naturally infected pregnant sheep by inoculation of immunodeficient mice with a homogenate of the brain tissue. The ewe showed no clinical signs. Tachyzoites were observed in the tissues of the nu/nu mice injected with the brain tissue homogenate and the diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining with anti-N. caninum antibodies and by detecting N. caninum-specific DNA by polymerase chain reaction.  相似文献   

Review of Neospora caninum and neosporosis in animals   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Neospora caninum is a coccidian parasite of animals. It is a major pathogen for cattle and dogs and it occasionally causes clinical infections in horses, goats, sheep, and deer. Domestic dogs are the only known definitive hosts for N. caninum. It is one of the most efficiently transmitted parasite of cattle and up to 90% of cattle in some herds are infected. Transplacental transmission is considered the major route of transmission of N. caninum in cattle. Neospora caninum is a major cause of abortion in cattle in many countries. To elicit protective immunity against abortion in cows that already harbor a latent infection is a major problem. This paper reviews information on biology, diagnosis, epidemiology and control of neosporosis in animals.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum is a recently identified apicomplexan protozoan parasite that is closely related to Toxoplasma gondii. Neospora caninum is of significant economic importance as it causes neurological disease and abortion in numerous animals. Antibodies to BAG1/hsp30 (also known as BAG5), a T. gondii bradyzoite-specific protein, have been demonstrated to react with N. caninum tissue cysts in vivo. Bradyzoite differentiation of N. caninum in vitro was investigated using culture conditions previously utilised for T. gondii in vitro bradyzoite development. Utilising the NC-Liverpool isolate of N. caninum, cyst-like structures developed within 3-4 days of culture of this parasite in human fibroblasts. In addition, an antigen reacting with mAb 74.1.8 (anti-BAG1) and rabbit anti-recombinant BAGI was demonstrable by immunofluorescence, fluorescence-activated cell sorter, and immunoblot analyses. Expression of this antigen was increased by stress conditions, similar to that which has been described for T. gondii bradyzoite induction. Cyst-wall formation in vitro, as assayed by lectin binding, did not occur as readily for N. caninum as it does for T. gondii.  相似文献   

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