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Transforming growth factor- (TGF-) is a homodimeric polypeptide of 25 kDa, which regulates cell growth and differentiation and influences extracellular matrix metabolism. Using immunochemical techniques, we identified TGF- in the loops of Henle and the collecting and Bellini ducts of rat kidney and in the loops of Henle of chicken kidney. Furthermore, we detected two TGF--immunoreactive proteins on kidney blots of the rat of 12.5 and 47 kDa, and three on chicken kidney blots of 12.5, 34, and 47 kDa. We suggest that the precursor forms of rat and chicken TGF-2 or 3, chicken TGF-4, and the mature form of all of them are expressed in the collecting and Bellini ducts of rat kidney and the loops of-Henle of rat and chicken kidney.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of spatially separated populations of the Dory snapper, Lutjanus fulviflamma, was investigated in seven areas along the East African coast and one area in the Comoros archipelago in the western Indian Ocean, using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP). Phylogenetic and multidimensional scaling analyses did not show any clear clustering of individuals into the spatially separated populations. The analysis of molecular variance clearly showed that the variation was partitioned within populations and not between populations, leading to low genetic differentiation among populations. No clear relationship between genetic distance and geographic distance between populations was observed. These observations suggest that populations of Lutjanus fulviflamma have an open structure and are possibly genetically connected on a large geographic scale in the western Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

Femtosecond time-resolved transient absorption spectroscopy was performed on the chlorophyll a–chlorophyll c 2–peridinin-protein-complex (acpPC), a major light-harvesting complex of the coral symbiotic dinoflagellate Symbiodinium. The measurements were carried out on the protein as well on the isolated pigments in the visible and the near-infrared region at 77 K. The data were globally fit to establish inter-pigment energy transfer paths within the scaffold of the complex. In addition, microsecond flash photolysis analysis was applied to reveal photoprotective capabilities of carotenoids (peridinin and diadinoxanthin) in the complex, especially the ability to quench chlorophyll a triplet states. The results demonstrate that the majority of carotenoids and other accessory light absorbers such as chlorophyll c 2 are very well suited to support chlorophyll a in light harvesting. However, their performance in photoprotection in the acpPC is questionable. This is unusual among carotenoid-containing light-harvesting proteins and may explain the low resistance of the acpPC complex against photoinduced damage under even moderate light conditions.  相似文献   

The Somuncurá Plateau is a Protected Natural Area located in the middle of the northern extra-Andean arid Patagonia. Inhabited by at least 20 small mammal species, is the place with the uppermost species richness in Patagonia. The aim of this study was to examine the parasite remains from micromammal coprolites collected in association with a bone sequence recovered at the east of the Somuncurá Plateau (site “Alero Las Lechuzas”). Coprolites came from the four temporal units previously defined: unit I (4790?±?100?yrs. 14C B.P.), unit II, unit III (7840?±?120?yrs. 14C B.P.) and unit IV. Each coprolite was processed, rehydrated, homogenized, processed by spontaneous sedimentation and examined using a light microscope. Coprolites and eggs were described, measured and photographed. Samples were positive for two nematode species: Helminthoxys caudatus Freitas, Lent & Almeida, 1937 (Oxyurida, Oxyuridae) and Trichuris spp. (Trichinellida: Trichuridae). This is the first paleoparasitological study developed for the Somuncurá Plateau Protected Area. Moreover, this is the first time that the genus Helminthoxys is reported from ancient times worldwide. Coprolites were attributed to the mountain cavy Microcavia australis (Rodentia, Caviidae).The presence of H. caudatus for the Middle Holocene of northern Patagonia contributes to the study of the history of the histricomorphs and pinworms relationships.  相似文献   

Lipid biomarkers were investigated to reveal the microbial life preserved in sulfide and Si-rich chimney from the 49.6°E hydrothermal vent field. In sulfide chimney, iso-/anteiso-fatty acids and H-shaped glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers are the main microbial biomarkers. In Si-rich chimney, monounsaturated fatty acids (C16:1n7, C18:1n7) are the main bacterial biomarkers detected, and crenarchaeol and its isomer are relatively abundant (up to 25% of glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers) archaeol biomarkers. Composition of lipid biomarkers reveals the diversity of microbial communities in different types of chimney structures. Sulfate-reducing bacteria and hyperthermophilic archaea were considered to be the majority microbial life in sulfide chimney, and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were abundant in Si-rich chimney while archaea in Si-rich chimney and mainly attributed to Thaumarchaeota, which were predominately ammonia oxidizers. Our result suggested that fluid temperature and gaseous components could be the main constraints for the diversity of microbial communities in hydrothermal chimney structures in 49.6°E hydrothermal vent field.  相似文献   

To obtain direct dietary information, carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios were measured from bone collagen acquired from the well-preserved skeleton of a Magdalenian woman from the site of Saint-Germain-la-Rivière in southwestern France. Comparison of delta13C and delta15N values of the human bone collagen to those of bone collagen from local herbivores and carnivores indicates that the woman's primary source of protein was the meat of large terrestrial herbivores. Application of a linear mixing model to the woman's isotopic signature indicates that (1) no significant marine-derived protein contributed to her average diet; (2) saiga antelope, which dominates the faunal remains at Saint-Germain-la-Rivière, was not the main source of terrestrial protein; and (3) her pattern of subsistence reflects a less opportunistic behavior than generally attributed to humans from this period. Dietary proportions of prey reflected by the number of identified specimens are revised using meat percentage estimates, which de-emphasize the importance of saiga antelope in human subsistence at Saint-Germain-la-Rivière during the middle Magdalenian.  相似文献   

The enzymatic synthesis of N-acetyl-lactosamine (LacNAc) was studied in aqueous media with high substrate concentrations using the transgalactosylation of N-acetyl-D-glucosamine (GlcNAc), starting from lactose as a galactosyl donor. The efficiency and regioselectivity of the β-galactosidases from Kluyveromyces lactis (KlβGal) and Bacillus circulans (BcβGal) were compared. The reaction was optimized by varying the experimental conditions (pH, catalytic activity concentration, and mass concentration ratio of the substrates), which enhanced the synthesis yields with both enzymes and especially with BcβGal. BcβGal catalyzed the formation of the maximal LacNAc concentration obtained (101 mM or 39 g L(-1), corresponding to a yield of 11% on the basis of GlcNAc conversion), after 5 h at pH 6.5 and for a substrate mass concentration ratio of 1. This enzyme also gave an optimal synthesis yield of about 17.5%. No change in regioselectivity was observed when using KlβGal, whereas the regioselectivity of BcβGal proved to be subject to variations, the 1-4 and 1-6 linkages being favored under kinetic and thermodynamic control conditions, respectively. Finally, it was demonstrated that the N-acetyl-allolactosamine synthesized during the GlcNAc transgalactosylation catalyzed by BcβGal was a thermodynamic product and did not result from a chemical and/or enzymatic isomerization of LacNAc.  相似文献   

Buller’s Albatross, Thalassarche bulleri, is a New Zealand breeding endemic that is frequently observed in the subtropical and sub-Antarctic South Pacific Ocean between Australia and Peru. However, in the South Atlantic Ocean, it is a vagrant, as information on its presence in this region is limited to only a few sightings. Here, we report a new record of T. bulleri in the south-western Atlantic Ocean off Argentina (55°06′13″S, 66°06′44″W) while investigating interactions between commercial fisheries and seabirds. This record provides new information about the distribution of this albatross species and its relation with fisheries outside of its regular range.  相似文献   

New species Zanclorhynchus chereshnevi sp. n. has been described. The type series of the new species has been sampled along the shores of Prince Edward Islands (46°55′ S 37°58′ E) in the Southern Ocean at the depth of 170 m. The new species differs from the another representative of the genus, Z. spinifer, by weak arming of the first dorsal fin and the head and by the body proportions and coloration.  相似文献   

The symbiotic association between corals and zooxanthellae has been a major contributing factor in the success of reef-building corals. Most of these endocellular microalgal symbionts belong to the dinoflagellate genus Symbiodinium. However, considerable genetic diversity was revealed within this taxon, as is evident in the several clades of Symbiodinium found in association with hermatypic corals all over the world. The coral reefs of Eilat (Aqaba), where winter temperature minima of 21 °C are close to threshold values that prevent reef development, are among the northernmost reefs in the world. Furthermore, due to the circulation patterns of the Gulf, the extremely high evaporation, and lack of any riverine inputs, the Gulf's waters are highly saline (40.5‰). In spite of the extreme location, a high diversity of coral species has been reported in this area. In this study, using PCR, we specifically amplified zooxanthellae 18S ribosomal DNA from symbionts of 11 coral species, and analyzed it with respect to RFLP and DNA sequence.Of the several clades described from the same coral hosts in other localities, only A and C were found in the present study. Symbiodinium populations in the host examined from Eilat were different relative to other parts of the world. This distribution is discussed in relation to reproduction strategy: broadcasting versus brooding. Based on our results, we suggest that clade A is transferred through a closed system. As mass bleaching in the Gulf has never been observed, we suggest that the adaptive mechanisms presumably favoring clade diversity were not yet significant in our relatively cool area.  相似文献   

Studies were performed of the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope (δ13C and δ15N) composition (δ13C and δ15N) of the corals Porites cylindrica and P. lutea (5 years after damaging the colonies by the bleaching events) and of epilithic algae settled onto damaged areas of coral colonies. Coral polyps and three epilithic algal communities (‘red algal turf, green algal turf and red calcified crusts’) were sampled along the boundary between communities of coral polyps and algal colonizers from differently illuminated habitats from 2 to 90% of incident surface photosynthetically active radiation (PAR0). It was found that communities with a predominance of red algae significantly differed from communities with a predominance of green algae in δ13C but not in δ15N values. An influence of habitat irradiance was found only for communities of coral polyps for δ13C and δ15N values: under bright light (70–90% PAR0) polyp tissues of both coral species were significantly enriched in heavy carbon isotopes and insignificantly in nitrogen isotopes (δ13C values difference ~4‰) relative to tissues of corals under lower light 15–50% PAR0. On the basis of these results we assumed that differences in light intensities in the habitat ranging from 15 to 90% PAR0 do not influence on accessibility of the main carbon and nitrogen sources for corals and algae, and exchange by these elements between organisms. We also assumed that the relative enrichment in the heavy carbon isotopes of coral tissues in high light is a result of decreased isotope fractionation (or the absence of fractionation in photosynthesis of their zooxanthellae).  相似文献   

Of the few studies that have examined in situ coral growth responses to recent climate change, none have done so in equatorial waters subject to relatively high sea temperatures (annual mean >27°C). This study compared the growth rate of Porites lutea from eight sites at Phuket, South Thailand between two time periods (December 1984–November 1986 and December 2003–November 2005). There was a significant decrease in coral calcification (23.5%) and linear extension rates (19.4–23.4%) between the two sampling periods at a number of sites, while skeletal bulk density remained unchanged. Over the last 46 years, sea temperatures (SST) in the area have risen at a rate of 0.161°C per decade (current seasonal temperature range 28–30°C) and regression analysis of coral growth data is consistent with a link between rising temperature and reduced linear extension in the order of 46–56% for every 1°C rise in SST. The apparent sensitivity of linear extension in P. lutea to increased SST suggests that corals in this part of the Andaman Sea may already be subjected to temperatures beyond their thermal optimum for skeletal growth. Communicated by Environment Editor Prof. Rob van Woesik  相似文献   

Fu J  Zeng X 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(6):1469-1488
Phylogeographical analysis of DNA sequence data has been routinely used to test species boundaries using the monophyly criterion; however, a complementary criterion, reproductive isolation, is often ignored. We used a combination of phylogenetic and population genetic approaches to determine species boundaries among stream salamanders in the genus Batrachuperus . First, cytochrome b sequence data from 174 Batrachuperus individuals, sampled from 78 populations, were used to reconstruct historical relationships within the genus. Second, allozyme data for 14 presumptive nuclear loci, from 463 individuals sampled from 60 populations, were collected and analysed to assess population similarity or disparity, as well as potential reproductive isolation. The DNA sequence data grouped all populations into seven major monophyletic groups, and the allozyme data provided evidence for reproductive isolation among four of the seven groups, thereby supporting the species status of these groups. The allozyme data suggested that two of the other groups share the same gene pool, and therefore belong to a single species. Finally, the allozyme data revealed two reproductively isolated units within the seventh group, which we suggest represents a case of 'budding speciation' based on the DNA gene tree. In total, seven species of the genus Batrachuperus were defined, two of which were previously unknown. The phylogeographical analysis also revealed that vicariance events might have dominated the evolutionary history of this group, but the speciation events might precede the formation of the existing mountain topology. This study demonstrates the importance of including frequency data from multiple nuclear gene loci in determining species boundaries.  相似文献   

The final, structure-determining step in the folding of membrane proteins involves the coalescence of preformed transmembrane helices to form the native tertiary structure. Here, we review recent studies on small peptide and protein systems that are providing quantitative data on the interactions that drive this process. Gel electrophoresis, analytical ultracentrifugation, and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) are useful methods for examining the assembly of homo-oligomeric transmembrane helical proteins. These methods have been used to study the assembly of the M2 proton channel from influenza A virus, glycophorin, phospholamban, and several designed membrane proteins-all of which have a single transmembrane helix that is sufficient for association into a transmembrane helical bundle. These systems are being studied to determine the relative thermodynamic contributions of van der Waals interactions, conformational entropy, and polar interactions in the stabilization of membrane proteins. Although the database of thermodynamic information is not yet large, a few generalities are beginning to emerge concerning the energetic differences between membrane and water-soluble proteins: the packing of apolar side chains in the interior of helical membrane proteins plays a smaller, but nevertheless significant, role in stabilizing their structure. Polar, hydrogen-bonded interactions occur less frequently, but, nevertheless, they often provide a strong driving force for folding helix-helix pairs in membrane proteins. These studies are laying the groundwork for the design of sequence motifs that dictate the association of membrane helices.  相似文献   

Incidence data from the population cancer registry of Cotonou (Benin) for the three year period 2014–2016 are presented.1086 cancer cases were recorded, 608 cases (56.0%) in women (corresponding to an age standardized incidence rate (ASR) of 78.4 per 100,000) and 478 cases (44.0%) in men (ASR 91.8 per 100,000).Breast and cervical cancer accounted for 49.2% of all cancers in women. Breast cancer (ASR 22.6 per 100,000) was more common than cervical cancer (ASR 14.9 per 100,000) and the mean age of cases was lower. The incidence of prostate cancer (one quarter of all cancers in men), 30.5 per 100,000, was similar to that in other West African registries. Cancers of the liver and digestive tract were also relatively common in both sexes.These are the first data on cancer incidence in Benin, and will be invaluable for the development and evaluation of the National Cancer Control plan.  相似文献   

We are presenting the first report of the occurrence of "gill disease" in Mytilus edulis trossulus from the southern Baltic Sea, Gulf of Gdańsk (Poland). The disease preliminary diagnosis was based on the presence of white and yellow "spots" causing deep indentations in the gills with degeneration, destruction and necrosis of gill filaments. Average prevalence of gill erosion in the blue mussels population was 15.8%. According to other authors, gill erosion may affect over 80% of the bivalve population resulting in mortality rates of up to 40%. The origin of the gill erosion remains unknown, but viruses are most likely involved in the etiology of these pathological conditions. The disease as such may indicate a decrease in the immunological resistance of organisms to infections and inflammations directly or indirectly caused by harmful factors in the ambient environment. Furthermore, the occurrence of numerous pathologies in bivalves is a particular problem in the Gulf of Gdańsk being a low biodiversity ecosystem. Pathologies reduce bilvalves' reproduction ability, worsen their physiological condition and increase their mortality rate. Those factors may also pose a significant ecological danger and lead to negative alterations of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

Metacercariae of the genus Diplostomum dwelling in the retina of perch Perca fluviatilis and the lens of roach Rutilus rutilus were identified on the basis of adults obtained by feeding various piscivorous birds of the families Laridae, Anatidae and Phasianidae with metacercariae on an experimental basis. Both morphological studies of the metacercariae and adults obtained from the intestine of the infected birds, as well as the suitability in these hosts, indicated that we were dealing with two different species of Diplostomum. The perch form was recognised as D. baeri Dubois, 1937. Although metacercariae of this species matured both in herring gull Larus argentatus and common tern Sterna hirundo, the principal final host seemed to be goosanders Mergus merganser. In contrast, the lens form in roach was identified as D. spathaceum (Rudolphi, 1819) and it seemed to be restricted to birds of the family Laridae. These experimental results agree with parasitological findings from birds infected in the wild.  相似文献   

We have studied cytochrome c2 from Rhodospirllum rubrum with M?ssbauer spectroscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance. The M?ssbauer data on the ferric protein, taken in external magnetic fields up to 50 kG, were analyzed within the framework of the ligand field model commonly used to evaluate low-spin ferric heme compounds. The data analysis shows that the determinant of the electronic g-tensor, i.e. the product gxgygz, is positive for cytochrome c2. We have reanalyzed published M?ssbauer data of some low-spin ferric heme proteins with respect to the sign of the g-tensor determinant. We find that gxgygz is also positive for the cytochromes c, bs, and P-450, and for chloroperoxidase.  相似文献   

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