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Protein functions are often revealed by their localization to specialized cellular sites. Recent reports demonstrated that swiprosin-1 is found together with actin and actin-binding proteins in the cytoskeleton fraction of human mast cells and NK-like cells. However, direct evidence of whether swiprosin-1 regulates actin dynamics is currently lacking. We found that swiprosin-1 localizes to microvilli-like membrane protrusions and lamellipodia and exhibits actin-binding activity. Overexpression of swiprosin-1 enhanced lamellipodia formation and cell spreading. In contrast, swiprosin-1 knockdown showed reduced cell spreading and migration. Swiprosin-1 induced actin bundling in the presence of Ca2+, and deletion of the EF-hand motifs partially reduced bundling activity. Swiprosin-1 dimerized in the presence of Ca2+ via its coiled-coil domain, and a lysine (Lys)-rich region in the coiled-coil domain was essential for regulation of actin bundling. Consistent with these observations, mutations of the EF-hand motifs and coiled-coil region significantly reduced cell spreading and lamellipodia formation. We provide new evidence of how swiprosin-1 influences cytoskeleton reorganization and cell spreading.  相似文献   

Tight junctions (TJs) form physical barriers in various tissues and regulate paracellular transport of ions, water, and molecules. Myelinating Schwann cells form highly organized structures, including compact myelin, nodes of Ranvier, paranodal regions, Schmidt-Lanterman incisures, periaxonal cytoplasmic collars, and mesaxons. Autotypic TJs are formed in non-compacted myelin compartments between adjacent membrane lamellae of the same Schwann cell. Using indirect immunofluorescence and RT-PCR, we analyzed the expression of adherens junction (E-cadherin) and TJ [claudins, zonula occludens (ZO)-1, occludin] components in human peripheral nerve endoneurium, showing clear differences with published rodent profiles. Adult nerve paranodal regions contained E-cadherin, claudin-1, claudin-2, and ZO-1. Schmidt-Lanterman incisures contained E-cadherin, claudin-1, claudin-2, claudin-3, claudin-5, ZO-1, and occludin. Mesaxons contained E-cadherin, claudin-1, claudin-2, claudin-3, ZO-1, and occludin. None of the proteins studied were associated with nodal inter-Schwann cell junctions. Fetal nerve expression of claudin-1, claudin-3, ZO-1, and occludin was predominantly punctate, with a mesaxonal labeling pattern, but paranodal (ZO-1, claudin-3) and Schmidt-Lanterman incisure (claudins-1 and -3) expression profiles typical of compact myelin were visible by gestational week 37. The clear differences observed between human and published rodent nerve profiles emphasize the importance of human studies when translating the results of animal models to human diseases. (J Histochem Cytochem 57:523–529, 2009)  相似文献   

细胞间紧密连接(tight junctions)广泛存在于上皮细胞及内皮细胞之间,其作用是保持细胞间结构的完整性,确保其功能的正常发挥,紧密连接上有很多种蛋白,occludin蛋白是其中主要蛋白之一,occludin蛋白的结构发生变化会导致紧密连接结构及功能的改变,而紧密连接结构与功能的紊乱是很多临床疾病共同的病理生理学特点,如肿瘤、中风及炎症性肺疾病。Occludin蛋白的结构及功能的改变受很多机制的调控,本文主要对occludin蛋白的结构、功能、调控机制及其与紧密连接之间的关系进行叙述。  相似文献   

Nutritional deficiency and stress can severely impair intestinal architecture, integrity and host immune defense, leading to increased susceptibility to infection and cancer. Although the intestine has an inherent capability to adapt to environmental stress, the molecular mechanisms by which the intestine senses and responds to malnutrition are not completely understood. We hereby report that intestinal cell kinase (ICK), a highly conserved serine/threonine protein kinase, is a novel component of the adaptive cell signaling responses to protein malnutrition in murine small intestine. Using an experimental mouse model, we demonstrated that intestinal ICK protein level was markedly and transiently elevated upon protein deprivation, concomitant with activation of prominent pro-proliferation and pro-survival pathways of Wnt/β-catenin, mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt) as well as increased expression of intestinal stem cell markers. Using the human ileocecal epithelial cell line HCT-8 as an invitro model, we further demonstrated that serum starvation was able to induce up-regulation of ICK protein in intestinal epithelial cells in a reversible manner, and that serum albumin partially contributed to this effect. Knockdown of ICK expression in HCT-8 cells significantly impaired cell proliferation and down-regulated active β-catenin signal. Furthermore, reduced ICK expression in HCT-8 cells induced apoptosis through a caspase-dependent mechanism. Taken together, our findings suggest that increased ICK expression/activity in response to protein deprivation likely provides a novel protective mechanism to limit apoptosis and support compensatory mucosal growth under nutritional stress.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have shown previously that serum inhibits tight junction formation in a retinal epithelial cell culture model for the blood-brain barrier. We have now examined in detail the effects of serum on the tight junctions. Our data show that serum induces a breakdown in tight junction function as indicated by decreased transepithelial electrical resistance and increased permeability. Rat serum had effects similar to those of bovine serum, indicating that the activity is species-independent. The effect is concentration-dependent, reversible, and specific for the apical surface, suggesting the involvement of a specific receptor-ligand interaction. Differences in the time course, response magnitude, and structural manifestations between the serum-induced breakdown and that induced by switching the cultures to a low-calcium medium suggest fundamental differences in their mechanisms. The calcium switch results in an immediate and complete junctional breakdown with cell retraction and perinuclear translocation of both actin and the tight junction protein zonula occludens-1. The serum-induced breakdown occurs slowly, is incomplete, and is manifested structurally by decreases in zonula occludens-1 protein, whereas actin organization is unchanged. Thus, serum induces a specific breakdown in retinal epithelial cell tight junctions that may be mediated by effects on the expression of zonula occludens-1.  相似文献   

The regulation of cell migration is a highly complex process that is often compromised when cancer cells become metastatic. The microtubule cytoskeleton is necessary for cell migration, but how microtubules and microtubule-associated proteins regulate multiple pathways promoting cell migration remains unclear. Microtubule plus-end binding proteins (+TIPs) are emerging as important players in many cellular functions, including cell migration. Here we identify a +TIP, GTSE1, that promotes cell migration. GTSE1 accumulates at growing microtubule plus ends through interaction with the EB1+TIP. The EB1-dependent +TIP activity of GTSE1 is required for cell migration, as well as for microtubule-dependent disassembly of focal adhesions. GTSE1 protein levels determine the migratory capacity of both nontransformed and breast cancer cell lines. In breast cancers, increased GTSE1 expression correlates with invasive potential, tumor stage, and time to distant metastasis, suggesting that misregulation of GTSE1 expression could be associated with increased invasive potential.  相似文献   

Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), a potent chemoattractant, induces cell migration via the MAPK and PI3K/Akt pathways. However, the downstream mediators are still elusive. In particular, the role of extracellular mediators is largely unknown. In this study, we identified the matricellular protein Cyr61, which is de novo synthesized in response to PDGF stimulation, as the key downstream mediator of the ERK and JNK pathways, independent of the p38 MAPK and AKT pathways, and, thereby, it mediates PDGF-induced smooth muscle cell migration but not proliferation. Our results revealed that, when Cyr61 was newly synthesized by PDGF, it was promptly translocated to the extracellular matrix and physically interacted with the plasma membrane integrins α6β1 and αvβ3. We further demonstrate that Cyr61 and integrins are integral components of the PDGF signaling pathway via an “outside-in” signaling route to activate intracellular focal adhesion kinase (FAK), leading to cell migration. Therefore, this study provides the first evidence that the PDGF-induced endogenous extracellular matrix component Cyr61 is a key mediator in modulating cell migration by connecting intracellular PDGF-ERK and JNK signals with integrin/FAK signaling. Therefore, extracellular Cyr61 convergence with growth factor signaling and integrin/FAK signaling is a new concept of growth factor-induced cell migration. The discovered signaling pathway may represent an important therapeutic target in growth factor-mediated cell migration/invasion-related vascular diseases and tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

Cancer cell resistance to anoikis driven by aberrant signaling sustained by the tumor microenvironment confers high invasive potential and therapeutic resistance. We recently generated a novel lead quinazoline-based Doxazosin® derivative, DZ-50, which impairs tumor growth and metastasis via anoikis. Genome-wide analysis in the human prostate cancer cell line DU-145 identified primary downregulated targets of DZ-50, including genes involved in focal adhesion integrity (fibronectin, integrin-α6 and talin), tight junction formation (claudin-11) as well as insulin growth factor binding protein 3 (IGFBP-3) and the angiogenesis modulator thrombospondin 1 (TSP-1). Confocal microscopy demonstrated structural disruption of both focal adhesions and tight junctions by the downregulation of these gene targets, resulting in decreased cell survival, migration and adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) components in two androgen-independent human prostate cancer cell lines, PC-3 and DU-145. Stabilization of cell-ECM interactions by overexpression of talin-1 and/or exposing cells to a fibronectin-rich environment mitigated the effect of DZ-50. Loss of expression of the intracellular focal adhesion signaling effectors talin-1 and integrin linked kinase (ILK) sensitized human prostate cancer to anoikis. Our findings suggest that DZ-50 exerts its antitumor effect by targeting the key functional intercellular interactions, focal adhesions and tight junctions, supporting the therapeutic significance of this agent for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Epithelia in multicellular organisms constitute the frontier that separates the individual from the environment. Epithelia are sites of exchange as well as barriers, for the transit of ions and molecules from and into the organism. Therapeutic agents, in order to reach their target, frequently need to cross epithelial and endothelial sheets. Two routes are available for such purpose: the transcellular and the paracellular pathways. The former is employed by lipophilic drugs and by molecules selectively transported by channels, pumps and carriers present in the plasma membrane. Hydrophilic molecules cannot cross biological membranes, therefore their transepithelial transport could be significantly enhanced if they moved through the paracellular pathway. Transit through this route is regulated by tight junctions (TJs). The discovery in recent years of the molecular mechanisms of the TJ has allowed the design of different procedures to open the paracellular route in a reversible manner. These strategies could be used to enhance drug delivery across epithelial and endothelial barriers. The procedures employed include the use of peptides homologous to external loops of integral TJ proteins, silencing the expression of TJ proteins with antisense oligonucleotides and siRNAs as well as the use of toxins and proteins derived from microorganisms that target TJ proteins.  相似文献   

Mutations in the SH3PXD2B gene coding for the Tks4 protein are responsible for the autosomal recessive Frank-ter Haar syndrome. Tks4, a substrate of Src tyrosine kinase, is implicated in the regulation of podosome formation. Here, we report a novel role for Tks4 in the EGF signaling pathway. In EGF-treated cells, Tks4 is tyrosine-phosphorylated and associated with the activated EGF receptor. This association is not direct but requires the presence of Src tyrosine kinase. In addition, treatment of cells with LY294002, an inhibitor of PI 3-kinase, or mutations of the PX domain reduces tyrosine phosphorylation and membrane translocation of Tks4. Furthermore, a PX domain mutant (R43W) Tks4 carrying a reported point mutation in a Frank-ter Haar syndrome patient showed aberrant intracellular expression and reduced phosphoinositide binding. Finally, silencing of Tks4 was shown to markedly inhibit HeLa cell migration in a Boyden chamber assay in response to EGF or serum. Our results therefore reveal a new function for Tks4 in the regulation of growth factor-dependent cell migration.  相似文献   

Knr4/Smi1 proteins are specific to the fungal kingdom and their deletion in the model yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the human pathogen Candida albicans results in hypersensitivity to specific antifungal agents and a wide range of parietal stresses. In S. cerevisiae, Knr4 is located at the crossroads of several signalling pathways, including the conserved cell wall integrity and calcineurin pathways. Knr4 interacts genetically and physically with several protein members of those pathways. Its sequence suggests that it contains large intrinsically disordered regions. Here, a combination of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and crystallographic analysis led to a comprehensive structural view of Knr4. This experimental work unambiguously showed that Knr4 comprises two large intrinsically disordered regions flanking a central globular domain whose structure has been established. The structured domain is itself interrupted by a disordered loop. Using the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing technique, strains expressing KNR4 genes deleted from different domains were constructed. The N-terminal domain and the loop are essential for optimal resistance to cell wall-binding stressors. The C-terminal disordered domain, on the other hand, acts as a negative regulator of this function of Knr4. The identification of molecular recognition features, the possible presence of secondary structure in these disordered domains and the functional importance of the disordered domains revealed here designate these domains as putative interacting spots with partners in either pathway. Targeting these interacting regions is a promising route to the discovery of inhibitory molecules that could increase the susceptibility of pathogens to the antifungals currently in clinical use.  相似文献   

Oncocytic cell tumors are characterized by the accumulation of morphologically abnormal mitochondria in their cells, suggesting a role for abnormal mitochondrial biogenesis in oncocytic cell transformation. Little is known about the reason for the dysmorphology of accumulated mitochondria. The proteins regulating the morphology of mitochondria, the "mitochondria-shaping" proteins, can modulate their size and number; however, nothing is known hitherto about a possible involvement of mitochondrial dynamics in oncocytic cell transformation in tumors. Our aim was to assess the status of the mitochondria morphology and its role in oncocytic cell transformation. We therefore evaluated the expression pattern of the main mitochondrial fusion and fission proteins in a series of thyroid cell tumor samples, as well as in thyroid tumor cell lines, with and without oncocytic cell features. The expression of mitochondrial fusion (Opa1, Mfn1 and Mfn2) and fission (Drp1 and Fis1) proteins were evaluated by immunohistochemistry (IHC) in a series of 88 human thyroid tumors. In vitro studies, for comparative purposes and to deepen the study, were performed using TPC1 - a papillary thyroid carcinoma derived cell line—and XTC.UC1, an oncocytic follicular thyroid carcinoma-derived cell line. Both IHC and in vitro protein analyses showed an overall increase in the levels of "mitochondrial-shaping" proteins in oncocytic thyroid tumors. Furthermore, overexpression of the pro-fission protein Drp1 was found to be associated with malignant oncocytic thyroid tumors. Interestingly, genetic and pharmacological blockage of Drp1 activity was able to influence thyroid cancer cells’ migration/invasion ability, a feature of tumor malignancy. In this study we show that unbalanced mitochondrial dynamics characterize the malignant features of thyroid oncocytic cell tumors, and participate in the acquisition of the migrating phenotype.  相似文献   

正Autoantibodies from patients with various connective tissue diseases have been shown to be specific probes that can detect cellular structures,including centrosome,centromere/kinetochore,spliceosome,Golgi complex and the rough endoplasmic reticulum(Louvard et al.,1982;Rattner et al.,1998;Monneaux and Muller,2001;Hamaguchi,2010).Previously,we identified three cell cycle-dependent proteins,ICF45,CDCA4,and TCC52,by cDNA library screening using auto-  相似文献   

Autoantibodies from patients with various connective tissue diseases have been shown to be specific probes that can detect cellular structures, including centrosome, centromere/kineto- chore, spliceosome, Golgi complex and the rough endoplasmic reticulum (Louvard et al., 1982; Rattner et al., 1998;  相似文献   

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