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A mode-coupling solution of the Smoluchowski diffusion equation (MCD theory), designed to describe the dynamics of wobbling macromolecules in water, is applied to a macromolecular bead model including water beads in the nearest layers. The necessary statistical averages are evaluated by time averaging along a molecular dynamics (MD) trajectory where both solute and water are introduced as atomistic models. The cross peaks in (1)H nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (NOESY) NMR spectra that are routinely measured to determine biological structures are here calculated for the mutated 23 nucleotides stem-loop fragment of the SL1 domain in the HIV-1(Lai) genomic RNA. The calculations are in acceptable agreement with experiments without requiring any screening of the hydrodynamic interactions. The screening of hydrodynamics was necessary in previous MCD calculations obtained by using the same full atomistic MD trajectory, but a nonsolvated frictional model.  相似文献   

SL1 is a stem-loop RNA sequence from the genome of HIV-1 thought to be the initiation site for the dimerization of the retroviral genomic RNA. The aim of this study is to check the stability in solution of different experimental dimeric structures available in the literature. Two kinds of dimer have been evidenced: an extended duplex looking like a double helix with two internal bulges and a kissing complex in which the monomers with a stem/loop conformation are linked by intermolecular loop-loop interactions. Two divergent experimental structures of the kissing complex from the Lai isolate are reported in the literature, one obtained from NMR (Mujeeb et al., Nature Structural Biology, 1998, Vol. 5, pp. 432-436) and the other one from x-ray crystallography (Ennifar et al., Nature Structural Biology, 2001, Vol. 8, pp. 1064-1068). A crystallographic structure of the Mal isolate was also reported (Ennifar et al., Nature Structure Biology, 2001, Vol. 8, pp. 1064-1068). Concerning the extended duplex, a NMR structure is available for Lai (Girard et al., Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics, 1999, Vol. 16, pp. 1145-1157) and a crystallographic structure for Mal (Ennifar et al., Structure, 1999, Vol. 7, pp. 1439-1449). Using a molecular dynamics technique, all these experimental structures have been simulated in solution with explicit water and counterions. We show that both extended duplex structures are stable. On the contrary, the crystallographic structures of the Lai and Mal kissing complexes are rapidly destabilized in aqueous environment. Finally, the NMR structure of the Lai loop-loop kissing complex remains globally stable over a 20 ns MD simulation, although large rearrangements occur at the level of the stem/loop junctions that are flexible, as shown from free energy calculations. These results are compared to electrophoresis experiments on dimer formation.  相似文献   

HIV-1 can be considered an infection of the immune system, resulting in progressive and ultimately profound immune suppression. The availability of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has resulted in dramatic changes in the disease course in persons fortunate enough to have access to these medications, but long-term therapy is limited by the development of resistance as well as toxicities of the potent medication regimens. Emerging data indicate that individuals who have non-progressive clinical course control HIV-1 immunologically. This has bolstered hope that the immune response might be effectively augmented in persons with HIV infection. Recent data indicating that immediate treatment of acute infection leads to augmentation of antiviral immune responses have provided evidence that the immune system might be enhanced in certain situations. Therefore, investigation in the reconstitution of anti-HIV immune response in patients under HAART should provide encouragement for continuing to explore methods to obtain meaningful and durable immune enhancement as an adjunct to HAART in HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

The Rev axis of HIV autoregulation is one of two critical viral regulatory pathways required for expression of viral genomic and mRNA and for replication. Consequently it is an attractive therapeutic target. Previous studies have investigated the anti-HIV efficacy of targeting to the RRE (the viral RNA target sequence of the Rev axis) a trans-dominant negative inhibitor mutant Rev, M10. In this study we have fused a portion of the influenza virus NS1 protein (which normally inhibits polyA(+) mRNA transport and splicing) to the Rev M10 gene while deleting the NS1 poly(A) binding region. The resulting chimera demonstrates specific and enhanced inhibition of viral-RRE-containing RNA expression.  相似文献   

The integration of a transgene expression construct into the host genome is the initial step for the generation of recombinant cell lines used for biopharmaceutical production. The stability and level of recombinant gene expression in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) can be correlated to the copy number, its integration site as well as the epigenetic context of the transgene vector. Also, undesired integration events, such as concatemers, truncated, and inverted vector repeats, are impacting the stability of recombinant cell lines. Thus, to characterize cell clones and to isolate the most promising candidates, it is crucial to obtain information on the site of integration, the structure of integrated sequence and the epigenetic status. Current sequencing techniques allow to gather this information separately but do not offer a comprehensive and simultaneous resolution. In this study, we present a fast and robust nanopore Cas9-targeted sequencing (nCats) pipeline to identify integration sites, the composition of the integrated sequence as well as its DNA methylation status in CHO cells that can be obtained simultaneously from the same sequencing run. A Cas9-enrichment step during library preparation enables targeted and directional nanopore sequencing with up to 724× median on-target coverage and up to 153 kb long reads. The data generated by nCats provides sensitive, detailed, and correct information on the transgene integration sites and the expression vector structure, which could only be partly produced by traditional Targeted Locus Amplification-seq data. Moreover, with nCats the DNA methylation status can be analyzed from the same raw data without prior DNA amplification.  相似文献   

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