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Gudka  Mishal  Obura  David  Mbugua  James  Ahamada  Said  Kloiber  Ulli  Holter  Tammy 《Coral reefs (Online)》2020,39(1):13-13
Coral Reefs - This erratum has been initiated as authors first and last names appeared inverse in the original article and should be correctly read as.  相似文献   

The reefs of Misali Island, Tanzania suffered serious coral mortality as a result of the 1998 coral bleaching event in the western Indian Ocean. Four years after this event, Frontier‐Tanzania assessed reef substrate in Misali Island Marine Conservation Area (MIMCA) using scuba surveys. Substrate cover was compared between sites within and outside the nonextraction zone (NEZ) of MIMCA and recovery rates were estimated through reference to previous studies. Coral recovery at Misali Island following the bleaching event has generally been slow, but nonextractive management of MIMCA has enhanced coral recovery within the NEZ. The absence of fishing activities in the NEZ has sustained herbivorous fish populations and thus reduced algal overgrowth; however, outside the NEZ, diving and anchoring activities have caused further coral damage and led to increased levels of debris. Awareness‐raising programmes could lessen these problems and the NEZ appeared to be well‐placed to capitalize on nonmanageable factors that are thought to mitigate the effects of coral bleaching. In addition, the implementation of flexible zoning schemes could improve recovery rates after future bleaching events.  相似文献   

The black marlin Istiompax indica is an apex marine predator and is susceptible to overfishing. The movement ecology of the species remains poorly known, particularly within the Indian Ocean, which has hampered assessment of their conservation status and fisheries management requirements. Here, we used pop-up archival satellite tags to track I. indica movement and examine their dispersal. Forty-nine tags were deployed off Kenya during both the north-east (November–April) and south-west (August–September) monsoon seasons, providing locations from every month of the year. Individual I. indica were highly mobile and track distance correlated with the duration of tag attachment. Mean track duration was 38 days and mean track distance was >1800 km. Individuals dispersed in several directions: north-east into Somalian waters and up to northern Oman, east towards the Seychelles, and south into the Mozambique Channel. Their core habitat shifted seasonally and overlapped with areas of high productivity off Kenya, Somalia and Oman during the first half of the year. A second annual aggregation off the Kenyan coast, during August and September, did not coincide with high chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentrations or thermal fronts, and the drivers of the species' presence and movement from this second aggregation was unclear. We tested their habitat preferences by comparing environmental conditions at track locations to the conditions at locations along simulated tracks based on the empirical data. Observed I. indica preferred cooler water with higher chl-a concentrations and stayed closer to the coast than simulated tracks. The rapid and extensive dispersal of I. indica from Kenya suggests that there is likely a single stock in the Western Indian Ocean, with individuals swimming between areas of high commercial catches off northern Somalia and Oman, and artisanal and recreational fisheries catches throughout East Africa and Mozambique.  相似文献   

Three new species and two new genera of Typhloplanoida from the Western Indian Ocean are described. Feanora brevicirrus gen. et.sp. n. is a member of the Trigonostomidae von Graff, 1905 sensu Den Hartog, 1964. It has a cirrus, paired ovovitellaria and an undifferentiated afferent duct. An excentric bursa opens in the fecundatorium and a large ovoid vesicle enters the afferent duct in its distal part. Gaziella pileola gen. et sp. n. and G. lacertosa sp.n. are two new members of the Promesostomidae Den Hartog, 1964. They have a long cirrus, ovovitellaria and a long muscular female duct with two excentrically placed sperm-receiving vesicles. Their most striking feature is the proboscis-like structure. Feanora and Gaziella are provisionally considered as genera incertae sedis within the resp. families.  相似文献   

Evolution of the Indian Ocean and the drift of India: A vicariant event   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The contemporary hypothesis of plate tectonics allows for the dismembering of a Mesozoic megacontinental land mass, Pangaea, into two supercontinents, Laurasia and Gondwana. Encompassing the current position of the Indo-West Pacific Oceans, the Tethys Ocean was circumglobal from the Jurassic to the Miocene and separated these two supercontinents. Fragmentation of Gondwana allowed for the northward track of India across the Tethys to collide with Asia, closing the Indo-Mediterranean-Atlanto seaway by early Miocene in conjunction with the suturing of Africa and Europe. It is hypothesized that the evolution of the Indian Ocean and the drift of the Indian Plate represent vicariant events which explain patterns of faunal endemism recognized in the region today.  相似文献   

This study assesses the biogeographic classification of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) on the basis of the species diversity and distribution of reef-building corals. Twenty one locations were sampled between 2002 and 2011. Presence/absence of scleractinian corals was noted on SCUBA, with the aid of underwater digital photographs and reference publications for species identification. Sampling effort varied from 7 to 37 samples per location, with 15 to 45 minutes per dive allocated to species observations, depending on the logistics on each trip. Species presence/absence was analyzed using the Bray-Curtis similarity coefficient, followed by cluster analysis and multi-dimensional scaling. Total (asymptotic) species number per location was estimated using the Michaelis-Menten equation. Three hundred and sixty nine coral species were named with stable identifications and used for analysis. At the location level, estimated maximum species richness ranged from 297 (Nacala, Mozambique) to 174 (Farquhar, Seychelles). Locations in the northern Mozambique Channel had the highest diversity and similarity, forming a core region defined by its unique oceanography of variable meso-scale eddies that confer high connectivity within this region. A distinction between mainland and island fauna was not found; instead, diversity decreased radially from the northern Mozambique Channel. The Chagos archipelago was closely related to the northern Mozambique Channel region, and analysis of hard coral data in the IUCN Red List found Chagos to be more closely related to the WIO than to the Maldives, India and Sri Lanka. Diversity patterns were consistent with primary oceanographic drivers in the WIO, reflecting inflow of the South Equatorial Current, maintenance of high diversity in the northern Mozambique Channel, and export from this central region to the north and south, and to the Seychelles and Mascarene islands.  相似文献   

It is hypothesized that the ancestor of the extant western Indian Ocean and Indonesian populations of Latimeria was continuously distributed along the deeper coasts of massed Africa–Madagascar–Eurasia in early geologic time. The collision of India with Eurasia, roughly 50 MY ago, caused the formation of the Himalayan Mountains and subsequent developement of numerous rivers. The rivers, which flow down both coasts of India, and areas even further east, deposited, and continue to deposit, great amounts of silt along both coasts of India. The siltation destroyed possible coelacanth habitats, thus isolating coelacanth populations to the west of India from those to the east and allowing them to diverge.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are biodiverse ecosystems structured by abiotic and biotic factors operating across many spatial scales. Regional-scale interactions between climate change, biogeography and fisheries management remain poorly understood. Here, we evaluated large-scale patterns of coral communities in the western Indian Ocean after a major coral bleaching event in 1998. We surveyed 291 coral reef sites in 11 countries and over 30° of latitude between 2004 and 2011 to evaluate variations in coral communities post 1998 across gradients in latitude, mainland-island geography and fisheries management. We used linear mixed-effect hierarchical models to assess total coral cover, the abundance of four major coral families (acroporids, faviids, pocilloporids and poritiids), coral genus richness and diversity, and the bleaching susceptibility of the coral communities. We found strong latitudinal and geographic gradients in coral community structure and composition that supports the presence of a high coral cover and diversity area that harbours temperature-sensitive taxa in the northern Mozambique Channel between Tanzania, northern Mozambique and northern Madagascar. Coral communities in the more northern latitudes of Kenya, Seychelles and the Maldives were generally composed of fewer bleaching-tolerant coral taxa and with reduced richness and diversity. There was also evidence for continued declines in the abundance of temperature-sensitive taxa and community change after 2004. While there are limitations of our regional dataset in terms of spatial and temporal replication, these patterns suggest that large-scale interactions between biogeographic factors and strong temperature anomalies influence coral communities while smaller-scale factors, such as the effect of fisheries closures, were weak. The northern Mozambique Channel, while not immune to temperature disturbances, shows continued signs of resistance to climate disturbances and remains a priority for future regional conservation and management actions.  相似文献   

Striped marlin Kajikia audax are globally Near Threatened and their stock in the Indian Ocean was last assessed as “overfished and subject to overfishing”. Significant gaps in our understanding of their ecology remain, hampering the efforts of fisheries managers to ensure stock sustainability. There is a particular lack of fisheries-independent data. Here we present the results from the first large-scale satellite tracking study of K. audax in the Indian Ocean. We tagged 49 K. audax with pop-up archival satellite-linked tags off the Kenyan coast from 2015 to 2019. Individuals were highly mobile, covering horizontal distances of up to 9187 km over periods ranging up to 183 days, with a mean daily distance of ~48 km. Long-distance movements were recorded to the east and north of East Africa, with the most distant tracks extending north to the Arabian Sea and east to near the Maldives. None of the K. audax swam south of East Africa. Kernel utilization distributions of fish locations demonstrated their shifting seasonal activity hotspots. Over the sport-fishing season (and tagging period) in Kenya, from December to March, K. audax typically stayed off the East African coast. After March, the activity hotspot shifted north to a region close to the Horn of Africa and Socotra Island. Remotely sensed sea surface temperature and chlorophyll-a maps indicated that this seasonal movement could be driven by a shift in prey availability. Our results show the high mobility of K. audax in the Western Indian Ocean, and that individuals seasonally range between two major fishing areas.  相似文献   

Seaweed farming in the Western Indian Ocean (WIO) Region is carried out in a number of countries, most of them farming Eucheuma denticulatum, Kappaphycus alvarezii and Kappaphycus striatum. These species are farmed mostly in Tanzania with limited production in Madagascar, Mozambique and Kenya; current production (2012) stands at 15,966 t (dry weight) year?1 of Eucheuma and Kappaphycus, valued at US$ 4.2 million with 95 % of this tonnage coming from Tanzania. Other countries in the region have limited or no seaweed production owing to problems of epiphytes, ice ice and markets. The problem of epiphytes coupled with ice ice that WIO countries are facing causes die-off of Kappaphycus which is the preferred species in foreign markets for its thicker gel, kappa carrageenan (vs. the weaker iota carrageenan from Eucheuma). New efforts are put to curb these problems including moving seaweed farms to deeper waters and cultivation trials of other carrageenophytes as well as agar-producing species, agarophytes. Research work has been initiated to evaluate Gracilaria and Hypnea farming and processing in Tanzania, the Republic of Mauritius and Mayotte. Gracilaria farming is at experimental stages as a biofilter of fishpond effluents and as potential species for the production of agar with growth rates of 1.5–1.9 % day?1. Hypnea farming is only being initiated in Mauritius and Mayotte at present. Other innovations including value addition by making various seaweed products and encouraging the consumption of seaweed as food at least in Tanzania and Mauritius are increasing further the importance of the seaweed farming and processing industry in the WIO Region.  相似文献   

Several mosquito-borne diseases affect the Western Indian Ocean islands. Culex pipiens quinquefasciatus is one of these vectors and transmits filariasis, Rift Valley and West Nile viruses and the Japanese encephalitis. To limit the impact of these diseases on public health, considerable vector control efforts have been implemented since the 50s, mainly through the use of neurotoxic insecticides belonging to Organochlorines (OC), Organophosphates (OP) and pyrethroids (PYR) families. However, mosquito control failures have been reported on site, and they were probably due to the selection of resistant individuals in response to insecticide exposure. In this study, we used different approaches to establish a first regional assessment of the levels and mechanisms of resistance to various insecticides. Bioassays were used to evaluate resistance to various insecticides, enzyme activity was measured to assess the presence of metabolic resistances through elevated detoxification, and molecular identification of known resistance alleles was investigated to determine the frequency of target-site mutations. These complementary approaches showed that resistance to the most used insecticides families (OC, OP and PYR) is widespread at a regional scale. However, the distribution of the different resistance genes is quite heterogeneous among the islands, some being found at high frequencies everywhere, others being frequent in some islands and absent in others. Moreover, two resistance alleles displayed clinal distributions in Mayotte and La Réunion, probably as a result of a heterogeneous selection due to local treatment practices. These widespread and diverse resistance mechanisms reduce the capacity of resistance management through classical strategies (e.g. insecticide rotation). In case of a disease outbreak, it could undermine the efforts of the vector control services, as only few compounds could be used. It thus becomes urgent to find alternatives to control populations of Cx. p. quinquefasciatus in the Indian Ocean.  相似文献   

In the Western Indian Ocean (WIO), local communities are increasingly assuming responsibility for inshore marine resources either on their own or through collaborative management arrangements with governments or non-state actors. In this paper, we trace the evolution and expansion of community management in the WIO and present the first ever inventory and assessment of the region’s locally managed marine areas (LMMAs). We compare the key attributes of these areas to those under government stewardship and assess their relative contributions to progress towards the Convention on Biodiversity (CBD) target of 10% of marine and coastal ecological regions to be effectively conserved by 2020. We also explore the legal frameworks that underpin locally managed marine initiatives in Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique and Tanzania to assess the potential for future expansion. A principal finding is that whilst LMMAs protect more than 11,000 square kilometres of marine resource in the WIO, they are hampered by underdeveloped local and national legal structures and enforcement mechanisms. In our recommendations to improve local management, we suggest establishing a network of LMMA practitioners in the WIO region to share experiences and best practice.  相似文献   

Porites white patch syndrome (PWPS) is a coral disease recently described in the Western Indian Ocean. This study aimed to isolate and identify potential pathogens associated with PWPS utilizing both culture and nonculture screening techniques and inoculation trials. A total of 14 bacterial strains (those dominant in disease lesions, absent or rare in healthy tissues and considered potential pathogens in a previous study) were cultured and used to experimentally inoculate otherwise healthy individuals in an attempt to fulfil Henle–Koch's postulates. However, only one (P180R), identified as closely related (99–100% sequence identity based on 1.4 kb 16S RNA sequence) to Vibrio tubiashii, elicited signs of disease in tank experiments. Following experimental infection (which resulted in a 90% infection rate), the pathogen was also successfully re‐isolated from the diseased tissues and re‐inoculated in healthy corals colonies, therefore fulfilling the final stages of Henle–Koch's postulates. Finally, we report that PWPS appears to be a temperature‐dependent disease, with significantly higher tissue loss (anova : d.f. = 2, F = 39.77, P < 0.01) occurring at 30 °C [1.45 ± 0.85 cm2 per day (mean ± SE)] compared to ambient temperatures of 28 and 26 °C (0.73 ± 0.80 cm2 per day (mean ± SE) and 0.51 ± 0.50 cm2 per day (mean ± SE), respectively).  相似文献   

In a recent contribution to this journal, Wilmé et al. (2016) proposed that the giant tortoises of the islands of the Western Indian Ocean (WIO: Aldabra, the Mascarenes, and the Granitic Seychelles) might have originated from translocation by early Austronesian sailors. Prompted by this paper we review recent literature and show that natural overseas dispersal was remarkably widespread in the colonization history of terrestrial reptiles in the WIO region. Almost 90% of the successful colonization events are supported by prevailing marine surface currents. However, these currents may change over geological (and evolutionary) time‐scales, and eddies and counter‐currents may facilitate transport against the main current direction. We review the cases of the extant and extinct WIO giant tortoises and suggest that the current distribution of all lineages can be convincingly explained by overseas dispersal.  相似文献   

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