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Beef-heart mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase contained six molecules of bound inorganic phosphate (Pi). This phosphate exchanged completely with exogenous 32Pi when the enzyme was exposed to 30% (v/v) dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and then returned to a DMSO-free buffer (Beharry and Bragg 2001). Only two molecules were replaced by 32Pi when the enzyme was not pretreated with DMSO. These two molecules of 32Pi were not displaced from the enzyme by the treatment with 1 mM ATP. Similarly, two molecules of bound 32Pi remained on the DMSO-pretreated enzyme following addition of ATP, that is, four molecules of 32Pi were displaced by ATP. The ATP-resistant 32Pi was removed from the enzyme by pyrophosphate. It is proposed that these molecules of 32Pi are bound at an unfilled adenine nucleotide-binding noncatalytic site on the enzyme. Brief exposure of the enzyme loaded with two molecules of 32Pi to DMSO, followed by removal of the DMSO, resulted in the loss of the bound 32Pi and in the formation of two molecules of bound ATP from exogenous ADP. A third catalytic site on the enzyme was occupied by ATP, which could undergo a Pi ATP exchange reaction with bound Pi The presence of two catalytic sites containing bound Pi is consistent with the X-ray crystallographic structure of F1 (Bianchet, et al., 1998). Thus, five of the six molecules of bound Pi were accounted for. Three molecules of bound Pi were at catalytic sites and participated in ATP synthesis or Pi ATP exchange. Two other molecules of bound Pi were present at a noncatalytic adenine nucleotide-binding site. The location and role of the remaining molecule of bound Pi remains to be established. We were unable to demonstrate, using chemical modification of sulfhydryl groups by iodoacetic acid, any gross difference in the conformation of F1F0 in DMSO-containing compared with DMSO-free buffers.  相似文献   

Transient opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore plays a crucial role in hypoxic preconditioning-induced protection. Recently, the cyclophilin-D component of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore has been shown to interact with and regulate the F1F0-ATP synthase. However, the precise role of the F1F0-ATP synthase and the interaction between cyclophilin-D and F1F0-ATP synthase in the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and hypoxic preconditioning remain uncertain. Here we found that a 1-h hypoxic preconditioning delayed apoptosis and improved cell survival after stimulation with various apoptotic inducers including H2O2, ionomycin, and arachidonic acid in mitochondrial DNA T8993G mutation (NARP) osteosarcoma 143B cybrids, an F1F0-ATP synthase defect cell model. This hypoxic preconditioning protected NARP cybrid cells against focal laser irradiation-induced oxidative stress by suppressing reactive oxygen species formation and preventing the depletion of cardiolipin. Furthermore, the protective functions of transient opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore in both NARP cybrids and wild-type 143B cells can be augmented by hypoxic preconditioning. Disruption of the interaction between cyclophilin-D and F1F0-ATP synthase by cyclosporin A attenuated the mitochondrial protection induced by hypoxic preconditioning in both NARP cybrids and wild-type 143B cells. Our results demonstrate that the interaction between cyclophilin-D and F1F0-ATP synthase is important in the hypoxic preconditioning-induced cell protection. This finding improves our understanding of the mechanism of mitochondrial permeability transition pore opening in cells in response to hypoxic preconditioning, and will be helpful in further developing new pharmacological agents targeting hypoxia–reoxygenation injury and mitochondria-mediated cell death  相似文献   

In liver mitochondria isolated from hypothyroid rats, the rate of ATP synthesis is lower than in mitochondria from normal rats. Oligomycin-sensitive ATP hydrolase activity and passive proton permeability were significantly lower in submitochondrial particles from hypothyroid rats compared to those isolated from normal rats. In mitochondria from hypothyroid rats, the changes in catalytic activities of F0F1-ATP synthase are accompanied by a decrease in the amount of immunodetected -F1, F01-PVP, and OSCP subunits of the complex. Northern blot hybridization shows a decrease in the relative cytosolic content of mRNA for -F1 subunit in liver of hypothyroid rats. Administration of 3,5,3-triodo-L-thyronine to the hypothyroid rats tends to remedy the functional and structural defects of F0F1-ATP synthase observed in the hypothyroid rats. The results obtained indicate that hypothyroidism leads to a decreased expression of F0F1-ATP synthase complex in liver mitochondria and this contributes to the decrease of the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Blue native gel electrophoresis purification and immunoprecipitation of F0F1-ATP synthase from bovine heart mitochondria revealed that cyclophilin (CyP) D associates to the complex. Treatment of intact mitochondria with the membrane-permeable bifunctional reagent dimethyl 3,3-dithiobis-propionimidate (DTBP) cross-linked CyPD with the lateral stalk of ATP synthase, whereas no interactions with F1 sector subunits, the ATP synthase natural inhibitor protein IF1, and the ATP/ADP carrier were observed. The ATP synthase-CyPD interactions have functional consequences on enzyme catalysis and are modulated by phosphate (increased CyPD binding and decreased enzyme activity) and cyclosporin (Cs) A (decreased CyPD binding and increased enzyme activity). Treatment of MgATP submitochondrial particles or intact mitochondria with CsA displaced CyPD from membranes and activated both hydrolysis and synthesis of ATP sustained by the enzyme. No effect of CsA was detected in CyPD-null mitochondria, which displayed a higher specific activity of the ATP synthase than wild-type mitochondria. Modulation by CyPD binding appears to be independent of IF1, whose association to ATP synthase was not affected by CsA treatment. These findings demonstrate that CyPD association to the lateral stalk of ATP synthase modulates the activity of the complex.  相似文献   

The structural and functional connection between the peripheral catalytic F1 sector and theproton-translocating membrane sector F0 of the mitochondrial ATP synthase is reviewed. Theobservations examined show that the N-terminus of subunit , the carboxy-terminal and centralregion of F0I-PVP(b), OSCP, and part of subunit d constitute a continuous structure, the lateralstalk, which connects the peripheries of F1 to F0 and surrounds the central element of thestalk, constituted by subunits and . The ATPase inhibitor protein (IF1) binds at one sideof the F1F0 connection. The carboxy-terminal segment of IF1 apparently binds to OSCP. The42L-58K segment of IF1, which is per se the most active domain of the protein, binds at thesurface of one of the three / pairs of F1, thus preventing the cyclic interconversion of thecatalytic sites required for ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Obesity is a common and complex health problem, which impacts crucial organs; it is also considered an independent risk factor for chronic kidney disease. Few studies have analyzed the consequence of obesity in the renal proximal convoluted tubules, which are the major tubules involved in reabsorptive processes. For optimal performance of the kidney, energy is primarily provided by mitochondria. Melatonin, an indoleamine and antioxidant, has been identified in mitochondria, and there is considerable evidence regarding its essential role in the prevention of oxidative mitochondrial damage. In this study we evaluated the mechanism(s) of mitochondrial alterations in an animal model of obesity (ob/ob mice) and describe the beneficial effects of melatonin treatment on mitochondrial morphology and dynamics as influenced by mitofusin-2 and the intrinsic apoptotic cascade. Melatonin dissolved in 1% ethanol was added to the drinking water from postnatal week 5–13; the calculated dose of melatonin intake was 100 mg/kg body weight/day. Compared to control mice, obesity-related morphological alterations were apparent in the proximal tubules which contained round mitochondria with irregular, short cristae and cells with elevated apoptotic index. Melatonin supplementation in obese mice changed mitochondria shape and cristae organization of proximal tubules, enhanced mitofusin-2 expression, which in turn modulated the progression of the mitochondria-driven intrinsic apoptotic pathway. These changes possibly aid in reducing renal failure. The melatonin-mediated changes indicate its potential protective use against renal morphological damage and dysfunction associated with obesity and metabolic disease.  相似文献   

A small number of stress-responsive genes, such as those of the mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase complex, are encoded by both the nucleus and mitochondria. The regulatory mechanism of these joint products is mysterious. The expression of 6-kDa subunit (MtATP6), a relatively uncharacterized nucleus-encoded subunit of F0 part, was measured during salinity stress in salt-tolerant and salt-sensitive cultivated wheat genotypes, as well as in the wild wheat genotypes, Triticum and Aegilops using qRT-PCR. The MtATP6 expression was suddenly induced 3 h after NaCl treatment in all genotypes, indicating an early inducible stress-responsive behavior. Promoter analysis showed that the MtATP6 promoter includes cis-acting elements such as ABRE, MYC, MYB, GTLs, and W-boxes, suggesting a role for this gene in abscisic acid-mediated signaling, energy metabolism, and stress response. It seems that 6-kDa subunit, as an early response gene and nuclear regulatory factor, translocates to mitochondria and completes the F1F0-ATP synthase complex to enhance ATP production and maintain ion homeostasis under stress conditions. These communications between nucleus and mitochondria are required for inducing mitochondrial responses to stress pathways. Dual targeting of 6-kDa subunit may comprise as a mean of inter-organelle communication and save energy for the cell. Interestingly, MtATP6 showed higher and longer expression in the salt-tolerant wheat and the wild genotypes compared to the salt-sensitive genotype. Apparently, salt-sensitive genotypes have lower ATP production efficiency and weaker energy management than wild genotypes; a stress tolerance mechanism that has not been transferred to cultivated genotypes.  相似文献   

We have sought to elucidate how the oligomycin sensitivity-conferring protein (OSCP) of the mitochondrial F1F0-ATP synthase (mtATPase) can influence proton channel function. Variants of OSCP, from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, having amino acid substitutions at a strictly conserved residue (Gly166) were expressed in place of normal OSCP. Cells expressing the OSCP variants were able to grow on nonfermentable substrates, albeit with some increase in generation time. Moreover, these strains exhibited increased sensitivity to oligomycin, suggestive of modification in functional interactions between the F1 and F0 sectors mediated by OSCP. Bioenergetic analysis of mitochondria from cells expressing OSCP variants indicated an increased respiratory rate under conditions of no net ATP synthesis. Using specific inhibitors of mtATPase, in conjunction with measurement of changes in mitochondrial transmembrane potential, it was revealed that this increased respiratory rate was a result of increased proton flux through the F0 sector. This proton conductance, which is not coupled to phosphorylation, is exquisitely sensitive to inhibition by oligomycin. Nevertheless, the oxidative phosphorylation capacity of these mitochondria from cells expressing OSCP variants was no different to that of the control. These results suggest that the incorporation of OSCP variants into functional ATP synthase complexes can display effects in the control of proton flux through the F0 sector, most likely mediated through altered protein—protein contacts within the enzyme complex. This conclusion is supported by data indicating impaired stability of solubilized mtATPase complexes that is not, however, reflected in the assembly of functional enzyme complexes in vivo. Given a location for OSCP atop the F1-33 hexamer that is distant from the proton channel, then the modulation of proton flux by OSCP must occur at a distance. We consider how subtle conformational changes in OSCP may be transmitted to F0.  相似文献   

A polymorphism in the ATP synthase 8 (ATP8) gene of the murine mitochondrial genome, G-to-T transversion at position 7778, has been suggested to increase susceptibility to multiple autoimmune diseases, including autoimmune pancreatitis (AIP). The polymorphism also induces mitochondrial reactive oxygen species generation, secretory dysfunction and β-cell mass adaptation. Here, we have used two conplastic mouse strains, C57BL/6N-mtAKR/J (B6-mtAKR; nt7778 G; control) and C57BL/6N-mtFVB/N (B6-mtFVB; nt7778 T), to address the question if the polymorphism also affects the course of cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis in mice. Therefore, two age groups of mice (3 and 12-month-old, respectively) were subjected to up to 7 injections of the secretagogue cerulein (50 µg/kg body weight) at hourly intervals. Disease severity was assessed at time points from 3 hours to 7 days based on pancreatic histopathology, serum levels of α-amylase and activities of myeloperoxidase (MPO) in lung tissue. A comparison of cerulein-induced pancreatic tissue damage and increases of α-amylase and MPO activities showed no differences between the age-matched groups of both strains. Interestingly, histological evaluation of pancreatic tissue of both untreated and cerulein-treated B6-mtAKR and B6-mtFVB mice also revealed the presence of infiltrates of immune cells surrounding ducts and vessels; a finding that is compatible with an early stage of AIP. After recovery from cerulein-induced pancreatitis (day 7 after the injections), 12-month-old B6-mtFVB mice but not B6-mtAKR mice displayed aggravated lymphocytic lesions. A comparison of 12-month-old mice with other age groups of both strains revealed that lymphocytic foci were largely absent in 3-month-old mice, while 24-month-old mice were more affected. Together, our data suggest that the mtDNA nt7778 G/T polymorphism does not aggravate cerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. Autoimmune-like lesions, however, may progress faster if additional tissue damage occurs.  相似文献   

A study is presented on the role of F0 and F1 subunits in oligomycin-sensitive H+ conduction and energy transfer reactions of bovine heart mitochondrial F0F1 H(+)-ATP synthase. Mild treatment with azodicarboxylic acid bis(dimethylamide) (diamide) enhanced oligomycin-sensitive H+ conduction in submitochondrial particles containing F1 attached to F0. This effect was associated with stimulation of the ATPase activity, with no effect on its inhibition by oligomycin, and depression of the 32Pi-ATP exchange. The stimulatory effect of diamide on H+ conduction decreased in particles from which F1 subunits were partially removed by urea. The stimulatory effect exerted by diamide in the submitochondrial particles with F1 attached to F0 was directly correlated with a decrease of the original electrophoretic bands of a subunit of F0 (F0I-PVP protein) and the gamma subunit of F1, with corresponding formation of their cross-linking product. In F0 liposomes, devoid of gamma subunit, diamide failed to stimulate H+ conduction and to cause disappearance of F0I-PVP protein, unless purified gamma subunit was added back. The addition to F0 liposomes of gamma subunit, but not that of alpha and beta subunits, caused per se inhibition of H+ conduction. It is concluded that F0I-PVP and gamma subunits are directly involved in the gate of the F0F1 H(+)-ATP synthase. Data are also presented indicating contribution to the gate of oligomycin-sensitivity conferral protein and of another protein subunit of F0, F6.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli proton-translocating F0F1-ATP synthase has a priority in H+ circulation through the membrane in maintaining proton-motive force in the context of ATP synthesis and hydrolysis. Recent advances in the study of this complex under fermentative growth have led to hypothesis that, in the absence of oxidative phosphorylation, F0F1 is implicated as an essential part of H+ movement and ATP hydrolysis, associated with solute secondary transporters and/or enzymes of anaerobic oxidation-reduction. These associations can result from a protein-protein interaction by dithiol-disulfide interchange. In such associations F0F1 has novel functions in bacterial cell physiology.  相似文献   

According to functional studies, the higher IF(1) content reported in mitochondria of cancerous cells is supposed to induce a higher association with the F(1)F(0) complex than in normal cells and therefore a better inhibition of its ATPase activity. The first structural evidence supporting this prediction is here presented. Densitometric analyses of Western blotting experiments indicated a 2-fold increase in IF(1) content of AS-30D submitochondrial particles compared to normal rat liver controls. The ratio of IF(1)/F(1) alpha subunit increased similarly as judged by Westernblot analyses. This IF(1) overexpression correlated with a slower rate of IF(1) release (F(1)F(0)-ATPase activation) from the F(1)F(0) complex in AS-30D than in normal rat liver submitochondrial particles. The IF(1)-IF(1), gamma-IF(1), and alpha-IF(1) cross-linkages previously formed with dithiobis(succinimidylpropionate) in bovine F(1)F(0)I and IF(1) complexes were reproduced in the F(1)F(0)I-ATP synthase of hepatoma AS-30D cells. However, a much lower yield of IF(1) cross-linkages was found in normal rat liver particles which made them almost undetectable in SMP as well as in the immunoprecipitated F(1)F(0)I complex. Modeling in vivo IF(1) overexpression of cancerous cells by in vitro reconstitution of excess recombinant IF(1) with rat liver submitochondrial particles devoid of IF(1) reproduced the same IF(1) cross-linkages observed in AS-30D particles.  相似文献   

The enzyme complexes involved in mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation are organized into higher ordered assemblies termed supercomplexes. Subunits e and g (Su e and Su g, respectively) are catalytically nonessential subunits of the F1F0-ATP synthase whose presence is required to directly support the stable dimerization of the ATP synthase complex. We report here that Su g and Su e are also important for securing the correct organizational state of the cytochrome bc1-cytochrome oxidase (COX) supercomplex. Mitochondria isolated from the Delta su e and Delta su g null mutant strains exhibit decreased levels of COX enzyme activity but appear to have normal COX subunit protein levels. An altered stoichiometry of the cytochrome bc1-COX supercomplex was observed in mitochondria deficient in Su e and/or Su g, and a perturbation in the association of Cox4, a catalytically important subunit of the COX complex, was also detected. In addition, an increase in the level of the TIM23 translocase associated with the cytochrome bc1-COX supercomplex is observed in the absence of Su e and Su g. Together, our data highlight that a further level of complexity exists between the oxidative phosphorylation supercomplexes, whereby the organizational state of one complex, i.e. the ATP synthase, may influence that of another supercomplex, namely the cytochrome bc1-COX complex.  相似文献   

Endothelial dysfunction is a major characteristic of the atherosclerotic process and can be used to predict the outcome of cardiovascular disease in humans. Together with obesity and insulin resistance, such dysfunction is common among patients with type 2 diabetes and may explain their poor prognosis in connection with such a disease. Insulin resistance in skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, and the liver, a well-characterized feature of obesity and type 2 diabetes, contributes to the impairment of glucose homeostasis. Furthermore, the myocardial muscle can also be resistant to insulin, which might, at least in part, explain the frequent development of heart failure in individuals suffering from type 2 diabetes. The relationship between insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction has prompted investigations, which reveal that regular exercise, dietary changes, and/or pharmacological agents can both increase insulin sensitivity and improve endothelial function. Glucagon-like peptide-1, an incretin, lowers blood levels of glucose and offers a promising new approach to the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Its extensive extra-pancreatic effects, including a favorable influence on cardiovascular parameters, are extremely interesting in this connection. The potential pharmacological effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 and its analogues on the endothelium and the heart are discussed in the present review.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F1Fo-ATP synthase catalyzes the formation of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate. The enzyme is found in monomeric, dimeric and higher oligomeric forms in the inner mitochondrial membrane. Dimerization of ATP synthase complexes is a prerequisite for the generation of larger oligomers that promote membrane bending and formation of tubular cristae membranes. Two small proteins of the membrane-embedded Fo-domain, subunit e (Su e; Atp21) and Su g (Atp20), were identified as dimer-specific subunits of yeast ATP synthase and shown to be required for stabilization of the dimers. We have identified two distinct monomeric forms of yeast ATP synthase. Su e and Su g are present not only in the dimer but also in one of the monomeric forms. We demonstrate that Su e and Su g sequentially assemble with monomeric ATP synthase to form a dimerization-competent primed monomer. We conclude that association of Su e and Su g with monomeric F1Fo-ATP synthase represents an initial step of oligomer formation.  相似文献   

The F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase enzyme is located in the inner mitochondrial membrane, where it forms dimeric complexes. Dimerization of the ATP synthase involves the physical association of the neighboring membrane-embedded F(0)-sectors. In yeast, the F(0)-sector subunits g and e (Su g and Su e, respectively) play a key role in supporting the formation of ATP synthase dimers. In this study we have focused on Su g to gain a better understanding of the function and the molecular organization of this subunit within the ATP synthase complex. Su g proteins contain a GXXXG motif (G is glycine, and X is any amino acid) in their single transmembrane segment. GXXXG can be a dimerization motif that supports helix-helix interactions between neighboring transmembrane segments. We demonstrate here that the GXXXG motif is important for the function and in particular for the stability of Su g within the ATP synthase. Using site-directed mutagenesis and cross-linking approaches, we demonstrate that Su g and Su e interact, and our findings emphasize the importance of the membrane anchor regions of these proteins for their interaction. Su e also contains a conserved GXXXG motif in its membrane anchor. However, data presented here would suggest that an intact GXXXG motif in Su g is not essential for the Su g-Su e interaction. We suggest that the GXXXG motif may not be the sole basis for a Su g-Su e interaction, and possibly these dimerization motifs may enable both Su g and Su e to interact with another mitochondrial protein.  相似文献   

Early studies have suggested the presence in the central nervous system of possible estrogen binding sites/proteins other than classical nuclear estrogen receptors (nER). We report here the isolation and identification of a 23 kDa membrane protein from digitonin-solubilized rat brain mitochondrial fractions that binds 17beta-estradiol conjugated to bovine serum albumin at C-6 position (17beta-E-6-BSA), a ligand that also specifically binds nER. This protein was partially purified using affinity columns coupled with 17beta-E-6-BSA and was recognized by the iodinated 17beta-E-6-BSA (17beta-E-6-[125I]BSA) in a ligand blotting assay. The binding of 17beta-E-6-BSA to this protein was specific for the 17beta-estradiol portion of the conjugate, not BSA. Using N-terminal sequencing and immunoblotting, this 23 kDa protein was identified as the oligomycin-sensitivity conferring protein (OSCP). This protein is a subunit of the FOF1 (F-type) mitochondrial ATP synthase/ATPase required for the coupling of a proton gradient across the F0 sector of the enzyme in the mitochondrial membrane to ATP synthesis in the F1 sector of the enzyme. Studies using recombinant bovine OSCP (rbOSCP) in ligand blotting revealed that rbOSCP bound 17beta-E-6-[125I]BSA with the same specificity as the purified 23 kDa protein. Further, in a ligand binding assay, 17beta-E-6-[125I]BSA also bound rbOSCP and it was displaced by both 17beta-E-6-BSA and 17alpha-E-6-BSA as well as partially by 17beta-estradiol and diethylstilbestrol (DES), but not by BSA. This finding opens up the possibility that estradiol, and probably other compounds with similar structures, in addition to their classical genomic mechanism, may interact with ATP synthase/ATPase by binding to OSCP, and thereby modulating cellular energy metabolism. Current experiments are addressing such an issue.  相似文献   

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