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Vegetation History and Archaeobotany - To investigate the changes in the structure and composition of the vegetation during the Pleistocene–Holocene transition, pollen and macrocharcoal...  相似文献   

Vegetation changes during the Holocene in the North Iberá, Corrientes, Argentina. Wetlands are very important sites for palynological studies, since they represent one of the most suitable environments for fossil pollen preservation. The aim of this work was to determine, by palynological analysis of lacustrine sediments, the vegetal communities and the predominant environment during the Holocene in NW of Iberá. Two lagoons were studied: San Sebastián and San Juan Poriahú. Sediment samples were obtained with witness using a "Levingstone square-rod sampler", processed with Faegri e Iversen techniques and dated with C14. The palynological graphs were divided in zones using the Tilia program. The palynological analysis allowed visualizing diverse changes in the vegetation: from 6 140 +/- 50 to 5 170 +/- 100 a. C., the NW of Iberá was characterized by marsh-herbaceous vegetation and arboreal vegetation typical of dry vegetation. From 5 170 +/- 100 to 3 460 +/- 60 a. C., a decrease in the species frequency, typical of wet environments, is produced, and the clogging of the waterbody, from 3460 +/- 60 a. C. onwards, while continuing the dominance of herbaceous vegetation typical of these environments, the arboreal pollen, indicates the beginning of a hygrophilous forest development.  相似文献   

Yellowstone National Park has been an important location for paleoecologic studies that focus on the use of charcoal data to reconstruct past fire activity and on the role of climate variations in shaping past vegetation and fire regimes. One hypothesis, which has been explored in other parts of the western U.S., is the idea that present-day summer-dry and summer-wet precipitation regimes were intensified during the early Holocene as a result of greater-than-present summer insolation and its effect on atmospheric circulation patterns. In Yellowstone, this hypothesis was previously examined at two sites, one in summer-wet and one in summer-dry precipitation regions. The records showed variation in both fire and vegetation history that supported the hypothesis. We present a fire and vegetation history from Blacktail Pond, located in Pseudotsuga parkland in the transitional region. The Blacktail Pond data indicate the following ecological history: prior to 12,000 cal yr BP, the site supported tundra vegetation and fire episodes were infrequent. Between 12,000 and 11,000 cal yr BP, PiceaPinus parkland was established and fire activity increased; these changes are consistent with increasing temperature, as a result of rising summer insolation. From 11,000 to 7600 cal yr BP, the presence of a closed forest of Pinus and some Picea is attributed to high levels of winter moisture, but high fire activity indicates that summers were drier than at present. After 7600 cal yr BP, the presence of forest and steppe vegetation in combination with high fire activity suggest that middle-Holocene conditions were warm and dry. The decrease in Picea and Betula in the last 4000 cal yr indicates continued drying in the late Holocene, although fire-episode frequency was relatively high until 2000 cal yr BP. The pollen data at Blacktail Pond and other low-elevation sites in the northern Rocky Mountains suggest a widespread vegetation response in summer-wet regions to effectively wetter conditions in the early Holocene and decreased moisture in the middle and late Holocene. In contrast, the more-variable fire history among the three sites implies either that (1) summer moisture stress and fire conditions are related to year-round moisture balance and not well predicted by the hypothesis, (2) the transitional area between summer-wet and summer-dry precipitation regimes experienced complicated shifts in effective moisture through time, and/or (3) fire-episode data have a limited source area that makes it difficult to separate local influences from regional climate changes in understanding long-term variations in fire-episode frequency.  相似文献   

Five pollen diagrams representing the upper Holocene vegetation and its anthropogenic changes are presented and evaluated. They come from small spring fens in the Czech (Moravian) and Slovak borderland. The northern part of the region (the Beskydy Mts) had natural, precultural forests with either coniferous trees (Picea abies and Abies alba) or mixed with Fagus sylvatica. In the southern part of the region (the Bílé Karpaty Mts) forests dominated by Fagus mixed with Acer, Fraxinus and Ulmus prevailed, whereas conifers were almost absent, although in a central, transitional region (northern Bílé Karpaty Mts) Abies was locally abundant in relatively humid places. Medieval colonisation deforested their lower areas and foothills in the course of the 11th–13th centuries and transformed the original mixed oak forests into fields and meadows, but the mountain forests were little affected. In the Beskydy Mts in the north, the Walachian colonisation of the 16th and 17th centuries transformed parts of the mountain forests into meadows, pasture and farmlands. Most remaining woodlands were transformed during the last two centuries into spruce plantations. In the Bílé Karpaty Mts in the south, the Walachian transformation of mountain forests had already started by the 15th century. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Site-scale species richness (alpha diversity) patterns are well described for many present-day ecosystems, but they are difficult to reconstruct from the fossil record. Very little is thus known about these patterns in Pleistocene full-glacial landscapes and their changes following Holocene climatic amelioration. However, present-day central Asian ecosystems with climatic features and biota similar to those of the full-glacial periods may serve as proxies of alpha diversity variation through both space and time during these periods. We measured alpha diversity of vascular plants, bryophytes, macrolichens and land snails, as well as environmental variables, in 100-m2 plots located in forests and open habitats in the Russian Altai Mountains and their northern foothills. This region contains adjacent areas that possess climatic and biotic features similar to mid-latitude Europe for both the Last Glacial Maximum and contemporaneous Holocene ecosystems. We related alpha diversity to environmental variables using generalized linear models and mapped it from the best-fit models. Climate was identified as the strongest predictor of alpha diversity across all taxa, with temperature being positively correlated to number of species of vascular plants and land snails and negatively correlated to that of bryophytes and macrolichens. Factors important for only some taxa included precipitation, soil pH, percentage cover of tree layer and proportion of grassland areas in the landscape around plots. These results, combined with the high degree of similarity between the current Altai biota and dry-cold Pleistocene ecosystems of Europe and northern Asia, suggest that vascular plant and land snail alpha diversity was low during cold phases of the Pleistocene with a general increase following the Holocene climatic amelioration. The opposite trend probably existed for terricolous bryophytes and macrolichens.  相似文献   

Clein  J S  McGuire  A D  Zhang  X  Kicklighter  D W  Melillo  J M  Wofsy  S C  Jarvis  P G  Massheder  J M 《Plant and Soil》2002,242(1):15-32
The role of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) interactions on sequestration of atmospheric CO2 in black spruce ecosystems across North America was evaluated with the Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) by applying parameterizations of the model in which C–N dynamics were either coupled or uncoupled. First, the performance of the parameterizations, which were developed for the dynamics of black spruce ecosystems at the Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research site in Alaska, were evaluated by simulating C dynamics at eddy correlation tower sites in the Boreal Ecosystem Atmosphere Study (BOREAS) for black spruce ecosystems in the northern study area (northern site) and the southern study area (southern site) with local climate data. We compared simulated monthly growing season (May to September) estimates of gross primary production (GPP), total ecosystem respiration (RESP), and net ecosystem production (NEP) from 1994 to 1997 to available field-based estimates at both sites. At the northern site, monthly growing season estimates of GPP and RESP for the coupled and uncoupled simulations were highly correlated with the field-based estimates (coupled: R 2= 0.77, 0.88 for GPP and RESP; uncoupled: R 2 = 0.67, 0.92 for GPP and RESP). Although the simulated seasonal pattern of NEP generally matched the field-based data, the correlations between field-based and simulated monthly growing season NEP were lower (R 2 = 0.40, 0.00 for coupled and uncoupled simulations, respectively) in comparison to the correlations between field-based and simulated GPP and RESP. The annual NEP simulated by the coupled parameterization fell within the uncertainty of field-based estimates in two of three years. On the other hand, annual NEP simulated by the uncoupled parameterization only fell within the field-based uncertainty in one of three years. At the southern site, simulated NEP generally matched field-based NEP estimates, and the correlation between monthly growing season field-based and simulated NEP (R 2 = 0.36, 0.20 for coupled and uncoupled simulations, respectively) was similar to the correlations at the northern site. To evaluate the role of N dynamics in C balance of black spruce ecosystems across North America, we simulated historical and projected C dynamics from 1900 to 2100 with a global-based climatology at 0.5° resolution (latitude × longitude) with both the coupled and uncoupled parameterizations of TEM. From analyses at the northern site, several consistent patterns emerge. There was greater inter-annual variability in net primary production (NPP) simulated by the uncoupled parameterization as compared to the coupled parameterization, which led to substantial differences in inter-annual variability in NEP between the parameterizations. The divergence between NPP and heterotrophic respiration was greater in the uncoupled simulation, resulting in more C sequestration during the projected period. These responses were the result of fundamentally different responses of the coupled and uncoupled parameterizations to changes in CO2 and climate.  相似文献   

Phenology controls the seasonal activities of vegetation on land surfaces and thus plays a fundamental role in regulating photosynthesis and other ecosystem processes. Therefore, accurately simulating phenology and soil processes is critical to ecosystem and climate modeling. In this study, we present an integrated ecosystem model of plant productivity, plant phenology, and the soil freeze–thaw process to (1) improve the quality of simulations of soil thermal regimes and (2) estimate the seasonal variability of plant phenology and its effects on plant productivity in high-altitude seasonal frozen regions. We tested different model configurations and parameterizations, including a refined soil stratification scheme that included unfrozen water in frozen soil, a remotely sensed diagnostic phenology scheme, and a modified prognostic phenology scheme, to describe the seasonal variation in vegetation. After refined soil layering resolution and the inclusion of unfrozen water in frozen soil, the results show that the model adequately reproduced the soil thermal regimes and their interactions observed at the site. The inclusion of unfrozen water in frozen soil was found to have a significant effect on soil moisture simulation during the spring but only a small effect on soil temperature simulation at this site. Moreover, the performance of improved phenology schemes was good. The phenology model accurately predicted the start and end of phenology, and its precise prediction of phenology variation allows an improved simulation of vegetation production.  相似文献   

Most bird species endure a high mortality at fledging, and selection should favour parental behaviour diminishing these costs. Post-fledging parental care varies greatly among species and is often linked to parent–offspring recognition. In the Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla), fledglings need to return to the natal nest to be fed by their parents until independence. Rejections of fledglings by non-parent adults may be fairly violent, and parents are expected to recognize and help their chicks at the time of first return. However, previous cross-fostering experiments pointed out that parents are not able to recognize their chicks up to 15 days before fledging. In this paper, we study the behaviour of both parents and juveniles at fledging. We found that parents answered significantly more to their fledgling's calls than to those of others. Compared to silent juveniles, juveniles that called before landing were more likely to be accepted by their parents. No such pattern was observed with foreign juveniles, indicating that fledglings’ voice may carry individual identity. Furthermore, fledglings found their way back to the natal nest faster when parents attended the natal nest and reacted to their offspring's calls than when they were absent or inactive. Such interactions may therefore diminish juvenile mortality at fledging.  相似文献   

重建中国北方泥河湾盆地中更新世(~603–587 ka)植被与气候中国北方泥河湾盆地发育了一套含有东方人类活动证据的晚新生代地层,既发现有早更新世(距今~1.66Ma–78ka)直立人使用的石制品,也有中更新世晚期(~370–260ka)早期智人的头盖骨、牙齿等直接证据。该系列地层中孢粉学的研究为我们探索早期人类生存环境提供了可能。本文研究的虎头梁剖面地质年代距今约603–587ka,介于直立人向早期智人演化的过渡时期。基于地层孢粉学组合分析,我们重建了当时的植被从温带针阔混交林-草原(以云杉属、冷杉属、桦木属、胡桃属、蒿属和藜科为主)逐渐向以松、云冷杉为主的针叶林转变的动态过程。通过对比同时期全球其他人类遗址,揭示了早期人类以洞穴生活为主,同时伴随比较开阔的草原或森林-草原植被,以及丰富的哺乳动物。据此,推测本研究揭示的~603–587ka前泥河湾盆地茂密针叶林的出现和开阔草原的消失可能是人类追逐着大多数哺乳动物向草原或森林-草原等开阔地迁移,而离开了泥河湾的新证据。这些新发现有助于增进和丰富我们对早期人类饮食、迁徙和定居等行为方面的认知,同时也填补了泥河湾盆地中更新世(780–400ka)时期古植被与古环境研究的空白。  相似文献   

As part of its annual bottom-trawl survey program, the Alaska Fisheries Science Center (AFSC) has been collecting and analyzing the stomach contents of groundfish predators since 1981. Between 1981 and 2011, a total of 233,451 fish stomachs were collected and analyzed from the eastern Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Aleutian Islands large marine ecosystems; these data are now available online as AFSC’s Groundfish Trophic Interactions Database. Here, we discuss features of the survey and data to aid in the interpretation and use of this extensive dataset for the Alaska region. The primary fish sampled include walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus), Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus), Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis), and arrowtooth flounder (Atheresthes stomias), although 159 predator species have been included in the stomach content analysis. Prey length measurements are included for important commercial prey and can identify age or size classes of prey prior to their recruitment into fisheries and most other surveys. With these data, one can track time trends in growth, mortality, and prey composition as ecosystem indicators, and include food web interactions in fish stock assessments for ecosystem-based fisheries management.  相似文献   

《Ecological Complexity》2005,2(2):159-174
The tree migration model TreeMig is presented as an example for modeling a complex ecological system. The model was derived from a forest gap model, reducing the gap models’ complexity by model aggregation and includes elements for showing complex behavior: many state variables, non-linear process functions, feedbacks and spatial interactions. Additionally, the model depends on external variables, namely climate. In a case study, the tree migration in the highly structured environment of the region of Valais in the Swiss Alps during the Holocene was simulated. The simulations were run on a grid with 1 km × 1 km resolution with a yearly time step. A scenario of temperature-anomalies in the Holocene, spatially interpolated climate data and times of species immigration into the simulation area was used as input. The simulation results were evaluated with regard to the spatio-temporal species composition and complexity, i.e. species diversity and spatio-temporal unevenness. Two indices of complexity were calculated from the simulated species biomasses in space and time: the Shannon–Weaver index for species diversity and an index of spatio-temporal complexity (unevenness) of total biomass. Both indices depended on climate, but in different ways. Tree species diversity was positively related to degree day sum, i.e. was high at low and smaller at high altitudes. Spatio-temporal complexity in turn was high at the alpine timberline, but very low at lower elevations. Increased complexity independent from climate occurred during migration waves into the simulation area. Spatio-temporal complexity was high when the first species colonized the region. Tree species diversity changed during the immigration wave of each immigrating species, particularly that of the dominant species Picea abies. At the fronts of the immigration waves in particular, spots of increased diversity appeared. However, no formation of stable patchy patterns was observed at the studied scale. The standard simulation, reflecting climate patterns and endogenous processes such as local dispersal, long-range migration and succession was compared to simulations, where single or all endogenous processes were excluded. The dissimilarities between the species compositions of these simulations indicated that after immigration of dominant species succession and migration strongly influence the species pattern, succession over centuries and migration over millennia. I conclude that the species pattern and its complexity, as shown by the model simulations, were to a great extent determined by external factors and their complexity. After changes in the boundary conditions, succession and migration had a strong influence.  相似文献   

A classic question in plant ecology is “why is the world green?” That is, if plants are food for animals why do not animals eat all the available food – changing a ‘green world’ into a ‘brown world’. We first reviewed this question in 2009 and now revisit our arguments in the light of new data and new thinking. Here we argue that (1) the top–down bottom–up dichotomy is probably too simple for understanding a complex system – such as vegetation – rich in feedback processes. (2) Nevertheless it appears that bottom–up processes are generally more important for maintaining the presence of some sort of vegetation while top–down control process are generally more important in determining the type of vegetation at a site. (3) Although this review mainly takes a qualitative and experimental approach to the question, we also argue that simple well-known mathematical models from population ecology can be very informative in thinking about the types of explanations for the green world phenomenon, and demonstrating that it is rarely a simple choice between one form of control or another.  相似文献   

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Highlights► Rhizobacteria degrade a wide range of pollutants and efficiently colonize plant roots. ► Plants have an effect on the selection of their own rhizospheric microorganisms. ► Catabolic pathways can be induced by natural secondary plant products. ► Horizontal gene transfer has an important role in bioremediation. ► Manipulation of plant/microbe interactions could improve rhizoremediation outcomes.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology - Huntingtin (HTT) occurs in the neuronal cytoplasm and can interact with structural elements of synapses. Huntington’s disease (HD) results from pathological expansion of a...  相似文献   

Fundamental uncertainties exist in the study region about the former lowland vegetation at local scales. All existing palaeoecological results are derived from sediments of medium- to large-sized sites (8–5000 ha), which are thought to record mainly regional vegetation in their pollen content. Therefore the very small mire at Balladrum (0.05 ha) was analysed for pollen, plant-macrofossils, and charcoal and the results compared with those of previous studies in the same region. Common regional signals were detected, but also new insights for the tree species Pinus cembra (L.), Abies alba (Mill.) and Castanea sativa (Mill.). Our palaeobotanical data reveal the local dominance of the timberline species P. cembra during the Lateglacial (16500–14250 cal b.p.) at low-altitudes. For A. alba an early presence in the area is suggested by pollen data, corroborating previous high-altitudinal studies indicating the presence of glacial refugia in the region. Occasional findings of C. sativa pollen throughout the Holocene may indicate the local but very rare presence of this species in the Insubrian Southern Alps, in contrast to the conventional opinion that C. sativa was introduced during the Roman Period. Altogether the results confirm the need of multiproxy palaeobotanical records from basins of variable size to assess the past composition of vegetation more accurately. Communicated by F. Bittmann  相似文献   

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