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We examined the influence of affective priming on the appreciation of abstract artworks using an evaluative priming task. Facial primes (showing happiness, disgust or no emotion) were presented under brief (Stimulus Onset Asynchrony, SOA = 20ms) and extended (SOA = 300ms) conditions. Differences in aesthetic liking for abstract paintings depending on the emotion expressed in the preceding primes provided a measure of the priming effect. The results showed that, for the extended SOA, artworks were liked more when preceded by happiness primes and less when preceded by disgust primes. Facial expressions of happiness, though not of disgust, exerted similar effects in the brief SOA condition. Subjective measures and a forced-choice task revealed no evidence of prime awareness in the suboptimal condition. Our results are congruent with findings showing that the affective transfer elicited by priming biases evaluative judgments, extending previous research to the domain of aesthetic appreciation.  相似文献   

Molecular components of the dopamine D3 receptor (DRD3) may play an important role in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. Previous studies have demonstrated an association between DRD3 Ser9Gly and cathechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT, SNP = rs165656) polymorphisms and schizophrenia but the results were inconclusive. We investigated this apparent association between Ser9Gly (A/G) polymorphism and an intronic SNP (dbSNP or rs165656) in 261 Malay patients diagnosed with schizophrenia and 216 controls, using PCR-RFLP. The genotype distribution of the polymorphism DRD3 Ser9Gly was in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE) for patients (P = 0.1251) and out of HWE for controls (P = 0.0137). However, both healthy controls and schizophrenia patients were out of HWE for the polymorphism COMT rs165656. Based on allele and genotype frequencies in both groups, we found no significant association of DRD3 Ser9Gly polymorphisms and COMT (rs165656) with schizophrenia in Malays. Further studies should examine the association between other dopamine-related genes and the behavioral phenotypes of schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Although a great deal of research has been conducted on the recognition of basic facial emotions (e.g., anger, happiness, sadness), much less research has been carried out on the more subtle facial expressions of an individual''s mental state (e.g., anxiety, disinterest, relief). Of particular concern is that these mental state expressions provide a crucial source of communication in everyday life but little is known about the accuracy with which natural dynamic facial expressions of mental states are identified and, in particular, the variability in mental state perception that is produced. Here we report the findings of two studies that investigated the accuracy and variability with which dynamic facial expressions of mental states were identified by participants. Both studies used stimuli carefully constructed using procedures adopted in previous research, and free-report (Study 1) and forced-choice (Study 2) measures of response accuracy and variability. The findings of both studies showed levels of response accuracy that were accompanied by substantial variation in the labels assigned by observers to each mental state. Thus, when mental states are identified from facial expressions in experiments, the identities attached to these expressions appear to vary considerably across individuals. This variability raises important issues for understanding the identification of mental states in everyday situations and for the use of responses in facial expression research.  相似文献   

We identified subsets of neurons in the brain that coexpress the dopamine receptor subtype-2 (DRD2) and the ghrelin receptor (GHSR1a). Combination of FRET confocal microscopy and Tr-FRET established the presence of GHSR1a:DRD2 heteromers in hypothalamic neurons. To interrogate function, mice were treated with the selective DRD2 agonist cabergoline, which produced anorexia in wild-type and ghrelin?/? mice; intriguingly, ghsr?/? mice were refractory illustrating dependence on GHSR1a, but not ghrelin. Elucidation of mechanism showed that formation of GHSR1a:DRD2 heteromers allosterically modifies canonical DRD2 dopamine signaling resulting in Gβγ subunit-dependent mobilization of [Ca2?](i) independent of GHSR1a basal activity. By targeting the interaction between GHSR1a and DRD2 in wild-type mice with a highly selective GHSR1a antagonist (JMV2959) cabergoline-induced anorexia was blocked. Inhibiting dopamine signaling in subsets of neurons with a GHSR1a antagonist has profound therapeutic implications by providing enhanced selectivity because neurons expressing DRD2 alone would be unaffected.  相似文献   



Research suggests that older adults display a positivity bias at the level of information processing. However, because studies investigating attentional bias for emotional information in older adults have produced mixed findings, research identifying inter-individual differences that may explain these inconsistent results is necessary. Therefore, we investigated whether mood, symptoms of depression, symptoms of anxiety and future time perspective are related to attentional bias in older adults.


Thirty-seven healthy older adults and 25 healthy middle-aged adults completed questionnaires to assess mood, symptoms of depression, symptoms of anxiety and future time perspective. Attentional bias towards happy, sad and neutral information was measured using a modified exogenous cueing paradigm with long cue presentations, to measure maintained attention versus avoidance of emotional stimuli.


Older adults showed attentional avoidance for all emotional faces, whereas no attentional biases were found in the middle-aged group. Moreover, in the older adult group, avoidance for negative information was related to anxiety. Future time perspective was unrelated to attentional bias.


These findings suggest that anxiety may lead to inter-individual differences in attentional bias in older adults, and that avoidance from negative information may be an emotion regulation strategy.  相似文献   

Whether Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is associated with an increased attentional bias to emotive stimuli remains controversial. Additionally, it is unclear whether comorbid depression modulates abnormal emotional processing in OCD. This study examined attentional bias to OC-relevant scenes using a visual search task. Controls, non-depressed and depressed OCD patients searched for their personally selected positive images amongst their negative distractors, and vice versa. Whilst the OCD groups were slower than healthy individuals in rating the images, there were no group differences in the magnitude of negative bias to concern-related scenes. A second experiment employing a common set of images replicated the results on an additional sample of OCD patients. Although there was a larger bias to negative OC-related images without pre-exposure overall, no group differences in attentional bias were observed. However, OCD patients subsequently rated the images more slowly and more negatively, again suggesting post-attentional processing abnormalities. The results argue against a robust attentional bias in OCD patients, regardless of their depression status and speak to generalized difficulties disengaging from negative valence stimuli. Rather, post-attentional processing abnormalities may account for differences in emotional processing in OCD.  相似文献   

Compulsive sexual behaviour (CSB) is relatively common and has been associated with significant distress and psychosocial impairments. CSB has been conceptualized as either an impulse control disorder or a non-substance ‘behavioural’ addiction. Substance use disorders are commonly associated with attentional biases to drug cues which are believed to reflect processes of incentive salience. Here we assess male CSB subjects compared to age-matched male healthy controls using a dot probe task to assess attentional bias to sexually explicit cues. We show that compared to healthy volunteers, CSB subjects have enhanced attentional bias to explicit cues but not neutral cues particularly for early stimuli latency. Our findings suggest enhanced attentional bias to explicit cues possibly related to an early orienting attentional response. This finding dovetails with our recent observation that sexually explicit videos were associated with greater activity in a neural network similar to that observed in drug-cue-reactivity studies. Greater desire or wanting rather than liking was further associated with activity in this neural network. These studies together provide support for an incentive motivation theory of addiction underlying the aberrant response towards sexual cues in CSB.  相似文献   

Although most codon third bases appear to be functionless, the synonymous codons so defined exhibit a strikingly nonrandom distribution (codon bias) within human and other genes. To examine this phenomenon further, we generated a database of DNA sequences encoding human transmembrane cell-surface receptor proteins. Using this database we show here that the guanine and cytosine content of codon third bases (GC3) varies intragenically with the nature of the specified receptor domains (transmembrane > extracellular > intracellular domains; p < 0.001), the phenotype of the encoded amino acids (hydrophobic > hydrophilic > neutral amino acids; p < 0.001), and the receptor affiliation of the transmembrane domain superfamily (G-protein- coupled receptors > receptor tyrosine kinases; p < 0.001). Within gene regions specifying transmembrane domains, GC3 declines as domain functionality becomes redundant with increasing hydrophobicity (p < 0.001). Codons containing the second-base cytosine (XCZ, which encodes neutral amino acids) are selectively depleted of third-base adenine content (A3: XCA codons) when encoding transmembrane domain residues, consistent with positive selection for transitional mutation of XCG to XTG (which encodes hydrophobic amino acids) rather than to the synonymous XCA. Supporting this XCG XTG mechanism of codon bias, the G3:A3 ratio of codons specifying the transmembrane amino acid glycine (GGZ) is intermediate between that of its functional homolog alanine (GCZ) and that of hydrophobic valine (GTZ), even though the C3:T3 ratios are similar. Conversely, nearest-neighbor analysis of third bases 5 to codons specifying valine and leucine (CTZ) confirms a significant difference in C3:T3 but not G3:A3 ratios (i.e., C3/G1 T3/G1 > C3/A1; p < 0.001), consistent with the functionally advantageous retention of hydrophobic residues. These data raise the possibility that patterns of intragenic codon bias reflect a balance between negative and positive selection, suggesting in turn that analysis of codon third-base usage may help to predict the functional significance of encoded products. Supplementary information: Current address: (K. Lin) College of Life Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China  相似文献   

Human neutrophil antigen 2 (HNA-2) deficiency is a common phenotype as 3–5% humans do not express HNA-2. HNA-2 is coded by CD177 gene that associates with human myeloproliferative disorders. HNA-2 deficient individuals are prone to produce HNA-2 alloantibodies that cause a number of disorders including transfusion-related acute lung injury and immune neutropenia. In addition, the percentages of HNA-2 positive neutrophils vary significantly among individuals and HNA-2 expression variations play a role in human diseases such as myelodysplastic syndrome, chronic myelogenous leukemia, and gastric cancer. The underlying genetic mechanism of HNA-2 deficiency and expression variations has remained a mystery. In this study, we identified a novel CD177 nonsense single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP 829A>T) that creates a stop codon within the CD177 coding region. We found that all 829TT homozygous individuals were HNA-2 deficient. In addition, the SNP 829A>T genotypes were significantly associated with the percentage of HNA-2 positive neutrophils. Transfection experiments confirmed that HNA-2 expression was absent on cells expressing the CD177 SNP 829T allele. Our data clearly demonstrate that the CD177 SNP 829A>T is the primary genetic determinant for HNA-2 deficiency and expression variations. The mechanistic delineation of HNA-2 genetics will enable the development of genetic tests for diagnosis and prognosis of HNA-2-related human diseases.  相似文献   

This study examined the relations of genetic variants in catechol- O -methyltransferase ( COMT ) gene, including rs737865 in intron 1, rs4680 in exon 4 (Val158Met) and downstream rs165599, to schizophrenia and its related neurocognitive functions in families of patients with schizophrenia. Totally, 680 individuals from 166 simplex (166 affected members and 354 nonpsychotic first-degree relatives) and 46 multiplex families (85 affected members and 75 nonpsychotic first-degree relatives) were interviewed using Diagnostic Interview for Genetic Studies, administered Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) and Continuous Performance Test (CPT), and drawn for venous blood. Both categorical (dichotomizing families on affected members' neurocognitive performance) and quantitative approaches toward the WCST and CPT performance scores were employed using the family-based association test and the variance components framework, respectively. Both false discovery rate and permutations were used to adjust for multiple testing. The genotypes of rs4680 were associated with both the WCST and CPT performance scores in these families, but not with schizophrenia per se in either whole sample or subgroup analyses. Meanwhile, the other two single nucleotide polymorphisms were differentially associated with the two tasks. For WCST indexes, regardless of subgroup analyses or quantitative approach, only rs737865 exhibited moderate associations. For CPT indexes, rs737865 exhibited association for the subgroup with deficit on CPT reaction time, whereas rs165599 exhibited association for the subgroup with deficit on CPT d' as well as quantitative undegraded d'. Our results indicate that the genetic variants in COMT might be involved in modulation of neurocognitive functions and hence conferring increased risk to schizophrenia.  相似文献   

Transglutaminase (TG) is a family of enzymes that catalyzes cross-linking reactions among proteins. Using fluorescent-labeled highly reactive substrate peptides, we recently developed a system to visualize isozyme-specific in situ enzymatic activity. In the present study, we investigated the in situ activities of TG1 (skin-type) and TG2 (tissue-type) using whole mouse sections of various embryonic developmental stages and neonates. In each case, we also successfully used immunostaining of identical whole mouse sections for protein expression after detection of enzymatic activities. In general, the enzymatic activity was correlated with TG protein expression. However, in some tissues, TG protein expression patterns, which were inconsistent with the enzymatic activities, suggested that inactive TGs were produced possibly by self cross-linking or other modifications. Our method allowed us to simultaneously observe developmental variations in both TG isozyme-specific activities and protein levels in mouse embryonic and neonate tissues.  相似文献   

Haploinsufficiency of 22q11 genes including catechol- O -methyltransferase (COMT) and proline dehydrogenase (PRODH) may result in structural and functional brain abnormalities and increased vulnerability to schizophrenia as observed in patients with microdeletions of 22q11. Thus, COMT and PRODH could be modifier genes for schizophrenia. We examined association of polymorphisms in COMT and PRODH with brain anatomy in young patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder. We acquired structural magnetic resonance imaging data from 51 male patients and genotyped two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the COMT gene and three in the PRODH gene. Statistical Parametric Mapping software and optimized voxel-based morphometry were used to determine regional gray matter (GM) and white matter (WM) density differences, and total GM and WM volume differences between genotype groups. Two nonsynonymous SNPs in the PRODH gene were associated with bilateral frontal WM density reductions and an SNP in the P2 promoter region of COMT (rs2097603) was associated with GM increase in the right superior temporal gyrus. Furthermore, we found evidence for COMT and PRODH epistasis: in patients with a COMT Val allele (rs4680) and with one or two mutated PRODH alleles, we observed increased WM density in the left inferior frontal lobe. Our results suggest that genetic variation in COMT and PRODH has significant effects on brain regions known to be affected in schizophrenia. Further research is needed to investigate the role of 22q11 genes on brain structure and function and their role in vulnerability for schizophrenia.  相似文献   



Research suggests that interaction between humans and digital environments characterizes a form of companionship in addition to technical convenience. To this effect, humans have attempted to design computer systems able to demonstrably empathize with the human affective experience. Facial electromyography (EMG) is one such technique enabling machines to access to human affective states. Numerous studies have investigated the effects of valence emotions on facial EMG activity captured over the corrugator supercilii (frowning muscle) and zygomaticus major (smiling muscle). The arousal emotion, specifically, has not received much research attention, however. In the present study, we sought to identify intensive valence and arousal affective states via facial EMG activity.


Ten blocks of affective pictures were separated into five categories: neutral valence/low arousal (0VLA), positive valence/high arousal (PVHA), negative valence/high arousal (NVHA), positive valence/low arousal (PVLA), and negative valence/low arousal (NVLA), and the ability of each to elicit corresponding valence and arousal affective states was investigated at length. One hundred and thirteen participants were subjected to these stimuli and provided facial EMG. A set of 16 features based on the amplitude, frequency, predictability, and variability of signals was defined and classified using a support vector machine (SVM).


We observed highly accurate classification rates based on the combined corrugator and zygomaticus EMG, ranging from 75.69% to 100.00% for the baseline and five affective states (0VLA, PVHA, PVLA, NVHA, and NVLA) in all individuals. There were significant differences in classification rate accuracy between senior and young adults, but there was no significant difference between female and male participants.


Our research provides robust evidences for recognition of intensive valence and arousal affective states in young and senior adults. These findings contribute to the successful future application of facial EMG for identifying user affective states in human machine interaction (HMI) or companion robotic systems (CRS).  相似文献   

本文对205例情感性障碍患者的遗传因素与遗传方式作了研究.分析了先证者的家族遗传史,各级亲属的患病率及环境因素的作用,认为遗传因素在悄感性障碍的病因中具有重要的意义.同时,通过统计分析,指出情感性障碍的遗传方式为多基因遗传,其加权午均遗传率为78.99%.  相似文献   

Negative symptoms of schizophrenia, including anhedonia, represent a heavy burden on patients and their relatives. These symptoms are associated with cortical hypodopamynergia and impaired striatal dopamine release in response to reward stimuli. Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) and monoamine oxidase type B (MAO-B) degrade dopamine and affect its neurotransmission. The study determined the association between COMT rs4680 and rs4818, MAO-B rs1799836 and rs6651806 polymorphisms, the severity of negative symptoms, and physical and social anhedonia in schizophrenia. Sex-dependent associations were detected in a research sample of 302 patients with schizophrenia. In female patients with schizophrenia, the presence of the G allele or GG genotype of COMT rs4680 and rs4818, as well as GG haplotype rs4818-rs4680, which were all related to higher COMT activity, was associated with an increase in several dimensions of negative symptoms and anhedonia. In male patients with schizophrenia, carriers of the MAO-B rs1799836 A allele, presumably associated with higher MAO-B activity, had a higher severity of alogia, while carriers of the A allele of the MAO-B rs6651806 had a higher severity of negative symptoms. These findings suggest that higher dopamine degradation, associated with COMT and MAO-B genetic variants, is associated with a sex-specific increase in the severity of negative symptoms in schizophrenia patients.  相似文献   

The human α/β hydrolase domain-containing protein 2 gene (ABHD2) plays a critical role in pulmonary emphysema, a major subset of the clinical entity known as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Here, we evaluated genetic variation in the ABHD2 gene in a Chinese Han population of 286 COPD patients and 326 control subjects. The rs12442260 CT/CC genotype was associated with COPD (P < 0.001) under a dominant model. In the former-smoker group, the rs12442260 TT genotype was associated with a decreased risk of developing COPD after adjusting for age, gender and pack-years (P = 0.012). Rs12442260 was also associated with pre-FEV1 (the predicted bronchodilator forced expiratory volume in the first second) in controls (P = 0.027), but with FEV1/ forced vital capacity (FVC) ratios only in COPD patients (P = 0.012) under a dominant model. Results from the current study suggest that ABHD2 gene polymorphisms contribute to COPD susceptibility in the Chinese Han population.  相似文献   

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