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Electricity can be directly generated by bacteria in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) from many different biodegradable substrates. When cellulose is used as the substrate, electricity generation requires a microbial community with both cellulolytic and exoelectrogenic activities. Cellulose degradation with electricity production by a pure culture has not been previously demonstrated without addition of an exogenous mediator. Using a specially designed U-tube MFC, we enriched a consortium of exoelectrogenic bacteria capable of using cellulose as the sole electron donor. After 19 dilution-to-extinction serial transfers of the consortium, 16S rRNA gene-based community analysis using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and band sequencing revealed that the dominant bacterium was Enterobacter cloacae. An isolate designated E. cloacae FR from the enrichment was found to be 100% identical to E. cloacae ATCC 13047T based on a partial 16S rRNA sequence. In polarization tests using the U-tube MFC and cellulose as a substrate, strain FR produced 4.9 ± 0.01 mW/m2, compared to 5.4 ± 0.3 mW/m2 for strain ATCC 13047T. These results demonstrate for the first time that it is possible to generate electricity from cellulose using a single bacterial strain without exogenous mediators.Exoelectrogenic microorganisms can release electrons to electron acceptors outside the cell, such as iron oxides or carbon anodes in microbial fuel cells (MFCs). Members of many genera, including Rhodoferax (6), Shewanella (13, 14), Pseudomonas (29), Aeromonas (28), Geobacter (2), Geopsychrobacter (10), Desulfuromonas (1), Desulfobulbus (9), Clostridium (27), Geothrix (3), Ochrobactrum (40), and Rhodopseudomonas (38), have been shown to produce electricity in an MFC. These bacteria have been grown on simple soluble substrates, such as glucose or acetate, that can be directly taken into the cell and used for energy production.Cellulose is the most abundant biopolymer in the world, and there is great interest in using this material as a substrate in an MFC. However, use of a particulate substrate in an MFC has not been well investigated. Cellulose must first be hydrolyzed to a soluble substrate that can be taken up by the cell. In previous MFC tests this has required the use of enzymes to hydrolyze the cellulose into sugars or the use of cocultures or mixed cultures (32, 33, 35). For example, Ren et al. (32) used a coculture of the cellulose fermentor Clostridium cellulolyticum and the exoelectrogen Geobacter sulfurreducens to generate electricity in an MFC fed with cellulose. Analysis of the anode microbial communities in other studies of cellulose-fed MFCs showed that Clostridium spp. (in a biofilm) and Comamonadaceae (in suspension) were predominant when rumen contents were used as an inoculum (35), while a rice paddy soil inoculum (12) converged to a Rhizobiales-dominated anode community (more than 30% of the population). To date, it has not been demonstrated that a single microbe can both degrade cellulose and generate current.Conventional methods of isolating exoelectrogenic microorganisms are based primarily on identifying microorganisms that can respire using soluble or insoluble metal oxides in agar plates (20-22). However, not all dissimilatory metal oxide-reducing bacteria are capable of producing electricity in an MFC, and not all bacteria that produce current in an MFC can grow using metal oxides (5, 34). Therefore, these methods may miss important electrochemically active strains of microorganisms. A new method to isolate exoelectrogenic microorganisms was recently developed (40); this method is based on dilution to extinction and a specially designed U-tube MFC that enriches exoelectrogenic bacteria on the anode. Using this method, a bacterium that could produce electricity in an MFC but not respire using iron was isolated (40).The main objective of this study was to isolate a bacterium capable of producing current from particulate cellulose. A cellulose-degrading consortium was diluted and serially transferred into U-tube MFCs using cellulose as the sole electron donor. Community analysis demonstrated the predominance of a single bacterium, which was isolated and compared to a culture collection strain for generation of current in an MFC.  相似文献   

We have investigated two approaches to enhance and extend H2 photoproduction yields in heterocystous, N2-fixing cyanobacteria entrapped in thin alginate films. In the first approach, periodic CO2 supplementation was provided to alginate-entrapped, N-deprived cells. N deprivation led to the inhibition of photosynthetic activity in vegetative cells and the attenuation of H2 production over time. Our results demonstrated that alginate-entrapped ΔhupL cells were considerably more sensitive to high light intensity, N deficiency, and imbalances in C/N ratios than wild-type cells. In the second approach, Anabaena strain PCC 7120, its ΔhupL mutant, and Calothrix strain 336/3 films were supplemented with N2 by periodic treatments of air, or air plus CO2. These treatments restored the photosynthetic activity of the cells and led to a high level of H2 production in Calothrix 336/3 and ΔhupL cells (except for the treatment air plus CO2) but not in the Anabaena PCC 7120 strain (for which H2 yields did not change after air treatments). The highest H2 yield was obtained by the air treatment of ΔhupL cells. Notably, the supplementation of CO2 under an air atmosphere led to prominent symptoms of N deficiency in the ΔhupL strain but not in the wild-type strain. We propose that uptake hydrogenase activity in heterocystous cyanobacteria not only supports nitrogenase activity by removing excess O2 from heterocysts but also indirectly protects the photosynthetic apparatus of vegetative cells from photoinhibition, especially under stressful conditions that cause an imbalance in the C/N ratio in cells.  相似文献   

Symbioses between uptake hydrogenase host-regulated (Hup-hr) phenotypes of Bradyrhizobium japonicum and exotic, agronomically unadapted soybean germ plasm were examined for expression of uptake hydrogenase activity. Determinations for hydrogen evolution and uptake hydrogenase activity identified five plant introduction (PI) lines which formed hydrogen-oxidizing symbioses with strains USDA 61 and PA3 6c. Hup-hr strains belonging to serogroup 94 expressed uptake hydrogenase activity in symbioses with PI 181696 and PI 219655 at rates sufficient to prevent hydrogen from escaping the nodules. The identification of soybean germ plasm forming hydrogen-oxidizing symbioses with Hup-hr bradyrhizobia potentially has implications for enhancing nitrogen fixation efficiency in soybean production.  相似文献   

研究了酒色着色菌(Chromatium vinosum DSM185)利用产酸克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella oxytoca HP1)发酵产氢废液进行光发酵和暗发酵产氢的可行性,以达到对产氢底物的充分利用和对产氢废液的进一步处理。研究结果表明C.vinosum可以利用K.oxytoca的发酵废液进行光发酵产氢和暗发酵产氢。C.vinosum发酵产氢后废液中残余还原糖和主要有机酸(丁酸)的含量明显降低,发酵产氢的最佳pH为6.5,添加0.1%(W/W)NH4Cl能促进产氢。在光照条件下丁酸利用率可达54.38%,产氢量达36.97 mL/mg;在黑暗条件下丁酸利用率可达36.01%,产氢量达37.50mL/mg。  相似文献   

研究了酒色着色菌(Chromatiumvinosum DSM185)利用产酸克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiellaoxytoca HP1)发酵产氢废液进行光发酵和暗发酵产氢的可行性,以达到对产氢底物的充分利用和对产氢废液的进一步处理。研究结果表明C.vinosum可以利用K.oxytoca的发酵废液进行光发酵产氢和暗发酵产氢。C.vinosum发酵产氢后废液中残余还原糖和主要有机酸(丁酸)的含量明显降低,发酵产氢的最佳pH为6.5,添加0.1%(W/W)NH4Cl能促进产氢。在光照条件下丁酸利用率可达54.38%,产氢量达36.97mL/mg;在黑暗条件下丁酸利用率可达36.01%,产氢量达37.50mL/mg。  相似文献   

A simple procedure that uses a cellulose-enriched culture started from sewage sludge was developed for producing cellulolytic enzymes and converting cellulose to acetic acid rather than CH4 and CO2. In this procedure, the culture which converts cellulose to CH4 and CO2 was mixed with a synthetic medium and cellulose and heated to 80°C for 15 min before incubation. The end products formed were acetic acid, propionic acid, CO2, and traces of ethanol and H2. Supernatants from 6- to 10-day-old cultures contained 16 to 36 mM acetic acid. Cellulolytic enzymes in the supernatant were stable at 2°C under aerobic conditions for up to 4 weeks and had the ability to hydrolyze carboxymethyl cellulose, a microcystalline cellulose, cellobiose, xylan, and filter paper to reducing sugars.  相似文献   

Summary An integrated mixed bacterial culture consisting of four strains has been isolated by a batch enrichment technique. The cellulolytic member (strain D) is aCellulomonas sp. and the others are non-cellulolytic. The interaction between strains D and C is pronounced and appears to involve an exchange of reducing sugars and growth factors. The symbiotic relationship of this naturally occurring mixed culture is therefore one of mutualism. The filter paper cellulase and carboxymethyl cellulase activities in extracellular fluid are high, while -glucosidase activity is low. The mixed culture digests a variety of lignocellulosics efficiently and is of fundamental interest in the study of microbial interrelationships.  相似文献   

Cellulose synthesis: a complex complex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cellulose is the world's most abundant biopolymer and a key structural component of the plant cell wall. Cellulose is comprised of hydrogen-bonded beta-1,4-linked glucan chains that are synthesized at the plasma membrane by large cellulose synthase (CESA) complexes. Recent advances in visualization of fluorescently labelled complexes have facilitated exploration of regulatory modes of cellulose production. For example, several herbicides, such as isoxaben and 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile that inhibit cellulose production appear to affect different aspects of synthesis. Dual-labelling of cytoskeletal components and CESAs has revealed dynamic feedback regulation between cellulose synthesis and microtubule orientation and organization. In addition, fluorescently tagged CESA2 subunits may substitute for another subunit, CESA6, which suggests both plasticity and specificity for one of the components of the CESA complex.  相似文献   

生物电化学系统(Bioelectrochemical systems,BESs)可将污染物的降解转化与电能紧密耦联,具有适用基质广泛、反应过程温和且效率高的特点,在环境污染治理中具有广阔的应用前景。近几年,BESs也逐渐被应用到废气处理。由于微生物和电化学过程的复合作用,BESs显示出较高的处理效率和良好的应用前景。本文在对废气类型、效果及反应器构型进行总结的基础上,还对BESs中的重要功能微生物和微生物电化学反应机理进行介绍和讨论,并对BESs在废气处理方面需要解决的问题和研究方向进行展望,以期为提高生物电化学系统的处理性能提供参考。  相似文献   

The development of efficient hydrogen evolution reaction electrocatalysts is critical to the realization of clean hydrogen fuel production, while the sluggish kinetics of the Volmer‐step substantially restricts the catalyst performances in alkali electrolyzers, even for noble metal catalysts such as Pt. Here, a Pt‐decorated Ni3N nanosheet electrocatalyst is developed to achieve a top performance of hydrogen evolution in alkaline conditions. Possessing a high metallic conductivity and an atomic‐thin semiconducting hydroxide surface, the Ni3N nanosheets serve as not only an efficient electron pathway without the hindrance of Schottky barriers, but also provide abundant active sites for water dissociation and generation of hydrogen intermediates, which are further adsorbed on the Pt surface to recombine to H2. The Pt‐decorated Ni3N nanosheet catalyst exhibits a hydrogen evolution current density of 200 mA cm?2 at an overpotential of 160 mV versus reversible hydrogen electrode, a Tafel slope of ≈36.5 mV dec?1, and excellent stability of 82.5% current retention after 24 h of operation. Moreover, a hybrid cell consisting of a Pt‐decorated Ni3N nanosheet cathode and a Li‐metal anode is assembled to achieve simultaneous hydrogen evolution and electricity generation, exhibiting >60 h long‐term hydrogen evolution reaction stability and an output voltage ranging from 1.3 to 2.2 V.  相似文献   

We adapted a method for the rapid screening of colonies of free-living Rhizobium japonicum for hydrogenase activity to determine the hydrogenase status of individual soybean nodules. Crude bacteroid suspensions from nodules containing strains known to be hydrogen uptake positive (Hup+) caused a localized decolorization of filter paper disks, whereas suspensions from nodules arising from inoculation with hydrogen uptake-negative (Hup) mutants or strains did not decolorize the disks. The reliability of the method was demonstrated by its successful application to 29 slow-growing rhizobia. The Hup phenotype on methylene blue filters agreed with that determined amperometrically with either methylene blue or oxygen as the electron acceptor.  相似文献   

A recently discovered class of bicovalent flavoproteins is an interesting group of enzymes because of their unusual cofactor binding mode, their open active sites and the bulky substrates they can accept. Through a sequence comparison study we have identified a conserved sequence region in bicovalent flavoproteins that is different from monocovalent flavoproteins. Based on this and the available structural information we have designed mutants of the prototype monocovalent flavoprotein, 6-hydroxy-d-nicotine oxidase (6HDNO), in order to introduce a second cofactor-protein linkage. Two amino acid replacements, namely histidine 130 to a cysteine and leucine 138 to a histidine, were sufficient to create a bicovalent 6HDNO. The introduced cysteine forms a covalent bond with FAD as found in natural bicovalent flavoproteins, while the second mutation was found to be essential to facilitate the formation of the cysteinyl linkage. This points to an important role of the introduced histidine in stabilizing a negative charge of the isoalloxazine ring during covalent flavinylation. The His130Cys/Leu138His 6HDNO is still active and shows a higher midpoint redox potential when compared to wild-type 6HDNO. This agrees well with the previous studies that have shown that bicovalent flavoenzymes have extremely high redox potentials  相似文献   

Turning cells red: signal transduction mediated by erythropoietin   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Erythropoietin (EPO) is the crucial cytokine regulator of red blood-cell production. Since the discovery of EPO in 1985 and the isolation of its cognate receptor four years later, there has been significant interest in understanding the unique ability of this ligand-receptor pair to promote erythroid mitogenesis, survival and differentiation. The development of knockout mice has elucidated the precise role of the ligand, receptor and downstream players in murine erythroid development. In this review, we summarize EPO-mediated signaling pathways and examine their significance in vivo.  相似文献   

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