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High temperature tolerance experiments performed on Pocillopora damicornis, a major reef-building coral in the tropical eastern Pacific, resulted in loss of zooxanthellae, histopathological abnormalities, and mortality similar to that observed during the severe 1982–83 El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event. Coral vitality declined significantly at 30–32°C during a 10-week period, but remained high at normal temperatures (26–28°C). Laboratory time courses to coral morbidity and death were similar to those observed in the field. Experimental high temperatures had a greater negative effect on corals from the Gulf of Panama, which experiences seasonally cool upwellings, than on corals from the nonupwelling Gulf of Chiriqui. The condition of obligate symbiotic crustaceans (Trapezia, Alpheus) associated with experimental corals declined with their host's declining condition. All Gulf of Panama corals subjected to 32°C were dead after 5 weeks, and all of their associated crustacean symbionts were dead after 9 weeks. Gulf of Chiriqui corals at 30°C survived for 9 weeks and 42% of their crustacean symbionts were still alive after 10 weeks. Coral mortality in the Gulf of Panama was significantly higher (68.5%) after El Niño warming than after subsequent episodes of unusually intense cool upwellings (10.4%). Low temperature stress (cool currents and upwelling) has been generally suggested as the critical limiting condition that prevents extensive coral reef development in the eastern Pacific. Our results suggest that infrequent but severe ENSO sea warming events also may limit reef development in this region.  相似文献   

Summary Population dynamics of pinnipeds living in the tropical upwelling ecosystem of the Galapagos were strongly influenced by the 1982–83 Southern Oscillation-El Niño (EN) event which was the strongest recorded in this century. The Galapagos fur seal (Arctocephalus galapagoensis) population lost the four youngest year classes (1980–1983) almost entirely and approximately 30% of the adult females and non-territorial males. Mortality of large territorial males was almost 100%. Most of the 1982 year class of Galapagos sea lions (Zalophus californianus wollebaeki) died and there was a much lower pup production in the breeding season following EN. Recurrent EN events must strongly influence age structure and average population size of these and other otariid species depending on tropical upwelling ecosystems.  相似文献   

Slik JW 《Oecologia》2004,141(1):114-120
In this study I investigated the effects of the extreme, 1997/98 El Niño related drought on tree mortality and understorey light conditions of logged and unlogged tropical rain forest in the Indonesian province of East Kalimantan (Borneo). My objectives were to test (1) whether drought had a significant effect on tree mortality and understorey light conditions, (2) whether this effect was greater in logged than in undisturbed forest, (3) if the expected change in tree mortality and light conditions had an effect on Macaranga pioneer seedling and sapling densities, and (4) which (a)biotic factors influenced tree mortality during the drought. The 1997/1998 drought led to an additional tree mortality of 11.2, 18.1, and 22.7% in undisturbed, old logged and recently logged forest, respectively. Mortality was highest in logged forests, due to extremely high mortality of pioneer Macaranga trees (65.4%). Canopy openness was significantly higher during the drought than during the non-drought year (6.0, 8.6 and 10.4 vs 3.7, 3.8 and 3.7 in undisturbed, old logged and recently logged forest, respectively) and was positively correlated with the number of dead standing trees. The increase in light in the understorey was accompanied by a 30 to 300-fold increase in pioneer Macaranga seedling densities. Factors affecting tree mortality during drought were (1) tree species successional status, (2) tree size, and (3) tree location with respect to soil moisture. Tree density and basal area per surface unit had no influence on tree mortality during drought. The results of this study show that extreme droughts, such as those associated with El Niño events, can affect the tree species composition and diversity of tropical forests in two ways: (1) by disproportionate mortality of certain tree species groups and tree size classes, and (2) by changing the light environment in the forest understorey, thereby affecting the recruitment and growth conditions of small and immature trees.  相似文献   

Species diversity within communities and genetic diversity within species are two fundamental levels of biodiversity. Positive relationships between species richness and within-species genetic diversity have recently been documented across natural and semi-natural habitat islands, leading Vellend to suggest a novel macro-ecological pattern termed the species-genetic diversity correlation. We tested whether this prediction holds for areas affected by recent habitat disturbance using butterfly communities in east Kalimantan, Indonesia. Here, we show that both strong spatial and temporal correlations exist between species and allelic richness across rainforest habitats affected by El Niño Southern Oscillation-induced disturbance. Coupled with evidence that changes in species richness are a direct result of local extirpation and lower recruitment, these data suggest that forces governing variation at the two levels operate over parallel and short timescales, with implications for biodiversity recovery following disturbance. Remnant communities may be doubly affected, with reductions in species richness being associated with reductions in genetic diversity within remnant species.  相似文献   

New studies are showing that the El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has major implications for the functioning of different ecosystems, ranging from deserts to tropical rain forests. ENSO-induced pulses of enhanced plant productivity can cascade upward through the food web invoking unforeseen feedbacks, and can cause open dryland ecosystems to shift to permanent woodlands. These insights suggest that the predicted change in extreme climatic events resulting from global warming could profoundly alter biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in many regions of the world. Our increasing ability to predict El Ni?o effects can be used to enhance management strategies for the restoration of degraded ecosystems.  相似文献   

Kevin A. Raskoff 《Hydrobiologia》2001,451(1-3):121-129
For over 10 years, the midwater ecology group at MBARI has compiled video and accompanying physical data with the ROV Ventana operating in mesopelagic depths of Monterey Bay, CA in order to elucidate patterns in midwater ecology. Two El Niño events have occurred during this time period, in 1991–92 and in 1997–98. The oceanographic metric of spiciness combines temperature and salinity data into one sensitive measurement. Although temperature and salinity measurements alone revealed no clear patterns, clear signals of spiciness were observed that corresponded to water mass intrusions into the deep waters of the bay during the two El Niño events. During these events, some seldom-seen species were observed in high numbers in the midwater, while historically common species became rare. During non-El Niño years, the leptomedusa Mitrocoma cellularia(A. Agassiz, 1865) was common in the surface waters (0–50 m) of Monterey Bay, but it was not abundant at depth, while the trachymedusa Colobonema sericeum Vanhöffen, 1902 was found in relatively high numbers at mesopelagic depths. During the last two El Niño events, M. cellulariawas observed in higher numbers at mesopelagic depths, whereas C. sericeum was scarce. M. cellularia was found in a wider range of temperatures, salinities, and dissolved oxygen values than was C. sericeum. Transport and tolerance hypotheses are proposed to explain differences in the presence and numerical density of the medusae.  相似文献   

Our knowledge of how tropical forest biodiversity and functioning respond to anthropogenic and climate-associated stressors is limited. Research exploring El Niño impacts are scarce or based on single post-disturbance assessments, and few studies assess forests previously affected by anthropogenic disturbance. Focusing on dung beetles and associated ecological functions, we assessed (a) the ecological effects of a strong El Niño, (b) if post-El Niño beetle responses were influenced by previous forest disturbance, and (c) how these responses compare between forests impacted only by drought and those affected by both drought and fires. We sampled 30 Amazonian forest plots distributed across a gradient of human disturbance in 2010, 2016, and 2017—approximately 5 years before, and 3–6 and 15–18 months after the 2015–16 El Niño. We found 14,451 beetles from 98 species and quantified the beetle-mediated dispersal of >8,600 seed mimics and the removal of c. 30 kg of dung. All dung beetle responses (species richness, abundance, biomass, compositional similarity to pre-El Niño condition, and rates of dung removal and seed dispersal) declined after the 2015–16 El Niño, but the greatest immediate losses (i.e., in 2016) were observed within fire-affected forests. Previous forest disturbance also influenced post-El Niño dung beetle species richness, abundance, and species composition. We demonstrate that dung beetles and their ecological functions are negatively affected by climate-associated disturbances in human-modified Amazonian forests and suggest that the interaction between local anthropogenic and climate-related stressors merits further investigation.  相似文献   

Edwards MS 《Oecologia》2004,138(3):436-447
Recent discussions on scaling issues in ecology have emphasized that processes acting at a wide range of spatial and temporal scales influence ecosystems and thus there is no appropriate single scale at which ecological processes should be studied. This may be particularly true for environmental disturbances (e.g. El Niño) that occur over large geographic areas and encompass a wide range of scales relevant to ecosystem function. However, it may be possible to identify the scale(s) at which ecosystems are most strongly impacted by disturbances, and thus provide a measure by which their impacts can be most clearly described, by assessing scale-dependent changes in the patterns of variability in species abundance and distribution. This, in turn, may yield significant insight into the relative importance of the various forcing factors responsible for generating these impacts. The 1997–98 El Niño was one of the strongest El Niños ever recorded. I examined how this event impacted giant kelp populations in the northeast Pacific Ocean at 90 sites ranging from central Baja California, Mexico to central California, USA. These sites spanned the geographic range of giant kelp in the Northeast Pacific and were surveyed just before, immediately following, several months after, more than 1 year after, and nearly 2 years after the El Niño. I used a hierarchical sample design to compare these impacts at five spatial scales spanning six orders of magnitude, from a few meters to more than 1,000 km. Variance Components Analyses revealed that the El Niño shifted control over giant kelp abundance from factors acting at the scale of a few meters (local control) to factors operating over hundreds to thousands of kilometers (regional control). Moreover, El Niño resulted in the near-complete loss of all giant kelp throughout one-half of the species range in the northeast Pacific Ocean. Giant kelp recovery following El Niño was far more complex and variable at multiple spatial scales, presumably driven by numerous factors acting at those scales. Recovery returned local control of giant kelp populations within 6 months in southern California, and within 2 years in Baja California.  相似文献   

Extensive coral bleaching occurred during sea-water warming (as a result of the 1982/3 El Niño Southern Oscillation event) in 1983 on the shallow reefs in the Java Sea. Mean seawater temperatures rose by 2–3° C over a six month period with values greater than 33° C being recorded between 1200–1500 h. As many as 80–90% of corals died on the reef flats at the study sites, with the major casualties being branching species in the genera Acropora and Pocillopora. Five years after the event the community structure of the study sites has recovered significantly, though coral cover is still 50% of its former level. Contrasting patterns of recovery at two selected sites, in close proximity to each other, are discussed.  相似文献   

Droughts associated with the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) affected fishes of brackish-water lagoons, freshwater swamps and a rainforest creek in Suriname, South America. The mean rainfall in the period August to February in 22 El Niño years was 76.6% of the mean rainfall in the same months of non-El Niño years. In the period 1900–1999, three out of four years in which an extreme drought (rainfall less then 60% of the mean value) occurred were El Niño years. The recent 1997/1998 ENSO event caused the second most severe drought in a 100-year record. Drying up of brackish-water lagoons, freshwater swamps and rainforest creeks was observed during El Niño-related droughts. In the lagoons ariid catfish died first, followed by snook, tilapia, mullet and tarpon, respectively. Landings of lagoon fish were positively correlated with rainfall in the period August–February. During the El Niño-related drought we observed failure of reproduction in three species of callichthyid armoured catfish in both coastal freshwater swamps and a rainforest creek in the interior. In the El Niño year 1997/1998, the no flow period of the rainforest creek was extended by four months beyond the long dry season and the dissolved oxygen levels in the dry-season pools dropped to 1.27mg O2l–1 (as compared to 4.53mg O2l–1 under running water conditions). Other fish species of the rainforest creek also showed decreased reproductive success in the El Niño year. We suggest that the stochastic effects of El Niño-related drought may be an important non-equilibrium component in the ecology of neotropical inland fish communities.  相似文献   

1. There is increasing interest in the impacts of El Ni?o Southern Oscillation (ENSO) on reproduction of apical predators such as seabirds and marine mammals. Long-term studies documenting ENSO effects on reproduction of seabirds in the warm tropics are scarce, and differential sensitivity of breeding parameters to ENSO has rarely been explored. 2. Analysis of 18 years of breeding data from a colony of the blue-footed booby Sula nebouxii (Milne-Edwards) showed a delay in onset of breeding when the global Southern Oscillation Index was negative; each unit of the atmospheric pressure differential (hPa) across the Pacific Ocean meant a delay of 7 days. 3. ENSO conditions also produced declines in breeding participation, clutch size, brood size, hatching success and fledging success, especially when surface waters surrounding the colony were warmer during winter and spring. Each additional degree (°C) of water temperature produced a reduction of 0.45 fledglings per nest. Different breeding parameters were sensitive to ENSO indices in different blocks of months. 4. Warming of local waters during the winter was associated with decline in ocean productivity in the current year and the following year, consistent with ENSO impacts on breeding parameters being mediated by effects on local productivity and prey availability. However, there was no evidence of lagged effects of ENSO on any breeding parameter. 5. Comparison of 5 years revealed that when local surface waters were warm, chicks grew more slowly, but no effects of ENSO on weight and size of eggs were evident in data of 9 and 7 years, respectively. 6. Our findings extend evidence of impacts of ENSO on seabird reproduction to the eastern tropical Pacific and indicate that several breeding parameters of blue-footed boobies (but not egg size) are affected in the short term by ENSO conditions, particularly by local anomalies in sea surface temperature associated with decline in ocean productivity.  相似文献   

BackgroundSeveral factors, including environmental and climatic factors, influence the transmission of vector-borne diseases. Nevertheless, the identification and relative importance of climatic factors for vector-borne diseases remain controversial. Dengue is the world''s most important viral vector-borne disease, and the controversy about climatic effects also applies in this case. Here we address the role of climate variability in shaping the interannual pattern of dengue epidemics.ConclusionThe underlying mechanism for the synchronisation of dengue epidemics may resemble that of a pacemaker, in which intrinsic disease dynamics interact with climate variations driven by El Niño to propagate travelling waves of infection. When association with El Niño is strong in the 2–3-y periodic mode, one observes high synchrony of dengue epidemics over Thailand. When this association is absent, the seasonal dynamics become dominant and the synchrony initiated in Bangkok collapses.  相似文献   

Coral Reefs - Benthic cyanobacterial mats (BCMs) have increased in abundance on coral reefs worldwide. However, their species diversity and role in nitrogen fixation are poorly understood. We...  相似文献   

We are reporting on the results of a 4-year study that allowed for the analysis of the effects of the 1997–1998 El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event on the cnidarian community of the naturally high-turbidity reefs of northern Bahia, Brazil. Cnidarian densities were significantly different between pre- and post-ENSO years, with significant consequent changes in community composition. BIOENV analysis identified variations in turbidity, mean temperature variance, and cloud cover as the factors best explaining changes in the community. We suggest that the 1997–1998 ENSO event, the most intense on record, had a differential effect on the cnidarian community. Highest mortalities were suffered by minute hydroid colonies, partial mortality by octocorals and actiniarians, while large hydroid colonies and scleractinians were the least affected. Such an ability to survive under the stressful environmental regime imposed by this ENSO event is attributed to the presence of morphological pre-adaptations (e.g., size of colony polyps, abundance of certain nematocyst types) and the inherent phenotypic plasticity that results from long-term exposure to naturally stressful conditions.  相似文献   

We analyzed sea temperature as an environmental factor, in association with ENSO, affecting the migration of East Pacific black turtle, Chelonia mydas (=Chelonia agassizii Bocourt), to its foraging areas and its feeding ecology at San Andrés, Peru. A 19-year sea turtle landing database (1970–1988) was constructed to associate landing fluctuations with environmental variability represented by the Peruvian Oscillation Index. A positive correlation between them (r = 0.75, P < 0.05) indicated that exceptionally large black turtle landings occurred in San Andrés port during El Niño episodes. Warmer waters (SST 22–28°C) approached near the Peruvian coast during El Niño episodes, thus facilitating black turtle access to this area. Furthermore, during El Niño 1987, large juvenile and adult black turtles, known to be primarily herbivorous, fed mainly on the scyphozoan jellyfish Chrysaora plocamia Péron &; Lesueur, which was very abundant during this event. It is likely that black turtles exploited this resource opportunistically. Inter-annual environmental variability, driven by El Niño Southern Oscillation, has profound consequences for the ecology of the endangered black turtle, which should be considered when evaluating the effects of anthropogenic activities on its population dynamics.  相似文献   

Figs (Ficus spp.) and their species-specific pollinators, the fig wasps (Agaonidae), have coevolved one of the most intricate interactions found in nature, in which the fig wasps, in return for pollination services, raise their offspring in the fig inflorescence. Fig wasps, however, have very short adult lives and hence are dependent on the near-continuous production of inflorescences to maintain their populations. From January to March 1998 northern Borneo suffered a very severe drought linked to the El Niño-Southern Oscillation event of 1997-1998. This caused a substantial break in the production of inflorescences on dioecious figs and led to the local extinction of their pollinators at Lambir Hills National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. Most pollinators had not recolonized six months after the drought and, given the high level of endemism and wide extent of the drought, some species may be totally extinct. Cascading effects on vertebrate seed dispersers, for which figs are often regarded as keystone resources, and the tree species dependent on their services are also likely. This has considerable implications for the maintenance of biodiversity under a scenario of climate change and greater climatic extremes.  相似文献   

Droughts and forest fires, induced by the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event, have increased considerably over the last decades affecting millions of hectares of rainforest. We investigated the effects of the 1997–1998 forest fires and drought, associated with an exceptionally severe ENSO event, on fruit species important in the diet of Malayan sun bears (Helarctos malayanus) in lowland dipterocarp forest, East Kalimantan, Indonesian Borneo. Densities of sun bear fruit trees (≥10 cm DBH) were reduced by ~80%, from 167±41 (SD) fruit trees ha?1 in unburned forest to 37±18 fruit trees ha?1 in burned forest. Densities of hemi-epiphytic figs, one of the main fallback resources for sun bears during periods of food scarcity, declined by 95% in burned forest. Species diversity of sun bear food trees decreased by 44% in burned forest. Drought also affected sun bear fruit trees in unburned primary forest, with elevated mortality rates for the duration of 2 years, returning to levels reported as normal in region in the third year after the ENSO event. Mortality in unburned forest near the burn-edge was higher (25±5% of trees ≥10 cm DBH dead) than in the forest interior (14±5% of trees), indicating possible edge effects. Combined effects of fire and drought in burned primary forest resulted in an overall tree mortality of 78±11% (≥10 cm DBH) 33 months after the fire event. Disturbance due to fires has resulted in a serious decline of fruit resources for sun bears and, due to the scale of fire damage, in a serious decline of prime sun bear habitat. Recovery of sun bear populations in these burned-over forests will depend on regeneration of the forest, its future species composition, and efforts to prevent subsequent fire events.  相似文献   

Exposure to sublethal heat stress activates a complex cascade of signaling events, such as activators (NO), signal molecules (PKCε), and mediators (HSP70 and COX-2), leading to implementation of heat preconditioning, an adaptive mechanism which makes the organism more tolerant to additional stress. We investigated the time frame in which these chemical signals are triggered after heat stress (41?±?0.5°С/45 min), single or repeated (24 or 72 h after the first one) in heart tissue of male Wistar rats. The animals were allowed to recover 24, 48 or 72 h at room temperature. Single heat stress caused a significant increase of the concentration of HSP70, NO, and PKC level and decrease of COX-2 level 24 h after the heat stress, which in the next course of recovery gradually normalized. The second heat stress, 24 h after the first one, caused a significant reduction of the HSP70 levels, concentration of NO and PKC?, and significant increase of COX-2 concentration. The second exposure, 72 h after the first heat stress, caused more expressive changes of HSP70 and NO in the 24 h-recovery groups. The level of PKC? was not significantly changed, but there was significantly increased COX-2 concentration during recovery. Serum activity of AST, ALT, and CK was reduced after single exposure and increased after repeated exposure to heat stress, in both time intervals. In conclusion, a longer period of recovery (72 h) between two consecutive sessions of heat stress is necessary to achieve more expressive changes in mediators (HSP70) and triggers (NO) of heat preconditioning.  相似文献   

The stereological structure of rat adrenal gland was analysed by light and electron microscopy after an acute (60 min) exposure to high ambient temperature (38°C). Under these conditions a significant increase in plasma corticotrophin (ACTH), serum corticosterone and aldosterone levels were observed. Histological and stereological investigation at light microscopy showed significant decrease in volume density of capsule and zona glomerulosa, increase in volume of fasciculata cells, and decrease of numerical density of zona fasciculata cells and mean diameter of blood vessels. At the ultrastructural level, volume density of nuclei and mitochondria of zona glomerulosa cells were significantly increased and that of lipid droplets decreased. Volume density of mitochondria of fasciculata cells was significantly increased, while number of lipid droplets per μm2 of cell was reduced. In the cells of zona reticularis significant increase in the number of lipid droplets was found. The response of zona glomerulosa may be interpreted as immediate reaction to dehydration, while alterations detected in zona fasciculata, which were less extensive, were related to purely stressogenic effects of high ambiental temperature.  相似文献   

Isolated rat adrenal medulla was analyzed by light and electron microscope after an acute (60 min) exposure to high ambient temperature (38°C). Under these conditions there was a significant rise in plasma adrenaline and noradrenaline. Stereological investigation by light microscopy showed a significant decrease in volume density of cells and an increase in the interstitium. At the ultrastructural level, the profile area of cells, nuclei and cytoplasm of adrenaline cells were significantly decreased. After the heat stress numbers of resting granules in adre naline and noradrenaline cells were significantly reduced, while the numbers of altered granules and empty containers in both types of adrenomedullar cells were significantly increased.  相似文献   

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