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The Andaman Sea and other macrotidal semi-enclosed tropical seas feature large amplitude internal waves (LAIW). Although LAIW induce strong fluctuations i.e. of temperature, pH, and nutrients, their influence on reef development is so far unknown. A better-known source of disturbance is the monsoon affecting corals due to turbulent mixing and sedimentation. Because in the Andaman Sea both, LAIW and monsoon, act from the same westerly direction their relative contribution to reef development is difficult to discern. Here, we explore the framework development in a number of offshore island locations subjected to differential LAIW- and SW-monsoon impact to address this open question. Cumulative negative temperature anomalies – a proxy for LAIW impact – explained a higher percentage of the variability in coral reef framework height, than sedimentation rates which resulted mainly from the monsoon. Temperature anomalies and sediment grain size provided the best correlation with framework height suggesting that so far neglected subsurface processes (LAIW) play a significant role in shaping coral reefs.  相似文献   

The Similan Islands (Thailand) in the Andaman Sea are exposed to large amplitude internal waves (LAIW), as evidenced by i.a. abrupt fluctuations in temperature of up to 10°C at supertidal frequencies. Although LAIW have been shown to affect coral composition and framework development in shallow waters, the role of LAIW on coral growth is so far unknown. We carried out a long-term transplant experiment with live nubbins and skeleton slabs of the dominating coral Porites lutea to assess the net growth and bioerosion in LAIW-exposed and LAIW-protected waters. Depth-related, seasonal and interannual differences in LAIW-intensities on the exposed western sides of the islands allowed us to separate the effect of LAIW from other possible factors (e.g. monsoon) affecting the corals. Coral growth and bioerosion were inversely related to LAIW intensity, and positively related to coral framework development. Accretion rates of calcareous fouling organisms on the slabs were negligible compared to bioerosion, reflecting the lack of a true carbonate framework on the exposed W faces of the Similan Islands. Our findings show that LAIW may play an important, yet so far overlooked, role in controlling coral growth in tropical waters.  相似文献   

High photosynthetic benthic primary production (P) represents a key ecosystem service provided by tropical coral reef systems. However, benthic P budgets of specific ecosystem compartments such as macrophyte-dominated reef lagoons are still scarce. To address this, we quantified individual and lagoon-wide net (Pn) and gross (Pg) primary production by all dominant functional groups of benthic primary producers in a typical macrophyte-dominated Caribbean reef lagoon near Puerto Morelos (Mexico) via measurement of O2 fluxes in incubation experiments. The photosynthetically active 3D lagoon surface area was quantified using conversion factors to allow extrapolation to lagoon-wide P budgets. Findings revealed that lagoon 2D benthic cover was primarily composed of sand-associated microphytobenthos (40%), seagrasses (29%) and macroalgae (27%), while seagrasses dominated the lagoon 3D surface area (84%). Individual Pg was highest for macroalgae and scleractinian corals (87 and 86 mmol O2 m−2 specimen area d−1, respectively), however seagrasses contributed highest (59%) to the lagoon-wide Pg. Macroalgae exhibited highest individual Pn rates, but seagrasses generated the largest fraction (51%) of lagoon-wide Pn. Individual R was highest for scleractinian corals and macroalgae, whereas seagrasses again provided the major lagoon-wide share (68%). These findings characterise the investigated lagoon as a net autotrophic coral reef ecosystem compartment revealing similar P compared to other macrophyte-dominated coastal environments such as seagrass meadows and macroalgae beds. Further, high lagoon-wide P (Pg: 488 and Pn: 181 mmol O2 m−2 lagoon area d−1) and overall Pg:R (1.6) indicate substantial benthic excess production within the Puerto Morelos reef lagoon and suggest the export of newly synthesised organic matter to surrounding ecosystems.  相似文献   

The 2004 tsunami left a discontinuous pattern of destruction in the reefs along Andaman Sea coast of Thailand. Here, a comparative assessment of coral recruitment was carried out to assess differences in recovery between damaged and undamaged sites in near-shore fringing reefs 1 and 3 years after the tsunami. Settlement plates showed high frequencies of coral spat after 4 months (<17 spat tile−1) in both, damaged and undamaged locations. Field surveys carried out 3 years after the tsunami on natural substrate confirmed that tsunami damage did not suppress recruitment in damaged sites relative to no impacted controls. New and stable settlement space along with unabated larval supply supported post-tsunami recruit densities up to 7.2 m−2 year−1. Mean recruit densities were found at the level of post-storm situations with rapid recovery success, suggesting that the duration of disturbance, degree of sorting and, hence, stability of coral rubble is a key determinant of recruitment success. Low regeneration success of some species e.g. branching acroporids and rebounding tourism industry at sites like Patong and partly around the Phi Phi Islands (dense carpets of filamentous algae) led to the assumption of selectivity and eventually to an alternation of the coral community even though live coral cover might be recovered soon.  相似文献   

We studied the sclerobiont community associated with organogenic and lithic cobbles from soft bottoms in the Khao Lak coastal area (Andaman Sea) that was damaged by the 2004 tsunami. The 15 cobbles examined originate from grab and hand sampling carried out in the years 2006 and 2007 in the depth range of 4.6–15.2 m. A rich endo- and epibenthos was identified, mainly consisting of algae, foraminifers, sponges, cnidarians, polychaetes, bryozoans and bivalves. Associations on each examined cobble show similarities in composition and structure being characterized by a few dominant groups. Differences were noted in the degree and pattern of colonization, distinguishing for each cobble an upward and a downward side at the time of sampling. The mean total coverage is 15.09% being higher on the upper sides (17.4%) compared to the lower sides (12.8%). Calcareous algae, bivalves and sponges prevail on upper sides, while bryozoans prevail on lower sides. The sclerobionts distribution allowed to infer the orientation of cobbles on the seafloor during colonization. Major colonization values, exceeding 30% coverage, were observed on organogenic cobbles located in the proximity of reefs or collected from below 12 m of water depth. Conversely, cobbles from the shallowest stations result poorly colonized, independently of their composition. The water turbidity and wave motion as a possible cause of the observed distributions were discussed. The Khao Lak cobble community seems to be largely unaffected by the tsunami event, as suggested by the estimated biodiversity, abundance and coverage of sclerobionts.  相似文献   

Increased water clarity associated with zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) populations may favor benthic algal primary production in freshwater systems previously dominated by pelagic phytoplankton production. While zebra mussel-mediated water clarity effects on benthic primary production have been implicated in published reports, few production estimates are available. This study estimates benthic primary production in Oneida Lake, NY before and after zebra mussel invasion (1992), using measured photosynthetic parameters ( , αB and β) from sampled benthic algal communities. In the summers of 2003 and 2004, primary production was measured as O2 evolution from algal communities on hard (cobble) and soft (sediment) substrate from several depths. We also backcast estimates of benthic primary production from measurements of light penetration since 1975. Estimates of whole-lake epipelic and epilithic algal primary production showed a significant (4%) increase and exhibited significantly less interannual variability subsequent to the establishment of zebra mussels. We applied our model to two lakes of differing trophic status; the model significantly overestimated benthic primary production in a hypereutrophic lake, but there was no significant difference between the actual and predicted primary production values in the oligotrophic lake. The hypereutrophic lake had higher zebra mussel densities than Oneida (224 vs. 41 per sample respectively). Though total community respiration (measured in total darkness) was factored into our model predictions of production, our model may need modification when heterotrophic respiration is a large portion of total community metabolism.  相似文献   

Autotrophic structure refers to the partitioning of whole-ecosystem primary production between benthic and planktonic primary producers. Autotrophic structure remains poorly understood especially because of the paucity of estimates regarding benthic primary production. We used a conceptual model for numerically exploring the autotrophic structure of 13 hemiboreal lakes situated in the Baltic Sea catchment. We also used diel variations in primary production profiles to graphically evaluate levels of light and/or nutrient limitation in lakes. The input morphometric data, light extinction coefficients and dissolved carbon parameters were mostly obtained from in situ measurements. Results revealed that cross- and within-lake autotrophic structure varied greatly: one lake was clearly dominated by benthic production, and three lakes by phytoplankton production. In the rest, phytoplankton production was generally dominant but switch to benthic dominance was possible. The modelled primary production profiles varied according to lake water clarity and bathymetry. Our results clearly indicate that the relative contribution of benthic primary production to whole-lake primary production should be taken into account in studies about hemiboreal and boreal lakes.  相似文献   

Twenty-two species of benthic hydroids, belonging to ten families and 14 genera, were found in a hydroid collection obtained in the Balleny Islands during the BioRoss expedition with the NIWA research vessel Tangaroa in 2004. Twenty of those species constitute new records for the Balleny Islands, raising the total number of known species in the area to 25. Most are members of the subclass Leptothecata, although the subclass Anthoathecata is also relatively well represented. Kirchenpaueriidae and Sertulariidae constitute families with the greatest numbers of species in the collection, with five species (20%) each. Oswaldella with five species (20%) and Staurotheca with four (16%), were the most diverse genera. Twelve species (63%) are endemic to Antarctic waters, most of them with a circum-Antarctic distribution, and 17 (89%) are restricted to Antarctic or Antarctic/sub-Antarctic waters. Although the Balleny Islands hydroid fauna seems to be a typical Antarctic assemblage, it has some striking peculiarities, namely the absence or low representation of some typical and widespread Antarctic genera (Antarctoscyphus and Schizotricha/Symplectoscyphus, respectively).  相似文献   

A survey of xeniid octocorals was carried out in the waters off Southwestern Thailand in September, 2007. Microscopic investigation of the colonies revealed that three specimens belonged to the genus Ovabunda. Gross morphological examination is presented here accompanied by scanning electron micrographs of the sclerites. Molecular phylogenetic analysis showed identical genotypes at mtMutS, COI, and 28S rDNA for all three specimens and supports their generic assignment. Colony size and shape, sclerite size, and pinnule arrangement differ from nominal species of Ovabunda and thus a new species, O. andamanensis is introduced here. This work also presents a new eastern geographical record for the genus Ovabunda.  相似文献   

Irrawaddy dolphins (Orcaella brevirostris) are threatened, little‐known cetaceans primarily jeopardized by fishing gear entanglement. Information regarding life history, foraging ecology, and movement are crucial to determine management units and conservation regions. This is the first analysis of the ontogenetic changes in diet and habitat of Irrawaddy dolphins from the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea using stable isotopes from skin and teeth. Results suggest limited age and sex structure indicated by weak ontogenetic and sexual variability in δ15N and δ13C in teeth. Significant variation in δ13C and δ15N values were observed between three Gulf regions and the Andaman Sea, indicating distinct regional groups. Isotope mixing models run on soft tissues from the eastern Gulf revealed a diet based primarily on fishes and secondarily on crustaceans, suggesting overlap with fishery targets. Conservation strategies that focus on reducing regional competition with humans and bycatch mortality are proposed. Fishing gear improvements and monitoring of fishing operations are a potential immediate response to reduce anthropogenic impact.  相似文献   

Artabotrys manoranjanii M. V. Ramana, J. Swamy & K. C. Mohan (Annonaceae), a new species from the foot hills of Saddle Peak National Park, north Andaman Islands, is described and illustrated. Its fleshy petals and prominent stigmas, distinguish it from all previously known species. Its affinity with A. parkinsonii Chatterjee, a Myanmar species, and A. grandiflorus King, a species from Malayan peninsula, is deliberated.  相似文献   

Observations of the interactions of large amplitude internal seiches with the sloping boundary of Lake Simcoe, Canada show a pronounced asymmetry between up- and downwelling. Data were obtained during a 42-day period in late summer with an ADCP and an array of four thermistor chains located in a 5 km line at the depths where the thermocline intersects the shallow slope of the lakebed. The thermocline is located at depths of 12–14 m during the strongly stratified period of late summer. During periods of strong westerly winds the thermocline is deflected as much as 8 m vertically and interacts directly with the lakebed at depth between 14–18 m. When the thermocline was rising at the boundary, the stratification resembles a turbulent bore that propagates up the sloping lakebed with a speed of 0.05–0.15 m s−1 and a Froude number close to unity. There were strong temperature overturns associated with the abrupt changes in temperature across the bore. Based on the size of overturns in the near bed stratification, we show that the inferred turbulent diffusivity varies by up to two orders of magnitude between up- and downwellings. When the thermocline was rising, estimates of turbulent diffusivity were high with KZ ∼10−4 m2s−1, whereas during downwelling events the near-bed stratification was greatly increased and the turbulence was reduced. This asymmetry is consistent with previous field observations and underlines the importance of shear-induced convection in benthic bottom boundary layers of stratified lakes.  相似文献   

Precopulatory mate guarding is a characteristic feature in the mating behaviour of many Malacostraca, and a necessary prerequisite for those species in which female receptivity for males is restricted to a short period of time after the pubertal/reproductive moult. This study deals with the pre-mate guarding behaviour of the semi-terrestrial isopod Ligia dentipes living in the crevices of coral boulders and rocks in the supralittoral region of the Andaman Islands. As in other isopods, moulting in L. dentipes is biphasic, in which the posterior body part invariably moults first. The guarding male aids the female partner in the removal of the moulted exoskeleton. Mating occurs immediately after the posterior body exuviates. The male leaves the female after copulation and goes in search of another receptive female, demonstrating a polygamous mating system in these isopods. The mated females also re-mate with several other males without mate guarding. Females that had mated several times produced more young, compared to females mated only once in the laboratory. Female receptivity ceases following moulting of the anterior half. Intrasexual encounters among males lead to the large males acquiring receptive females. This study reveals interesting deviations from the general pattern of mate guarding already reported in other isopods and decapods. The evolutionary and ecological significances of mate guarding, intrasexual and intersexual conflicts, found in these semi-terrestrial isopods, are discussed.  相似文献   

The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands (NWHI) are considered to be among the most pristine coral reef ecosystems remaining on the planet. These reefs naturally contain a high percent cover of algal functional groups with relatively low coral abundance and exhibit thriving fish communities dominated by top predators. Despite their highly protected status, these reefs are at risk from both direct and indirect anthropogenic sources. This study provides the first comprehensive data on percent coverage of algae, coral, and non-coral invertebrates at the species level, and investigates spatial diversity patterns across the archipelago to document benthic communities before further environmental changes occur in response to global warming and ocean acidification. Monitoring studies show that non-calcified macroalgae cover a greater percentage of substrate than corals on many high latitude reef sites. Forereef habitats in atoll systems often contain high abundances of the green macroalga Microdictyon setchellianum and the brown macroalga Lobophora variegata, yet these organisms were uncommon in forereefs of non-atoll systems. Species of the brown macroalgal genera Padina, Sargassum, and Stypopodium and the red macroalgal genus Laurencia became increasingly common in the two northernmost atolls of the island chain but were uncommon components of more southerly islands. Conversely, the scleractinian coral Porites lobata was common on forereefs at southern islands but less common at northern islands. Currently accepted paradigms of what constitutes a “healthy” reef may not apply to the subtropical NWHI, and metrics used to gauge reef health (e.g., high coral cover) need to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Ichthyological Research - A new species of the genus Acropoma, A. musorstom sp. nov. is described based on four specimens (126.3–143.0 mm in standard length: SL) collected from Vanuatu and...  相似文献   

The marine benthic cyanobacteria of the Iles Eparses, Mozambique Channel, were surveyed for the first time. A total of 39 species are reported: 29 from Europa, 17 from Glorioso and 23 from Juan de Nova Islands. The higher biodiversity in Europa is explained by greater habitat diversity on this Island with unique ecosystems (mangroves, fossil reefs, pools). Average species richness varied between the geomorphological habitat types with higher diversity in shallow environments (fossil reef pools, mangroves, reef flats), which are characterized by high temperatures and high irradiances. The most common species observed on the three islands were Hydrocoleum coccineum, Hydrocoleum glutinosum, Hydrocoleum lyngbyaceum, Phormidium laysanense, Lyngbya sordida, and Symploca hydnoides; which are also the dominant species observed in the Southwest Indian Ocean region. The most frequent species was Phormidium laysanense with extensive cover observed in the northwest of Juan de Nova Island. Our study provided a comparison between the cyanobacterial flora of Iles Eparses and the recorded surveys in the Southwest Indian Ocean region. The low similarity observed between these species lists could be explained by differences in sampling strategies and efforts, as well as by different taxonomic approaches employed in past regional studies.  相似文献   

The larval food plants of the butterflies of the Andaman and Nicobar islands have not been studied, although the butterfly fauna per se is fairly well known. For the first time we report the food plants of the larvae of 120 species of butterflies from these islands on the basis of laboratory rearing and field studies. This information is essential for the formulation of management programmes for butterfly conservation on these islands which are known to harbour critical swallowtail and (possibly) danaine faunas.  相似文献   

The species composition and diversity of Lepidoptera Rhopalocera were studied on the Solovetskie Islands during five years (2001–2005). Twenty-nine species of five families were recorded. The most abundant species are Leptidea sinapis, Boloria aquilonaris, Heodes virgaureae, Plebejus argus, Arcia eumedon, and Cyaniris semiargus. The fauna of these islands is poorer than local faunas of the continental northern taiga, forest-tundra, and southern tundra of Europe. The species diversity of insular assemblages of diurnal lepidopterans is lower in comparison with analogous continental assemblages. They are characterized by the mixed species composition, when species with different ecological preference occur within the same habitat.  相似文献   

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