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Using heteroduplex molecules formed from a pair of plasmids, one of which contains a small deletion relative to the other, it is shown that bacterial topoisomerase I can relax a positively supercoiled DNA if a short single-stranded loop is placed in the DNA. This result supports the postulate that the specificity of bacterial DNA topoisomerase I for negatively supercoiled DNA in its relaxation reaction derives from the requirement of a short single-stranded DNA segment in the active enzyme-substrate complex. Nucleolytic and chemical probing of complexes between bacterial DNA topoisomerase I and heteroduplex DNA molecules containing single-stranded loops ranging from 13 to 27 nucleotides in length suggests that the enzyme binds specifically to the region containing a single-stranded loop; the site of DNA cleavage by the topoisomerase appears to lie within the single-stranded loop, with the enzyme interacting with nucleotides on both sides of the point of cleavage.  相似文献   

A method has been used to quantitate the reaction between eukaryotic type I DNA topoisomerase and topological forms of DNA. This procedure (Trask, D.K., DiDonato, J.D. and Muller, M.T. (1984) Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ. J. 3, 671-676) measures the efficiency of DNA cleavage and concurrent formation of a covalent enzyme/DNA complex. Eukaryotic type I topoisomerases react preferentially by 5-10-fold with supercoiled DNA. The effect of supercoiling is clearly evident in that both the initial rate and final extent of the reaction is elevated. Because the dissociation rate is much lower than the association rate, it is possible to isolate native topoisomerase/DNA complexes. These complexes are comprised of enzyme molecules which are catalytically active when challenged with a second supercoiled DNA substrate. Collectively, the data support the conclusion that a functional intermediate in the reaction sequence is being detected and that the avian topoisomerase I preferentially cleaves supercoiled DNA.  相似文献   

Camptothecin, a cytotoxic drug, is a strong inhibitor of nucleic acid synthesis in mammalian cells and a potent inducer of strand breaks in chromosomal DNA. Neither the equilibrium dialysis nor the unwinding measurement indicates any interaction between camptothecin and purified DNA. However, camptothecin induces extensive single strand DNA breaks in reactions containing purified mammalian DNA topoisomerase I. DNA breakage in vitro is immediate and reversible. Analyses of camptothecin-induced DNA breaks show that topoisomerase I is covalently linked to the 3' end of the broken DNA. In addition, camptothecin inhibits the catalytic activity of mammalian DNA topoisomerase I. We propose that camptothecin blocks the rejoining step of the breakage-reunion reaction of mammalian DNA topoisomerase I. This blockage results in the accumulation of a cleavable complex which resembles the transient intermediate proposed for eukaryotic DNA topoisomerase I. The inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis and the induction of DNA strand breaks observed in vivo may be related to the formation of this drug-induced cleavable complex.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerases are important clinical targets for antibacterial and anticancer therapy. At least one type IA DNA topoisomerase can be found in every bacterium, making it a logical target for antibacterial agents that can convert the enzyme into poison by trapping its covalent complex with DNA. However, it has not been possible previously to observe the consequence of having such a stabilized covalent complex of bacterial topoisomerase I in vivo. We isolated a mutant of recombinant Yersinia pestis topoisomerase I that forms a stabilized covalent complex with DNA by screening for the ability to induce the SOS response in Escherichia coli. Overexpression of this mutant topoisomerase I resulted in bacterial cell death. From sequence analysis and site-directed mutagenesis, it was determined that a single amino acid substitution in the TOPRIM domain changing a strictly conserved glycine residue to serine in either the Y. pestis or E. coli topoisomerase I can result in a mutant enzyme that has the SOS-inducing and cell-killing properties. Analysis of the purified mutant enzymes showed that they have no relaxation activity but retain the ability to cleave DNA and form a covalent complex. These results demonstrate that perturbation of the active site region of bacterial topoisomerase I can result in stabilization of the covalent intermediate, with the in vivo consequence of bacterial cell death. Small molecules that induce similar perturbation in the enzyme-DNA complex should be candidates as leads for novel antibacterial agents.  相似文献   

In order to study the double-strand DNA passage reaction of eukaryotic type II topoisomerases, a quantitative assay to monitor the enzymic conversion of supercoiled circular DNA to relaxed circular DNA was developed. Under conditions of maximal activity, relaxation catalyzed by the Drosophila melanogaster topoisomerase II was processive and the energy of activation was 14.3 kcal . mol-1. Removal of supercoils was accompanied by the hydrolysis of either ATP or dATP to inorganic phosphate and the corresponding nucleoside diphosphate. Apparent Km values were 200 microM for pBR322 plasmid DNA, 140 microM for SV40 viral DNA, 280 microM for ATP, and 630 microM for dATP. The turnover number for the Drosophila enzyme was at least 200 supercoils of DNA relaxed/min/molecule of topoisomerase II. The enzyme interacts preferentially with negatively supercoiled DNA over relaxed molecules, is capable of removing positive superhelical twists, and was found to be strongly inhibited by single-stranded DNA. Kinetic and inhibition studies indicated that the beta and gamma phosphate groups, the 2'-OH of the ribose sugar, and the C6-NH2 of the adenine ring are important for the interaction of ATP with the enzyme. While the binding of ATP to Drosophila topoisomerase II was sufficient to induce a DNA strand passage event, hydrolysis was required for enzyme turnover. The ATPase activity of the topoisomerase was stimulated 17-fold by the presence of negatively supercoiled DNA and approximately 4 molecules of ATP were hydrolyzed/supercoil removed. Finally, a kinetic model describing the switch from a processive to a distributive relaxation reaction is presented.  相似文献   

A topoisomerase (nicking-closing enzyme) has been isolated from rat liver mitochondria. It has purified by double-stranded DNA-cellulose chromatography approximately 50,000-fold, based on the crude mitochondrial extract. It possesses a minimum specific activity of 1.9 x 10(5) units/mg. The enzyme has been shown to be distinctly mitochondrial, differentiated from the nuclear topoisomerase by its sensitivity to the intercalating drug, ethidium bromide, and to the non-intercalating trypanocidal drug, Berenil.  相似文献   

We cloned cDNA encoding Drosophila DNA topoisomerase III. The top3 cDNA encodes an 875-amino acid protein, which is nearly 60% identical to mammalian topoisomerase IIIbeta enzymes. Similarity between the Drosophila protein and the topoisomerase IIIbetas is particularly striking in the carboxyl-terminal region, where all contain eight highly conserved CXXC motifs not found in other topoisomerase III enzymes. We therefore propose the Drosophila protein is a member of the beta-subfamily of topoisomerase III enzymes. The top3beta gene is a single-copy gene located at 5 E-F on the X chromosome. P-element insertion into the 5'-untranslated region of this gene affects topoisomerase IIIbeta protein levels, but not the overall fertility and viability of the fly. We purified topoisomerase IIIbeta to near homogeneity and observed relaxation activity only with a hypernegatively supercoiled substrate, but not with plasmid DNA directly isolated from bacterial cells. Despite this difference in substrate preference, the degree of relaxation of the hypernegatively supercoiled substrate is comparable to relaxation of plasmid DNA by other type I enzymes. Drosophila topoisomerase IIIbeta forms a covalent linkage to 5' DNA phosphoryl groups, and the DNA cleavage reaction prefers single-stranded substrate over double-stranded, suggesting an affinity of this enzyme for DNA with non-double-helical structure.  相似文献   

The native form of Drosophila melanogaster DNA topoisomerase II was purified from Schneider's S3 tissue culture cells and studied with two supercoiled minicircle preparations, mini and mini-CG, 354 bp and 370 bp in length, respectively. Mini-CG contains a d(CG)7 insert which assumes a left-handed Z-DNA conformation in negative supercoiled topoisomers with a negative linking number difference - delta Lk greater than or equal to 2. The interactions of topoisomerase II with topoisomer families of mini and mini-CG were studied by band-shift gel electrophoresis in which the individual topoisomers and their discrete or aggregated protein complexes were resolved. A monoclonal anti-Z-DNA IgG antibody (23B6) bound and aggregated only mini-CG, thereby confirming the presence of Z-DNA. Topoisomerase II bound and relaxed mini-CG more readily than mini. In both cases, there was a preference for more highly negatively supercoiled topoisomers. The topoisomerase II inhibitor VM-26 induced the formation of stable covalent DNA-protein intermediates. In addition, the non-hydrolyzable GTP analogue GTP gamma S inhibited the binding and relaxation activities. Experiments to detect topoisomerase cleavage sites failed to elicit specific loci on either minicircle preparation. We conclude that Drosophila topoisomerase II is able to bind and process small minicircles with lengths as short as 360 bp and negative superhelix densities, - sigma, which can exceed 0.1. Furthermore, the enzyme has a preferential affinity for topoisomers containing Z-DNA segments and relaxes these molecules, presumably by cleavage external to the inserts. Thus, a potentially functional relationship between topoisomerase II, an enzyme regulating the topological state of DNA-chromatin in vivo, and left-handed Z-DNA, a conformation stabilized by negative supercoiling, has been established.  相似文献   

In vertebrate cells, DNA double-strand breaks are efficiently repaired by homologous recombination or nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ). The latter pathway relies on Ku (the Ku70/Ku86 heterodimer), DNA-PKcs, Artemis, Xrcc4, and DNA ligase IV (Lig4). Here, we show that a human pre-B cell line nullizygous for Lig4 exhibits hypersensitivity to topoisomerase II (Top2) inhibitors, demonstrating a crucial role for the NHEJ pathway in repair of Top2-induced DNA damage in vertebrates. We also show that in the chicken DT40 cell line, all NHEJ mutants (i.e., Ku70-, Lig4-, and DNA-PKcs-null cells) are equally hypersensitive to the Top2 inhibitor ICRF-193, indicating that the drug-induced damage is repaired by NHEJ involving DNA-PKcs. Intriguingly, however, DNA-PKcs-null cells display considerably less severe phenotype than other NHEJ mutants in terms of hypersensitivity to VP-16, a Top2 poison that stabilizes cleavable complexes. The results indicate that two distinct NHEJ pathways, involving or not involving DNA-PKcs, are important for the repair of VP-16-induced DNA damage, providing additional evidence for the biological relevance of DNA-PKcs-independent NHEJ. Our results provide significant insights into the mechanisms of repair of Top2-mediated DNA damage, with implications for chemotherapy involving Top2 inhibitors.  相似文献   

The radioprotector WR-33278, the disulfide of WR-1065 (N-(2-mercaptoethyl)-1,3-diaminopropane), is shown to stimulate eukaryotic topoisomerase I unwinding of negatively supercoiled DNA. This observation suggests the possibility that some protection may be conferred to DNA either by a decrease in its supercoiled state or by altering directly other enzymatic processes. This is the first report of a radioprotective compound stimulating an enzyme involved in DNA structure and synthesis.  相似文献   

In this study we report that human placenta is an excellent source of DNA topoisomerase I. The enzyme can be isolated in the fully intact 100 kDa form although lower molecular mass species are also observed. Occasionally, the enzyme can be resolved into two peaks of activity by chromatography on phosphocellulose. As expected, the enzyme promotes marked cleavage of DNA in response to the anticancer drug camptothecin. Because of this property and the ready availability of human placenta, the enzyme should prove to be useful in the development and testing of new anticancer drugs that target topoisomerase I.  相似文献   

The therapeutic anticancer potential of flavonoids shown by recent research needs a greater understanding of these compounds. They are antioxidants and antimutagenic agents that can inhibit tumor promotion and transformation and can modify the activity of a large number of mammalian enzyme systems, such as human DNA-topoisomerases. Poisons of topoisomerases generate toxic DNA damage by stabilization of the covalent DNA-topoisomerase cleavage complex and some of them have therapeutic efficacy in human cancer. The present investigation has assayed ten flavonoids, isolated in our laboratory, as topoisomerase I poisons obtaining myricetin and myricetin-3-galactoside as two new topoiosomerase I poisons. These two flavonoids, and the plant extract from which they were isolated, were assayed for cytotoxic activity against three human cancer cell lines using the SRB assay. Taking into account our previous research, structural requisites implicated in the topoisomerase poisoning are discussed.  相似文献   

The discovery of new topoisomerase I inhibitors is necessary since most of the antitumor drugs are targeted against type II and only a very few can specifically affect type I. Topoisomerase poisons generate toxic DNA damage by stabilization of the covalent DNA-topoisomerase cleavage complex and some have therapeutic efficacy in human cancer. Two iridoids, aucubin and geniposide, have shown antitumoral activities, but their activity against topoisomerase enzymes has not been tested. Here it was found that both compounds are able to stabilize covalent attachments of the topoisomerase I subunits to DNA at sites of DNA strand breaks, generating cleavage complexes intermediates so being active as poisons of topoisomerase I, but not topoisomerase II. This result points to DNA damage induced by topoisomerase I poisoning as one of the possible mechanisms by which these two iridoids have shown antitumoral activity, increasing interest in their possible use in cancer chemoprevention and therapy.  相似文献   

We have initiated a genetic analysis of the physiologically important enzyme type I DNA topoisomerase in mouse. The exon-intron structures of the 5 part and the 3 part of the active gene, Top-1, were determined and shown to be quite similar to those of the previously determined human gene TOP1. The active mouse gene was mapped to the distal Chromosome (Chr) 2. In addition, the mouse genome contains one truncated processed topoisomerase-I-related pseudogene (retroposon), Top-1ps, on Chr 16. The Top-1ps locus, together with the immunoglobulin-lambda-light-chain locus, defines and additional conserved linkage group common to murine Chr 16 and human Chr 22, the site of the human pseudogene TOP1P2. The mapping data suggest that the pseudogene was established before mammalian radiation. Structural features, shared by the mouse and the human pseudogene, support this possibility.  相似文献   

The discovery of new topoisomerase I inhibitors is necessary since most of the antitumor drugs are targeted against type II and only a very few can specifically affect type I. Topoisomerase poisons generate toxic DNA damage by stabilization of the covalent DNA-topoisomerase cleavage complex and some have therapeutic efficacy in human cancer. Two iridoids, aucubin and geniposide, have shown antitumoral activities, but their activity against topoisomerase enzymes has not been tested. Here it was found that both compounds are able to stabilize covalent attachments of the topoisomerase I subunits to DNA at sites of DNA strand breaks, generating cleavage complexes intermediates so being active as poisons of topoisomerase I, but not topoisomerase II. This result points to DNA damage induced by topoisomerase I poisoning as one of the possible mechanisms by which these two iridoids have shown antitumoral activity, increasing interest in their possible use in cancer chemoprevention and therapy.  相似文献   

A topoisomerase, able to relax negatively supercoiled DNA, has been isolated from the archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Relaxation was fully efficient in vitro between 70 degrees C and 80 degrees C and was dependent on the presence of ATP and magnesium ions. The enzyme did not exhibit gyrase-like activity and was poorly sensitive to gyrase inhibitors. These properties are reminiscent of eukaryotic type II topoisomerases. However, the enzyme was unable to relax positively supercoiled DNA. This thermophilic enzyme may be used in a variety of ways to study the structure and stability of DNA at high temperature.  相似文献   

Chloroplast DNA topoisomerase I from cauliflower   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ATP-independent DNA topoisomerase has been isolated from chloroplasts of cauliflower leaves (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) through DEAE-cellulose, AF-blue Toyopearl, and hydroxyapatite column chromatography. The sedimentation coefficient and Stokes radius of this enzyme are 3.6S and 3.6 nm, respectively, and the molecular weight of native enzyme is estimated to be 54,000. This enzyme changes the linking number in steps of one. The enzyme activity is stimulated by MgCl2, and this enzyme shows optimum activity at 30 degrees C in the range of 3 mM MgCl2 + 100 mM KCl-10 mM MgCl2 + 50 mM KCl. The enzyme activity was reduced remarkably by N-ethylmaleimide, indicating that a free sulfhydryl group is important for the activity; heparin and ellipticine also reduced the activity. Both cauliflower chloroplast topoisomerase and spinach chloroplast topoisomerase can relax positive supercoils as well as negative supercoils. From these properties, cauliflower chloroplast topoisomerase can be classified as a eukaryotic type I DNA topoisomerase.  相似文献   

A new topoisomerase capable of relaxing negatively supercoiled DNA in Escherichia coli has been identified during chromatography on novobiocin-Sepharose. A simple and reproducible purification procedure is described to obtain this enzyme, called topoisomerase III (topo III), in a homogeneous form. The protein is a single polypeptide with a molecular weight of 74 000 +/- 2000 and is a type I topoisomerase, changing the linking number of DNA circles in steps of one. It is present in deletion strains lacking the topA gene and further differs from the well-studied topoisomerase I (omega protein; Eco topo I) in (1) its requirement for K+ in addition to Mg2+ to exhibit optimal activity and (2) its affinity to novobiocin-Sepharose. Positively supercoiled DNA is not relaxed during exposure to the enzyme. Topo III has no ATPase activity, and ATP does not show any discernible effect on the reduction of superhelical turns. The purified topoisomerase has no supercoiling activity and is unaffected by high concentrations of oxolinic acid and novobiocin in the relaxing reaction. Single-stranded DNA and spermidine strongly inhibit the topoisomerase activity.  相似文献   

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