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Specific regulation of mRNA splicing in vitro by a peptide from HIV-1 Rev   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
J Kjems  A D Frankel  P A Sharp 《Cell》1991,67(1):169-178
The Rev protein of HIV-1 regulates the synthesis of partially spliced forms of cytoplasmic viral mRNA by binding to a cis-acting RNA sequence, the Rev response element (RRE). We have investigated the regulation of splicing in vitro and have shown that Rev specifically inhibits splicing of pre-mRNAs containing an RRE by 3- to 4-fold. A synthetic peptide of 17 amino acids containing the RNA-binding domain of Rev is highly functional and specifically inhibits splicing by up to 30-fold. Other peptides that bind to the RRE with high affinity, but with low specificity, do not specifically inhibit splicing. Six repeated monomeric binding sites for the peptide can substitute for the RRE, indicating that regulation by Rev requires interactions with multiple sites. The peptide acts at a step in the assembly of splicing complexes, suggesting that one of the functions of the basic region of Rev is to prevent formation of a functional spliceosome.  相似文献   

The combination of high-resolution atomic force microscopy imaging and single-molecule force spectroscopy allows the identification, selection, and mechanical investigation of individual proteins. In a recent paper we had used this technique to unfold and extract single bacteriorhodopsins (BRs) from native purple membrane patches. We show that subsets of the unfolding spectra can be classified and grouped to reveal detailed insight into the individualism of the unfolding pathways. We have further developed this technique and analysis to report here on the influence of pH effects and local mutations on the stability of individual structural elements of BR against mechanical unfolding. We found that, although the seven transmembrane alpha-helices predominantly unfold in pairs, each of the helices may also unfold individually and in some cases even only partially. Additionally, intermittent states in the unfolding process were found, which are associated with the stretching of the extracellular loops connecting the alpha-helices. This suggests that polypeptide loops potentially act as a barrier to unfolding and contribute significantly to the structural stability of BR. Chemical removal of the Schiff base, the covalent linkage of the photoactive retinal to the helix G, resulted in a predominantly two-step unfolding of this helix. It is concluded that the covalent linkage of the retinal to helix G stabilizes the structure of BR. Trapping mutant D96N in the M state of the proton pumping photocycle did not affect the unfolding barriers of BR.  相似文献   

PacBio RS II is the first commercialized third-generation DNA sequencer able to sequence a single molecule DNA in real-time without amplification. PacBio RS II’s sequencing technology is novel and unique, enabling the direct observation of DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase. PacBio RS II confers four major advantages compared to other sequencing technologies: long read lengths, high consensus accuracy, a low degree of bias, and simultaneous capability of epigenetic characterization. These advantages surmount the obstacle of sequencing genomic regions such as high/low G+C, tandem repeat, and interspersed repeat regions. Moreover, PacBio RS II is ideal for whole genome sequencing, targeted sequencing, complex population analysis, RNA sequencing, and epigenetics characterization. With PacBio RS II, we have sequenced and analyzed the genomes of many species, from viruses to humans. Herein, we summarize and review some of our key genome sequencing projects, including full-length viral sequencing, complete bacterial genome and almost-complete plant genome assemblies, and long amplicon sequencing of a disease-associated gene region. We believe that PacBio RS II is not only an effective tool for use in the basic biological sciences but also in the medical/clinical setting.  相似文献   

Synaptotagmin I is the major Ca2+ sensor for membrane fusion during neurotransmitter release. The cytoplasmic domain of synaptotagmin consists of two C2 domains, C2A and C2B. On binding Ca2+, the tips of the two C2 domains rapidly and synchronously penetrate lipid bilayers. We investigated the forces of interaction between synaptotagmin and lipid bilayers using single-molecule force spectroscopy. Glutathione-S-transferase-tagged proteins were attached to an atomic force microscope cantilever via a glutathione-derivatized polyethylene glycol linker. With wild-type C2AB, the force profile for a bilayer containing phosphatidylserine had both Ca2+-dependent and Ca2+-independent components. No force was detected when the bilayer lacked phosphatidylserine, even in the presence of Ca2+. The binding characteristics of C2A and C2B indicated that the two C2 domains cooperate in binding synaptotagmin to the bilayer, and that the relatively weak Ca2+-independent force depends only on C2A. When the lysine residues K189-192 and K326, 327 were mutated to alanine, the strong Ca2+-dependent binding interaction was either absent or greatly reduced. We conclude that synaptotagmin binds to the bilayer via C2A even in absence of Ca2+, and also that positively charged regions of both C2A and C2B are essential for the strong Ca2+-dependent binding of synaptotagmin to the bilayer.  相似文献   

Microbial cloning makes Sanger sequencing of complex DNA samples possible but is labor intensive. We present a simple, rapid and robust method that enables laboratories without special equipment to perform single-molecule amplicon sequencing, although in a low-throughput manner, from sub-picogram quantities of DNA. The method can also be used for quick quality control of next-generation sequencing libraries, as was demonstrated for a metagenomic sample.  相似文献   

【目的】塑料废物处理是世界环境难题,近期有研究报道黄粉虫可啮食聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料,肠道细菌可能在黄粉虫生物降解塑料的过程中起重要作用。本文以啮食聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的黄粉虫幼虫(Tenebrio molitor)为材料,探究其肠道细菌的多样性和细菌群落组成。【方法】分别以聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料(聚苯乙烯组)和纸片(对照组)为唯一食物来源喂养黄粉虫幼虫,在90 d后采集粪便样品,对16S r RNA基因V3-V4区进行PCR扩增和高通量测序,并以PICRUSt进行肠道菌群的功能预测。【结果】饲喂期间,两组黄粉虫均正常存活,部分幼虫完成变态发育。泡沫塑料有明显的减重。样本测序共得到144 258条有效序列,179个OTU,共涉及10个门111个属。其中,聚苯乙烯组黄粉虫的肠道细菌在属水平高丰度的是Alcaligenes(35.9%)、Brevundimonas(12.3%)、Myroides(10.3%)。基于16S r RNA基因序列的功能预测表明,在聚苯乙烯组中,芳香类化合物的降解基因被明显富集。【结论】高通量测序揭示了啮食聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料的黄粉虫肠道菌群的多样性,这对从黄粉虫肠道中分离高效降解聚苯乙烯的细菌具有指导意义。  相似文献   

Regulation of HIV-1 env mRNA translation by Rev protein   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We have examined the effect of Rev on the regulation of the expression of RRE containing mRNAs when they were synthesised in the nucleus or directly in the cytoplasm. In the nuclear expression system, Rev enhanced env mRNA transport by about 1.6-fold, while translation of this mRNA was increased more than a 100-fold. These findings indicate that the target of Rev activity is located mainly at the translational level. Synthesis of Env using a recombinant vaccinia virus system, which synthesised env mRNA directly in the cytoplasm, is also enhanced by Rev. Finally, RRE functioning was examined using a luciferase mRNA bearing this element. Rev stimulated the synthesis of Luciferase both when the luc mRNA was made in the nucleus or in cytoplasm. Our results indicate that the effect of Rev on env mRNA transport is low compared with the enhancement of translation of this mRNA.  相似文献   

The surname distribution, taken from the lists of telephone subscribers in 1979 and 1988, was used to analyze the similarity-distance relationships between human populations. The study used 43 neighbouring Italian communal populations, situated along the Apennine mountains. These communes were chosen to determine the effects of the territorial geomorphological structure, the presence of communication routes, and different administrative jurisdictions on the communes aggregation or differentiation. Overall communication routes are shown to be the most important factor in group aggregation. The presence of communication routes is also predominant in group differentiation due to the Apennine ridge. The ridge has an influence only when routes are absent, and in any case, its effect is lessened in the presence of communication routes. Aggregation due to adherence to the same political division, either on the provincial or regional level was found to be a secondary effect which occurs only when the borders of the administrative subdivisions coincide with the factors considered above.  相似文献   

We describe strand-specific, base-resolution detection of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5-hmC) in genomic DNA with single-molecule sensitivity, combining a bioorthogonal, selective chemical labeling method of 5-hmC with single-molecule, real-time (SMRT) DNA sequencing. The chemical labeling not only allows affinity enrichment of 5-hmC-containing DNA fragments but also enhances the kinetic signal of 5-hmC during SMRT sequencing. We applied the approach to sequence 5-hmC in a genomic DNA sample with high confidence.  相似文献   

Single-molecule sequencing enables DNA or RNA to be sequenced directly from biological samples, making it well-suited for diagnostic and clinical applications. Here we review the properties and applications of this rapidly evolving and promising technology.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase is essential for viral replication. Integrase inserts the viral DNA into the host DNA. We studied the association of integrase to fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. The binding of integrase to the fluorescent oligonucleotides resulted in the appearance of bright spikes during fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements. These spikes arise from the formation of high molecular mass protein-DNA complexes. The fluorescence of the free DNA was separated from the spikes with a statistical method. From the decrease of the concentration of free oligonucleotides, a site association constant was determined. The DNA-protein complexes were formed rapidly in a salt-dependent manner with site association constants ranging between 5 and 40 microm(-1) under different conditions. We also analyzed the kinetics of the DNA-protein complex assembly and the effect of different buffer components. The formation of the fluorescent protein-DNA complex was inhibited by guanosine quartets, and the inhibition constant was determined at 1.8 +/- 0.6 x 10(8) m(-1). Displacement of bound DNA with G-quartets allowed the determination of the dissociation rate constant and proves the reversibility of the association process.  相似文献   

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