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Summary The cytochemical localization of 5-nucleotidase (5-AMPase), and its validity, were investigated in parotid and submandibular acinar cells of a rat. Biochemical determinations showed that adequate treatment with glutaraldehyde could minimize the loss of enzymatic activity, and that 5-AMPase and non-specific alkaline phosphatase (-GPase) possessed different pH optima.The cytochemical distribution of the reaction products from the 5-AMPase activity was distinct from those of -GPase. 5-AMPase activity was localized on the surface membranes of acinar, ductal and myoepithelial cells of both salivary glands. -GPase activity was evenly distributed on the entire plasma membranes of myoepithelial cells and on the basal plasmalemma of acinar cells. The reaction products, which appeared on the luminal and lateral plasma membranes of the acinar cells, were presumed to reflect the presence of 5-AMPase, while those on the myoepithelial surface and basal plasma membranes of the acinar cells demonstrated both 5-AMPase and -GPase.The results indicate that 5-AMPase activity can be utilized as a reliable marker enzyme of plasma membranes in the salivary acinar cells.  相似文献   



In systemic sclerosis (SSc) little evidence for the effectiveness of anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive therapy exists. The objective of this study was to determine the extent to which SSc patients are treated with corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents.


Data on duration and dosage of corticosteroids and on the type of immunosuppressive agent were analyzed from 1,729 patients who were registered in the German Network for Systemic Scleroderma (DNSS).


A total 41.3% of all registered SSc patients was treated with corticosteroids. Corticosteroid use was reported in 49.1% of patients with diffuse cutaneous SSc and 31.3% of patients with limited cutaneous SSc (P < 0.0001). Among patients with overlap disease characteristics, 63.5% received corticosteroids (P < 0.0001 vs. limited cutaneous SSc). A total 16.1% of the patients received corticosteroids with a daily dose ≥ 15 mg prednisone equivalent. Immunosuppressive therapy was prescribed in 35.8% of patients. Again, among those patients with overlap symptoms, a much higher proportion (64.1%) was treated with immunosuppressive agents, compared with 46.4% of those with diffuse cutaneous SSc sclerosis and 22.2% of those with limited cutaneous SSc (P < 0.0001). The most commonly prescribed drugs were methotrexate (30.5%), cyclophosphamide (22.2%), azathioprine (21.8%) and (hydroxy)chloroquine (7.2%). The use of these compounds varied significantly between medical subspecialties.


Despite limited evidence for the effectiveness of corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents in SSc, these potentially harmful drugs are frequently prescribed to patients with all forms of SSc. Therefore, this study indicates the need to develop and communicate adequate treatment recommendations.  相似文献   

Copper is a trace element that is essential for the normal growth and development of all living organisms. In mammals, the ATP7A Cu-transporting ATPase is a key protein that is required for the maintenance of copper homeostasis. In both humans and mice, the ATP7A protein is coded by the X-linked ATP7A/Atp7a gene. Disturbances in copper metabolism caused by mutations in the ATP7A/Atp7a gene lead to severe metabolic syndromes Menkes disease in humans and the lethal mottled phenotype in mice. Mosaic is one of numerous mottled mutations and may serve as a model for a severe Menkes disease variant. In Menkes patients, mutations in the ATP7A gene often result in a decreased level of the normal ATP7A protein. The aim of this study was to analyse the expression of the Atp7a gene in mosaic mutants in early postnatal development, a critical period for starting copper supplementation therapy in both Menkes patients and mutant mice. Using real-time quantitative RT-PCR, we analysed the expression of the Atp7a gene in the brain, kidney and liver of newborn (P0.5) and suckling (P14) mice. Our results indicate that in mosaic P0.5 mutants, the Atp7a mRNA level is decreased in all analysed organs in comparison with wild-type animals. In two week-old mutants, a significant decrease was observed only in the kidney. In contrast, their hepatic level of Atp7a tended to be higher than in wild-type mice. We speculate that disturbance in the expression of the Atp7a gene and, consequently, change in the copper concentration of the organs, may contribute to the early fatal outcome of mosaic males.  相似文献   

Summary The localization of PKC- was studied in rat sympathetic neurons using a polyclonal antibody specific for the 1- and 2-subspecies. The tissues studied included the superior cervical (SCG) and hypogastric (HGG) ganglia and the target tissues of the SCG and HGG neurons: the submandibular gland, iris, prostate and vas deferens. PKC--LI was found in nerve fibers in both ganglia. A proportion of the fibers in the SCG disappeared after decentralization, suggesting that the fibers were of both pre- and postganglionic origin. The somata of the HGG and SCG neurons expressed varying amounts of PKC--LI, the majority of SCG neurons being labelled only after colchicine treatment. In all target tissues there were PKC--immunoreactive nerve fibers in bundles, but the most peripheral branches of the fibers were negatively labelled. The results show that PKC--LI is widely present in sympathetic postganglionic neurons with mainly quantitative differences. The lack of PKC- in the most peripheral branches of nerve fibers might be a general feature of sympathetic postganglionic neurons, suggesting that the participation of PKC- in neurotransmitter release and in other functions in nerve terminals in sympathetic adrenergic neurons is unlikely.  相似文献   

Cellular response to G(q)-linked agonists is shaped by regulatory inputs which determine signal strength and duration. Stimulation of phospholipase C-β (PLC-β) lipase activity results in an increase in the levels of diacylglycerol (DAG) and activation of protein kinase C (PKC) activity. PKC has been implicated in the feedback regulation of G(q) signaling through actions on PLC-β and phospholipase D (PLD) lipase activity. As PKC activity is modulated by multiple layers of regulation, the physiological impact of PKC on G(q) signaling is unclear. PKC signaling can be terminated by diacylglycerol kinases (DGKs) which are regulated in a cell-specific manner. The present studies investigated the contribution of the ubiquitously expressed DGKζ isoform in the regulation of PKC signaling and G(q) response in transfected COS-7 cells. Genetic depletion of DGKζ protein with antisense oligonucleotides dramatically reduced DAG metabolism. The sustained increase in PKC signaling was associated with a pronounced inhibition of carbachol-stimulated lipase activity in cells co-transfected with m1 muscarinic receptor, Gα(q) and either with or without PLC-β(1). The data also reveal that sustained activation of PKC alone does not increase cellular PLD1 activity. Therefore, G(12)-activated RhoA is physiologically important for adequate stimulation of PLD1 activity. These data show that the impact of PKC on G(q) signal transduction is determined by the background of cell-specific processes.  相似文献   

C1 domains are independently folded modules that are responsible for targeting their parent proteins to lipid membranes containing diacylglycerol (DAG), a ubiquitous second messenger. The DAG binding affinities of C1 domains determine the threshold concentration of DAG required for the propagation of signaling response and the selectivity of this response among DAG receptors in the cell. The structural information currently available for C1 domains offers little insight into the molecular basis of their differential DAG binding affinities. In this work, we characterized the C1B domain of protein kinase Cα (C1Bα) and its diagnostic mutant, Y123W, using solution NMR methods and molecular dynamics simulations. The mutation did not perturb the C1Bα structure or the sub-nanosecond dynamics of the protein backbone, but resulted in a > 100-fold increase in DAG binding affinity and a substantial change in microsecond timescale conformational dynamics, as quantified by NMR rotating-frame relaxation-dispersion methods. The differences in the conformational exchange behavior between wild type and Y123W C1Bα were localized to the hinge regions of ligand-binding loops. Molecular dynamics simulations provided insight into the identity of the exchanging conformers and revealed the significance of a particular residue (Gln128) in modulating the geometry of the ligand-binding site. Taken together with the results of binding studies, our findings suggest that the conformational dynamics and preferential partitioning of the tryptophan side chain into the water-lipid interface are important factors that modulate the DAG binding properties of the C1 domains.  相似文献   

The immunohistochemical expression of the alpha and beta subunits of S-100 protein in reactive, modified and transformed of myoepithelial cells, salivary pleomorphic was investigated using monoclonal antibodies. With S-100 alpha, normal salivary glands showed strong staining in serous acinar cells and moderate to slight staining in ductal segments, and with S-100 beta staining was slight or negative in acinar cells, but strong in nerve fibres. In pleomorphic salivary adenomas, the immunohistochemical distribution of S-100 alpha and beta proteins indicated great variation in the tumour cells. Some neoplastic cells gave similar staining for both S-100 alpha and beta, others were strongly positive for S-100 alpha and stained only slightly for S-100 beta, or vice versa. Yet other cells were positive for S-100 alpha and negative for S-100 beta, or vice versa. Pleomorphic salivary adenomas were classified both by histopathological criteria and by their staining pattern for S-100 alpha and beta proteins. Great heterogeneity in S-100 alpha and beta protein expression was found in individual tumour cells of both ductal and myoepithelial origin, and no regular pattern was identified. The cellular origin of salivary pleomorphic adenomas is discussed in terms of S-100 alpha and beta protein immunohistochemistry. Pleomorphic adenoma cells may be transformed from reserve cells into tumour cells displaying biologic properties of myoepithelial cells, ductal cells, or a mixture of both.  相似文献   

Summary For unexplained reasons, nerve growth factor (NGF) exists in very high concentrations in the submandibular gland of the mouse. The NGF in the gland, called 7S-NGF, is a non-covalent complex of three protein subunits, named -, - and -NGF. All the known biological activity resides in the -NGF subunit, and previous studies have shown that -NGF is present in much greater concentrations in the male submandibular gland than in the female gland. The higher concentration in the male is due to the fact that -NGF is synthesized in the granular tubule cells of the submandibular gland. These cells are much more numerous in the male gland.In contrast to -NGF, neither the concentrations of and subunits nor their cellular localization in the mouse submandibular gland have been established. In this study, radioimmunoassays specific for . and subunits determined that both are present in much higher concentrations in the male gland. Immunocytochemical work localized both subunits in the granular tubule cell in the male and female submandibular gland. This indicates that all the components of 7S-NGF exist in a single cell type in the gland and suggests that 7S-NGF can be formed within this cell and secreted as a complex into the saliva.  相似文献   

It is known that ALY/Nsc Jcl-aly/aly (aly/aly) mice that congenitally lack lymph nodes fall victim to Sj?gren syndrome as a function of age. We investigated how TCRint cells of extrathymic origin and TCRhigh cells of thymic origin are distributed in various organs of these mice. Although the distribution of T-cell subsets was not different between control aly/+ and aly/aly mice in youth in any of the tested organs, the proportion of TCRint cells in the liver and spleen of aly/aly mice increased with aging. Usually, TCRint cells in the liver comprise a half-and-half mixture of a NK1. 1(+) subset (i.e., NKT cells) and a NK1.1(-) subset. In constrast, almost all expanding TCRint cells in various immune organs of aly/aly mice were found to be NK1.1(-). A large proportion of lymphocytes, including NK cells and TCRint cells, were also present in the salivary glands of aly/aly mice. Interestingly, these TCRint cells in the salivary glands contained an NK1.1(+) subset (i.e., NKT cells) that used an invariant chain of Valpha14Jalpha281 for TCRalphabeta (>50%). Moreover, gammadeltaT cells that used Vgamma 1, 2, 4/Vdelta 1, 4, 6 mRNAs, different from those of gammadeltaT cells in the liver and intestine, were abundant. Possibly reflecting the in situ generation of these T cells in the salivary glands, the expression of RAG-2 mRNA was evident by the RT-RCR method. These results suggest that (i) inflammatory lymphocytes that evoke Sj?gren syndrome in aly/aly mice are NK cells or TCRint cells (both NK1.1(+) and NK1.1(-) subsets) and (ii) TCRint cells in the salivary glands might be generated in situ.  相似文献   

Summary The three major salivary glands of normal male and female Fischer 344 rats of different ages were examined for the localization of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor (TGF) by immunohistochemical staining. EGF was demonstrated only in the granulated convoluted tubule (GCT) cells of the submandibular gland, the results confirming the previous reports, and most abundantly in adult males and pregnant females. TGF stain was localized in all three glands and was found throughout the entire duct system, excluding acinar cells. The myoepithelial cells of the sublingual gland were also reactive with the TGF antibody. The specificity of the staining was confirmed by negative staining reaction with the absorbed antibody and by radio-immunoassay and Western blot methods. This is the first report describing the presence of TGF in the rat salivary glands.  相似文献   

Resistance of glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) to TNFα induced apoptosis is attributed to NFκB activation. As TNF-receptor family member CD40 regulates NFκB activation, we investigated the role of CD40 in NFκB activation in GBM. We observed elevated CD40 levels in human glioma samples as compared to the surrounding normal tissue. Treatment with TNFα elevated CD40 levels in glioma cells and inhibition of CD40 signaling failed to abrogate TNFα induced NFκΒ activity. While TNFα increased the interaction between TRAF2/6, IκBα, IKKα/β in the CD40 signalosome, the level of CD40 in the signalosome remained unaffected upon TNFα treatment. Interestingly, TNFα decreased the spatial localization of CD40 and increased TRAF2/6 co-localization with lipid raft marker Caveolin. As localization of CD40 signalosome in lipid raft is crucial for NFκB activation, TNFα mediated decreased clustering of CD40 in lipid rafts could have possibly contributed to its non-involvement in NFκB activation.  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - Cytochemical techniques were used to study the localization of 5′-nucleotidase in the enteric ganglia and in smooth muscle cells of the guinea-pig ileum, iris and vas...  相似文献   

The family of diacylglycerol kinases (DAGKs) is known to play an important role in signal transduction linked to phospholipid turnover. In the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster, a human DAGK ortholog, DGK2, was shown to underlie the phenotype of the visual mutant retinal degeneration A (rdgA). Previously, the gene encoding a novel member of the human DAGK family, termed DAGK3, was cloned and demonstrated to be abundantly expressed in the human retina. Based on these findings we reasoned that DAGK3 might be an excellent candidate gene for a human eye disease. In the present study, we report the genomic organization of the human DAGK3 gene, which spans over 30 kb of genomic DNA interrupted by 23 introns. In addition, we have mapped the gene locus by fluorescence in situ hybridization to 3q27–28, overlapping the chromosomal region known to contain the gene underlying dominant optic atrophy (OPA1), the most common form of hereditary atrophy of the optic nerve. Mutational analysis of the entire coding region of DAGK3 in 19 unrelated German OPA1 patients has not revealed any disease-causing mutations, therefore excluding DAGK3 as a major cause underlying OPA1. Received: 24 August 1998 / Accepted: 13 October 1998  相似文献   

The atypical protein kinase C (PKC) isoform zeta (PKCζ) has been implicated in the intracellular transduction of mitogenic and apoptotic signals by acting on different signaling pathways. The key role of these processes in tumorigenesis suggests a possible involvement of PKCζ in this event. PKCζ is activated by cytotoxic treatments, inhibits apoptotic cell death and reduces the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents. Here, using pharmacological and DNA recombinant approaches, we show that oxidative stress triggers nuclear translocation of PKCζ and induces resistance to apoptotic agents. Accordingly, chemoresistant cells show accumulation of PKCζ within the nucleus, and a nuclear-targeted PKCζ transfected in tumor cells decreases sensitivity to apoptosis. We thus developed a novel recombinant protein capable of selectively inhibiting the nuclear fraction of PKCζ that restored the susceptibility to apoptosis in cells in which PKCζ was enriched in the nuclear fraction, including chemoresistant cells. These findings establish the importance of PKCζ as a possible target to increase the effectiveness of anticancer therapies and highlight potential sites of intervention.  相似文献   

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