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Subcutaneous injection of murine macrophage cell line P388D1 into syngeneic DBA/2 produced tumors, which upon solubilization with 40 mM octyl glucoside contained acetylated low density lipoprotein binding activity. The tumor-derived receptor specifically bound acetylated low density lipoprotein with an affinity of approximately 3 X 10(-8) M but did not bind low density lipoprotein or high density lipoprotein. It was identical in binding specificity, affinity, and Pronase sensitivity to the receptor in intact cells or that obtained from solubilized cultured cell membranes. Partial purification of the receptor was achieved by solubilizing tumors with 1% Triton X-100 followed by chromatography on polyethyleneimine cellulose. After elution with a NaCl gradient in the presence of octyl glucoside and association with liposomes, a 287-fold purification of the receptor was achieved. The receptor was identified by specific ligand blotting as a 260,000-dalton protein having a pI of approximately 6.0. Binding to the receptor by acetylated low density lipoprotein, malondialdehyde-modified low density lipoprotein, and maleic anhydride-modified serum albumin was demonstrated by ligand blotting. A single receptor protein can, therefore, account for the binding of multiple types of charge-modified lipoprotein and nonlipoprotein ligands to the macrophage cell surface.  相似文献   

Secretion of pro-inflammatory chemokines and cytokines by macrophages is a contributory factor in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In this study, the effects of chylomicron remnants (CMR), the lipoproteins which transport dietary fat in the blood, on the production of pro-inflammatory chemokine and cytokine secretion by macrophages was investigated using CMR-like particles (CRLPs) together with THP-1 macrophages or primary human macrophages (HMDM). Incubation of CRLPs or oxidized CRLPs (oxCRLPs) with HMDM or THP-1 macrophages for up to 24h led to a marked decrease in the secretion of the pro-inflammatory chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) and the pro-inflammatory cytokines tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1β (-50-90%), but these effects were reduced or abolished when CRLPs protected from oxidation by incorporation of the antioxidant drug, probucol, (pCRLPs) were used. In macrophages transfected with siRNA targeted to the low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLr), neither CRLPs nor pCRLPs had any significant effect on chemokine/cytokine secretion, but in cells transfected with siRNA targeted to the LDLr-related protein 1 (LRP1) both types of particles inhibited secretion to a similar extent to that observed with CRLPs in mock transfected cells. These findings demonstrate that macrophage pro-inflammatory chemokine/cytokine secretion is down-regulated by CMR, and that these effects are positively related to the lipoprotein oxidative state. Furthermore, uptake via the LDLr is required for the down-regulation, while uptake via LRP1 does not bring about this effect. Thus, the receptor-mediated route of uptake of CMR plays a crucial role in modulating their effects on inflammatory processes in macrophages.  相似文献   

Infection by Trypanosoma cruzi is accompanied by severe immunosuppression during the acute period. As part of our studies, to define the alterations caused by Trypanosoma cruzi in lymphocyte function, we examined in this work the interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma)-producing capacity of mitogen-stimulated mouse spleen and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells in the presence or absence of blood forms of the parasite. Co-culture of phytohaemagglutinin- or concanavalin A-stimulated spleen cells from normal mice with T. cruzi significantly decreased the levels of IFN-gamma activity found in the supernatants at 48 or 72 h. In contrast, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells, though suppressed by T. cruzi in their capacity to proliferate upon mitogenic stimulation, showed no significant decrease in IFN-gamma production. The addition of exogenous IFN-gamma did not reverse the suppressive effect of T. cruzi on either mouse or human cells. These results revealed, for the first time, the ability of T. cruzi to impair IFN-gamma production by activated mouse lymphocytes. The lack of restoration by exogenous IFN-gamma suggested that the reduced levels of this lymphokine were not, at least by themselves, the causative factor of reduced lymphoproliferation.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that aggregated low density lipoprotein (AgLDL) accumulates in atherosclerotic lesions. Previously, we showed that AgLDL induces and enters surface-connected compartments (SCC) in human monocyte-derived macrophages by a process we have named patocytosis. Most AgLDL taken up by these macrophages in the absence of serum is stored in SCC and remains undegraded. We now show that macrophages released AgLDL (prepared by vortexing or treatment with phospholipase C or sphingomyelinase) from their SCC when exposed to 10% human lipoprotein-deficient serum (LPDS). Macrophages also took up AgLDL in the presence of LPDS, but subsequently released it. In both cases, the released AgLDL was disaggregated. Although the AgLDL that macrophages took up could not pass through a 0.45-micrometer filter, >60% of AgLDL could pass this filter after release from the macrophages. Disaggregation of AgLDL was verified by gel-filtration chromatography and electron microscopy that also showed particles larger than LDL, reflecting fusion of LDL that aggregates. The factor in serum that mediated AgLDL release and disaggregation was plasmin generated from plasminogen by macrophage urokinase plasminogen activator. AgLDL release was decreased >90% by inhibitors of plasmin (epsilon-amino caproic acid and anti-plasminogen mAb), and also by inhibitors of urokinase plasminogen activator (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and anti-urokinase plasminogen activator mAb). Moreover, plasminogen could substitute for LPDS and produce similar macrophage release and disaggregation of AgLDL. Because only plasmin bound to the macrophage surface is protected from serum plasmin inhibitors, interaction of AgLDL with macrophages was necessary for reversal of its aggregation by LPDS. The released disaggregated LDL particles were competent to stimulate LDL receptor-mediated endocytosis in cultured fibroblasts. Macrophage-mediated disaggregation of aggregated and fused LDL is a mechanism for transforming LDL into lipoprotein structures size-consistent with lipid particles found in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

The formation of cholesterol-loaded macrophage foam cells in arterial tissue may occur by the uptake of modified lipoproteins via the scavenger receptor pathway. The macrophage scavenger receptor, also called the acetylated low density lipoprotein (Ac-LDL) receptor, has been reported to recognize Ac-LDL as well as oxidized LDL species such as endothelial cell-modified LDL (EC-LDL). We now report that there is another class of macrophage receptors that recognizes EC-LDL but not Ac-LDL. We performed assays of 0 degrees C binding and 37 degrees C degradation of 125I-Ac-LDL and 125I-EC-LDL by mouse peritoneal macrophages. Competition studies showed that unlabeled Ac-LDL could compete for only 25% of the binding and only 50% of the degradation of 125I-EC-LDL. Unlabeled EC-LDL, however, competed for greater than 90% of 125I-EC-LDL binding and degradation. Unlabeled Ac-LDL was greater than 90% effective against 125I-Ac-LDL; EC-LDL competed for about 80% of 125I-Ac-LDL binding and degradation. Copper-oxidized LDL behaved the same as EC-LDL in all the competition studies. Copper-mediated oxidation of Ac-LDL produced a superior competitor which could now displace 90% of 125I-EC-LDL binding. After 5 h at 37 degrees C in the presence of ligand, macrophages accumulated six times more cell-associated radioactivity from 125I-EC-LDL than from 125I-Ac-LDL, despite approximately equal amounts of degradation to trichloroacetic acid-soluble products, which may imply different intracellular processing of the two lipoproteins. Our results suggest that 1) there is more than one macrophage "scavenger receptor" for modified lipoproteins; and 2) oxidized LDL and Ac-LDL are not identical ligands with respect to macrophage recognition and uptake.  相似文献   

Reactive aldehydes can be formed during the oxidation of lipids, glucose, and amino acids and during the nonenzymatic glycation of proteins. Low density lipoprotein (LDL) modified with malondialdehyde are taken up by scavenger receptors on macrophages. In the current studies we determined whether alpha-hydroxy aldehydes also modify LDL to a form recognized by macrophage scavenger receptors. LDL modified by incubation with glycolaldehyde, glyceraldehyde, erythrose, arabinose, or glucose (alpha-hydroxy aldehydes that possess two, three, four, five, and six carbon atoms, respectively) exhibited decreased free amino groups and increased mobility on agarose gel electrophoresis. The lower the molecular weight of the aldehyde used for LDL modification, the more rapid and extensive was the derivatization of free amino groups. Approximately 50-75% of free lysine groups in LDL were modified after incubation with glyceraldehyde, glycolaldehyde, or erythrose for 24-48 h. Less extensive reductions in free amino groups were observed when LDL was incubated with arabinose or glucose, even at high concentration for up to 5 days. LDL modified with glycolaldehyde and glyceraldehyde labeled with (125)I was degraded more extensively by human monocyte-derived macrophages than was (125)I-labeled native LDL. Conversely, LDL modified with (125)I-labeled erythrose, arabinose, or glucose was degraded less rapidly than (125)I-labeled native LDL. Competition for the degradation of LDL modified with (125)I-labeled glyceraldehyde was nearly complete with acetyl-, glycolaldehyde-, and glyceraldehyde-modified LDL, fucoidin, and advanced glycation end product-modified bovine serum albumin, and absent with unlabeled native LDL.These results suggest that short-chain alpha-hydroxy aldehydes react with amino groups on LDL to yield moieties that are important determinants of recognition by macrophage scavenger receptors.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein trapping in arterial intima increases the risk for lipoprotein oxidation, foam cell formation, and inflammatory response in surrounding cells. Modified lipoproteins increase smooth muscle cell production of proteoglycans likely to retain lipoproteins in intimal extracellular matrix. We hypothesized that macrophage proteoglycan production is regulated in a similar manner, and characterized glycosaminoglycan side chains of secreted proteoglycans. Incubation with native low density lipoproteins (LDL) strongly stimulates total proteoglycan secretion in a time and concentration dependent manner. The main secretion product is small-sized (120 kDa) with unusually long galactosaminoglycan chains, predominantly chondroitin-6-O-sulfated. The effect appears specific for native LDL; oxidized LDL, very low density lipoproteins or phospholipid liposomes have only minor effects compared to control. These observations suggest that native LDL stimulate macrophages to secrete a chondroitin sulfate-rich proteoglycan moiety likely to have high capacity for vascular extracellular trapping of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins.  相似文献   

The objectives were to determine whether there are differences in the mechanisms of lipoprotein metabolism associated with different FcgammaRs and how metabolism associated with FcgammaRs compares to that mediated by scavenger receptors (SRA). To analyze lipoprotein metabolism in a receptor-specific manner, bispecific antibodies were used to target low density lipoproteins (LDL) labeled with (125)I or [(3)H]cholesterol linoleate to FcgammaRI or FcgammaRIIA in human macrophages. Interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma), which stimulates expression of FcgammaRI while inhibiting expression of SRA, was used to help delineate differences in metabolism between each receptor. For each receptor, the total amount of lipoprotein degradation paralleled changes in receptor expression induced by IFN-gamma. In particular, while SRA-mediated degradation typically exceeded degradation mediated by FcgammaRI, in IFN-gamma-treated cells degradation associated with FcgammaRI and SRA was similar. Assay of [(3)H]cholesterol linoleate-labeled lipoproteins indicated that total uptake and hydrolysis of [(3)H]cholesterol linoleate was similar for each class of receptor, and inhibited by IFN-gamma. For FcgammaRI versus FcgammaRIIA, in the presence or absence of IFN-gamma, the [(3)H]cholesterol derived from FcgammaRIIA-mediated uptake was preferentially targeted for re-esterification to [(3)H]cholesterol oleate, in comparison to that resulting from hydrolysis of [(3)H]cholesterol linoleate incorporated by selective uptake. For SRA, the formation of [(3)H]cholesterol oleate, which was substantial in control cells, was significantly inhibited in the presence of IFN-gamma. We conclude that there may be differences in cholesterol trafficking with respect to lipoprotein immune complex metabolism mediated by different classes of FcgammaRs.  相似文献   

We previously reported that upper thoracic exposure to ionizing radiation (IR) accelerates fatty streak formation in C57BL/6 mice and that such effects are inhibited by overexpression of the antioxidant enzyme CuZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD). Notably, IR-accelerated lesion formation is strictly dependent on a high fat diet (i.e., atherogenic lipoproteins) but does not involve alterations in circulating lipid or lipoprotein levels. We thus proposed that IR promotes changes in the artery wall that enhance the deposition of lipoprotein lipids. To address this hypothesis, we examined the effects of IR on aortic accumulation and degradation of low density lipoproteins (LDL). Ten-week-old C57BL/6 mice were exposed to a single (8-Gy) dose of (60)Co radiation to the upper thoracic area or were sham irradiated (controls) and were then placed on the high fat diet. Five days postexposure, the mice received either (125)I-labeled LDL ((125)I-LDL) (which was used to measure intact LDL) or (125)I-labeled tyramine cellobiose ((125)I-TC)-LDL (which was used to measure both intact and cell-degraded LDL) via tail vein injection. On the basis of trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-precipitable counts in retroorbital blood samples, > or =95% of donor LDL was cleared within 24 h and there were no differences in time-averaged plasma concentrations of the two forms of LDL among irradiated and control mice. Aortic values increased markedly within the first hour and thereafter exhibited a slow increase up to 24 h. There were no differences between irradiated and control mice at 1 h, when values primarily reflected LDL entry, but a divergence was observed thereafter. At 24 h, (125)I-TC-associated counts were 1.8-fold higher in irradiated mice (P = 0.10). In contrast, (125)I-LDL-associated counts were 30% lower in irradiated mice (P< 0.05), suggesting that most of the retained (125)I-TC was associated with LDL degradation products. Consistent with the proposed involvement of oxidative or redox-regulated events, IR-induced LDL degradation was lower in SOD-transgenic than wild-type mice (P<0.05). The importance of LDL oxidation was suggested by observations that IR-induced LDL degradation was significantly reduced by preenriching LDL with alpha-tocopherol. On the basis of these results, we propose that IR elicits SOD-inhibitable changes in the artery wall that enhance LDL oxidation and degradation leading to the deposition of LDL-borne lipids. These studies provide additional support for the role of oxidation in lipoprotein lipid deposition and atherogenesis and suggest that IR promotes an arterial environment that stimulates this process in vivo.  相似文献   

Antioxidative effects of the flavonols and their glycosides, i.e., quercetin (Q), quercetin galactopyranoside (QG), quercetin rhamnolpyranoside (QR), rutin (R), morin (MO), myrecetin (MY), kaempferol (K) and kaempferol glucoside (KG), against free radical initiated peroxidation of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) were studied. The peroxidation was initiated either by a water-soluble initiator 2,2'-azobis(2-amidino propane hydrochloride) (AAPH), or by cupric ion (Cu2+). The reaction kinetics were monitored either by the uptake of oxygen and the depletion of alpha-tocopherol (TOH) presented in the native LDL, or by the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). Kinetic analysis of the antioxidation process demonstrates that these flavonols and their glycosides are effective antioxidants against AAPH- and Cu(2+)-initiated LDL peroxidation, the flavonols bearing ortho-dihydroxyl groups possess significantly higher antioxidant activity than those bearing no such functionalities, and the glycosides are less active than their parent aglycones.  相似文献   

We previously showed that low density lipoprotein (LDL) induces an early decrease in the thymidine-transport rate and subsequently inhibits cell proliferation. We now have demonstrated that a dose-dependent decrease in the rate of thymidine transport was found in all the cell lines examined irrespective of their sensitivity to the inhibitory effect of LDL on cell growth. Thus, inhibition of both transport and cell growth by LDL are not necessarily coupled. In contrast, 3-O-methyl-D-glucose transport was not affected by an addition of LDL. The specific inhibition of transport was not suppressed by an addition of chloroquine. Thus, degradation of LDL within the lysosome was not required for LDL to inhibit thymidine transport. A mixture of lipids extracted from LDL was as inhibitory as LDL in the various types of cells examined. Calf serum also prevented the inhibitory effect of both LDL and its lipid constituents equally. Phosphatidylcholine produced no decrease in thymidine transport, but cholesterol inhibited it. We concluded that LDL-associated lipids, particularly cholesterol, play an essential role in the LDL-induced decrease of transport.  相似文献   

Although the direct conversion of very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) into low density (LDL) and high density (HDL) lipoproteins only requires lipoprotein lipase (LPL) as a catalyst and albumin as the fatty acid acceptor, the in vitro-formed LDL and HDL differ chemically from their native counterparts. To investigate the reason(s) for these differences, VLDL were treated with human milk LPL in the presence of albumin, and the LPL-generated LDL1-, LDL2-, and HDL-like particles were characterized by lipid and apolipoprotein composition. Results showed that the removal of apolipoproteins B, C, and E from VLDL was proportional to the degree of triglyceride hydrolysis with LDL2 particles as the major and LDL1 and HDL + VHDL particles as the minor products of a complete in vitro lipolysis of VLDL. In comparison with native counterparts, the in vitro-formed LDL2 and HDL + VHDL were characterized by lower levels of triglyceride and cholesterol ester and higher levels of free cholesterol and lipid phosphorus. The characterization of lipoprotein particles present in the in vitro-produced LDL2 showed that, as in plasma LDL2, lipoprotein B (LP-B) was the major apolipoprotein B-containing lipoprotein accounting for over 90% of the total apolipoprotein B. Other, minor species of apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins included LP-B:C-I:E and LP-B:C-I:C-II:C-III. The lipid composition of in vitro-formed LP-B closely resembled that of plasma LP-B. The major parts of apolipoproteins C and E present in VLDL were released to HDL + VHDL as simple, cholesterol/phospholipid-rich lipoproteins including LP-C-I, LP-C-II, LP-C-III, and LP-E. However, some of these same simple lipoprotein particles were present after ultracentrifugation in the LDL2 density segment because of their hydrated density and/or because they formed, in the absence of naturally occurring acceptors (LP-A-I:A-II), weak associations with LP-B. Thus, the presence of varying amounts of these cholesterol/phospholipid-rich lipoproteins in the in vitro-formed LDL2 appears to be the main reason for their compositional difference from native LDL2. These results demonstrate that the formation of LP-B as the major apolipoprotein B-containing product of VLDL lipolysis only requires LPL as a catalyst and albumin as the fatty acid acceptor. However, under physiological circumstances, other modulating agents are necessary to prevent the accumulation and interaction of phospholipid/cholesterol-rich apolipoprotein C- and E-containing particles.  相似文献   

Spice components and their active principles are potential antioxidants. In this study we examined the effect of phenolic and non-phenolic active principles of common spices on copper ion-induced lipid peroxidation of human low density lipoprotein (LDL) by measuring the formation of thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) and relative electrophoretic mobility (REM) of LDL on agarose gel. Curcurriin, capsaicin, quercetin, piperine, eugenol and allyl sulfide inhibited the formation of TBARS effectively through out the incubation period of 12 h and decreased the REM of LDL. Spice phenolic active principles viz. curcumin, quercetin and capsaicin at 10 M produced 40–85% inhibition of LDL oxidation at different time intervals while non-phenolic antioxidant allyl sulfide was less potent in inhibiting oxidation of LDL. However, allyl sulfide, eugenol and ascorbic acid showed pro-oxidant activity at lower concentrations (10 M) and antioxidant activity at higher concentrations (50 M) only. Among the spice principles tested quercetin and curcumin showed the highest inhibitory activity while piperine showed least antioxidant activity at equimolar concentration during initiation phase of oxidation of LDL. The inhibitory effect of curcumin, quercetin and capsaicin was comparable to that of BHA, but relatively more potent than ascorbic acid. Further, the effect of curcurnin, quercetin, capsaicin and BHA on initiation and propagation phases of LDL oxidation showed that curcurnin significantly inhibited both initiation and propagation phases of LDL oxidation, while quercetin was found to be ineffective at propagation phase. These data suggest that the above spice active principles, which constitute about 1–4% of above spices, are effective antioxidants and offer protection against oxidation of human LDL.  相似文献   

Low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein were isolated from rat serum by sequential ultracentrifugation in the density intervals 1.025-1.050 g/ml and 1.125-1.21 g/ml, respectively. The isolated lipoproteins were radioiodinated using ICl. Low density lipoprotein was further purified by concanavalin A affinity chromatography and concentrated by ultracentrifugation. 95% of the purified low density lipoprotein radioactivity was precipitable by tetramethylurea, while only 4% was associated with lipids. The radioiodinated high density lipoprotein was incubated for 1 h at 4 degrees C with unlabelled very low density lipoprotein, followed by reisolation by sequential ultracentrifugation. Only 3% of the radioactivity was associated with lipids and 90% was present on apolipoprotein A-I. The serum decay curves of labelled and subsequently purified rat low and high density lipoprotein, measured over a period of 28 h, clearly exhibited more than one component, in contrast to the monoexponential decay curves of iodinated human low density lipoprotein. The decay curves were not affected by the methods used to purify the LDL and HDL preparations. The catabolic sites of the labelled rat lipoproteins were analyzed in vivo using leupeptin-treated rats. In vivo treatment of rats with leupeptin did not affect the rate of disappearance from serum of intravenously injected labelled rat low density lipoprotein and high density lipoprotein. Leupeptin-dependent accumulation of radioiodine occurred almost exclusively in the liver after intravenous injection of iodinated low density lipoprotein, while both the liver and the kidneys showed leupeptin-dependent accumulation of radioactivity after injection of iodinated high density lipoprotein.  相似文献   

Scavenger receptor class B type I (SR-BI) has recently been identified as a high density lipoprotein (HDL) receptor that mediates bidirectional flux of cholesterol across the plasma membrane. We have previously demonstrated that oxidized low density lipoprotein (OxLDL) will increase expression of another class B scavenger receptor, CD36 (Han, J., Hajjar, D. P., Febbraio, M., and Nicholson, A. C. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 21654-21659). In studies reported herein, we evaluated the effects of OxLDL on expression of SR-BI in macrophages to determine how exposure to this modified lipoprotein could alter SR-BI expression and cellular lipid flux. OxLDL decreased SR-BI expression in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Incubation with OxLDL had no effect on the membrane distribution of SB-BI, and it decreased expression of both cytosolic and membrane protein. Consistent with its effect on SR-BI protein expression, OxLDL decreased SR-BI mRNA in a dose-dependent manner. The ability of OxLDL to decrease SR-BI expression was dependent on the degree of LDL oxidation. OxLDL decreased both [(14)C]cholesteryl oleate/HDL uptake and efflux of [(14)C]cholesterol to HDL in a time-dependent manner. Incubation of macrophages with 7-ketocholesterol, but not free cholesterol, also inhibited expression of SR-BI. Finally, we demonstrate that the effect of OxLDL on SR-BI is dependent on the differentiation state of the monocyte/macrophage. These results imply that in addition to its effect in inducing foam cell formation in macrophages through increased uptake of oxidized lipids, OxLDL may also enhance foam cell formation by altering SR-BI-mediated lipid flux across the cell membrane.  相似文献   

Inhibition of B lymphocyte activation by interferon-gamma   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
Helper/inducer T cell clones specific for protein antigens and class II MHC determinants consist of two nonoverlapping subsets. One (called Th1) secretes IL 2 and IFN-gamma and the other (Th2) produces BSF1 upon stimulation with antigen or polyclonal activators. By using hapten-binding normal B cells and the B lymphoma line WEHI-279 as assays for B cell helper (maturation) factors, we have shown that Th2 clone supernatants (SN) induce differentiation to antibody secretion, whereas Th1 SN do not. The failure of Th1 SN to activate B cells is due to inhibitory effects of IFN-gamma, because it can be reversed by a neutralizing monoclonal antibody specific for IFN-gamma. Thus, in the presence of this antibody, even Th1 SN stimulate B cell maturation maximally. Conversely, recombinant IFN-gamma inhibits proliferation and differentiation of B cells induced by active Th2 SN. These results demonstrate that IFN-gamma is a potent inhibitor of B lymphocyte activation and can be distinguished from growth and maturation-inducing helper factors that are produced by both subsets of helper T cells.  相似文献   

The proteolytic degradation of 125I-labeled low density lipoprotein by monolayers of cultured human fibroblasts was prevented by exposure of the cells to chloroquine, an agent that has been reported previously to inhibit lysosomal degradative processes. Chloroquine did not inhibit the binding of low density lipoprotein to its cell surface receptor. However, the two regulatory actions that normally follow low density lipoprotein binding to its receptor, namely suppression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity and stimulation of cholesteryl ester formation, were both prevented when degradation of the lipoprotein was inhibited by chloroquine. Two other agents affecting lysosomal function, Triton WR 1339 and concanavalin A, also inhibited the proteolytic degradation of low density lipoprotein in intact fibroblasts and simultaneously prevented low density lipoprotein-mediated suppression of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase activity and stimulation of cholesteryl ester formation. Unlike chloroquine, however, these two agents also affect the binding of low density lipoprotein to the cells. The inhibitory action of chloropuine, concanavalin A, and Triton WR 1339 could each be reversed by removal of the agent from the culture medium. These in vivo culture data, together with the observation that cell-free extracts of fibroblasts maximally degrade 125I-labeled low density lipoprotein at pH 4 and do not form acid-soluble material above pH 6, are consistent with the hypothesis that the proteolytic degradation of low density lipoprotein by monolayers of fibroblasts occurs within lysosomes. The data also suggest that normal lysosomal function is required in order for low density lipoprotein to regulate cholesterol synthesis and cholesteryl ester formation in the fibroblast system.  相似文献   

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