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To identify tyrosine kinases which play roles in mammalian early development, the 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) was performed on mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells. Among eight tyrosine kinases thus identified, we report here a novel tyrosine kinase, hyk (adhesion structures linked tyrosine kinase). The sequences of the 4.7 kb cDNA indicated the presence of RGD motif and three epidermal growth factor-like domains put between two immunoglobulin-like domains and three fibronectin type III domains in its extracellular region. It is strongly expressed in ES cells and later stages of embryos, but at low levels in midgestation embryos. It is also expressed at a low level in neural precursor cells from 10-day embryos, but at high levels in embryonic day 15 and neonatal brains. In adult tissues it is expressed ubiquitously.  相似文献   

Complement factor 5a (C5a) promotes local inflammation and is a potent chemoattractant for neutrophils and macrophages. We had an interest in C5a and its receptor, C5r1, because we previously identified C5a as a positional candidate gene for the quantitative trait locus Abhr2, which determines allergen-induced bronchial hyperresponsiveness in our murine model of asthma. To study the significance of C5r1 in our asthma model we first had to determine its genomic map location in mice. Genomic sequence surrounding murine C5r1 was analyzed for polymorphisms and two variable microsatellites were identified. These microsatellites were genotyped in A/J x (C3H/HeJ x A/J)F1 backcross mice (n = 355) and mapped in a panel of 164 markers spaced at approximately 10 cM intervals throughout the genome. Multipoint linkage analysis placed C5r1 on murine chromosome 7, 3.9 cM from the top of the linkage group. This map location has been previously identified as containing an additional quantitative trait locus for allergen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness, Abhr3, in this population of mice.  相似文献   

Collectins are oligomeric molecules with C-type lectin domains attached to collagen-like regions via alpha-helical neck regions. They bind nonself glycoconjugates on the surface of microorganisms and inhibit infection by direct neutralization, agglutination, or opsonization. During the characterization of the gene encoding bovine CL-43 (43-kDa collectin), we identified a novel collectin-gene. We report the cloning and partial characterization of the novel collectin CL-46. The mRNA comprises 1188 nucleotides encoding a protein of 371 aa with an included leader peptide of 20 residues. CL-46 has two cysteine residues in the N-terminal segment, a potential N-glycosylation site in the collagen region, and an extended hydrophilic loop close to the binding site of the carbohydrate recognition domain. It is expressed in the thymus, liver, mammary gland, and tissues of the digestive system. Recombinant CL-46 corresponding to the alpha-helical neck region and the C-type lectin domain binds preferential N-acetyl-D-glucoseamine and N-acetyl-D-mannoseamine. The gene encoding CL-46 spans approximately 10 kb and consists of eight exons, with high structural resemblance to the gene encoding human surfactant protein D. It is located on the bovine chromosome 28 at position q1.8 together with the gene encoding conglutinin and CL-43. Several potential thymus-related cis-regulatory elements were identified in the 5'-upstream sequence, indicating that the expression in thymus may be modulated by signals involved in T cell development.  相似文献   

The neuronal type of primary chronic idiopathic intestinal pseudoobstruction (CIIP) results from the developmental failure of enteric neurons to migrate or differentiate correctly. This leads to intestinal motility disorders, which are characterized by symptoms and signs of bowel obstruction in the absence of a mechanical obstacle. Most of these conditions are congenital, and among them some are inherited. One syndromic condition characterized by intestinal pseudoobstruction with morphological abnormalities of the argyrophil neurons in the myenteric plexus, associated with short small bowel, malrotation, and pyloric hypertrophy, has been previously described. We have studied a family affected by this disorder, in which the disease appeared to segregate as an X-linked recessive trait. In order to map the CIIP locus in this family, we performed linkage analysis in 26 family members by use of highly polymorphic microsatellite markers from the X chromosome. One of these markers, DXYS154, located in the distal part of Xq28, shows no recombination with a maximum lod score of 2.32. Multipoint analysis excluded linkage with markers spanning other regions of the X chromosome. Our results, integrated with the current genetic and physical map of Xq28, determine the order of loci as cen-DXS15-(CIIPX)-DXS1108/DXYS154-tel. This study establishes, for the first time, the mapping assignment of a neuropathic form of CIIP other than Hirschsprung disease.  相似文献   

The murine Il-6 gene maps to the proximal region of chromosome 5   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Murine Il-6 cDNAs were isolated by cross-hybridization with a human IL-6 cDNA from an IL-1 activated bone marrow stromal cell line (W20). Mouse-hamster somatic cell hybrids were utilized to localize murine Il-6 to chromosome 5. Genetic mapping with respect to En-2, AlbH, and Gus in backcross progeny from an interspecific mating between C57BL/6J and Mus spretus positioned Il-6 3 cM distal to En-2. The syntenic relationships of Il-6 and En-2 in mouse and man, as well as the potential role of IL-6 in tumorigenesis, are discussed.  相似文献   

The IF3 gene was isolated by expression cloning from a cDNA library of mouse oocytes. This gene was revealed to have no homology to any known gene and its cDNA encodes a 202-amino acid protein that contains a signal-peptide sequence. Moreover, an IF3 isoform, IF3(2), was expressed in both liver and ovary. Its cDNA encoded a 92-amino acid protein contains a signal-peptide sequence, which may be an alternative splice and frameshift form of IF3. The mRNA of IF3s was expressed in oocytes, ovary, and liver. Moreover, the gene expression of IF3s was regulated in a development-dependent manner in preimplantation-embryo and liver. Both IF3(1) and IF3(2) isoforms induced the differentiation of 2T3 and ATDC5 cells to the osteogenic and chondrogenic phenotype, respectively, suggesting that IF3s may modulate the differentiation status. Our findings suggest that IF3 may be one of the secreted factors that regulate oogenesis and certain liver functions.  相似文献   

In mammals, 14 members of the Eph receptor tyrosine kinase family have been described so far. Here we present a not yet described member of this family denoted EphA10. We report the identification of three putative EphA10 isoforms: one soluble and two transmembrane isoforms. One of the latter isoforms lacked the sterile alpha motif commonly found in Eph receptors. The gene encoding EphA10 is located on chromosome 1p34 and expression studies show that EphA10 mRNA is mainly expressed in testis. Binding studies to ephrin ligands suggests that this receptor belongs to the EphA subclass of Eph receptors binding mainly to ephrin-A ligands.  相似文献   

Arthrogryposis multiplex congenita (AMC), defined as permanent joint contractures present at birth, is one of the most common congenital defects in piglets and other mammals. A genetic form of arthrogryposis was recently identified in Swiss Large White (LW) pigs. The disease is controlled by a single autosomal recessive allele designated as amc. At least 14 LW AI (artificial insemination) boars (about 25% of the Swiss population) are known to be carriers of the amc allele. A total of 219 pigs were used for linkage analysis, including seven founders (F1), three F0, 160 F2, and 49 F3 animals. All founder pigs were full or half sibs. Of the 219 pigs, 41 (18.7%) were found to be affected, while the remaining 178 (81.3%) were healthy. A comprehensive genome scan revealed that microsatellite SW1987 located on pig (Sus scrofa) Chromosome 5 (SSC5), was linked with AMC. Sixteen additional SSC5 microsatellites were selected for further genotyping to generate a multipoint map covering the AMC region. Significant pairwise linkage (LOD > 6.00) was found for AMC and eight marker loci. The order that best fit with the data was SW963SW1987SW152AMC–(SW904, SW1094)–SWR1526–(SWR1974, SW310). AMC was mapped by linkage analysis to the position 92 cM, between SW152 and SW904/SW1094, which are located on SSC5 in bands q12–q23.  相似文献   

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