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Melting behavior of a covalently closed, single-stranded, circular DNA   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
We synthesized the 26-residue deoxynucleotide sequence d(TTCCT5GGAATTCCT5GGAA) which folds intramolecularly to form a dumbbell-shaped, double-hairpin structure with a gap between the 3' and the 5' ends. We used T4 polynucleotide kinase to phosphorylate the 5' end followed by T4 DNA ligase to close the 3' and 5' ends. Melting of the dumbbell structure formed by this ligated sequence produces a covalently closed, single-stranded, circular final state. We employed calorimetric and spectroscopic techniques to characterize thermodynamically the melting behavior of the ligated molecule and compared it with the corresponding melting behavior of its unligated precursor. This comparison allowed us to characterize uniquely the influence of single-stranded ring closure on intramolecular duplex melting. The data reveal that ring closure produces a thermally more stable structure which exhibits significantly altered melting thermodynamics. We rationalize these thermodynamic differences in terms of differential solvation and differential counterion association between the ligated and unligated molecules. We also note the importance of such constrained dumbbell structures as models for hairpins, cruciforms, and locally melted domains within naturally occurring DNA polymers.  相似文献   

Primary duck hepatocytes were infected with a mutant duck hepatitis B virus defective in envelope protein but competent for viral DNA synthesis. Cells infected by this mutant accumulated higher levels of viral covalently closed, circular DNA (cccDNA) than those infected by wild-type virus. The accumulation of high levels of cccDNA was due to a failure of the mutant-infected cells to suppress de novo cccDNA synthesis compared with suppression by cells infected by the wild type. The envelope-defective virus failed to establish a persistent infection in vitro, possibly because of a virus-mediated cell death. Therefore, one or both viral envelope proteins are required for regulation of cccDNA synthesis and for maintenance of persistent infection in vitro.  相似文献   

Renaturation of denatured, covalently closed circular DNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The rate of renaturation of denatured, covalently closed, circular DNA (form Id DNA) of the phi X174 replicative form has been investigated as a function of pH, temperature, and ionic strength. The rate at a constant temperature is a sharply peaked function of pH in the range of pH 9 to 12. The position on the pH scale of the maximum rate decreases as the temperature is increased and as the ionic strength is increased. The kinetic course of renaturation is pseudo-first order: it is independent of DNA concentration, but falls off in rate from a first order relationship as the reaction proceeds. The rate of renaturation depends critically on the temperature at which the denaturation is carried out. Form Id, prepared at an alkaline pH at 0 degrees C, renatures from 5 to more than 100 times more rapidly than that similarly prepared at 50 degrees C. Both the heterogeneity in rate and the effect of the temperature of denaturation depend, in part, on the degree of supercoiling of the form I DNA from which the form Id is prepared. However, it is concluded that a much larger contribution to both arises from a configurational heterogeneity introduced in the denaturation reaction. The renaturation rate was determined by neutralization of the alkaline reaction and analytical ultracentrifugal analysis of the amounts of forms I and Id. The nature of the proximate renatured species at the temperature and alkaline pH of renaturation was investigated by spectrophotometric titration and analytical ultracentrifugation. It is concluded that the proximate species are the same as the intermediate species defined by an alkaline sedimentation titration of the kind first done by Vinograd et al. ((1965) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 53, 1104-1111). Observations are included on the buoyant density of form Id and on depurination of DNA at alkaline pH values and high temperatures.  相似文献   

The interaction of hedamycin with covalently closed circular PM-2 DNA was examined. Hedamycin produced strand breakage detectable in alkaline sucrose gradients. Under neutral conditions hedamycin inhibited ethidium bromide binding and induced conformational changes in PM-2 DNA.  相似文献   

M Lavigne  A Kolb  E Yeramian    H Buc 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(20):4983-4990

Covalently closed relaxed SV40 DNA [SV40(I')] generated by polynucleotide ligase closure of nicked circular SV40 DNA was analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis. The DNA can be resolved into a series of bands differing in superhelical density whose intensities are approximately symmetrical about a central most intense band. Densitometric analysis of the gel pattern has revealed that the distribution of DNA species conforms to a Boltzmann distribution and has enabled us to derive an equation for the free energy of superhelix formation for SV40 DNA. We believe the observed bands reflect the time-averaged distribution of thermally induced fluctuations in DNA chain conformation in solution at the time of ligase catalyzed phosphodiester bond formation. Densitometric analysis of native supercoiled SV40 DNA, partially unwound in the presence of ethidium bromide, demonstrates that the separation between adjacent bands is approximately half that seen with SV40(I'). Agarose gel electrophoresis was also used to measure the change in average base rotation angle as a function of temperature by a procedure independent of ethidium dye binding.  相似文献   

The reactions of the EcoRI restriction endonuclease on the covalently closed DNA of plasmid pMB9 were studied in the presence of ethidium bromide. At the concentrations of ethidium bromide tested, which covered the range over which the DNA is changed from negatively to positively supercoiled, the dye caused no alteration to the rate at which this enzyme cleaved the covalently closed DNA to yield the open-circle form, but the rate at which these open circles were cleaved to the linear product could be inhibited. The fluorescence change, caused by ethidium bromide binding with different stoichiometries to covalently closed and open-circle DNA, provided a direct and sensitive signal for monitoring the cleavage of DNA by this enzyme. This method was used for a steady-state kinetic analysis of the reaction catalysed by the EcoRI restriction enzyme. Reaction mechanisms where a complex between DNA and Mg2+ is the substrate for this enzyme were eliminated, and instead DNA and Mg2+ must bind to the enzyme in separate stages. The requisite controls for this fluorimetric assay in both steady-state and transient kinetics studies, and its application to other enzymes that alter the structure of covalently closed DNA, are described.  相似文献   

A simple method is described in detail for the efficient isolation of high molecular weight covalently closed circular DNA (ccc-DNA) from Agrobacterium. Although this method was developed for isolating ccc-DNA of molecular weights greater than 108 daltons in Agrobacterium, the technique also proves to be useful in isolating ccc-DNA of varying sizes from a variety of other bacteria. The technique involves the shearing and alkali denaturation of the chromosomal DNA, followed by the preferential removal of the single-stranded DNA by phenol extraction. The DNA which remains is largely ccc-DNA. The DNA is then concentrated, and the ccc-DNA is separated from the chromosomal DNA by centrifugation in a cesium chloride-ethidium bromide density gradient. By this technique, ccc-DNA of varying sizes has also been isolated from species of Escherichia, Rhizobium, Citrobacter, and Lactobacillus.  相似文献   

Covalently closed circular molecules of viral DNA synthesized in virus-infected cells are composed mainly of monomers sedimenting at 22 to 27S in neutral sucrose gradients. These monomers are detected by annealing with complementary DNA or transfection assay. However, 11% of the infectious circles sediment faster than monomers. There is a peak at 32S which may correspond to dimer molecules. Traces of infectivity (about 3%) found between 32S and 65S suggest the presence of higher oligomers. In alkaline sucrose gradients, covalently closed monomers are found at 64 to 71S. Infectivity of these monomers is reduced by alkali treatment to less than one-tenth, and, perhaps for this reason, no infectious dimers or higher oligomers are observed. It has been shown that upon resedimentation the dimers of 95 can be separated from monomers and detected by hybridization.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid electrophoretic technique for performing ethidium bromide dye titrations in cylindrical 0.7% agarose gels. The technique was used to analyze the extent of supercoiling in circular covalently closed SV40, Co1E1, and pSC101 DNA. We have estimated the superhelical densities of SV40, Co1E1, and pSC101 DNA to be ?0.050, ?0.078, and ?0.085 respectively. The results obtained for native SV40 DNA correlate well with previously published values for the superhelical density of this DNA when these values are corrected to reflect a 26° duplex unwinding angle for ethidium bromide. Ethidium bromide concentrations sufficient to partially relax a supercoiled DNA allow the DNA to be resolved into a series of discrete bands in agarose gels. The distribution of bands represents a natural heterogeneity in the superhelical densities of the DNA molecules in the population.  相似文献   

The plasmid prophage N15: a linear DNA with covalently closed ends   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coliphage N15 is a temperate bacteriophage whose prophage is a linear plasmid molecule with covalently closed ends (telomeres). The N15 prophage provided the first example of such DNA in prokaryotes and, up to now, it is the only known example of a linear plasmid in Escherichia coli. The linear N15 mature phage DNA has single-stranded cohesive ends. The phage and plasmid prophage DNAs are circularly permuted. The nucleotide structure of the telomere-forming site tel RL in phage DNA corresponds to the structures of the terminal hairpin loops. It suggests a unique mechanism for conversion of the circular phage DNA to the linear plasmid form, which is performed by the prokaryotic telomerase (protelomerase). The results of a comparison of the protelomerase with integrases lead us to suggest that these proteins may have evolved from a common ancestor. The mechanism of plasmid N15 replication is unknown. We propose that the protelomerase participates in linear plasmid replication, acting as a resolvase of replicative intermediates that are tail-to-tail linear dimers. The sequence analysis of the N15 DNA showed that it represents an evolutionary 'link' between plasmids F, P1, P4 and lambdoid bacteriophages.  相似文献   

The two species of covalently closed circular DNA molecules of bovine leukemia virus were cloned in the lambda phage vector lambda gtWES X lambda B. Of the nine independent recombinant lambda-bovine leukemia virus clones that were analyzed, three were derived from the small and six were derived from the large circular molecules carrying, respectively, one and two copies of the long terminal repeat sequences. Comprehensive restriction endonuclease mapping of the unintegrated bovine leukemia virus and the cloned DNA molecules showed that eight of the nine clones carried viral information without any detectable deletions or insertions of more than ca. 50 base pairs. One of the nine clones, which carries a retroviral insert with one copy of the long terminal repeat, had a deletion of ca. 150 base pairs.  相似文献   

Assembly and structural analysis of a covalently closed nano-scale DNA cage   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The inherent properties of DNA as a stable polymer with unique affinity for partner molecules determined by the specific Watson–Crick base pairing makes it an ideal component in self-assembling structures. This has been exploited for decades in the design of a variety of artificial substrates for investigations of DNA-interacting enzymes. More recently, strategies for synthesis of more complex two-dimensional (2D) and 3D DNA structures have emerged. However, the building of such structures is still in progress and more experiences from different research groups and different fields of expertise are necessary before complex DNA structures can be routinely designed for the use in basal science and/or biotechnology. Here we present the design, construction and structural analysis of a covalently closed and stable 3D DNA structure with the connectivity of an octahedron, as defined by the double-stranded DNA helices that assembles from eight oligonucleotides with a yield of ~30%. As demonstrated by Small Angle X-ray Scattering and cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy analyses the eight-stranded DNA structure has a central cavity larger than the apertures in the surrounding DNA lattice and can be described as a nano-scale DNA cage, Hence, in theory it could hold proteins or other bio-molecules to enable their investigation in certain harmful environments or even allow their organization into higher order structures.  相似文献   

The isolation of covalently closed circular (ccc) DNA free of contamination by RNA and other forms of DNA is fundamental to molecular biology. A variety of methods have been explored but CsCl density-gradient centrifugation remains the method most widely used for preparative scale resolution. The process is expensive, time-consuming, requires the use of large amounts of the carcinogen ethidium bromide, and is subject to considerable variation in yield and purity. To avoid these problems, we have devised a procedure for the preparation of cell lysates which results in consistently good yields of biologically active ccc DNA minimally contaminated with chromosomal DNA fragments and RNA. Lysates are deproteinized, precipitated with CaCl2 to remove rRNA, concentrated by ethanol precipitation, and applied to a Sephacryl S-1000 column which resolves chromosomal fragments, open circular plasmid DNA, and residual RNA from the ccc DNA. We have found that substituting the gel filtration column for CsCl density-gradient centrifugation results in substantially better purification as well as reducing processing time, cost, and degree of difficulty. The time required from harvest of cells to final recovery of DNA is about 16 h. We have used the method to isolate plasmids from 4.4 to 12 kb and, with slight modifications, recombinant M13 replicative form DNAs.  相似文献   

Summary A population of small covalently closed non-mitochondrial circular DNA molecules was isolated from the petite-negative yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The mean length of these molecules, possessing the same density as nuclear DNA (1.695 g/ cm3) is 1.95±0.18 m. The presence of these minicircles in crude mitochondrial preparations indicates their tight association with mitochondrial particles. Their disappearance after DNase treatment of mitochondria demonstrates their extramitochondrial location.  相似文献   

We describe a method leading to the formation of closed circles of rDNA starting from total DNA of Xenopus laevis. Linear DNA molecules were digested with exonuclease 3 and self-annealed. Open circles were enriched and covalently closed by the simultaneous use of polynucleotide kinase, DNA polymerase and polynucleotide ligase. Closed circles of rDNA1 were shown to be alkali-resistant, to have higher density than linear molecules in cesium chloride density gradients containing ethydium bromide, and to have the sedimentation constant expected for a single repeat unit of rDNA comprehensive of its spacer.  相似文献   

Pulse-labeled ColEl DNA molecules, undergoing replication in Escherichia coli cells either in the absence or presence of chloramphenicol, were extracted and purified by neutral sucrose density gradient sedimentation and equilibrium centrifugation in an ethidium bromide-cesium chloride gradient. In the dye-buoyant density gradient, the replicating molecules were found in regions between the supercoiled and open-circular nonreplicating plasmid DNA, as well as in the open-circular region. In a neutral sucrose gradient, peaks of pulse label were found in the region of 26 to 38 S as well as at the 23 and 17 S positions corresponding to the positions of supercoiled and open-circular ColEl DNA. In alkaline sucrose gradient, nascent ColEl DNA was found to sediment as discrete peaks corresponding to 5-6, 7-9, and 14-16 S, indicating that at least one growing strand of the replicating molecule is produced discontinuously. In the electron microscope, many of the molecules appeared as partially supercoiled structures containing two open-circular branches of equal length, of less than 20% to more than 90% replicated. Branched open-circular molecules were not observed to any significant extent without prior treatment to induce single-strand scissions. The parental strands of the replicating molecules were determined to be covalently closed, but the superhelical density of the DNA was shown to be progressively decreased as replication proceeded.  相似文献   

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