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The functional significance of phlorotannins as ultraviolet radiation screens in brown algae is presented. Spectral analysis of zoospore suspensions of the three Arctic Laminariales Saccorhiza dermatodea, Alaria esculenta and Laminaria digitata showed strong absorption in the UV waveband, characteristic of phlorotannins. An induction in the synthesis of the UV-absorbing compound in zoospore suspensions of S. dermatodea and A. esculenta was observed as an increase in absorbance in the UV region after 8 h exposure to the whole light spectrum. Transmission of UVR was also negatively correlated with zoospore density in both these species but not in L. digitata. ‘Biofilters’ constructed from UV-transparent acrylic sheet, containing zoospore suspensions or solutions of phloroglucinol showed varying capacity to protect zoospore cultures from the lethal effects of ultraviolet radiation. Phloroglucinol protects the zoospores from damage by screening out the much harmful shorter UV-B spectra (280-290 nm). Cultured spores of A. esculenta and L. digitata after exposure to the whole light spectrum covered by filters containing phloroglucinol showed high rates of germination, unlike controls covered by seawater-only filters that showed 100% mortality. Biofilters containing zoospore suspensions act as buffers and showed variable UV-protection properties on the germination of its conspecies. At highest zoospore density (∼ 4 × 106 spores ml− 1), zoospores were observed to screen UV radiation maintaining viability among shielded spores in all species investigated. The protective function of zoospore film is, however, density-dependent in L. digitata. At lower spore density, UV-screening function in S. dermatodea and A. esculenta is attributed to their capacity to accumulate and release UV-absorbing compounds into the medium. Ultraviolet radiation transmission by zoospore suspensions of Saccorhiza and Alaria decreased during exposure to the whole light spectrum which is consistent with the earlier observation of enlarged phenolic vesicles following UVR exposure. The increase in vesicle size and the corresponding increase in UV-absorbing capacity may contribute to greater tolerance of UVR exposure in both species.  相似文献   

Roleda MY  Wiencke C  Hanelt D 《Planta》2006,223(3):407-417
Growth of young sporophytes of the brown algae Laminaria digitata, L. saccharina and L. solidungula from Spitsbergen were measured in the laboratory after being exposed for 21 days to either photosynthetically active radiation (PAR=P) or to full light spectrum (PAR + UV-A + UV-B=PAB) using of cutoff glass filters. The plants were grown at 8±2°C and 16 h light : 8 h dark cycles with 6 h additional ultraviolet radiation (UVR) exposure in the middle of the light period. Growth was measured every 10 min using growth chambers with online video measuring technique. Tissue morphology and absorption spectra were measured in untreated young sporophytes while chlorophyll (Chl) a content and DNA damage were measured in treated thalli at the end of the experiment. In all species, growth rates were significantly higher in sporophytes exposed to P alone compared to sporophytes exposed to PAB. Tissue DNA damage is dependent on thallus thickness and absorption spectra characteristics of pigments and UV-absorbing compounds. In sporophytes exposed to UVR, energy demands for repair of DNA damage and synthesis of UV-absorbing compounds for protection effectively diverts photosynthate at the expense of growth. Photosynthetic pigment was not significantly different between treatments suggesting a capacity for acclimation to moderate UVR fluence. The general growth pattern in sporophytes exposed to P alone showed an increasing growth rate from the onset of light (0500–0900 hours) to a peak at the middle of the light phase (0900–1500 hours), a decline towards the end of the light phase (1500–2100 hours) and a minimum “low” growth in the dark (2100–0500 hours) relative to growth during the entire light phase. Under PAB, different growth patterns were observed such as growth compensation at night in L. digitata, delayed growth recovery in L. saccharina and minimal but continuous growth in L. solidungula. Growth as an integrative parameter of all physiological processes showed that the effect of UVR is correlated to the depth distribution of these species.  相似文献   

Summary We examined the zoospores produced by the unilocular sporangia ofLaminaria digitata (L.) Lamour. andNereocystis luetkeana Post. & Rupr. by serial sectioning to determine the absolute configuration of their flagellar apparatuses. The basal bodies, which are interconnected by three striated bands, lie parallel to the ventral face of the zoospore, and the posterior basal body always is found to the right of the anterior basal body when the cell is viewed from the ventral face, anterior end up. The four rootlets associated with the basal bodies include a major anterior rootlet of about seven microtubules extending from the anterior basal body along the ventral face towards the apex, a five-membered bypassing rootlet that passes ventral to the basal bodies and is connected to the posterior basal body by a posterior fibrous band, and two short rootlets having a single member each, the minor anterior and posterior rootlets. We consider the configuration observed here to be typical of most phaeophycean motile cells. The flagellar apparatus features suggest a considerable phylogenetic difference between thePhaeophyceae and other classes of chlorophyll c-containing organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract Stress physiology on the reproductive cells of Antarctic macroalgae remained unstudied. Ascoseira mirabilis is endemic to the Antarctic region, an isolated ecosystem exposed to extreme environmental conditions. Moreover, stratospheric ozone depletion leads to increasing ultraviolet radiation (280–400 nm) at the earth's surface, thus it is necessary to investigate the capacity of reproductive cells to cope with different UV irradiances. This study is aimed to investigate the impact of exposure to different spectral irradiance on the photosynthetic performance, DNA damage and gamete morphology of the A. mirabilis. Gametangia, gametes and zygotes of the upper sublittoral brown alga A. mirabilis were exposed to photosynthetically active radiation (PAR = P; 400–700 nm), P + UV‐A radiation (UV‐A, 320–400 nm) and P + UV‐A + UV‐B radiation (UV‐B, 280–320 nm). Rapid photosynthesis versus irradiance curves of freshly released propagules were measured. Photosynthetic efficiencies and DNA damage (in terms of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers) were determined after 1, 2, 4 and 8 h exposure as well as after 2 days of recovery in dim white light. Saturation irradiance (Ik) in freshly released propagules was 52 μmol photons m−2 s−1. Exposure for 1 h under 22 μmol photons m−2 s−1 of PAR significantly reduced the optimum quantum yield (Fv/Fm), suggesting that propagules are low light adapted. Furthermore, UVR significantly contributed to the photoinhibition of photosynthesis. Increasing dose as a function of exposure time additionally exacerbated the effects of different light treatments. The amount of DNA damage increased with the UV‐B dose but an efficient repair mechanism was observed in gametes pre‐exposed to a dose lower than 5.8 × 103 J m−2 of UV‐B. The results of this study demonstrate the negative impact of UV‐B radiation. However, gametes of A. mirabilis are capable of photosynthetic recovery and DNA repair when the stress factor is removed. This capacity was observed to be dependent on the fitness of the parental sporophyte.  相似文献   

We studied the short-term impact of sediment load on the photosynthetic performance of Saccharina latissima sporophytes exposed to ultraviolet radiation (UVR). The algae were collected from different sediment-influenced environments in Svalbard in August 2007. Initial optimum quantum yield (F v/F m) of sediment-covered sporophytes was significantly higher compared to sediment-free sporophytes. Experimental sediment coating on blade discs had a photoprotective function by screening out 92% of the weighted UV-B (UVery) treatment. No UVR-induced photoinhibition was observed in sediment-coated blade discs while sediment removal caused a reduction in F v/F m not only after 12-h UVR exposure but also after 6-h recovery in low white light compared to the initial value. Thus, sediment coating has a short-term functional significance in mitigating the negative effect of UVR on photosynthesis of an important kelp species and set a baseline for further studies. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A study was conducted, using rapid time course of chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence parameters, and light-response curves of Chl fluorescence parameters, to determine the induction requirements and response of photosystem II (PSII) photochemistry and non-photochemical reactions after changes in irradiance in greenhouse mulberry plants. The induction of PSII photochemistry rapidly approached to steady state after leaves were treated from darkness to low irradiance (LI). When irradiance of leaves changed from darkness to high irradiance (HI), a biphasic induction was observed. A slight photoinhibition occurred in the leaves exposed to sunlight coming to the greenhouse, whereas a chronic photoinhibition occurred in the leaves fully exposed to sunlight outside the greenhouse. The chronic photoinhibition was demonstrated by sustained reduction of maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm). Moreover, the leaves of mulberry plants in greenhouse were sensitive to abrupt changes in irradiance and the sensitivity of leaves suffered in a short-term (1h) high light treatment was reduced, based on the changes in photosynthetic quantum conversion. These results demonstrated an inducible response of photosynthetic quantum conversion to changes in irradiance in mulberry.  相似文献   

When nitrogen fixing cell cultures of Synechococcus RF-1 were subjected to an alternating lightdark regime (12 h:12 h), a cyclic decrease in the photosynthetic oxygen evolution potential was observed during the dark periods. This rhythm of net photosynthesis rate was maintained for at least two days after transition to continuous light. The decrease in net photosynthesis was accompanied by a stimulation of dark respiration. However, the magnitude of oxygen uptake was considerably smaller than the observed decrease in oxygen evolution. The photosynthetic activity of cells taken from the dark period was characterized by (i) a significantly lower quantum yield and (ii) a strong reduction in the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis. Growing the cultures on nitrate or under continuous light completely suppressed this rhythm. Protein synthesis was not necessary for the recovery of the light-saturated rate of photosynthesis during the light period. The cellular content of chlorophyll a and of phycobiliproteins did not vary between light and dark period, indicating that quantitative changes in the composition of the photosynthetic apparatus are not the basis for the observed oscillations. Regulatory modifications of the photosynthetic efficiency are proposed as an adaptation mechanism to adjust the intracellular oxygen concentration to the needs for nitrogenase activity.Abbreviation Chl chlorophyll  相似文献   

Rodrigo Lois  Bob B. Buchanan 《Planta》1994,194(4):504-509
A mutantArabidopsis thaliana L., which displays a dramatic increase in sensitivity to ultraviolet-B (UV-B) radiation compared with wild-type plants, has been isolated by chemical mutagenesis. This mutation appears to affect UV-tolerance specifically, since mutant plants are indistinguishable from wild type with respect to their degree of resistance to other forms of stress. The UV-sensitive mutation proved to be recessive and to segregate as a single Mendelian locus. This single gene defect was shown to lead to a block in the synthesis of a group of flavonoids which normally accumulate in developing wild-typeArabidopsis and which increase in concentration when plants are exposed to UV radiation. One of these compounds has been identified as a rhamnosylated derivative of the flavonol, kaempferol. The results suggest that one or more of the flavonoids whose production has been blocked in the UV-sensitive mutant is essential for the protection ofArabidopsis against UV-radiation damage. This constitutes further evidence that flavonoids play an important role in the protection of plants from the damaging effects of UV-B light.Abbreviations EMS ethyl methyl sulfonate - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - uvs UV-sensitive Dedicated to Professor Hartmut K. Lichtenthaler on the occasion of his 60th birthdayThis work was supported by Cooperative State Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, under Agreements Nos. 90-37280-5664 and 90-372780-5808 and by National Science Foundation Grant MCB 93-16496. We wish to thank Lola Peñarrubia, Elena del Campillo, Patrick Neil and Julie Montgomery for innumerable and fruitful discussions.  相似文献   

We measured diurnal changes in photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate, stomatal conductance and water use efficiency in three species of herbaceous climbing plants (Luffa cylindrica, Trichosanthes kirilowii and Dioscorea opposita) exposed to two intensities of UV-B radiation: 3.0 μw cm?2 (R1) and 8.0 μw cm?2 UV-B (R2) radiation under ambient growth conditions. Responses differed per species and per treatment. In Luffa all values increased compared to the Control in both treatments, except for stomatal conductance in R2. In Trichosanthes photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency increased, while the transpiration rates decreased under both treatments, and stomatal conductance was lower in R1. In Dioscorea photosynthetic rates and water use efficiency decreased under both treatments, while the transpiration rates and stomatal conductance increased. The results suggested that to some extent increased UV-B radiation was beneficial to the growth of L. cylindrica and T. kirilowii, but detrimental to D. opposita.  相似文献   

The light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b proteins associated with PS II (LHC II) are often considered to have a regulatory role in photosynthesis. The photosynthetic responses of four chlorina mutants of barley, which are deficient in LHC II to varying degrees, are examined to evaluate whether LHC II plays a regulatory role in photosynthesis. The efficiencies of light use for PS I and PS II photochemistry and for CO2 assimilation in leaves of the mutants were monitored simultaneously over a wide range of photon flux densities of white light in the presence and absence of supplementary red light. It is demonstrated that the depletions of LHC II in these mutants results in a severe imbalance in the relative rates of excitation of PS I and PS II in favour of PS I, which cannot be alleviated by preferential excitation of PS II. Analyses of xanthophyll cycle pigments and fluorescence quenching in leaves of the mutants indicated that the major LHC II components are not required to facilitate the light-induced quenching associated with zeaxanthin formation. It is concluded that LHC II is important to balance the distribution of excitation energy between PS I and PS II populations over a wide range of photon flux densities. It appears that LHC II may also be important in determining the quantum efficiency of PS II photochemistry by reducing the rate of quenching of excitation energy in the PS II primary antennae.Abbreviations Fm, Fv maximal and variable fluorescence yields in a light adapted state - LHC II light harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein complex associated with PS II - qp photochemical quenching - A820 light-induced absorbance change at 820 nm - øPSI, øPSII relative quantum efficiencies of PS I and PS II photochemistry - øCO2 quantum yield of CO2 assimilation  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to investigate the contribution of increased activity of individual non-regulated enzymes in the Calvin cycle to improve photosynthetic yield. Two non-regulated enzymes, rice fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (FBA) and spinach triosephosphate isomerase (TPI), were individually cloned and overexpressed in the cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120 cells. The enzyme activity and the photosynthetic yield, as reflected by the cell growth rate, photosynthetic oxygen evolution and dry cellular weight, were measured and compared between the wild-type and transgenic cells harboring either FBA or TPI. Though the activity of these two individual non-regulated enzymes was similarly increased in the corresponding transgenic cells, the contributions of each enzyme on the amount of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco), reflected by the levels of Rubisco large subunit, and the photosynthetic yield were different. Transgenic cells, carrying FBA, showed an evident increase in Rubisco amount and photosynthetic yield, while there was no increase in cells harboring TPI. This indicates that the contributions of non-regulated enzymes in the Calvin cycle on photosynthetic yield differed and firstly reveals that increased activity of only a single non-regulated enzyme in transgenic cells markedly improves the photosynthetic yield via stimulating the amount of Rubisco and consequently accelerating the ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration rate.  相似文献   

At oxygen concentrations below air saturation, R.Q. and A.Q. values of Tilapia mossambica increase with decrease in ambient oxygen at 30 and 35°C, indicating an increase in anaerobic metabolism and protein utilization. The recovery metabolism indicates that T. mossambica accumulates an oxygen debt at 30°C, which was not obvious at 35°C. The post-hypoxic oxygen consumption at 30°C is quite pronounced and the fish repays almost wholly the oxygen debt accumulated. At 30°C, R.Q. and A.Q. reach prehypoxic level immediately after exposure to high oxygenated water. In contrast to this, during recovery the first high R.Q. which is higher than unity and subsequent low R.Qs., almost as low as 0.5, suggest respectively that, anaerobic energy utilization persists and carbon dioxide is retained. The differences in the recovery metabolism of T. mossambica at the two temperatures may be due to changes in metabolism and pathways due to temperature. The recovery metabolism of T. mossambica suggests that energy derived anaerobically could proceed through other pathways than the conventional glycolytic way. The decrease in random activity during the hypoxic phase at 30 and 35°C may have a special significance for survival.From a thesis (M.P.M.) approved for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Madurai University, Madurai, India.From a thesis (M.P.M.) approved for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Madurai University, Madurai, India.  相似文献   

Summary Sudden changes in photoactive radiation (PAR) (wavelength, 400–700 nm) induces rapid surface area changes in chloroplast thylakoid membranes. Although this response may have important photo-acclimative functions for the plant, little is known about the mechanisms by which changes in irradiance are detected or how thylakoid membranes actually increase or decrease surface area. Knowledge of the time required for significant changes in thylakoid area would help eliminate or support several possible mechanisms that may be involved in this aspect of photo-acclimation in plants. Leaf tissues were acclimated to a PAR of 500 mol quanta per m2 per s then exposed to low irradiance (PAR, 50 mol quanta per m2 per s) and sampled at 5, 15, 30, and 60 min post exposure. Tissue and cell structure were quantified and results showed a significant increase in the surface-to-volume ratio and surface area per unit of standard leaf volume for both appressed and nonappressed thylakoids within 5 min of exposure to low irradiance. On the basis of the ratios of appressed to nonappressed thylakoids, the surface area of the nonappressed thylakoids was found to increase faster than that of the appressed thylakoids throughout the sample period. The portion of the appressed thylakoids in contact with the stroma was defined as margin thylakoids. Margin thylakoid surface-to-volume ratio did not change relative to the high-irradiance control during the sample period but did remain significantly lower than the low-irradiance control during the sample period. The ratio of appressed to margin thylakoids indicated a broadening and shortening of the appressed thylakoid stack within the first 5 min of low-irradiance exposure. The rapidity of the shade response indicates that the early events in this response probably do not directly involve gene activation pathways.Abbreviations PAR photosynthetically active radiation - Sv surface to volume density - Vv volume density - UV-B ultraviolet B radiation  相似文献   

Recovery (at 20° C) of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaf sections from photoinhibition of photosynthesis was monitored by means of the fluorescence parameter FV/FM of intact leaf tissue and of PSII-driven electron-transport activity of isolated thylakoids. Different degrees of photoinactivation of PSII were obtained by preillumination in ambient air (at 4 or 20° C), CO2-free air or at low and high O2 levels (2 or 41 %) in N2. The kinetics of recovery exhibited two distinct phases. The first phase usually was completed within about 20-60 min and was most pronounced after preillumination in low O2. The slow phase proceeded for several hours leading to almost complete reactivation of PSII. Preincubation of the leaves with streptomycin (SM), which inhibits chloroplast-encoded protein synthesis, inhibited the slow recovery phase only, indicating the dependence of this phase on resynthesis of the reaction-centre protein, D1. The fast recovery phase remained largely unaffected by SM. Both phases were strongly but not totally dependent on irradiation of the leaf with low light. When SM was absent, net degradation of the D1 protein could neither be detected upon photoinhibitory irradiation nor during following incubation of the leaf sections in low light or darkness. In the presence of SM, net D1 degradation was seen and tended to increase with O2 concentration during photoinhibition treatment. Based on these data, we suggest that photoinactivation of PSII in vivo occurs in at least two steps. From the first step, reactivation appears possible in low light without D1 turnover (fast recovery phase). Action of oxygen then may lead to a second step, in which the D1 protein is affected and reactivation requires its removal and replacement (slow phase).Abbreviations Chl chlorophyll - F0, FM and FV initial, maximum total and maximum variable chlorophyll fluorescence yield, respectively - PFD photon flux density - SM streptomycin We thank Professor P. Böger (Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, University of Konstanz, Germany) for a gift of D1-specific antibodies. The paper contains part of the thesis work of J.L. The study was supported by the Deutsche Forschungs-gemeinschaft (SFB 189).  相似文献   

Phlomis fruticosa is one of the main species of post-fire Mediterranean communities, occupying areas with post-fire grazing or altered precipitation pattern and consequently water stress imposed on seedlings of co-occurring species. Seedlings of woody perennials often differ from their mature individuals regarding their resistance of photosynthetic performance to environmental stresses. Such differences have been reported for tree species but there is a lack of information regarding shrub species. In the present study, we tried to detect changes in (PSII) activity imposed by water stress in P. fruticosa seedlings as well as its capability for recovery after rehydration. Maximum PSII photochemical efficiency decreased only under severe water stress exactly as in mature plants in the field. However, leaf chlorophyll (Chl) content was almost stable regardless of leaf relative water content (RWC). We assume that the photoprotective chlorophyll loss process, reported for many mature Mediterranean species (including P. fruticosa), has not yet been developed at the seedling stage. On the other hand, photoprotection through an increase of the relative amount of non-QB-reducing centers was found during dehydration. Non-photochemical quenching (NPQ) contributed to protection from photodamage until moderate water stress but was significantly suppressed under severe water stress. Both processes were reversed after rehydration. The above characteristics enabled seedlings not only to survive during aggravating drought but also to maintain a considerable part of their effective quantum yield and perform significant electron transport even at extremely low relative water content (RWC). This was confirmed with measurements in a semi-natural environment (pots) and under real steady state conditions regarding adaptation of the photosynthetic machinery to prevailing light intensities.  相似文献   

D. H. Greer  W. A. Laing 《Planta》1988,175(3):355-363
Photoinhibition of photosynthesis was induced in intact kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson) leaves grown at two photon flux densities (PFDs) of 700 and 1300 mol·m-2·s-1 in a controlled environment, by exposing the leaves to PFD between 1000 and 2000 mol·m-2·s-1 at temperatures between 10 and 25°C; recovery from photoinhibition was followed at the same range of temperatures and at a PFD between 0 and 500 mol·m-2·s-1. In either case the time-courses of photoinhibition and recovery were followed by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence at 692 nm and 77K and by measuring the photon yield of photosynthetic O2 evolution. The initial rate of photoinhibition was lower in the high-light-grown plants but the long-term extent of photoinhibition was not different from that in low-light-grown plants. The rate constants for recovery after photoinhibition for the plants grown at 700 and 1300 mol·m-2·s-1 or for those grown in shade were similar, indicating that differences between sun and shade leaves in their susceptibility to photoinhibition could not be accounted for by differences in capacity for recovery during photoinhibition. Recovery following photoinhibition was increasingly suppressed by an increasing PFD above 20 mol·m-2·s-1, indicating that recovery in photoinhibitory conditions would, in any case, be very slow. Differences in photosynthetic capacity and in the capacity for dissipation of non-radiative energy seemed more likely to contribute to differences in susceptibility to photoinhibition between sun and shade leaves of kiwifruit.Abbreviations and symbols F o , F m , F v instantaneous, maximum, variable fluorescence - F v /F m fluorescence ratio - F i =F v at t=0 - F F v at t= - K D rate constant for photochemistry - k(F p ) first-order rate constant for photoinhibition - k(F r ) first-order rate constant for recovery - PFD photon flux density - PSII photosystem II - i photon yield of O2 evolution (incident light)  相似文献   

In invertebrates, a few studies have suggested apoptosis as the mechanism of choice to protect the retina after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. We demonstrated previously, by electron microscopy, that the retina and lamina ganglionaris (or lamina) cells of the crab Ucides cordatus displayed subcellular signs of apoptosis after exposure to UVB and UVC. Here, we first ascertained, by the TdT-mediated dUTP-biotin nick end-labeling (TUNEL) technique, that UV irradiation indeed produced the previously reported results. We next tested, in the visual system of U. cordatus, whether the expression (as analyzed by immunohistochemistry and observed with laser scanning microscopy) and levels (as examined by Western blotting) of catalase, Bax, and p53 were affected by the same dose of UV radiation as that used previously. Our data revealed that the intensity of catalase, Bax, and p53 labeling was stronger in irradiated retina and lamina cells than in non-irradiated retina and lamina. However, no significant difference was observed in the concentrations of these proteins isolated from the whole optic lobe. The results thus suggest that UVB and UVC induce apoptosis in the crustacean retina and lamina by increasing catalase expression and activating the Bax- and p53-mediated apoptosis pathways. Nadia Campos de Oliveira Miguel and Inês Júlia R. Wajsenzon contributed equally to this work. This study was supported by the Brazilian Research Council for Science and Technology (CNPq), Rio de Janeiro State Foundation for the Advancement of Science (FAPERJ), José Bonifácio Foundation (FUJB), and Federal University of Rio de Janeiro Research Chamber (SR2/UFRJ).  相似文献   

We studied the diel responses of the liverwort Jungermannia exsertifolia subsp. cordifolia to radiation changes under laboratory conditions. The samples were exposed to three radiation regimes: P (only PAR), PA (PAR + UV-A), and PAB (PAR + UV-A + UV-B). The day was divided in four periods: darkness, a first low-PAR period, the high-PAR plus UV period, and a second low-PAR period. After 15 days of culture, we measured photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll fluorescence and UV-absorbing compounds in the four periods of the day on two consecutive days. With respect to UV-absorbing compounds, we analyzed their global amount (as the bulk UV absorbance of methanolic extracts) and the concentration of seven hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, both in the soluble (mainly vacuolar) and insoluble (cell wall-bound) fractions of the plant extracts. PAB samples increased the bulk UV absorbance of the soluble and insoluble fractions, and the concentrations of p-coumaroylmalic acid in the soluble fraction and p-coumaric acid in the cell wall. Most of these variables showed significant diel changes and responded within a few hours to radiation changes (more strongly to UV-B), increasing at the end of the period of high-PAR plus UV. Fv/Fm, ΦPSII, NPQ and the components of the xanthophyll cycle showed significant and quick diel changes in response to high PAR, UV-A and UV-B radiation, indicating dynamic photoinhibition and protection of PSII from excess radiation through the xanthophyll cycle. Thus, the liverwort showed a dynamic protection and acclimation capacity to the irradiance level and spectral characteristics of the radiation received.  相似文献   

Šprtová  M.  Marek  M.V. 《Photosynthetica》1999,37(3):433-445
Functional differentiation of assimilation activity of sun versus shade foliage was analysed in a Norway spruce monoculture stand (age 15 years). The investigated stand density (leaf area index 8.6) and crown structure led to variation in the photosynthetically active photon flux density (PPFD) within the crowns of the sampled trees. At the saturating PPFD, the maximum rate of CO2 uptake (P Nmax) of exposed shoots (E-shoots) was 1.7 times that of the shaded shoots (S-shoots). The apparent quantum yield (α) of E-shoots was 0.9 times that of the S-shoots. A lower ability to use excess energy at high PPFD in photosynthesis was observed in the S-layer. The CO2- and PPFD-saturated rate of CO2 uptake (P Nsat) of the E-shoots was 1.12 times and the carboxylation efficiency (τ) 1.6 times that of the S-shoots. The CO2-saturated rate of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) carboxylation (VCmax) and of actual electron transport (Jamax) in the S-needles amounted to 89 and 95 % of VCmax and Jamax in the E-needles. Thus, in addition to the irradiation conditions and thus limitation by low Ja, the important limitation of photosynthesis in shade needles is due to carboxylation. This limitation of photosynthesis is accompanied by lower stomatal conductance. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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