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The interaction of E. coli integration host factor (IHF) with the cohesive end sites (cos's) of phages lambda and 21 has been studied by the DNAase I footprinting technique. Six potential sites in cos lambda differ from the consensus IHF binding sequence by 1 to 3 base pairs. Of the six, one site, I1, binds IHF strongly. The I1 segment protected by IHF contains two sequences that closely match the IHF consensus binding sequence. Another site, I2, binds IHF moderately well, and three sites: 10', 13 and 14 bind IHF very weakly. The 10 site does not bind IHF under the conditions used here. In phage 21 the DNA segment extending to the right from the cohesive ends, which contains three potential IHF binding sites, was examined. Two sites bind IHF well; I1, the 21 analogue of one of the lambda I1 sites, and I0, a site not analogous to a lambda site. The third 21 site, I2, binds IHF moderately well, as does the analogous I2 site in lambda. The significance of the results for lambda DNA packaging is discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage lambda derivatives carrying two copies of the cohesive end site   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
A spontaneously arising tandem duplication derivative of bacteriophage lambda has been isolated, which carries two copies of the site where the cohesive ends are formed (designated cos). Its structure has been determined by electron microscopy of DNA heteroduplexes. These heteroduplexes reveal that the duplication is usually, but not always, carried on the left end of the chromosome. A second duplication phage having two copies of cos, constructed by Feiss &; Campbell (1974), has also been studied by electron microscopy and is found to have a similar property.Unlike most tandem duplication derivatives of phage λ, the mutant studied here is not stable during growth in the absence of generalized recombination, but segregates both the triplication and the parental phage. This verifies that both cos sites are functional. The triplication does not arise as a result of end-to-end aggregation of phage chromosomes or site-specific recombination catalyzed by the chromosome maturation system at cos. It must therefore result from the cutting of mature ι chromosomes from concatemeric replication intermediates. The pattern of cutting observed shows that the λ cohesive ends are not created by a free nuclease acting on unpackaged DNA. The cutting appears to be influenced by the amount of DNA previously packaged into a phage head. A model for λ packaging is presented which explains the results.The duplication phage of Feiss &; Campbell (1974) carries a novel addition containing self-complementary sequences.  相似文献   

Summary A fragment of the E. coli chromosome including the recC gene has been cloned by in vitro recombinant DNA techniques into a phage vector to give the recombinant phage drecC. This was used to derive the phage drecBC by in vivo recombination. On lysogenisation of recB and recC mutants with drecBC wild type levels of UV-resistance and RecBC DNase activity were restored. Infection of E. coli with drecBC led to the synthesis of phage-coded proteins of 125 kilodaltons (kd) and 135 kd that were not synthesised on infection with the original vector, whereas a 125 kd protein but not a 135 kd protein was synthesised in similar experiments with drecC. The recombinant phages, which are unable to form plaques, presumably due to the deletion of essential phage genes during their construction, provide useful starting points from which to subclone the recB, recC, and the neighbouring thyA and argA genes individually into multiple copy plasmid vectors.  相似文献   

Duplication of the bacteriophage lambda cohesive end site: genetic studies   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A derivative of bacteriophage λ has been isolated that contains a duplication of the cohesive end site. To support this conclusion, the duplicated region has bean recovered by segregation from a lysogen of the duplication strain, and a derivative of the duplication strain was constructed that is heterozygous for the λ genes R and A, which bracket the cohesive end site. Duplication strains show no instability during lysogenization, suggesting that the virus particles each contain a single DNA molecule. During lytic growth, however, the strain is unstable and the duplication is frequently lost, even in the absence of all known recombination systems. Loss of the duplication is ascribed to cleavage of both cohesive end sites by the chromosome maturation system. Thus both cohesive end sites are functional, i.e. capable of being cleaved. No transfer of the duplicated region occurs in the absence of the known recombination systems. Thus, during λ chromosome maturation, cleavage of DNA molecules occurs but rejoining of cleaved molecules does not.  相似文献   

M Feiss  W Widner  G Miller  G Johnson  S Christiansen 《Gene》1983,24(2-3):207-218
The extents of the sites for nicking (cosN) and binding (cosB) of bacteriophage lambda DNA by terminase have been determined by studying cos cleavage and terminase binding in vitro. The cosN site is located in the segment from -22 to +24 bp (numbered from the center of the cohesive end sequence in the circular lambda genome). The cosB site is located in the segment from +51 to +120 (the +120 boundary determined by Miwa and Matsubara, 1983). Additional sequences are necessary for packaging into infectious phage particles, including regions to the left (Rz gene side) of cosN, and between cosN and cosB. Small deletions (7 and 11 bp) between cosN and cosB abolish packaging in vivo without affecting cos binding and cleavage in vitro, whereas a large deletion (26 bp) abolishes packaging in vivo and cleavage in vitro.  相似文献   



The rapid increase in whole genome fungal sequence information allows large scale functional analyses of target genes. Efficient transformation methods to obtain site-directed gene replacement, targeted over-expression by promoter replacement, in-frame epitope tagging or fusion of coding sequences with fluorescent markers such as GFP are essential for this process. Construction of vectors for these experiments depends on the directional cloning of two homologous recombination sequences on each side of a selection marker gene.  相似文献   

A M Myers  A Tzagoloff  D M Kinney  C J Lusty 《Gene》1986,45(3):299-310
We report yeast/Escherichia coli shuttle vectors suitable for fusing yeast promoter and coding sequences to the lacZ gene of E. coli. The vectors contain a region of multiple unique restriction sites including EcoRI, KpnI, SmaI, BamHI, XbaI, SalI, PstI, SphI and HindIII. The region with the unique cloning sites has been introduced in both orientations with respect to lacZ and occurs proximal to the eighth codon of the gene. All the restriction sites have been phased to three different reading frames. Two series of vectors have been constructed. The first series (YEp) has two origins of replication (ori), i.e., of the yeast 2 mu circle and of the ColE1 plasmid of E. coli, and can therefore replicate autonomously in both organisms. These shuttle vectors also have the ApR gene of E. coli and either the yeast LEU2 or URA3 genes to allow for selection of both E. coli and yeast transformants. The second series of vectors (YIp) are identical in all respects to the YEp vectors except that they lack the 2 mu ori. The YIp vectors can be used to integrate lacZ fusions into yeast chromosomal DNA. None of the vectors express beta-galactosidase (beta Gal) in yeast or E. coli in the absence of inserted yeast promoter sequences. The 5'-nontranslated sequences and parts of the coding sequences of various yeast genes have been cloned into representative lacZ fusion vectors. In-frame gene fusions can be detected by beta Gal activity when either yeast or E. coli clones are plated on media containing XGal indicator. Quantitative determinations of promoter activity were made by colorimetric assay of beta Gal activity in whole cells. Fusion of the yeast CYC1 gene to lacZ in one of the vectors allowed detection of regulated expression of this gene when cells were grown under conditions of catabolite repression or derepression.  相似文献   

K Khalili  C Salas  R Weinmann 《Gene》1983,21(1-2):9-17
Using Drosophila and chicken actin probes, we have selected 14 human actin lambda recombinants from a genomic library. We present a restriction maps indicating the positions of the sequences homologous to actin and to an Alu probe. Restriction mapping has revealed that nine out of ten of these clones are distinct, indicating that actin is a multigene family. Hybrid elution of HeLa cell mRNA from filters containing the recombinant DNA, followed by in vitro translation and immunoprecipitation, as well as one- or two-dimensional protein analysis, shows that these recombinants code for actin. Hybridization back to human DNA digested with restriction enzymes shows that the EcoRI fragments of at least one of the lambda recombinants (lambda HA-5) result in similar-sized human DNA fragments in the intact genome. In nuclei, a 4.5-kb mRNA precursor to the cytoplasmic 1.9-kb mRNA can be detected by hybridization with genomic or cDNA probes, indicating the presence of additional sequences and RNA processing.  相似文献   

Summary Specialized transducing lambda phages, oriR1, harboring DNA from the resistance plasmid R1drd-19 and its copy mutant pKN103 were isolated. From measurements of CCC-DNA content it is concluded that upon infection the phages can establish themselves as self-replicating plasmids in recA hosts lysogenic for lambda. It is thought that this bypassing of lambda immunity is due to the presence of the R1 origin of replication. The plasmids are sensitive to the incompatibility expressed by plasmid R1. This has been shown mainly by transduction of oriR1 into recipients containing R1 plasmids or plasmid pBR322 carrying the basic replicon. We were able to demonstrate that a copy mutant of plasmid R1 was insensitive to copA +, but sensitive to the conserted action of Pst1 fragments F1 and F2. This mutant was previously assumed to be of the dominant type. Physical mapping of the oriR1 derivatives verified that they carry the basic replicon of plasmid R1. The plasmids are not stably maintained, but are lost in a frequency of 1%–2% per cell generation, which is consistent with their lack of the R1par region.  相似文献   

Summary Lambda phages carrying the Escherichia coli genes ksgA and pdxA were isolated from secondary site lysogens in araB. 1) The phage genomes were characterized by genetic complementation tests, restriction endonuclease digestion and electron microscopy. 2) A 6.3 kilobasepair (kb) EcoRI restriction fragment carrying both ksgA and pdxA was cloned in a lambda vector; this fragment has proven useful in further characterization of the ksgA gene (Andrésson and Davies, 1980a, b). The ksgA and pdxA genes are about 14 and 12–13 kb, respectively, counterclockwise of the arabinose operon and 1.5 and 2.5–3.5 kb clockwise of folA.  相似文献   

J Frey  K N Timmis 《Gene》1985,35(1-2):103-111
The construction of cloning vectors based on the replicon of plasmid ColD-CA23 is reported. These vectors, like ColD itself, autoamplify when cultures of host bacteria enter the stationary phase of growth, thereby resulting in a substantial increase in the expression of cloned genes as a consequence of the increase in gene dosage. The principal advantage of these vectors is that, unlike the situation pertaining to other expression vectors, the increase in expression of genes cloned in ColD vectors does not require any experimental intervention (i.e., occurs naturally), and takes place at high cell densities. The vectors show high stability in Escherichia coli strains and are compatible with ColE1-type cloning vectors.  相似文献   

A set of plasmid cloning vectors has been constructed, allowing the integration of any DNA fragment into the bacteriophage lambda attachment site attB of the Escherichia coli chromosome. The system is based upon two components: (i) a number of cloning vectors containing the lambda attachment site attP and (ii) a helper plasmid, bearing the lambda int gene, transcribed from the lambda PR promoter under the control of the temperature-sensitive repressor cI857. The DNA fragment of interest is cloned into the multicloning site of one of the attP-harboring plasmids. Subsequently, the origin of the plasmid, located on a cloning cassette, is cut out and the DNA becomes newly ligated, resulting in a circular DNA molecule without replication ability. The strain of choice, containing the int gene carrying helper plasmid, is transformed with this DNA molecule and incubated at 42 degrees C to induce int gene expression. Additionally, the temperature shift leads to the loss of the helper plasmid after a few cell generations, because the replication ability of its replicon is blocked at 42 degrees C. These vectors have been successfully used for integration of several promoter-lacZ fusions into the chromosome. The ratio between integration due to homologous recombination and Int protein-mediated integration has been determined.  相似文献   

The cohesive ends of the DNA of bacteriophage λ particles are normally formed by the action of a nuclease on the cohesive end sites (cos) of concatemeric λ DNA (reviewed by Hohn et al., 1977). The nuclease also cuts the cos site of an integrated prophage, and DNA located to the right is preferentially packaged into phage particles. This process occurs with approximately the same efficiency and rate in a single lysogen as in a tandem polylysogen. Thus, the rate of cos cutting does not increase when the number of cos sites per molecule increases, an hypothesis that has been proposed to explain why cohesive ends are not formed in circular monomers of λ DNA. We propose instead that the interaction of Ter with cos is influenced by the configuration of the DNA outside of cos during packaging, and that this configuration is different for circular monomers than for other forms of λ DNA. A model that gives rise to such a difference is described.We also found that missense mutations in the λ A gene changed the efficiency of packaging of phage relative to host DNA. This was not the case for missense mutations in several phage genes required for capsid formation. Thus, the product of gene A plays a role in determining packaging specificity, as expected if it is or is part of the nuclease that cuts λ DNA at cos.  相似文献   

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