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Sequence data from a portion of the external transcribed spacer (ETS) and from the internal transcribed spacers (ITS1 and ITS2) of 18S-26S nuclear ribosomal DNA were used together with chloroplast DNA PCR-RFLP data to unravel patterns of allotetraploid speciation within the Western European Dactylorhiza polyploid complex. A maximum likelihood tree based on combined ETS and ITS sequences suggests that the Western European Dactylorhiza allotetraploids have evolved by hybridization between four main diploid lineages. Cloned sequences and the topology of the ITS plus ETS tree indicate that the allotetraploid species D. elata, D. brennensis, and D. sphagnicola have originated from the autotetraploid D. maculata together with the diploid D. incarnata, while D. majalis, D. traunsteineri, and D. angustata seem to have evolved by hybridization between the D. fuchsii s.str and D. incarnata lineages. Finally, the diploid D. saccifera lineage seems to have been involved together with the D. incarnata lineage in the formation of the allotetraploid D. praetermissa. The observed congruence between the chloroplast tree and the ITS/ETS tree suggests a directional evolution of the nrDNA after polyploidization in favor of the maternal genome. Considered together with morphological, biogeographical, and ecological evidence, the molecular analysis leads us to recognize four species within the investigated allotetraploid complex, namely D. majalis, D. praetermissa, D. elata, and D. sphagnicola.  相似文献   

A new species from China, Thrixspermum tsii (Orchidaceae), is described and illustrated and its relationships to T. centipeda and T. subulatum are discussed.  相似文献   

Ornithocephalus aristatus, a new species from Panama, is described and illustrated. Among the species of the genusOrnithocephalus, it can be distinguished by the nonresupinate flowers, the sepals each provided with a flexuous awn half as long as the sepal itself, the porrect petals with revolute margins, the hastate lip with triangular-ovate, crose lateral lobes, the linear, acute midlobe, conduplicate and subreflexed at apex, and the dise with a bilobed, obreniform callus provided with a conical tuft of stiff hairs. A key to the species ofOrnithocephalus from Panama is provided.  相似文献   

中国兰科二新记录种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兰科植物资源调查是掌握地区兰科本底资料的基础,对研究兰科植物的地理分布和资源多样性具有重要意义.该文报道了分别产自中国西藏自治区墨脱县和巴宜区的石豆兰属(Bulbophyllum Thou.)中国分布新记录种——尼泊尔大苞兰(B.raskotii J.J.Verm.,Schuit.&de Vogel)和曲唇兰属[Pan...  相似文献   

飘带兜兰(Paphiopedilum parishii)分布范围狭窄,仅在中国、缅甸、泰国以及老挝有少量分布。近年来,因生境破坏和人为滥采而导致飘带兜兰野生种群极度缩减。为开发种内多态性的分子标记用于保护生物学研究,该研究对飘带兜兰4个野生个体经测序、组装、注释获得的叶绿体基因组序列,与已公布的飘带兜兰2个个体的叶绿体全基因组序列进行比对,分析飘带兜兰叶绿体基因组的种内差异。结果表明:(1)飘带兜兰叶绿体基因组具有典型被子植物叶绿体基因组环状四分体结构,基因组长度为154 403~154 809 bp,共编码129个基因,包括78个蛋白质编码基因、39个tRNA基因、8个rRNA基因,以及4个假基因。(2)在飘带兜兰6个个体叶绿体基因组中检测到103~107个SSRs(simple sequence repeats)位点,其中21个SSR位点具有多态性。此外,在6个个体叶绿体基因组中还检测到60个长序列重复,包括17~21个正向重复、18~29个反向重复、9~16个回文重复、4~9个互补重复。(3)通过比较6个个体叶绿体基因组序列的核苷酸多样性,共发现70处变异,包括10个SNPs(single nucleotide polymorphism)、60个插入缺失(InDels)。其中,有3个SNP位点发生了非同义替换,导致编码功能基因的氨基酸发生改变; 19个插入缺失多态性较高,具有开发为分子标记的潜力。(4)通过计算核苷酸多样性值(Pi)共发现8个有变异的区域,Pi值为0~0.006 32,其中变异度较大的是rps3-rpl22、trnL-UAC-rpl32、rpoB-trnC-GCA以及ycf4,这些高变区可开发为分子标记用于评估飘带兜兰遗传多样性。(5)系统发生分析结果表明,飘带兜兰6个个体叶绿体基因组序列聚在一起,与长瓣兜兰互为姐妹群。综上表明,飘带兜兰叶绿体基因组的SSRs、长序列重复、SNPs、InDels以及核苷酸序列呈现了足够的种内多样性,可开发成分子标记用于该种的系统演化及保护生物学研究。  相似文献   

A new species,Lepanthes caritensis, is described and illustrated. There are now nine species ofLepanthes known to occur in Puerto Rico. Plant habitat and floral morphology ofL. caritensis is most similar to that ofL. sanguinea. A survey of the area where the new species is located suggests that it is rare and should be protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act. Una especic nueva,Lepanthes caritensis, es descrita e ilustrada para Puerto Rico. Con ésta hay ahora nueve especies deLepanthes en Puerto Rico. El hábito de la planta y la morfología de la flor deL. caritensis es más similar aL. sanguinea. Un muestreo del área donde se encuentra la nueva especie sugiere que ésta es rara y que debería ser protegida por el Federal Endangered Species Act.  相似文献   

Melaleuca alternifolia andM. linariifolia are commercially important Australian species harvested for their essential oils. Both species have relatively narrow and disjunct distributions on the central coast of eastern Australia. Variation in the chloroplast genome was assessed for eight individuals from each of twelve populations, representing the species' geographic range. Low nucleotide diversity withinM. alternifolia contrasted with high nucleotide diversity inM. linariifolia. CpDNA data are consistent with the southern population ofM. alternifolia being a hybrid population withM. linariifolia. The two species are sympatric in this region. Variation inM. linariifolia was geographically structured, with northern populations differing from southern populations by seven restriction site mutations, five length mutations and an inversion. There was no evidence of hybridisation of the cp genome of northernM. linariifolia with the partially sympatric speciesM. trichostachya. Intra- and interspecific variation in the chloroplast genomes ofM. alternifolia, M. linariifolia, andM. trichostachya indicate considerable potential for the use of intraspecific cpDNA studies in examining phylogenetic relationships in melaleucas.  相似文献   

A new species from the Mexican state of Morelos, Malaxis lyonnetii, is described and illustrated. It is similar to M. lepanthiflora but is distinguished by its much smaller flowers, distally uncinate basal lip lobes, and entire, rounded apical lip lobe.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra a Malaxis lyonnetii, una nueva especie del estado mexicano de Morelos. Esta especie es similar a M. lepanthiflora, de la que se distingue por las flores mucho menores, los lóbulos basales del labelo distalmente uncinados y el lóbulo apical del labelo entero y redondeado.

Infraspecific heterogeneity of chloroplast genomes was found in four Vaucheria species (V. bursata, V. cruciata, V. geminata, V. prolifera) collected from six European countries. The degree of sequence variability among strains of each of the four species, as demonstrated by restriction site analysis, exceeds that of higher plant species or even genera. Mainly single base substitutions and, to a much lesser extent, minor insertions/deletions account for such differences, whereas the linear gene arrangement remains unaffected. Chloroplast genotypes found to be identical among strains collected from different geographical localities are considered the common genotype of a given species. These findings are discussed with respect to evolution, biogeographical distribution and the species concept of this genus.  相似文献   

Detailed ecological, morphological and molecular analyses were performed in mixed populations of diploid and autotetraploid Dactylorhiza maculata s.l. in Scandinavia. Comparisons were made with pure populations of either diploid ssp. fuchsii or tetraploid ssp. maculata. It was shown that mixed populations are the result of secondary contact between ssp. fuchsii and ssp. maculata. No patterns of recent and local autopolyploidization were found. Morphology and nuclear DNA markers (internal transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA) showed that diploids and tetraploids from mixed populations have similar levels of differentiation to diploids and tetraploids from pure populations. Vegetation analyses, as well as analyses of environmental variables, revealed that diploid and tetraploid individuals in mixed populations are ecologically well differentiated on a microhabitat level. Diploids and tetraploids in pure populations have wider ecological amplitudes than they do in mixed populations. Triploid hybrids grew in intermediate microhabitats between diploids and tetraploids in the mixed populations. Plastid DNA markers indicated that both diploids and tetraploids may act as the maternal parent. Based on morphology and nuclear markers triploids are more similar to tetraploids than to diploids. There were indications of introgressive gene flow between ploidy levels. Plastid markers indicated that gene flow from diploid to tetraploid level is most common, but nuclear markers suggested that gene flow in opposite direction also may occur. Similar patterns of differentiation and gene flow appeared in localities that represented contrasting biogeographic regions. Disturbance and topography may explain why hybridization was slightly more common and the differentiation patterns somewhat less clear in the Scandinavian mountains than in the coastal lowland. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Studies were made on the chromosome complements and chloroplast genomes ofMedicago lupulina andM. secundiflora, which comprise sectionLupularia ofMedicago. Both types of analyses indicated more substantial differences between these species than suggested by external morphology.Medicago lupulina has a relatively asymmetrical karyotype in terms of centromeric position and relative length. The karyotype ofM. secundiflora is comparatively more asymmetrical in centromeric position and reduced in absolute size but exhibits greater symmetry in relative length. The restriction endonuclease fragmentation patterns of the chloropiast DNA of these two species (with Bam HI, Eco RI, Bgl II, and Xho I) show little similarity, with only 17% of the fragments matching in size. The lack of interspecific congruence among data of morphology, karyology and cpDNA inLupularia is contrary to consistency exhibited among these data inMedicago subsect.Intertextae.  相似文献   

We have adapted methodology necessary for the detection of molecular polymorphisms in the orchid genusCattleya, namely, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). We report a high level of molecular variability among species; each of eight species examined exhibited a unique DNA fingerprint with nine out of ten arbitrary primers used in single-primer RAPD reactions. Among progeny of an intraspecificCattleya cross, 55 percent of major amplification products were found to segregate. Segregation of these markers facilitated the preliminary identification of several linkage intervals. The identification and mapping of DNA polymorphisms by the RAPD technique will facilitate the use of these taxa for the identification of species-specific and genus-specific traits, allow for the measurement of recombination and introgression in hybrid populations, and enable geneticists to address concordance (or lack thereof) in the processes of speciation, morphological evolution, and molecular change in a large and highly advanced plant family.  相似文献   

David E. Bennett 《Brittonia》1998,50(2):186-191
Three new species are proposed in the genera Gongora, Maxillaria, and Stenia. The new species are illustrated.  相似文献   

Ponthieva rinconii, a new orchid species from the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental in Veracruz, Mexico, is described and illustrated. It is similar in overall appearance to the wide-ranging upland speciesP. schaffneri, but differs from it in habitat preferences (tropical semi-evergreen forest at 650 m elevation), presence of a loose raceme, and three-lobed labellum with a basal cavity.  相似文献   

Scelochilus crucicornibus, which had been mentioned in the literature as a nomen nudum, is described and illustrated.  相似文献   

Kerry Barringer 《Brittonia》1991,43(4):240-252
Epidendrum subgenusEpidanthus (L. O. Williams) Barringer (Orchidaceae) is a group of small, slender-stemmed epiphytes formerly classified in the genusEpidanthus L. O. Williams. The seven species are distributed from southern Mexico to Columbia in wet forests, usually above 1000 m in elevation. Species of subgenusEpidanthus are distinguished from the rest ofEpidendrum by their linear leaves, slender stems, and two pollinia. The new speciesEpidendrum aurigineum is described and the new nameEpidendrum, insolatum is created forE. crassum (Dressler) Mora-Retana & J. García.  相似文献   

经过对标本馆馆藏标本的研究,确认原四川特有的峨眉带唇兰[Tainia emeiensis (K. Y. Lang) Z. H. Tsi]与大花带唇兰(T.macrantha Hook. f.)为同种植物,因此予以归并。  相似文献   

Sixteen new species are proposed in the generaAckermania, Dressleria, Epidendrum, Maxillaria, Oncidium, Rodriguezia, Sigmatostalix, andTrigonidium. All new species are illustrated.Maxillaria vittariifolia L. O. Williams is newly recorded for Peru. A key is provided forTrigonidium of Peru.Trigonidium loretoense Schltr. andT. peruvianum Schltr. are lectotypified.  相似文献   

Jin Xiaohua 《Brittonia》2005,57(3):255-257
Bulbophyllum wuzhishanensis, a new species from Hainan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is probably related toBulbophyllum ledungense, but differs from it by having a long inflorescence, a column without stelids, and a longer lip.  相似文献   

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