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Frequency selectivity of hearing was measured in the green treefrog, Hyla cinerea. A psychophysical technique based on reflex modification was used to obtain masked threshold estimates for pure tones (300-5,400 Hz) presented against two levels of broadband masking noise. A pure tone (S-1) presented 200 ms prior to a reflex-eliciting stimulus (S-2) inhibited the motor reflex response to S-2. The magnitude of this reflex modification effect varied systematically with the sound pressure level (SPL) of S-1, and threshold was defined as the SPL of S-1 at which the reflex modification effect disappeared. Masked thresholds were used to calculate critical ratios, an index of the auditory system's frequency selectivity. The frequency selectivity of the treefrog's hearing is greatest and critical ratios are lowest (22-24 dB) at about 900 and 3,000 Hz, the two spectral regions dominant in the male treefrog's species-specific advertisement call. These results suggest that the treefrog's auditory system may be specialized to reject noise at biologically-relevant frequencies. As in other vertebrates, critical ratios remain constant when background noise level is varied; however, the shape of the treefrog's critical ratio function across frequencies differs from the typical vertebrate function that increases with increasing frequency at a slope of about 3 dB/octave. Instead, the treefrog's critical ratio function resembles its pure tone audiogram. Although the shape of the treefrog's critical ratio function is atypical, the critical ratio values themselves are comparable to those of many other vertebrates in the same frequency range. Critical ratio values here measured behaviorally do not match critical ratio values previously measured physiologically in single eighth nerve fibers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Single-unit recordings were made from areas in the midbrain (torus semicircularis) of the oyster toadfish. We evaluated frequency tuning and directional responses using whole-body oscillation to simulate auditory stimulation by particle motion along axes in the horizontal and mid-sagittal planes. We also tested for bimodality in responses to auditory and hydrodynamic stimuli. One recording location in each animal was marked by a neurobiotin injection to confirm the recording site. Recordings were made in nucleus centralis, nucleus ventrolateralis, and the deep cell layer. Most units were frequency-selective with best frequencies between 50 and 141 Hz. Suppression of activity was apparent in 10% of the cells. Bimodality was common, including inhibition and suppression of background activity by auditory or hydrodynamic stimulation. The majority of the cells were directionally selective with directional response patterns that were sharpened compared with those of primary saccular afferents. The best directional axes were arrayed widely in spherical space, covering most azimuths and elevations. This representation is adequate for the computation of the motional axis of an auditory stimulus for sound source localization.Abbreviations BF best frequency - DCL deep cell layer - DON descending octaval nucleus - DRP directional response pattern - FFT fast Fourier transform - LL lateral lemniscus - NC nucleus centralis - NVL nucleus ventrolateralis - PVC periventricular cells - R coefficient of synchronization - TS torus semicircularis - Z Rayleigh statistic  相似文献   

Summary Responses of neurons in the preoptic area and ventral hypothalamus to conspecific mating calls or white noise bursts were examined in male green treefrogs (Hyla cinerea) during different seasons. In the winter, 34.3% of preoptic neurons and 46.7% of ventral hypothalamic cells demonstrated significant changes in activity level during presentation of a conspecific mating call. In contrast, only 13.3% of preoptic units and 16.7% of ventral hypothalamic cells responded to the white noise. The percentage of preoptic and hypothalamic units responding to the advertisement call did not differ significantly during the summer breeding season. Type I units exhibited a dramatic increase in activity during acoustic stimulation followed by a rapid return to baseline activity levels after stimulus offset. Type II cells showed a robust activity increase during stimulation, but maintained an intermediate activity level after stimulus offset. In the preoptic area, a third response type exhibited suppressed activity during acoustic stimulation. Although seasonal condition did not alter the percentage of acoustically responsive units within either nucleus, the proportion of Type I units in the ventral hypothalamus was greatest during the summer.Abbreviations MC mating call - NS no stimulus - POA preoptic area - VH ventral hypothalamus - WN white noise  相似文献   

Social signals play an important role in regulating hormone-behavior relationships. In anurans (frogs and toads), acoustic signals are an essential aspect of reproductive behavior; however, the physiological consequences of receiving social signals has remained largely undescribed. Each night for 5, 10, or 20 days, we presented acoustically isolated male treefrogs with a conspecific mating chorus, an array of tones, or no sound. We recorded calling rate of individuals throughout the experiment and collected blood before and after treatment. Days of stimulus exposure had no effect on any dependent measure. Acoustic treatment influenced steroid levels; testosterone, dihydrotestosterone, and corticosterone increased only in the group exposed to the chorus. Chorus-exposed males also showed an increase in stimulus-evoked calling. We found no correlation between androgens and calling within each treatment group. In addition, noncallers in the chorus group had higher levels of androgens than males in the tone or no sound groups. Further, chorus-exposed males with zero, low, or high rate of calling had similar levels of androgens. These data indicate that social signals increase circulating androgens independently of calling behavior. Elevated corticosterone associated with chorus reception did not inhibit calling behavior, and corticosterone showed no correlation with androgen levels.  相似文献   

Summary Female treefrogs (Hyla cinerea andH. gratiosa) can accurately localize a sound source (playback of male mating calls) if both ears are intact. When the sensitivity of one eardrum is attenuated, by coating it with a thin layer of silicone grease, females no longer can locate the sound source. This study demonstrates that female anurans rely on interaural cues for localization of a calling male. The neural basis for an anuran's sound localization ability presumably involves binaural convergence on single cells in the central auditory nervous system.This work was supported by research grants from the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Public Health Service. The assistance of Anne J.M. Moffat in measuring the directional characteristics of the loudspeaker is gratefully appreciated.  相似文献   

The functional development of the auditory system across metamorphosis was examined by recording neural activity from the torus semicircularis of larval and postmetamorphic bullfrog froglets in response to amplitude-modulated sound. Multiunit activity in the torus semicircularis during early larval stages showed significant phase-locking to the envelopes of amplitude-modulated noise bursts, up to modulation rates as high as 250 Hz. Beginning at metamorphic climax and continuing into the froglet period, phase locking was restricted to the more limited frequency range characteristic of adult frogs. The onset of operation of the tympanic pathway does not reinstate the highly synchronous neural activity characteristic of the operation of the fenestral pathway. Modulation transfer functions based on spike count did not show tuning for modulation rate in early stage tadpoles, but a greater variety of shapes of these functions emerged as development proceeded. Most of the different kinds of modulation transfer functions seen in adult frogs were also observed in froglets, but band-pass functions were not as sharply peaked. These data suggest that different neural codes for processing of the periodicity of complex signals operate in early stage tadpoles than in postmetamorphic froglets. Accepted: 7 October 1998  相似文献   

1.  The envelope periodicity of communication signals is an important feature distinguishing advertisement and aggressive calls for the green treefrog (Hyla cinerea). Envelope periodicity, a cue for periodicity pitch perception in humans, is affected by the fine-structure of the signal, a cue for timbre perception in humans. The present study examined perception of two acoustic features affecting waveform fine-structure — harmonic structure and phase structure — in male green treefrogs.
2.  We analyzed evoked vocal responses of male green treefrogs living in laboratory arenas to playbacks of digitally-generated signals resembling either conspecific advertisement or aggressive calls in their first harmonic periodicity. Systematic changes in the harmonic structure of these signals were achieved by varying the harmonic relations between frequency components in the signals, and changes in phase structure were achieved by varying the starting phases of harmonically-related components.
3.  Calling was significantly influenced by the first harmonic periodicity of the signals. Males vocalized more to signals with the periodicity of the advertisement than the aggressive call. There were no differences in response to harmonic and inharmonic signals with similar spectral content. Phase structure did not significantly influence vocal responses.
4.  These results suggest that the fine-structure (timbre) of complex acoustic signals is not a significant feature guiding behavior tested using a communication response in this species.

1. A psychophysical technique based on reflex modification was used to study the detection of two-tone complexes in background noise by the green treefrog (Hyla cinerea). Three different two-tone complexes were synthesized and presented to measure detection thresholds--a harmonic complex of 900 + 3000 Hz (periodicity of 300 Hz, mimicking the structure of the natural advertisement call); an inharmonic complex of 830 + 3100 Hz; and a second harmonic complex of 828 + 2760 Hz (periodicity of 276 Hz). 2. Masked thresholds and 'critical ratios' (signal-to-noise ratios at threshold) were lowest for the two harmonic complexes (900 + 3000 Hz, mean 'critical ratio' of 16 dB; 828 + 2760 Hz, mean 'critical ratio' of 14 dB). For the inharmonic complex, for which there is no stable first-harmonic periodicity, the mean 'critical ratio' was 24 dB. These data suggest that the green treefrog is sensitive to the harmonic structure of complex sounds as a specific acoustic feature. 3. Because of the unique structure of the treefrog's inner ear, the heightened behavioral sensitivity to harmonic complexes must be due to processing in the central, rather than peripheral, auditory system.  相似文献   

Our previous studies have shown that the peripheral auditory system of the toadfish encodes the direction of a sound source. Here, we compare directional responses of peripheral saccular afferents, cells in the descending octaval nucleus (DON) of the medulla, and the torus semicircularis (TS) of the midbrain. Recording locations in the brain were labeled with neurobiotin to confirm the site. To compare directional responses among cells, we calculated an index [sharpening ratio (SR)] that weights the relative strength of responses to the best direction for that cell and to the adjacent stimulus angles tested. Unsharpened saccular afferents tend to have a cosinusoidal directional response pattern (DRP) with an expected SR of 0.87. In DON, more than 60% of the cells exhibited directional sharpening (defined as SR <0.8). In TS, more than 80% of the cells exhibited directional sharpening. We conclude that directional auditory sharpening first occurs in DON and some additional sharpening occurs in the ascending pathway to the midbrain, particularly in azimuth. The sharpening of directional selectivity is likely to be an important component of the neural computations underlying directional hearing.  相似文献   

We investigated in goldfish, Carassius auratus, how running water affects the responses of toral lateral line units to a stationary vibrating sphere or to a non-vibrating sphere that moves along the side of the fish. Experiments were conducted in the presence of running water (hydrodynamic noise) to further explore the sensory capabilities of the lateral line with special focus on the morphological sub-modalities. Previous recordings from lateral line nerve fibres in various fish species and the first nucleus of the ascending lateral line pathway in goldfish revealed flow-sensitive and flow-insensitive units. These physiological differences represent, at least in part, the differences in morphology of the lateral line, superficial and canal neuromasts. Following up on these findings we recorded flow-sensitive and flow-insensitive units in the Torus semicircularis of goldfish. In still water, both types of units responded to a vibrating or moving sphere. In running water, neural responses were weaker when the sphere was moved with the flow but were comparable or slightly stronger when the sphere was moved against the flow. In running water, responses of flow-sensitive fibres to the vibrating sphere were masked. In contrast, the responses of units insensitive to water flow were not masked. Our data confirm previous findings but also indicate differences when compared to previous reports. We discuss these differences with respect to lateral line morphology, sub-modalities and convergence of different channels of information at higher brain stations.  相似文献   

Tissue displacement of various body surfaces and the auditory midbrain sensitivities to sound were measured in Atelopus species with or without a tympanic middle ear (“eared” and “earless”, respectively). Tissue displacement (vibration) of body regions was measured by laser Doppler vibrometer . The body wall directly overlying the lung is most dramatically displaced by sound pressure in all species tested. The otic (lateral head) region showed low displacement in earless species, but significant displacement to high-frequency sound in eared species. Peak tissue displacement of the body wall occurred within the frequency range of each species' advertisement vocalization. Peak tissue displacement of the otic region of the eared species also occurred within these frequencies. Multi-unit neurophysiological recordings of the auditory midbrain (torus semicircularis) also were obtained. Auditory sensitivity curves showed three distinct regions of sensitivity at low, middle, and high frequencies, the latter located within the frequency range of each species' advertisement vocalization. The correlation between auditory midbrain sensitivity and tissue displacement of the body wall region at advertisement vocalization frequencies, suggests that the body wall/lungs serve as the route of sound transfer to the inner ear in earless species and possibly in the eared species as well. Accepted: 4 April 1998  相似文献   

Amphibians worldwide are experiencing devastating declines, some of which are due to the amphibian chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis, Bd). Populations in the southeastern United States, however, have not been noticeably affected by the pathogen. The green treefrog (Hyla cinerea) is abundant and widespread in the southeastern United States, but has not been documented to harbor Bd infection. This study examined the susceptibility of H. cinerea to two strains of Bd in the lab and the prevalence of infection in wild populations of this species in southeastern Louisiana. Although we were able to infect H. cinerea with Bd in the lab, we did not observe any clinical signs of chytridiomycosis. Furthermore, infection by Bd does not appear to negatively affect body condition or growth rate of post-metamorphic individuals. We found no evidence of infection in surveys of wild H. cinerea. Our results suggest that H. cinerea is not susceptible to chytridiomycosis post-metamorphosis and probably is not an important carrier of the fungal pathogen Bd in the southeastern United States, although susceptibility at the larval stage remains unknown.  相似文献   

 Responses of mechanosensory lateral line units to constant-amplitude hydrodynamic stimuli and to sinusoidally amplitude-modulated water movements were recorded from the goldfish (Carassius auratus) torus semicircularis. Responses were classified by the number of spikes evoked in the unit's dynamic range and by the degree of phase locking to the carrier- and amplitude-modulation frequency of the stimulus. Most midbrain units showed phasic responses to constant-amplitude hydrodynamic stimuli. For different units peri-stimulus time histograms varied widely. Based on iso-displacement curves, midbrain units prefered either low frequencies (≤33 Hz), mid frequencies (50–100 Hz), or high frequencies (≥200 Hz). The distribution of the coefficient of synchronization to constant-amplitude stimuli showed that most units were only weakly phase locked. Midbrain units of the goldfish responded to amplitude-modulated water motions in a phasic/tonic or tonic fashion. Units highly phase locked to the amplitude modulation frequency, provided that modulation depth was at least 36%. Units tuned to one particular amplitude modulation frequency were not found. Accepted: 10 July 1999  相似文献   

1. We derived audiograms from recordings of multiunit activity in the torus semicircularis of 10 males and 6 females of the spring peeper from central Missouri, USA. We used free-field stimulation with tone bursts that had temporal properties similar to typical advertisement calls and that ranged in frequency from 500-6000 Hz. 2. Audiograms from different electrode positions in the same animal had the same general shape. There was no evidence of tonotopy. 3. Audiograms showed two regions of maximal sensitivity: a low-frequency region (500-700 Hz); and a high-frequency region (2000-4000 Hz). Absolute thresholds and frequencies of maximum sensitivity varied considerably from individual to individual. 4. Audiograms derived from all individuals of each sex indicated that in the high-frequency region, corresponding to the frequency range of advertisement calls, males were more broadly tuned than females. However, tuning in both sexes was relatively weak, and the data predict relatively little selectivity in behavioral responses over the entire range of variation in frequency of the advertisement call in local populations. 5. The results are discussed in terms of behavioral experiments with both males and females from the same populations in central Missouri. We show that merely summarizing the audiograms based on estimates of minimum thresholds of a population or species may mask significant individual differences in tuning. Moreover, most behavioral studies are conducted at playback levels considerably above threshold. For these reasons, behavioral selectivity is not always accurately predicted by inspection of "average" audiograms.  相似文献   

In addition to spectral call components, temporal patterns in the advertisement-call envelope of green treefrog males (Hyla cinerea) provide important cues for female mate choice. Rapid amplitude modulation (AM) with rates of 250–300 Hz is typical for this species advertisement calls. Here we report data on the encoding of these rapid call modulations by studying the responses of single auditory nerve fibers to two-tone stimuli with envelope periodicities close to those of the natural call. The free-field response properties of 86 nerve fibers were studied from 32 anesthetized males. The accuracy of stimulus envelope coding was quantified using both a Gaussian function fit to the interspike interval histograms derived from the first seven 20-ms stimulus segments, and the vector-strength metric applied to the phase-locked responses. Often, AM encoding in the initial stimulus segment was more faithful than that in its second half. This result may explain why conspecific females prefer calls in which the initial segment is unmasked rather than masked. Both the questions of pattern recognition and localization are discussed, and the data are related to behavioral observations of female choice and localization performance in this species.  相似文献   

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