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中国车前属(车前科)一新组合——丰都车前 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
将Plantago erosa Wall. var. fengdouensis Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang提升为一独立的种,即丰都车前P. fengdouensis (Z. E. Zhao & Y. Wang) Y. Wang & Z. Y. Li。该种由于花冠无毛,花丝着生于花冠近基部,子叶在种子中与腹面(种脐面)相平行,应属于车前亚属subgen. Plantago。丰都车前P. fengdouensis以植株干后变黑和种子较大的特征接近湿生车前P. cornuti Gouan,但其叶具牙齿或羽状锐裂,具3脉,苞片三角状卵形,花冠裂片狭三角形,蒴果纺锤状椭圆球形,近中部周裂,种子腹侧具1纵槽而不同于后者。 相似文献
濒危植物丰都车前的繁育系统与传粉生物学研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
丰都车前为三峡库区特有珍稀濒危植物,目前仅在重庆市江津支坪镇涂家村附近大中坝上有一小种群分布。以野生种群和移栽种群为对象,通过野外观察和人工授粉实验对丰都车前传粉生物学及繁育系统进行研究。结果表明:(1)丰都车前单花花期约4 d,花序花期约8 d,种群花期约3个月;单花开花进程可分为6个时期:花蕾期、雌蕊伸长期、雄蕊初露期、花瓣展开期、花瓣反折期、枯萎凋谢期。(2)花瓣展开前,柱头先伸出花冠,达最高可受性,之后花瓣展开雄蕊才露出,而此时大部分柱头已枯萎失活丧失可受性,只有少部分具可受性。表现出雌雄异熟的特征,一定程度避免了自交的发生。(3)花粉活力始于雄蕊初露期,花瓣展开、花药开裂时花粉活力最高,至枯萎凋谢前均具有活力。花粉活力最高期避开了柱头可受性最佳期,仅有少部分重叠。(4)繁育系统检测显示,花粉/胚珠比为15373.29,杂交指数为3。结合套袋实验表明,丰都车前可能同时具有风媒和虫媒传粉机制,传粉昆虫为中华蜜蜂、食蚜蝇,但数量偏少,不存在无融合生殖,异交为主,部分自交亲和,有时需要传粉者。(5)开花时期避开了其分布地洪水淹没期,能够顺利完成开花授粉及座果。综上所述,丰都车前的花部特征、开花物候和繁育系统为适应分布地夏季洪水水淹胁迫提供了一定的生殖保障,促进了该种群的续存。 相似文献
丰都车前(Plantago fengdouensis)为近年在三峡库区消涨带发现的一特有植物。通过多年的调查,发现该种仅分布于重庆市忠县、丰都县和巴南区等3个长江江心岛上,总共290株。随着三峡水库的逐步蓄水,丰都车前的自然分布区将于2006年全部水淹,使其成为因三峡工程建设而导致自然生境和野生居群全部毁灭的唯一的草本植物。为保护这一即将野外灭绝的稀有植物,在对其地理分布、生态学和群落学调查的基础上,对其形态特征、年生长周期和生殖值与同属植物车前(P.asiatica)和北美车前(P.virginica)进行了调查、试验和比较研究,表明丰都车前果期长、种子不适宜长距离传播和生殖值低以及长江水淹干扰是其狭域分布和数量稀少的主要原因。同时探讨了其迁地保护策略,并提出了下一步的研究和保护建议。 相似文献
丰都车前(Plantago fengdouensis)为近年在三峡库区消涨带发现的一特有植物。通过多年的调查,发现该种仅分布于重庆市忠县、丰都县和巴南区等3个长江江心岛上,总共290株。随着三峡水库的逐步蓄水,丰都车前的自然分布区将于2006年全部水淹,使其成为因三峡工程建设而导致自然生境和野生居群全部毁灭的唯一的草本植物。为保护这一即将野外灭绝的稀有植物,在对其地理分布、生态学和群落学调查的基础上,对其形态特征、年生长周期和生殖值与同属植物车前(P.asiatica)和北美车前(P.virginica)进行了调查、试验和比较研究,表明丰都车前果期长、种子不适宜长距离传播和生殖值低以及长江水淹干扰是其狭域分布和数量稀少的主要原因。同时探讨了其迁地保护策略,并提出了下一步的研究和保护建议。 相似文献
植物多倍体起源与分子进化研究进展 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
杂交和多倍化是植物最重要的进化方式之一 ,在自然界普遍存在着多倍体物种 ,约 50 %的被子植物和 80 %的蕨类植物进化历史上都曾经历过这种活动 〔1,2〕。在动物界 ,随着大量分子生物学证据的积累 ,有关杂交 -多倍化物种形成的报道也越来越多〔3〕。随着时间的流逝 ,杂种与祖先种在遗传分化上的积累越来越多 ,这使得探讨多倍体物种起源及其进化成为一个极具挑战性的研究领域。早在二十世纪二三十年代 ,生物学家们就对植物多倍体进行了大量的研究 〔4〕,不过 ,由于当时研究方法的限制 ,他们只能在外部形态、生化特性等方面对多倍体植物进行一… 相似文献
水稻和其他禾本科植物基因组多倍体起源的证据 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
基因加倍(Gene duplication)被认为是进化的加速器。古老的基因组加倍事件已经在多个物种中被确定,包括酵母、脊椎动物以及拟南芥等。本研究发现水稻基因组同样存在全基因组加倍事件,大概发生在禾谷类作物分化之前,距今约7000万年。在水稻基因组中,共找到117个加倍区段(Duplicated block),分布在水稻的全部12条染色体,覆盖约60%的水稻基因组。在加倍区段,大约有20%的基因保留了加倍后的姊妹基因对(Duplicated pairs)。与此形成鲜明对照的是加倍区段的转录因子保留了60%的姊妹基因。禾本科植物全基因组加倍事件的确定对研究禾本科植物基因组的进化具有重要影响,暗示了多倍体化及随后的基因丢失、染色体重排等在禾谷类物种分化中扮演了重要角色。 相似文献
车前属两种植物的核型研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文对我国两种车前属Plantago植物的核型进行了分析。2个种的染色体数目均为2n=2x=12。它们的核型是:海滨车前P.camtschaticaLink,Enum.2n=2x=12=8m+4sm;毛车前P.jehohlensisKoidz.2n=2x=12=6m+4sm+2st。它们的核型均属“2A”型。由12条染色体组成。 相似文献
运用分子系统发育分析的方法研究了江苏铁角蕨(Asplenium kiangsuense)的系统位置及其与庐山铁角蕨(Agulingense)的关系,并探讨了该类群可能的多倍体起源方式。结果显示:江苏铁角蕨与庐山铁角蕨可能为同源四倍体,是组成倒挂铁角蕨复合体(Anormale complex)的成员之一;二者在形态特征与基因序列方面均表现一致,接受英文版中国植物志的处理,即把庐山铁角蕨处理为江苏铁角蕨的异名。 相似文献
铝胁迫下北美车前和车前生长及叶绿素荧光特性的比较研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
陈香;胡雪华;肖宜安;陆耀东;李蕴 《植物研究》2011,31(6):680-685
采用系列浓度AlCl3溶液(100、500、800、2 000 mg·L-1)进行处理,在处理后不同时间(0,10、20、30 d),测定北美车前(Plantago viriginica)和车前(P.asiatica)的生长及叶绿素荧光特征指数,旨在比较外来入侵种北美车前和同属本地种车前的生长及叶绿素荧光对铝胁迫响应的差异。结果表明,车前和北美车前的根冠比在轻度铝(Al3+=100 mg·L-1)处理下略有上升,在中度(Al3+=500 mg·L-1)以上铝浓度处理下开始显著下降;叶绿素a、b含量在轻度铝处理下变化不明显,随着铝浓度的增加和处理时间的延长呈现明显下降趋势;叶绿素荧光参数Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ及Fv/Fo值在低浓度铝的短时间处理下略有上升,随着铝浓度的升高和处理时间的延长则明显下降。结果表明铝胁迫对上述两种植物的生长和叶绿素荧光参数均有一定影响,但北美车前各参数的下降幅度小于车前,表现出比车前更为耐铝的生理特性。 相似文献
长江三峡库区新植物 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
采用长江三峡库区的2个植物新变种,一个属于报春花科,与显苞过路黄(Lysimachia rubiginosa Hemsl.var.rubiginosa)相比较,其特点为四叶轮生,命名为秭归过路黄(Lysimachia rubiginosa Hemsl.var.ziguiensisZ.E.Zhao et J.Q.Wu);另一个属于车前草科,与疏花车前(Plantago erosaWall)的区别为:本变种叶披针形,近似锐裂,基三出脉,花无柄,花柱长4-7mm,无毛,命名为丰都车前(Plantago erosa Wall.var.fengdouensisZ.E.ZhaoetY.Wang)。 相似文献
Morphological and molecular variations in Plantago asiatica L. var. densiuscula Pilg. were analyzed to evaluate the genetic basis for recognizing the dwarf variety P. asiatica var. yakusimensis (Masam.) Ohwi. Considerable variation in the leaf size of P. asiatica var. densiuscula was observed, and no morphological discontinuities were found between the dwarf types of P. asiatica var. densiuscula and P. asiatica var. yakusimensis. Morphological analysis of plants grown under standardized conditions revealed that both environmental plasticity and genetic differentiation contributed to the dwarfisms. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the SUC1 locus encoding a sucrose transporter revealed that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis was genetically unique although the differentiation level was low. From the above results, we concluded that P. asiatica var. yakusimensis should be reduced to a form of P. asiatica var. densiuscula. Furthermore, the geographic distribution of the SUC1 genotype suggested multiple origins of dwarves, and possible hypotheses for the origins of dwarves are discussed. 相似文献
三峡库区特有植物荷叶铁线蕨种群分布格局研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过相邻格子样方法采集数据,应用点格局分析技术研究了荷叶铁线蕨(Adiantum reniforme var.sinense)种群空间格局,结果表明:荷叶铁线蕨的空间分布格局和空间关联性与空间尺度、植株大小密切相关.在较小的空间尺度上(4.5 m),荷叶铁线蕨种群趋向于聚集分布,个体间有较强的空间正关联;在较大的空间尺度上(>5 m),荷叶铁线蕨呈随机分布,空间关联性减弱.成熟植株具有更明显的聚集分布趋势.大小级差异越小,植株间的正关联关系越强.荷叶铁线蕨的更新较好,但更新苗分布不均匀.建议在该物种原生种群的就地保护和恢复重建中,在减少人为采挖的同时,适当加大灌木层密度、降低草本层的郁闭度. 相似文献
Isabelle G. Weed 《Cell and tissue research》1936,25(4):516-539
Summary Developing striated muscle in the chick embryo was studied with special reference to the cytological changes which occur as the myofibrils are being elaborated. Observations were made on the mitochondria, cytoplasmic granules, Golgi material, neutral red bodies, nuclei, and nucleoli, and on the developing fibrils. Particular attention was directed to the early part of the histogenetic process when a few primary myofibrils are being formed and becoming striated. This period is characterized by hypertrophy of the Golgi material, nuclei, and nucleoli.The myofibrils were found to arise in close association with filamentous mitochondria, apparently at the expense of the numerous small cytoplasmic granules which fill the early myoblasts. The mitochondria change staining reaction during this time and to a certain extent disappear. Many ring-shaped mitochondria, the significance of which is not known, were found among the unchanged mitochondria which remain near the nucleus.At first the myofibrils are homogeneous and do not take the stain well. Later they stain heavily, although they remain homogeneous, and finally striation appears. Evidence was presented that the Z-membrane begins development before striation is visible.When the primary fibrils have become striated, formation of myofibrils by the above method apparently ceases and further increase in the number of fibrils is probably brought about by longitudinal splitting of those formed first.At this time, also, the Golgi material decreases in amount, the nuclei become smaller, and the nucleoli break up and lose their distinct form.A secondary fibril system was also described which, it is believed, is distinct from the myofibril system.Mitotic division followed by cleavage of the cytoplasm occurs in the earliest myoblasts, probably for the purpose of increasing the number of these cells. However, as soon as fibrillization sets in, mitotic division ceases and the nuclei multiply by amitosis not followed by cleavage of the cytoplasm.The nucleoli divide before amitotic division of the nuclei. Evidence was presented that certain nuclear granules may be associated with the amitotic division process.The Golgi material in embryonic muscle is situated at the two poles of the nuclei. This furnishes evidence in favor of the belief that the Golgi material of adult muscle has a similar location and is not represented by the Cajal-Fusari network.Neutral red granules were demonstrated near the nucleus and in the axial cytoplasm, but they did not coincide in position with the Golgi material.It was noted that the cytological changes which take place when the myofibrils are being elaborated in the developing myoblasts resemble those in gland cells at the time secretory materials are being formed. 相似文献
《Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry》2013,77(10):2782-2784
To directly identify the plant origin of propolis from Takebe-cho (Okayama, Japan), we observed the honeybee behavior. Honeybees scraped sap from the tree, Rhus javanica var. chinensis. We compared the constituents and radical-scavenging activity of this sap and propolis. Their chemical constituents and radical-scavenging activity were comparable. This indicates directly that the plant origin of this propolis is R. javanica var. chinensis. 相似文献
Photosynthetic and stomatal responses of the halophyte,Plantago maritima L. to fluctuations in salinity 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Abstract Measurements of photosynthesis as a function of intercellular CO2 (A-C1 curve) were made on single. attached leaves of Plantago maritima L. while plants were exposed to changes in salinity. Salinity was increased in steps from 50 to 500 mol m-3 NaCl and then returned to 50 mol m-3 NaCl at two rates, 75 mol m-3 (NaCl) day-1 (experiment 1) and 150 mol m-3 (NaCl) day-1 (experiment 2). In experiment one, the CO2 assimilation rate declined at high CO2 concentrations, but the initial slope of the A-C1 curve was unaffected in young leaves after salinity was increased to 500 mol m-3 NaCl. The insensitivity of photosynthesis to increases in CO2 concentration above air levels was not associated with insensitivity to a reduction in oxygen concentration. In experiment two increasing the rate at which salinity was changed resulted in larger declines in photosynthesis and leaf conductance than were observed in experiment one. Both the initial slope and the CO2 saturated region of the A-C1 curve were substantially reduced at high salinity suggesting that mesophyll biochemical capacity had been inhibited. However, concurrent measurements of photosynthesis as oxygen evolution under 5% CO2 indicated no effect of increased salinity on photosynthetic capacity. This suggests that the apparent non-stomatal limitations indicated by A-C1 measurements were artifacts caused by strong, nonuniform stomatal closure. 相似文献
The effectiveness of colchicine in destroying or preventing the development of the spindle is determined by the concentration of the colchicine and the degree of development of the spindle at the time of exposure; the greater the concentration of colchicine, the greater will be its effectiveness in destroying the spindle or interfering with its development; the more completely the spindle is developed at the time of exposure to colchicine, the greater is the concentration of colchicine required to destroy it or prevent its further development.The series of changes in chromosome orientation that take place during the course of colchicine action, namely, approximation of centromeres, formation of “stars,” the breaking up of one “star” into several, and complete chromosome disorientation, represent successive stages in the destruction of the spindle.Destruction of the completely formed spindle is typically accompanied by the accumulation of the spindle material outside the diminishing spindle in a hyaline globule. Similarly, interference of colchicine with spindle development leads to the accumulation of the presumptive spindle material, i.e., the karyolymph, in one or more hyaline globules. It is suggested that colchicine does not destroy the spindle material but merely alters its molecular orientation, so that it comes to comprise a spherical mass with no mitotic function.Strong concentrations of colchicine cause middle and late prophase nuclei to revert to early prophase. Somewhat lower concentrations applied to late prophase nuclei occasionally delay the breakdown of the nuclear membrane without altering the rate of chromosome contraction. In greatly retarded late prophase nuclei the chromosomes lose their intranuclear orientation, which lends support to the concept that the centromeres normally maintain a fixed position within the nucleus. 相似文献