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Quantitative parameters of 90Sr, 137Cs, 239Pu and 241Am transfer from solid phase of soil to gastric, intestine juice of cows as well as to imitating solutions have been estimated on the base of results of laboratory incubation experiments. A prevailing role of enzyme complex and microflora of gastrointestinal tract in radionuclides transfer from solid phase of soil to solution has been shown.  相似文献   

The analysis of the content of radionuclides 90Sr, 137Cs, 238Pu, 239 + 240Pu and 241Am in water vegetation of flood plain reservoirs has allowed studing features of radionuclide accumulation by various species of macrophytes and revealing bioindicators of radionuclide contamination. Thus species-specificity of radionuclide accumulation can essentially change the contribution of different species to a percentage ratio of the radionuclide content in phytomass of reservoirs in comparison with fund of higher aquatic plants.  相似文献   

Summary The uptake of239Pu and241Am from different clay mineral-organic matter-sand mixtures simulating contrasting soil types was examined in growth chamber experiments. The mixtures represented various combinations of organic matter (0, 5 and 10%), kaolinite (11 type) and montomorillonite (21 type) clay minerals, each at the levels of 5, 10 and 25%, and purified quartz sand (as filler).Results indicated a marked reduction in uptake of both239Pu and241Am with increase in organic matter as well as clay content of the mixtures. The Pu Concentration Ratios (CRs) ranged from (2.5–7.0)×10–3 in the case of kaolinite-organic matter mixtures, and from (0.9–5.5)×10–3 in the case of montmorillonite-organic matter mixtures. The corresponding values of Am Concentration Ratios (CRs) obtained were (1.9–725.4)×10–3 in the case of kaolinite-organic matter mixtures, and between (0.7–3.5)×10–3 for the montmorillonite-organic matter mixtures.Reduction in the uptake of241Am with increasing clay content was more pronounced in the montmorillonite clay-organic matter mixtures as compared to that in the case of kaolinite-organic matter mixtures. While similar qualitative reduction in239Pu CRs with increasing clay content was observed, the reduction was less marked than in the case of241Am. The values for Am CRs were higher than the corresponding Pu CRs in kaolinite based mixtures whereas in the case of montmorillonite-organic matter mixtures Pu CRs exceeded the Am CRs.Increasing organic matter content and its interaction with both kaolinite and montmorillonite clay minerals were found to be equally effective in reducing the uptake of239Pu as well as241Am by plants.  相似文献   

The bioavailability of 137Cs and 239+240Pu in soil, dust and aerosols has been determined by applying a fractional extraction procedure. In aerosols, 47–57% of 137Cs was found to be easily exchangeable. This differs significantly from soil and deposited dust samples collected on a nearby street as well as on grassland where 137Cs was quantitatively found in the acid-soluble fraction and the residue. A similar difference was observed for 239+240Pu: 47% of 239+240Pu in aerosols was associated with the organic fraction, while in soil and deposited dust from grassland 63–75% of 239+240Pu was found in the acid-soluble fraction. In deposited street dust, 53% of 239+240Pu was associated with the oxide fraction.  相似文献   

土壤氮库对生态系统的养分循环至关重要。目前多数研究主要关注氮沉降对土壤总氮的影响, 而对土壤不同有机质组分的氮库对氮沉降响应的研究较为缺乏。该研究基于内蒙古典型草地的长期多水平施氮(0、8、32、64 g·m-2·a-1)实验平台, 利用土壤密度分级方法, 探究氮添加处理13年后典型草地中两种土壤有机质组分(颗粒态有机质(POM), 矿质结合态有机质(MAOM))氮含量的变化及调控机制。结果显示: 土壤总碳含量、POM和MAOM的碳含量在施氮处理间均没有显著差异。土壤总氮含量则随着施氮水平增加呈显著增加的趋势, 同时施氮处理下POM的氮含量显著上升, 而MAOM的氮含量没有变化。进一步分析发现, 施氮促进植物地上生物量积累, 增加了凋落物量及其氮含量, 从而导致POM的氮含量增加。由于MAOM主要通过黏土矿物等吸附土壤中小分子有机质形成, 其氮含量受土壤中黏粒与粉粒含量影响, 而与氮添加水平无显著相关关系。该研究结果表明长期氮添加促进土壤氮库积累, 但增加的氮主要分布在稳定性较低的POM中, 受干扰后容易从生态系统中流失。为了更准确地评估和预测氮沉降对陆地生态系统的氮循环过程的影响, 应考虑土壤中不同有机质组分的差异响应。  相似文献   

The organic matter extracted from various mineral horizons of two forest soils, one under silver fir (Abies alba Mill.), the other under European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.), was fractionated by dialysis into three fractions, 100–1000, 1000–8000, and >8000Da. On a C basis, in all horizons the recovered organic matter amounted to less than a half of the total and was mainly composed of molecules >8000Da. The 100–1000Da fraction had a principal elemental composition profoundly different from the other two fractions, which, instead differed from each other significantly only for the S content and the molar ratio of C with N. No significant difference in this regard was found between soils. The richness in O and some typical absorption bands in the FT-IR spectra indicated that the 100–1000Da fraction had a lot of carboxyl moieties. The spectroscopic (13C NMR) investigation showed that the 1000–8000 and >8000Da fractions had a prevalently aliphatic nature and signals attributable to polysaccharides (O-alkyl C) revealed overall a high presence of non-humic biopolymers. These latter were significantly more abundant, suggesting a lower degree of humification, in the >8000Da fraction than in the 1000–8000Da fraction. Comparing soils, that under beech appeared significantly richer in O-alkyl C than that under fir. The organics extracted from the A horizon of both soils had positive 14C values, indicating recent synthesis mainly due to the present forest cover. The mean residence time (MRT) of the combined 100–1000Da and 1000–8000Da fractions and the >8000Da fraction increased with depth, even to about 5000 years in the more than 1-m deep BC horizons under beech. In some cases, and especially in the soil under fir, despite higher values of 13C denoting stronger microbial decomposition, the 100–8000Da fraction showed a higher MRT than that of the >8000Da fraction, perhaps due to its ascertained lower content of non-humic biopolymers.  相似文献   

On the basis of agronomical, economic and radiological estimations of results of long-term researches with organic fertilizers (peat, sapropel, manure, mixes manure and peat) it is established, that is effective at improvement of the waterless meadows on sod-podsolic sandy soils contaminated by radionuclides to bring in 40-60 t/ha mixes manure and peat or covering the manure, on a background liming and mineral fertilizers (level of profitability--4.8-8.7%), providing reception of the maximal increase of a crop (6.0-7.5 t/ha of hay) and decrease to 10 times of size of transfer factors of 137Cs and to 3.0 times 90Sr in a crop of long-term cereal herbs (size of the prevented collective doze, deltaD - 0.0060-0.0065 man-Sv per one year; cost of the prevented collective doze, deltaepsilon--11500-13000 $ on 1 man-Sv annually. The application of 40 and 60 t/ga of peat and sapropel in the pure state on a background liming and mineral fertilizers is not expedient, as cost of additional production does not cover total expenses for their entering (level of profitability--20-32.0%), the and cost of the prevented collective doze exceeds 20000 $ US per 1 man-Sv annually.  相似文献   

土壤酶作为生态系统的生物催化剂, 是土壤有机体的代谢驱动力, 在土壤物质循环和能量转化过程中起着重要作用。该研究以藏北5种不同类型高寒草地(高寒草甸、高寒草原、高寒草甸草原、高寒荒漠草原和高寒荒漠)为研究对象, 利用热裂解气质联用技术(Py-GC/MS)分析不同类型草地土壤有机质化学组成, 并建立其与土壤蛋白酶和脲酶活性之间的相互关系。结果表明, 5种高寒草地土壤(0-15 cm)的酶活性表现出一定差异性, 高寒荒漠草原土壤的脲酶活性显著高于蛋白酶活性, 而其余类型高寒草地的脲酶和蛋白酶活性之间的差异未达到显著水平; 蛋白酶活性在5种高寒草地土壤之间的差异显著, 而脲酶活性在5种草地土壤之间的差异未达到显著水平。相关分析发现, 土壤蛋白酶活性与土壤有机质烷烃、烯烃和芳香烃的相对丰度和糠醛:吡咯的值密切相关, 土壤脲酶活性与土壤有机质化学组成之间相关性未达到显著水平。综上所述, 高寒草地类型和土壤有机质化学组成是影响高寒草地土壤蛋白酶活性的重要因素, 而对土壤脲酶活性的影响均未达到显著水平, 其影响因素有待进一步深入的研究。  相似文献   

There are few data reported on radionuclide contamination in Antarctica. The aim of this paper is to report 137Cs, 90Sr and 238,239+240Pu and 40K activity concentrations measured in biological samples collected from King George Island (Southern Shetlands, Antarctica), mostly during 2001–2002. The samples included: bones, eggshells and feathers of penguin Pygoscelis papua, bones and feathers of petrel Daption capense, bones and fur of seal Mirounga leonina, algae Himantothallus grandifolius, Desmarestia anceps and Cystosphaera jacquinotii, fish Notothenia corriceps, sea invertebrates Amphipoda, shells of limpet Nacella concina, lichen Usnea aurantiaco-atra, vascular plants Deschampsia antarctica and Colobanthus quitensis, fungi Omphalina pyxidata, moss Sanionia uncinata and soil. The results show a large variation in some activity concentrations. Samples from the marine environment had lower contamination levels than those from terrestrial ecosystems. The highest activity concentrations for all radionuclides were found in lichen and, to a lesser extent, in mosses, probably because lichens take up atmospheric pollutants and retain them. The only significant correlation (except for that expected between 238Pu and 239+240Pu) was noted for moss and lichen samples between plutonium and 90Sr. A tendency to a slow decrease with time seems to be occurring. Analyses of the activity ratios show varying fractionation between various radionuclides in different organisms. Algae were relatively more highly contaminated with plutonium and radiostrontium, and depleted with radiocesium. Feathers had the lowest plutonium concentrations. Radiostrontium and, to a lesser extent, Pu accumulated in bones. The present low intensity of fallout in Antarctic has a lower 238Pu/239+240Pu activity ratio than that expected for global fallout.  相似文献   

Effects of different molecular size fractions (< 1000 MW, < 10 000 MW, < 100 000 MW and <0.1 μm) of dissolved organic matter (DOM) on the growth of bacteria, algae and protozoa from a highly humic lake were investigated. DOM from catchment drainage water as well as from the lake consisted mostly (59–63%) of high molecular weight (HMW) compounds (> 10 000 MW). With excess inorganic nutrients, the growth rate and yield of bacteria were almost identical in all size fractions. However, in < 1000 MW fractions and with glucose added, a longer lag phase occurred. Without added nutrients both the growth rates and biomasses of bacteria decreased towards the smaller size fractions and the percentage of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) used during the experiment and the growth efficiency of bacteria were lower than with excess nutrients. The growth efficiency of bacteria was estimated to vary between 3–66% in different MW fractions, largely depending on the nutrient concentrations, but the highest growth efficiencies were observed in HMW fractions and with glucose. The growth of algae was clearly lowest in the < 1000 MW fraction. In dim light no net growth of algae could be found. In contrast, added nutrients substantially enhanced algal growth and in deionized water with glucose, algae achieved almost the same growth rate and biomass as in higher MW fractions of DOM. The results suggested that bacteria and some algae were favoured by DOM, but protozoans seemed to benefit only indirectly, through bacterial grazing. The utilization of DOM by bacteria and algae was strongly affected by the availability of phosphorus and nitrogen.  相似文献   

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