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To reduce the transport and delivery of aquatic nuisance species in ships’ ballast water and comply with standards for the number of living organisms that may be discharged, biocidal agents and processes, such as chemical dosing, have been repurposed to treat ballast water. We evaluated whether marine planktonic organisms—the typical targets of these biocides—respond in unison to simulated treatment. Organisms were concentrated from seawater, which was amended with dissolved and particulate matter and cultured microalgae, and then treated by chlorination, ultraviolet radiation, or deoxygenation. Living organisms in three size classes (≥50, ≥10 and <50, and <10 µm [represented by culturable, heterotrophic bacteria]) were counted prior to and periodically after treatment. Regardless of whether the differences in concentrations between the control and treatments were significant or insignificant, in general, organisms across the size classes reacted comparably to treatments, with some exceptions in the <10 µm size class. The parallel responses of organisms to treatment—if shown to generalize to other water conditions, assemblages of organisms, and scales of treatment—may justify using a single size class to predict the responses of organisms across the broad size spectra. Notably, because most ballast water management systems employ a filtration step to remove organisms ≥50 µm, if organisms in the ≥10 and <50 µm size class were assessed to determine a vessel’s compliance with the discharge standard, it would be imperative that any filters would be evaluated to ensure they were functioning properly and removed organisms as designed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the fish Cephalopholis taeniops (Serranidae: Epinephelinae) has been recorded for the first time in the Canary Islands (eastern subtropical Atlantic). Repeated observations of adult stages of the species (??30?cm total length) inside oil platforms coming from the Gulf of Guinea greatly suggest an introduction related to the transport of ballast water in these structures, and show their importance in the dispersal of adult stages of large-sized species of littoral fish. Oil platforms constitute one special case in the introduction of marine species in the context of ballast water transport. This poorly known phenomenon may greatly favour marine species invasion, and might have significant repercussions in many regions -especially in the current climate change context- as well as explaining some surprising cases of occurrence of expatriated adult individuals of certain species.  相似文献   

Mango (Mangifera indica L.) introductions to Florida began in 1861 with the importation of ’No. 11’, a polyembryonic, seed-propagated (nucellar) cultivarfrom Cuba. In the 1880s a collection of Cuban mangos was established near Bradenton. One resulting popular cultivar was ’Turpentine’, now widely used as a rootstock. The U. S. Department of Agriculture introduced ’Mulgoba’, an improved cultivarfrom India, in 1889. Other mangos were later brought from India, Vietnam, the Philippines, Thailand, Israel, Australia and Kenya. Related Mangifera species were collected in East Malaysian Borneo in 1990. Inasmuch as the breeding system of Mangifera favors outcrossing, the proximity of numerous genotypes of disparate geographic origin in Florida has made that state a secondary center of diversity for the mango and enabled it to make a unique contribution to the fruit industry.  相似文献   

Biomineralization is widespread among photosynthetic organisms in the ocean, in inland waters and on land. The most quantitatively important biogeochemical role of land plants today in biomineralization is silica deposition in vascular plants, especially grasses. Terrestrial plants also increase the rate of weathering, providing the soluble substrates for biomineralization on land and in water bodies, a role that has had global biogeochemical impacts since the Devonian. The dominant photosynthetic biomineralizers in today's ocean are diatoms and radiolarians depositing silica and coccolithophores and foraminifera depositing calcium carbonate. Abiotic precipitation of silica from supersaturated seawater in the Precambrian preceded intracellular silicification dominated by sponges, then radiolarians and finally diatoms, with successive declines in the silicic acid concentration in the surface ocean, resulting in some decreases in the extent of silicification and, probably, increases in the silicic acid affinity of the active influx mechanisms. Calcium and bicarbonate concentrations in the surface ocean have generally been supersaturating with respect to the three common calcium carbonate biominerals through geological time, allowing external calcification as well as calcification in compartments within cells or organisms. The forms of calcium carbonate in biominerals, and presumably the evolution of the organisms that produce them, have been influenced by abiotic variations in calcium and magnesium concentrations in seawater, and calcium carbonate deposition has probably also been influenced by carbon dioxide concentration whose variations are in part biologically determined. Overall, there has been less biological feedback on the availability of substrates for calcification than is the case for silicification.  相似文献   

By means of determination analysis, optimum values of phytoplankton biomass and its divisions are calculated. These values provide development of high biomass of such primary consumers as zooplankters. It is shown that representatives of Rotatoria have higher levels of optimum biomass than Crustacea. In the Kara region it is possible to ascertain the increase of such levels for Cladocera in comparison with Copepoda. The prediction of zooplankton communities’ development is carried out using values of optimum biomass of phytoplankton. Accuracy of the forecast in the Azov area is highest, i.e., quantitative requirements of zooplankton for fodder phytoplankton here are poorly subject to variability in time.  相似文献   

The ability of saprotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens 32 gfp and of two enteropathogenic bacteria Salmonella enterica var. Typhimurium MAE 110 gfp and Escherichia coli O157:H7 gfp to pass through the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of birds (domestic chicken) and the survival dynamics of these bacteria in chicken excrement and after transmission to water have been detected. Chickens were fed with combined feed inoculated with the mentioned bacteria at a density of 107 cells/g of dry combined feed. The quantity of the surviving bacteria was assessed in chicken excrement that was subsequently used for inoculation of nonsterile and sterile pond water. Dynamics of labeled bacteria in water were also taken into consideration. Good survival rate of all investigated bacteria was demonstrated in all studied substrates. This fact points to the capability of bacterial transfer, even pathogenic for human, in nature through a number of substrates and niches during the cycle and of infection of these niches and substrates, even used as food by humans.  相似文献   

We develop a rapid “stroboscopic” fluorescence induction method, using the fast repetition rate fluorometry (FRRF) technique, to measure changes in the quantum yield of light emission from chlorophyll in oxygenic photosynthesis arising from competition with primary photochemical charge separation (P680* ➔ P680+QA). This method determines the transit times of electrons that pass through PSII during the successive steps in the catalytic cycle of water oxidation/O2 formation (S states) and plastoquinone reduction in any oxygenic phototroph (in vivo or in vitro). We report the first measurements from intact living cells, illustrated by a eukaryotic alga (Nannochloropsis oceanica). We demonstrate that S state transition times depend strongly on the redox state of the PSII acceptor side, at both QB and the plastoquinone pool which serve as the major locus of regulation of PSII electron flux. We provide evidence for a kinetic intermediate S3′ state (lifetime 220 μs) following formation of S3 and prior to the release of O2. We compare the FRRF-detected kinetics to other previous spectroscopic methods (optical absorbance, EPR, and XES) that are applicable only to in vitro samples.  相似文献   

We have studied the distribution and community composition of denitrifying bacteria in the stratified water column and at the sediment–water interface in lakes Plußsee and Schöhsee, and a near-shore site in the Baltic Sea in Germany. Although environmental changes induced by the stratification of the water column in marine environments are known to affect specific populations of denitrifying bacteria, little information is available for stratified freshwater lakes and brackish water. The aim of the present study was to fill this gap and to demonstrate specific distribution patterns of denitrifying bacteria in specific aquatic habitats using two functional markers for the nitrite reductase (nirK and nirS genes) as a proxy for the communities. The leading question to be answered was whether communities containing the genes nirK and nirS have similar, identical, or different distribution patterns, and occupy the same or different ecological niches. The genes nirK and nirS were analyzed by PCR amplification with specific primers followed by terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) and by cloning and sequence analysis. Overall, nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse than nirK-denitrifiers. Denitrifying communities in sediments were clearly different from those in the water column in all aquatic systems, regardless of the gene analyzed. A differential distribution of denitrifying assemblages was observed for each particular site. In the Baltic Sea and Lake Plußsee, nirK-denitrifiers were more diverse throughout the water column, while nirS-denitrifiers were more diverse in the sediment. In Lake Schöhsee, nirS-denitrifiers showed high diversity across the whole water body. Habitat-specific clusters of nirS sequences were observed for the freshwater lakes, while nirK sequences from both freshwater lakes and the Baltic Sea were found in common phylogenetic clusters. These results demonstrated differences in the distribution of bacteria containing nirS and those containing nirK indicating that both types of denitrifiers apparently occupy different ecological niches.  相似文献   

We measured the effect of β-cyclodextrin (BCD, a cholesterol scavenger) on water flow across the isolated toad bladder exposed to an osmotic gradient (J(w)) by a gravimetric technique. BCD, when present in the solution bathing the apical side of the bladder, inhibited the increase in J(w) caused by nystatin, a polyene antibiotic that acts by directly binding apical membrane cholesterol. When present in the basolateral bath, BCD inhibited the increase in J(w) caused by basolateral exposure to oxytocin (which binds membrane receptors and stimulates the synthesis of cAMP), but did not alter the response to theophylline (which inhibits hydrolysis of cAMP by cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase). The present data are consistent with the notion that agents that increase J(w) by interacting with membrane receptors, which appear to be clustered in cholesterol-rich domains of the basolateral membrane, are altered by cholesterol depletion, whereas agents that do not interact with receptors or other basolateral membrane components are not affected by this treatment. In either case, cholesterol depletion of the apical membrane does not affect the increase in J(w) brought about by an increase in intracellular cAMP concentration.  相似文献   

So What's New in the Field of Plant Cold Acclimation? Lots!   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  

Polyethylene glycol was used to induce water stress of micropropagated Valiant grape. Reduced growth and slow rooting were observed in treated plantlets with 2, 4 and 6% polyethylene glycol as compared to control plantlets with no polyethylene glycol in the rooting medium. At high concentrations of 4 and 6%, leaves exhibited wilting and necrosis. At the 2% level, plantlets recovered and grew satisfactorily. Detached leaves of treated plantlets with 2% polyethylene glycol lost less water than controls when exposed to low humidity for 4 hours. Leaf anatomy of plantlets treated with 2% polyethylene glycol, control (in vitro plantlets) and greenhouse-grown plants were compared under light microscopy. Leaves from control plantlets contained larger mesophyll cells, lacked normal palisade layer formation, had greater intercellular pore spaces and fewer chloroplasts. Leaves from polyethylene glycol-treated plantlets, however, had smaller mesophyll cells, a more defined palisade layer, reduced intercellular pore space and the greatest number of chloroplasts. These results suggest that an osmoticum such as polyethylene glycol may be used to induce more normal leaf anatomy and reduced water loss in micropropagated Valiant grapes.Abbreviations BA 6-benzylaminopurine - FAA formalin-acetol-alcohol - MS Murashige & Skoog (1962) medium - MW molecular weight - NAA napthaleneacetic acid - PEG polyethylene glycol - TBA tertiary butyl alcohol  相似文献   

The comparative responses of two young olive trees (Olea europaea L. ‘Chemlali’ and ‘Chetoui’) to drought stress were investigated during 1 month. Three-month-old own-rooted plants were subjected to two irrigation treatments: WW (well watered plants that were irrigated with fresh water to maintain a soil water content close to field capacity), and WS (water stressed plants by withholding water). Leaf water potential, gas exchange and leaf lipid composition were studied. ‘Chemlali’ was able to maintain higher leaf CO2 assimilation rate and leaf stomatal conductance throughout the drought cycle compared to ‘Chetoui’. Water stress induced a larger decrease in the total lipid content in ‘Chetoui’ than in ‘Chemlali’. Interestingly, the constitution of different lipid classes was highly altered in ‘Chetoui’. Lipid changes in Chemlali, a drought tolerant cultivar, revealed more stability of its cellular membranes to drought stress as compared to the drought susceptible olive cultivar, Chétoui. Furthermore, in comparison to the controls, drought stressed plants showed an increase in the degree of unsaturation of leaf lipids in the two olive cultivars. Moreover, the results observed in Chemlali showed that besides changes in lipids composition this cultivar may have an efficient defence strategy which can be related on antioxidative production against oxidative stress.  相似文献   

I analyzed somatometric measurements from subsets of the Texas and Oregon transplanted troops of Japanese macaques(Macaca fuscata) to reveal secular changes in body size and shape. Body weights of the Texas population (N = 59) are lower than those of the Oregon population(N = 49) and the founding population from Arashiyama. The adult weights of the Oregon population are significantly higher than the founding population from Mihara. There are significant differences in adult circumferential measures and in skinfolds, which are correlated with the increased weight of the Oregon macaques. The adult Texas macaques have longer limb segments in comparison with the adult Oregon troop members, while the latter have significantly longer heads and trunks. Examination of the developing morphological trends through regression analyses on the complete sample suggests distinctive growth patterns for each population. Members of the Texas population start with smaller initial measurements but hold a steeper growth pattern for limb segments, while the Oregon macaques start larger in most measures and show lower growth rates. I argue that these differences in both somatometry and growth patterns are related to the differing climatic conditions under which the translocated macaques have lived. This set of analyses supports the basic arguments for Bergmann’s rule and Allen’s rule.  相似文献   

The physical basis for the natural evolution of a primitive decoding system is presented using the concepts of molecular interactions. Oligoribonucleotides of five residues havingU at the 5-end, a purine at the 3-end and any combination of three bases in the middle is taken as a primitive tRNA (PIT). From conformational considerations PIT is expected to haveU-turn conformation wherein, N3–H3 of baseU hydrogen-bonds with phosphate, three residues ahead leaving triplet bases called primitive anticodons (PAC) into a helical conformation, and this creates a cleft betweenU and PAC. An amino acid can be comfortably nestled into the cleft with the amide hydrogens and carboxyl oxygen hydrogen-bonded to the last purine and the first uridine, while the side-chain can interact with the cleft side of PAC. The other side of PAC is free to base-pair with triplet codons on a longer RNA. Also two PACs can recognize consecutive triplet codons, and this leads to a dynamic interaction in which the amino and carboxyl ends are brought into proximity, making the formation of peptide bond feasible.The cleft formed by different anticodon triplets, broadly speaking, shows preferences for the corresponding amino acids of the presently known codon assignment.Thus the nucleicacid-directed protein synthesis, which is a unique feature of all living organisms is shown to be a natural consequence of a particular way of favourable interaction between nucleic acids and amino acids, and our model provides the missing link between the chemical evolution of small organic molecules and biological evolution through the process of mutations in nucleicacids and nucleicacid-directed protein synthesis.Contribution No. 507 from this department.  相似文献   



We estimated the extent to which Canadian expectant parents would seek medical care in a febrile neonate (age 30 days or less). We also evaluated expectant parents’ knowledge of signs and symptoms of fever in a neonate, and explored the actions Canadian expectant parents would take to optimize the health of their child.


We conducted a cross-sectional survey of a sample of expectant parents from a large urban center in Canada. We recruited participants from waiting rooms in an obstetrical ultrasound clinic located in an urban tertiary care hospital in Montreal, Canada. We asked participants nine questions about fever in neonates including if, and how, they would seek care for their neonate if they suspected he/she were febrile.


Among the 355 respondents, (response rate 87%) we found that 75% of parents reported that they would take their febrile neonate for immediate medical assessment, with nearly one fifth of the sample reporting that they would not seek medical care. We found no significant associations between the choice to seek medical care and expectant parents socio-demographic characteristics.


Despite universal access to high quality health care in Canada, our study highlights concerning gaps in the knowledge of the care of the febrile infant in one fifth of expectant parents. Physicians and health providers should strive to provide early education to expectant parents about how to recognize signs of fever in the neonate and how best to seek medical care. This may improve neonatal health outcomes in Canada.  相似文献   

The interaction of water basins and watercourses with the catchment surface in the Ob’-Irtysh catchment area is considered. The results of long-term observation of water, suspended matter, and bottom sediments in different segments of the watercourse are summarized and compared. The interaction of major and minor tributaries, natural and artificial water reservoirs with the catchment area is discussed in the context of industrial discharge of heavy metals. The areal distribution of metals along the Ob’ River is heterogeneous. The chemical composition of water in the upper reaches of Ob’ is determined by mercury and complex ore shows; in the middle and lower reaches, by catchments of major tributaries: Tom, Chulym, and, particularly, Irtysh. The Novosibirsk Reservoir purifies the water from coarse suspensions. Wetlands of the catchment enrich the main watercourse in metals and organic matter. Anthropogenic pollution from large cities (Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Surgut, and Nizhnevartovsk) additionally contaminate the watercourse. With abundance of organic matter, heavy metals are accumulated in bottom sediments and, as a consequence, in tissues of predatory fish. The results of long-term studies indicate that oil products and phenols are the main hazard for the middle and lower Ob’ River, especially at elevated water temperatures.  相似文献   

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