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Endocannabinoids (ECBs) are ubiquitous lipid mediators that act through the same G protein-coupled receptors (CB1 and CB2) that recognize plant-derived cannabinoids. As regulators of metabolism, ECBs are anabolic: they increase the intake, promote the storage, and decrease the expenditure of energy. Recent work indicates that activation of peripheral CB1 receptors by ECBs plays a key role in the hormonal/metabolic changes associated with obesity/metabolic syndrome and may be targeted for its pharmacotherapy.  相似文献   

Neuronal control of energy homeostasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gao Q  Horvath TL 《FEBS letters》2008,582(1):132-141
Neuronal control of body energy homeostasis is the key mechanism by which animals and humans regulate their long-term energy balance. Various hypothalamic neuronal circuits (which include the hypothalamic melanocortin, midbrain dopamine reward and caudal brainstem autonomic feeding systems) control energy intake and expenditure to maintain body weight within a narrow range for long periods of a life span. Numerous peripheral metabolic hormones and nutrients target these structures providing feedback signals that modify the default "settings" of neuronal activity to accomplish this balance. A number of molecular genetic tools for manipulating individual components of brain energy homeostatic machineries, in combination with anatomical, electrophysiological, pharmacological and behavioral techniques, have been developed, which provide a means for elucidating the complex molecular and cellular mechanisms of feeding behavior and metabolism. This review will highlight some of these advancements and focus on the neuronal circuitries of energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence supports a 'lipostatic' model for the regulation of adipose mass. In such a model, signals are generated in the periphery in proportion to adipose mass that act on hypothalamic control centers in the brain to regulate food intake and energy expenditure. Two such signals, leptin and insulin, have been identified and found to dramatically lower food intake and body weight. Several signalling molecules in the effector pathways that mediate the response to these signals in the brain have also been identified. The regulation of these factors and the nature of the adipose-CNS regulatory loop will be discussed.  相似文献   

The world is experiencing an epidemic of obesity and its concomitant health problems. One implication is that the normally robust negative feedback system that controls energy homeostasis must be responding to different inputs than in the past. In this review we discuss the influence of gender on the efficacy of adiposity hormones as they interact with food intake control systems in the brain. Specifically, the levels of insulin and leptin in the blood are correlated with body fat, insulin being related mainly to visceral fat and leptin to subcutaneous fat. Since females carry more fat subcutaneously and males carry more fat viscerally, leptin correlates better with total body fat in females and insulin correlates better in males. High visceral fat and plasma insulin are also risk factors for the complications of obesity, including type-2 diabetes, cardiovascular problems, and certain cancers, and these are more prevalent in males. Consistent with these systemic differences, the brains of females are more sensitive to the catabolic actions of low doses of leptin whereas the brains of males are more sensitive to the catabolic action of low doses of insulin. The implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

Estrogens have been related to energy balance and glucose metabolism for a long time; however, the mechanisms involved in their actions are now being unveiled. The development of ERalpha and ERbeta knockout mice has demonstrated the participation of these receptors in the regulation of many processes related to the control of energy homeostasis. These include food intake and energy expenditure, insulin sensitivity in the liver and muscle, adipocyte growth and its body distribution as well as the pancreatic beta-cell function. In addition, other membrane receptors unrelated to ERalpha and ERbeta function in key tissues involved in energy balance and glucose homeostasis, i.e. the islet of Langerhans and the hypothalamus. Along with naturally occurring estrogens, there are endocrine disrupters that act as environmental estrogens and can impair the physiological action of ERalpha, ERbeta and other membrane ERs. New research is revealing a link between environmental estrogenic pollutants and the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

A Inui 《FASEB journal》2000,14(14):2158-2170
Recently novel molecular mediators and regulatory pathways for feeding and body weight regulation have been identified in the brain and the periphery. Mice lacking or overexpressing these mediators or receptors have been produced by molecular genetic techniques, and observations on mutant mice have shed new light on the role of each element in the homeostatic loop of body weight regulation. However, the interpretation of the phenotype is under the potential influence of developmental compensation and other genetic and environmental confounds. Specific alterations of the mediators and the consequences of the altered expression patterns are reviewed here and discussed in the context of their functions as suggested from conventional pharmacological studies. Advanced gene targeting strategies in which genes can be turned on or off at desired tissues and times would undoubtedly lead to a better understanding of the highly integrated and redundant systems for energy homeostasis equation.  相似文献   

Administration of CNTF durably reduces food intake and body weight in obese humans and rodent models. However, the involvement of endogenous CNTF in the central regulation of energy homeostasis needs to be elucidated. Here, we demonstrate that CNTF and its receptor are expressed in the arcuate nucleus, a key hypothalamic region controlling food intake, and that CNTF levels are inversely correlated to body weight in rats fed a high-sucrose diet. Thus endogenous CNTF may act, in some individuals, as a protective factor against weight gain during hypercaloric diet and could account for individual differences in the susceptibility to obesity.  相似文献   

Adiponectin regulates energy homeostasis through the modulation of glucose and fatty acid metabolism in peripheral tissues. However, its central effect on energy balance remains unclear and controversial. Despite the disparate data, recent advances in our understanding of the signal transduction mechanisms used by adiponectin in the periphery and in the hypothalamus suggest that intracellular cross-talk between adiponectin, leptin and insulin may occur at several levels. The present review will summarize recent reports describing the peripheral and central effects of adiponectin and discuss progress concerning its molecular mechanisms. We will also particularly focus on apparent controversies and related mechanisms associated with the central effects of adiponectin on energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Lymphocide: cytokines and the control of lymphoid homeostasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a human, about 10(11) excess peripheral lymphocytes die every day. This death process maintains a constant lymphocyte population size in the face of a continuous influx of new lymphocytes and the homeostatic proliferation of old ones. Death is triggered when a lymphocyte fails to acquire signals from survival factors, the availability of which, therefore, determines the size of the pool of lymphocytes. A lymphocyte acquires survival signals through receptors for cytokines, antigens, hormones and probably other extracellular factors. Here, we discuss current concepts of the intracellular signalling pathways for survival versus death that establish cytokine-regulated lymphocyte homeostasis.  相似文献   

AMPK: a nutrient and energy sensor that maintains energy homeostasis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) is a crucial cellular energy sensor. Once activated by falling energy status, it promotes ATP production by increasing the activity or expression of proteins involved in catabolism while conserving ATP by switching off biosynthetic pathways. AMPK also regulates metabolic energy balance at the whole-body level. For example, it mediates the effects of agents acting on the hypothalamus that promote feeding and entrains circadian rhythms of metabolism and feeding behaviour. Finally, recent studies reveal that AMPK conserves ATP levels through the regulation of processes other than metabolism, such as the cell cycle and neuronal membrane excitability.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic midbrain neurons integrate signals on food palatability and food-associated reward into the complex control of energy homeostasis. To define the role of insulin receptor (IR) signaling in this circuitry, we inactivated IR signaling in tyrosine hydroxylase (Th)-expressing cells of mice (IR(ΔTh)). IR inactivation in Th-expressing cells of mice resulted in increased body weight, increased fat mass, and hyperphagia. While insulin acutely stimulated firing frequency in 50% of dopaminergic VTA/SN neurons, this response was abolished in IR(ΔTh) mice. Moreover, these mice exhibited an altered response to cocaine under food-restricted conditions. Taken together, these data provide in?vivo evidence for a critical role of insulin signaling in catecholaminergic neurons to control food intake and energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Shigella spp. are Gram‐negative enteric pathogens and the leading cause of bacterial dysentery worldwide. Since the discovery more than three decades ago that the large virulence plasmid of Shigella is essential for pathogenesis, our understanding of how the bacterium orchestrates inflammation and tissue destruction at the mucosal surface has been informed by studies employing the rabbit ileal loop model. Here, we outline how Phillippe Sansonetti, together with his co‐workers and collaborators, exploited this model to provide a holistic view of how Shigella survives in the intestinal tract, traverses the intestinal epithelial barrier, and manipulates the host immune system to cause disease.  相似文献   

It is well established that mitochondria are the main source of ATP production within cells. However, mitochondria have other remarkable functions, serving as important modulators of cellular Ca2+ signaling, and it is now generally recognized that control over Ca2+ homeostasis is intrinsically interwoven with mitochondrial abilities to adjust and tune ATP production. In this review, we describe the mechanisms that mitochondria use to balance Ca2+ homeostasis maintenance and cell energy metabolism. In recent years, the knowledge on the molecular machinery mediating Ca2+ influx/efflux has been improved and, albeit still open to further investigations, several lines of evidence converge on the hypothesis that plasma membrane Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) isoforms are also expressed at the mitochondrial level, where they contribute to the Ca2+ and Na+ homeostasis maintenance. In particular, the connection between mitochondrial NCX activity and metabolic substrates utilization is further discussed here. We also briefly focus on the alterations of both mitochondrial Ca2+ handling and cellular bioenergetics in neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.  相似文献   

Renal medullary tubular cells in the loop of Henle have crucial importance for the regulation of homeostasis of the extracellular fluid. These cells receive limited amount of blood and oxygen, and are also constantly challenged by the hypertonic environment. The medullary tubular cells in the last part of the loop of Henle have one of the highest known contents of mitochondria of all mammalian cells, reflecting their need for oxidative metabolism in order to sustain high ATP production for active transepithelial electrolyte transport. The commonly used diureticum furosemide targets one of the transporters present in these tubular cells with resulting diuresis. Several pathological states are associated with altered function of the medullary tubular cells, and the nephrotoxic substances tacrolimus and cyclosporine act on these cells. The specific Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein is produced by medullary tubular cells. Alteration in the urinary excretion of this protein is used as marker of tubular damage.  相似文献   

A free energy decomposition scheme has been developed and tested on antibody-antigen and protease-inhibitor binding for which accurate experimental structures were available for both free and bound proteins. Using the x-ray coordinates of the free and bound proteins, the absolute binding free energy was computed assuming additivity of three well-defined, physical processes: desolvation of the x-ray structures, isomerization of the x-ray conformation to a nearby local minimum in the gas-phase, and subsequent noncovalent complex formation in the gas phase. This free energy scheme, together with the Generalized Born model for computing the electrostatic solvation free energy, yielded binding free energies in remarkable agreement with experimental data. Two assumptions commonly used in theoretical treatments; viz., the rigid-binding approximation (which assumes no conformational change upon complexation) and the neglect of vdW interactions, were found to yield large errors in the binding free energy. Protein-protein vdW and electrostatic interactions between complementary surfaces over a relatively large area (1400--1700 A(2)) were found to drive antibody-antigen and protease-inhibitor binding.  相似文献   

The hypothalamus has long been recognized as a major site in the central nervous system (CNS) where a spectrum of internal and external environmental information is integrated for energy homeostasis. The isolation and sequencing of leptin in the mid 90 s, together with the demonstration of leptin administration's ability to correct the obesity syndrome in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice and humans by suppressing food intake and weight gain in laboratory rodents, confirmed the hypothesized existence of a direct humoral signal from adipose tissue to the hypothalamus, thus integrating the energy-related signals. In the 80 s, neuropeptide Y (NPY) was identified as a potent appetite-stimulating neuropeptide produced, released and acting locally within the hypothalamus. This is recognized as a major physiological appetite transducer and central neurochemical substrate receiving, interpreting and processing incoming information on energy status. More recently, ghrelin, produced in the stomach and released into the general circulation, has drawn attention as the other limb of the feedback circuit that stimulates appetite at NPY network level. Prolonged fasting suppresses serum leptin, while suppressing TSH secretion. Intervention with leptin replacement can prevent fasting-induced changes in TSH, suggesting that leptin regulates TSH. Low leptin levels in sportsmen and sportswomen as well as in recreational runners are consistent with reduction in body fat, but are also influenced by the presence of low insulin, hypothyroxemia, and elevated cortisol levels. These metabolic adaptations to chronic energy deficits indicate a role in leptin regulation. A study within the general population found that activity levels and leptin were significantly negatively associated in both sexes. Circulating ghrelin levels, however, do not change during energy expenditure.  相似文献   

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