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微生物全基因组测序研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文综述了近年来大规模微生物基因组核酸序列测定的最新研究进展,介绍微生物全基因组测序的基本方法、序列的收集组装,序列缺口的填补,以及序列资料的计算机分析整理。大规模基因组测序完成后,未来面临的更大挑战是在DNA序列基础上认识微生物的完整生物学功能。为此本文也介绍了有关基因功能分析的新技术,并对微生物基因组功能分析的未来发展作了展望。  相似文献   

尹业师  喻嵘  陈华海 《生物工程学报》2021,37(11):3717-3733
肠道微生物与人类健康的相关性研究仍然是当前生命科学研究领域的前沿热点之一。不依赖培养的16Sr RNA基因高通量测序是当前的主要研究手段。但随着测序成本的降低和数据分析方法的日渐成熟,宏基因组鸟枪法测序因具有信息量更大、更全等优势,将逐渐成为今后一段时间内研究肠道微生物组的重要手段。美国在人类微生物组计划的资助下,对30 805份样品进行了肠道微生物宏基因测序分析。通过NCBI Pub Med和SRA数据库检索,共发现72项研究收集了约10000份中国人的肠道样品用于宏基因组测序。但到目前为止,仅56项研究进行了公开发表,其中与代谢性疾病相关的文献16篇,与感染和免疫性疾病相关的文献16篇,与心脑血管疾病相关的文献12篇。由于采样地点以北京、广州、上海等大城市为主,测序平台和测序分析方法均存在较大差异,且大部分研究仍以相关性分析为主,相关研究成果在临床疾病诊疗中所发挥的作用仍非常有限。规范采样方法、标准化测序平台和数据分析流程,开展多中心平行研究将有助于数据整合和比较分析。同时,结合使用转录组、蛋白质组和培养组学等多组学方法开展功能验证和分子作用机制研究,将有利于更好地将肠道微生物研究...  相似文献   

基因组数据库简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方刚  陈蕴佳  高歌  刘翟  何坤  吴昕  顾孝诚  罗静初 《遗传》2003,25(4):440-444
本文以北京大学生物信息中心安装的3个国际著名基因组数据库GDB、GenoList和Ensembl为基础,介绍目前常用的基因组数据库,包括这些数据数据库的内容、数据格式、使用方法,以及用于构建上述数据库的数据库管理系统。 Abstract:A brief introduction to the genome databases GDB,GenoList and Ensembl is given.These databases,mirrored and maintained at the Centre of Bioinformatics,Peking University,provide useful information for genome research.  相似文献   

木本植物全基因组测序研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Shi JS  Wang ZJ  Chen JH 《遗传》2012,34(2):145-156
近年来,植物全基因组测序的结果正如雨后春笋般涌现,木本植物全基因组测序也在紧锣密鼓地展开。但由于木本植物通常基因组较大,基因组结构较为复杂,在测序、测序后的组装、注释、功能分析等均存在较大的困难。在基因组测序分析的经费预算方面也存在着较大的压力。因此,有必要对这方面的研究进展及其存在问题进行分析比较,以提高林木全基因组研究方面的效率。文章在比较分析已经发展起来的3代基因测序技术(Sanger测序法、合成测序法和单分子测序法)的基础上,选择4种已经公布的木本植物(杨树、葡萄、番木瓜、苹果),从全基因组测序的研究背景、测序结果及应用的研究进展和存在问题等方面进行了述评,对未来要开展的木本植物全基因组测序前的准备工作(材料选择、遗传图谱和连锁图谱的构建、测序技术的选择),全基因组测序结果的生物信息学分析和应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

施季森  王占军  陈金慧 《遗传》2012,34(2):145-156
近年来, 植物全基因组测序的结果正如雨后春笋般涌现, 木本植物全基因组测序也在紧锣密鼓地展开。但由于木本植物通常基因组较大, 基因组结构较为复杂, 在测序、测序后的组装、注释、功能分析等均存在较大的困难。在基因组测序分析的经费预算方面也存在着较大的压力。因此, 有必要对这方面的研究进展及其存在问题进行分析比较, 以提高林木全基因组研究方面的效率。文章在比较分析已经发展起来的3代基因测序技术(Sanger测序法、合成测序法和单分子测序法)的基础上, 选择4种已经公布的木本植物(杨树、葡萄、番木瓜、苹果), 从全基因组测序的研究背景、测序结果及应用的研究进展和存在问题等方面进行了述评, 对未来要开展的木本植物全基因组测序前的准备工作(材料选择、遗传图谱和连锁图谱的构建、测序技术的选择), 全基因组测序结果的生物信息学分析和应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

我国首个杀蚊微生物基因组——球形芽孢杆菌C3-41菌株全基因组的测序工作日前由中科院武汉病毒所的科研人员完成。相关成果发表在最近出版的《细菌学》和《应用微生物学》杂志上。球形芽孢杆菌是专一感染各类蚊幼虫的天然病原菌,C3-41菌株是武汉病毒所筛选出来的优良杀蚊细菌,由其开发的我国首个注册微生物杀蚊剂已经连续应用了二十年,该基因组测序的完成将进一步推动生物防治灭蚊的研究。  相似文献   

微生物基因组序列测量及其重大意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林旭 《微生物与感染》1999,22(1):1-3,11
微生物基因组测序不仅可使人们更好地了解病原微生物的致病机制以及它们与宿主的相互关系,促进寻找更灵敏及特异的病毒原微生物的诊断,分型手段,而且为临床筛选有效的药物及发展疫苗提供参考,此外,它还能提高对人类相关基因功能的认识,为探讨人类遗传性疾病机制提供参考,本文就微生物序列测定重大的理论及应用价值作一简要概述。  相似文献   

一个被全基因组测序挽救的家庭   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
15岁的Noah Beery终于可以跟双胞胎妹妹Alexis Beery爬山了。对于正常健廉的家庭来说,这不是什么大不了的事情;而被病磨折磨了十几年的Beery家庭,却因为这弥足珍贵的家庭外出而激动万分。母亲RettaBeery一直坚强地从未放弃子女治疗,此时终于热泪盈眶:“这是我们从来不敢想象的画面。”  相似文献   

近几年来五种单细胞生物的基因组计划得以完成。本文介绍了从五种生物的全基因组序列获得的一些成果,包括全基因组鸟枪法测序、基因组分析和新比较基因组等三个方面,并对生物基因组计划的研究方法作一些探讨。  相似文献   

马属(Equus)动物的祖先大约在5500万年前出现,经过持续分化形成现今的马、驴和斑马,统称马属动物。马作为家畜中的重要一员,是推动人类文明发展的载体,在人类的饮食、战争、农耕、运输和娱乐等领域做出了巨大贡献。然而,人类为了满足需求,或多或少影响着马的进化方向,从而在长时间自然和人工选择过程中形成了多种独具特色性状的不同马种。驴和骡在全球的存栏量也较多,在人类的生产和生活中起到的作用同样不可忽视,不但为人类提供了生产力而且还提供了食物和营养保健品。可见,马属动物对人类的重要性。近年来,高通量测序技术和生物信息学分析方法被广泛运用于家畜的遗传学研究。人们利用高通量测序手段探索马属动物在进化过程中的种群变化历史,解析形成独特性状的分子机制,为其育种工作提供有效的数据支持。本文综述了马属动物全基因组高通量测序的研究进展,以及利用该技术在马属动物的进化历史和功能基因挖掘研究领域所取得的成就,以期今后对马属动物的深入研究、产业开发和利用等方面提供参考信息。  相似文献   

近几年飞速发展的高通量测序技术(next generation sequencing,NGS)在生命科学研究的各个领域充分展现了其低成本、高通量和应用面广等优势。在现代农业生物技术领域,利用高通量测序技术,科学家们不仅能更经济而高效对农作物、模式植物或不同栽培品种进行深入的全基因组测序、重测序,也可以对成百上千的栽培品种进行高效而准确的遗传差异分析、分子标记分析、连锁图谱分析、表观遗传学分析、转录组分析,进而改进农作物的育种技术,加快新品种的育种研究。其中,获得农作物的全基因组序列是其他研究和分析的基础。本文通过介绍近年来发表的一些利用高通量测序技术进行的农作物全基因组测定和组装的工作,展示高通量测序技术在现代农业生物技术领域的广泛前景以及其建立起来的研究基础。  相似文献   

目的 通过全基因组测序(whole genome sequencing,WGS)获得高密度单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide polymorphism,SNP)分型数据,评估分型准确性,研究建立WGS数据用于法医SNP系谱推断的方法。方法 通过华大MGISEQ-200RS测序平台对样本进行深度为30×的WGS,从测序数据中提取Wegene GSA芯片中的645 199个常染色体SNP位点,质控过滤后运用IBS/IBD算法计算预测亲缘关系,并对样本的族群来源进行分析。结果 从测序数据中提取的SNP分型与Wegene GSA芯片分型的一致率大于99.62%。测序获得的SNP数据使用IBS算法可预测1~4级亲缘关系,4级亲缘预测置信区间准确性达100%,使用IBD算法可预测1~7级亲缘关系,7级亲缘预测为有亲缘关系的准确性达100%,通过高深度WGS数据获取的SNP系谱推断能力与芯片预测结果无显著差异。同时,WGS数据用于族群推断与调查结果一致。结论 WGS技术可应用于法医SNP系谱推断,为案件侦破提供线索。  相似文献   

目的:研究和开发高通量测序全基因组组装过程中的填补gap的方法。方法:研究组装软件的算法,使用Perl语言编写自动填补gap的程序,并建立全基因组组装的流程。结果:提出了填补gap的末端延伸法,并使用Perl语言进行了编程;在对立克次体高通量测序的组装过程中,这些方法能大大减少gap的数量。结论:本研究提出的末端延伸法能够高效填补全序列组装过程中出现的gap,具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   

Population genomic analyses have demonstrated power to address major questions in evolutionary and molecular microbiology. Collecting populations of genomes is hindered in many microbial species by the absence of a cost effective and practical method to collect ample quantities of sufficiently pure genomic DNA for next-generation sequencing. Here we present a simple method to amplify genomes of a target microbial species present in a complex, natural sample. The selective whole genome amplification (SWGA) technique amplifies target genomes using nucleotide sequence motifs that are common in the target microbe genome, but rare in the background genomes, to prime the highly processive phi29 polymerase. SWGA thus selectively amplifies the target genome from samples in which it originally represented a minor fraction of the total DNA. The post-SWGA samples are enriched in target genomic DNA, which are ideal for population resequencing. We demonstrate the efficacy of SWGA using both laboratory-prepared mixtures of cultured microbes as well as a natural host–microbe association. Targeted amplification of Borrelia burgdorferi mixed with Escherichia coli at genome ratios of 1:2000 resulted in >105-fold amplification of the target genomes with <6.7-fold amplification of the background. SWGA-treated genomic extracts from Wolbachia pipientis-infected Drosophila melanogaster resulted in up to 70% of high-throughput resequencing reads mapping to the W. pipientis genome. By contrast, 2–9% of sequencing reads were derived from W. pipientis without prior amplification. The SWGA technique results in high sequencing coverage at a fraction of the sequencing effort, thus allowing population genomic studies at affordable costs.  相似文献   

在用散弹 (shotgun)法测定水稻 (OryzasativaL .ssp .indica)基因组全序列的过程中 ,叶绿体和线粒体DNA的污染问题非常严峻 .应用脉冲场电泳 (PFGE)技术对水稻基因组DNA进行纯化 ,结果表明它能够有效去除叶绿体和线粒体DNA ,使其污染率从 3%降低到 0 2 % .同时 ,比较了水稻绿苗和黄化苗的DNA得率 ,以及HB法和NIB法制备大分子质量(HMW)DNA的异同 .最后提出一套制备水稻基因组DNA的方法 ,包括黄化苗培养 ;细胞核的分离、包埋和裂解 ;脉冲场电泳纯化、回收聚集在低熔点 (LMP)胶中的水稻HMWDNA .用该方法所得的水稻基因组DNA ,纯度高 (无叶绿体和线粒体DNA污染 )、基因组完整 (机械剪切和降解少 )、回收率高 (操作过程中DNA损失少 ) .另外 ,首次报道在融化的低熔点(LMP)胶中对水稻HMWDNA于 38℃进行超声波处理 ,能够获得用于shotgun文库和梯度文库构建所需要的各种DNA片段(1 5~ 3kb ,3~ 12kb) ,并且效果优于在TE中进行操作  相似文献   

The complete sequence of the genome of an aerobic hyper-thermophiliccrenarchaeon, Aeropyrum pernix K1, which optimally grows at95°C, has been determined by the whole genome shotgun methodwith some modifications. The entire length of the genome was1,669,695 bp. The authenticity of the entire sequence was supportedby restriction analysis of long PCR products, which were directlyamplified from the genomic DNA. As the potential protein-codingregions, a total of 2,694 open reading frames (ORFs) were assigned.By similarity search against public databases, 633 (23.5%) ofthe ORFs were related to genes with putative function and 523(19.4%) to the sequences registered but with unknown function.All the genes in the TCA cycle except for that of alpha-ketoglutaratedehydrogenase were included, and instead of the alpha-ketoglutaratedehydrogenase gene, the genes coding for the two subunits of2-oxoacid:ferredoxin oxidoreductase were identified. The remaining1,538 ORFs (57.1%) did not show any significant similarity tothe sequences in the databases. Sequence comparison among theassigned ORFs suggested that a considerable member of ORFs weregenerated by sequence duplication. The RNA genes identifiedwere a single 16S–23S rRNA operon, two 5S rRNA genes and47 tRNA genes including 14 genes with intron structures. Allthe assigned ORFs and RNA coding regions occupied 89.12% ofthe whole genome. The data presented in this paper are availableon the internet homepage (http://www.mild.nite.go.jp).  相似文献   

Expected-value models have long provided a rudimentary theoretical foundation for random DNA sequencing. Here, we are interested in improving characterization of genome coverage in terms of its underlying probability distributions. We find that the mathematical notion of occupancy serves as a good model for evolution of the coverage distribution function and reveals new insights related to sequence redundancy. Established concepts, such as “full shotgun depth,” have been assumed invariant, but actually depend on project size and decrease over time. For most microbial projects, the full shotgun milestone should be revised downward by about 30%. Accordingly, many already-completed genomes appear to have been over-sequenced. Results also suggest that read lengths for emerging high-throughput sequencing methods must be increased substantially before they can be considered as possible successors to the standard Sanger method. In particular, gains in throughput and sequence depth cannot be made to compensate for diminished read length. Limits are well approximated by a simple logarithmic equation, which should be useful in estimating maximum coverage-based redundancy for future projects.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genome sequence of malaria parasites has served as a potential marker for inferring evolutionary history of the Plasmodium genus. In Plasmodium falciparum, the mitochondrial genome sequences from around the globe have provided important evolutionary understanding, but no Indian sequence has yet been utilized. We have sequenced the whole mitochondrial genome of a single P. falciparum field isolate from India using novel primers and compared with the 3D7 reference sequence and 1 previously reported Indian sequence. While the 2 Indian sequences were highly divergent from each other, the presently sequenced isolate was highly similar to the reference 3D7 strain.  相似文献   

Abstract: We describe a method for rapidly amplifying whole genomes via a Phi29 DNA polymerase-mediated strand displacement reaction (SDR). Genomic amplification products derived from the SDR reaction resulted in high quantities of DNA suitable for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification and sequencing of mitochondrial genomes. Control region sequences of DNA derived directly from PCR amplicons of extracted DNA were identical to those derived from PCR amplification of SDR genomic DNA. Effective SDR amplification and subsequent sequencing was successful across tissues sources ranging in age from 1 year to 19 years. Strand replacement reaction genomic amplification offers a means of obtaining large quantities of DNA from small amounts of tissue.  相似文献   

The main methods used for large-scale mapping of the human and other genomes are reviewed. These methods comprise two procedures of random mapping/sequencing and an approach using linking and jumping libraries. Importantly, no method used up to now has proved efficient in comparative genome analysis. A new method is presented basing on slalom libraries. These libraries provide 10–100 times higher efficiency and may be used for mapping and sequencing whole genomes by small research groups.  相似文献   

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