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Epidemiologic studies following the Czernobyl accident were performed in region Kraków, including Kraków, Nowy Sacz and Kielce district. 1426 males and 2495 females were selected according to the random sample on the whole population of Kraków and Nowy Sacz, as well as in some selected areas in Swietokrzyski Mountains, and in Kielcecity. The aim of the study was to assess the results of the prophylaxis with Kalium iodine after the radiation and the incidence of the goiter in the population. It was stated, that 19.2% of the population in Kraków district, 16.9% in Nowy Sacz and 20% in Kielce received the prophylactic dosis of K.J. 80% took mainly the Lugol solution, between May, the 1st and 5th, 1986. Among 18 of person showing side effects like gastrointestinal disturbances, 16 were of female sex. Goiter incidence according to WHO classification was 50.7%, 67.3% and 49.9% in Kraków, Nowy Sacz and Kielce respectively. The difference between the incidence of goiter in males and females was 1:3. In women it was rather Ist and IInd degree of goiter, in men OB and Ist. Nodules of thyroid gland in the rural region of Kraków, Nowy Sacz and Kielce were seen in women in 10.8%, 1.7%, add 12.3% consecutively. Hormonal studies i.e T3, T4, TSH serum concentration showed normal results in all groups studied. TSH concentration was the highest in the group OB. The microsomal and antithyroglobulin antibodies level was the same independently on the prophylactic dosis of Lugol solution. The high incidence of thyroid diseases not related to the accident was observed.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Program of investigations of effects of radiation and iodine prophylaxis undertaken after Czarnobyl accident in Kraków region had to be modified due to goiter endemy in this region. These modifications included: 1) Division of the region into 3 areas (voivodship Nowy Sacz, urban voivodship Kraków and area of Kielce and Swietokrzyskie mountains). 2) Study on iodine uptake in food and urinary secretion. 3) Examination of iodine level in drinking water, add an attempt of calculation of radiation dose absorbed by thyroid. Characterization of selected areas, principles of selection of study groups are presented as well as organizational details and methods of data collection.  相似文献   

Following the Czernobyl accident, an epidemiologic study was undertaken in which the daily iodine intake was estimated in 15% of the population studied. Iodine excretion was measured in single morning urine specimens. The iodine content was also assessed in the water form wells and in cow-milk at farms in randomly chosen villages in the region of Krynica and Nowy Sacz. On the basis of a 24-hour diet recall, the mass of each food product consumed daily was estimated for 483 persons in the Kraków voivodship (14.4% of the total population) and for 397 persons in the Nowy Sacz voivodship (15.8% of the total population). Using this data, the nutrient content of the daily diet was calculated for each studied individual. Measurements of iodine content in water and cow-milk show relatively lower iodine levels in the Nowy Sacz voivodship. The estimated value of the iodine content in milk (5.5 micrograms/100 g of milk) was considered in the estimates of the chemical composition of the daily diet of the inhabitants of this region. The mean values of the daily energy as well as the protein and calcium consumption in all subpopulations grouped with respect to domicile, age and sex, fell within the recommended daily allowances for these groups. The iodine content, while widely scattered, concentrated around low values. The median values of the iodine content in children of age 3-10 years, age 10-16 years and in adults, were 66%, 48% and 25-40% of the recommended daily allowances, respectively. No particular differences in the food intakes were observed between inhabitants of Kraków and Nowy Sacz voivodships. Nor were significant differences found in the urine iodine excretion in groups of these regions. The low iodine content in the daily food intake may be an essential factor in the ethiology of the increasing number of thyroid goiter.  相似文献   

Selenium deficiency can have adverse effect on thyroid metabolism and response to iodine supplementation. The aim of this study was to determine relationship between prevalence of goiter, thyroid hormone profile, urinary iodine and serum selenium concentrations in Iranian schoolchildren. In a cross- sectional study, 1188 schoolchildren in the age group of 8-13 years were evaluated for goiter prevalence. Urine and serum samples were collected from 500 children and assayed for urinary iodine concentration, thyroid hormone profile and serum selenium concentration. The overall goiter prevalence was 39.6% and the median urinary iodine excretion, indicated to an adequate iodine intake. The mean serum selenium concentration was 119.1 +/- 31 mug/l with significant difference between boys and girls (108.4 +/- 26.2 mug/l vs 127.7 +/- 32.1 mug/l). An increase in free T4 concentration was observed in those with a lower selenium level and there was a significant relationship between the presence or absence of goiter and serum selenium concentration. Selenium supplementation may be an advisable measure to optimize thyroid hormone metabolism and decrease the prevalence of goiter in schoolchildren with low serum selenium concentration.  相似文献   

The study, supported by program MZ-XVII, was carried on 4567 inhabitants of the area of Szczecin (2350 females and 2217 males). The population was chosen randomly, according to a simple drawing scheme. All subjects were clinically examined using standardised questionnaires. In 3468 persons (including 1807 girls and women, 1661 boys and men) apart form clinical examination, the assessment of thyrotropin, thyroxine and triiodothyronine in serum and frequency of antithyroglobulin antibodies and antithyroid membrane antibodies were evaluated. The data indicate that 94% of children in Szczecin's region received the prophylactic dose of iodine, mostly between the 1st and the 5th of May 1986. Only 17% of the adults received iodine. The most common preparation was Lugol solution given in a single dose. Among all persons who received iodine, only in 5% of subjects the side effects were noted (mostly in children), including symptoms of gastrointestinal tract (vomiting, abdomen pain) and occasionally intrathyroid side effects (thyroid pains). In examined population the high frequency of thyroid enlargement, mainly in women (up to 43-44% at the age group 30-50 years) was found. The frequency of clinical diagnosis of thyroid disease was higher in women than in man (most often the diffuse goiter, rarely the nodular goiter). The frequency of thyroid enlargement and clinical diagnosis of thyroid disease was not dependent on prophylactic iodine intake. The iodine prophylaxis did not influence on thyroid hormones and TSH serum levels and on frequency of antithyroid antibodies.  相似文献   

Z Komala  E Przybo? 《Folia biologica》2001,49(1-2):99-101
Paramecium caudatum and the predominant zooplanton organisms were registered in the studied pond of the Botanical Garden of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków. The finding of Stentor coeruleus indicates an improvement in the environmental conditions in Kraków, connected with the partial liquidation of the huge steelworks.  相似文献   

Arsenic content was assayed in the samples of the femur head of the people living in southern and central Poland (Kraków, n=13; Silesian region, n=13; Łódź, n=12). The average age being 68.7±8.7 yr. Arsenic content in the femur head was determined applying the hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HG-AAS) method after microwave mineralization. The average arsenic contents in the femur head of the residents of the Łódź, Kraków, and Silesian regions were 0.41 μg/g, 0.37 μg/g, and 0.18 μg/g, respectively. No correlation has been found between arsenic content in the femur head and the content of other metals. Neither the age nor sex of the people tested affected the arsenic content in the femur head.  相似文献   

Epidemiological foundation included: aim of studies, knowledge about epidemiology of thyroid disorders in Poland, evaluation of radioiodine dose accumulated in thyroids of inhabitants of different age living in different par of Poland, information about relative diet iodine deficiency in different parts of Poland and identification of research teams (manpower) capable to carry on population studies. The final identification of epidemiological foundation was proceeded by pilot studies performed in 4 different regions of Poland. Finally it was decided that population studies would be performed in so called Regions of 6 different University Medical Schools (Bia?ystok, Kraków, Lód?, Poznań, Szczecin, Wroc?aw). The sample will be selected randomly on the base of information from the voting lists (random selection of vovoidoship, then towns and villages, then streets and number of houses, then number of flats. All living in selected flat or house during Czernobyl accident and born between January 1974 and December 1985 (children) and between January 1926 and December 1973 (adults) will be considered "the sample". In all cases the sample will be examined by means of unified questionnaire and protocol of medical and laboratory examination. The same kits (of the same producers) will be used to evaluate serum TSH, T4, T3 and thyroid autoantibodies. The data obtained will be evaluated by unified computerized system. Separate studies involved the sample of newborns exposed to radioiodine during last trimester of pregnancy, found to be euthyroid and given potassium iodide in first days of life. Separate system was also used to investigate effect of radioiodine and of prophylactic dose of potassium iodide in those with past history of thyroid disorders.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that ragweed pollen arrives in Poland from sources in the south, in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria. It is likely that ragweed pollen also arrives from sources in the southeast (e.g. Ukraine). This hypothesis was investigated using 13 years of pollen data and back-trajectory analysis. Ambrosia pollen data were collected at three sites in Poland, Rzeszów, Kraków and Poznań. The amount of ragweed pollen recorded at Rzeszów was significantly higher than in Poznań and Kraków. This can be related to either a higher abundance of local populations of Ambrosia in south-east Poland or the proximity of Rzeszów to foreign sources of ragweed pollen. The combined results of pollen measurements and air mass trajectory calculations identified plumes of Ambrosia pollen that were recorded at Rzeszów, Kraków and Poznań on 4 and 5 September 1999 and 3 September 2002. These plumes arrived at the pollen-monitoring sites from an easterly direction, indicating sources of Ambrosia pollen in eastern Poland or Ukraine. This identifies Ukraine as a possible new source of ragweed pollen for Poland and therefore an important source area of Ambrosia pollen on the European Continent.  相似文献   

The radioactive contamination of Poznań Region was recognized after Chernobyl accident as average. The predicted values of minimal (inhalation) and maximal (inhalation and ingestion) committed dose equivalent to the thyroid varied from 2.5 (min) to 24.7 (max) mSv in different groups of adults and children. To follow up the results of iodine prophylaxis and some aspects of possible thyroid gland morphological and functional changes 11086 persons were carefully investigated clinically and biochemically. Among these 11086 persons were 42.6% males and 57.4% females both adults from 17 till 40 year and children up do 16 years. The following parameters were reviewed: pregnancy, time of residence in the region, thyroid abnormalities, family history concerning thyroid diseases, iodine intake in April and May 1986 with possible side effects, changes in the thyroid size observed before and after 1986, degree and kind of thyroid enlargement, serum concentration of T3, T4, TSH, ATMA and ATG titre and finally the effectiveness of thyroid blockade at 24, 48 and 72 h after ingestion of Lugol's solution. Side effects of the ingestion of potassium iodide from 30-70 mg were observed in 153 cases, 36 of them consulted medical doctors but in no case the side effects (dominated by vomiting) threatened the life. In the investigated group were 144 pregnant women. Majority, because 88% of them delivered the baby on or after time and 6.9% before time, 4.9% of natural abortions were noted but non artificial. In the group of children thyroid gland abnormalities before 1986 were reported in 3 cases in 23 after 1986 it is after Chernobyl accident. This information is interesting but needs more precise analysis of different dependencies occurring. The data obtained indicated the existence in Poznań. Region the goiter endemy because 27.5% of investigated children and adults had goiter classified as grades O-B, I, II and III. The elevation or diminution of T3 values were noted in 1164 cases, for T4 in 418 cases and for TSH in 1412 cases. The presence of antimembrane and antithyroglobulin antibodies were observed in 303 cases. All persons with changes observed in thyroid morphology and function are periodically controlled and the results will be published separately. The investigations performed and results presented concern the early aspects of radioactive contamination and effects of iodine prophylaxis. The answer regarding late effects including thyroid cancer needs further multi year studies for which the clinical material investigated in different parts of Poland and well documented should be used as model group for further periodical studies.  相似文献   

At the time after the Second World War, endemic goiter was present in most parts of Croatia with a prevalence of more than 50% and presence of cretinism. In the village of Rude near Zagreb, goiter was detected in 85% of school children with 2.3% of cretins in the village population. In 1953 the first regulation on obligatory salt iodination, requiring 10 mg of potassium iodide (KI) per kg of salt was established in former Yugoslavia. A three-fold reduction of goiter prevalence, together with disappearance of cretinism was recorded ten years later In 1992, the National Committee for Eradication of Goiter was founded. The survey performed during 1991-1993 exhibited prevalence of goiter among school children between 8% and 35% and urinary iodine excretion under 10 microg/dL in most of the children from continental parts of the country. The new obligatory regulation, requiring 25 mg of KI/kg of salt, was proposed by the National Comittee and finally established in 1996. In 2002 thyroid volumes and medians of urinary iodine excretion were normal according to the ICCIDD criteria. Overall median of urinary iodine excretion for schoolchildren in Croatia was 14 ug/dL. Croatia crossed a path from severe iodine deficiency detected in the 1950's to the period of mild to moderate iodine deficiency during the 1990's, and finally, nowadays, iodine sufficiency has been achieved.  相似文献   

《Endocrine practice》2013,19(1):36-45
ObjectiveEndemic goiter is prevalent in the iodine-sufficient region of Manipur, India. Bamboo shoot (BS), a goitrogenic plant food, are consumed regularly in the area. The objective of this study was to examine the role of BS in the pathogenesis of endemic goiter.MethodsGoiter prevalence, urinary iodine, and thiocyanate (SCN) excretion in school children, iodine content in drinking water, and the household consumption of salt fortified with iodine were measured. To confirm the goitrogenic potential of BS, its progoitrogenic constituents were fed to rats as part of an iodine-sufficient diet, after which the animals' thyroid gland morphology and functional status were assessed.ResultsGoiter prevalence was 31% in 4852 children, and the median urinary I and SCN levels were 176.3 μg/L and 0.962 ± 0.190 mg/dL, respectively. Of the households assessed, 90% consumed salt fortified with adequate iodine. Progoitrogenic constituents were high in BS from Manipur. Increased thyroid weight, hypertrophy and hyperplasia of follicular cells, decreased thyroid peroxidase activity, and low serum thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) levels were observed in BS-fed rats.ConclusionNearly one third of the studied participants had palpable goiter, despite a successful salt iodine fortification program. SCN from BS causes goiter in iodine-sufficient experimental animals. Similar ingestion in study participants was confirmed and is the likely cause for the persistence of endemic goiter in the Manipur region. (Endocr Pract. 2013;19:36-45)  相似文献   

The survey carried out in May 1991 in the city of Bia?ystok comprised 308 children of age between 8 and 14 years and 116 young adults. In each of the studied subjects the size of the thyroid was measured by ultrasonography and iodine concentration determined in a randomly voided sample of urine. Body weight and height of the subjects have also been measured. In about 50% of the subjects studied (58.4% of children, 38.5% of men and 58.4% of women) the presence of goiter accompanied by a low urinary iodine concentration (median--2.0 micrograms/ml) was found. A significant negative correlation between the thyroid size and urinary iodine concentration, and lack of relation between the former and TSH concentration, have been found. No relation was observed between the presence of goiter and the inadequate physical development in the children studied. Insignificantly elevated TSH levels without accompanying clinical symptoms of hypothyreosis were observed in 8.7% of children, 3.8% of women and 5.1% of men studied. Higher prevalence of goiter found as compared to the results previously obtained in the same area can be related on the one to the use of more precise methods and on the other to real worsening of the situation due to discontinuation of obligatory iodine prophylaxis in the country more than 10 years ago.  相似文献   

BackgroundFollowing a well-balanced diet ensures that a person gets all the essential elements for health sustenance. However, in the United Kingdom an increasing proportion of people are transiting to become vegans who exclude animal-based products in their diets. Consequently, people may have a deficit of essential elements such as iodine which is not present in most plant-based meals, additionally iodide fortified table salt is not commonly used in the UK. Without iodine people consuming a vegan diet risk developing iodine deficiency and diseases like goiter.MethodsThe objective of this study is to determine the difference in iodine content and iodine speciation between plant-based and dairy products. More than 100 market samples of plant-based and dairy milk products were collected in Scotland, UK.ResultsIodine concentrations in dairy milk is ten times higher compared to plant-based milks. Similar differences were also apparent for butter, yogurt and cheese. A total of 20% of plant-based milk products were fortified with iodine, however these products had lower iodine concentrations compare to the equivalent dairy products. In this study we calculated that people with average diet have an iodine intake of 226 + /- 103 μg day−1 from dairy products which satisfies the WHO recommended intake of adults and 90% of the recommend intake for pregnant and breast-feeding women. A diet from substituted dairy products gives only 21.8 µg day−1 for the respective WHO guideline intake values, which accounts only 15% of the iodine intake for adults and 9% for pregnant and lactating women. Iodine fortified diet could increase the iodine intake to 55% or 33% of the WHO recommended daily intake respectively.ConclusionPlant-based dairy consumers are encouraged to use iodine fortified dairy products or use of iodized salt in the UK for home cooking, otherwise there are at risk to get iodine deficient.  相似文献   

In August 1987-July 1988, goiter was diagnosed in 2.3% of neonates in Rzeszów region. It was inactive in the majority of patients. Hypoactive goitre was noted in 10% of examined babies. An increase in goitre incidence in neonates is related to endemic goitre in Rzeszów region.  相似文献   

Iodine deficiency has been shown to have high prevalence in Iran despite sufficient iodine supplementation. Zinc deficiency may also contribute to the pathogenesis of endemic goiter. The aim of this study was to compare serum zinc level in Iranian school children with and without goiter. A cross-sectional study was performed among urban children aged 8-12 years in city of Kerman, Iran. A multistage proportional to size cluster sampling method was used to screen 5500 subjects out of 29,787 students. After the screening phase, serum and urine specimens of randomly selected 165 students were evaluated for serum zinc levels and urinary iodine excretion and compared in goiterous and non-goiterous children. Serum zinc level was 149.5±29.4 μg/l in goiterous children and 141.2±52 μg/l in non-goiterous children but no significant difference was found between the groups (p=0.37). But urinary iodine excretion was significantly (p<0.001) lower in goiterous children (207.5 μg/l in goiterous children and 262.5 μg/l in non-goiterous children). This study showed that serum zinc level in goiterous and non-goiterus children is not different and zinc deficiency is not a risk factor for endemic goiter in this population.  相似文献   

The prevalence of goiter still remains high in some areas of Iran in spite of iodine supplementation. In the present study, we investigated the role of selenium (Se) deficiency in the etiology of goiter in Isfahan. Two thousand three hundred thirty-one schoolchildren were selected by multistage random sampling. Thyroid size was estimated in each child by inspection and palpation. Urinary iodine concentration (UIC) and plasma Se were measured. Overall, 32.9% of the 2,331 children had goiter. The median UIC was 19.55 µg/dl. Plasma Se was measured in 96 goitrous and 72 nongoitrous children. The mean?±?SD of plasma Se in goitrous and nongoitrous children was 66.86?±?21.82 and 76.67?±?23.33 µg/l, respectively (P?=?0.006). Goitrous girls had lower plasma Se level than nongoitrous girls (65.62?±?21.64 vs. 76.51?±?22.61 µg/dl, P?=?0.02). Goitrous boys had lower plasma Se level than nongoitrous boys (68.45?±?22.21 vs. 76.91?±?24.76 μg/l, P?=?0.14). The prevalence of Se deficiency was significantly higher in goitrous boys and girls than nongoitrous children. Se deficiency is among the contributors of goiter in Isfahan goitrous schoolchildren. However, the role of other micronutrient deficiencies or goitrogens should be investigated in this region.  相似文献   

Double stranded RNA of rotaviruses is composed of 11 segments which in standard and field strains may differ in electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. This study was aimed at determination of electrophoretic differentiation of rotavirus strains found in samples of feces of children treated because of diarrhoea in two hospitals in Warsaw and in Kraków region in the years 1986-1990. Out of 85 positive samples from Warsaw and 90 from Krakow region, for investigation 44 and 36 strains, respectively were included. Totally for 71 strains well stained 11 segments of RNA were obtained which permitted for determination of their electrophoretic-types. Majority of strains, 60 (84%) were characterized by a long electrophoretic-type, whereas 11 (16%) had a short electrophoretic-type. Considering differences in migration speed of 1-4 and 7-9 segments, within long and short types, eight subtypes denominated as a-h were present. Subtypes a, c and d constituted 73% of all tested strains. These studies indicate that in Poland occur at least eight electrophoretic subtypes of rotaviruses and that this feature is partly correlated with belonging of strains to subgroups and antigenic serotypes.  相似文献   

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