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Retrovirus preintegration complexes (PIC) purified from virus-infected cells are competent for efficient concerted integration of the linear viral DNA ends by integrase (IN) into target DNA (full-site integration). In this report, we have shown that the assembled complexes (intasomes) formed in vitro with linear 3.6-kbp DNA donors possessing 3'-OH-recessed attachment (att) site sequences and avian myeloblastosis virus IN (4 nm) were as competent for full-site integration as isolated retrovirus PIC. The att sites on DNA with 3'-OH-recessed ends were protected by IN in assembled intasomes from DNase I digestion up to approximately 20 bp from the terminus. Several DNA donors containing either normal blunt-ended att sites or different end mutations did not allow assembly of complexes that exhibit the approximately 20-bp DNase I footprint at 14 degrees C. At 50 and 100 mm NaCl, the approximately 20-bp DNase I footprints were produced with wild type (wt) U3 and gain-of-function att site donors for full-site integration as previously observed at 320 mm NaCl. Although the wt U5 att site donors were fully competent for full-site integration at 37 degrees C, the approximately 20-bp DNase I footprint was not observed under a variety of assembly conditions including low NaCl concentrations at 14 degrees C. Under suboptimal assembly conditions for intasomes using U3 att DNA, DNase I probing demonstrated an enhanced cleavage site 9 bp from the end of U3 suggesting that a transient structural intasome intermediate was identified. Using a single nucleotide change at position 7 from the end and a series of small size deletions of wt U3 att site sequences, we determined that sequences upstream of the 11th nucleotide position were not required by IN to produce the approximately 20-bp DNase I footprint and full-site integration. The results suggest the structural organization of IN at the att sites in reconstituted intasomes was similar to that observed in PIC.  相似文献   

The retrovirus integrase (IN) protein is essential for integration of viral DNA into host DNA. The secondary structure of the purified IN protein from avian myeloblastosis virus was investigated by both circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and five empirical prediction methods. The secondary structures determined from the resolving of CD spectra through a least-squares curve fitting procedure were compared with those predicted from four statistical methods, e.g., the Chou-Fasman, Garnier-Osguthorpe-Robson, Nishikawa-Ooi, and a JOINT scheme which combined all three of these methods, plus a pure a priori one, the Ptitsyn-Finkelstein method. Among all of the methods used, the Nishikawa-Ooi prediction gave the closest match in the composition of secondary structure to the CD result, although the other methods each correctly predicted one or more secondary structural group. Most of the alpha-helix and beta-sheet states predicted by the Ptitsyn-Finkelstein method were in accord with the Nishikawa-Ooi method. Secondary structural predictions by the Nishikawa-Ooi method were extended further to include IN proteins from four phylogenetic distinct retroviruses. The structural relationships between the four most conserved amino acid blocks of these IN proteins were compared using sequence homology and secondary structure predictions.  相似文献   

Virus-coded DNA endonuclease from avian retrovirus.   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Human endogenous retrovirus K10 encodes a functional integrase.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
We cloned a human endogenous retrovirus K1O DNA fragment encoding integrase and expressed it as a fusion protein with Escherichia coli maltose-binding protein. Integrase activities were measured in vitro by using a double-stranded oligonucleotide as a substrate mimicking viral long terminal repeats (LTR). The fusion protein was highly active for both terminal cleavage and strand transfer in the presence of Mn2+ on the K1O LTR substrate. It was also active on both Rous sarcoma virus and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 LTR substrates, whereas Rous sarcoma virus and human immunodeficiency virus type 1 integrases were active only on their corresponding LTR substrates. The results strongly suggest that K1O encodes a functional integrase with relaxed substrate specificity.  相似文献   

The inhibition of nucleic acid-binding proteins by aurintricarboxylic acid   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Qβ replicase, Escherichia coli RNA polymerase, and T7 RNA polymerase are inhibited by low concentrations of the dye aurintricarboxylic acid (ATA). In each case initiation by the enzyme was preferentially inhibited. The elongation of initiated polynucleotide chains by Qβ replicase was insensitive to ATA in the range of concentrations required to inhibit initiation. Treatment of Qβ replicase, RNA polymerase and lac repressor with ATA prevented enzymemediated binding of the templates to nitrocellulose filters. We propose that the inhibitor combines with the template binding site of these proteins to prevent initiation.  相似文献   

Viral integrase catalyzes the integration of the linear viral DNA genome into the chromatin of the infected host cell, an essential step in the life cycle of retroviruses. The reaction produces a characteristic small duplication of host sequences at the site of integration, implying that there is a close juxtaposition of the viral DNA ends during a concerted integration event. We have used an in vitro assay to measure the concerted integration of virus-like plasmid DNA into naked lambda DNA catalyzed by virion purified avian integrase. In contrast to in vivo avian integration, which has strong fidelity for a 6-bp duplication, purified avian integrase in the context of this assay produced a distribution of duplication sizes, with the 6-bp size dominating. The metal cofactor Mg2+ induced increased fidelity for the 6-bp duplication relative to that with Mn2+. The immediate sequence of the host site may also influence duplication size in that we found sites that sustained multiple independent integration events producing the same duplication size. Additionally, for each set of cloned integration sites (5, 6, and 7 bp), a unique but similar symmetrical pattern of G/C and A/T sequence biases was found. Using duplex oligonucleotides as target substrates, we tested the significance of the 6-bp G/C and A/T pattern for site selection. In the context of this assay, which is likely dominated by the integration of only one viral end, the 6-bp pattern was not preferred. Instead, integration was predominantly into the 3' ends of the oligonucleotides. The combined results of the lambda and oligonucleotide assays indicated that although host site selection has properties in common with recognition of the viral DNA termini, the nonrandom sequence preferences seen for host site selection were not identical to the sequence requirements for long terminal repeat recognition.  相似文献   

Single-stranded regions on unintegrated avian retrovirus DNA.   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2  
Using chromatography on benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE-cellulose, we found that greater than 99.5% of the unintegrated linear viral DNA species detected in quail embryo cells infected with Rous sarcoma virus contained single-stranded regions, even at 16 h after infection. These regions were distributed across the genome and, on average, were primarily of plus-strand DNA. Within most of the linear viral DNA species, the minus strand was interpreted as being of genome size with two copies of the large terminal redundancy, LTR. In contrast, the plus strands in the linear viral DNA species were exclusively subgenomic.  相似文献   

Concerted integration of retroviral DNA termini, which produces a characteristic duplication of sequences at the integration site and formation of the proviral state, is a necessary step of the retroviral life cycle. We investigated the pairwise integration reaction catalyzed by purified avian retrovirus integrase by measuring the response to solution parameters and how the sequences of the viral termini, which comprise the avian imperfect inverted repeat, affect the reaction. When we optimized the reaction, an efficiency was achieved which approached that measured in systems using cytoplasmic extracts from virus-infected cells. The response of purified avian integrase to solution parameters was similar to that of the integration activity derived from cellular extracts. For strand transfer, the U3 viral terminal sequences were preferred to those of the U5 termini, a result we previously showed for the trimming reaction. That the sequence preference was the same for trimming and strand transfer may be further evidence that only one catalytic site is used for both reactions. A significant number of integration sites were sequenced. Interesting trends were found for the fidelity of the host duplications to the avian 6-bp duplication size, the clustering of the integration sites in the nonessential region of the lambda host DNA, and the sequence characteristics of the duplication sites.  相似文献   

Retroviral integrase (IN) recognizes linear viral DNA ends and introduces nicks adjacent to a highly conserved CA dinucleotide usually located two base pairs from the 3'-ends of viral DNA (the "processing" reaction). In a second step, the same IN active site catalyzes the insertion of these ends into host DNA (the "joining" reaction). Both DNA sequence and DNA structure contribute to specific recognition of viral DNA ends by IN. Here we used potassium permanganate modification to show that the avian sarcoma virus IN catalytic domain is able to distort viral DNA ends in vitro. This distortion activity is consistent with both unpairing and unstacking of the three terminal base pairs, including the processing site adjacent to the conserved CA. Furthermore, the introduction of mismatch mutations that destabilize the viral DNA ends were found to stimulate the IN processing reaction as well as IN-mediated distortion. End-distortion activity was also observed with mutant or heterologous DNA substrates. However, further analyses showed that using Mn(2+) as a cofactor, processing site specificity of these substrates was also maintained. Our results support a model whereby unpairing and unstacking of the terminal base pairs is a required step in the processing reaction. Furthermore, these results are consistent with our previous observations indicating that unpairing of target DNA promotes the joining reaction.  相似文献   

A helix-destabilizing protein, HD40 (Mr 40,000), isolated from the cytoplasm of Artemia salina (Marvil, D.K., Nowak, L., and Szer, W. (1980) J. Biol. Chem. 255, 6466-6472) stoichiometrically disrupts the secondary structures of synthetic single-stranded and helical polynucleotides (e.g. poly(rA), poly(dA), poly(rC), poly(dC), and poly(rU)) as well as those of natural polynucleotides (e.g. MS2 RNA and phi X174 viral DNA). The conformations of double-stranded DNA and double- or triple-stranded synthetic polynucleotides are not affected by the protein. Formation of duplexes, e.g. poly(rA . rU), is prevented by HD40 at 25 to 50 mM but not at 100 to 140 mM NaCl. The unwinding of the residual secondary structure of RNA and DNA by HD40 is not highly cooperative and has a stoichiometry of one HD40 per 12 to 15 nucleotides. The addition of HD40 in excess of 1 molecule per 12 to 15 nucleotides results in the cooperative formation of distinct bead-like structures along the nucleic acid strand. The beads are about 20 nm in diameter with a center to center distance of about 40 nm. The appearance of the beads is not accompanied by any spectral changes (CD and UV) beyond those obtained at a stoichiometry of one HD40 molecule per 12 to 15 nucleotides.  相似文献   

Efficient autointegration of avian retrovirus DNA in vitro.   总被引:5,自引:10,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Y M Lee  J M Coffin 《Journal of virology》1990,64(12):5958-5965
We have developed a cell-free system for an avian retrovirus that promotes autointegration, one-long-terminal-repeat (LTR) circle formation, and correct integration into exogenous target DNA. In this system, autointegration and one-LTR circle formation occurred far more frequently than integration into exogenous target DNA. Autointegration had the same characteristics of normal integration into target DNA except in its selection of target. Highly efficient autointegration as well as one-LTR circle formation in vitro suggest that there may be a mechanism to prevent these processes in vivo.  相似文献   

Discontinuities in the DNA synthesized by an avian retrovirus   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
The unintegrated linear DNA synthesized in cells infected by Rous sarcoma virus is a predominantly double-stranded structure in which most of the minus-strand DNA, complementary to the viral RNA genome, is genome sized, whereas the plus-strand DNA is present as subgenomic fragments. We previously reported the application of benzoylated naphthoylated DEAE-cellulose chromatography to demonstrate that of the linear viral DNA species synthesized in quail embryo fibroblasts infected with Rous sarcoma virus greater than 99.5% contain single-stranded regions and these regions are predominantly composed of plus-strand DNA sequences (T. W. Hsu and J. M. Taylor, J. Virol. 44:47-53, 1982). We now present the following additional findings. (i) There were on the average 3.5 single-stranded regions per linear viral DNA, and these single-stranded regions could occur at many locations. (ii) With a probe to the long terminal repeat, we detected, in addition to a heterogeneous size distribution of subgenomic plus-strand DNA species, at least three prominent discrete size classes. Each of these discrete species had its own specific initiation site, but all had the same termination site. Such species were analogous to those reported by Kung et al. (J. Virol. 37: 127-138, 1981). (iii) These discrete size classes of plus-strand DNA were present not only on the major size class of linear DNA but also on a heterogeneous of slower-sedimenting species, which we have called immature linears. Our interpretation is that we have thus detected several additional sites for the initiation of plus-strand DNA. (iv) The 340-base plus-strand strong-stop DNA was only found associated with the immature linears. (v) From a size and hybridization comparison of these discrete size classes of plus-strand DNA with minus-strand DNA species, as synthesized in the endogenous reaction of melittin-disrupted virions, it was found that the putative additional initiation sites for plus-strand DNA synthesis corresponded to many of the pause sites in the synthesis of minus-strand DNA.  相似文献   

The nucleic acid-binding proteins of bovine leukemia virus (BLV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) were isolated in a high state of purity with chloroform-methanol extraction followed by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. Selective solubilization and purity of BLV p12 and FeLV p10 was confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The compositions and molecular weights were determined by amino acid analysis. An abundance of lysine and arginine residues along with their size identifies both BLV p12 and FeLV p10 as small basic proteins similar to well-defined type C viral nucleoproteins. NH2-terminal degradation by the semiautomated Edman method provided the sequence of the first 40 amino acids for both proteins. The putative nucleic acid binding site found in several type C viral nucleoproteins was contained within this sequence, with the most homology centered around an eight-amino acid region involving seven identical residues and one substitution. Antisera were developed in rabbits, and specificity and titers were determined by electroblotting and immunoautoradiography. By this technique, an immunological cross-reaction was found between BLV p12 and FeLV p10. The shared antigenic determinant most likely exists in the highly conserved eight-amino acid region. Although this sequence is also highly conserved in the nucleic acid-binding proteins of murine leukemia viruses, the shared antigenic determinant is not found in these or any other type C viruses tested. It is suggested that substitution of arginine (BLV p12/FeLV p10) to lysine (murine leukemia virus p10) is sufficient to elicit a change in antibody specificity.  相似文献   

We report the efficient concerted integration of a linear virus-like DNA donor into a 2.8 kbp circular DNA target by integrase (IN) purified from avian myeloblastosis virus. The donor was 528 bp, contained recessed 3' OH ends, was 5' end labeled, and had a unique restriction site not found in the target. Analysis of concerted (full-site) and half-site integration events was accomplished by restriction enzyme analysis and agarose gel electrophoresis. The donor also contained the SupF gene that was used for genetic selection of individual full-site recombinants to determine the host duplication size. Two different pathways, involving either one donor or two donor molecules, were used to produce full-site recombinants. About 90% of the full-site recombinants were the result of using two donor molecules per target. These results imply that juxtapositioning an end from each of two donors by IN was more efficient than the juxtapositioning of two ends of a single donor for the full-site reaction. The formation of preintegration complexes containing integrase and donor on ice prior to the addition of target enhanced the full-site reaction. After a 30 min reaction at 37 degrees C, approximately 20-25% of all donor/target recombinants were the result of concerted integration events. The efficient production of full-site recombinants required Mg2+; Mn2+ was only efficient for the production of half-site recombinants. We suggest that these preintegration complexes can be used to investigate the relationships between the 3' OH trimming and strand transfer reactions.  相似文献   

A new method for the analysis and purification of the RNA-directed DNA polymerase of RNA tumor viruses has been developed. This nucleic acid affinity chromatography system utilizes an immobilized oligo (dT) moiety annealed with poly (A). The alpha and alphabeta DNA polymerases of avain myeloblastosis virus bound effectively to poly (A) oligo (dT)-cellulose. Alpha DNA polymerase did not bind effectively to poly (A) oligo (dT)-cellulose, poly (A)-cellulose, or to cellulose. Alphabeta bound to oligo (dT)-cellulose and cellulose at the same extent (approximately 30%), indicating that this enzyme did not bind specifically to the oligo (DT) moiety only. However, alphabeta bound to poly (A)-cellulose two to three times better than to cellulose itself, showing that alphabeta could bind to poly (A) without a primer. Alphabeta DNA polymerase also bound to poly (C)-cellulose, whereas alpha did not. These data show that the alpha DNA polymerase is defective in binding to nucleic acids if the beta subunit is not present. Data is presented which demonstrates that the alphabeta DNA polymerase bound tighter to poly (A). oligo (DT)-cellulose and to calf thymus DNA-cellulose than the alpha DNA polymerase, suggesting that the beta subunit or, at least part of it is responsible for this tighter binding. In addition, alphabeta DNA polymerase is able to reversibly transcribe avian myeloblastosis virus 70S RNA approximately fivefold faster than alpha DNA polymerase in the presence of Mg2+ and equally efficient in the presence of Mn2+. alpha DNA polymerase transcribed 9S globin m RNA slightly better than alphabeta with either metal ion.  相似文献   

Insertion of the linear retrovirus DNA genome into the host DNA by the virus-encoded integrase (IN) is essential for efficient replication. We devised an efficient virus-like DNA plasmid integration assay which mimics the standard oligonucleotide assay for integration. It permitted us to study, by electron microscopy and sequence analysis, insertion of a single long terminal repeat terminus (LTR half-site) of one plasmid into another linearized plasmid. The reaction was catalyzed by purified avian myeloblastosis virus IN in the presence of Mg2+. The recombinant molecules were easily visualized and quantitated by agarose gel electrophoresis. Agarose gel-purified recombinants could be genetically selected by transformation of ligated recombinants into Escherichia coli HB101 cells. Electron microscopy also permitted the identification and localization of IN-DNA complexes on the virus-like substrate in the absence of the joining reaction. Intramolecular and intermolecular DNA looping by IN was visualized. Although IN preferentially bound to AT-rich regions in the absence of the joining reaction, there was a bias towards GC-rich regions for the joining reaction. Alignment of 70 target site sequences 5' of the LTR half-site insertions with 68 target sites previously identified for the concerted insertion of both LTR termini (LTR full-site reaction) indicated similar GC inflection patterns with both insertional events. Comparison of the data suggested that IN recognized only half of the target sequences necessary for integration with the LTR half-site reaction.  相似文献   

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