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We examined the molecular phylogeny and ultrastructure of Chlorogonium and related species to establish the natural taxonomy at the generic level. Phylogenetic analyses of 18S rRNA and RUBISCO LSU (rbcL) gene sequences revealed two separate clades of Chlorogonium from which Chlorogonium (Cg.) fusiforme Matv. was robustly separated. One clade comprised Cg. neglectum Pascher and Cg. kasakii Nozaki, whereas the other clade included the type species Cg. euchlorum (Ehrenb.) Ehrenb., Cg. elongatum (P. A. Dang.) Francé, and Cg. capillatum Nozaki, M. Watanabe et Aizawa. On the basis of unique ultrastructural characteristics, we described Gungnir Nakada gen. nov. comprising three species: G. neglectum (Pascher) Nakada comb. nov., G. mantoniae (H. Ettl) Nakada comb. nov., and G. kasakii (Nozaki) Nakada comb. nov. We also emended Chlorogonium as a monophyletic genus composed of Cg. euchlorum, Cg. elongatum, and Cg. capillatum. Because Cg. fusiforme was distinguished from the redefined Chlorogonium and Gungnir by the structure of its starch plate, which is associated with pyrenoids, we reclassified this species as Rusalka fusiformis (Matv.) Nakada gen. et comb. nov.  相似文献   

On the basis of LM, we isolated strains of two species of fusiform green flagellates that could be assigned to former Chlorogonium (Cg.) Ehrenb. One species, “Cg.”heimii Bourr., lacked a pyrenoid in its vegetative cells and required organic compounds for growth. The other was similar to Cg. elongatum (P. A. Dang.) Francé and “Cg.”acus Nayal, but with slightly smaller vegetative cells. Their molecular phylogeny was also studied based on combined 18S rRNA, RUBISCO LSU (rbcL), and P700 chl a‐apoprotein A2 (psaB) gene sequences. Both species were separated from Chlorogonium emend., Gungnir Nakada and Rusalka Nakada, which were formerly assigned to Chlorogonium. They were accordingly assigned to new genera, Tabris Nakada gen. nov. and Hamakko (Hk.) Nakada gen. nov. as T. heimii (Bourr.) Nakada comb. nov. and Hk. caudatus Nakada sp. nov., respectively. Tabris is differentiated from other genera of fusiform green flagellates by its vegetative cells, which only have two apical contractile vacuoles and lack a pyrenoid in the chloroplast. Hamakko, on the other hand, is distinguishable by the fact that its pyrenoids in vegetative cells are penetrated by flattened thylakoid lamellae.  相似文献   

A new foliose red alga, common subtidally from British Columbia to the Aleutian Islands, is described and given the name Hommersandia maximicarpa. The lobed perennial thallus, which can reach a height of 23 cm, is distinguished by its vegetative structure and by its unique pattern of nonprocarpic carposporophyte development. In transverse section, the blades consist of a narrow filamentous medullary layer sandwiched on either side by large ellipsoidal subcortical cells and a thin outer cortex. The monocarpogonial branch and auxiliary cell systems of the female plants are typical of many members of the Kallymeniaceae. However, after the carpogonialfusion cell forms, a distinctive developmental pattern begins. The connecting filaments radiate outward into the surrounding tissue, branch abundantly, and become septate. They then contact, in addition to auxiliary cells, many small moniliform accessory branches. These branches appear to act as initiation points for the gonimoblast filaments. The large diffuse carposporophytes produced are unknown in any other member of the Cryptonemiales. The vegetative and reproductive anatomy of Hommersandia is compared to other Kallymeniaceae, and similar patterns of postfertilization development are examined in the Rhodophyta.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of marine coccoid dinoflagellate from subtropical Japan, Halostylodinium arenarium Horiguchi et Yoshizawa-Ebata, gen. et sp. nov., is described. The dominant stage of the dinoflagellate is a nonmotile ovoidal to spheroidal cell with a distinct stalk. The stalk consists of an upper thick tubule, a lower thin tubule, and a discoidal holdfast. The dinoflagellate possesses a yellowish-brown chloroplast with multiple lobes radiating from a central pyrenoid. It reproduces by the formation of two motile cells, which swim for a short period and then transform directly into the stalked nonmotile cell. The stalk is produced during transformation from the apical stalk complex present in the apex of the motile cell. The apical stalk complex consists of a double-folded apical pore plate and doughnut-shaped holdfast-building material. The ultrastructure of the apical stalk complex is compared with those of Bysmatrum arenicola and Stylodinium littorale. Halostylodinium arenarium possesses delicate thecal plates, and the thecal plate formula is Po, 5', 2a, 7", 7c, 6s, 5"', 1p, 2"". A phylogenetic study based on the 18S ribosomal RNA gene did not show any clear affinities between this organism and any species included in the analysis.  相似文献   

A new sand‐dwelling dinoflagellate from Palau, Galeidinium rugatum Tamura et Horiguchi gen. et sp. nov., is described. The life cycle of this new alga consists of a dominant nonmotile phase and a brief motile phase. The motile cell transforms itself directly into the nonmotile cell after swimming for a short period, and cell division takes place in the nonmotile phase. The nonmotile cell possesses a dome‐like cell covering, which is wrinkled and equipped with a transverse groove on the surface. The cell has 10–20 chloroplasts and a distinct eyespot. The motile cell is Gymnodinium‐like in shape. The dinoflagellate possesses an endosymbiotic alga to which the chloroplasts belong and which is separated from the host (dinoflagellate) cytoplasm by a unit membrane. The endosymbiont cytoplasm also possesses its own eukaryotic nucleus and mitochondria. The eyespot is surrounded by triple membranes and is located in the host cytoplasm. Photosynthetic pigment analysis, using HPLC, revealed that G. rugatum possesses fucoxanthin as the principal accessory pigment instead of peridinin. The rbcL tree showed that G. rugatum is monophyletic with Durinskia baltica (Levander) Carty et Cox and Kryptoperidinium foliaceum (Stein) Lindemann and that this clade is closely related to the pennate diatom, Cylindrotheca sp. The endosymbiont of G. rugatum is therefore shown to be a diatom. Phylogenetic analysis based on small subunit rDNA sequences demonstrated that G. rugatum, D. baltica, and K. foliaceum, all of which are known to harbor an endosymbiont of diatom origin, are closely related.  相似文献   

A new genus and species of heterotrophic dinoflagellate, Cryptoperidiniopsis brodyi gen. et sp. nov., are described. This new species commonly occurs in estuaries from Florida to Maryland, and is often associated with Pfiesteria piscicida Steidinger et Burkholder, Pseudopfiesteria shumwayae (Glasgow et Burkholder) Litaker et al., and Karlodinium veneficum (Ballantine) J. Larsen, as well as other small (<20 μm) heterotrophic and mixotrophic dinoflagellates. C. brodyi gen. et sp. nov. feeds myzocytotically on pigmented microalgae and other microorganisms. The genus and species have the enhanced Kofoidian plate formula of Po, cp, X, 5′, 0a, 6″, 6c, PC, 5+s, 5″′, 0p, and 2″″ and are assigned to the order Peridiniales and the family Pfiesteriaceae. Because the Pfiesteriaceae comprise small species and are difficult to differentiate by light microscopy, C. brodyi gen. et sp. nov. can be easily misidentified.  相似文献   

A new ceramiaceous alga, Sciurothamnion stegengae De Clerck et Kraft, gen. et sp. nov., is described from the western Indian Ocean and the Philippines. Sciurothamnion appears related to the tribe Callithamnieae on the basis of the position and composition of its procarps and by the majority of post‐fertilization events. It differs, however, from all current members of the tribe by the presence of two periaxial cells bearing determinate laterals per axial cell. Additionally, unlike any present representative of the subfamily Callithamnioideae, no intercalary foot cell is formed after diploidization of the paired auxiliary cells. The genus is characterized by a terminal foot cell (“disposal cell”), which segregates the haploid nuclei of the diploidized auxiliary cell from the diploid zygote nucleus. The nature of three types of foot cells reported in the Ceramiaceae (intercalary foot cells containing only haploid nuclei, intercalary foot cells containing haploid nuclei and a diploid nucleus, and terminal foot cells containing only haploid nuclei) is discussed.  相似文献   

根据缅甸北部克钦地区产出的白垩纪中期琥珀中保存的蜡蝉,建立了1新属1新种——三瓣残缺蜡蝉(Ayaimatum trilobatum gen. et sp. nov.),该新属新种属于白垩纪的拟蛛蜡蝉科(Mimarachnidae)。本文对拟蛛蜡蝉科的属种记录进行了综述,同时探讨了这一灭绝科属种的多样性和形态分异。  相似文献   

The newly described toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida is a polymorphic and multiphasic species with flagellated, amoeboid, and cyst stages. The species is structurally a heterotroph; however, the flagellated stages can have cleptochloroplasts in large food vacuoles and can temporarily function as mixotrophs. The flagellated stage has a typical mesokaryotic nucleus, and the theca is composed of four membranes, two of which are vesicular and contain thin plates arranged in a Kofoidian series of Po, cp, X, 4′, 1a, 5″, 6c, 4s, 5″′, and 2″″. The plate tabulation is unlike that of any other armored dinoflagellate. Nodules often demark the suture lines underneath the outer membrane, but fixation protocols can influence the detection of plates. Amoeboid benthic stages can be filose to lobose, are thecate, and have a reticulate or spiculate appearance. Amoeboid stages have a eukaryotic nuclear profile and are phagocytic. Cyst stages include a small spherical stage with a honeycomb, reticulate surface and possibly another stage that is elongate and oval to spherical with chrysophyte-like scales that can have long bracts. The species is placed in a new family, Pfiesteriaceae, and the order Dinamoebales is emended.  相似文献   

The life cycle of a previously undescribed chrysophyte, assigned to the new genus Rhizoochromonas, is described. It includes a small motile stage with heterokont flagellation which invades a Dinobryon lorica. Reproduction by cell division of the nearly spherical rhizopodial vegetative stage frequently leads to expulsion of the host protoplast through overcrowding of the lorica. Endogenous cysts (stomatocysts) are also formed within the Dinobryon lorica. The new family, Brehmiellaceae, is established to accommodate pseudopodial/rhizopodial chrysophytes with heterokont flagellation in the motile stage. Rhizoochromonas endoloricata gen. et sp. nov. has been found at two widely separated softwater locations in Ontario, and at one it constituted a major component of the planktonic flora during the autumns of six successive years.  相似文献   

Atractomorpha echinata gen. et sp. nov. is described from isolates derived from zygotes present in a dry soil sample obtained from Texas. The new genus is distinguished from Sphaeroplea primarily by its pattern of vegetative growth. While Sphaeroplea is distinctly filamentous with numerous coenocytic cells uniseriately arranged, Atractomorpha grows as individual, multinucleate, spindle-shaped cells with sharply pointed extremities. Such cells may vary considerably in length (25–6000 μm, or more) and normally lack septa. In young, rapidly growing cultures the cells often attain lengths of 300–500 μm, but rarely exceed 1800 μm. The new species is further characterized by: (1) the regular formation of biflagellate zoospores in asexual reproduction, (2)anisogamy (occasionally oogamy) and (3) the size and ornamentation of its zygotes. Variations in vegetative morphology are discussed as are conditions for obtaining gametogenesis.  相似文献   

A new thecate, phototrophic, marine, sand‐dwelling dinoflagellate, Thecadinium mucosum Hoppenrath et Taylor sp. nov., is described from a culture isolated from Boundary Bay, British Columbia, Canada. It was illustrated with LM as well as SEM and TEM, and its position in the phylogenetic tree of dinoflagellates was investigated using molecular methods. Cells are asymmetrical, oval, laterally flattened, and strongly pigmented, with the plate formula P 3′ 1a 6′′ 7/8c 5 s 6′′′ 2′′′′. Thecal plates are smooth with scattered pores, and there is a distinctive anterior intercalary plate that could be involved in mucus secretion. Thecadinium inclinatum Balech (=Sabulodinium inclinatum (Balech) Saunders et Dodge), a thecate, marine, sand‐dwelling species that has been previously confused with what we now call T. mucosum, was also examined and illustrated through LM and SEM. New information on T. inclinatum is provided, including its plate formula P 3′ 6′′ 7c ?s 5′′′ 1p 1′′′′; we consider T. inclinatum to be related to most other Thecadinium species and not to Sabulodinium. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on the small subunit ribosomal gene of T. mucosum, T. kofoidii (the type species of the genus), and T. dragescoi weakly support earlier suspicions based on morphology that T. dragescoi is not a member of Thecadinium. Tabulational patterns of the species suggest a relationship to the genus Amphidiniopsis.  相似文献   

The red alga Cenacrum subsutum gen. et sp. nov. is described from material collected at Macquarie Island in the subantarctic between November 1977 and February 1978. The habit and carposporophyte development are similar to members of the family Rhodymeniaceae (Rhodymeniales), but certain vegetative features are unique. The frond is a variously incised or lobed foliose blade with hollow apices above and a medulla which becomes progressively filled basipetally with ingrowing rhizoidal filaments. Details of carpogonial branch, auxiliary cell, connecting cell and gonimoblast anatomy are given, as well as observations on the habitats and distribution of the species.  相似文献   

A new euglenoid genus and species, Tetreutreptia pomquetensis, is described from winter waters of Maritime Canada. This phototrophic species is characterized by four emergent heterodynamic flagella, two about the length of the cell and two less than one-half this length. Tetreutreptia pomquetensis has features in common with species of Eutreptiella while it differs in several respects from any of the described species of that genus. It could be assigned to the order Eutreptiales or Euglenamorphales sensu Leedale or the order Euglenales sensu Farmer. This new alga has a narrow range of temperature tolerance; it grows best from 0° to 7° C and dies at temperatures above 10° C. The optimum salinity for growth was near full-strength seawater. Growth conditions for the alga define the conditions whence this species was isolated.  相似文献   

新菌——吉林链梭菌的分类学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从7例阴道炎患者阴道分泌物分离出7株细菌,均具有相同的生物学特性,G-梭状菌,单、成对或链状。无荚膜,无芽抱,无鞭毛。兼性厌氧菌,在大气中培养不生长,在5%~10%CO2中或烛缸培养18~24h才能形成菌落,MacConkey培养基不生长,最适生长温度35℃-37℃。氧化酶阴性,接触酶阴性,不还原硝酸盐,发酵糖类(指示剂用溴甲酚紫),克氏双糖铁高层和斜面均发生产酸反应,七叶苷水解试验阳性,马尿酸盐水解试验阴性。经BiologMicrostationSystem自动化细菌鉴定系统检测无确定结果,DNAG+C含量为42.3mol%、16srRNA序列测定结果经计算机检索国际基因菌库EMBL和GenBank所有序列进行比较,表明该白与已知科、属亲缘关系较远,结合其表型特征,建议建立新属,命名为吉林链梭菌(Streptofusiagen.nov.Jilinasp.nov.)该菌已收藏在中国微生物菌种保藏中心CGMCCNO.0215T(T=typestrain).该菌16SrRNA片断已被国际基因库收录,接收号为U34365。  相似文献   

A previously unknown species of kelp was collected on Kagamil Island, Aleutian Islands. The species can be easily distinguished from any known laminarialean alga: the erect sporophytic thallus is composed of a thin lanceolate blade attaining ~2 m in height and ~0.50 m in width, without midrib, and the edge of the blade at the transition zone is thickened to form a V‐shape; the stipe is solid and flattened, slightly translucent, attaining ~1 m in length; the holdfast is semidiscoidal and up to 0.15 m in diameter. Anatomically, the blade has the typical trumpet‐shaped hyphae characteristic of the Chordaceae and derived foliose laminarialean species (i.e., Alariaceae/Laminariaceae/Lessoniaceae). No hair pits or mucilaginous structures were observed on the blade or stipe. No fertile sporophytes were collected, but abundant juvenile sporophytes were observed in the field. In the molecular phylogenetic analyses using chloroplast rbcL gene, nuclear ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2 rDNA, and mitochondria nad6 DNA sequences, the new species (Aureophycus aleuticus gen. et sp. nov.) showed a closer relationship with Alariaceae of conventional taxonomy, or the “Group 1” clade of Lane et al. (2006) including Alaria and related taxa than with other groups, although the species was not clearly included in the group. Aureophycus may be a key species in elucidating the evolution of the Alariaceae within the Laminariales. Because of the lack of information on reproductive organs and insufficient resolution of the molecular analyses, we refrain from assigning the new species to a family, but we place the new species in a new genus in the Laminariales.  相似文献   

A new diatom genus and species, Porguenia peruviana Sullivan, is described from an Eocene marine deposit from the Paracas Peninsula, Peru. The valve outline is circular and the areolation is best described as pseudoloculate; spines of any type are lacking. A ring of elongated, densely packed rimoportulae is situated on the secondary marginal ridge. Externally, each rimoportula consists of a long, flattened, fluted upper portion supported by a shorter cylindrical stalk. The processes are winged and exhibit various degrees of curvature of the major axis. Typically, six reniform ocelli of unusual structure are situated centrifugally to the ring of rimoportulae and interrupt the true marginal ridge. Because the perforation plate differs from that of all other ocellus-bearing diatoms, a new term has been introduced for this structure, the diaphoron. The placement and structure of this newly discovered “perforation plate” do not allow Porguenia to be placed in any circumscribed family, although the Triceratiaceae would appear at present to be the most closely related family.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Rhinodinium broomeense, a new genus and species of heterotrophic peridinioid dinoflagellates, has been studied based on morphological and molecular genetic data. The genus was found in tidal marine sand habitats in Broome, north‐western Australia, and from three marine sand habitats in Japan. The thecal plate formula is Po 3′ 1a 5″ 4c ?s 5″′ 1″″. A large apical hook points toward the dorsal side. Its plate pattern is similar to species of the genus Roscoffia; however, it differs from that genus in its much larger epitheca, narrow cingulum, which could be interpreted as incomplete, the narrow sulcus without sulcal lists on both sides, and the strong oblique lateral compression. Phylogenetic analyses using partial LSU rDNA sequences, as well as plate pattern information, support the placement of this genus in the Peridiniales; however, it is sufficiently different from other genera that the family affinity remains unclear.  相似文献   

Chrysolepidomonas gen. nov. is described for single-celled monads with two flagella, a single chloroplast, and distinctive canistrate and dendritic scales. The type species, Chrysolepidomonas dendrolepidota sp. nov., is described for the first time. The canistrate scales bear eight “bumps” on the top surface, and the dendriticscales have a tapered base with a quatrifid tip. These organic scales are formed in the Golgi apparatus and storred in a scale reservoir. The scale reservoir is bounded on two sides by the R1 and R2 in microtubular roots of the basal apparatus. The cyst (=stomatocyst, statospore) forms endogenously by means of a silica deposition vesicle. The outer cyst surface is smooth, and the pore region is unornamented. Two other organisms bearing canistrate and dendritic scales, previously assigned to the genus Sphaleromants, are transferred to the genus Chrysolepidomonas. They are C.angalica sp. nov. and C. marine(Pienaar) comb. nov. The distinguishing features of Chrysolepidomonas and Sphaleromantis are discussed. A new family, Chrysolepidomonadceae fam. noc., is described for flagellates covered with organic scales.  相似文献   

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