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Simpson  S. D.  Dytham  C.  & Meekan  M. G. 《Journal of fish biology》2003,63(S1):241-241
We housed offspring from northern (70° N) and southern (60° N) coastal cod ( Gadus morhua ) together in a 'common garden' rearing experiment at a temperature and light regime representative of the southern population. Through a more active feeding behaviour and a higher success, the northern cod achieved a larger food share and a higher growth rate and condition than their southern conspecifics. This is contrary to what was demonstrated by field data of fish from their natural habitats. The northern cod also allocated more energy to the liver throughout the experiment. Our results agree with the theory of countergradient variation, suggesting that genetic influences on growth and condition have been opposed by environmental constraints in their natural habitat. The observation that the offspring from these populations differ in behavior and growth when housed together support the idea that the growth response to selection would be through a behavioral response.
The field data suggest that density‐dependent population process and high juvenile density relative to prey limit the growth and condition in the wild and not necessarily the length of the growth season per se as assumed in the literature. The topographic distance (over 2000 km) limit mixing of early life stages of cod from the northern and southern population, and the different environmental stimuli (seasonality, temperature, food‐web interactions and habitat heterogeneity) in north and south are likely to evolve genetic differences.  相似文献   

Phenotypic plasticity and local adaptations are important considerations in delineating population structure of marine fishes and critical to their conservation and management. We compared the weight-specific oxygen consumption rates (VO2/M) of juvenile cod from the northern and southern components of the Icelandic stock acclimated to 4.0°C, 8.5°C, and 12.6°C and their metabolic response to abrupt temperatures changes within this range. Southern individuals exhibited VO2/M up to 50% higher than their northern counterparts when tested at their acclimation temperature. However, northern fish generally experienced greater changes in VO2/M, three to six-fold increases, relative to that expected at acclimation when moved to higher temperatures. Southern cod showed a greater decrease in VO2/M when exposed to lower temperatures. Our results indicate physiological differences exist between the northern and southern components of the Icelandic cod stock and warrant considering them as two distinct populations.  相似文献   

Under common environments, populations of laboratory reared (Grand Banks, GB and Gulf of Maine, GOM) and wild caught (Fortune Bay, FB and Bonavista Bay, BB; Newfoundland) juvenile cod Gadus morhua responded similarly to temperature change in specific growth rates, food conversion efficiencies, condition factors, liver water content, and muscle water content. However, GOM cod had higher condition factors, and showed differences from GB cod in phenotypic plasticity of hepatosomatic index to temperature. These differences were not present in a different population comparison between FB and BB cod. All populations had higher growth rates and food conversion efficiencies at warmer temperatures, and exhibited compensatory growth when temperature was increased. The results suggest relatively larger genetic differences between GB and GOM cod than between FB and BB cod, and indicate that the faster growth of southern populations in the wild is not due to a higher genetic capacity for growth rate.  相似文献   

Abstract The ecology of Canada lynx (Lynx canadensis) and their main prey, snowshoe hares (Lepus americanus), is poorly understood in southern Canada and the contiguous United States compared to the boreal forest of Canada and Alaska, USA, where both species are well studied. However, given recent listing of lynx under the Endangered Species Act, accurate understanding of lynx and snowshoe hare ecology and conservation requirements in the United States is a high priority. We critically examined unchallenged perceptions and important research needs related to lynx and hare ecology and conservation at the southern extent of their range. Contrary to popular dogma, lynx do not require old-growth forest for denning, but further research on lynx and hare use of fragmented landscapes at lower latitudes is required. The contention that southern lynx are subject to higher interference or exploitative competition compared to their northern counterparts remains without strong empirical support. Lynx rely more on red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus) and possibly other alternate prey at lower latitudes, but hares are the predominant food type for lynx across their range. Southern lynx and hare populations do not exhibit periodic cyclicity, but harvest statistics suggest that lynx abundance in the southern range is highly variable, implying that numerical fluctuations likely are fueled by immigration from Canada. Southern lynx population viability in the absence of ingress is suspect and thus maintaining connectivity with northern areas of occupancy should be a priority. Successful conservation of lynx populations in the contiguous United States will require 1) improved understanding of lynx population and habitat ecology at lower latitudes, 2) protection and management of large tracts of lynx and snowshoe hare habitat, and 3) ensured connectivity between lynx populations at the core and periphery of the species' range. However, in light of the numerous challenges facing conservation of populations of many species at their southern distributional limit, the long-term prognosis for lynx in the southern range currently is uncertain.  相似文献   

In Manitoba, Canada, wild lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) populations exist along a latitudinal gradient and are reared in hatcheries to bolster threatened populations. We reared two populations of lake sturgeon, one from each of the northern and southern ends of Manitoba and examined the effects of typical hatchery temperatures (16°C) as well as 60-day acclimation to elevated rearing temperatures (20°C) on mortality, growth and condition throughout early development. Additionally, we examined the cold shock response, which may be induced during stocking, through the hepatic mRNA expression of genes involved in the response to cold stress and homeoviscous adaptation (HSP70, HSP90a, HSP90b, CIRP and SCD). Sturgeon were sampled after 1 day and 1 week following stocking into temperatures of 8, 6 and 4°C in a controlled laboratory environment. The southern population showed lower condition and higher mortality during early life than the northern population while increased rearing temperature impacted the growth and condition of developing northern sturgeon. During the cold shock, HSP70 and HSP90a mRNA expression increased in all sturgeon treatments as stocking temperature decreased, with higher expression observed in the southern population. Expression of HSP90b, CIRP and SCD increased as stocking temperature decreased in northern sturgeon with early acclimation to 20°C. Correlation analyses indicated the strongest molecular relationships were in the expression of HSP90b, CIRP and SCD, across all treatments, with a correlation between HSP90b and body condition in northern sturgeon with early acclimation to 20°C. Together, these observations highlight the importance of population and rearing environment throughout early development and on later cellular responses induced by cold stocking temperatures.  相似文献   

The current and projected environmental change of the Arctic Ocean contrasts sharply with the limited knowledge of its genetic biodiversity. Polar cod Boreogadus saida (Lepechin, 1774) is an abundant circumpolar marine fish and ecological key species. The central role of polar cod in the Arctic marine food web warrants a better understanding of its population structure and connectivity. In this study, the genetic population structure of 171 juveniles, collected from several fjords off West-Svalbard (Billefjorden, Hornsund and Kongsfjorden), the northern Sophia Basin and the Eurasian Basin of the Arctic Ocean, was analysed using nine DNA microsatellite loci. Genetic analyses indicated moderate to high genetic diversity, but absence of spatial population structure and isolation-by-distance, suggesting ongoing gene flow between the studied sampling regions. High levels of connectivity may be key for polar cod to maintain populations across wide spatial scales. The adaptive capacity of the species will be increasingly important to face challenges such as habitat fragmentation, ocean warming and changes in prey composition. In view of a limited understanding of the population dynamics and evolution of polar cod, a valuable next step to predict future developments should be an integrated biological evaluation, including population genomics, a life-history approach, and habitat and biophysical dispersal modelling.  相似文献   

Aim We evaluate the stability of the range limits of the rocky intertidal limpet, Lottia gigantea, over the last c. 140 years, test the validity of the abundant centre hypothesis, and test indirectly the roles played by recruitment limitation and habitat availability in controlling the range limits. Because this species is size‐selectively harvested, our results also allow us to assess conservation implications. Location The Pacific coast of North America, from northern California to southern Baja California (41.74° N–23.37° N), encompassing the entire range of L. gigantea. Methods The historical and modern distributions of L. gigantea were established using museum data and field observations. Overall and juvenile abundances of local populations were estimated at 25 field sites. The spatial distribution of abundance was evaluated statistically against the predictions of five hypothetical models. The availability of habitat was estimated by measuring the percentage of unavailable sandy beach within cumulative bins of coast across the range of L. gigantea. Results The northern limit of L. gigantea has contracted by c. 2.4° of latitude over recent decades (after 1963), while the southern limit has remained stable. The highest abundances of L. gigantea occur in the centre of its geographic range. Habitat availability is ample in the centre and northern portions of its range, but is generally lacking in the southern range. The northern range is only sparsely populated by adults, with sharp declines occurring north of Monterey Bay (36.80° N). In the southern range, abundance drops precipitously south of Punta Eugenia (27.82° N), coinciding with the region where suitable habitat becomes sparse. Main conclusions Support for the abundant centre hypothesis was found for L. gigantea. Northern populations are characterized as being recruitment‐limited, demographically unstable and prone to local extinctions, while southern populations are suggested to be habitat‐limited. The abundant centre is suggested to result partly from a combination of the indirect effects of human harvesting, generating denser populations of smaller individuals, and larval recruitment from well‐protected offshore rocky islands primarily found in the range centre.  相似文献   

Factors shaping the geographic range of a species can be identified when phylogeographic patterns are combined with data on contemporary and historical geographic distribution, range‐wide abundance, habitat/food availability, and through comparisons with codistributed taxa. Here, we evaluate range dynamism and phylogeography of the rocky intertidal gastropod Mexacanthina lugubris lugubris across its geographic range – the Pacific coast of the Baja peninsula and southern California. We sequenced mitochondrial DNA (CO1) from ten populations and compliment these data with museum records, habitat availability and range‐wide field surveys of the distribution and abundance of M. l. lugubris and its primary prey (the barnacle Chthamalus fissus). The geographic range of M. l. lugubris can be characterized by three different events in its history: an old sundering in the mid‐peninsular region of Baja (~ 417,000 years ago) and more recent northern range expansion and southern range contraction. The mid‐peninsular break is shared with many terrestrial and marine species, although M. l. lugubris represents the first mollusc to show it. This common break is often attributed to a hypothesized ancient seaway bisecting the peninsula, but for M. l. lugubris it may result from large habitat gaps in the southern clade. Northern clade populations, particularly near the historical northern limit (prior to the 1970s), have high local abundances and reside in a region with plentiful food and habitat – which makes its northern range conducive to expansion. The observed southern range contraction may result from the opposite scenario, with little food or habitat nearby. Our study highlights the importance of taking an integrative approach to understanding the processes that shape the geographic range of a species via combining range‐wide phylogeography data with temporal geographic distributions and spatial patterns of habitat/food availability.  相似文献   

Understanding the evolution of growth rate requires knowledge of the physiology of growth. This study explored the physiological basis of countergradient variation (CnGV) in somatic growth across latitudinal populations of the Atlantic silverside, Menidia menidia. Energetics of northern (Nova Scotia, Canada) and southern (South Carolina, USA) genotypes were compared across resource levels, temperatures, and fish sizes to identify trade-offs to rapid growth. Offered unlimited resources, genotypes differed in both energy acquisition and allocation. Food consumption, growth, and efficiency of northern genotypes were consistently higher than in southern genotypes, across temperatures and body sizes. Feeding metabolism (specific dynamic action; SDA) was proportional to meal size, differing between genotypes to the extent that food consumption differed. Given limited resources, northern and southern genotypes displayed similar growth, efficiency, routine activity, and SDA across temperatures and fish sizes. Routine metabolism was equal at 17°C and 22°C, yet was significantly higher in northern fish at 28°C. Growth rates in M. menidia do not appear to trade off across environments or body sizes, i.e., at no temperature, ration, or size do southern fish outgrow northern conspecifics. Nor does submaximal growth result from increased costs of maintenance, tissue synthesis, or routine activity. Based on our findings, we propose that CnGV consumption and growth in M. menidia likely result from trade-offs with other energetic components, namely sustained and burst swimming. Received: 26 January 1999 / Accepted: 14 September 1999  相似文献   

The effect of genotype, the origin of genotype, and germination temperature on Scots pine pollen grain size, hydration rate, germinability, and tube growth was studied in vitro. The mean sizes of dry and germinated pollen grains varied among pollen genotypes in different ways, thus the hydration rate varied among genotypes. Pollen from Scots pine that originates in northern Finland hydrated more than pollen from a population in southern Finland. Germination temperature had no effect on the hydration rate. Germinability and tube growth rate of northern genotypes were higher at 20 °C than at 15 °C. Differences among southern genotypes were not significant. At 15 °C, the germinability and pollen tube growth rate of northern genotypes were lower than southern genotypes. At 20 °C, the differences were not significant. It appears that germination and growth of pollen from northern populations are enhanced at higher temperatures whereas pollen from southern populations is unaffected.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that the effects of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua ovarian fluid on sperm motility variables are population specific. Sperm from a northern G. morhua population were activated in the presence of ovarian fluid from either northern or southern G. morhua at different concentrations. Ovarian fluid acted as a filter, in some cases reducing sperm swimming performance compared with seawater. Fluid from females foreign in population (southern) to the males (northern) had a greater inhibiting effect than those from the native population. Follow‐up analysis indicated that the ovarian fluids had lower Ca2+ concentration in northern than southern G. morhua, which could be the causative mechanism. If widespread, such cryptic female choice could reduce the incidence of intraspecific hybridization among diverged populations and contribute to reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

The Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti), an endangered species in China, has received more protection in theory than in practice. Therefore it is on the very verge of extinction. The population of the species was estimated less than 2,000 individuals spread in 19 distinct groups. It was confirmed that the monkey was confined to the Yunling Mountain System, the area between the Yangtze River (Changjiang, aka Jinshajiang) to the east and the Mekong River (Lancangjiang) to the west. We further concluded that a lowland belt to the east, about 100 km long and 20 – 30 km wide was not suitable habitat for the monkeys, and appeared to serve as the natural ecogeologic barrier for the species. Our results indicated that the southern limit of the distribution was at Longma (26°14′N), and that the northern limit of the distribution was at Xiaochangdu (29°20′N). The distribution area of the species was substantially smaller than previously estimated. There were substantial ecological differences between the southern and northern parts of the species range. The monkey was found only in fir-larch forest.  相似文献   

1. Although there is a great deal of theoretical and empirical data about the life history responses of time constraints in organisms, little is known about the latitude‐compensating mechanism that enables northern populations' developmental rates to compensate for latitude. To investigate the importance of photoperiod on development, offspring of the obligatory univoltine damselfly Lestes sponsa from two populations at different latitudes (53°N and 63°N) were raised in a common laboratory environment at both northern and southern photoperiods that corresponded to the sites of collection. 2. Egg development time was shorter under northern photoperiod regimes for both populations. However, the northern latitude population showed a higher phenotypic plasticity response to photoperiod compared with the southern latitude population, suggesting a genetic difference in egg development time in response to photoperiod. 3. Larvae from both latitudes expressed shorter larval development time and faster growth rates under northern photoperiod regimes. There was no difference in phenotypic plastic response between northern and southern latitude populations with regard to development time. 4. Data on field collected adults showed that adult sizes decreased with an increase in latitude. This adult size difference was a genetically fixed trait, as the same size difference between populations was also found when larvae were reared in the laboratory. 5. The results suggest phenotypic plasticity responses in life history traits to photoperiod, but also genetic differences between north and south latitude populations in response to photoperiod, which indicates the presence of a latitudinal compensating mechanism that is triggered by a photoperiod.  相似文献   

Recent warming has caused a northern extension in the distribution of many southern fish species in Icelandic waters. Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) around Iceland are near the southern limit of their distribution, but are poorly studied in the area. Therefore, material sampled during demersal fish surveys in March 1985–2013 and in pelagic 0-group surveys in Iceland–East Greenland waters in August–September 1974–2003 was used to investigate their distribution, abundance and biology. Demersal polar cod were most often caught on the outer shelf to the north-west and north of Iceland, but during years of widest distribution and highest abundance, they were caught farther to the east on the northern shelf. Pelagic 0-group polar cod were only caught sporadically and mainly confined to the waters off the north-west shelf of Iceland and the East Greenland shelf (southern Denmark Strait). In demersal hauls, the number of stations with polar cod decreased with increasing bottom temperature and polar cod were most widely distributed in the years 1989, 1994 and 1995. Highest numbers of demersal polar cod per haul were caught at temperatures of ?0.5 to 2.5 °C and at 200–450 m depth. The length of demersal polar cod ranged from 5 to 32 cm, while the fish caught in the pelagic trawl ranged from 2.2 to 19 cm. The polar cod in the subarctic waters north of Iceland most likely originate from the waters off East Greenland and further warming and decline in sea ice may eventually lead to the disappearance of polar cod from Icelandic waters.  相似文献   

In the distributional overlap volume of Baltic cod Gadus morhua and its prey, studied in the Bornholm Basin in the southern Baltic Sea, only a fraction of the sprat Sprattus sprattus population vertically overlapped with the Baltic cod population. Sprat occurred in the intermediate water, in the halocline and in the bottom water, while herring Clupea harengus and Baltic cod occurred exclusively in the halocline and in the bottom water. Only parts of the sprat population were hence accessible for Baltic cod, and only a fraction of the sprat had access to the Baltic cod eggs below the halocline. Baltic cod–clupeid overlap volumes appeared to be determined by salinity stratification and oxygenation of the bottom water. Hydrography time series were used to estimate average habitat volumes and overlap from July to September in 1958–1999. In the 1999 survey spawning Baltic cod had greater ratios of empty stomachs and lower average rations than non-spawning Baltic cod. The average ration for Baltic cod caught within 11· 4 m from the bottom (demersal) did not differ from the average ration of Baltic cod caught in shallower waters (pelagic), because spawning and non-spawning Baltic cod in both strata were caught at equal rates. The diet of the Baltic cod caught demersally contained more benthic invertebrates, especially Saduria entomon, but Baltic cod caught pelagically also had fresh benthic food in their stomachs, indicating vertical migration of individual fish.  相似文献   

Climate warming is causing unidirectional changes to annual patterns of sea ice distribution, structure, and freeze‐up. We summarize evidence that documents how loss of sea ice, the primary habitat of polar bears (Ursus maritimus), negatively affects their long‐term survival. To maintain viable subpopulations, polar bears depend on sea ice as a platform from which to hunt seals for long enough each year to accumulate sufficient energy (fat) to survive periods when seals are unavailable. Less time to access to prey, because of progressively earlier breakup in spring, when newly weaned ringed seal (Pusa hispida) young are available, results in longer periods of fasting, lower body condition, decreased access to denning areas, fewer and smaller cubs, lower survival of cubs as well as bears of other age classes and, finally, subpopulation decline toward eventual extirpation. The chronology of climate‐driven changes will vary between subpopulations, with quantifiable negative effects being documented first in the more southerly subpopulations, such as those in Hudson Bay or the southern Beaufort Sea. As the bears' body condition declines, more seek alternate food resources so the frequency of conflicts between bears and humans increases. In the most northerly areas, thick multiyear ice, through which little light penetrates to stimulate biological growth on the underside, will be replaced by annual ice, which facilitates greater productivity and may create habitat more favorable to polar bears over continental shelf areas in the short term. If the climate continues to warm and eliminate sea ice as predicted, polar bears will largely disappear from the southern portions of their range by mid‐century. They may persist in the northern Canadian Arctic Islands and northern Greenland for the foreseeable future, but their long‐term viability, with a much reduced global population size in a remnant of their former range, is uncertain.  相似文献   

To understand the thermal plasticity of a coastal foundation species across its latitudinal distribution, we assess physiological responses to high temperature stress in the kelp Laminaria digitata in combination with population genetic characteristics and relate heat resilience to genetic features and phylogeography. We hypothesize that populations from Arctic and cold‐temperate locations are less heat resilient than populations from warm distributional edges. Using meristems of natural L. digitata populations from six locations ranging between Kongsfjorden, Spitsbergen (79°N), and Quiberon, France (47°N), we performed a common‐garden heat stress experiment applying 15°C to 23°C over eight days. We assessed growth, photosynthetic quantum yield, carbon and nitrogen storage, and xanthophyll pigment contents as response traits. Population connectivity and genetic diversity were analyzed with microsatellite markers. Results from the heat stress experiment suggest that the upper temperature limit of L. digitata is nearly identical across its distribution range, but subtle differences in growth and stress responses were revealed for three populations from the species’ ecological range margins. Two populations at the species’ warm distribution limit showed higher temperature tolerance compared to other populations in growth at 19°C and recovery from 21°C (Quiberon, France), and photosynthetic quantum yield and xanthophyll pigment responses at 23°C (Helgoland, Germany). In L. digitata from the northernmost population (Spitsbergen, Norway), quantum yield indicated the highest heat sensitivity. Microsatellite genotyping revealed all sampled populations to be genetically distinct, with a strong hierarchical structure between southern and northern clades. Genetic diversity was lowest in the isolated population of the North Sea island of Helgoland and highest in Roscoff in the English Channel. All together, these results support the hypothesis of moderate local differentiation across L. digitata's European distribution, whereas effects are likely too weak to ameliorate the species’ capacity to withstand ocean warming and marine heatwaves at the southern range edge.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of photoperiod on the reproductive condition of male and female Nile grass rats (Arvicanthis niloticus) descended from members of an equatorial population trapped 2°S of the equator. Study animals housed in 12:12 light:dark (LD) cycles were transferred either to short photoperiod (9:15) or long photoperiod (15:9) for 9 weeks (males) or 11 weeks (females), and various reproductive parameters were assessed. We observed no differences between short‐ and long‐day males with respect to plasma concentration of testosterone, testicular mass, seminal vesicle mass, or spermatogenesis. Similarly, we observed no differences between short‐ and long‐day females with respect to oestrous cycles, uterine mass, follicle size, or presence of corpora lutea. Reproductive parameters of male and female A. niloticus housed in short‐ and long photoperiods were similar to those typically observed among animals descended from the same equatorial population and housed in LD 12:12. Thus, photoperiod appears not to elicit changes in reproductive condition among A. niloticus from populations whose native habitat lies within 2° of the equator. These data contrast with the results of other studies indicating that photoperiod alters reproductive condition in A. niloticus populations living >10° from the equator.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation has often been implicated in the decline of many species. For habitat specialists and/or sedentary species, loss of habitat can result in population isolation and lead to negative genetic effects. However, factors other than fragmentation can often be important and also need to be considered when assessing the genetic structure of a species. We genotyped individuals from 13 populations of the cooperatively breeding Brown‐headed Nuthatch Sitta pusilla in Florida to test three alternative hypotheses regarding the effects that habitat fragmentation might have on genetic structure. A map of potential habitat developed from recent satellite imagery suggested that Brown‐headed Nuthatch populations in southern Florida occupied smaller and more isolated habitat patches (i.e. were more fragmented) than populations in northern Florida. We also genotyped individuals from a small, isolated Brown‐headed Nuthatch population on Grand Bahama Island. We found that populations associated with more fragmented habitat in southern Florida had lower allelic richness than populations in northern Florida (P = 0.02), although there were no differences in heterozygosity. Although pairwise estimates of FST were low overall, values among southern populations were generally higher than northern populations. Population assignment tests identified K = 3 clusters corresponding to a northern cluster, a southern cluster and a unique population in southeast Florida; using sampling localities as prior information revealed K = 7 clusters, with greater structure only among southern Florida populations. The Bahamas population showed moderate to high differentiation compared with Florida populations. Overall, our results suggest that fragmentation could affect gene flow in Brown‐headed Nuthatch populations and is likely to become more pronounced over time.  相似文献   

Arctic cod, Boreogadus saida (Lepechin, 1774), is a nodal species in Arctic marine foodwebs as an important prey of many birds, marine mammals, and other fishes, as well as an abundant predator of zooplankton and epibenthic fauna. We examined the summer diet of Arctic cod across a latitudinal gradient extending from the southern limit of their distribution in the eastern Bering Sea to the northern margins of the eastern Chukchi Sea (ECS) continental shelf. Specimens were collected from demersal and pelagic trawls conducted between 1999 and 2012, and across a range of predator sizes (3–26 cm). Arctic cod diets vary with body size and between regions within the study area, and appear to vary between years in the eastern Bering Sea, indicating opportunistic feeding habits. Constrained Analysis of Principal Coordinates was conducted on ECS demersal samples and revealed consumption of fish and decapod crustacea were positively correlated with Arctic cod length while consumption of euphausiids and copepods had the opposite relationship. The demersal Arctic cod diet in the northern latitudes of the ECS was dominated by copepod consumption (47% by weight, %W), but copepods were less important (12–26%W) in the central and southern latitudes of the ECS and in the northern and eastern Bering Sea—areas where diets were more varied in their composition. High levels of variation in the diet of Arctic cod highlights the need to monitor Arctic cod diets to identify consistently dominant prey types and potential future changes to trophic relationships related to climate change or increasing anthropogenic activity.  相似文献   

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