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The interactive effects of P starvation and exposure to UV radiation (UVR) on rates of damage ( k ) and repair ( r ), modeled from exposure response curves (ERCs), in the chlorophyte microalga Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were investigated. When nutrient‐replete cells were exposed to the UVR during growth, k and r both increased by approximately 62% and 100%, respectively. However, when cells were starved of phosphorus, k increased by a similar amount as observed in replete cells, but r decreased by about 70%, explaining the increased susceptibility of cells to UVR‐induced inhibition of photosynthesis under P starvation. Although not specifically investigated in this study, it is argued that the decreased repair capacity under P starvation is due to a decline in nucleotides such as ATP and GTP, which are necessary for protein repair.  相似文献   

The chlorophyte Ulva is perceived as a simple and uniform algal form, with little functional differentiation within a thallus. We compared morphology, pigmentation, photosynthesis, growth, reproduction, and UV‐B sensitivity between different thallus regions of Ulva pertusa Kjellman. Thallus thickness and cell size were significantly greater, whereas cell number was less in the basal region than in other regions. Photosynthetic pigment contents were lowest in the basal region and increased toward the marginal region. Photosynthetic capacity and photosynthetic efficiency normalized to fresh weight, area, volume, and cell number showed a progressive increase from the basal to marginal parts; however, on a chl basis those values were equal regardless of thallus part. Values of light saturation point were not statistically different between regions. Growth rates increased from marginal to basal and to middle parts of the thallus, whereas sporulation was highest in marginal (100%) followed by middle (30%) and basal parts (0%). Daily observation over 9 days showed that 56% of the basal cells divided once and did not produce spores, whereas every marginal cell went through its first division and 89% of the primary daughter cells also divided, resulting in 100% sporulation. A 7‐day treatment with PAR and PAR + UV‐A caused a significant decrease in the effective quantum yield of all thallus regions, followed by a recovery toward the initial values, whereas PAR + UV‐A + UV‐B irradiation led to greater photoinhibition and less recovery. Marked differences in the UV‐B sensitivity were observed, with marginal parts being more sensitive and basal parts most resistant.  相似文献   

The green macroalga Ulva pertusa Kjellman produced UV‐B absorbing compounds with a prominent absorption maximum at 294 nm in response only to UV‐B, and the amounts induced were proportional to the UV‐B doses. Under a 12:12‐h light:dark regime, the production of UV‐absorbing compounds occurred only during the exposure periods with little turnover in the dark. There was significant reduction in growth in parallel with the production of UV‐B absorbing compounds. The polychromatic action spectrum for the induction of UV‐B absorbing compounds in U. pertusa exhibits a major peak at 292 nm with a smaller peak at 311.5 nm. No significant induction was detected above 354.5 nm, and radiation below 285 nm caused significant reduction in the levels of UV‐B absorbing compounds. After UV‐B irradiation at 1.0 W·m?2 for 9 h, the optimal photosynthetic quantum yield of the samples with UV‐B absorbing compounds slightly increased relative to the initial value, whereas that of thalli lacking the compounds declined to 30%–34% of the initial followed by subsequent recovery in dim light of up to 84%–85% of the initial value. There was a positive and significant relationship between the amount of UV‐B absorbing compounds with antioxidant activity as determined by the α,α‐diphenyl‐β‐picrylhydrazyl scavenging assay. In addition to mat‐forming characteristics and light‐driven photorepair, the existence and antioxidant capacity of UV‐B absorbing compounds may confer U. pertusa a greater selective advantage over other macroalgae, thereby enabling them to thrive in the presence of intense UV‐B radiation.  相似文献   

The effects of growth temperature on the marine chlorophyte Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were studied to provide a more mechanistic understanding of the role of environmental factors in regulating bio-optical properties of phytoplankton. Specific attention was focused on quantities that are relevant for modeling of growth and photosynthesis. Characteristics including chlorophyll a (chl z)-specific light absorption (a*ph(λ)), C:chl a ratio, and quantum yield for growth (φμ) varied as functions of temperature under conditions of excess light and nutrients. As temperature increased over the range examined (12°-28°C), intracellular concentrations of chl a increased by a factor of 2 and a*ph(λ) values decreased by more than 50% at blue to green wavelengths. The lower values of a*ph(λ) were due to both a decrease in the abundance of accessory pigments relative to chl a and an increase in pigment package effects arising from higher intracellular pigment concentrations. Intracellular pigment concentration increased as a consequence of higher cellular pigment quotas combined with lower cell volume. At high growth temperatures, slightly more light was absorbed on a per-cell-C basis, but the dramatic increases in growth rate from μ= 0.5 d?1 at 12° C to μ= 2.2 d?1 at 28°C were primarily due to an increase in φμ (0.015–0.041 mol C (mol quanta)?1). By comparison with previous work on this species, we conclude the effects of temperature on a*ph(λ) and φμ are comparable to those observed for light and nutrient limitation. Patterns of variability in a*ph(λ)and φμ as a function of growth rate at different temperatures are similar to those previously documented for this species grown at the same irradiance but under a range of nitrogen-limited conditions. These results are discussed in the context of implications for bio-optical modeling of aquatic primary production by phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Chl fluorescence was used to measure the photosynthetic capacity of the green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta in order to investigate interactions between susceptibility to acute UV‐B radiation (UVBR, 280–320 nm) exposure and decreased nitrogen availability. Under UVBR exposure the decline in the fluorescence parameters Fv/Fm (the maximum effective quantum yield ΦPSIIe‐max) and Fv′/Fm′ (the operational quantum yield of PSII, ΦPSIIe) were enhanced with higher UVBR fluxes, with the data well described by the Kok model, inferring that a dynamic balance existed between damage and repair with the repair proportional to the pool size of inactivated targets. When UVBR exposure was coupled with nitrogen limitation, the inhibition of photosynthesis was intensified. Under the more severely N‐limited conditions, the damage rate increased. Unexpectedly, repair rates were also stimulated under N‐limited conditions, although this was insufficient to counteract the increase in damage, so the overall effect of N limitation was an enhancement of UVBR‐induced inhibition of photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet‐screening capacity of macrothalli from marine chlorophytes was analyzed using an in vivo technique based on chl fluorescence. The method, originally introduced to assess epidermal UV transmittance in leaves from higher plants, is extended to macroalgae. Validation of the method was obtained by measuring unprotected samples (i.e., isolated chloroplasts from six algal species). It is shown that in a total of 71 investigated green macroalgae, including cultured and field‐collected material from six systematic orders, only 40% or 60% displayed significant screening of ultraviolet‐A (UVA) or ultraviolet‐B (UVB) radiation, respectively. Generally, the extent of screening was low in most of these species. Data analysis resulted in a clear phylogenetic pattern with minor influence of climatic origin of a given species. For some species, comparison between field‐collected and culture‐grown samples was possible. Only in 11 of 25 species field collected algae had appreciably higher screening than those grown in the absence of UVB radiation. For the first time, very efficient UVA and UVB screening is demonstrated for the order of the Cladophorales. Their UVB‐screening potential varied between 40% and 85% of incoming UVB radiation. However, the nature and localization of the detected UV‐absorbing compounds are still unknown. Long‐term UV‐exposure experiments pointed to a negative correlation of UVB‐screening capacity and UV‐induced inhibition of photosynthetic efficiency. Thus, species with pronounced screening were more UV resistant than species with lower screening.  相似文献   

The effects of long term exposure to suboptimal growth temperature on the photosynthetic apparatus of Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher were investigated using carbon fixation rate versus irradiance curves and the variable fluorescence induction method. Carbon fixation rates per unite chlorophyll a at saturating (pBm) and subsaturating (αB) irradiances were 55% and 39% lower, respectively, at 12° C than at 20° C. Chlorophyll a quotas and the spectrally averaged in vivo absorption cross section normalized to chlorophyll a (a*) were not significantly different at these two temperatures. Analysis of the fluorescence kinetics revealed 1) no significant variations of the amount of PSII photoactive reaction centers per unit chlorophyll a, 2) a 14% decrease of the PSII quantum yield(+) and 3) a 29% decrease of the energy transfer efficiency between the light harvesting chlorophyll a pigment bed and the PSII reaction centers. The decrease in energy transfer efficiency between the antennae and the PSII reaction centers at 12° C was interpreted as a mechanism to avoid photoinhibition.  相似文献   

In the marine unicellular chlorophyte, Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher, the spectrally averaged m vivo absorption cross section, normalized to chlorophyll a (so-called a* values), vary two-fold in response to changes in growth irradiance. We used a kinetic approach to examine the specific factors which account for these changes in optical properties as cells photoadapt. Using Triton X-100 to solubilize membranes, we were able to differentiate between “package” effects and pigmentation effects. Our analyses suggest that 43–49% of the variability in a* is due to changes in pigmentation, whereas 51–57% is due to the “package” effect. Further analyses revealed that changes in cell sue did not significantly affect packaging, while thylakoid stacking and the transparency of thylakoid membranes were important factors. Our results suggest that thylakoid membrane protein/lipid ratios change during photoadaptation, and these changes influence the effective rate of light harvesting per unit chlorophyll a.  相似文献   

The impacts of ultraviolet‐B radiation (UVB) on polar sea‐ice algal communities have not yet been demonstrated. We assess the impacts of UV on these communities using both laboratory experiments on algal isolates and by modification of the in situ spectral distribution of the under‐ice irradiance. In the latter experiment, filters were attached to the upper surface of the ice so that the algae were exposed in situ to treatments of ambient levels of PAR and UV radiation, ambient radiation minus UVB, and ambient radiation minus all UV. After 16 d, significant increases in chl a and cell numbers were recorded for all treatments, but there were no significant differences among the different treatments. Bottom‐ice algae exposed in vitro were considerably less tolerant to UVB than those in situ, but this tolerance improved when algae were retained within a solid block of ice. In addition, algae extracted from brine channels in the upper meter of sea ice and exposed to PAR and UVB in the laboratory were much more tolerant of high UVB doses than were any bottom‐ice isolates. This finding indicates that brine algae may be better adapted to high PAR and UVB than are bottom‐ice algae. The data indicate that the impact of increased levels of UVB resulting from springtime ozone depletion on Antarctic bottom‐ice communities is likely to be minimal. These algae are likely protected by strong UVB attenuation by the overlying ice and snow, by other inorganic and organic substances in the ice matrix, and by algal cells closer to the surface.  相似文献   

Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher was grown at two intensities (33, 150μEin · m?2· s?1) of blue light and white light at 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 M NaCl. Growth rates were used as an indication of the relative osmoregulatory ability of cells in the various treatments. There was no significant effect on growth rate due to various NaCl molarities. No significant difference in growth rate was found between blue- and white-light cultures at the high intensity, the average growth constant being 2.07 divisions/day. However, at the low intensity illumination, blue light produced a significant increase in growth rate; 1.42 vs. 0.93 divisions/day for blue light and white light grown cells respectively. The average glycerol content of exponentially dividing cells grown at 0.25, 0.50 and 1.00 M NaCl was 0.12, 0.41 and 1.12 mg/108 cells, respectively, as measured by gas chromatography. The intracellular glycerol content was significantly reduced by blue light at both light intensities and at each NaCl molarity. However, high light intensity reduced cellular glycerol content more than the reduction effected by blue light. Glycerol accumulated in the medium throughout culture growth. Intracellular glycerol content also increased with cellular aging reaching 2.72 mg/108 cells in stationary phase, low intensity 1.00 M NaCl cultures. A negative correlation between glycerol content and growth rate was found. Total inhibition of glycerol production could not be obtained by treatment with blue light. However, this negative correlation possibly indicates that D. tertiolecta expends energy producing an excess amount of glycerol over that required for osmoregulation, leading to a reduction in the growth rate for the organism.  相似文献   

A partial complementary DNA (cDNA) (DSA8) for a P-type ATPase was obtained from the halotolerant alga Dunaliella salina (Dunal) Teod. (Chlorophyceae). The cDNA exhibited greater than 90% homology to the cDNA for a H+-ATPase in D. bioculata Butcher. The expression of the gene that corresponded to DSA8 was decreased strongly by increases in NaCl concentration. The expression of a gene that corresponded to another ATPase (DSA1; possibly for a Ca2+-ATPase) from D. salina did not show the same decrease as did the DSA8. However, increased osmotic pressure due to glycerol resulted in the same decrease in the DSA8 gene. Under salt or osmotic stress, the activity of a H+-ATPase from microsomes of this alga also decreased. We suggest that expression of the gene for the plasma membrane H+-ATPase of D. salina is regulated by osmotic pressure rather than by the concentration of NaCl.  相似文献   

Acclimation to ambient ultraviolet radiation (UVR) was examined in a subtropical marine diatom, Chaetoceros gracilis Schutt. Short-term exposure to UVR (<24 h) reduced the efficiency of photosynthetic energy conversion, carbon fixation, activity of 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-loxygenase (RUBISCO), and the rapid turnover of the putative Dl reaction center (32 kda) protein, whereas longer-term exposure to ambient UVR (24–48 h) revealed a steady-state acclimation, defined as recovery of carbon fixation and RUBISCO activity to rates equivalent to treatments without exposure to UVR. The turnover of D1 and chlorophyll a (Chl a) remained high during exposure to UVR. Efficiency of energy conversion by photosystem II, measured with double flash (pump and probe) fluorometry, increased by 24% in cells acclimated to UVR. Acclimation to UVR had no detectable effect on the functional absorption cross-section or cellular concentrations of Chl a, Chl c, or total carotenoids. However, the maximum rate of carbon fixation was reduced by UVR on a Chl a basis but remained unaffected on a per-cell basis. Response to UVR exposure in this subtropical diatom has two components: a short-term inhibitory response and a longer-term acclimation process that ameliorates the inhibition of carbon fixation.  相似文献   

The chl‐specific short‐term 14C‐based production (Pb) measurement is a widely used tool to understand phytoplankton responses to environmental stresses. However, among the metabolic consequences of these stresses is variability in lifetimes of newly fixed carbon that cause Pb to range between chl‐specific net primary production (NPP*) and chl‐specific gross photosynthetic electron flow that is available for carbon reduction () depending on growth rate. To investigate the basis for this discrepancy, photosynthate utilization was characterized in Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher grown at three different growth rates in N‐limited chemostats. Pb was measured throughout a 2 min to 24 h time course and showed clear growth‐rate‐dependent differences in lifetimes of newly fixed carbon. 14C pulse‐chase experiments revealed differences in patterns of carbon utilization between growth rates. At high growth rate, the majority of 14C was initially fixed into polysaccharide and lipid, but the relative contribution of each labeled biochemical pool to the total label changed over 24 h. In fast‐growing cells, labeled polysaccharides decreased 50%, while labeled lipids increased over the first 4 h. At low growth rate, 14C was initially incorporated primarily into protein, but the contribution of labeled protein to the total label increased over the next 24 h. Together, time‐resolved measurements of Pb and cellular NAD and NADP content suggest an enhanced role for alternative dissipation pathways at very low growth rate. Findings of this study contribute to an integrated understanding of growth‐rate‐dependent shifts in metabolic processes from photosynthesis to net growth.  相似文献   

The electron transport rate (ETR) versus gross photosynthesis (GPS) relationship varies as a function of species, temperature, irradiance, and inorganic carbon levels, but less is known about the effect of nitrogen supply on this relationship. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of nitrate concentration on the ETR versus GPS relationship in Ulva rigida C. Agardh from the Mediterranean Sea. Chlorophyll content and tissue absorptance increased 2‐fold as nitrate in the media increased from 0 to 50 μM. Whereas internal N content increases 3‐fold at 50 μM, internal C increased slightly. Oxygen evolution and ETR, evaluated as in vivo chl fluorescence using pulse amplitude modulated fluorometry, in general saturated at irradiances above 100 μmol photons·m?2·s?1. Both maximum ETR and GPS values increased as nitrate concentration increased. In general, the ETR versus GPS relationship showed a linear response to increasing nitrate with little variance of the data. This relationship, however, became more variable at high irradiances and high nitrate concentrations. The ETR/GPS ratio was close to the theoretical value of 4 at low nitrate concentrations, and the ratio decreased exponentially when nitrate concentration in the media increased. The variations of ETR/GPS under different inorganic nitrogen supply are discussed in terms of the effect of nitrate on the photosynthesis and respiration relationship.  相似文献   

The bloom‐forming cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa Kütz 854 was cultured with 1.05 W·m?2 UV‐B for 3 h every day, and its growth, pigments, and photosynthesis were investigated. The specific growth rates represented by chl a concentration and OD750 were inhibited 8% and 9% by UV‐B exposure, respectively. Six days of UV‐B treatment significantly reduced cellular contents of phycocyanin and allophycocyanin by 32% and 62%, respectively, and markedly increased the carotenoid content by 27%, but had little effect on the chl a content. The initial values of optimal photosynthetic efficiency for UV‐B treated samples were, respectively, 52%, 87%, and 93% of controls on days 4, 7, and 10 of growth. The light‐saturated photosynthetic rates at day 6 were significantly lower than controls grown without UV‐B. The probability of electron transfer beyond QA decreased during UV‐B exposure, and this indicated that the acceptor side of PSII was one of main damage sites. The adaptation of M. aeruginosa 854 to UV‐B radiation could be observed from light‐saturated photosynthetic rates on day 13 and diurnal changes of chl fluorescence during the late growth phase. When both exposed to higher UV‐B, samples cultured under 1.05 W·m?2 UV‐B for 9 days recovered faster than controls. It is suggested that M. aeruginosa 854 had at least three adaptive strategies to cope with the enhanced UV‐B: increasing the synthesis of carotenoids to counteract reactive oxidants caused by UV‐B exposure, degrading phycocyanin and allophycocyanin to avoid further damage to DNA and reaction centers, and enhancing the repair of UV‐B induced damage to the photosynthetic apparatus.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet radiation effects were examined in natural phytoplankton communities from Rimouski (Canada), Ubatuba (Brazil), and Ushuaia (Argentina). Outdoor pump‐mixed mesocosms were submitted to ambient solar radiation (NUVB) and ambient with additional UV‐B radiation (UVBR) from lamps (HUVB), corresponding to a local 60% ozone depletion scenario. At all sites, neither algal biomass nor dark‐adapted Fv/Fm were significantly affected by additional UVBR, suggesting the presence of active UV protection or repair mechanisms. To examine the role of D1 protein turnover, essential for PSII repair, short‐term surface incubations were performed in the presence or absence of lincomycin, a chloroplast protein synthesis inhibitor. Effects on PSII were determined using chl a in vivo fluorescence, whereas the D1 protein was detected immunochemically. In the absence of D1 repair, D1 pools and Fv/Fm decreased to a similar extent under both light treatments. In the presence of D1 repair, D1 pools suffered faster net degradation under HUVB compared with NUVB, whereas Fv/Fm was maintained for both light treatments, suggesting that HUVB exposure in field populations had more effect on D1 synthesis and PSII repair than on D1 degradation. The fewer undamaged reaction centers remaining in phytoplankton under HUVB were able to maintain Fv/Fm or actually recovered during the dark acclimation before Fv/Fm measurements. The D1 pools suffered faster net degradation at the tropical site where high irradiance drove faster D1 degradation and high water temperature enabled fast enzymatic activities. This study shows the crucial role of dynamic changes in D1 turnover in the photobiology of natural planktonic communities across a range of latitudes.  相似文献   

The mechanism of photosynthetic carbon dioxide fixation in the green flagellate Dunaliella tertiolecta Butcher varies during growth in batch culture. Evidence for this change comes from three sources: i) algae from the stationary phase incorporated a greater proportion of the fixed carbon into amino arids and protein than did cells from the mid-exponential phase; ii) the activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase relative to that of ribulose-1, 5-di-phosphate carboxylase increased with age in batch culture; and, iii) cells from the stationary phase appeared to utilize the bicarbonate ion as the substrate for photosynthesis, whereas those from mid-exponential phase appeared to utilize fire carbon dioxide. These data suggest that a change of photosynthetic mechanism can occur within a single species of alga, depending on its physiological state.  相似文献   

增强UV-B辐射对小麦叶中CAT、POX和SOD活性的影响   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
研究了0(CK),8.82kJ/m^2(T1)及12.6kJ/m^2(T2)三种剂量的紫外线B(UV-B,280~320nm)辐射对温室种植的小麦膜伤害的机理,试验结果表明,在增强UV-B辐射下,与对照相比,膜脂过氧化物产-丙二醛(MDA)含量明显升高,同时膜脂脂肪酸组成配比改变,不饱和度指数(IUFA)有所下降,并具剂量效应,过氧化氢酶(CAT),过氧化物酶(POX)活性显著升高,而超氧歧化酶(  相似文献   

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