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Decreased net population growth rates and cellular abundances have been observed in dinoflagellate species exposed to small‐scale turbulence. Here, we investigated whether these effects were caused by alterations in the cell cycle and/or by cell mortality and, in turn, whether these two mechanisms depended on the duration of exposure to turbulence. The study was conducted on the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Halim, with the same experimental design and setup used in previous studies to allow direct comparison among results. A combination of microscopy and Coulter Counter measurements allowed us to detect cell mortality, based on the biovolume of broken cells and thecae. The turbulence applied during the exponential growth phase caused an immediate transitory arrest in the G2/M phase, but significant mortality did not occur. This finding suggests that high intensities of small‐scale turbulence can alter the cell division, likely affecting the correct chromosome segregation during the dinomitosis. When shaking persisted for >4 d, mortality signals and presence of anomalously swollen cells appeared, hinting at the activation of mechanisms that induce programmed cell death. Our study suggests that the sensitivity of dinoflagellates to turbulence may drive these organisms to find the most favorable (calm) conditions to complete their division cycle.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the effects of agitation on growth, cell division, and nucleic acid dynamics of the dinoflagellate Gymnodinium nelsonii Martin. When cultures were placed on an orbital shaker at 100 rpm, cell division was prevented, cellular volume increased up to 1.5 times that of the nonperturbed cells, the form and location of the cell nucleus were modified, and the RNA and DNA concentrations per cell increased up to 10 times those of the controls. When shaking was stopped after 10 days, cells divided immediately at about 2/3 of the division rate of the unshaken populations, and all the altered parameters were restored. If the agitation continued for more than 20 days, total cell death and disintegration occurred. Several cellular types differing in size and shape were observed in the control and shaken cultures. One possible hypothesis for these results is that failure of the cell to divide results from physical disturbance of the microtubule assemblage associated with chromosome separation during mitosis. My study suggests that small-scale oceanic turbulence of sufficient intensity may inhibit growth of individual dinoflagellate cells, but immediate development of the population may continue when calm weather follows the active mixing period.  相似文献   

The maximal growth rate (μmax) of 19 marine and estuarine diatoms decreased with increasing cell volume (V). The relationship between log μmax (Y) and log V (X) was calculated. Statistical analyses showed that the slope of the equation was not significantly different from those obtained by other researchers and that the 95% confidence intervals of mean μmax at cell volumes of 103–105μm3 were not significantly different from those cited in most studies. A new regression line for diatoms was calculated as follows: log μmax= 0.47–0.14 log V; r =–0.69. The rate of size reduction per generation of the 19 diatom species ranged from 0.03 to 0.87 μm per generation. The rate increased with increasing cell length and cell volume and with decreasing maximum division rate. Statistical analyses showed that the rate was closely related to the cell volume and to the reciprocal of the growth rate. The relationships between maximal growth rate and cell volume and between rate of size reduction and cell volume showed that a diatom with a large volume had a smaller maximal growth rate and a larger rate of size reduction than a diatom with a small volume. The estimates using the equation for the regression line between the rate of size reduction and the reciprocal of maximum division rate indicated that a diatom with a high maximum division rate would need more generation equivalents for a certain size reduction than a diatom with a low maximum division rate, but the periods required for reduction would be approximately equal irrespective of maximum division rate.  相似文献   

Turbulence has been shown to alter different aspects of the physiology of some dinoflagellates. The response appears to be species‐specific and dependent on the experimental design and setup used to generate small‐scale turbulence. We examined the variability of the response of three dinoflagellate species to the turbulence, following the same experimental design used by Berdalet (1992) on Akashiwo sanguinea (Hirasaka) Ge. Hansen et Moestrup (=Gymnodinium nelsonii G. W. Martin). In all experiments, turbulence was generated by an orbital shaker at 100 rpm, which corresponded on bulk average, to dissipation rates (ε, quantified using an acoustic Doppler velocimeter) of ≈2 cm2 · s?3. Turbulence did not appreciably affect Gymnodinium sp., a small dinoflagellate. However, Alexandrium minutum Halim and Prorocentrum triestinum J. Schiller exhibited a reduced net growth rate (33% and 28%, respectively) when shaken during the exponential growth phase. Compared to the still cultures, the shaken treatments of A. minutum and P. triestinum increased the mean cell volume (up to 1.4‐ and 2.5‐fold, respectively) and the mean DNA content (up to 1.8‐ and 5.3‐fold, respectively). Cultures affected by turbulence recovered their normal cell properties when returned to still conditions. The swimming speed of the cells exposed to agitation was half that of the unshaken ones. Overall, the response of A. minutum and P. triestinum was similar, but with lower intensity, to that observed previously on A. sanguinea. We found no clear trends related to taxonomy or morphology.  相似文献   

Trichodesmium N2 fixation has been studied for decades in situ and, recently, in controlled laboratory conditions; yet N2‐fixation rate estimates still vary widely. This variance has made it difficult to accurately estimate the input of new nitrogen (N) by Trichodesmium to the oligotrophic gyres of the world ocean. Field and culture studies demonstrate that trace metal limitation, phosphate availability, the preferential uptake of combined N, light intensity, and temperature may all affect N2 fixation, but the interactions between growth rate and N2 fixation have not been well characterized in this marine diazotroph. To determine the effects of growth rate on N2 fixation, we established phosphorus (P)–limited continuous cultures of Trichodesmium, which we maintained at nine steady‐state growth rates ranging from 0.27 to 0.67 d?1. As growth rate increased, biomass (measured as particulate N) decreased, and N2‐fixation rate increased linearly. The carbon to nitrogen ratio (C:N) varied from 5.5 to 6.2, with a mean of 5.8 ± 0.2 (mean ± SD, N = 9), and decreased significantly with growth rate. The N:P ratio varied from 23.4 to 45.9, with a mean of 30.5 ± 6.6 (mean ± SD, N = 9), and remained relatively constant over the range of growth rates studied. Relative constancy of C:N:P ratios suggests a tight coupling between the uptake of these three macronutrients and steady‐state growth across the range of growth rates. Our work demonstrates that growth rate must be considered when planning studies of the effects of environmental factors on N2 fixation and when modeling the impact of Trichodesmium as a source of new N to oligotrophic regions of the ocean.  相似文献   

Preadapted cultures were grown in a 12:12 LD cycle at a series of light intensities under cool-white, fluorescent lamps. Pyrocystis fusiformis Murray maintained high division rates at low light intensities at the expense of cell size. In contrast, Dissodinium lunula (Schuett) Taylor had relatively lower division rates at low light intensities with little concomitant decrease in size. The response of P. noctiluca Murray was intermediate between these two species. For all three, cell numbers did not increase above an intensity of 5–10 μEin·m?2·sec?1 and division rate was saturated at ca. 30, 60, and 60μEin·m?2·sec?1 for P. fusiformis, P. noctiluca, and D. lunula, respectively. The capacity for stimulable bioluminescence was saturated at light intensities of 0.15 μEin·m?2·day in short-term (2-day) experiments. In cultures of P. fusiformis and P. noctiluca, maintained for at least one month at lower intensities than needed to saturate division rate, a decrease in the capacity for stimulable bioluminescence was accompanied by a reduction in cell size. Our results suggest that cell size and bioluminescent capacity may prove to be a potentially useful indication of the history of exposure of natural populations of Pyrocystis spp. to ambient intensities.  相似文献   

The dependence of growth, electron transport system activity and chemical composition on the size of diatoms was examined during the exponential phase of growth. The six different marine centric species compared ranged in volume from 7.7 μm3 to 62 × 105μm3. A size dependence was observed for growth, 14C uptake, respiration and the productivity index (14C/chl a). Although the size dependence of all parameters was similar, the results indicate that on a carbon basis, growth efficiency decreases with increasing size. The C/N and C/chl a ratios were not size dependent. The importance of the surface area to cell volume ratio, and the importance of carbon per unit volume in determining the observed size dependence are discussed.  相似文献   

Cell division rates and chlorophyll a and protein contents for ten diatom and dinoflagellate species were measured. Species were chosen to include a wide range of cell size in terms of both cell volume and cell protein: from 0.004 ng protein/cell for a small Chaetoceros sp. to 2.2 ng protein/cell for Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg. Experiments were conducted in batch or semi-continuous cultures at 21 C under continuous illumination from 8–256 μEin .m-2'.s-1. Light saturation of cell division occurred at 32–80 μEin m-1 s-1 for all species, with no observable difference between the two phylogenetic groups. When the light-saturated cell division rates were plotted against cell size as protein/cell, the diatoms and dinoflagellates fell on two separate lines with the diatoms having higher rates. Chl a /protein ratios (μg/μg) decreased with increasing irradiance. The diatoms had higher chl a per unit protein. The relationship between cell division rate and the chl a/protein ratio is discussed.  相似文献   

Salinity varies widely in coastal areas that often have a high abundance of Pseudo‐nitzschia H. Peragallo. Pseudo‐nitzschia is abundant in Louisiana waters, and high cellular domoic acid has been observed in natural samples but no human illness has been reported. To assess the threat of amnesic shellfish poisoning (ASP), we examined the effect of salinity on Pseudo‐nitzschia occurrence in the field and growth in the laboratory with special emphasis on the salinity range where oysters are harvested (10–20 psu). In Louisiana coastal waters, Pseudo‐nitzschia spp. occurred over a salinity range of 1 to >35 psu, but they occurred more frequently at higher rather than lower salinities. Seven species were identified, including toxigenic species occurring at low salinities. In culture studies, seven clones of three species grew over a salinity range of 15 to 40 psu, some grew at salinities down to 6.25 psu, and most grew at salinities up to 45 psu. Tolerance of low salinities decreased from Pseudo‐nitzschia delicatissima (Cleve) Heiden to P. multiseries (Hasle) Hasle to P. pseudodelicatissima (Hasle) Hasle emend. Lundholm, Hasle et Moestrup. In conclusion, although Pseudo‐nitzschia was more prevalent in the field and grew better in the laboratory at higher salinities, it grew and has been observed at low salinities. Therefore, the probability of ASP from consumption of oysters harvested from the low salinity estuaries of the northern Gulf of Mexico is low but not zero; animal mortality events from toxin vectors other than oysters at higher salinity on the shelf are more likely.  相似文献   


Observation of natural blooms of Microcystis, suggested that increased turbulence plays a role in retarding bloom formation of Microcystis. In laboratory experiments the influence of turbulence mediated by a magnetic stirrer on the growth and viability of Microcystis in batch cultures was determined. The different turbulences (0, 25, 75, 126, 209 and 314 cm sec?1 linear velocity) had no effect on the growth rate. There was a highly significant correlation between the linear velocity and percentage viability as determined by a plating and serial dilution method. The viability ranged from 0,8% for stationary cultures to 99,2% for vigorously stirred (314 cm sec?1 linear velocity) cultures.  相似文献   

Several experiments were conducted to understand better the physiological mechanisms underlying growth inhibition of the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax polyedra Stein due to small-scale turbulence shear. To measure photosynthetic 14C uptake, a “phytoplankton wheel” device for rotating cultures in closed bottles was used. Turbulence was quantified biologically in the bottles by comparing growth inhibition with that in cultures with constant shear between a fixed cylinder and an outer concentric rotating cylinder (a stable Couette flow). At saturating irradiances, particulate photosynthesis (Psat) or photosynthesis per unit chlorophyll (PBsat) were not inhibited completely at the highest turbulence level (26.6 rad.s?1), and photosynthesis was less sensitive than growth. Photosynthesis per cell (PCsat) was increased by turbulence. In three experiments on the effects of turbulence on photosynthesis versus irradiance curves, the slope of the curve, α, for particulate photosynthesis at limiting irradiances did not change. Photosynthesis per unit chlorophyll per unit irradiance (αB) decreased at high (but not intermediate) turbulence levels. Photosynthesis per cell per unit irradiance, αC, increased with turbulence, suggesting an increase in photosynthetic efficiency in turbulent cultures. In two of the three experiments, respiration rates increased with turbulence, and in one experiment excretion of photosynthetically fixed 14C was not affected by motion. Ratios of accessory pigments to chlorophyll a did not change with turbulence, but pigments per cell and per dry weight increased with turbulence. These findings suggest little or no disruption of the photosynthetic apparatus. When turbulence was applied for 1 week, β-carotene increased while peridinin and diadinoxanthin decreased, suggesting inhibition of synthesis of these latter pigments by prolonged turbulence. Since cell numbers did not increase or decreased during turbulent 72–h incubations, cell division was inhibited and also the cells were very much enlarged. Increases in αC per cell suggest that, in the sea, photo synthetic metabolism can persist efficiently without cell division during turbulent episodes. After turbulence ceases or reaches low levels again, cells can then divide and blooms may form. Thus, blooms can come or go fairly rapidly in the ocean depending on the degree of wave- and wind-induced turbulence.  相似文献   

The effects of light on growth, RuBPCase activity, and chemical composition of Ulva curvata (Kütz.) De Toni and U.Lactuca L. were examined at a range of temperatures and N-supply levels. Groeth of Ulva speices becomes more light-dependent with increasing temperature and N. The effect of light on RuBPcase is N-dependent, with a positive correlation under N-sufficient and a negative correlation under N-limited conditions. Light effects on pigment levels and ratios may be independent of effects on growth rate. These interactions uncouple growth rate from RuBPCase and pigments, and thus from tissue%N. The limits of variability of the growth-%N relationship can be described by a parabola. Under relative light or temperature-limitation, %N is negatively, growth increase with increasing %N. Tight coupling of seaweed wrowth and chemical composition may therefor be relatively rare in natural waters where growth can be simultaneously limited by light, temperature, and N.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic rates, growth rates, cell carbon, cell protein, and chlorophyll a content of two diatom and two dinoflagellate species were measured. The microalgae were chosen to have one small and one large species from each phylogenetic group; the two size categories differed from each other by 1.5 orders of magnitude in terms of cell carbon or cell protein. The cultures for the experiments were grown under continuous light at an irradiance high enough for the light-saturation of growth for all four species. The four species were found to have similar maximum photosynthetic rates per unit chlorophyll a. The diatom species showed lower carbon/chlorophyll a ratios and higher photosynthetic rates per unit carbon than the dinoflagellates. The higher growth rates of the diatoms were shown to be related to their higher photosynthetic rates per unit carbon. The ecological significance of the physiological difference between these two groups of microalgae is discussed.  相似文献   

The blue-green alga Synechococcus linearis (Naeg.) Kom. was grown in P- and N-limited chemostats over a range of potentially limiting irradiances in order to determine the combined effects of light and nutrient limitation on some aspects of the composition and metabolism of this alga. Over a narrow range of low irradiances, simultaneous limitation of growth rate by light and either N or P was shown. This simultaneous limitation of growth rate by a nutrient and a physical factor can be explained by the ability of an increased supply of one to compensate in part for a decreased supply of the other. At all irradiances, the internal concentration of the limiting nutrient increased with increasing dilution rate, and the results could be fitted to the Droop relationship. With decreasing irradiance, the internal concentration of the limiting nutrient increased. There appeared to be little or no effect of light on the minimum internal concentration of P but that of N increased with decreasing light. Both chlorophyll a and biliprotein per unit particulate C increased with increasing dilution rate and decreasing irradiance. The critical N/P ratio increased with decreasing light as the N requirement of N-limited cells increased faster than did the P requirement of P-limited cells. The composition of exponentially growing cells in complete medium varied much less with light. Neither dilution rate nor irradiance during growth had a great effect on saturated rates of P or N uptake or alkaline phosphatase activity. Calculated assimilation ratios increased with light and dilution rate. The role of the flexibility of nutrient composition in adaptation to adverse conditions and the implications of the results for the use of physiological indicators of nutrient status are discussed.  相似文献   

温度、盐度和pH对小球藻生长率的联合效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用中心复合设计(CCD)研究了温度(1634℃)、盐度(1545)和pH(6.09.0)对小球藻(Chlorella sp. CHX-1)生长的联合效应。结果表明,温度、盐度与pH的一次、二次效应都对小球藻比生长速率有极显著影响(P0.01);温度与盐度间、温度与pH间的互作效应对小球藻比生长速率影响显著(P0.05),而盐度与pH间的互作效应影响不显著(P0.05);三因子影响度大小依次为:温度pH盐度。采用响应曲面法建立了温度、盐度和pH对小球藻比生长速率影响的模型方程,该模型的决定系数0.9759,矫正决定系数0.9542,说明模型的拟合度极高;模型的预测决定系数0.8367,表明可用于预测小球藻比生长速率的变化。通过模型优化和验证试验,得出在温度、盐度和pH组合为26.7℃/25.5/7.3时,小球藻比生长速率达到最大值0.69,满意度为0.999。本试验结果可为小球藻生产提供理论指导。    相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster populations subjected to extreme larval crowding (CU lines) in our laboratory have evolved higher larval feeding rates than their corresponding controls (UU lines). It has been suggested that this genetically based behavior may involve an energetic cost, which precludes natural selection in a density-regulated population to simultaneously maximize food acquisition and food conversion into biomass. If true, this stands against some basic predictions of the general theory of density-dependent natural selection. Here we investigate the evolutionary consequences of density-dependent natural selection on growth rate and body size in D. melanogaster. The CU populations showed a higher growth rate during the postcritical period of larval life than UU populations, but the sustained differences in weight did not translate into the adult stage. The simplest explanation for these findings (that natural selection in a crowded larval environment favors a faster food acquisition for the individual to attain the same final body size in a shorter period of time) was tested and rejected by looking at the larva-to-adult development times. Larvae of CU populations starved for different periods of time develop into comparatively smaller adults, suggesting that food seeking behavior in a food depleted environment carries a higher cost to these larvae than to their UU counterparts. The results have important implications for understanding the evolution of body size in natural populations of Drosophila, and stand against some widespread beliefs that body size may represent a compromise between the conflicting effects of genetic variation in larval and adult performance.  相似文献   

Two species of marine diatoms [Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve and Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt) Hasle and Heimdal] were grown in glass and polyarbonate containers. S. costatum exhibited a signzJicantly lower exponential growth rate and maximal yield and a signajcantly longer lag phase when grown in polycarbonate. Exponential growth rate and maximal yield of T. pseudonana was significantly reduced (P < 0.05 in all cases). This study suggests that a difference in diatom growth between glass and polyarbonate containers might arise in certain cases. However, such a difference may not be detectable with all biomass measurement techniques or with low within-treatment replication.  相似文献   

Phaeodactylum tricornutum Bohlin (Bacillariophyceae) was maintained in exponential growth under Fe‐replete and stressed conditions over a range of temperatures from 5 to 30° C. The maximum growth rate (GR) was observed at 20° C (optimal temperature) for Fe‐replete and ‐stressed cells. There was a gradual decrease in the GR decreasing temperatures below the optimum temperature; however, the growth rate dropped sharply as temperature increased above the optimum temperature. Fe‐stressed cells grew at half the growth rate of Fe‐replete cells at 20° C, whereas this difference became larger at lower temperatures. The change in metabolic activities showed a similar pattern to the change in growth rate temperature aside from their optimum temperature. Nitrate reductase activity (NRA) and respiratory electron transport system activity (ETS) per cell were maximal between 15 and 20° C, whereas cell‐specific photosynthetic rate (Pcell) was maximal at 20° C for Fe‐replete cells. These metabolic activities were influenced by Fe deficiency, which is consistent with the theoretical prediction that these activities should have an Fe dependency. The degree of influence of Fe deficiency, however, was different for the four metabolic activities studied: NRA > Pcell > ETS = GR. NRA in Fe‐stressed cells was only 10% of that in Fe‐replete cells at the same temperature. These results suggest that cells would have different Fe requirements for each metabolic pathway or that the priority of Fe supply to each metabolic reaction is related to Fe nutrition. In contrast, the order of influence of decreasing the temperature from the optimum temperature was ETS > Pcell > NRA > GR. For NRA, the observed temperature dependency could not be accounted for by the temperature dependency of the enzyme reaction rate itself that was almost constant with temperature, suggesting that production of the enzyme would be temperature dependent. For ETS, both the enzyme reactivity and the amount of enzyme accounted for the dependency. This is the first report to demonstrate the combined effects of Fe and temperature on three important metabolic activities (NRA, Pcell, and ETS) and to determine which activity is affected the most by a shortage of Fe. Cellular composition was also influenced by Fe deficiency, showing lower chl a content in the Fe‐stressed cells. Chl a per cell volume decreased by 30% as temperature decreased from 20 to 10° C under Fe‐replete conditions, but chl a decreased by 50% from Fe‐replete to Fe‐stressed conditions.  相似文献   

Ten species of marine phytoplankton were grown under a range of photosynthetic photon flux densities (PFDs) and examined for variation in cell volume and carbon quota. Results suggest that in response to low PFDs phytoplankton generally reduce their cell volume and frequently reduce their carbon quota. A significant linear relationship between the log of PFD (I) and cell volume (in nine of ten species) and log I and carbon quota (four of ten species) was demonstrated. When exposed, to a transient in light intensity, Thalassiosira pseudonana (Hustedt, clone 3H) Hasle and Heimdal underwent a rapid adaptation in cell volume and carbon quota. Cells going from low light to high light reached maximum mean cell volume within 5 h, and cells going from high light to low light reached a minimum mean cell volume within 12 h. The resulting kinetic constant (k; a measure of the rate of adaptation) was considerably larger than previously reported k values. Ditylum brightwellii (West) Grunow increased in length but did not increase in width during a transient to increased irradiance. Nutrient limitation was shown to override PFD in determining cell volume and carbon quota for Heterosigma akashiwo Hada. Cells grown at equivalent irradiances but N-limited, were smaller than light-limited and nutrient-saturated cells. Therefore, cell volume and carbon quota do not have the same relationship with PFD when factors other than PFD control growth rate. The ecological implications of reduced cell volumes and carbon quotas with decreasing PFD include possible impacts on CO2 budgets, an influence on sinking rates, potential changes in predation rates, and surface area/cell volume benefits.  相似文献   

DNA: ATP and carbon: DNA (C:DNA) ratios were measured in a total of 14 species of marine microalgae and bacteria. Comparison of several DNA assay methods with results obtained with cultures uniformly labeled with 33P indicated that by far the most accurate results were obtained using diaminobenzoic acid (DABA) or diphen-ylamine, with DABA having the highest precision. Both the Hoechst and DAPI methods seriously underestimated DNA concentrations in algal cultures. Average DNA: ATP ratios in the algal and bacterial cultures were I7 and 34 by weight, respectively, with almost all values lying in the range of 10–40. DNA: ATP ratios in the microalgae showed no correlation with growth conditions but varied by about a factor of 3 among species. C:DNA ratios for individual species of microalgae and bacteria ranged from 21 to 155 by weight and averaged 50 for the microalgae and bacteria taken together. Growth rates of microalgal species grown in cyclostats were estimated to within 8% of dilution rates when calculated from the uptake of 3H-adenine and the DNA: ATP ratio of the species. Use of the 3H-adenine method for estimating microalgal growth rates in the field may thus be a useful tool for investigating the physiology of microalgae in nature.  相似文献   

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