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Coral reefs are some of the most diverse and productive ecosystems on the planet, but are threatened by global and local stressors, mandating the need for incorporating ex situ conservation practices. One approach that is highly protective is the development of genome resource banks that preserve the species and its genetic diversity. A critical component of the reef are the endosymbiotic algae, Symbiodinium sp., living within most coral that transfer energy-rich sugars to their hosts. Although Symbiodinium are maintained alive in culture collections around the world, the cryopreservation of these algae to prevent loss and genetic drift is not well-defined. This study examined the quantum yield physiology and freezing protocols that resulted in survival of Symbiodinium at 24 h post-thawing. Only the ultra-rapid procedure called vitrification resulted in success whereas conventional slow freezing protocols did not. We determined that success also depended on using a thin film of agar with embedded Symbiodinium on Cryotops, a process that yielded a post-thaw viability of >50% in extracted and vitrified Symbiodinium from Fungia scutaria, Pocillopora damicornis and Porites compressa. Additionally, there also was a seasonal influence on vitrification success as the best post-thaw survival of F. scutaria occurred in winter and spring compared to summer and fall (P < 0.05). These findings lay the foundation for developing a viable genome resource bank for the world’s Symbiodinium that, in turn, will not only protect this critical element of coral functionality but serve as a resource for understanding the complexities of symbiosis, support selective breeding experiments to develop more thermally resilient strains of coral, and provide a ‘gold-standard’ genomics collection, allowing for full genomic sequencing of unique Symbiodinium strains.  相似文献   

The endoparasitic dinoflagellate Amoebophrya infects a number of free‐living marine dinoflagellates, including harmful algal bloom species. The parasitoid eventually kills its host and has been proposed to be a significant loss factor for dinoflagellate blooms in restricted coastal waters. For several decades, the difficulties of culturing host‐parasitoid systems have been a great obstacle for further research on the biology of Amoebophrya. Here, we established an Akashiwo sanguineaAmoebophrya sp. coculture from Chinese coastal waters and studied the parasitoid's generation time, dinospore survival and infectivity, as well as its host specificity. The lifespan of Amoebophrya sp. ex. A. sanguinea was approximately 58 h. The infective dinospores can survive up to 78 h in ambient waters but gradually lose their infectivity. The parasitoid was unable to infect other dinoflagellate species, its infection rate reached as high as 91% when the ratio of dinospores to host cells was 20:1. The high infectivity of dinospores suggests that the Amoebophrya strain was capable of removing a considerable fraction of host biomass within a short period, but that it is probably unable to maintain high infection levels under nonbloom conditions of its host, due to limited survival and time constraints in encountering host cells.  相似文献   

Chesapeake Bay populations of the red-tide dinoflagellate Gymnodinium sanguineum were regularly infected by the parasitic dinoflagellate Amoebophrya ceratii during the summers of 1988–1991. Infections developed inside the nucleus of G. sanguineum and were always lethal to the host. Parasite generation time was ? 40 h at 23° C, with the intracellular, trophont phase lasting 39.5 ± 0.3 h, and the extracellular, vermiform stage persisting for ? 20 min. Near surface accumulations of G. sanguineum sometimes exceeded 1,000 cells/ml; however, host abundance was relatively low when integrated over the surface mixed layer of each station (mean = 12.2 cells/ml ± 2.96 SE; n = 60). Parasitized hosts were encountered in 75% of the samples where host abundance was ≥ 1 per ml, and epidemic outbreaks (20–40% hosts infected) were observed on several occasions. Epidemic infections were generally located several meters below surface accumulations of G. sanguineum and were always restricted to a narrow region near the pycnocline. Consequently, integrated station values for parasite prevalence were low, with an average 2.7% (± 0.31 SE; n = 60). Parasite induced mortality removed up to 8% of G. sanguineum populations per day, but averaged < 2% of host biomass throughout the Bay. Thus, parasitism by A. ceratii does not appear to be a major factor regulating G. sanguineum bloom in the main stem of Chesapeake Bay.  相似文献   

The role of okadaic acid (OA) in the defense system of the marine demosponge Suberites domuncula against symbiotic/parasitic annelids was examined. Bacteria within the mesohyl produced okadaic acid at concentrations between 32 ng/g and 58 ng/g of tissue (wet weight). By immunocytochemical methods and by use of antibodies against OA, we showed that the toxin was intracellularly stored in vesicles. Western blotting experiments demonstrated that OA also existed bound to a protein with a molecular weight of 35,000 which was tentatively identified as a galectin (by application of antigalectin antibodies). Annelids that are found in S. domuncula undergo apoptotic cell death. OA is one candidate inducer molecule of this process, since this toxin accumulated in these symbionts/parasites. Furthermore, we identified the cDNA encoding the multifunctional prosurvival molecule BAG-1 in S. domuncula; it undergoes strong expression in the presence of the annelid. Our data suggest that sponges use toxins (here, OA) produced from bacteria to eliminate metazoan symbionts/parasites by apoptosis.  相似文献   

The dinoflagellate genus Chytriodinium, an ectoparasite of copepod eggs, is reported for the first time in the North and South Atlantic Oceans. We provide the first large subunit rDNA (LSU rDNA) and Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1) sequences, which were identical in both hemispheres for the Atlantic Chytriodinium sp. The first complete small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) of the Atlantic Chytriodinium sp. suggests that the specimens belong to an undescribed species. This is the first evidence of the split of the Gymnodinium clade: one for the parasitic forms of Chytriodiniaceae (Chytriodinium, Dissodinium), and other clade for the free‐living species.  相似文献   

Of the various types of steroids found in nature, only sterols (steroids whose molecules possess an 8- to 10-carbon atom hydrocarbon side chain at position 17 of the perhydrocyclopentanophenanthrene ring) are known to be common constituents of algae. Little is known of the effects of steroids in the environment upon the growth and survival of algae. This paper investigates the growth of the green alga Neospongiococcum sp. in medium containing steroids. Bile acids are not inhibitory, even at a concentration of 100 ppm. Some sterols inhibit growth when present in the medium at a concentration of 100 ppm, but not at 10 ppm. Testosterone and β-estradiol, which have no carbon atom side chain at ring position 17, inhibit growth at a concentration of only 10 ppm. Steroids whose molecules possess a 2-carbon atom side chain at ring position 17 and a keto group at the α-carbon of this side chain, such as pregnenolone, inhibit growth at a concentration of as little as 1 ppm. Respiration is also inhibited by pregnenolone at this level .  相似文献   

Chrysochromulina breviturrita sp. nov. is described as a new haptonema-bearing member of the freshwater Prymnesiophyceae. It is ca. three times larger than the only other known freshwater member of the genus (C. parva Lackey)and possesses a haptonema only ca. 0.2–0.3 as long as the haptonema of C. parva. Two equal flagella (1.5–2 as long as the haptonema), a large contractile vacuole, two parietal plasties, a single pyremid, nucleus, Chrysolaminarin-like droplets and a food vacuole are features readily observed with the light microscope. Dried and shadoweast whole mounts examined with the electron microscope reveal the cell surface covered with two types of small, delicate scales: outer spined scales with a clubshaped terminus and with the spine anchored to a circular to oval base-plate by 2–6 (7) branching arms; and, spineles oval plate scales with concentric lines and radiating ridges on one face and parallel ridges on the other. C. breviturrita has been found in nine lakes in Ontario (Canada). Pereliminary observations suggest that it is an important component of lake plankton and has probably not been delected in previous work, more because of its fragility than because of its scarcity. Living specimens are a prerequisite for initial identification, since cells frequently rupture and haptonemata are often lost when the organisms are killed with the commonly used fixatives.  相似文献   

In a previous study we showed that in vivo treatment with pertussis toxin could inhibit some, but not all, effects of adenosine in the rat hippocampus. In this study we investigated the effect of pertussis toxin on the binding of adenosine analogues to A1 receptors in rat brain. Intraventricular injection of pertussis toxin (10 micrograms into the lateral ventricle) did not affect A1 receptor binding in any brain region studied, as evaluated by autoradiography. In vitro treatment of brain sections (10 microns) with pertussis toxin for 5 h, under conditions when greater than 80% of the G proteins were ADP ribosylated, did not alter radioligand binding to adenosine A1 receptors. GTP (10 microM) virtually abolished the high-affinity agonist binding to the A1 receptor. On the other hand, in solubilized cortical membrane preparations, pertussis toxin pretreatment induced a complete shift of the A1 receptors to the low-affinity state. This suggests that the ability of pertussis toxin to affect G proteins coupled to A1 receptors in brain depends not only on the distribution of the toxin but also on the configuration of receptors and G proteins.  相似文献   

In the green alga Chlorella vulgaris UAM 101, a CO2-concentrating mechanism is induced when the cells are growing under low CO2 conditions. We have investigated the effect of glucose on the induction of this mechanism. Cells adapted to low CO2 in the presence of glucose showed a reduced ability to transport and fix external inorganic carbon. This reduction was correlated with a decrease in internal carbonic anhydrase activity. 3- O -methyl-glucose, a nonmetabolizable analog of glucose, caused a more dramatic repression of these phenomena. Immunoblot analyses of total cell protein of Chlorella vulgaris UAM 101 against large subunit of ribulose-1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase and ribulose 1.5-bisphosphate-carboxylase/oxygenase activase polyclonal antibodies showed that the expression of these two polypeptides was affected by neither CO2 level, nor glucose or 3- O -methyl-glucose. Ultrastructure studies showed that the low CO2-induced development of the pyrenoid was also affected by glucose. Immunocytochemical data demonstrated that ribulose-1.5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase was exclusively located in the pyrenoid matrix. This localization and the density of labeling of the pyrenoid region were affected by neither CO2 level nor the presence of glucose.  相似文献   

Abstract The facultatively methylotrophic bacterium Pseudomonas sp. 101, grown on methanol in presence of molybdate, contains a new formate dehydrogenase (N-FDH) catalyzing NAD+-dependent oxidation of formate. The activity of this N-FDH could also be measured in presence of artificial electron acceptors, ferricyanide and 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol. This new enzyme is absent in cells grown on a methanol-containing medium with tungstate, where only another two, previously described formate dehydrogenases, which are active only with NAD+ or only with artificial acceptors, respectively, were determined. The N-FDH was partially purified by a combination of ion-exchange and gel-filtration chromatography, and was shown to differ in its properties from the known NAD+-dependent counterpart.  相似文献   

Morphology and sexual reproduction in Chlorogonium capillatum Nozaki, Watanabe & Aizawa sp. nov. (Volvocales, Chlorophyta) originating from Miyatoko Mire, Japan, were studied under controlled laboratory conditions. Vegetative cells of this new species were fusiform with blunt anterior and posterior ends, and they had a massive parietal chloroplast and numerous contractile vacuoles distributed throughout the protoplast. Several to many pyrenoids were randomly distributed in the chloroplast, but they disappeared under the light microscope when grown photoheterotrophically. During asexual reproduction, the first division took place transversely without a preceding rotation of the parental protoplast. In sexual reproduction, the parental protoplast divided successively to form 32 or 64 small, biflagellate isogametes. After gametogenesis, the gametes did not escape from the parental cell (gametangial) wall, within which pairs of the adjoining gametes fused to form quadriflagellate zygotes. Such zygotes were then released from the parental cell wall and developed into hypnozygotes, which at maturity developed numerous thin spines or hairs on the zygote wall. On zygote germination, four biflagellate germ cells were released from the zygote wall separately. This type of gametic union, "paedogamy," has not previously been described in the green algae except for Chlorococcum echinozygotum Starr . Chlorogonium capillatum can be clearly distinguished from other described species of Chlorogonium by its numerous contractile vacuoles and blunt anterior and posterior ends in vegetative cells as well as by its unique sexual reproduction, in which paedogamous conjugation occurs, and numerous thin spines or hairs that develop on the hypnozygote walls .  相似文献   

Alexandrium ostenfeldii is present in a wide variety of environments in coastal areas worldwide and is the only dinoflagellate known species that produces paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) toxins and two types of cyclic imines, spirolides (SPXs) and gymnodimines (GYMs). The increasing frequency of A. ostenfeldii blooms in the Baltic Sea has been attributed to the warming water in this region. To learn more about the optimal environmental conditions favoring the proliferation of A. ostenfeldii and its complex toxicity, the effects of temperature and salinity on the kinetics of both the growth and the net toxin production of this species were examined using a factorial design and a response-surface analysis (RSA). The results showed that the growth of Baltic A. ostenfeldii occurs over a wide range of temperatures and salinities (12.5–25.5°C and 5–21, respectively), with optimal growth conditions achieved at a temperature of 25.5°C and a salinity of 11.2. Together with the finding that a salinity > 21 was the only growth-limiting factor detected for this strain, this study provides important insights into the autecology and population distribution of this species in the Baltic Sea. The presence of PSP toxins, including gonyautoxin (GTX)-3, GTX-2, and saxitoxin (STX), and GYMs (GYM-A and GYM-B/-C analogues) was detected under all temperature and salinity conditions tested and in the majority of the cases was concomitant with both the exponential growth and stationary phases of the dinoflagellate’s growth cycle. Toxin concentrations were maximal at temperatures and salinities of 20.9°C and 17 for the GYM-A analogue and > 19°C and 15 for PSP toxins, respectively. The ecological implications of the optimal conditions for growth and toxin production of A. ostenfeldii in the Baltic Sea are discussed.  相似文献   

Growth of cultures of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans Ehrbg. was slowed by parathion >1 ppm. Parathion also decreased chlorophyll content and perturbed cellular ultrastructure, eliciting especially plastoglobuli in their chloroplasts. Toxicity of this organophosphorous insecticide is unlikely to be due to its anticholinesterase activity since P. micans appears not to contain cholinesterase. Fluorescence kinetics show that parathion affects the photosynthetic system, particularly photosystem II.  相似文献   

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