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Our research seeks to clarify the phylogeny of the Caulerpales through analyses of rbcL (large subunit of ribulose 1,5 biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase) gene sequences. In a review of caulerpalean taxonomy, Hillis‐Colinvaux (1984) recognized two suborders (Bryopsidineae and Halimedineae) on the basis of anatomical, physiological, and habitat characteristics. The Bryopsidineae (including the genera Bryopsis, Derbesia, and Codium) have cosmopolitan distributions, non‐holocarpic reproduction, and homoplasty, while the Halimedineae (including Caulerpa, Halimeda, and Udotea) have tropical to subtropical distributions, holocarpic reproduction, and heteroplasty. Previous phylogenetic analyses based on 18S rRNA sequence data supported the hypothesis of two monophyletic suborders within the Caulerpales (Zechman et al 1990). However, cladistic analyses of morphological characters (Vroom 1998) suggested that only the Halimedineae was monophyletic. Preliminary maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses suggest the Halimedineae and Bryopsidineae form separate monophyletic groups, with robust support (bootstrap and posterior probabilities) for the former and moderate to poor support for the latter. The families of the Halimedineae (Caulerpaceae, Udoteaceae) form monophyletic sister groups with robust support. The freshwater family Dichotomosiphonaceae was inferred to be basal to the marine Halimedineae clade. The families within the Bryopsidineae (Derbesiaceae, Bryopsidaceae, Codiaceae) each form distinct monophyletic groups. The Codiaceae forms a basal monophyletic group to the sister clade of Bryopsidaceae and Derbeseaceae. This research was partially supported from a NSF grant (DEB‐0128977 to FWZ).  相似文献   

Recent studies of the Chlorophyceae using 18S and 26S rDNA data in meta‐analysis have demonstrated the power of combining these two sets of rDNA data. Furthermore, the 26S rDNA data complement the more conserved 18S gene for many chlorophycean lineages. Consequently, this data approach was pursued in an expanded taxon‐sampling scheme for the Chlorophyta, with special reference to the classes Chlorophyceae and Trebouxiophyceae. Results of these new phylogenetic analyses identify Microspora sp. (UTEX LB 472) and Radiofilum transversale (UTEX LB 1252) as sister taxa which, in turn, form a basal clade in the Cylindrocapsa alliance (Treubaria, Trochiscia, Elakatothrix). The relative position of the “Cylindrocapsa” clade within the Chlorophyceae remains uncertain. The enhanced taxon‐sampling has not resolved the relative positions of the Oedogoniales, Chaetophorales or Chaetopeltidales. Furthermore, the Sphaeropleaceae are supported as members of the Sphaeropleales in only some analyses, raising concerns about the status of the order. Although based on a limited set of taxa (currently <10), a combined data approach reveals support for a monophyletic Trebouxiophyceae that includes the distinctive organisms, Geminella and Eremosphaera. The goal of a well‐resolved phylogeny for the Chlorophyta remains just that, a goal. Achieving that goal obviously will require additional taxon sampling in the Prasinophyceae and Ulvophyceae, as well as, the Trebouxiophyceae. Moreover, it is clear that other genes (e.g., cp‐atpB, cp‐rbcL, cp‐16S, mt‐nad5) will be needed to help address problems of resolution based on the rDNA data alone. Supported by NSF DEB 9726588 and DEB 0129030.  相似文献   

Palmophyllum, Verdigellas and Palmoclathrus are marine palmelloid green algae with morphologies ranging from closely adherent crusts, peltate discs, to upright branched thalli. Thalli of these taxa are comprised of small spherical cells embedded within a dense mucilaginous matrix. Taxonomic affinities of these palmelloid genera, however, has remained uncertain. Previous studies of Palmophyllum and Verdigellas classified these algae within the Palmellaceae, but the complete absence of data regarding reproduction have blurred ordinal designations. Generally, these algae have been classified as members of the Tetrasporales within the class Chlorophyceae, but the Chlorococcales has also been proposed. Global analyses of eukaryotic nuclear-encoded small subunit rDNA sequences based on parsimony (MP), neighbor joining (NJ) and likelihood (ML) methods confirm the placement of Palmophyllum and Verdigellas as a monophyletic group within the Chlorophyta, but class and ordinal affinities were not clearly resolved. ML suggested that Verdigellas and Palmophyllum are members of a clade with coccoid prasinophyte algae at the base of the Chlorophyta, while NJ and ML suggested that the palmelloid genera formed a basal lineage of the Viridiplantae. A consistent feature of all analyses, however, is that Verdigellas and Palmophyllum did not group with the chlorophycean orders, Tetrasporales or Chlorococcales. Results will be discussed in the context of taxonomy, character evolution, and implications for green plant evolution. (Supported in part by NSF grants DEB-0128952 to MWF, DEB-0129030 to MAB, and DEB-0128977 to FWZ)  相似文献   

In this study we provide a phylogenetically based introduction to the classes and orders of Pucciniomycotina (= Urediniomycetes), one of three subphyla of Basidiomycota. More than 8000 species of Pucciniomycotina have been described including putative saprotrophs and parasites of plants, animals and fungi. The overwhelming majority of these (approximately 90%) belong to a single order of obligate plant pathogens, the Pucciniales (= Uredinales), or rust fungi. We have assembled a dataset of previously published and newly generated sequence data from two nuclear rDNA genes (large subunit and small subunit) including exemplars from all known major groups in order to test hypotheses about evolutionary relationships among the Pucciniomycotina. The utility of combining nuc-lsu sequences spanning the entire D1-D3 region with complete nuc-ssu sequences for resolution and support of nodes is discussed. Our study confirms Pucciniomycotina as a monophyletic group of Basidiomycota. In total our results support eight major clades ranked as classes (Agaricostilbomycetes, Atractiellomycetes, Classiculomycetes, Cryptomycocolacomycetes, Cystobasidiomycetes, Microbotryomycetes, Mixiomycetes and Pucciniomycetes) and 18 orders.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop molecular identification method for medical mushrooms and their preparations based on the nucleotide sequences of nuclear large subunit (LSU) rDNA. Four specimens were collected of each of the three representative medicinal mushrooms used in Korea: Ganoderma lucidum, Coriolus versicolor, and Fomes fomentarius. Fungal material used in these experiments included two different mycelial cultures and two different fruiting bodies from wild or cultivated mushrooms. The genomic DNA of mushrooms were extracted and 3 nuclear LSU rDNA fragments were amplified: set 1 for the 1.1-kb DNA fragment in the upstream region, set 2 for the 1.2-kb fragment in the middle, and set 3 for the 1.3-kb fragment downstream. The amplified gene products of nuclear large subunit rDNA from 3 different mushrooms were cloned into E. coli vector and subjected to nucleotide sequence determination. The sequence thus determined revealed that the gene sequences of the same medicinal mushroom species were more than 99.48% homologous, and the consensus sequences of 3 different medicinal mushrooms were more than 97.80% homologous. Restriction analysis revealed no useful restriction sites for 6-bp recognition enzymes for distinguishing the 3 sequences from one another, but some distinctive restriction patterns were recognized by the 4-bp recognition enzymes AccII and HhaI. This analysis was also confirmed by PCR-RFLP experiments on medicinal mushrooms.  相似文献   

The order Tilletiales (Ustilaginomycetes, Basidiomycota) includes six genera (Conidiosporomyces, Erratomyces, Ingoldiomyces, Neovossia, Oberwinkleria and Tilletia) and approximately 150 species. All members of Tilletiales infect hosts in the grass family Poaceae with the exception of Erratomyces spp., which occur on hosts in the Fabaceae. Morphological features including teliospore ornamentation, number and nuclear condition of primary basidiospores and ability of primary basidiospores to conjugate and form an infective dikaryon were studied in conjunction with sequence analysis of the large subunit nuclear rDNA gene (nLSU). Analysis based on nLSU data shows that taxa infecting hosts in the grass subfamily Pooideae form one well supported lineage. This lineage comprises most of the reticulate-spored species that germinate to form a small number of rapidly conjugating basidiospores and includes the type species Tilletia tritici. Two tuberculate-spored species with a large number of nonconjugating basidiospores, T. indica and T. walkeri, and Ingoldiomyces hyalosporus are also included in this lineage. Most of the species included in the analysis with echinulate, verrucose or tuberculate teliospores that germinate to form a large number (>30) of nonconjugating basidiospores infect hosts in the subfamilies Panicoideae, Chloridoideae, Arundinoideae and Ehrhartoideae. This group of species is more diverse than the pooid-infecting taxa and in general do not form well supported clades corresponding to host subfamily. The results of this work suggest that morphological characters used to segregate Neovossia, Conidiosporomyces and Ingoldiomyces from Tilletia are not useful generic level characters and that all included species can be accommodated in the genus Tilletia.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the genera Russula and Lactarius were investigated using sequence data from the nuclear-encoded large subunit ribosomal DNA (LSU rDNA). Ninety-five sequences belonging to the genera Russula and Lactarius, including 31 sequences from the databases, were used in this study. Analysis of the LSU rDNA region indicated that Russulaceae was divided into six groups (group A–F) in the neighbor-joining (NJ) tree. Lactarius consisted of one large clade (group A). Therefore, this genus was found to be monophyletic. However, the monophyly of genus Russula remained unclear. The genus Russula consisted of five groups in the NJ tree. Group B includes sects. Plorantes and Archaeinae (Heim), and group C includes sects. Delicoarchaeae and Russula in the NJ tree. Neither of the two groups formed a single clade in the most parsimonius (MP) tree. Group D includes many taxa having colored spore prints and amyloid in suprahilar plage of spores in sect. Russula and sect. Rigidae. Group E consists of only sect. Compactae and is further divided into three subclades, represented by R. densifolia, R. nigricans, and R. subnigricans, respectively. Group F contains sects. Rigidae, Ingratae, and Pelliculariae. Sect. Compactae and sect. Plorantes should not be as closely related as previously supposed. Russula earlei may be placed in sect. Archaeinae Heim. Russula flavida (subsect. Amoeninae) is placed in sect. Russula with R. aurea with a high bootstrap value (99%). The nuclear LSU rDNA region is a useful tool in recognization of species of Russulaceae and may provide information concerning phylogenetic relationships between the genera Russula and Lactarius.  相似文献   

Deserts are not thought of as biodiversity hotspots, but desert microbiotic crust communities represent a largely unknown community type rich in diversity of eukaryotic and prokaryotic taxa. These ecologically important communities have received much attention because of their role in nutrient cycling and soil stabilization in deserts, but they defy characterization by the traditional approach to assessing biodiversity by counting species. While genetically diverse, taxa characteristic of desert crusts are difficult to identify to the species level due to convergent evolution toward simple morphologies, phenotypic plasticity, or poor knowledge about particular lineages. Focusing on the green algae, we show that while biodiversity is difficult to measure in these communities, phylodiversity provides a surrogate measure that more accurately portrays the diversity of organisms, and one that is standardized across the variety of life histories, reproductive strategies and morphological variability that creates problems with species‐counting measures. Bayesian phylogenetic inference uses MCMC simulation to generate phylogenies sampled in proportion to their Bayesian posterior probability. The length of a segment in any of these trees corresponds to the amount of change in the lineage, measured as the expected number of substitutions/nucleotide site. Comparisons of segment lengths corresponding to desert vs. other green algal lineages provides a means of addressing questions of relative genetic diversity, or phylodiversity, without complications arising from the difficulty of counting species. Our data illustrate the impact of desert green algae to overall knowledge of the green algal phylogenetic tree.  相似文献   

We present an evolutionary analysis of 13 species of Sarcocystis, including 4 newly sequenced species with ruminants as their intermediate host, based on complete small subunit rDNA sequences. Those species with ruminants as their intermediate host form a well-supported clade, and there are at least two major clades within this group, one containing those species forming microcysts and with dogs as their definitive host and the other containing those species forming macrocysts and with cats as their definitive host. Those species with nonruminants as their intermediate host form the paraphyletic sister group to these clades. Most of the species have considerable genotypic differences (differing in more than 100 nucleotide positions), except for S. buffalonis and S. hirsuta. There is a large suite of genotypic differences indicating that those species infecting ruminant and nonruminant hosts have had very different evolutionary histories, and similarly for the felid- and canid-infecting species. Furthermore, the rDNA sequences that represent the different structural regions of the rRNA molecule have very different genotypic behavior within Sarcocystis. The evolution of these regions should be functionally constrained, and their differences can be explained in terms of the importance of the nucleotide sequences to their functions.  相似文献   

Choricystis (Trebouxiphyceae, Chlorophyta) is considered a very common member of the freshwater picoplankton. We have established a culture collection from Itasca State Park (ISP), Minnesota, and Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), North Dakota, that includes many Choricystis isolates. We examined 109 Choricystis isolates from ISP and 19 isolates from ANWR using PCR‐RFLP of the rbcL gene. Twelve types for ISP and 7 types forANWR were distinguished by this technique. Sequence analysis revealed additional diversity within some of the RFLP types. Moreover, none of the Choricystis isolates from ANWR possessed rbcL sequences identical to any isolate from ISP. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequence data revealed at least 2 major lineages. These results indicate that Choricystis is much more diverse than previously thought. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. DEB‐0128953, DBI‐0070387 and MCB  相似文献   

In order to study the phylogenetic relationships within the stramenopiles, and particularly among the heterokont algae, we have determined complete or nearly complete large-subunit ribosomal RNA sequences for different species of raphidophytes, phaeophytes, xanthophytes, chrysophytes, synurophytes and pinguiophytes. With the small- and large-subunit ribosomal RNA sequences of representatives for nearly all known groups of heterokont algae, phylogenetic trees were constructed from a concatenated alignment of both ribosomal RNAs, including more than 5,000 positions. By using different tree construction methods, inferred phylogenies showed phaeophytes and xanthophytes as sister taxa, as well as the pelagophytes and dictyochophytes, and the chrysophytes/synurophytes and eustigmatophytes. All these relationships are highly supported by bootstrap analysis. However, apart from these sister group relationships, very few other internodes are well resolved and most groups of heterokont algae seem to have diverged within a relatively short time frame.  相似文献   

Since the separation of the Trachelomonas subgroup “Saccatae” into a new genus, Strombomonas Deflandre (1930), there has been some question as to its validity. Deflandre's separation was based on morphological characteristics such as the shape of the lorica, lack of a distinctive collar, possession of a tailpiece, lack of ornamentation, and ability to aggregate particles on the lorica. Recent molecular analyses indicated that the loricate taxa were monophyletic, but few species have been sampled. The LSU rDNA from eleven Strombomonas and thirty‐eight Trachelomonas species was sequenced to evaluate the monophyly of the two genera. Bayesian and maximum‐likelihood analyses found one monophyletic clade for each genus. The Trachelomonas clade was weakly supported, but had five strongly supported subclades. Morphological characters, such as lorica development and pellicle strip reduction, also supported separation of the genera. Lorica development in Strombomonas occurred from the anterior of the cell to the posterior, forming a shroud over the protoplast whereas in Trachelomonas, a layer of mucilage was excreted over the entire protoplast, followed by creation of the collar at the anterior end. Taxa from both genera underwent exponential strip reduction at the anterior and posterior poles. In Strombomonas, only one reduction was visible in the anterior pole, while in most Trachelomonas species, two reductions were visible. Likewise, Strombomonas species possessed two whorls of strip reduction in their posterior end compared to a single whorl of strip reduction in Trachelomonas species. The combined morphological and molecular data support the retention of Trachelomonas and Strombomonas as separate genera.  相似文献   

The synthesis and structural characterization of the 2-D Cu(II) coordination polymer namely {[Cu2(BPP)4(NCS)4]}n, where BPP is the nitrogen ligand 1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane, are described. Single crystal diffraction analysis shows that the asymmetric unit consists on two crystallographically independent Cu(II) ions that adopt a distorted octahedral geometry. Each Cu(II) center is coordinated by four nitrogen atoms from different BPP ligands and by other two nitrogen atoms from isothiocyanate groups. The BPP ligands link the metal centers generating an undulated two-dimensional net of (4, 4) topology. Two sets of two-dimensional sheets interlock each other in the same plane, giving rise to a twofold parallel interpenetrating network. EPR spectra indicate no magnetic coupling of the two individual Cu2+ centers.  相似文献   

A matrix of 24 morphodevelopmental characters and an alignment of small subunit (SSU) and large subunit (LSU) rDNA nuclear and cox1 mitochondrial gene sequences (~4500 sites) were compiled from up to 12 phoronids including most named taxa, but probably constituting only a portion of worldwide diversity. Morphological data were analysed by weighted parsimony; sequence data by maximum and Bayesian likelihood, both with Phoronis ovalis as the local outgroup. Morphological and sequence‐based phylogenies were similar, but not fully congruent. Phoronid rDNAs were almost free from mutational saturation, but cox1 showed strong saturation unless distant outgroups and P. ovalis were omitted, suggesting that many phoronid divergences are old (≥100 Myr). rDNA divergence between named phoronid taxa is generally substantial, but Phoronopsis harmeri (from Vladivostock) and Phoronopsis viridis (from California) are genetically close enough to be conspecific. In another alignment, of 24 taxa, phoronid rDNAs were combined with data from brachiopods and distant (molluscan) outgroups. The relative ages of divergence between phoronids and their brachiopod sister‐groups, of the split between the P. ovalis and non‐ovalis lineages, and of other phoronid splits, were estimated from this alignment with a Bayesian lognormal uncorrelated molecular clock model. Although confidence limits (95% highest probability density) are wide, the results are compatible with an Early Cambrian split between phoronids and brachiopods and with the Upper Devonian latest age suggested for the P. ovalis/non‐ovalis split by the putative phoronid ichnofossil, Talpina. Most other ingroup splits appear to be ~50–200 Myr old. Inclusion of phoronids with brachiopods in the crown clade pan‐Brachiopoda suggests that a distinctive metamorphosis and absence of mineralization are ancestral phoronid apomorphies. Worldwide diversity and possible associations between character‐states and life‐history attributes deserve comprehensive further study.  相似文献   

Because the secondary plastids of the Euglenophyta and Chlorarachniophyta are very similar to green plant plastids in their pigment composition, it is generally considered that ancestral green algae were engulfed by other eukaryotic host cells to become the plastids of these two algal divisions. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies have attempted to resolve the phylogenetic positions of these plastids; however, almost all of the studies analyzed only plastid‐encoded genes. This limitation may affect the results of comparisons between genes from primary and secondary plastids, because genes in endosymbionts have a higher mutation rate than the genes of their host cells. Thus, the phylogeny of these secondary plastids must be elucidated using other molecular markers. Here, we compared the plastid‐targeting, nuclear‐encoded, oxygen‐evolving enhancer (psbO) genes from various green plants, the Euglenophyta and Chlorarachniophyta. A phylogenetic analysis based on the PsbO amino acid sequences indicated that the chlorarachniophyte plastids are positioned within the Chlorophyta (including Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyceae, and Prasinophyceae, but excluding Mesostigma). In contrast, plastids of the Euglenophyta and Mesostigma are positioned outside the Chlorophyta and Streptophyta. The relationship of these three phylogenetic groups was consistent with the grouping of the primary structures of the thylakoid‐targeting domain and its adjacent amino acids in the PsbO N‐terminal sequences. Furthermore, the serine‐X‐alanine (SXA) motif of PsbO was exactly the same in the Chlorarachniophyta and the prasinophycean Tetraselmis. Therefore, the chlorarachniophyte secondary plastids likely evolved from the ancestral Tetraselmis‐like alga within the Chlorophyta, whereas the Euglenophyte plastids may have originated from the unknown basal lineage of green plants.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of nucleotide data from small subunit ribosomal DNA (SSU rDNA) sequences (ca. 1685 bp.) was performed on 19 taxa of the Onygenales and three related mitosporic fungi. Phylogenetic trees were constructed by the neighbor-joining method with the sequence data of related taxa obtained from DNA databases. The species in the Onygenales form two clusters and seven subclusters, and the tree topology reflects the traditional classification by Currah (1985) with some exceptions. The Myxotrichaceae is placed in the different lineage, separate from other plectomycetous taxa and among the Leotiales and the Erysiphales. Furthermore, two separate lineages in the Myxotrichaceae were found. Tree topology suggested the Onygenaceae is polyphyletic and composed of three subgroups; 1) most members of Onygenaceae, 2)Spiromastix warcupii, and 3) pathogenic dimorphic fungi classified inAjellomyces.  相似文献   

The genus Alexandrium includes organisms of interest, both for the study of dinoflagellate evolution and for their impacts as toxic algae affecting human health and fisheries. Only partial large subunit (LSU) rDNA sequences of Alexandrium and other dinoflagellates are available, although they contain much genetic information. Here, we report complete LSU rDNA sequences from 11 strains of Alexandrium, including Alexandrium affine, Alexandrium catenella, Alexandrium fundyense, Alexandrium minutum, and Alexandrium tamarense, and discuss their segmented domains and structure. Putative LSU rRNA coding regions were recorded to be around 3,400 bp long. Their GC content (about 43.7%) is among the lowest when compared with other organisms. Furthermore, no AT-rich regions were found in Alexandrium LSU rDNA, although a low GC content was recorded within the LSU rDNA. No intron-like sequences were found. The secondary structure of the LSU rDNA and parsimony analyses showed that most variation in LSU rDNA is found in the divergent (D) domains with the D2 region being the most informative. This high D domain variability can allow members of the diverse Alexandrium genus to be categorized at the species level. In addition, phylogenetic analysis of the alveolate group using the complete LSU sequences strongly supported previous findings that the dinoflagellates and apicomplexans form a clade.  相似文献   

A majority of the proteins of the chloroplast are encoded by the nuclear genome, and are post‐translationally targeted to the chloroplast. From databases of tagged insertion lines at international seed stock centers and our own stock, we selected 3246 Ds/Spm (dissociator/suppressor–mutator) transposon‐ or T‐DNA‐tagged Arabidopsis lines for genes encoding 1369 chloroplast proteins (about 66% of the 2090 predicted chloroplast proteins) in which insertions disrupt the protein‐coding regions. We systematically observed 3‐week‐old seedlings grown on agar plates, identified mutants with abnormal phenotypes and collected homozygous lines with wild‐type phenotypes. We also identified insertion lines for which no homozygous plants were obtained. To date, we have identified 111 lines with reproducible seedling phenotypes, 122 lines for which we could not obtain homozygotes and 1290 homozygous lines without a visible phenotype. The Chloroplast Function Database presents the molecular and phenotypic information obtained from this resource. The database provides tools for searching for mutant lines using Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (AGI) locus numbers, tagged line numbers and phenotypes, and provides rapid access to detailed information on the tagged line resources. Moreover, our collection of insertion homozygotes provides a powerful tool to accelerate the functional analysis of nuclear‐encoded chloroplast proteins in Arabidopsis. The Chloroplast Function Database is freely available at http://rarge.psc.riken.jp/chloroplast/ . The homozygous lines generated in this project are also available from the various Arabidopsis stock centers. We have donated the insertion homozygotes to their originating seed stock centers.  相似文献   

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