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Physarum contains at least two distinct DNase I-binding proteins, i.e. actin and Cap 42 (a + b). The latter, a tight (1:1) complex of Cap 42 (a) and Cap 42 (b) (Maruta, H., Isenberg. G., Schreckenbach, T., Hallmann, R., Risse, G., Schibayama, T., and Hesse, J. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 10144-10150), is a Ca2+-dependent F-actin capping protein. DNase I binds to Cap 42 (b) but not to Cap 42 (a). Consequently, DNase I-agarose was used for an affinity-purification of Cap 42 (a + b), after its separation from actin by DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Cap 42 (a + b) was dissociated into its subunits when released from DNase I-agarose by 8.8 M formamide. The two subunits were subsequently separated from each other on hydroxylapatite. Both Cap 42 (a) and Cap 42 (b) were Ca2+-dependent F-actin capping proteins that cap the fast growing end of actin filaments and block actin polymerization at this end. Like Cap 42 (a + b), Cap 42 (b) required Ca2+ for its capping activity only when phosphorylated. The phosphorylation of Cap 42 (b) was completely blocked by DNase I or a tertiary complex of Cap 42 (a), actin, and Ca2+. Cap 42 (b) is not identical with native (= polymerizable) actin because (i) Cap 42 (b) was unable to form filaments, (ii) the Cap 42 (b) kinase did not phosphorylate native actin, and (iii) fragmin formed a tight (1:1) complex with native actin but not with Cap 42 (b). Although it is unlikely that Cap 42 (b) is simply a denatured form of actin that has lost its polymerizability during the preparation, it still remains to be clarified whether Cap 42 (b) is a nonpolmerizable actin variant derived from a distinct actin gene or a post-translationally modified form of polymerizable actin.  相似文献   

P B Szecsi  C Koch  B Foltmann 《FEBS letters》1988,238(1):101-104
Human seminal pepsinogen C has been purified and compared with gastric pepsinogen C. The two zymogens cannot be distinguished by amino acid compositions and sequences of the first 28 N-terminal amino acid residues are identical. Apparent immunological identity is observed with polyclonal antisera. Monoclonal antibodies toward seminal pepsinogen C have been produced. One is able to recognize a non-carbohydrate antigenic determinant only present in seminal pepsinogen C.  相似文献   

Familial amyloidosis, Finnish type, is clinically characterized by cranial neuropathy and lattice corneal dystrophy. It is an autosomal dominant form of systemic amyloidosis with small deposits of congophilic material occurring in most tissues, particularly in association with blood vessel walls and basement membranes. Amyloid fibrils were extracted from the kidney of patient VUO, and rabbit antiserum raised against the 12 kDa purified amyloid subunit displayed strong immunohistochemical reactivity with the amyloid deposits. The amino terminal sequence of this 12 kDa amyloid protein (ATEVPVSWESFNNGD) showed homology with gelsolin (or actin depolymerizing factor), a 93 kDa plasma protein. The amyloid peptide is a degradation product, starting at position 173, of the gelsolin molecule.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cdc42 and other Rho GTPases are conserved from yeast to humans and are thought to regulate multiple cellular functions by inducing coordinated changes in actin reorganization and by activating signaling pathways leading to specific gene expression. Direct evidence implicating upstream signals and components that regulate Cdc42 activity or for required roles of Cdc42 in activation of downstream protein kinase signaling cascades is minimal, however. Also, whereas genetic analyses have shown that Cdc42 is essential for cell viability in yeast, its potential roles in the growth and development of mammalian cells have not been directly assessed. RESULTS: To elucidate potential functions of Cdc42 mammalian cells, we used gene-targeted mutation to inactivate Cdc42 in mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells and in the mouse germline. Surprisingly, Cdc42-deficient ES cells exhibited normal proliferation and phosphorylation of mitogen- and stress-activated protein kinases. Yet Cdc42 deficiency caused very early embryonic lethality in mice and led to aberrant actin cytoskeletal organization in ES cells. Moreover, extracts from Cdc42-deficient cells failed to support phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP(2))-induced actin polymerization. CONCLUSIONS: Our studies clearly demonstrate that Cdc42 mediates PIP(2)-induced actin assembly, and document a critical and unique role for Cdc42 in this process. Moreover, we conclude that, unexpectedly, Cdc42 is not necessary for viability or proliferation of mammalian early embryonic cells. Cdc42 is, however, absolutely required for early mammalian development.  相似文献   

We have performed a differential screen of a Xenopus egg cDNA library and selected two clones (Cl1 and Cl2) corresponding to mRNA which are specifically adenylated and recruited into polysomes after fertilization. Sequence analysis of Cl1 reveals that the corresponding protein is 67.5% identical (83% similar) to the product of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae SUP45 (also called SUP1 or SAL4) gene. This gene, when mutated, is an omnipotent suppressor of nonsense codons. When expressed in a sup45 mutant, the Xenopus Cl1 cDNA was able to suppress sup45-related phenotypes, showing that the structural homology reflects a functional homology. Our discovery of a structural and functional homolog in Xenopus cells implies that the function of SUP45 is not restricted to lower eukaryotes and that the SUP45 protein may perform a crucial cellular function in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) is a membrane-bound multisubunit enzyme complex composed of at least 14 different subunits. The complex regulates the physiological processes of a cell by controlling the acidic environment, which is necessary for certain activities and the interaction with the actin cytoskeleton through its B and C subunits in both humans and yeast. Arabidopsis V-ATPase has three B subunits (AtVAB1, AtVAB2, and AtVAB3), which share 97.27% sequence identity and have two potential actin-binding sites, indicating that these AtVABs may have crucial functions in actin cytoskeleton remodeling and plant cell development. However, their biochemical functions are poorly understood. In this study, we demonstrated that AtVABs bind to and co-localize with F-actin, bundle F-actin to form higher order structures, and stabilize actin filaments in vitro. In addition, the AtVABs also show different degrees of activities in capping the barbed ends but no nucleating activities, and these activities were not regulated by calcium. The functional similarity and differences of the AtVABs implied that they may play cooperative and distinct roles in Arabidopsis cells.  相似文献   

Influenza virus neuraminidase (NA) is transported to the virus assembly site at the plasma membrane and is a major viral envelope component that plays a critical role in the release of progeny virions and in determination of host range restriction. However, little is known about the host factors that are involved in regulating the intracellular and cell surface transport of NA. Here we identified the Cdc42-specific GAP, ARHGAP21 differentially expressed in host cells infected with influenza A virus using cDNA microarray analysis. Furthermore, we have investigated the involvement of Rho family GTPases in NA transport to the cell surface. We found that expression of constitutively active or inactive mutants of RhoA or Rac1 did not significantly affect the amount of NA that reached the cell surface. However, expression of constitutively active Cdc42 or depletion of ARHGAP21 promoted the transport of NA to the plasma membranes. By contrast, cells expressing shRNA targeting Cdc42 or overexpressing ARHGAP21 exhibited a significant decrease in the amount of cell surface-localized NA. Importantly, silencing Cdc42 reduced influenza A virus replication, whereas silencing ARHGAP21 increased the virus replication. Together, our results reveal that ARHGAP21- and Cdc42-based signaling regulates the NA transport and thereby impacts virus replication.  相似文献   

MT-A70 is the S-adenosylmethionine-binding subunit of human mRNA:m(6)A methyl-transferase (MTase), an enzyme that sequence-specifically methylates adenines in pre-mRNAs. The physiological importance yet limited understanding of MT-A70 and its apparent lack of similarity to other known RNA MTases combined to make this protein an attractive target for bioinformatic analysis. The sequence of MT-A70 was subjected to extensive in silico analysis to identify orthologous and paralogous polypeptides. This analysis revealed that the MT-A70 family comprises four subfamilies with varying degrees of interrelatedness. One subfamily is a small group of bacterial DNA:m(6)A MTases. The other three subfamilies are paralogous eukaryotic lineages, two of which have not been associated with MTase activity but include proteins having substantial regulatory effects. Multiple sequence alignments and structure prediction for members of all four subfamilies indicated a high probability that a consensus MTase fold domain is present. Significantly, this consensus fold shows the permuted topology characteristic of the b class of MTases, which to date has only been known to include DNA MTases.  相似文献   

Cap (guanine-N7) methylation is an essential step in eukaryal mRNA synthesis and a potential target for antiviral, antifungal, and antiprotozoal drug discovery. Previous mutational and structural analyses of Encephalitozoon cuniculi Ecm1, a prototypal cellular cap methyltransferase, identified amino acids required for cap methylation in vivo, but also underscored the nonessentiality of many side chains that contact the cap and AdoMet substrates. Here we tested new mutations in residues that comprise the guanine-binding pocket, alone and in combination. The outcomes indicate that the shape of the guanine binding pocket is more crucial than particular base edge interactions, and they highlight the contributions of the aliphatic carbons of Phe-141 and Tyr-145 that engage in multiple van der Waals contacts with guanosine and S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), respectively. We purified 45 Ecm1 mutant proteins and assayed them for methylation of GpppA in vitro. Of the 21 mutations that resulted in unconditional lethality in vivo,14 reduced activity in vitro to < or = 2% of the wild-type level and 5 reduced methyltransferase activity to between 4 and 9% of wild-type Ecm1. The natural product antibiotic sinefungin is an AdoMet analog that inhibits Ecm1 with modest potency. The crystal structure of an Ecm1-sinefungin binary complex reveals sinefungin-specific polar contacts with main-chain and side-chain atoms that can explain the 3-fold higher affinity of Ecm1 for sinefungin versus AdoMet or S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy). In contrast, sinefungin is an extremely potent inhibitor of the yeast cap methyltransferase Abd1, to which sinefungin binds 900-fold more avidly than AdoHcy or AdoMet. We find that the sensitivity of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to growth inhibition by sinefungin is diminished when Abd1 is overexpressed. These results highlight cap methylation as a principal target of the antifungal activity of sinefungin.  相似文献   

Gene II protein is the only phage-encoded protein required for the double-stranded DNA replication of the distantly related filamentous phages IKe and Ff (M13, fd and f1). Complementation studies have demonstrated that, despite a significant degree of homology between the nucleotide sequences of the gene II's of IKe and Ff and the core's (domains A) of their viral strand replication origins, the biological functions of the gene II proteins are not interchangeable. The specificity of these proteins is not determined by the nucleotide sequence (domain B) which is required for efficient initiation of viral strand replication of Ff. In fact, our data indicate that a sequence with a similar function as domain B in Ff does not form part of the viral strand replication origin of IKe.  相似文献   

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    Bylo provedeno vzájomné porovnání imunochemické podobnosti bílkovin leguminu, vicilinu a albuminové frakee ze semen hrachu (Pisum sativum Poir). Legumin a vicilin jsou globuliny s odli?nými fysikálními vlastnostmi, ale zdá se s ?áste?nou imunochemickou podobností. Toto bylo zji?těno k?í?ovými serologickými reakcemi. Albuminy ze semen hrachu mají naproti tomu nejen fysikální vlastnosti odli?né, ale nevykazují ani imunochemickou podobnost s globuliny.  相似文献   

Eosinophils, through their ability to generate an array of potent mediators, are thought to be the major effector cells in a number of conditions, including parasitic infection, asthma, and other allergic diseases. The mechanism(s) by which eosinophils, as opposed to neutrophils, accumulate at inflammatory sites is unknown. One possible mechanism would be an eosinophil-specific pathway of adhesion to vascular endothelium. In this study we have demonstrated that human eosinophils, but not neutrophils, constitutively express alpha 4 beta 1 (CD49d/CD29). Expression was not increased on low density eosinophils or normal density cells stimulated with platelet-activating factor. Eosinophils, but not neutrophils, specifically adhered to COS cells transfected with vascular adhesion molecule-1 in a alpha 4 beta 1-dependent manner. Eosinophil, but not neutrophil, adhesion to IL-1 stimulated human umbilical vascular endothelial cells was significantly inhibited by alpha 4 beta 1 mAb at both 5 h (p less than 0.05) and 20 h (p less than 0.001). Inhibition of both resting and platelet-activating factor-(10(-7) M) stimulated eosinophil adhesion was observed. We conclude that the alpha 4 beta 1/vascular adhesion molecule-1 adhesion pathway may be involved in specific eosinophil, as opposed to neutrophil, migration into sites of eosinophilic inflammation.  相似文献   

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