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Knowledge of the thickness of sections is important for proper interpretation of electron micrographs. Therefore, the thicknesses of sections of n-butyl methacrylate polymer were determined by ellipsometry, and correlated with the color shown in reflected light. The results are: gray, thinner than 60 mmicro; silver, 60 to 90 mmicro; gold, 90 to 150 mmicro; purple, 150 to 190 mmicro; blue, 190 to 240 mmicro; green, 240 to 280 mmicro; and yellow, 280 to 320 mmicro. These results agree well with optical theory and with previous published data for thin films. Sections, after cutting, are 30 to 40 per cent shorter than the face of the block from which they were cut. Only a small improvement results from allowing the sections to remain in the collecting trough at room temperature. Heating above room temperature, however, reduces this shortening, with a corresponding improvement in dimensions and spatial relationships in the sections. When the thickness of the section is considered in interpreting electron micrographs instead of considering the section to be two-dimensional, a more accurate interpretation is possible. The consideration of electron micrographs as arising from projections of many profiles from throughout the whole thickness of the section explains the apparent lack of continuity often observed in serial sections. It is believed that serial sections are actually continuous, but that the change in size of structure through the thickness of one section and the consideration of only the largest profile shown in the micrograph can account for the lack of continuity previously observed.  相似文献   

Consecutive serial sections of polyhedra obtained from gipsy moth larvae infected with P. dispar virus revealed bundles of viral rods scattered and oriented at random within the polyhedral body. Each bundle was entirely surrounded by a dense, sharply defined membrane. The rods measured 18 to 22 mµ in diameter and averaged 280 mµ in length. No spherical viral particles were encountered. The effects of variable compression and periodic distortion of the sections on the appearance of the virus are discussed.  相似文献   

Representative viruses of the RI-APC group were observed with the electron microscope in thin sections of infected HeLa cells. The viral particles varied in density, were approximately 60 mµ in diameter and had a center to center spacing when close packed of about 65 mµ. Many of the less dense particles exhibited an internal body averaging 24 mµ in diameter. It was suggested that within the nucleus the virus differentiated from dense granular and reticular material and formed crystals. Disintegration of the crystals and disruption of the nuclear membrane with release of virus into the cytoplasm appeared to occur at any stage. No evidence to suggest development of the virus in the cytoplasm was obtained. It was possible to deduce the structure of the viral crystal from the electron micrographs. The viral particles are packed in a cubic body—centered lattice. Correlative histochemical observations in the light microscope which are now in progress revealed that the crystals and non-crystalline aggregates of virus were strongly Feulgen-positive.  相似文献   

The sensory portion of the ommatidium of the compound eye of Limulus has been studied with the electron microscope. In axial longitudinal section the rhabdom appears to be made up of small polygons, and in transverse section the rhabdom appears as a banded structure of dark lines. Thus in three dimensions the rhabdom resembles a honeycomb composed of tubular units, the long axes of which lie in transverse planes and are oriented perpendicular to the retinula cell's contours. The tubular units, which are about 140 mµ in diameter in Limulus (70 mµ in diameter in the spider and Scutigera), are microvilli of the borders of the retinula cells. The walls of these microvilli are continuous with fine linear structures (membranes) in the cytoplasm of the retinula cells. In transverse sections of the ommatidium oval bodies interpreted as mitochondria are observed in an annular zone at the tips of the rhabdom's rays. These mitochondria, which are 2 to 10 µ in diameter, are crowded with irregular closed outlines about 100 mµ in diameter. Possible functions of components of the ommatidium are discussed.  相似文献   

Earle's L-929 fibroblasts from cultures treated with 5–10 µg/ml of vincristine sulfate have a large number of eosinophilic, proteinaceous crystals in their cytoplasm. In electron micrographs, large arrays of helical polyribosomes, stacks of Golgi lamellae, and membranes of granular endoplasmic reticulum are seen in the cytoplasm of these cells. "Stalks" of fine granular material, approximately 300 A wide, are often seen in association with the arrays of the helical polyribosomes. In many sections rows of helical polyribosomes and filaments emerging from individual polyribosomes are seen in intimate contact with the crystals. A gradual reduction in the number of crystals and crystal-bearing cells is seen in cultures removed from the drug-containing medium and reincubated in fresh medium. In electron micrographs, these reincubated cells show large aggregates of filamentous material in the cytoplasm, and in many sections filaments are seen in continuity with the crystals.  相似文献   

A method of securing serial sections for electron microscopy is described. Serial sections present certain anomalies of interpretation of a nature such that a complete and detailed three-dimensional reconstruction of the sectioned tissue cannot be made. These anomalies are discussed, as well as those which have been encountered in the interpretation of single sections. Observations of the following kinds have been made in an attempt to elucidate the interpretation of single and serial sections: differing methods of mounting adjacent sections, observation of the same section by high-angle stereoscopy, and examination of sections which have been shadowed prior to and subsequent to electron microscopy. It is found that the appearance of sections is independent of the choice of side to be placed against the formvar films. Stereoscopy shows that the appearance of fine structures is strongly dependent upon the direction of the penetrating electron beam with respect to the plane of the structures. Stereoscopy, combined with shadowing, shows quantitatively that extensive sublimation of polymer occurs upon normal exposure in the electron microscope. Observation of sections shadowed prior to electron microscopy indicates that varying amounts of material are removed between sections by the action of microtomy; i.e., it is probable that the sum of the thicknesses of several serial sections is considerably less than the total thickness of material removed from the block. It is believed that this effect, combined with the effect of sublimation, aids in explaining the failure of adjacent sections to exhibit continuity in their detailed structures.  相似文献   

The common renal adenocarcinoma of the leopard frog was studied in thin sections with the electron microscope. Approximately a third of the tumors examined were found to contain spheroidal bodies of uniform size and distinctive morphology that are believed to be virus particles. These consist of hollow spheres (90 to 100 mµ) having a thick capsule and a dense inner body (35 to 40 mµ) that is eccentrically placed within the central cavity (70 to 80 mµ). Virus particles of this kind occur principally in the cytoplasm but occasionally they are also found in the nucleus and in the extracellular spaces of the tumor. The intranuclear inclusion bodies that are visible with the light microscope are largely comprised of hollow, spherical vesicles with thin limiting membranes. These are embedded in a finely granular matrix. A few of the thin walled vesicles contain a dense inner body like that of the cytoplasmic virus particles. This suggests that they may be immature virus particles. The inclusion bodies are believed to be formed in the course of virus multiplication but they usually contain very few mature virus particles. Bundles of dense filaments and peculiar vacuolar inclusions also occur in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells. These seem to be related in some way to the presence of virus but their origin and significance remain obscure. These findings are discussed in relation to previous work suggesting that the Lucké adenocarcinoma is caused by an organ-specific filtrable agent. It is concluded that the "virus particles" found in electron micrographs of the tumor cells may be the postulated tumor agent. On the other hand, the possibility remains that the particles described here are not those that are causally related to the tumors.  相似文献   

A method of securing serial sections for electron microscopy is described. Serial sections present certain anomalies of interpretation of a nature such that a complete and detailed three-dimensional reconstruction of the sectioned tissue cannot be made. These anomalies are discussed, as well as those which have been encountered in the interpretation of single sections. Observations of the following kinds have been made in an attempt to elucidate the interpretation of single and serial sections: differing methods of mounting adjacent sections, observation of the same section by high-angle stereoscopy, and examination of sections which have been shadowed prior to and subsequent to electron microscopy. It is found that the appearance of sections is independent of the choice of side to be placed against the formvar films. Stereoscopy shows that the appearance of fine structures is strongly dependent upon the direction of the penetrating electron beam with respect to the plane of the structures. Stereoscopy, combined with shadowing, shows quantitatively that extensive sublimation of polymer occurs upon normal exposure in the electron microscope. Observation of sections shadowed prior to electron microscopy indicates that varying amounts of material are removed between sections by the action of microtomy; i.e., it is probable that the sum of the thicknesses of several serial sections is considerably less than the total thickness of material removed from the block. It is believed that this effect, combined with the effect of sublimation, aids in explaining the failure of adjacent sections to exhibit continuity in their detailed structures.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet Dichroism of fd Bacteriophage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The internal structure of the bacterial virus fd was investigated by ultraviolet dichroism of virus solutions oriented by flow through a small capillary tube. The dichroism was found to be positive for wavelengths longer than 262 mμ and shorter than 239 mμ, and negative for the intermediate wavelengths. The magnitude of the effect was at all times small, with dichroic ratios of 1.22 and 0.83 at 280 mμ and 250 mμ, respectively. the intuitive interpretation that this was the result of the addition of negative DNA dichroism and positive protein dichroism was confirmed by the application of a simple theory which allowed the calculation from protein and DNA absorption data of a dichroism curve closely approximating the experimental one. The parameters arrived at by this procedure indicate a semiangle of 25° ± 5° for a cone described by the normals to the DNA base planes inside the virus. The protein absorbers tryptophan and probably tyrosine were found to be oriented on the average relatively parallel to the longitudinal axis of the virus.  相似文献   

The chromatinic material of the blue-green alga Anabaena cylindrica has complex configurations in the central regions of the cells. The distribution of the chromatin within the cells varies in different filaments, probably in response to variations in the disposition of other cellular components. In electron micrographs of thin sections of organisms fixed by the method of Kellenberger, Ryter, and Séchaud (1958) the centroplasm contains fibrillar and possibly granular components which can be identified as the nuclear material by comparison with stained preparations viewed in the light microscope. The fibrils in the nuclear regions have diameters in the range of 5 to 7 mµ and are embedded in a matrix of lower density. The nuclear regions are not greatly different from the cytoplasm in their electron density. Reducing the calcium content of the fixative results in coagulation of the fibrils to form coarser structures. The significance of the observations is discussed in relation to observations on the fine structure of other classes of algae and of bacteria.  相似文献   

Transmission-mode scanning electron microscopy (tSEM) on a field emission SEM platform was developed for efficient and cost-effective imaging of circuit-scale volumes from brain at nanoscale resolution. Image area was maximized while optimizing the resolution and dynamic range necessary for discriminating key subcellular structures, such as small axonal, dendritic and glial processes, synapses, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, vesicles, microtubules, polyribosomes, and endosomes which are critical for neuronal function. Individual image fields from the tSEM system were up to 4,295 µm2 (65.54 µm per side) at 2 nm pixel size, contrasting with image fields from a modern transmission electron microscope (TEM) system, which were only 66.59 µm2 (8.160 µm per side) at the same pixel size. The tSEM produced outstanding images and had reduced distortion and drift relative to TEM. Automated stage and scan control in tSEM easily provided unattended serial section imaging and montaging. Lens and scan properties on both TEM and SEM platforms revealed no significant nonlinear distortions within a central field of ∼100 µm2 and produced near-perfect image registration across serial sections using the computational elastic alignment tool in Fiji/TrakEM2 software, and reliable geometric measurements from RECONSTRUCT™ or Fiji/TrakEM2 software. Axial resolution limits the analysis of small structures contained within a section (∼45 nm). Since this new tSEM is non-destructive, objects within a section can be explored at finer axial resolution in TEM tomography with current methods. Future development of tSEM tomography promises thinner axial resolution producing nearly isotropic voxels and should provide within-section analyses of structures without changing platforms. Brain was the test system given our interest in synaptic connectivity and plasticity; however, the new tSEM system is readily applicable to other biological systems.  相似文献   

Sedimentation constants at infinite dilution have been found to be 1.89 and 4.06 for the somatic and capsular polysaccharides, respectively, from pneumococcus Type III. Intrinsic viscosities have been determined for the somatic and capsular polysaccharides of pneumococcus Type III using the Ostwald viscometer. Molecular weights and dimensions have been calculated for the somatic and capsular polysaccharides of pneumococcus Type III assuming the molecules to be prolate ellipsoids of revolution. Values for the somatic polysaccharide are: molecular weight, 26,400; diameter, 0.97 mµ; and length, 36.18 mµ. Values for the capsular polysaccharide are: molecular weight, 171,800; diameter, 1.04 mµ; and length, 177.87 mµ. The molecular weights were calculated for the somatic and capsular polysaccharides of pneumococcus Type III assuming the molecules to be flexible chains. The value of the molecular weight of the somatic polysaccharide is 31,500 and the value for the molecular weight of the capsular polysaccharide is 267,500. The molecules of both the somatic and capsular polysaccharides exhibit high degrees of asymmetry.  相似文献   

Radiation inactivation technique was employed to determine the functional size of photosynthetic electron transport chain of spinach chloroplasts. The functional size for photosystem I+II (H2O to methylviologen) was 623 ± 37 kilodaltons; for photosystem II (H2O to dimethylquinone/ferricyanide), 174 ± 11 kilodaltons; and for photosystem I (reduced diaminodurene to methylviologen), 190 ± 11 kilodaltons. The difference between 364 ± 22 (the sum of 174 ± 11 and 190 ± 11) kilodaltons and 623 ± 37 kilodaltons is partially explained to be due to the presence of two molecules of cytochrome b6/f complex of 280 kilodaltons. The molecular mass for other partial reactions of photosynthetic electron flow, also measured by radiation inactivation, is reported. The molecular mass obtained by this technique is compared with that determined by other conventional biochemical methods. A working hypothesis for the composition, stoichiometry, and organization of polypeptides for photosynthetic electron transport chain is proposed.  相似文献   

We previously reported the exquisite preservation of the ultrastructures of virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis cells processed through cryofixation and rapid freeze substitution. Here, we report the “structome” analysis (i.e., the quantitative three-dimensional structural analysis of a whole cell at the electron microscopic level) of virulent M. tuberculosis using serial ultrathin sections prepared after cryofixation and rapid freeze substitution and analyzed by transmission electron microscopy. Five M. tuberculosis cells, which were contained in the serial ultrathin cross sections encompassing from one end to the other, were cut into 24, 36, 69, 55, and 63 serial ultrathin sections, respectively. On average, the cells were 2.71 ± 1.05 μm in length, and the average diameter of the cell was 0.345 ± 0.029 μm. The outer membrane and plasma membrane surface areas were 3.04 ± 1.33 μm2 and 2.67 ± 1.19 μm2, respectively. The cell, outer membrane, periplasm, plasma membrane, and cytoplasm volumes were 0.293 ± 0.113 fl (= μm3), 0.006 ± 0.003 fl, 0.060 ± 0.021 fl, 0.019 ± 0.008 fl, and 0.210 ± 0.091 fl, respectively. The average total ribosome number was 1,672 ± 568, and the ribosome density was 716.5 ± 171.4/0.1 fl. This is the first report of a structome analysis of M. tuberculosis cells prepared as serial ultrathin sections following cryofixation and rapid freeze substitution and examined by transmission electron microscopy. These data are based on the direct measurement and enumeration of exquisitely preserved single-cell structures in transmission electron microscopy images rather than calculations or assumptions from indirect biochemical or molecular biological data. In addition, these data may explain the slow growth of M. tuberculosis and enhance understanding of the structural properties related to the expression of antigenicity, acid-fastness, and the mechanism of drug resistance, particularly in regard to the ratio of target to drug concentrations.  相似文献   

Colonies and spore suspensions of Streptomyces coelicolor were fixed for electron microscopy by the method of Kellenberger, Ryter, and Séchaud (1958). In thin sections the nuclear regions have a lower average density than the cytoplasm and the outlines of these regions correspond well with the profiles of the chromatinic bodies observed with the light microscope. The nuclear regions contain fibrils, about 5 mµ in diameter. In contrast, after fixation by the method of Palade (1952) the nuclear material is coagulated into irregular dense masses and tubular structures about 20 mµ in diameter, lying in a nuclear "vacuole." The significance of these observations is discussed in relation to the observations of other workers on the fine structure of the nuclear material of other bacteria and the chromosomes of higher cells.  相似文献   

Digitonin extracts have been prepared from the retinae of a dozen species of marine and euryhaline teleost fishes from turbid water habitats. Spectrophotometric analysis of the extracts shows that the photosensitive retinal pigments of these species have maximum absorption above 500 mµ. In nine species there are retinene1 pigments with λmax between 504 and 512 mµ. In the marine but euryhaline mullet, Mugil cephalus, there is a porphyropsin with λmax 520 mµ. A mixture of rhodopsin and porphyropsin in an extract of a marine puffer, Sphoeroides annulatus, was disclosed by partial bleaching with colored light. In addition, one other species has a 508 mµ pigment, of which the nature of the chromophore was not determined. The habitats in which these fishes live are relatively turbid, with the water greenish or yellowish in color. The spectral transmission of such waters is probably maximal between 520 and 570 mµ. It is suggested that the fishes have become adapted to these conditions by small but significant shifts in spectral absorption of their retinal pigments. These pigments are decidedly more effective than rhodopsin in absorption of wavelengths above 500 mµ. This offers a possible interpretation of the confusing array of retinal pigments described from marine and euryhaline fishes.  相似文献   

Sarcoplasmic vesicles and β-glycogen particles 30–40 mµ in diameter were isolated from perfused rabbit skeletal muscle by the differential precipitation-centrifugation method. This microsomal fraction was subjected to zonal centrifugation on buffered sucrose gradients, in a B XIV Anderson type rotor, for 15 hr at 45,000 rpm in order to separate the two cytoplasmic organelles. Zonal profiles of absorbance at 280 mµ, proteins, glycogen, and enzymatic activities (phosphorylase b kinase, phosphorylase b, and glycogen synthetase) were performed. Whereas the entire synthetase activity was found combined with the glycogen particles, 39% of phosphorylase and 53% of phosphorylase b kinase activities, present in the microsomal fraction, were recovered in the purified vesicular fraction (d = 1.175). This latter fraction consists of vesicles, derived from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, and of small particles 10–20 mµ in diameter attached to the outer surface of the membranes. These particles disappear after α-amylase treatment. Incubation of the sarcovesicular fraction with 14C-labeled glucose-1-phosphate confirms the localization of a polysaccharide synthesis at the level of the membranes. "Flash activation" of phosphorylase b, i.e. Ca "activation" of phosphorylase kinase followed by a conversion of phosphorylase b into a, was demonstrated in the purified sarcovesicular fraction. Moreover, the active enzymatic sites were detected on the membranes by electron microscopy. The presence of binding sites between the membranes of the sarcoplasmic vesicles and a glycogen-enzyme complex suggests that this association plays a role in the glycogenolysis during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

In this study of the electroretinograms of dragonflies (adults and nymphs) the objectives were to determine the number of classes of photoreceptors present in the visual system and to allocate these to particular morphological regions. There are probably five classes of photoreceptors present with peak sensitivities near 550, 530, 518, 420, and < 380 mµ. The dorsal ocelli contain two classes (518 mµ and < 380 mµ). The ventral (anterior) ommatidia of the adult compound eye contain at least two classes (near 518 mµ and < 380 mµ) and probably a third class (near 550 mµ). The dorsal ommatidia of the adult compound eye contain one class (420 mµ) and possibly another class (< 380 mµ). The compound eye of the nymph contains one class (530 mµ) and possibly another class (420 mµ).  相似文献   

Smooth muscle of strips of rabbit aorta, placed in a state of active tonic contraction by addition of a stimulating drug, relaxes during exposure to light. The relaxation is reversible. The extent of relaxation produced by a standard exposure depends on the preexposure level of active contraction but not on the nature of the stimulating drug used to produce contraction. With strips brought to an intermediate level of contraction, the degree of relaxation (steady state levels) is a rectangular hyperbolic function of radiation intensity. The kinetics of the relaxation process during irradiation and the recovery process following irradiation are consistent with the hypothesis that the primary photoactivated material initiates a reaction or reactions leading to a product which inhibits some process involved in the production of active contraction. The photorelaxation does not require the presence of oxygen. It is potentiated by reducing the temperature of the aortic strip. The action spectrum of the photorelaxation shows relatively low effectiveness at wavelengths above 450 mµ. The effectiveness increases markedly and progressively as the wavelength is lowered below 450 mµ, reaching a peak at 310 mµ. A deep trough occurs at 280 mµ. However, both peak and trough probably result from internal filtering due to absorption by proteins in the aortic strip. It is surmised that if a correction could be made for this internal filtering, the action spectrum would rise continuously down to wavelengths at least as low as 250 mµ.  相似文献   

The Role of Carbonium Ions in Color Reception   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It is a fundamental property of conjugated systems to accept a proton or Lewis acid and form a stable carbonium ion. Polyenes that are protonated or add Lewis acids in this manner undergo substantial red shifts. For example, vitamin A1 acetate absorbs at 350 mµ in neutral and at 650 mµ in acidic benzene solution. The fundamental basis for absorption of polyene systems was described in detail in quantum mechanical terms. Applying the carbonium ion treatment to the visual chromophores retinal1 and retinal2 gives a very satisfactory explanation why these polyenes can be made to absorb in the visual region. Furthermore, by proper placement of the Lewis acid several absorption maxima can be gained from the carbonium ions which result. This treatment can be applied to explain experimental results. Individual cones from the frog are now known to absorb at 455, 537, and 625 mµ. If the value for the green cone (537 mµ) is used to calculate the Vo value in Kuhn's equation, the other two wave lengths may then be calculated. The calculated values are 460 and 600 mµ; this is in good agreement with the results from experiment.  相似文献   

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