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Helicobacter pylori genomes typically contain 8 or 9 genes that code for secreted and highly disulfide-bridged proteins designated Helicobacter cysteine-rich proteins (Hcp). Here we show that HcpA (hp0211) but not HcpC (hp1098) triggers the differentiation of human myeloid Thp1 monocytes into macrophages. Small amounts of HcpA cause the transition of round-shaped monocytes into cells with star-like morphologies, adherence to the culture dish surface, phagocytosis of opsonized fluorescent microspheres, and expression of the surface marker protein CD11b, all of which are indicative of a macrophage-like phenotype. We conclude that HcpA acts as a bacterial immune modulator similar to a eukaryotic cytokine.  相似文献   

Chaitidis P  Kuhn H 《FEBS letters》2005,579(17):3691-3694
The lipoxygenase pathway of immunocompetent cells has been related to HIV infection and interleukins-4 and -13 have been described as major regulators of this metabolic route. To explore whether 15-lipoxygenase1 expression might impact the responsiveness of monocytic cells for HIV we induced expression of this enzyme by two independent ways (stable transfection of U937 cells and culturing of blood monocytes in vitro in the presence of granulocyte/monocyte colony stimulating factor and interleukin 4) and assayed the cellular content of the two HIV-1 receptors CD4 and CXCR4 (CD184) by real time RT-PCR and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Wild-type U937 cells express CD4 and CXCR4 at high levels and expression was not altered when the cells were transfected with control plasmids. In contrast, expression of these proteins was strongly reduced when the cells were stably transfected with 15-lipoxygenase1. Similar effects were observed when blood monocytes were cultured in the presence of granulocyte/monocyte colony stimulating factor and interleukin-4. Under these conditions strong overexpression of 15-lipoxygenase1 was paralleled by downregulation of CD4 and CXCR4. Since these surface proteins are essential for the binding of T-tropic HIV-1 strains expression of 15-lipoxygenase1 may confer resistance against HIV infection to monocytic cells.  相似文献   

NK cells in the lymph nodes play important roles in inhibiting tumor metastasis into draining lymph nodes. Previously, we reported that chronic alcohol consumption interferes with NK cell trafficking from the bone marrow to the spleen. Herein, we found that alcohol consumption decreases the numbers of NK cells in lymph nodes. Adoptive transfer experiments indicated that continued exposure of donor splenocytes to alcohol inhibits NK but not T cell trafficking to lymph nodes. Alcohol did not negatively affect CCR7+ and CXCR3+ NK cells, but decreased the percentage and number of CD62L+ NK cells in the spleen, which are an important source of NK cell trafficking into the lymph nodes. These data suggest that modulation of the microenvironment associated with alcohol consumption impairs the trafficking of NK cells to lymph nodes. The decreased number of NK cells in the lymph nodes was associated with increased melanoma metastasis into the draining lymph nodes.  相似文献   

Proteins destined for export across the cytoplasmic membrane via the post-translational Sec-dependent route have to be maintained in a largely unfolded state within the cytoplasm. In sharp contrast, only proteins that have folded into a native-like state within the cytoplasm are competent for export via the twin arginine translocation (Tat) pathway. Proteins that contain disulfide bonds, such as scFv antibody fragments, can be translocated via Tat only when expressed in Escherichia coli trxB gor mutant strains having an oxidizing cytoplasm. However, export is poor with the majority of the protein accumulating in the cytoplasm and only a fraction exported to the periplasmic space. Using a high throughput fluorescence screen, we isolated a mutant of the anti-digoxin 26-10 scFv from a large library of random mutants that is exported with a higher yield into the periplasm. In vitro refolding experiments revealed that the mutant scFv exhibits a 250% increase in the rate constant of the critical second phase of folding. This result suggests that Tat export competence is related to the protein folding rate and could be exploited for the isolation of faster folding protein mutants.  相似文献   

Complement receptor type 2 (CR2, CD21) is a cell surface protein that links the innate and adaptive immune response during the activation of B cells. The extracellular portion of CR2 comprises 15 or 16 short complement regulator (SCR) domains, for which the overall arrangement in solution is unknown. This was determined by constrained scattering and ultracentrifugation modelling. The radius of gyration of CR2 SCR 1-15 was determined to be 11.5 nm by both X-ray and neutron scattering, and that of its cross-section was 1.8 nm. The distance distribution function P(r) showed that the overall length of CR2 SCR 1-15 was 38 nm. Sedimentation equilibrium curve fits gave a mean molecular weight of 135,000 (+/- 13,000) Da, in agreement with a fully glycosylated structure. Velocity experiments using the g*(s) derivative method gave a sedimentation coefficient of 4.2 (+/- 0.1) S. In order to construct a model of CR2 SCR 1-15 for constrained fitting, homology models for the 15 SCR domains were combined with randomised linker peptides generated by molecular dynamics simulations. Using an automated procedure, the analysis of 15,000 possible CR2 SCR 1-15 models showed that only those models in which the 15 SCR domains were flexible but partially folded back accounted for the scattering and sedimentation data. The best-fit CR2 models provided a visual explanation for the versatile interaction of CR2 with four ligands C3d, CD23, gp350 and IFN-alpha. The flexible location of CR2 SCR 1-2 is likely to facilitate interactions of C3d-antigen complexes with the B cell receptor.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cytoplasmic chaperonin-containing TCP-1 (CCT) is a complex formed by two back-to-back stacked hetero-octameric rings that assists the folding of actins, tubulins, and other proteins in an ATP-dependent manner. Here, we tested the significance of the hetero-oligomeric nature of CCT in its function by introducing, in each of the eight subunits in turn, an identical mutation at a position that is conserved in all the subunits and is involved in ATP hydrolysis, in order to establish the extent of ‘individuality’ of the various subunits. Our results show that these identical mutations lead to dramatically different phenotypes. For example, Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells with the mutation in subunit CCT2 display heat sensitivity and cold sensitivity for growth, have an excess of actin patches, and are the only strain here generated that is pseudo-diploid. By contrast, cells with the mutation in subunit CCT7 are the only ones to accumulate juxtanuclear protein aggregates that may reflect an impaired stress response in this strain. System-level analysis of the strains using RNA microarrays reveals connections between CCT and several cellular networks, including ribosome biogenesis and TOR2, that help to explain the phenotypic variability observed.  相似文献   

A novel adapter-directed phage display system was developed with modular features. In this system, the target protein is expressed as a fusion protein consisting of adapter GR1 from the phagemid vector, while the recombinant phage coat protein is expressed as a fusion protein consisting of adapter GR2 in the helper phage vector. Surface display of the target protein is accomplished through specific heterodimerization of GR1 and GR2 adapters, followed by incorporation of the heterodimers into phage particles. A series of engineered helper phages were constructed to facilitate both display valency and formats, based on various phage coat proteins. As the target protein is independent of a specific phage coat protein, this modular system allows the target protein to be displayed on any given phage coat protein and allows various display formats from the same vector without the need for reengineering. Here, we demonstrate the shuttling display of a single-chain Fv antibody on phage surfaces between multivalent and monovalent formats, as well as the shuttling display of an antigen-binding fragment molecule on phage coat proteins pIII, pVII, and pVIII using the same phagemid vectors combined with different helper phage vectors. This adapter-directed display concept has been applied to eukaryotic yeast surface display and to a novel cross-species display that can shuttle between prokaryotic phage and eukaryotic yeast systems.  相似文献   

The generation of recombinant antibodies (Abs) using phage display is a proven method to obtain a large variety of Abs that bind with high affinity to a given antigen. Traditionally, the generation of single-chain Abs depends on the use of recombinant proteins in several stages of the procedure. This can be a problem, especially in the case of cell-surface receptors, because Abs generated and selected against recombinant proteins may not bind the same protein expressed on a cell surface in its native form and because the expression of some receptors as recombinant proteins is problematic. To overcome these difficulties, we developed a strategy to generate single-chain Abs that does not require the use of recombinant protein at any stage of the procedure. In this strategy, stably transfected cells are used for the immunization of mice, measuring Ab responses to immunization, panning the phage library, high-throughput screening of arrayed phage clones, and characterization of recombinant single-chain variable regions. This strategy was used to generate a panel of single-chain Abs specific for the innate immunity receptor Toll-like receptor 2. Once generated, individual single-chain variable regions were subcloned into an expression vector allowing the production of recombinant Abs in insect cells, thus avoiding the contamination of recombinant Abs with microbial products. This cell-based system efficiently generates Abs that bind to native molecules on the cell surface, bypasses the requirement of recombinant protein production, and avoids risks of microbial component contamination.  相似文献   

We recently identified Eph receptor A10 (EphA10) as a novel breast cancer-specific protein. Moreover, we also showed that an in-house developed anti-EphA10 monoclonal antibody (mAb) significantly inhibited proliferation of breast cancer cells, suggesting EphA10 as a promising target for breast cancer therapy. However, the only other known report for EphA10 was its expression in the testis at the mRNA level. Therefore, the potency of EphA10 as a drug target against cancers other than the breast is not known. The expression of EphA10 in a wide variety of cancer cells was studied and the potential of EphA10 as a drug target was evaluated. Screening of EphA10 mRNA expression showed that EphA10 was overexpressed in breast cancer cell lines as well as in prostate and colon cancer cell lines. Thus, we focused on prostate cancers in which EphA10 expression was equivalent to that in breast cancers. As a result, EphA10 expression was clearly shown in clinical prostate tumor tissues as well as in cell lines at the mRNA and protein levels. In order to evaluate the potential of EphA10 as a drug target, we analyzed complement-dependent cytotoxicity effects of anti-EphA10 mAb and found that significant cytotoxicity was mediated by the expression of EphA10. Therefore, the idea was conceived that the overexpression of EphA10 in prostate cancers might have a potential as a target for prostate cancer therapy, and formed the basis for the studies reported here.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify conditions that will increase the sensitivity of resistant cancer cells to anti-mitotic drugs. Currently, atovaquine (ATO), chloroquine (CHL), primaquine (PRI), mefloquine (MEF), artesunate (ART), and doxycycline (DOY) are the most commonly used anti-malarial drugs. Herein, we tested whether anti-malarial drugs can sensitize drug-resistant KBV20C cancer cells. None of the six tested anti-malarial drugs was found to better sensitize the drug-resistant cells compared to the sensitive KB cells. With an exception of DOY, all other anti-malarial drugs tested could sensitize both KB and KBV20C cells to a similar extent, suggesting that anti-malarial drugs could be used for sensitive as well as resistant cancer cells.  相似文献   

The 10th human fibronectin type III domain ((10)Fn3) is one of several protein scaffolds used to design and select families of proteins that bind with high affinity and specificity to macromolecular targets. To date, the highest affinity (10)Fn3 variants have been selected by mRNA display of libraries generated by randomizing all three complementarity-determining region -like loops of the (10)Fn3 scaffold. The sub-nanomolar affinities of such antibody mimics have been attributed to the extremely large size of the library accessible by mRNA display (10(12) unique sequences). Here we describe the selection and affinity maturation of (10)Fn3-based antibody mimics with dissociation constants as low as 350 pM selected from significantly smaller libraries (10(7)-10(9) different sequences), which were constructed by randomizing only 14 (10)Fn3 residues. The finding that two adjacent loops in human (10)Fn3 provide a large enough variable surface area to select high-affinity antibody mimics is significant because a smaller deviation from wild-type (10)Fn3 sequence is associated with a higher stability of selected antibody mimics. Our results also demonstrate the utility of an affinity-maturation strategy that led to a 340-fold improvement in affinity by maximizing sampling of sequence space close to the original selected antibody mimic. A striking feature of the highest affinity antibody mimics selected against lysozyme is a pair of cysteines on adjacent loops, in positions 28 and 77, which are critical for the affinity of the (10)Fn3 variant for its target and are close enough to form a disulfide bond. The selection of this cysteine pair is structurally analogous to the natural evolution of disulfide bonds found in new antigen receptors of cartilaginous fish and in camelid heavy-chain variable domains. We propose that future library designs incorporating such an interloop disulfide will further facilitate the selection of high-affinity, highly stable antibody mimics from libraries accessible to phage and yeast surface display methods.  相似文献   

The generation of human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) requires the collection of donor tissue, but clinical circumstances in which the interests of patients have highest priority may compromise the quality and availability of cells that are eventually used for reprogramming. Here we compared (i) skin biopsies stored in standard physiological salt solution for up to two weeks (ii) blood outgrowth endothelial cells (BOECs) isolated from fresh peripheral blood and (iii) children's milk teeth lost during normal replacement for their ability to form somatic cell cultures suitable for reprogramming to hiPSCs. We derived all hiPSC lines using the same reprogramming method (a conditional (FLPe) polycistronic lentivirus) and under similar conditions (same batch of virus, fetal calf serum and feeder cells). Skin fibroblasts could be reprogrammed robustly even after long-term biopsy storage. Generation of hiPSCs from juvenile dental pulp cells gave similar high efficiencies, but that of BOECs was lower. In terms of invasiveness of biopsy sampling, biopsy storage and reprogramming efficiencies skin fibroblasts appeared best for the generation of hiPSCs, but where non-invasive procedures are required (e.g. for children and minors) dental pulp cells from milk teeth represent a valuable alternative.  相似文献   

Pin1 is involved in eukaryotic cell proliferation by changing the structure and function of phosphorylated proteins. PiB, the Pin1 specific inhibitor, blocks cancer cell proliferation. However, low solubility of PiB in DMSO has limited studies of its effectiveness. We screened for additional Pin1 inhibitors and identified the DMSO-soluble compound dipentamethylene thiuram monosulfide (DTM) that inhibits Pin1 activity with an EC50 value of 4.1 μM. Molecular modeling and enzyme kinetic analysis indicated that DTM competitively inhibits Pin1 activity, with a Ki value of 0.05 μM. The KD value of DTM with Pin1 was determined to be 0.06 μM by SPR technology. Moreover, DTM specifically inhibited peptidyl-prolyl cis/trans isomerase activity in HeLa cells. FACS analysis showed that DTM induced G0 arrest of the HCT116 cells. Our results suggest that DTM has the potential to guide the development of novel antifungal and/or anticancer drugs.  相似文献   

Itch is a member of the HECT family of ubiquitin E3 ligases, and regulates the stability of several proteins involved in response to genotoxic stress. We have previously shown that p73 and p63, two members of the p53 family of tumour suppressors, are targets for Itch-mediated ubiquitylation and degradation. Here, we show that depletion of Itch by RNA interference augments apoptosis upon treatment with chemotherapeutic drugs. We also show that cells with no functional p53 are more sensitive to Itch depletion, highlighting the importance that changes in levels of Itch may play in majority of cancers, where p53 is absent or mutated. Furthermore, reintroduction of Itch in fibroblasts obtained from Itch deficient mice results in reduced cell death upon DNA damage. Overall our findings suggest that inhibition of Itch potentiates the effect of chemotherapeutic drugs revealing the pharmacological potentials of targeting Itch for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

The roles of T lymphocytes in the central nervous system (CNS) are diverse; their roles in the injured CNS have been reported to be both detrimental and advantageous. Hence, an investigation of the effects of specific subsets of T cells on neurons may provide an insight into the interaction between the nervous system and the immune system. In the present study, we demonstrate that a specific subset of T lymphocytes enhanced neurite outgrowth in vitro. When cultured T helper type 1 (Th1) cells were co-cultured with cortical neurons, neurite outgrowth from neurons was enhanced; however, the same was not observed when Th2 or naïve T cells were used. We observed that the promotion of neurite outgrowth by Th1 cells was completely inhibited by anti-interferon γ (IFN-γ) neutralizing antibody, but that IFN-γ did not directly promote neurite growth. Furthermore, experiments using knockout mice revealed that semaphorin 4A (Sema4A) but not Sema7A was required for the effect produced by Th1 cells. These results demonstrate that Sema4A and IFN-γ expressed in Th1 cells play a critical role in enhancing neurite outgrowth from cortical neurons.  相似文献   

While there has been considerable progress in designing protein–protein interactions, the design of proteins that bind polar surfaces is an unmet challenge. We describe the computational design of a protein that binds the acidic active site of hen egg lysozyme and inhibits the enzyme. The design process starts with two polar amino acids that fit deep into the enzyme active site, identifies a protein scaffold that supports these residues and is complementary in shape to the lysozyme active-site region, and finally optimizes the surrounding contact surface for high-affinity binding. Following affinity maturation, a protein designed using this method bound lysozyme with low nanomolar affinity, and a combination of NMR studies, crystallography, and knockout mutagenesis confirmed the designed binding surface and orientation. Saturation mutagenesis with selection and deep sequencing demonstrated that specific designed interactions extending well beyond the centrally grafted polar residues are critical for high-affinity binding.  相似文献   



We previously described the inhibition of HIV-1 replication by a 54-mer hairpin-loop structured oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) A, which binds the polypurine tract (PPT) on HIV-1 RNA. ODN A was shown to lead to reduced viral RNA in virions or early during infection.

Methods and results

Here we demonstrated that ODN A was able to cause hydrolysis of viral RNA not only by retroviral RT-associated RNase H but also cellular RNase H1 and RNase H2 in vitro. Furthermore, ODN A reduced gene expression in a dose-dependent manner in a cell-based reporter assay where a PPT sequence was inserted in the 5′ untranslated region of the reporter gene. The efficacy of ODN A was higher than that of its siRNA and antisense counterparts. By knocking down cellular RNases H, we showed that RNase H1 contributed to the gene silencing by ODN A but the possibility of a partial contribution of RNase H-independent mechanisms could not be ruled out.

General significance

Our findings highlight the potential application of hairpin-loop structured ODNs for reduction of gene expression in mammalian cells and underscore the possibility of using ODN A to trigger the hydrolysis of HIV RNA in infected cells by cellular RNases H.  相似文献   

Chen YJ  Liu BR  Dai YH  Lee CY  Chan MH  Chen HH  Chiang HJ  Lee HJ 《Gene》2012,493(2):201-210
Most bioactive macromolecules, such as protein, DNA and RNA, basically cannot permeate into cells freely from outside the plasma membrane. Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs) are a group of short peptides that possess the ability to traverse the cell membrane and have been considered as candidates for mediating gene and drug delivery into living cells. In this study, we demonstrate that three arginine-rich CPPs (SR9, HR9 and PR9) are able to form stable complexes with plasmid DNA and deliver DNA into insect Sf9 cells in a noncovalent manner. The transferred plasmid DNA containing enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) and red fluorescent protein (RFP) coding regions could be expressed in cells functionally assayed at both the protein and RNA levels. Furthermore, treatment of cells with CPPs and CPP/DNA complexes resulted in a viability of 84-93% indicating these CPPs are not cytotoxic. These results suggest that arginine-rich CPPs appear to be a promising tool for insect transgenesis.  相似文献   

Recent studies have revealed that various neurotransmitters regulate the immune system via their receptors expressed on the immune cells. Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), a sensory nerve C-fiber neuropeptide, is also known to have the ability to modulate the functions of immune cells in vitro. However, the contribution of CGRP to the immune regulation in vivo remains to be fully elucidated. Here we report that mice deficient in receptor activity-modifying protein 1 (RAMP1), which is a subunit of the CGRP receptor, showed a significantly lower incidence of diarrhea compared with wild-type (WT) mice in the ovalbumin (OVA)-induced food allergic model. Serum OVA-specific IgE levels and the differentiation of T helper cells was comparable in WT mice and RAMP1-deficient mice. Moreover, there were no significant differences between recruitment and degranulation of mast cells in the small intestine of these mice. In contrast, significantly diminished intestinal peristalsis was observed by the allergy induction in RAMP1-deficient mice compared with WT mice. These results suggest that this suppression of allergic diarrhea is due to the diminished intestinal peristalsis in RAMP1-deficient mice.  相似文献   

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