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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) and General control nonderepressible 5 (GCN5) knock down on peroxisome proliferator- activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α) deacetylation during electrical stimulated skeletal muscle contraction.


Skeletal muscle primary cell were isolated from C57BL/6 mice gastrocnemius and transfected lentiviral SIRT1 and GCN5 shRNA. Knock downed muscle cell were stimulated by electrical stimulation (1Hz, 3min) and collected for PGC-1α deceatylation assays. Immunoprecipitation performed for PGC-1α deacetylation, acetyl-lysine level was measured.


Our resulted showed SIRT1 knock down not influenced to PGC-1α deacetylation during electrical stimulation induced muscle contraction while GCN5 knock down decreased PGC-1α deacetylation significantly (p<0.05).


This study can be concluded that GCN5 is a critical factor for muscle contraction induced PGC-1α deacetylation.  相似文献   

Summary -Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase (sn-glycerol-3-phosphate: acceptor oxidoreductase, EC activity in mitochondria isolated from rat skeletal muscle has been studied. The pH optimum of the enzyme activity was about 7.4 and the apparent Km value for DL--glycerophosphate was approxinately 1.6mm. The activity of this enzyme was found to be inhibited by DL-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate, phosphoenolpyruvate and 3-phosphoglycerate in a competitive manner: the apparent Ki values at pH 7.4 being 0.3mm, 1.5mm and 4.0mm respectively. The enzyme was found to be more sensitive to phosphoenolpyruvate at pH 7.0 than 7.6.The activity of -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in rat skeletal muscle was also inhibited by palmitoyl-CoA and stearoyl-CoA in a competitive manner. The Ki values being about 9.0 m for both metabolites. This inhibition was partly reversed by Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions. Palmitoylcarnitine also exerted inhibitory effect on -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activity but palmitate, carnitine and CoA added alone was without effect. It is proposed that the activity of -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase in rat skeletal muscle mitochondria may be controlled by changes of the cytosolic levels of some glycolytic intermediates and long-chain acyl-CoA esters. These results are discussed with respect to the regulation of -glycerophosphate shuttle activity in skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Congenital myopathy is a broad category of muscular diseases with symptoms appearing at the time of birth. One type of congenital myopathy is Congenital Fiber Type Disproportion (CFTD), a severely debilitating disease. The G48D and G48C mutations in the D-loop and the actin–myosin interface are the two causes of CFTD. These mutations have been shown to significantly affect the structure and function of muscle fibers. To the author’s knowledge, the effects of these mutations have not yet been studied. In this work, the power stroke structure of the head domain of myosin and the wild and mutated types of actin were modeled. Then, a MD simulation was run for the modeled structures to study the effects of these mutations on the structure, function, and molecular dynamics of actin. The wild and mutated actins docked with myosin showed differences in hydrogen bonding patterns, free binding energies, and hydrogen bond occupation frequencies. The G48D and G48C mutations significantly impacted the conformation of D-loops because of their larger size compared to Glycine and their ability to interfere with the polarity or hydrophobicity of this neutralized and hydrophobic loop. Therefore, the mutated loops were unable to fit properly into the hydrophobic groove of the adjacent G-actin. The abnormal structure of D-loops seems to result in the abnormal assembly of F-actins, giving rise to the symptoms of CFTD. It was also noted that G48C and G48D did not form hydrogen bonds with myosin in the residue 48 location. Nevertheless, in this case, muscles are unable to contract properly due to muscle atrophy.  相似文献   

Airway disease distribution and/or severity exhibit sex differences suggesting that sex hormones are involved in the respiratory system physiology and pathophysiology. The implication of airway smooth muscle cells (ASMCs) in the physiology of the airways and the pathogenetic mechanism of airway remodeling is of great interest. Therefore, we studied the effect of testosterone and 17β-estradiol on ASMC proliferation and the mechanisms involved.Cell proliferation was estimated using the methyl-[3H]thymidine incorporation and Cell Titer 96® AQueous One Solution Assay methods. ASMC isolated from adult male or female rabbit trachea were incubated with testosterone (1 pM-1 μM) or 17β-estradiol (1 pM-1 μM), in the presence or absence of the androgen receptor antagonist flutamide (10 nM) or estrogen receptor antagonist ICI182780 (10 nM), as well as of the PI3K inhibitors LY294002 (20 μM) or wortmannin (1 μM), or the MAPK inhibitors PD98059 (100 μM) or U0126 (1 μM).After 24 h of incubation, testosterone and 17β-estradiol increased methyl-[3H]thymidine incorporation and cell number, in ASMC isolated from male or female animals. The induction of ASMC proliferation by testosterone or 17β-estradiol was inhibited by flutamide or ICI182780 respectively, as well as by LY294002, wortmannin, PD98059 or U0126.In conclusion, testosterone and 17β-estradiol have a mitogenic effect on ASMC, which is receptor-mediated and involves the MAPK and PI3K signaling pathways. Moreover, their effect is the same for ASMC from male and female animals. It is possible that gender-related differences in ASMC remodeling, may be influenced by the different patterns of sex steroid hormone secretion in males and females.  相似文献   

The purpose of this review was to provide an understanding of the role of PGC-1α in the regulation of skeletal muscle metabolism and to describe the results of studies on the association of the polymorphism gene PPARGC1A with human muscle performance.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Previous studies have clearly shown substantial increases of soil organic carbon (SOC) in agricultural soils of Yellow River reaches. Those soils did not receive organic fertilizer input, but did receive chemical fertilizer inputs. Thus, to investigate the hypothesis that the observed SOC increases were driven by chemical fertilizer additions, a maize pot experiment was conducted using a Fluvisol that developed under C3 vegetation in the Yellow River reaches.


Using the natural 13C abundance method we calculated the SOC renewal ratio (C renewal), and separated total soil organic carbon (TOC) into maize-derived soil organic carbon (SOCmaize) and original soil organic carbon (SOCoriginal). Carbon dioxide fluxes and microbial biomass carbon (MBC) were determined by closed chamber method and fumigation-extraction method, respectively. The experiment included five treatments: (1) NPK: application of chemical fertilizer NPK; (2) NP, application of chemical fertilizer NP; (3) PK: application of chemical fertilizer PK; (4) NK, application of chemical fertilizer NK; and (5) CK: unfertilized control.


Fertilization increased maize biomass (including grain, straw and root), TOC, C renewal, SOCmaize, maize-derived carbon (MDC: including SOCmaize, and root and stubble biomass carbon) and MBC, and these values among the treatments ranked NPK>NP>PK>NK>CK. The C renewal was 5.54–8.50% across the treatments. Fertilization also increased soil CO2 emission (including root respiration and SOCoriginal decomposition), while the SOCoriginal decomposition during the maize growing season only amounted to 74.0–93.4 and 33.5–46.1% of SOCmaize and MDC among the treatments, respectively. Thus input was larger than export, and led to SOC increase. Maize grain and straw biomass were positively and significantly correlated with soil δ13C, TOC, C renewal, SOCmaize, MDC and MBC.


The study suggests that chemical fertilizer application could increase C renewal by increasing crop-derived C and accelerating original SOC decomposition, and that as long as a certain level of crop yield or aboveground biomass can be achieved, application of chemical fertilizer alone can maintain or increase SOC level in Fluvisol in the Yellow River reaches.  相似文献   

On reaching the respiratory compensation point (RCP) during rapidly increasing incremental exercise, the ratio of minute ventilation (VE) to CO2 output (VCO2) rises, which coincides with changes of arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide (P aCO2). Since P aCO2 changes can be monitored by transcutaneous partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2,tc) RCP may be estimated by PCO2,tc measurement. Few available studies, however, have dealt with comparisons between PCO2,tc threshold (T AT) and lactic, ventilatory or gas exchange threshold (V AT), and the results have been conflicting. This study was designed to examine whether this threshold represents RCP rather than V AT. A group of 11 male athletes performed incremental excercise (25 W · min–1) on a cycle ergometer. The PCO2,tc at (44°C) was continuously measured. Gas exchange was computed breath-by-breath, and hyperaemized capillary blood for lactate concentration ([la]b) and P aCO2 measurements was sampled each 2 min. The T AT was determined at the deflection point of PCO2,tc curve where PCO2,tc began to decrease continuously. The V AT and RCP were evaluated with VCO2 compared with oxygen uptake (VO2) and VE compared with the VCO2 method, respectively. The PCO2,tc correlated with P aCO2 and end-tidal PCO2. At T AT, power output [P, 294 (SD 40) W], VO2 [4.18 (SD 0.57)l · min–1] and [la] [4.40 (SD 0.64) mmol · l–1] were significantly higher than those at V AT[P 242 (SD 26) W, VO2 3.56 (SD 0.53) l · min–1 and [la]b 3.52 (SD 0.75), mmol · l–1 respectively], but close to those at RCP [P 289 (SD 37) W; VO2 3.97 (SD 0.43) l · min and [la]b 4.19 (SD 0.62) mmol · l–1, respectively]. Accordingly, linear correlation and regression analyses showed that P, VO2 and [la]b at T AT were closer to those at RCP than at V AT. In conclusion, the T AT reflected the RCP rather than V AT during rapidly increasing incremental exercise.  相似文献   

TNF-α is a proinflammatory cytokine that is involved in numerous pathological processes including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). In the present study, we used a transgenic mouse model that overexpresses TNF-α in the lung (Tg(+)) to test the hypothesis that chronic exposure to TNF-α (as seen in COPD) reduces skeletal muscle force production and fatigue resistance, particularly under low Po(2) conditions. At 7-12 mo, body and muscle weight of both extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and soleus were significantly smaller in Tg(+) compared with littermate wild-type (WT) mice; however, the body-to-muscle weight ratio was not different between groups. EDL and soleus muscles were subjected to in vitro fatiguing contractile periods under high (~550 Torr) and low Po(2) (~40 Torr). Although all muscles were less fatigue-resistant during low Po(2) compared with high Po(2), only the soleus fatigued more rapidly in Tg(+) mice (~12%) compared with WT at high Po(2). The maximal tension of EDL was equally reduced in Tg(+) mice (28-34% decrease from WT under both Po(2) conditions); but for soleus this parameter was smaller only under low Po(2) in Tg(+) mice (~31% decrease from WT). The peak rate of relaxation and the peak rate of contraction were both significantly reduced in Tg(+) EDL muscles compared with WT EDL under low Po(2) conditions, but not in soleus. These results demonstrate that TNF-α upregulation in the lung impairs peripheral skeletal muscle function but affects fast- and slow-twitch muscles differentially at high and low Po(2).  相似文献   

Symbiotic relationships between phytoplankton and N2-fixing microorganisms play a crucial role in marine ecosystems. The abundant and widespread unicellular cyanobacteria group A (UCYN-A) has recently been found to live symbiotically with a haptophyte. Here, we investigated the effect of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), iron (Fe) and Saharan dust additions on nitrogen (N2) fixation and primary production by the UCYN-A–haptophyte association in the subtropical eastern North Atlantic Ocean using nifH expression analysis and stable isotope incubations combined with single-cell measurements. N2 fixation by UCYN-A was stimulated by the addition of Fe and Saharan dust, although this was not reflected in the nifH expression. CO2 fixation by the haptophyte was stimulated by the addition of ammonium nitrate as well as Fe and Saharan dust. Intriguingly, the single-cell analysis using nanometer scale secondary ion mass spectrometry indicates that the increased CO2 fixation by the haptophyte in treatments without added fixed N is likely an indirect result of the positive effect of Fe and/or P on UCYN-A N2 fixation and the transfer of N2-derived N to the haptophyte. Our results reveal a direct linkage between the marine carbon and nitrogen cycles that is fuelled by the atmospheric deposition of dust. The comparison of single-cell rates suggests a tight coupling of nitrogen and carbon transfer that stays balanced even under changing nutrient regimes. However, it appears that the transfer of carbon from the haptophyte to UCYN-A requires a transfer of nitrogen from UCYN-A. This tight coupling indicates an obligate symbiosis of this globally important diazotrophic association.  相似文献   

First coined by Alexander Sandow in 1952, the term excitation–contraction coupling (ECC) describes the rapid communication between electrical events occurring in the plasma membrane of skeletal muscle fibres and Ca2+ release from the SR, which leads to contraction. The sequence of events in twitch skeletal muscle involves: (1) initiation and propagation of an action potential along the plasma membrane, (2) spread of the potential throughout the transverse tubule system (T-tubule system), (3) dihydropyridine receptors (DHPR)-mediated detection of changes in membrane potential, (4) allosteric interaction between DHPR and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) ryanodine receptors (RyR), (5) release of Ca2+ from the SR and transient increase of Ca2+ concentration in the myoplasm, (6) activation of the myoplasmic Ca2+ buffering system and the contractile apparatus, followed by (7) Ca2+ disappearance from the myoplasm mediated mainly by its reuptake by the SR through the SR Ca2+ adenosine triphosphatase (SERCA), and under several conditions movement to the mitochondria and extrusion by the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX). In this text, we review the basics of ECC in skeletal muscle and the techniques used to study it. Moreover, we highlight some recent advances and point out gaps in knowledge on particular issues related to ECC such as (1) DHPR-RyR molecular interaction, (2) differences regarding fibre types, (3) its alteration during muscle fatigue, (4) the role of mitochondria and store-operated Ca2+ entry in the general ECC sequence, (5) contractile potentiators, and (6) Ca2+ sparks.  相似文献   

Facilitation of healing is important for the anteroinferior glenohumeral ligament–labrum complex (AIGHL-LC) after Bankart repair in shoulder dislocation. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of subscapularis muscle loading on contact area and contact pressure between the subscapularis and AIGHL-LC and between the glenoid bone and the AIGHL-LC following Bankart repair. Twenty-two fresh-frozen cadaveric shoulders were used. They were attached to a shoulder-positioning device to which a compression force was applied. Loads applied to the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and teres minor tendons were held constant. The loads applied to the subscapularis tendon were set at 0, 10, 20, and 30 Newton (N). Contact pressure and area between the subscapularis and the AIGHL-LC were measured with the arm at 4 rotational positions: 60° and 30° internal, neutral, and 30° external. After the Bankart lesion was created, the contact area and pressure between the AIGHL-LC and glenoid bone were measured while Bankart repair was performed with or without loading of the subscapularis. The contact area and pressures with 10, 20, and 30 N of subscapularis loadings were significantly greater than with 0 N of subscapularis loading at 60° internal rotation and 30° external rotation (P < .05). After Bankart repair, contact area and pressure with subscapularis loading between the AIGHL-LC and glenoid bone were significantly greater than without subscapularis loading (P < .01). We conclude that isometric contraction exercises of the subscapularis might facilitate healing of the AIGHL-LC after Bankart repair.  相似文献   

X-radiography and carbon and oxygen stable isotope analysis have been used to examine the effects of prolonged bleaching on the growth rate and chemical composition of the skeleton of the massive reef coral, Montastrea annularis. The post-bleaching linear growth of one colony that remained bleached for 10 to 12 months following the 1987 Caribbean-wide bleaching event was only 37% of mean annual growth from pre-bleaching years, and was manifest as a loss of the following year's low density band. Two colonies that did not bleach (normal) and two that bleached and regained their coloration (recovered) had linear growth rates over the same period that were 81 to 98% of mean pre-bleaching annual growth. Linear growth by a third recovered coral was 66% of pre-bleaching growth. No sub-annual stress bands were associated with the bleaching. The skeleton of the bleached colony had carbon and oxygen isotopic compositions that were reduced in range and enriched (increased) in both 13C and 18O in the post-bleaching year. The skeletons of two of the nine colonies, one bleached and one recovered, had depleted (reduced) 18O values (-5.3 and -4.8%., respectively) during the bleaching episode that agree with the suggestion that positive temperature anomalies occurred during, and may have caused, the bleaching event. The range and values for all other normal and recovered corals, however, were not different between the post-bleaching year and previous years. Our data suggest that stress bands and isotopic analysis of coral skeletons may not always be reliable tools for examining the occurrence, cause or effects of certain discrete stress events that may interrupt skeletal growth.  相似文献   

There are three Northeast Pacific Rivers still supporting spawning populations of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, but all have been modified hydrologically and thermally by dam construction. Age 1- to 3-year-old green sturgeon, progeny of artificially spawned, wild-caught Klamath River adults, were used to assess the effects of temperature and carbon dioxide on critical hematological parameters related to evolutionary adaptations of this species to its physical environment. In vitro measurement of the effect of temperature and carbon dioxide on blood–oxygen affinity and equilibrium curve shape yielded the following data for the respective temperature treatments (11, 15, 19, and 24°C): half-saturation values (P50’s, kPa, a measure of affinity) 1.26, 1.44, 1.63, 1.69 for low-PCO2 treatments and 2.08, 2.41, 2.74, 2.94 for high-PCO2 treatments; Bohr factors −0.322, −0.327, −0.366, −0.536; and non-bicarbonate buffer values (slykes) −6, −3, −5, −8. Temperature sensitivities (ΔH, kJ mol O2−1) between these respective temperatures were −34.20, −15.24, −6.74 for low-PCO2 treatments and −20.05, −27.00, and −11.55 for the high-PCO2 treatments. These data suggest that juvenile green sturgeon may tolerate moderate environmental hypoxia, moderate aerobic activity, low to moderate hypercapnia, and moderate temperature changes in their environments.  相似文献   

There are three Northeast Pacific Rivers still supporting spawning populations of green sturgeon, Acipenser medirostris, but all have been modified hydrologically and thermally by dam construction. Age 1- to 3-year-old green sturgeon, progeny of artificially spawned, wild-caught Klamath River adults, were used to assess the effects of temperature and carbon dioxide on critical hematological parameters related to evolutionary adaptations of this species to its physical environment. In vitro measurement of the effect of temperature and carbon dioxide on blood–oxygen affinity and equilibrium curve shape yielded the following data for the respective temperature treatments (11, 15, 19, and 24°C): half-saturation values (P50’s, kPa, a measure of affinity) 1.26, 1.44, 1.63, 1.69 for low-PCO2 treatments and 2.08, 2.41, 2.74, 2.94 for high-PCO2 treatments; Bohr factors ?0.322, ?0.327, ?0.366, ?0.536; and non-bicarbonate buffer values (slykes) ?6, ?3, ?5, ?8. Temperature sensitivities (ΔH, kJ mol O 2 ?1 ) between these respective temperatures were ?34.20, ?15.24, ?6.74 for low-PCO2 treatments and ?20.05, ?27.00, and ?11.55 for the high-PCO2 treatments. These data suggest that juvenile green sturgeon may tolerate moderate environmental hypoxia, moderate aerobic activity, low to moderate hypercapnia, and moderate temperature changes in their environments.  相似文献   

Hu JJ  Wang L  Zhang SP  Wang YQ  Xi XF 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(14):7147-7153
The inhibitory effect of organic carbon on CO2 fixation (CF) by the non-photosynthetic microbial community (NPMC) and its mechanism were studied. The results showed that different concentrations of glucose inhibited CF to some extent. However, when these microorganisms pre-cultured with glucose were re-cultured without organic carbon, their CF efficiency differed significantly from the control based on the glucose concentration in the pre-culture. ATP as bioenergy and NADH as reductant had no obvious inhibitory effect on CF; conversely, they improved CF efficiency to some extent, especially when both were present simultaneously. These results implied that not all organic materials inhibited CF by NPMC, and only those that acted as good carbon sources, such as glucose, inhibited CF. Moreover, some metabolites generated during the catabolism of glucose by heterotrophic metabolism of NPMC might inhibit CF, while other cumulated materials present in the cell interior, such as ATP and NADH, might improve CF.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the human neuromuscular disorders, hyperkalemic periodic paralysis and paramyotonia congenita, are both caused by genetic defects in the -subunit of the adult skeletal muscle sodium channel, which maps near the growth hormone cluster (GH) on Chromosome (Chr) 17q. In view of the extensive homology between this human chromosome and mouse Chr 11, we typed an interspecies backcross to determine whether the murine homolog (Scn4a) of this sodium channel gene mapped within the conserved chromosomal segment. The cytosolic thymidine kinase gene, Tk-1, was also positioned on the genetic map of Chr 11. Both Scn4a and Tk-1 showed clear linkage to mouse Chr 11 loci previously typed in this backcross, yielding the map order: Tr J-(Re, Hox-2, Krt-1)-Scn4a-Tk-1. No mouse mutant that could be considered a model of either hyperkalemic periodic paralysis or paramyotonia congenita has been mapped to the appropriate region of mouse Chr 11. These data incorporate an additional locus into the already considerable degree of homology observed for these human and mouse chromosomes. These data are also consistent with the view that the conserved segment region may extend to the telomere on mouse Chr 11 and on human 17q.  相似文献   

Small β-hairpin peptides have been widely used as models for the folding of β-sheets. But how applicable is the folding of such models to β-structure in larger proteins with conventional hydrophobic cores? Here we present multiple unfolding simulations of three such proteins that contain the WW domain double hairpin β-sheet motif: cold shock protein A (CspA), cold shock protein B (CspB) and glucose permease IIA domain. We compare the behavior of the free motif in solution and in the context of proteins of different size and architecture. Both Csp proteins lost contacts between the double-hairpin motif and the protein core as the first step of unfolding and proceeded to unfold with loss of the third β-strand, similar to the isolated WW domain. The glucose permease IIA domain is a larger protein and the contacts between the motif and the core were not lost as quickly. Instead the unfolding pathway of glucose permease IIA followed a different pathway with β1 pulling away from the sheet first. Interestingly, when the double hairpin motif was excised from the glucose permease IIA domain and simulated in isolation in water it unfolded by the same pathway as the WW domain, indicating that it is tertiary interactions with the protein that alter the motif’s unfolding not a sequence dependent effect on its intrinsic unfolding behavior. With respect to the unfolding of the hairpins, there was no consistent order to the loss of hydrogen bonds between the β-strands in the hairpins in any of the systems. Our results show that while the folding behavior of the isolated WW domain is generally consistent with the double hairpin motif’s behavior in the cold shock proteins, it is not the case for the glucose permease IIA domain. So, one must be cautious in extrapolating findings from model systems to larger more complicated proteins where tertiary interactions can overwhelm intrinsic behavior.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscle satellite cell: stem cell or son of stem cell?   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
The concept of the adult tissue stem cell is fundamental to models of persistent renewal in functionally post-mitotic tissues. Although relatively ignored by stem cell biology, skeletal muscle is a prime example of an adult tissue that can generate terminally differentiated cells uniquely specialized to carry out tissue-specific functions. This capacity is attributed to satellite cells, a population of undifferentiated, quiescent precursors that become activated to divide and differentiate in response to the demands of growth or damage. The aim of this review is to discuss the role of the satellite cell as an adult tissue-specific stem cell. We examine evidence for the presence of behaviourally and phenotypically distinct subpopulations of precursor within the satellite cell pool. Further, we speculate on the possible identity, origins and relevance of multipotent muscle stem cells, a population with both myogenic and hematopoietic potentials that has been isolated from whole muscle. Taken together, current evidence suggests the possibility that the regenerative compartment of adult skeletal muscle may conform to an archetypal stem cell-based hierarchy, maintained within a stem cell niche. It therefore remains to be seen whether all satellite cells are skeletal muscle-specific stem cells, or whether some or all are the progeny of an as yet unidentified muscle stem cell.  相似文献   

Zou J  Rogers WE  DeWalt SJ  Siemann E 《Oecologia》2006,150(2):272-281
The EICA hypothesis predicts that shifts in allocation of invasive plants give rise to higher growth rates and lower herbivore defense levels in their introduced range than conspecifics in their native range. These changes in traits of invasive plants may also affect ecosystem processes. We conducted an outdoor pot experiment with Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum, Euphorbiaceae) seedlings from its native (Jiangsu, China, native ecotype) and introduced ranges (Texas, USA, invasive ecotype) to compare their relative performances in its native range and to examine ecotype effects on soil processes with and without fertilization. Consistent with predictions, plant (shoot and root) mass was significantly greater and leaf defoliation tended to be higher, while the root:shoot ratio was lower for the invasive ecotype relative to the native ecotype. Seasonal amounts of soil–plant system CO2 and N2O emissions were higher for the invasive ecotype than for the native ecotype. Soil respiration rates and N2O emission increases from fertilization were also greater for the invasive ecotype than for the native ecotype, while shoot-specific respiration rates (g CO2–C g−1 C day−1) did not differ between ecotypes. Further, soil inorganic N (ammonium and nitrate) was higher, but soil total N was lower for soils with the invasive ecotype than soils with the native ecotype. Compared with native ecotypes, therefore, invasive ecotypes may have developed a competition advantage in accelerating soil processes and promoting more nitrogen uptake through soil–plant direct interaction. The results of this study suggest that soil and ecosystem processes accelerated by variation in traits of invasive plants may have implications for their invasiveness.  相似文献   

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