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瘦尾虫的小核在无性繁殖周期中对细胞形态结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
金立培  刘星吟 《动物学报》2006,52(2):383-388
通过显微切割建立瘦尾虫无小核细胞系,并与原细胞系及切割后再生的有小核细胞系进行对照观察。结果表明,无小核细胞的形态结构,尤其是口器出现高比率的畸形。在生长静止期,无小核细胞系群体中约23 % (36/155)的细胞完全失去了波动膜。与此同时,这些细胞的口围带也显出异常。一些无小核细胞的大核也出现异常,有的细胞仅含有1枚大核,有的则含有4枚,而不是通常的2枚;还有少数细胞的大核在非细胞分裂期进行分裂。上述结果提示,在无性繁殖周期中,瘦尾虫的小核对于维持正常的细胞形态结构、尤其是保持胞口结构的稳定性和大核数的恒定起着重要的作用[动物学报52 (2) : 383 -388 , 2006]。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A sessile, tentacle-bearing protozoon, Heliophrya sp. (Suctoria, Ciliata), reproduces asexually by evaginative budding to form a ciliated swarmer, which begins metamorphosis to the adult form within 30 min of its release from the parent cell. Morphological features of embryogenesis were investigated using transmission and scanning electron microscopy and found to correspond, with certain exceptions, to the few previous reports concerning evaginative budding in suctorians. Following invagination of a portion of the pellicle to form an embryonic cavity within the parent cell, numerous kinetosomes, apparently formed de novo, organize into rows which surround the embryonic cavity and eventually develop cilia that project into the cavity. When the cavity is complete, its walls are extruded through an opening in the parent cell surface. Parent cell cytoplasm streams into the incipient swarmer, thus supplying it with at least the minimum requirement of all cytoplasmic organelles. The ciliated swarmer remains attached to its parent cell for several minutes before it detaches. A complete pellicle is formed in both parent and swarmer prior to detachment. The numerous mitochondria underlying the parent cell pellicle in the vicinity of the attachment area suggest that cross wall formation is an energy-dependent process.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Hypophrya fasciculata gen. nov., sp. nov., a mesosaprobic epibiotic suctorian ciliate, was collected from stagnant water in Chapultepec Park, Mexico, D.F., on Epistylis plicatilis , in turn epibiotic on the molluscans Limnaea attenuata and Physa osculans. The zooids (average size, 118 × 78 μ) have fasciculate tentacles distributed on the apical and proximal regions, and the stalks are ca. 248 μ in length. Feeding and internal budding were observed.  相似文献   

This study, conducted in the Dnieper-Bug Canal in Belarus, is the first to monitor the seasonal (June-November) dynamics of infection with the parasitic ciliate Ophryoglena sp. in a zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) population. Mean population prevalence and intensity of infection varied, respectively, from 11 to 62% and from 0.9 to 24.1 ciliates/mussel. Mean prevalence was highly correlated with mussel length in mussels <20 mm (R(2)=0.97) and was lower in larger mussels. Mean infection intensity in mussels 1-25 mm long was similarly correlated with their size (R=0.98), reached a maximum in the 20-25 mm size-class, and then sharply decreased, thus providing evidence, albeit limited, that high intensity of infection might be lethal. Transinfection of zebra mussels by Ophryoglena sp. was achieved in the laboratory-a first for a protozoan parasite of D. polymorpha; from an initial complete lack of infection, mean prevalence and intensity rose, respectively, to 86.7% and 8.3 ciliates/mussel.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The behavior of populations of Uronychia setigera (Ciliata, Hypotrichida) exposed to water currents flowing at increasing velocities (300, 400, 500, 900, 1,700 μm/s) was analyzed using two techniques: 1) the ethogram and 2) the numerical indices recently proposed to measure the development in space and time of tracks of ciliates. Beyond a certain threshold value of the water velocity (˜ 300 μm/s), this species shows a definite positive rheotaxis, only if it moves in a more or less direct contact with the substrate. No rheotactic swimming ever occurs. Rheotaxis is a gradual, adaptive behavior: the higher the velocity of the current, the stronger the degree of the rheotactic response, as demonstrated by the increasing significance of the polar distribution of the tracks. Beyond 500 μm/s the water flow is so strong that it affects the locomotion of U. setigera continuously and strongly inducing this species to perform a new behavioral pattern, the Fast Backward Bidimensional Swimming. Under stressing water currents it reacts at first by creeping along straighter trajectories and then with faster locomotion, in such a way that its reaction is to a certain extent proportional to the drag of the currents. the rheotaxis of U. setigera is discussed as an adaptive response.  相似文献   

A case of reproduction of Ichthyophthirius multifiliis in the superficial tissues of larvae and fry of Amur wild carp is described. At a temperature of water from 28 to 29 degrees trophonts of Ichthyophthirius encysted on fishes. Inside cysts repeated cell division occurred but this process did not result in swarm spores formation. Later on with the increase of temperature to 29.5--31.5 degrees cysts degenerated.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Euplotidium itoi share with some other species of the same genus a peculiar feature: the presence of a band of particles running along the right and left borders of the cell body and forming a sort of "scarf" at the dorsal anterior end. The ultrastructural analysis, here performed, revealed that these particles (reported in the literature as extrusomes) are always external to the cell and are inserted in matching depressions on the euplotidium cortex. They are present in two different forms: type I, whose ultrastructure recalls that of bacteria, are able to reproduce by binary fission; type II are not able to divide and contain peculiar structures (a granular dome-shaped zone, a complex extrusive apparatus and a network of regularly arranged fibrils) which render them more complicated with respect to the majority of prokaryotic organisms. These observations, together with the finding that these particles contain DNA, indicate that we are dealing with epibionts, that will be referred to as "epixenosomes" (ecto-organisms), rather than extrusomes. Some ideas about the nature of "epixenosomes" and their relationship with the host cell are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reports quantitative, horizontal and vertical distributiondata of the 11 species of the family Xystonellidae found inthe Adriatic Sea and in the Strait of Otranto. The samples werecollected in coastal and open waters, with a plankton net equippedwith a closing system, in the period from 1973 to 1986. At thedeeper stations of the South Adriatic Pit, hauls were takenin eight vertical layers, while at other stations sampling dependedon the respective depth of each station. Xystonellidae are oceanictintinnines, mainly present in the South Adriatic and the Straitof Otranto throughout the year. They are characteristic of SouthAdriatic and Eastern Mediterranean water masses. Horizontaldistribution of lower mesopelagic species is limited by the200 m isobath. Only sparse individuals of the upper mesopelagicand epipelagic species were found in the Jabuka Pit, probablydue to the late autumn and winter current. These species werenot registered to the north of this region. They were registeredbelow the 200 m depth as dominant tintinnines, while in summerthey represented an average of 81% of the total tintinnine population.  相似文献   

The seasonal and vertical distributions of Acanthostomella norvegica are described from two fjord-like bays in insular Newfoundland, Canada. Resting spores are figured and described.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A large heterotrich ciliate (Family: Bursariidae) found in a papyrus swamp in Uganda was used for oxygen tension experiments by Beadle & Nilsson, 1959, under the name of Bursaria sp. This organism has now been identified as Neobursaridium gigas Balech. The morphology of the organism was studied in living and stained specimens, especially with the silver impregnation technique, and the present findings are compared to those of Balech.  相似文献   

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