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In order to gain a better understanding of the distinctive mechanisms of the various types of antiprogestins, we have characterized in vitro ligand binding, specific DNA binding and phosphorylation of progesterone receptor (PR) from T47D cells after treatment of cells with progestins (progesterone, R5020) and antiprogestins (RU486, ZK98299, Org 31806 and Org 31710). Treatment of the cells with R5020 or PR antagonists, with the exception of ZK98299, resulted in a quantitative upshift of PR-A and PR-B indicative of ligand/DNA-induced phosphorylation of PR. Treatment of cells with RU486, Org 31710 or Org 31806, but not R5020 or ZK98299 resulted in detectable PR-progesterone response element complexes (PR-PREc) as assessed by gel mobility shift assay. Although treatment of cells with ZK98299, a type I PR antagonist, did not induce phosphorylation, the antiprogestins, Org 31806 and Org 31710, in a manner identical to RU486, did. Our data suggest that Org 31806 and Org 31710 affect propertie s of PR from T47D cells that are similar to RU486. (Mol Cell Biochem 175: 205–212, 1997)  相似文献   

A chromatin acceptor protein for the avian oviduct progesterone receptor (PR), termed receptor binding factor 1 (RBF-1), has recently been shown to (1) be a component of the nuclear binding sites (acceptor sites) for PR and (2) generate high-affinity binding sites (termed the RBF-1 class of sites) on avian genomic DNA [Schuchard et al. (1991) Biochemistry 30, 4535-4542]. A second class of sites and its associated protein (termed RBF-2) were also identified. This paper demonstrates that RBF-1 and also the PR nuclear binding sites are localized in the oviduct nuclear matrix. RBF-1 is found in abundance in the nuclear matrix of liver but only in traces in the nuclear matrix of spleen. Extraction of the nuclear matrix with 4.0 M Gdn-HCl results in the complete removal of RBF-1 as occurs with whole chromatin. Interestingly, a second class of specific PR binding, termed RBF-2, remains on the nuclear matrix after the removal of all RBF-1. Southern blot analysis indicates that the nuclear matrix DNA contains sequences homologous with the 5'-flanking domains of the rapidly steroid regulated c-myc and c-jun protooncogenes and the beta-actin gene, but not genomic sequences of the late sex steroid regulated gene, ovalbumin, or the alpha-actin gene. A specific, small region in the 5'-flanking domain of the c-myc gene appears to be associated with the nuclear matrix. Southwestern blot analysis using partially purified RBF-1 shows a marked affinity and specificity of the RBF-1 for the nuclear matrix DNA.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human progesterone receptors exist as two functionally distinct isoforms, an 83 kDa A-receptor (PR-A) and a 99 kDa B-receptor (PR-B). The isoforms are identical except that PR-B has an additional 164 amino acids at its N-terminus. We have previously characterized the hydrodynamics and solution assembly energetics of PR-B [Heneghan, A. F., et al. (2005) Biochemistry 44, 9528-9537], and here we present an analysis of PR-A. At micromolar concentrations of the receptor, sedimentation velocity studies demonstrate that PR-A undergoes a concentration-dependent change in its sedimentation coefficient distribution, indicative of a self-associating system. Global analysis of data sets collected at multiple PR-A concentrations supports the presence of a hydrodynamically homogeneous 3.50 S monomer species in equilibrium with a 7.15 S dimer species. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis demonstrates that self-association can be rigorously described by a monomer-dimer assembly reaction and a dimerization free energy of -7.6 +/- 0.6 kcal/mol. Both the PR-A monomer and dimer are structurally asymmetric, although the extent of asymmetry is significantly decreased for the dimer, indicative of quaternary-induced hydrodynamic compaction. Limited proteolysis studies suggest that PR-A asymmetry arises from an ensemble of partially folded conformations within the N-terminal half of the molecule. Finally, comparison to our previous work on PR-B self-association energetics demonstrates that it dimerizes, under identical solution conditions, with an affinity at least 8-fold weaker than that of PR-A. Thus, residues unique to the B-isoform destabilize receptor assembly energetics. Importantly, the physical and chemical driving forces underlying isoform-specific dimerization suggest that B-unique amino acids modulate the energetics through an allosteric mechanism.  相似文献   

Although 8-anilinonaphthalene-1-sulfonic acid (ANS) is frequently used in protein folding studies, the structural and thermodynamic effects of its binding to proteins are not well understood. Using high-resolution two-dimensional NMR and human interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra) as a model protein, we obtained detailed information on ANS-protein interactions in the absence and presence of urea. The effects of ambient to elevated temperatures on the affinity and specificity of ANS binding were assessed from experiments performed at 25 degrees C and 37 degrees C. Overall, the affinity of ANS was lower at 37 degrees C compared to 25 degrees C, but no significant change in the site specificity of binding was observed from the chemical shift perturbation data. The same site-specific binding was evident in the presence of 5.2 M urea, well within the unfolding transition region, and resulted in selective stabilization of the folded state. Based on the two-state denaturation mechanism, ANS-dependent changes in the protein stability were estimated from relative intensities of two amide resonances specific to the folded and unfolded states of IL-1ra. No evidence was found for any ANS-induced partially denatured or aggregated forms of IL-1ra throughout the experimental conditions, consistent with a cooperative and reversible denaturation process. The NMR results support earlier observations on the tendency of ANS to interact with solvent-exposed positively charged sites on proteins. Under denaturing conditions, ANS binding appears to be selective to structured states rather than unfolded conformations. Interestingly, the binding occurs within a previously identified aggregation-critical region in IL-1ra, thus providing an insight into ligand-dependent protein aggregation.  相似文献   

D F Skafar 《Biochemistry》1991,30(45):10829-10832
The binding mechanism of the antagonist RU486 to the progesterone receptor was compared with that of the agonists progesterone and R5020. Both progesterone and RU486 bound to the receptor with a Hill coefficient of 1.2, indicating the binding of each ligand is positive cooperative. However, when each ligand was used to compete with [3H]progesterone for binding to the receptor at receptor concentrations near 8 nM, at which the receptor is likely a dimer, the competition curve for RU486 was significantly steeper than the curves for progesterone and R5020 (p less than 0.001). This indicated that a difference in the binding mechanism of RU486 and progesterone can be detected when both ligands are present. In contrast, at receptor concentrations near 1 nM, at which the receptor is likely a monomer, the competition curves for all three ligands were indistinguishable (p = 0.915). These results indicate that RU486 and agonists have different binding mechanisms for the receptor and further suggest that this difference may be related to site-site interactions within the receptor.  相似文献   

The biological activity of two seven-membered A-ring (A-homo) analogues of progesterone was evaluated by transactivation assays in Cos-1 cells and by determination of Bcl-x(L) expression levels in T47D cells. The results show that both compounds act as selective progesterone receptor (PR) agonists but lack mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) activity. Molecular modelling using semiempirical AM1 and ab initio HF/6-31G** calculations, showed that the A-ring of the A-homo steroids may adopt five different conformations, although only three correspond to low energy conformers. The low energy conformers of each analogue were introduced into the ligand binding pocket of the PR ligand binding domain (LBD) obtained from the PR LBD-progesterone crystal structure. The steroid binding mode was then analyzed using 10 ns of molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The PR LBD-progesterone complex was also simulated as a control system. The MD results showed that both A-homo steroids have one conformer that may be properly recognized by the PR, in agreement with the observed progestagen activity. Moreover, the simulation revealed the importance of a water molecule in the formation of a hydrogen bonding network among specific receptor residues and the steroid A-ring carbonyl.  相似文献   

A series of 13 deletions within the extracellular domain of the human insulin receptor delineates the boundaries of subdomains that fold de novo into stable proteins that are efficiently secreted and retain the epitopes required for interaction with two conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies. While most of these proteins fail to bind insulin, a truncation that includes only the alpha-subunit is secreted as a monomer that binds the hormone with an affinity only slightly less than that of the complete heterotetrameric extracellular domain. These results thus demarcate landmarks within the primary sequence which will now guide further analysis of the structure and function of this complex domain of the receptor.  相似文献   

Kinetic parameters have been determined for the binding of progesterone to receptor proteins of the chick oviduct. Association and dissociation rate constants and the equilibrium constant have been determined as a function of temperature and ionic strength. Both the association and dissociation rate constants vary with temperature by about 2 orders of magnitude. However the equilibrium constant for the binding reaction does not change substantially over the temperature interval from 0 to 24°. The half-life of the complex under pseudo first-order conditions decreases from about 10 h at 0° to about 3 min at body temperature of the animal (42°). Arrhenius plots of the dissociation rate constant information show a linear plot over the temperature range studied indicating that the aggregation and the conformational changes accompanying this temperature range do not cause any apparent change in the hormone binding site.On the other hand glycerol has a considerable stabilizing effect on the receptors increasing the half-life at 24° from about 24 min to a matter of about 100 min as the glycerol concentration is increased to 40%. The hormone binding site can be disrupted irreversibly by high salt or urea concentrations in excess of one molar. Ionic strength over the range from 0–0.5 M has essentially no effect on any of the parameters measured. The half-life of the complexes decreases by only about 10–15% over this interval.The possible perturbation of the hormone binding sites accompanying binding of the proteins to ion exchange resins was studied. There is no detectable change in any of the kinetic parameters when the receptor protein is adsorbed to either DEAE cellulose or phosphocellulose. The hormone binding characteristics of the protein remain the same for up to 100 hours; only a single class of hormone binding site could be detected. Variations in half-life accompanying dissociation of hormone off the receptors was shown to be due merely to the presence of non specific binding in the preparation. The study concludes that the conformation of the hormone binding site is not strongly perturbed by the environment of the protein.  相似文献   

The role of the N-terminal region in nuclear receptor function was addressed by a biochemical and biophysical analysis of the progesterone receptor A-isoform lacking only the hormone binding domain (NT-A). Sedimentation studies demonstrate that NT-A is quantitatively monomeric, with a highly asymmetric shape. Contrary to dogma, the N-terminal region is structured as demonstrated by limited proteolysis. However, N-terminal structure is strongly stabilized by the DNA binding domain, possibly explaining the lack of structure seen in isolated activation domains. Upon DNA binding, NT-A undergoes N-terminal mediated assembly, suggestive of DNA-induced allostery, and consistent with changes in protease accessibility of sites outside the DNA binding domain. Microsequencing reveals that protease-accessible regions are limited to previously identified phosphorylation motifs and to functional domain boundaries.  相似文献   

When isolated from chick oviduct cytosol by antibody adsorption, the inactive progesterone receptor is associated with the two heat shock proteins, hsp90 and hsp70, plus three additional proteins termed p54, p50, and p23 according to their molecular weights. While their functions remain unknown, all of these receptor associated proteins are dissociated upon receptor activation in intact cells. To better understand the assembly and activation mechanisms of progesterone receptor complexes, we have developed a cell-free system for studying receptor interactions with hsp90 and hsp70 and have used this system to examine requirements for hsp90 binding to the receptor. Purified receptor, free of hsp90 and immobilized on an antibody affinity resin, will rebind hsp90 in rabbit reticulocyte lysate when several conditions are met. These include: (1) absence of progesterone, (2) elevated temperature (30°C), (3) presence of ATP, and (4) presence of Mg2+. We have obtained maximal hsp90 binding to receptor when lysate is supplemented with 3 mM MgCl2 and an ATP regenerating system. ATP depletion of lysate by dialysis or ATPase addition blocks hsp90 binding to the receptor. When progesterone is added to pre-formed receptor complexes in reticulocyte lysate it promotes activation and the dissociation of hsp90. This process is also dependent upon ATP. Thus, both the assembly, and activation of the progesterone receptor can be accomplished in the reticulocyte lysate system.  相似文献   

The affinity of progesterone receptor from hen oviduct for ATP-Sepharose was diminished by preincubation with pyridoxal 5′-phosphate. This effect was specific for pyridoxal 5′-phosphate since the related compounds, pyridoxal, pyridoxine, pyridoxamine and pyridoxamine 5′-phosphate, were not effectors. The inactivation was easily reversed by the addition of the primary amine, Tris. However, in the presence of the reducing agent NaBH4, the inhibitory effect of pyridoxal 5′-phosphate was irreversible. The results suggest that pyridoxal 5′-phosphate forms a Schiff base with a critical amino group, presumably at the nucleotide binding site of the progesterone receptor.  相似文献   

Human estrogen-related receptor 2 (hERR2, ESRRB, ERRbeta, NR3B2) belongs to a class of nuclear receptors that bind DNA through sequence-specific interactions with a 5'-AGGTCA-3' estrogen response element (ERE) half-site in the major groove and an upstream 5'-TNA-3' site in the minor groove. This minor groove interaction is mediated by a C-terminal extension (CTE) of the DNA binding domain and is unique to the estrogen-related receptors. We have used synthetic pyrrole-imidazole polyamides, which bind specific sequences in the minor groove, to demonstrate that DNA binding by hERR2 is sensitive to the presence of polyamides in both the upstream minor groove CTE site and the minor groove of the ERE half-site. Thus, polyamides can inhibit hERR2 by two mechanisms, by direct steric blockage of minor groove DNA contacts mediated by the CTE and by changing the helical geometry of DNA such that major groove interactions are weakened. To confirm the generality of the latter approach, we show that the dimeric human estrogen receptor alpha (hERalpha, ESR1, NR3A1), which binds in the major groove of the ERE, can be inhibited by a polyamide bound in the opposing minor groove of the ERE. These results highlight two mechanisms for inhibition of protein-DNA interactions and extend the repertoire of DNA recognition motifs that can be inhibited by polyamides. These molecules may thus be useful for controlling expression of hERR2- or hERalpha-responsive genes.  相似文献   

The effects of estradiol and progesterone on the binding of rat placental angiotensin II receptors were examined. Sex steroid (progesterone estradiol plus progesterone) decreased the total number of rat placental angiotensin II receptors, while sex steroid (estradiol plus progesterone) increased angiotensin levels. Our present results suggest that sex steroids may play an important role in the control of the number of the angiotensin binding sites during pregnancy.  相似文献   

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