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Experimental data on spatial and temporal organisation of the human EEG from birth to maturity, at resting and during cognitive activity, is presented. The data obtained is interpreted in light of a confirmation of the Ukhtomsky's ideas on the "functional working organ" appearing in the brain for realising cognitive processes. Role of the alpha-rhythm in formation of plastic intracortical neuronal network is elucidated. A hypothesis is advanced stating that the gradually developing brain system exerting a local regulated activating effects upon the cortical level, is a significant factor of the functional intercentre integration.  相似文献   

Pavlov's concept of conditioned reflexes and Ukhtomskii theory of dominanta fall within the biological line in physiology. They unravel the integral adaptive and active nature of the organism behavior in the environment. It is impossible to develop modern concepts about the determinants of goal-directed behavior of animals and voluntary activity of humans without in-depth study of the achievements of these Russian physiological schools which not only formed the methodological basis for the current studies but also directed the way for their further development.  相似文献   

Publication of S.M. Razumovsky collection works (including some unknown articles) shows his theoretical legacy for current vegetation science. Concepts of S.M. Razumovsky are in the frame of organismic paradigm. He believed that plant communities and associations are natural and continuum concept is only the result of methodical mistakes. Monoclimax (in the meaning of F. Clements) was considered by Razumovsky as the fundamental low of vegetation. Now these statements are very doubtful, but some of his ideas (succession systems, cenophyllous and cenofobous species, the principle and experience of vegetation regionalisation on the base of floristic criteria) are very useful for current vegetation science.  相似文献   

Korochkin LI 《Ontogenez》2002,33(5):361-365
The studies of A.A. Neyfakh on morphogenetic nuclear activity are considered in the light of experimental embryology data.  相似文献   

We studied the significance of four hydrophobic residues within the 225–230 region of apoA-I on its structure and functions and their contribution to the biogenesis of HDL. Adenovirus-mediated gene transfer of an apoA-I[F225A/V227A/F229A/L230A] mutant in apoA-I−/− mice decreased plasma cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and apoA-I levels. When expressed in apoA-I−/− × apoE−/− mice, approximately 40% of the mutant apoA-I as well as mouse apoA-IV and apoB-48 appeared in the VLDL/IDL/LDL. In both mouse models, the apoA-I mutant generated small spherical particles of pre-β- and α4-HDL mobility. Coexpression of the apoA-I mutant and LCAT increased and shifted the-HDL cholesterol peak toward lower densities, created normal αHDL subpopulations, and generated spherical-HDL particles. Biophysical analyses suggested that the apoA-I[225–230] mutations led to a more compact folding that may limit the conformational flexibility of the protein. The mutations also reduced the ability of apoA-I to promote ABCA1-mediated cholesterol efflux and to activate LCAT to 31% and 66%, respectively, of the WT control. Overall, the apoA-I[225–230] mutations inhibited the biogenesis of-HDL and led to the accumulation of immature pre-β- and α4-HDL particles, a phenotype that could be corrected by administration of LCAT.  相似文献   

A. Ukhtomski? is one of those Russian naturalists of the beginning of the 20th century (K. Tsiolkovski?, V. Vernadski?, K. Timiriazev, I. Pavlov), whose scientific work is characterized by a combination of the valuable contribution to a specific field of science and deep philosophical conceptualizations. Ukhtomski? enriched modern neurophysiology by the ideas on dominant--a stable focus of enhanced excitability, determining the organism reactions to the environmental stimuli. Unlike artificial experimental models, natural dominant--vector of the goal-directed behaviour--represents the needs of immediate satisfaction, dominating at the present moment. Formation of needs hierarchy, characteristic of the given personality, occurs during the process of people communication. Namely, another man serves to the subject a mirror, looking into which he realizes himself as a human being (K. Marx). By his teaching on the dominant, Ukhtomski? has revealed the dual nature of the personality's self-consciousness in the process of its perception of the surrounding people. He showed that involuntary projection of its dominating vital and social needs (motives, intentions) to the image of another man makes the latter only the "double" of the observer, which does not promote the development and enrichment of personality. Actually productive is only the perception which is motivated by the ideal need of learning another personality, sincere interest in him, what makes another person a "well-deserved colocutor", a source of new knowledge about people and himself. The ideas of Ukhtomski? on the nature of human "self" are close to ideological searchings of L. Tolsto? and F. Dostoevski?.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The results of a parasitological study of the burbot Lota Iota L. inhabiting the Kola region are presented. 51 species of parasite were found on burbot in 16 waterbodies belonging to the White Sea and Barents Sea basins (Muxosporea - 7, Suctoria - 1, Peritricha - 6, Monogenea - 1, Cestoda - 6, Trematoda - 13, Nematoda - 6, Acanthocephala - 5, Hirudinea - 3, Bivalvia - 1 and Crustacea - 2 species). Data on the infestation of burbot by different parasite species and their prevalence in investigated waterbodies were obtained.  相似文献   

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