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Plant wealth and diversity of four sacred groves – twoanthropogenic stands and two natural forest patches – along the southeastcoast of India adjoining Pondicherry was studied. A total of 111species, belonging to 103 genera in 53 families, were recorded from thefour sites, which together measure 15.6 ha. The number of woody species (girth at breast height(gbh) 20 cm) was 20 each in Keezbuvanagiri (KBG) andKilialamman (KLM) grove, followed by 13 in Periyakattupalayam (PKP) and 15in Periyamudaliar chavadi (PMC). Based on the important value index (IVI), PMCgrove is an association of Aglaia elaeagnoidea,Borassus flabellifer and Pterospermumsuberifolium. A two-layered forest structure resembling tropical dryevergreen forest (TDEF) was found there. Stratification was obscured in the KBGgrove, as the scrub species were abundant, indicating a scrub woodland formation.PKP and KLM were characterised by the abundance of a few species. The presenceof a stout liana of Secamone emetica (gbh 35cm), the robustness of Cretaeva magna (gbh 220cm), Syzigium cumini (gbh 207.45cm), P. suberifolium (gbh 128.7cm) and Tamarindus indica (gbh 250cm), and survival of evergreen species like A.elaeagnoidea and Pamburus missionis isbotanically significant; Polyalthia suberosa is a raretaxon found only within the groves. The persistence of the groves until thepresent time is a testimony to the sacred grove status enjoyed by them.  相似文献   

Mature trees and forests contain structural features such as tree hollows, large coarse woody debris and large spreading crowns that provide critical habitat for a wide range of species. These features can take hundreds of years to develop and require careful management to ensure their continued availability. Managing these features requires spatial mapping layers to facilitate landscape‐scale management. This paper outlines how a map of mature forest habitat was developed for Tasmania, Australia. The map was produced using spatial data on vegetation type, mature crown density and senescence, a global layer of forest loss data derived from satellite imagery, a database on timber harvest plans and a spatial layer on the extent of fire. The relationship between mapped mature habitat availability (high, medium, low or negligible) and tree hollow availability in wet forest areas was explored, complementing a similar published study in dry forests. The number of large trees likely to have hollows significantly increased with mapped mature habitat availability, although there was considerable variation and overlap between map categories. Data from a fauna locality database and two radio‐tracking studies showed that three of the vertebrate hollow‐using species examined (Swift Parrot, Common Brushtail Possum and the Tasmanian Long‐eared Bat) and nest records of a species reliant on large tree crowns (the Wedge‐tailed Eagle) were all more likely to occur in areas of higher mapped mature habitat availability. It is concluded that this map reflects the relative availability of tree hollows, is ecologically meaningful and will be useful when managing mature forest habitat at large spatial scales, but the variable accuracy of the map at fine scales needs to be taken into account.  相似文献   

Question: Can recent satellite imagery of coarse spatial resolution support forest cover assessment and mapping at the regional level? Location: Continental southeast Asia. Methods: Forest cover mapping was based on digital classification of SPOT4‐VEGETATION satellite images of 1 km spatial resolution from the dry seasons 1998/1999 and 1999/2000. Following a geographical stratification, the spectral clusters were visually assigned to land cover classes. The forest classes were validated by an independent set of maps, derived from interpretation of satellite imagery of high spatial resolution (Landsat TM, 30 m). Forest area estimates from the regional forest cover map were compared to the forest figures of the FAO database. Results: The regional forest cover map displays 12 forest and land cover classes. The mapping of the region's deciduous and fragmented forest cover remained challenging. A high correlation was found between forest area estimates obtained from this map and from the Landsat TM derived maps. The regional and sub‐regional forest area estimates were close to those reported by FAO. Conclusion: SPOT4‐VEGETATION satellite imagery can be used for mapping consistently and uniformly the extent and distribution of the broad forest cover types at the regional scale. The new map can be considered as an update and improvement on existing regional forest cover maps.  相似文献   

Human disturbance and forest diversity in the Tansa Valley, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We assessed the diversity of woody plants at 15 forested sites in the Tansa Valley of Thane District, in Maharashtra, India. The fewest species (11) were seen at a degraded mangrove site near the river mouth, and the greatest number (150) in the rich semi-evergreen forest on Tungar Hill. For all sites there were 141 tree, 25 shrub and 15 liana species, a total of 181 species. Excluding the mangrove site, which had no species in common with the other 14 sites, we analyzed the species distributions in detail. These sites ranged in area from 4 to 30 km2 each, had woody floras of 89 ± 6 species, and varied in intensity of human impact. Despite a history of exploitation and substantial reduction in biomass from firewood collecting, set fires and illicit tree felling, considerable plant diversity remains in the area. We found a modest increase in species richness in transects away from two villages. We observed the exploitation of the forest by the principal users, primarily of the Warli Tribe. They exploited a wide variety of forest resources (92 species), for medicines, foods, construction materials, household goods, manure and other purposes. They collected 15 items for sale. By far the single most important item collected was firewood, which dramatically reduced forest biomass within 2 km of villages. The species distributions in these forest remnants are strongly nested, mostly due to varying degrees of disturbance at individual sites. The high species diversity on Tungar Hill is most likely a relict of the earlier character of forests throughout much of the valley. It merits the highest priorities for preservation, as a refuge for Western Ghat species at the northern limits of their distributions.  相似文献   

Phenological observations were made on 122 tree species in a subtropical humid seasonal forest in north-eastern India. The forest had a high proportion of evergreen compared to deciduous species. Leaf-fall of most of the tree species coincided with the dry season. Flushing started towards the end of the dry season for a majority of the tree species, the degree and period of leaflessness varying with the species. Leaf production in the overstorey species extended over a longer period compared to the understorey species. For most of the species, flowering coincided with leaflessness. Proportionately more overstorey species flowered during the dry season and wet season flowering was more characteristic of understorey species. A majority of the species produced fleshy fruits during the wet season. Fruits, produced during the dry season, were mostly dry.Nomenclature follows. Holdridge, L. R., 1967. Life zone Ecology. Tropical Science Center, San Jose, Costa Rica.This work was supported by a research grant from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The authors are thankful to K. Haridasan, Taxonomy laboratory, Department of Botany, NEHU for the help in species identification.  相似文献   

The reproductive phenology of 60 understorey species was monitored at monthly intervals for 20 months in a medium elevation wet evergreen forest in the Southern Western Ghats. The life forms monitored were herbs (including terrestrial orchids), shrubs and small trees. Flowering and fruiting were non‐uniform with a dry season flowering peak and wet season fruiting peak. Flowering in the understorey correlated negatively with rainfall. No significant correlation was detected for fruiting. Life forms had flowering and fruiting peaks at different times of the year.  相似文献   

An investigation was carried out to estimate soil respiration rate and its relationship with microbial population in natural tropical forest soil, deforested soil and deforested-and-cultivated soil of Orissa, India. Soil respiration measurements and microbial isolation were performed following standard procedures. Monthly variation of soil respiration was observed to be governed by soil moisture. Considering respiration as a function of microbial population a regression analysis was made. The microfungal population showed positive relationship with the rate of soil respiration. The study revealed that conversion of natural forest led to a reduction of soil microbes and rate of soil respiration. Considering the importance of the microbial component in soil, we conclude that the conversion of natural forests to different land uses leads to the loss of biological stability of the soil.  相似文献   

Abstract. Understanding the regeneration niche of animal-dispersed epiphytes is important in understanding forest community structure, maintenance of species richness in plant communities, animal movements and distributions, and in managing plant and animal communities for conservation. Strangler figs are particularly interesting for studying epiphyte-host relations because they are hemiepiphytes, implying that strangler and host can potentially belong to the same species and either fuse together or strangle each other, and because all stranglers have many-seeded, animal-dispersed fruit, providing many opportunities for seed dispersal to other stranglers. A study was conducted at a roadside and at a forest site in Karnataka State, south India, to determine factors influencing host choice of strangler figs. Stranglers were found more frequently at the roadside site than at the forest site. At the roadside site, stranglers were found much more abundantly on Ficus hosts than on non-Ficus hosts, whereas at the forest site, stranglers were found more abundantly on non- Ficus hosts. Host tree species with animal-dispersed fruit bore significantly more stranglers than those with mechanically dispersed fruit. More stranglers were found on hosts in large d.b.h. size classes (>80 cm d.b.h.) than on those in small d.b.h. classes. Prior studies of strangler-host relations have never found stranglers growing on other stranglers. The results of this study suggest that stranglers are fully capable of regenerating on other stranglers, including conspecifics, but these regeneration events are not observed in forests because of relatively low strangler seed rain, due to lack of clumping of strangler hosts, and low insolation in these habitats.  相似文献   

Wasgomuwa National Park is situated south of Polonnaruwa and north of Mahiyangana in Sri Lanka and is bordered by two rivers Mahaweli Ganga and Amban Ganga. Bioclimatically most of the park lies in the dry zone of the country but the south west embraces the intermediate zone. The vegetation is broadly a dry monsoonal forest but forms an interesting mosaic of vegetation types from Semi evergreen forest to abandoned paddy fields, on a finer scale.The vegetation of the park was studied in detail on ground and also using aerial photographs. It was possible to classify the vegetation into many distinct types or phytosociological units, based on their cover, site characteristics, physiognomy and species composition.  相似文献   

K. S. Murali  R. Sukumar 《Oecologia》1993,94(1):114-119
Patterns of leaf-flushing phenology of trees in relation to insect herbivore damage were studied at two sites in a seasonal tropical dry forest in Mudumalai, southern India, from April 1988 to August 1990. At both sites the trees began to flush leaves during the dry season, reaching a peak leaf-flushing phase before the onset of rains. Herbivorous insects emerged with the rains and attained a peak biomass during the wet months. Trees that flushed leaves later in the season suffered significantly higher damage by insects compared to those that flushed early or in synchrony during the peak flushing phase. Species whose leaves were endowed with physical defenses such as waxes suffered less damage than those not possessing such defenses. There was a positive association between the abundance of a species and leaf damage levels. These observations indicate that herbivory may have played a major role in moulding leaf flushing phenology in trees of the seasonal tropics.  相似文献   

With its very broad latitudinal extension (from 5° to 30°S), Brazil's Atlantic Rain Forest includes sites that wouldnot be classified as tropical by commonly used climatic classificationsystems. This situation particularly holds for the sites nearthe southern limits of this ecosystem. The goal of this study was to assess forest floristic composition, physiognomic aspects (deciduousspecies, leaf types, leaf area index) and reproductive biology (monoecious/dioeciousspecies, pollination syndromes and dispersal syndromes) of the Atlantic forest in the Volta VelhaReserve, southern Brazil (26°04 S, 48°38 W Gr). The research focuses on theaffinities of this site, which lies outside generally accepted boundaries for tropical forest. Theresults demonstrate that Volta Velha has a typically tropical floristic composition, apparentlymaintained by local climatic conditions. The differences between the characteristics of the VoltaVelha forest and those of other tropical stands are within the range of differences observed amongclassically defined tropical sites.  相似文献   

We studied for two years the seasonal changes in plant available nitrate and ammonium nitrogen (N), nitrification, N-mineralization, microbial biomass carbon (MBC), nitrogen (MBN) and phosphorus (MBP) in two forest and three cropland sites, derived from a tropical forest ecosystem of India. Results indicated that seasonal values of nitrate N, ammonium N and phosphate P ranged from 7.33–12.99, 5.1–10.22 and 4.0–7.8 μg g?1 in forest and 4.13–9.26, 9.35–14.46 and 2.8–5.8 μg g?1 in cropland ecosystems, respectively, with maximum values in summer and minimum in rainy seasons. Nitrification and N-mineralization values varied from 6–28 and 4–26 μg g?1 mo?1 in forest and 3–14 μg g?1 mo?1 and 4–17 μg g?1 mo?1 in cropland, with maximum values in rainy season and minimum in summer season.MBC, MBN MBP ranged from 393–753, 34–80 and 16–36 μg g?1 in forests and 186–414, 21–41 and 11–22 μg g?1 in croplands, being maximum in summer and minimum in rainy seasons. There was gradual increase in the values of inorganic N, nitrification, N-mineralization and MBC, MBN and MBP along the age of cropland. Analysis of variance indicated significant difference in the concentration of inorganic N, nitrification and N-mineralization and MBC, MBN and MBP due to sites and seasons.Cultivation caused decline in the mean annual organic C, N and P by 42%, 29% and 13%. The values of nitrate N were decreased by 23–38%, while ammonium N was increased by 39–74%. Nitrification and N-mineralization values were reduced by 39–63% and 40–60%, respectively. Microbial C, N and P were reduced by 44–54%, 41–50% and 28–44%, respectively. Nonetheless, the contribution of soil microbial biomass reflected in total N was enhanced from 4.76% in forest to 5.03% in cropland ecosystem. Enhancement of plant available ammonium-N and microbial contribution in total N are an indicator of natural conserving mechanism to check the nitrogen loss from the nutrient poor agro-ecosystem.  相似文献   

Physiognomy, structure and floristic composition of one hectare of lowland tropical rain forest was studied in detail at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Physiognomically, the Los Tuxtlas forest should be classified as lowland tropical high evergreen rain forest. The forest showed a closed canopy at 30–35 m. Of all woody, non-climbing species with a DBH1.0 cm 89.4% (94.5% of all individuals) were evergreen, 25.4% (59.5% of the individuals) had compound leaves, and over 80% of species (and individuals) had leaves in the notophyll and mesophyll size classes. The forest structure was characterized by a low density (2976 individuals with a DBH1.0 cm, 346 individuals with a DBH10.0 cm, per ha, excluding vines) with an average basal area (38.1 m2, DBH1.0 cm, 34.9 m2, DBH10.0 cm, per ha, excluding vines). This was attributed to the relative maturity of the forest on the study plot. The study plot contained 234 species (11 208 individuals with a height 0.5 m), of which 55.1% (34.8% of individuals) were trees, 9.4% (6.8%) shrubs, 3.4% (44.3%) palms, 20.1% (5.2%) vines, 6.8% (8.7%) herbs and 5.1% (0.3%) of unknown lifeform. Furthermore, 58 species of epiphytes and hemi-epiphytes were found. Diversity of trees, shrubs and palms with a DBH1.0 cm was calculated as Shannon-Wiener index (4.65), Equitability index (0.65), and Simpson index (0.10). The dominance-diversity curve showed a lognormal form, characteristic for tropical rain forest. The community structure was characterized by a relative dominance of Astrocaryum mexicanum in the understorey, Pseudolmedia oxyphyllaria in the middle storeys, and Nectandra ambigens in the canopy. Species population structures of 31 species showed three characteristic patterns, differentiated by recruitment: continuously high, discontinuously high, and continuously low recruitment. Height/diameter and crown cover/diameter diagrams suggested a very gradual shift from height growth to crown growth during tree development. Forest turnover was calculated as 138 years. Compared to other tropical rain forests the Los Tuxtlas forest had 1. similar leaf physiognomical characteristics, 2. a lower diversity, 3. a lower density, 4. an average basal area, and 5. a slow canopy turnover.  相似文献   

Rapid, reliable and meaningful estimates of leaf area index (LAI) are essential to functional characterization of forest ecosystems including biomass and primary productivity studies. Accurate LAI estimates of tropical deciduous forest are required in studies of regional and global change modeling. Tropical deciduous forest due to higher species richness, multiple species association, varied phenophases, irregular stem densities and basal cover, multistoried canopy architecture and different micro-climatic conditions offers dynamism to the understanding of the LAI dynamics of different PFTs in an ecosystem. This investigation reports a new indirect method for measurement of leaf area index (LAI) in a topical moist deciduous forest in Himalayan foothills using LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer. We measured the LAI in two seasons (summer; leaf senescence stage and post-monsoon; full green stage) in three (dry miscellaneous, sal mixed and teak plantations) plant functional types (PFT) in Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary, India. Ground LAI values ranged between 2.41 and 6.89, 1.17 and 7.71, and 1.92 and 5.19 during post-monsoon season and 1.36–4.49, 0.67–3.1 and 0.37–1.83 during summer season in dry miscellaneous, sal mixed and teak plantation, respectively. We observed strong correlation between LAI and community structural parameters (tree density, basal cover and species richness), with maximum with annual litter fall (R2 > 0.8) and aboveground biomass (AGB) (R2 > 0.75). We provided equations relating LAI with AGB, which can be utilized in future studies for this region and can be reasonably extrapolated to other regions with suitable statistical extrapolations. However, the relations between LAI and other parameters can be further improved with incorporation of data from optimized and seasonal sampling. Our indirect method of LAI estimation using litter fall as a proxy, offers repetitive potential for LAI estimate in other PFTs with relatively time and cost-effective way, thereby generating quicker and reliable data for model run for regional and global change studies.  相似文献   

Mudumalai is biologically rich with a wealth of plant and animal life. Increasing human numbers and current patterns of non-timber forest product, fodder and fuelwood extraction threaten the integrity of the ecosystem. Change in management of the protected areas that include the Mudumalai region is needed. In particular, policies relating to grazing and basic energy requirements need to be reexamined. At the same time, mechanisms must be developed to increase rural incomes using means other than exploitation of natural resources.  相似文献   

Silvicultural intensification for tropical forest conservation   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Minimizing the deleterious environmental impacts of logging and other silvicultural treatments is the primary conservation goal in tropical forests managed for timber production. While it is always environmentally beneficial to minimize unnecessary damage, more intensive silviculture should not be discouraged in tropical forests in which regeneration and growth of commercially valuable timber species requires such treatments. Failing to regenerate commercial species may render forests more susceptible to conversion to other, more lucrative land uses. Increasing the intensity of silviculture may also decrease the total area of forest exploited for timber, thereby reducing the impacts of over-hunting, timber theft, wildfires, colonization, and conversion, which are facilitated by the increased accessibility of logged areas.  相似文献   

Aim The objective of this study was to document succession from grassland thickets to rain forest, and to provide evidence for their potential as restoration tools. Location The Linganamakki region (State of Karnataka) of the Central Western Ghats of India. Method We selected thirty vegetation thickets ranging from 4 to 439 m2 in area in the vicinity of rain forest. The area of each small thicket was estimated as an oval using its maximum length and its maximum width. When the shape was irregular (mostly in large thickets) the limits of the thicket were mapped and the area calculated from the map. Plant species were identified, the number of individuals was estimated and their heights measured. Results There was a progression in the thickets from early to late successional species. Small thickets were characterized by ecotone species and savanna trees such as Catunaregam dumetorum. Savanna trees served as a nucleus for thicket formation. Colonizing species were mostly bird‐dispersed. As succession proceeded in larger thickets, the proportion of evergreen, late‐successional rain forest trees increased. The species composition of the large thickets differed depending on the species composition of reproductive adults in the nearby forested areas. The species within small thickets were also found in the large thickets. The nestedness in species composition suggested that species turnover was deterministic based on thicket size. Human disturbance (leaf and wood collection by the local populations) affected the species composition and the species–area relationship of thickets. Main conclusions Vegetation thickets are nodal centres for rain forest colonization within grasslands. They expand and replace savanna. Early successional bird‐dispersed species established around savanna trees followed by late‐successional rain forest trees dispersed from the nearby forest by birds. Restoration programmes that reproduce natural successional processes such as those observed in thickets will be more successful and less expensive than the methods currently being employed, where trees are individually planted in grassland. Wood harvesting is the only factor that prevents thicket growth and coalescence and hampers forest expansion.  相似文献   

Within a 30-ha permanent plot of a tropical evergreen forest in the Anamalais, Indian Western Ghats, all the 13415 trees 30cmgbh (belonging to 153 species) were identified and tagged during 1997–1998. This communication reports the results of tree population changes based on two annual censuses (1999 and 2000) of the plot after the initial census, and compares the results with other tropical forest sites. One species, Ficus beddomei, disappeared from the plot and there was no new addition of species. Of the 96 species that showed changes in their population density, for 12 species recruitment and mortality matched. Tree recruitment (5 treesha–1year–1) exceeded mortality (4 treesha–1year–1) during the two-year period. Four modes of tree deaths were recorded in our site. The per cent mortality of trees differed between tree size classes during each recensus. The plot tree density increased progressively in the two-year period, indicating that shifts in species composition and density in natural forests, without major catastrophic disturbance, occur slowly.  相似文献   

Numerous ring-width chronologies from different species have recently been developed in diverse tropical forests across South America. However, the temporal and spatial climate signals in these tropical chronologies is less well known. In this work, annual growth rings of Amburana cearensis, a widely distributed tropical tree species, were employed to estimate temporal and spatial patterns of climate variability in the transition from the dry Chiquitano (16–17°S) to the humid Guarayos-southern Amazon (14–15°S) forests. Four well-replicated chronologies (16–21 trees, 22–28 radii) of A. cearensis were compared with temperature and precipitation records available in the region. The interannual variations in all four A. cearensis tree-ring chronologies are positively correlated with precipitation and negatively with temperature during the late dry-early wet season, the classic moisture response seen widely in trees from dry tropical and temperate forests worldwide. However, the chronologies from the dry Chiquitano forests of southern Bolivia reflect the regional reduction in precipitation during recent decades, while the chronologies from the tropical lowland moist forests in the north capture the recent increase in precipitation in the southern Amazon basin. These results indicate that A. cearensis tree growth is not only sensitive to the moisture balance of the growing season, it can also record subtle differences in regional precipitation trends across the dry to humid forest transition. Comparisons with previously developed Centrolobium microchaete chronologies in the region reveal a substantial common signal between chronologies in similar environments, suggesting that regional differences in climate are a major drivers of tree growth along the precipitation gradient. The difficulty of finding A. cearensis trees over 150-years old is the main limitation involved in the paleoclimate application of this species. The expansion of monocultures and intensive cattle ranching in the South American tropics are contributing to the loss of these old growth A. cearensis trees and the valuable records of climate variability and climate change that they contain.  相似文献   

The soil seed bank is a dynamic biotic component of plant communities that represents the population’s memory in relation to selective events. Few studies have investigated the natural stock of germinable seeds in the gallery forests to evaluate their regeneration potential, although they are target of anthropogenic action. Thus, seasonal, horizontal, and vertical qualitative and quantitative variations of the seed bank of a gallery forest in the Brazilian Cerrado were studied to test the influence of the climatic seasonality, the influence of the physical structure, and depth of the soil in different microhabitats of the forest in this natural seed store. It was also compared the richness and abundance of species in the germinable seed bank with the above-ground vegetation. Three hundred and seventy-five soil samples were collected at the beginning (April 1998 and 1999) and at the end of the dry season (September 1998). These samples were collected in three microhabitats distributed transversally in relation to drainage line of a large stream, at five depths. The density of germinable seeds decreases with depth, and is similar among microhabitats and seasons. In 24,690 cm3 of soil and 4.05 m2 of litter, 1390 seedlings emerged, being 743 dicotyledons and 647 monocotyledons. From 761 survivors, 263 were Cyperaceae, 206 Melastomataceae, 153 Poaceae, and 82 Onagraceae, the most abundant families. This study suggests that the diversity of the germinable soil seed bank is lower than that of the above-ground vegetation of the forest, and that the soil seed bank is not the principal regeneration form of this environment.  相似文献   

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