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Receptor interactions of parotid acinar cells with beta-agonists are mediated by cyclic 3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) and expressed as cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPK) activation. In addition to its location in the cytoplasm, we have shown that cAPK is associated with the nuclear non-histone protein (NHP) fraction (0.35 M NaCl extract) of rat parotid acinar cells. Nuclei were prepared from isolated parotid acini with minimal contamination from other cell types or cytoplasmic components. The nuclear cAPK activity was inhibited by the thermostable inhibitor and was stimulated by the addition of exogenous cAMP to the assay, indicating that the enzyme is present in the holoenzyme form. Enzyme activity was not increased in the presence of detergent, suggesting that cAPK is not bound to the nuclear membrane. Photoaffinity-labeling studies with an 8-azido analog of cAMP showed that regulatory subunits of both type I and type II cAPK isozymes are present in parotid cell nuclei. Short-term in vitro stimulation of the acini with 10(-6) M isoproterenol did not alter cAPK activity in the nuclear fraction. These findings indicate that compartmentation of cAPK into nuclear and extranuclear locations in rat parotid acinar cells is similar to that of several other cell types which are responsive to hormonal stimulation.  相似文献   

In contrast to the simplified keratin content of bovine, rabbit, and rat esophageal epithelium (composed mainly of a 57 and 46 or 51 kD keratin, depending on the animal species), human esophageal epithelium contained a quantitatively different array of keratin proteins, ranging in molecular weight from 37 to 61 kD. The pattern of keratin proteins from human esophageal epithelium differed qualitatively and quantitatively from that of human epidermis. Human esophageal epithelium lacked the 63, 65, and 67 kD keratins characteristic of human epidermis, consistent with the absence of a granular layer and an anucleate stratum corneum. Moreover, human esophageal epithelium contained a distinctive 61 kD keratin protein which was either not present or present in only small amounts in human epidermis and variable amounts of a 37 kD keratin. Whereas the 56, 59, and 67 kD keratins were the most abundant keratins in human epidermis, the 52, 57, and 61 kD keratins predominated in human esophageal epithelium. During in vitro cultivation, both human epidermal and esophageal keratinocytes produce colonies which are stratified, but the morphologic appearance of these cultured epithelia differs. Only cultured human epidermal keratinocytes contain keratohyalin granules in the outermost layers and a prominent 67 kD keratin on immunoprecipitation. Otherwise the keratin contents appear similar. In conclusion, human esophageal epithelium exhibited intertissue and interspecies differences in the pattern of keratin proteins. During in vitro cultivation, human esophageal keratinocytes retained some aspects of their distinctive program of differentiation.  相似文献   

During proliferation induced by anti-immunoglobulins, B lymphocytes undergo cell volume increases prior to onset of DNA synthesis. Although both Sepharose-linked and free anti-immunoglobulin evoked essentially identical increases in cell volume, the Sepharose-linked antibody induced a significantly greater DNA synthesis than free antibody as judged from [3H]thymidine incorporation studies using mass cell culture technique, as well as by using autoradiographic analysis of individual cells. These findings are considered in terms of possible differences in triggering cell volume increases and DNA synthesis by free and linked anti-immunoglobulin and/or the possible existence of B cell subpopulations responding differentially to free and to linked antibody.  相似文献   

These studies examined the effect of exogenous pyruvate on the growth and differentiation of primary cell cultures of rat tracheal epithelial cells. The cell cultures were derived from outgrowths of tracheal explants, and require pyruvate for survival and growth in the presence of 10% FBS. In pyruvate-supplemented (2 mM) medium, the number of cells attached to the dish increased rapidly, while exfoliation of cells into the medium as well as formation of cornified envelopes were relatively low. The growth response to pyruvate was concentration-dependent in these cell cultures. In the absence of pyruvate, the extent of terminal differentiation to keratinization gradually increased. This was characterized by a cessation of growth after one week, and an increase in exfoliation until all cells had sloughed from the dish. Accompanying these changes was a marked increase in the formation of cornified envelopes. Cells undergoing DNA synthesis were present throughout 2 weeks of culture in pyruvate-deprived medium, even as the total number of cells was diminishing. Several compounds, including other 2-oxocarboxylic acids, were ineffective growth substitutes for pyruvate. These results indicate that the requirement for pyruvate is quite stringent in these cultures and that one way pyruvate promotes the growth of tracheal epithelial cells is by inhibiting terminal differentiation.  相似文献   

Human amnion epithelial cells attach and flatten slowly (approximately 65 min) onto plastic in the presence of serum but much more rapidly (20-30 min) onto subcellular matrix (SCM) deposited by the same cells. This matrix contains both fibronectin and laminin, but neither molecule on its own can reproduce its adhesive properties. Cells attach on surfaces containing fibronectin and laminin and extend filopodial and lamellipodial areas of cytoplasm without extensive flattening in the perinuclear region. Matrix deposited onto plastic by amnion epithelial cells has trypsin-sensitive and trypsin-resistant, papain-sensitive adhesion-promoting components. Cell spreading triggered by the latter but not the former can be inhibited by pretreating the adhering cells with heparin. Other GAGs are without effect. The results are discussed in terms of multiple interactions between epithelial cells and basal laminae.  相似文献   

Sympathetic neurons, dissociated from superior cervical ganglia of newborn rats, and skeletal muscle cells were grown together in mass cultures containing many neurons (ca. 1000–3000) and myotubes, and in microcultures containing only one to three neurons and one or a few myotubes. When these neurons grow under the influence of certain nonneuronal cells many of them acquire cholinergic functions; in the absence of this influence they remain adrenergic. In the present study, the influence of the skeletal muscle cells was so effective that under certain conditions more than 75% of the neurons expressed cholinergic function as judged by their ability to form excitatory cholinergic synapses with myotubes (from rat and chick) and with each other. Stimulation of single neurons often gave rise in the myotubes to simple (direct) postsynaptic potentials (ejp's) and/or complex responses comprising a burst of ejp's that evoked one or more spikes; it appeared that these complex responses involved the activation of interneuronal pathways. In microcultures, a single neuron often made cholinergic synapses with itself (“autapse”) and/or with another neuron as well as with one or more myotubes. The nicotinic blocking agents, tubocurare (dTC), α-bungarotoxin (α-BuTx), and hexamethonium (C6), attenuated or abolished the ejp's at moderate concentrations; the muscarinic blocker, atropine, was effective only at high concentrations. At several neuron-myotube junctions, the acetylcholine (ACh) receptors had dTC sensitivity similar to adult extrajunctional receptors; however, when different junctions were pooled the average dTC sensitivity was intermediate between that of adult end plate and extrajunctional receptors. The junctional C6 sensitivity was much higher than expected from the action of the drug at the adult mammalian end plate. As in other studies, chemical transmission from neuron to neuron was also nicotinic cholinergic, but the nicotinic receptors on the myotubes were pharmacologically distinct from those on the neurons.  相似文献   

Long-term lymphoblastoid cell lines, obtained by E-B virus transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes, retain many of the features of hypersensitivity to environmental agents found in primary cultures and fibroblast strains from patients with genetic diseases. Primary lymphocyte cultures from patients with ataxia telangiectasia, a cancer-prone genetic disease, have increased sensitivity to chromosomal damage induced by the radio-mimetic drug, bleomycin. In order to study the expression of ataxia telangiectasia gene dosage in lymphoblastoid cell lines, we examined chromosomal aberrations in lines containing two, one, or no alleles for ataxia telangiectasia. These were derived from ataxia telangiectasia homozygotes, from ataxia telangiectasia obligate heterozygotes, and from presumably normal donors, respectively. Chromosome preparations were made 46 h after a 2 h exposure to bleomycin and scored for chromosome breakage, for the relative rate of cell replication as assessed by sister chromatid differentiation patterns, and for the frequency of sister chromatid exchanges. Baseline frequencies of chromosome breakage and sister chromatid exchanges, and baseline rates of cell replication were similar in all nine lymphoblastoid cell lines. Following treatment with 25 or 250 mU/ml bleomycin, all the lymphoblastoid cell lines showed increased chromosome breakage and decreased cell replication. The lymphoblastoid cell lines from the ataxia telangiectasia homozygotes had significantly increased chromosome breakage and decreased rate of cell replication after either bleomycin dose in comparison with the normal or with the ataxia telangiectasia heterozygous lines. Sister chromatid exchange frequencies were not altered by bleomycin exposure.  相似文献   

The production of γ-interferon (IFNγ) in human peripheral blood T lymphocytes was induced by stimulation with PHA. For identification of the producer cell of IFNγ, double fluorescence studies were undertaken and titers of interferon were determined in preparatively separated T-cell subpopulations reactive with one of the monoclonal antibodies OKT3, OKT4, OKT8, and OKIa1. Production of IFNγ was found in OKT3+, OKT4+, and OKT8+ cells. However, IFNγ production occurred only in T cells also reactive with the monoclonal antibody OKIa1. Addition of macrophages had no substantial effect on interferon titers in these subpopulations. It is suggested that the T cell subset producing IFNγ is characterized by its reactivity with the monoclonal antibodies OKT3, OKT4 or OKT8, and OKIa1.  相似文献   

Dissociated cells from different stage embryos of the sea urchin Lytechinus pictus were compared in their adhesion to various substrates. Micromeres from 16-cell stage embryos bind to tissue culture and Petri dishes but not to Petri dishes coated with human plasma fibronectin. Other cell types did not adhere to any of the substrates tested. By hatched blastula stage, about 28% of the cells adhered to fibronectin as well as to tissue culture dishes. By the mesenchyme blastula stage, there was a further increase in the proportion of cells adhering to these substrates. At no stage did cells adhere to native rat tail collagen. Primary mesenchymal cells were isolated by their selective adhesion to tissue culture dishes in the presence of horse serum. These cells were then examined for their migratory capacity. Cell spreading and migration followed adhesion and occurred on fibronectin but not on the other substrates tested. Based on analysis of video tapes, greater than 60% of these cells moved faster than 1 micron/min. On the other hand, cells from sulfate-deprived embryos, in which primary mesenchyme migration is blocked in situ, failed to spread and migrated little on the same substratum. This defect was reversed by a 6 h pretreatment of the cells in normal sea water. Thus, the in vitro migratory behavior parallels that observed in vivo. These results support the hypothesis that the primary mesenchymal cells produce a sulfate-dependent component that is required for cell spreading and migration.  相似文献   

Measurements of aggregation kinetics using couette viscometry show that freshly trypsinized skin fibroblasts from patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy have values of intercellular adhesiveness approx. 40% those of normal cells. If cells are allowed to recover from the effects of trypsinization (by incubation for 2 h at 37 degrees C in serum-containing medium) the intercellular adhesiveness of both cell types increases, and normal and Duchenne cells aggregate to the same extent. Exposure to the ionophore monensin during the recovery phase leads to suppression of recovery in both cell types, and this effect of the drug is greater in Duchenne fibroblasts. These results are discussed in relation to other data on the reported differential effects of trypsin and monensin on normal and Duchenne fibroblasts.  相似文献   

The occurrence of plectin in various human tissues and cell lines was investigated using immunofluorescence microscopy and antibody gel overlay/immunoblotting techniques. Plectin was identified in all tissues and cell lines tested, namely placenta, kidney, cornea, foreskin and eyelid skin, skin fibroblasts, monocytes, keratinocytes and HeLa cells. In frozen sections of cornea and skin, plectin was found to be enriched at epithelial basal cell surface membranes. Consequently, antibodies to plectin could serve as a tool in the classification of mechanobullous diseases.  相似文献   

Pure human alpha and recombinant gamma interferons had differential effects on two strains of fetal lung fibroblasts in vitro. Alpha interferon had little effect on long-term cell growth, whereas gamma interferons, both glycosylated and non-glycosylated, were cytotoxic. However, when synchronized cells were studied, alpha interferon prolonged both G1 and S + G2 phases of the cell cycle, whereas gamma interferon only affected the G1 phase.  相似文献   

In the mammary gland of non-ruminant animals, glucose is utilized in a characteristic and unique way during lactation [11]. By measuring the incorporation of glucose carbon from [U-14C]glucose into intermediary metabolites and metabolic products in mammary epithelial cells from virgin, pregnant, and lactating mice, we demonstrate that glucose metabolite patterns can be used to recognize stages of differentiated function. For these cells, the rates of synthesis of glycogen and lactose, the ratio of lactate to alanine, and the ratio of citrate to malate are important parameters in identifying the degree of expression of differentiation. We further show that these patterns can be used as markers to determine the differentiated state of cultured mammary epithelial cells. Cells maintained on plastic substrates lose their distinctive glucose metabolite patterns while those on floating collagen gels do not. Cells isolated from pregnant mice and cultured on collagen gels have a pattern similar to that of their freshly isolated counterparts. When isolated from lactating mice, the metabolite patterns of cells cultured on collagen gels are different from that of the cells of origin, and resembles that of freshly isolated cells from pregnant mice. Our findings suggest that the floating collagen gels under the culture conditions used in these experiments provide an environment for the functional expression of the pregnant state, while additional factors are needed for the expression of the lactating state.  相似文献   

The possible role of normal chicken cellular sequences c-erb, c-myb and c-myc, together referred to as c-onc genes and related to the oncogenes of defective avian acute leukemia retroviruses (DLVs), was investigated by determining the accumulation of c-onc RNA in different avian cells an cell lines. Levels of c-myc and in some instances c-myb RNA are elevated in immature hematopoietic cells or cell lines from various lineages but more mature hematopoietic cells, as well as non-hematopoietic cells, contain only low levels. In contrast, the level of c-erb RNA is generally low, but high in a small number of normal bone marrow cells. The results indicate that the cellular homologues of the viral oncogenes are differentially expressed during hematopoiesis. They also indicate that the hypothesis that DLV target cells express their homologous c-onc genes might hold for c-erb, but is not valid in its simple form for c-myc and c-myb.  相似文献   

We have studied the influence of the phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), the vitamin A derivative retinoic acid and the benzodiazepine diazepam on intercellular communication via established gap junctions in a monolayer of rat liver epithelial cells (RLB) at various times of incubation. Intercellular communication was measured as the transfer of [3H]hypoxanthine-derived nucleotides between RLB hypoxanthine guanine phosphoribosyl transferase+ (HPRT+) and RLB HPRT- cells. TPA only showed transient inhibition of metabolic cooperation: after 4 h of treatment, intercellular communication was reduced to about 40% of the control and longer treatments showed progressively less effect until 24 h of treatment, when no difference was seen between TPA-treated and control preparations. Retinoic acid was a more effective inhibitor: both 3 X 10(-6) M applied for 24 h and 10(-4) M applied for 6.5 h, caused a 50% inhibition of label transfer. The junctional communication could only be blocked at very high concentrations (5 X 10(-4) M) in short-exposure experiments, but this is possibly a consequence of non-specific effects on the cell membrane. When the incubation time was 24 h, a considerable portion of the gap junctions appeared to persist in the 'open' state. Diazepam showed no significant inhibitory effect in the experiments performed.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated RNA isolated 18 h after infection of HeLa cells with adenovirus type 2 was both translated in vitro and microinjected into the cytoplasm of human transformed amnion cells. The hexon polypeptide could be specifically immunoprecipitated from the products of cell-free translation with a rabbit-anti-hexon serum. The same serum when used in immunofluorescence assays of microinjected cells revealed hexon protein synthesized 6 h after microinjection. The intensity of the staining persisted up to 16 h after injection of messenger RNA (mRNA). Newly-synthesized hexon protein was characteristically located mainly in the nucleus. Essentially the same results were obtained when normal amnion cells were microinjected.  相似文献   

Co-microinjection of single linearized molecules of plasmids containing the human β-globin gene (pRK1) and the herpes simplex virus (HSV) type I thymidine kinase gene (pX1) into the mouse TK? L cell nucleus results in covalent linkage between these (or derived) molecules within the nucleus as revealed by Southern blotting, plasmid rescue, and recovery of plasmid-derived DNA from a Charon 4A phage library of cellular DNA. The microinjected DNA is predominantly found as high molecular weight DNA as determined by Hirt fractionation. Southern blotting data and recombinants from the Charon 4A library suggest that the plasmid DNA is in the form of a head-to-tail linear concatamer of up to 80 copies. Passage of these microinjected cells in selective medium (HAT) results in coordinate amplification of both plasmids, which are maintained in an approx. 3:1 molar ratio of pRK1 to pX1-derived molecules. Hybridization in situ shows the DNA to be integrated on a translocation chromosome, t(4;4). Integration does not appear to be site-specific, since plasmid DNA from another microinjected cell line, C2B, appears on a different translocation chromosome, t(8?;14). Plasmid rescue experiments confirm a previous finding that passage of pBR322 DNA through eukaryotic cells may result in deletions of normally stable plasmid DNA upon subsequent transformation of E. coli. These deletions appear to occur in the bacteria, and originate in a 128 bp region between the Sal I and Hae II sites of pBR322.  相似文献   

In both the presence and absence of serum, 3Y1 rat fibroblastic cells synchronized at early S phase by aphidicolin entered M phase 6 h after removal of aphidicolin. However, in the second generation their entry into S phase in the presence of serum was delayed due to the deprivation of serum in the first generation. A similar delaying effect in the second generation was observed when the resting cells were stimulated by serum and then deprived of serum during a period of 8 h preceding mitosis. In both cases, the interval between mitosis and entry into S phase in the second generation was almost equal to that required for the resting cells to enter S phase when stimulated by serum. A similar delaying effect was also observed when the cells, synchronized at early S phase, were kept in suspension culture in the presence of serum for a period in the first generation. Results of a similar type of experiments using various combinations of growth factors showed that, when the G1 period in the second generation was shortened by exposure to growth factors in the first generation, and when the resting cells were stimulated to enter S phase, the same combination of growth factors was required. These and previous results suggest that the preparation for entry into S phase is controlled in both previous and present generations of 3Y1 cells.  相似文献   

1-Methyladenine, which has been previously shown to be the hormone responsible for meiosis reinitiation in starfish oocytes, triggers parthenogenetic activation when applied to matured starfish oocytes after emission of the second polar body and formation of the pronucleus. In Marthasterias glacialis and Asterias rubens oocytes parthenogenetic activation includes elevation of a fertilization membrane, cleavage and the formation of normal bipinnaria larvae. Activation is likely to result from 1-methyladenine interaction with the category of stereospecific membrane receptors involved in meiosis reinitiation, since structural requirements of this compound are identical for both biological responses. Appearance of oocyte responsiveness to 1-MeAde after, but not before emission of the second polar body cannot be accounted for by their increased sensitivity to intracellular Ca2+ at that time, although it is shown that Ca2+ mediates hormone effect in inducing parthenogenetic activation. Pretreatment of immature oocytes with the free hormone in excess strongly inhibits the 1-methyladenine-induced parthenogenetic activation of the oocytes when they have completed maturation.It is suggested that reappearance of 1-MeAde sensitivity when oocytes form a pronucleus depends either upon recruitment or new receptor units or on the reactivation of pre-existing inactivated receptors at this stage of oocyte maturation.  相似文献   

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