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Aim Ecologists have shown increasing interest in the relative roles of local and regional factors in structuring biotic communities. One approach to studying this is to examine the relationship between local species richness (LSR) and regional species richness (RSR). We examined the LSR–RSR relationship in stream diatoms, using two data sets that varied in spatial extent. At broad spatial extent ranging across drainage systems, we expected climatic and dispersal‐related factors to constrain LSR, thus resulting in a linear LSR–RSR relationship. However, at small spatial scales dispersal across sites should be unconstrained, resulting in strong local interactions and a weak or asymptotic LSR–RSR relationship. Location Boreal streams in Finland. Methods For data set 1, we sampled 15 stream riffles (localities) in each of eight drainage systems (regions), with the latitudinal gradient between the southernmost and northernmost sites being almost 1100 km. For data set 2, a locality for estimating LSR was a single stone, and each riffle represented a region for estimating RSR. We sampled 20 stones in each of eight riffles. We used linear regressions to examine the relationship between LSR and RSR across regions. We used both observed richness values, as well as values estimated with the Chao1 estimator. Results We found a relatively strong linear relationship between the Chao1‐estimated mean LSR and RSR (R2 = 0.654, P = 0.015) across drainage systems. The slope of the regression was 0.643 and it did not differ from 1.0, thus indicating linearity. At the riffle scale, however, LSR and RSR were not linearly related, and the slope of the regression (0.039) differed significantly from 1.0, indicating curvilinearity. Main conclusions These results suggest that the relationship between mean LSR and RSR varies across spatial scales in diatoms – from significantly linear at large scales to curvilinear at small scales. These plots imply strong regional enrichment in stream diatoms across drainage systems. Their diversity is thus determined largely by the composition of the regional species pool, as also in many macroorganisms. In contrast, at small spatial scales the LSR–RSR relationship implied a hard limit to local diversity, reflecting the primacy of local processes.  相似文献   

A popular way to suggest a regional influence on local species diversity has been to plot local versus regional diversity. The form of these curves has been interpreted as evidence for or against \"community saturation\" due to species interactions. This interpretation, however, is unwarranted. Using the concepts of α, β and γ diversity, I show that local–regional richness curves are determined by the way total diversity is partitioned between its α and β components, which itself is a matter of scale. Changing the scale of the local community amounts to changing the scale at which the heterogeneity of the interactions between organisms and their environment manifests itself, and hence the balance between α and β diversity. Community saturation may occur because of physical limitations, but there are no theoretical grounds for the belief that species interactions set an absolute upper limit to diversity at any scale. A distinction between different meanings of the concept of \"saturation\" is proposed to clarify this issue. I argue that the challenge now is to understand the relationship between α and β diversity at multiple scales, and the processes that determine it.  相似文献   

Despite widespread acknowledgement that local ecological communities are profoundly shaped by regional-scale influences, including evolutionary and biogeographic processes, this perspective has yet to be widely incorporated into ecological research. Drawing on recent research, we propose four steps towards making regional influences a stronger part of research on the richness of local communities: (1) identifying the regional-scale causes of variation in species richness in the systems ecologists study; (2) testing for effects of regional richness on local richness, using improved observational and experimental analyses to overcome earlier problems; (3) simultaneously analysing environmental influences on regional and local species richness as well as the influence of regional richness on local richness and (4) considering the potential reciprocal effects of local processes on regional richness. In conclusion, we suggest some ways that similar approaches could be applied to other aspects of community structure beyond species richness.  相似文献   

Geospatial statistical modelling and thematic maps have recently emerged as effective tools for the management of natural areas at the landscape scale. Traditional methods for the collection of field data pertaining to questions of landscape were developed without consideration for the parameters of these applications. We introduce an alternative field sampling design based on smaller unbiased random plot and subplot locations called the pixel nested plot (PNP). We demonstrate the applicability of the PNP design of 15 m × 15 m to assess patterns of plant diversity and species richness across the landscape at Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP), Colorado, USA in a time (cost)-efficient manner for field data collection. Our results produced comparable results to a previous study in the Beaver Meadow study (BMS) area within RMNP, where there was a demonstrated focus of plant diversity. Our study used the smaller PNP sampling design for field data collection which could be linked to geospatial information data and could be used for landscape-scale analyses and assessment applications. In 2003, we established 61 PNP in the eastern region of RMNP. We present a comparison between this approach using a sub-sample of 19 PNP from this data set and 20 of Modified Whittaker nested plots (MWNP) of 20 m × 50 m that were collected in the BMS area. The PNP captured 266 unique plant species while the MWNP captured 275 unique species. Based on a comparison of PNP and MWNP in the Beaver Meadows area, RMNP, the PNP required less time and area sampled to achieve a similar number of species sampled. Using the PNP approach for data collection can facilitate the ecological monitoring of these vulnerable areas at the landscape scale in a time- and therefore cost-effective manner.  相似文献   

Aim The analysis of diversity across multiple scales is hampered by methodological difficulties resulting from the use of different sampling methods at different scales and by the application of different definitions of the communities to be sampled at different scales. It is our aim to analyse diversity in a nested hierarchy of scales by applying a formalized sampling concept used in population ecology when analysing population structure. This concept involved a precise definition of the sampled vegetation type by the presence of a target species, in our case Hornungia petraea. We compared separate indices of inventory diversity (i.e. number of species) and differentiation diversity (i.e. extent of change in species composition or dissimilarity) with indices derived from species accumulation curves and related diversity patterns to topographical plot characteristics such as area and distance. Location Ten plots were established systematically over a distance of 100 km each in the distribution centre of H. petraea in Italy (i.e. Marche and Umbria) and in a peripheral exclave in Germany (i.e. Thuringia and Saxony‐Anhalt). Methods We used a nested sampling design of 10 random subplots within plots and 10 systematically placed plots within regions. Internal α‐diversity (species richness) and internal β‐diversity (dissimilarity) were calculated on the basis of subplots, α‐, β‐ and γ‐diversity on the basis of plots in Italy and Germany. In addition, indices of inventory diversity and differentiation diversity were derived by fitting species accumulation curves to the Michaelis–Menten equation. Results There was no significant difference in the internal α‐diversity between German and Italian plots but the α‐ and γ‐diversity were higher in Italy than in Germany. In Germany, the internal β‐diversity and β‐diversity were lower than in Italy. The differentiation diversity increased with increasing scale from subplots over plots to regions. The same results were obtained by calculating species accumulation curves. Significant positive correlations were encountered between the internal α‐diversity and α‐diversity in both countries, while the internal β‐diversity and internal α‐diversity showed a correlation only for the Italian plots. Similarity decay was found for German plots with respect to inter‐plot distance and for Italian plots with respect to altitudinal difference and to a smaller degree to distance between plots. Main conclusions The design chosen and the consistent analysis of species accumulation curves by the Michaelis–Menten equation yielded consistent results over different scales. The specific therophyte vegetation type in this study reflected diversity patterns also observed in other studies, e.g. a greater differentiation diversity in central than in peripheral habitats and a trend of increasing species richness towards lower altitudes. No asymptotic saturation of species richness between different scales was observed. Indications were found that the absolute level of inventory diversity at a particular scale and the completeness of the sampling procedure are the main clues for explaining the relationship between inventory and differentiation diversity at this particular scale.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the empirical relationships between species richness and spatial turnover in species composition across spatial scales. These have remained little explored despite the fact that such relationships are fundamental to understanding spatial diversity patterns. Location South‐east Scotland. Methods Defining local species richness simply as the total number of species at a finer resolution than regional species richness and spatial turnover as turnover in species identity between any two or more areas, we determined the empirical relationships between all three, and the influence of spatial scale upon them, using data on breeding bird distributions. We estimated spatial turnover using a measure independent of species richness gradients, a fundamental feature which has been neglected in theoretical studies. Results Local species richness and spatial turnover exhibited a negative relationship, which became stronger as larger neighbourhood sizes were considered in estimating the latter. Spatial turnover and regional species richness did not show any significant relationship, suggesting that spatial species replacement occurs independently of the size of the regional species pool. Local and regional species richness only showed the expected positive relationship when the size of the local scale was relatively large in relation to the regional scale. Conclusions Explanations for the relationships between spatial turnover and local and regional species richness can be found in the spatial patterns of species commonality, gain and loss between areas.  相似文献   

Aim In a selected literature survey we reviewed studies on the habitat heterogeneity–animal species diversity relationship and evaluated whether there are uncertainties and biases in its empirical support. Location World-wide. Methods We reviewed 85 publications for the period 1960–2003. We screened each publication for terms that were used to define habitat heterogeneity, the animal species group and ecosystem studied, the definition of the structural variable, the measurement of vegetation structure and the temporal and spatial scale of the study. Main conclusions The majority of studies found a positive correlation between habitat heterogeneity/diversity and animal species diversity. However, empirical support for this relationship is drastically biased towards studies of vertebrates and habitats under anthropogenic influence. In this paper, we show that ecological effects of habitat heterogeneity may vary considerably between species groups depending on whether structural attributes are perceived as heterogeneity or fragmentation. Possible effects may also vary relative to the structural variable measured. Based upon this, we introduce a classification framework that may be used for across-studies comparisons. Moreover, the effect of habitat heterogeneity for one species group may differ in relation to the spatial scale. In several studies, however, different species groups are closely linked to ‘keystone structures’ that determine animal species diversity by their presence. Detecting crucial keystone structures of the vegetation has profound implications for nature conservation and biodiversity management.  相似文献   

Switzerland's governmental ‘Biodiversity Monitoring’ program is designed to produce factual information on the dynamics of biodiversity within the country for governmental agencies, politicians, and the general public. Monitoring a complex issue like biodiversity in order to give relevant and accurate messages to the general public and politicians within a politically relevant timescale and at moderate cost means focusing on few elements. Because relevant human impacts on biodiversity operate differently at different spatial scales, we need at least three different indicators to observe changes over time in local (‘within‐habitat’), landscape (‘habitat‐mosaic’), and macro‐scale (‘regional’) diversity. To keep things as simple as possible, we use species richness as an indicator for all three levels of diversity, just defining three different spatial scales (10 m2, 1 km2, regions, respectively). Each indicator is based on a number of taxonomic groups which have been selected mainly on the basis of costs and the availability of appropriate methods.  相似文献   

The species saturation hypothesis in ground‐dwelling ant communities was tested, the relationship between local and regional species richness was studied and the possible processes involved in this relationship were evaluated in the present paper. To describe the relationship between local and regional species richness, the ground‐dwelling ant fauna of 10 forest remnants was sampled, using 10 1 m2 quadrats in each remnant. The ants were extracted from the litter by using Winkler sacs. Using regression analyses, an asymptotic pattern between local and regional species richness was detected. This saturated pattern may be related to three processes: (i) high interspecific competition; (ii) habitat species specialization; or (iii) stochastic equilibrium. It is concluded that non‐interactive processes, such as stochastic equilibrium and habitat specialization may act as factors regulating species richness in this community. The predominance of locally restricted species, in all sampled remnants, seems to indicate the occurrence of a high degree of habitat specialization by the ant species. This result is evidence for the hypothesis that community saturation has been generated by non‐interactive processes. Although ants are frequently described as highly interactive, it is possible that interspecific competition is not important in the structuring of ground‐dwelling ant communities.  相似文献   

Much recent research explaining plant community diversity has focused on comparing the relative impacts of regional and local processes. We employed a novel analysis to quantify the effects of multiple regional and local processes on species richness, and to make quantitative comparisons of those effects across two sites that differ in plot-level species richness, productivity and environmental conditions. While abiotic stress and competition limited richness within the communities at both sites, only differences in the overall pool of species at the site, likely resulting from long-distance dispersal and climate fluctuations, explained the differences in plot-level richness between sites. Patterns in local richness may be driven by a temporal storage effect, with greater richness in the site with greater climatic variability. By identifying both the factors that impact diversity within communities and those that vary systematically across communities, our integrated approach provides a better understanding of regional diversity patterns.  相似文献   

1. The spatial scale of analysis may influence the nature, strength and underlying drivers of macroecological patterns, one of the most frequently discussed of which is the relationship between species richness and environmental energy availability. 2. It has been suggested that species-energy relationships are hump-shaped at fine spatial grains and consistently positive at larger regional grains. The exact nature of this scale dependency is, however, the subject of much debate as relatively few studies have investigated species-energy relationships for the same assemblage across a range of spatial grains. Here, we contrast species-energy relationships for the British breeding avifauna at spatial grains of 1 km x 1 km, 2 km x 2 km and 10 km x 10 km plots, while maintaining a constant spatial extent. 3. Analyses were principally conducted using data on observed species richness. While survey work may fail to detect some species, observed species richness and that estimated using nonparametric techniques were strongly positively correlated with each other, and thus exhibit very similar spatial patterns. Moreover, the forms of species-energy relationships using observed and estimated species richness were statistically indistinguishable from each other. 4. Positive decelerating species-energy relationships arise at all three spatial grains. There is little evidence that the explanatory power of these relationships varies with spatial scale. However, ratios of regional (large-scale) to local (small-scale) species richness decrease with increasing energy availability, indicating that local richness responds to energy with a steeper gradient than does regional richness. Local assemblages thus sample a greater proportion of regional richness at higher energy levels, suggesting that spatial turnover of species richness is lower in high-energy regions. Similarly, a crude measure of temporal turnover, the ratio of cumulative species richness over a 4-year period to species richness in a single year, is lower in high-energy regions. These negative relationships between turnover and energy appear to be causal as both total and mean occupancy per species increases with energy. 5. While total density in 1 km x 1 km plots correlates positively with energy availability, such relationships are very weak for mean density per species. This suggests that the observed association between total abundance and species richness may not be mediated by population extinction rates, as predicted by the more individuals hypothesis. 6. The sampling mechanism suggests that species-energy relationships arise as high-energy areas support a greater number of individuals, and that random allocation of these individuals to local areas from a regional assemblage will generate species-energy relationships. While randomized local species-energy relationships are linear and positive, predicted richness is consistently greater than that observed. The mismatch between the observed and randomized species-energy relationships probably arises as a consequence of the aggregated nature of species distributions. The sampling mechanism, together with species spatial aggregation driven by limited habitat availability, may thus explain the species-energy relationship observed at this spatial scale.  相似文献   

以辽东山区次生林为研究对象,分析4 hm2样地Gleason丰富度指数、Simpson优势度指数、Shannon多样性指数和Pielou均匀度指数的空间分布特征及其与尺度的关系.结果表明: 4个多样性指数的空间分布均表现出较高的空间异质性;4个多样性指数的方差随尺度的增加其变化趋势有所差异;4个多样性指数的变异系数随尺度的增加呈下降趋势;乔木层的4个多样性指数值高于灌木层,且随尺度增加其变化趋势有所差异.在分析辽东山区次生林物种多样性时应考虑尺度效应.  相似文献   

Aim To determine whether the diversity of resident and transient coral‐dwelling fish responds differentially to gradients in regional species richness. Location Three regions in the Indo‐Pacific (Red Sea, western Indian Ocean, Great Barrier Reef) which contain increasingly larger regional diversities of reef fish. Methods I surveyed fish residing within branching coral species. Fish species were a priori categorized as resident or transient based on the degree of affiliation between the fish and live coral. To compare among regions that differ in coral diversity I used a modified species–volume relationship (SVR). Each point in the SVR represents the total number of fish species, resident or transient, found within the cumulative volume of a specific coral species. Empirical SVRs were further compared with random‐placement null models. Results For transient species, I found that the observed SVRs did not differ consistently from those expected from random samples drawn from the corresponding regional species pools. In addition, for a given volume of coral, more fish species were found in richer regions, indicating strong regional influences on local diversity. In contrast, resident richness was lower than that expected from random samples of the species pool, and richness in rich regions was reduced comparably more than in poor regions. The SVRs of resident species were similar among regions with different regional diversities. Main conclusion These results suggest that, within coral species, transient fish richness is mostly influenced by stochastic allocation of species from the regional pool. Conversely, richness of resident species within a coral species is limited, making it independent of regional diversity. Since higher regional diversity of resident fish was not accompanied by higher richness per coral species or by decreased niche breadth, higher regional diversity of resident fish species must be rooted in higher coral richness. Consequently, ecological interactions between functional groups (coral and fish) can be powerful drivers of regional biodiversity.  相似文献   

1990年8月对梵净山和张家界两个自然保护区内蜘蛛群落进行调查,结果表明:自然保护区内蜘蛛资源极为丰富,经初步鉴定,计有蜘蛛27科85属180种,其中主要成分依次为肖蛸、园蛛、狼蛛、球蛛和皿蛛等。蜘蛛发生量折合每亩为17,585—54,000头。八个不同生境类型蜘蛛群落的种类数和密度存在明显差异;各种蜘蛛分布群在群落内的比例随栖息地结构变化而改变,因而也导致蜘蛛群落的Shannon-Wiener多样性指数,Simpson优势度和均等度等参数的变化。  相似文献   

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