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Summary We have established a first linkage map for beets based on RFLP, isozyme and morphological markers. The population studied consisted of 96 F2 individuals derived from an intraspecific cross. As was expected for outbreeding species, a relatively high degree of polymorphism was found within sugar beet; 47% of the DNA markers were polymorphic for the chosen population. The map consists of 115 independent chromosomal loci designated by 108 genomic DNA probes, 6 isozyme and one morphological marker. The loci cover 789 cM with an average spacing of 6.9 cM. They are dispersed over nine linkage groups corresponding to the haploid chromosome number of Beta species. Eighteen markers (15.4%) showed distorted segregation which, in most instances, can be explained by gametic selection of linked lethal loci. The application of the linkage map in sugar beet breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) is highly susceptible to the beet cyst nematode (Heterodera schachtii Schm.). Three resistance genes originating from the wild beets B. procumbens (Hs1 pro-1) and B. webbiana (Hs1 web-1, Hs2 web-7) have been transferred to sugar beet via species hybridization. We describe the genetic localization of the nematode resistance genes in four different sugar beet lines using segregating F2 populations and RFLP markers from our current sugar beet linkage map. The mapping studies yielded a surprising result. Although the four parental lines carrying the wild beet translocations were not related to each other, the four genes mapped to the same locus in sugar beet independent of the original translocation event. Close linkage (0–4.6 cM) was found with marker loci at one end of linkage group IV. In two populations, RFLP loci showed segregation distortion due to gametic selection. For the first time, the non-randomness of the translocation process promoting gene transfer from the wild beet to the sugar beet is demonstrated. The data suggest that the resistance genes were incorporated into the sugar beet chromosomes by non-allelic homologous recombination. The finding that the different resistance genes are allelic will have major implications on future attempts to breed sugar beet combining the different resistance genes.  相似文献   

Summary Five isozyme systems were genetically investigated. The different separation techniques, the developmental expression and the use as marker system in sugar beet genetics and breeding is discussed. Isocitrate dehydrogenase was controlled by two genes. The gene products form inter- as well as intralocus dimers, even with the gene products of the Icd gene in B. procumbens and B. patellaris. Adenylate kinase was controlled by one gene. Three different allelic forms were detected, which were active as monomeric proteins. Glucose phosphate isomerase showed two zones of activity. One zone was polymorphic. Three allelic variants, active as dimers, were found. Phosphoglucomutase also showed two major zones of activity. One zone was polymorphic and coded for monomeric enzymes. Two allelic forms were found in the accessions studied. The cathodal peroxidase system was controlled by two independent genes, of which only one was polymorphic. The gene products are active as monomers. Linkage was found between red hypocotyl color (R) and Icd 2. Pgm 1, Gpi 2, Ak 1 and the Icd 2-R linkage group segregated independently.  相似文献   

Summary Infection of sugar beet roots by beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) was investigated with transmission electron microscopy, immunogold labelling and enzyme linked immuno sorbent assay (ELISA). Here we show that infection of sugar beet roots is very fast, occurring during germination. Seedlings grown directly in infected soil showed higher BNYVV infection than plants transplanted into infected soil after seven days of initial growth in sterilized soil. The earlier the initial infection, the faster was its spread. The study showed that a few differentiated cells of the cortex and of the xylem parenchyma were the preferred sites of viral multiplication. The spread of viral infection was slow through differentiated tissues. Intact virions were frequently found in undifferentiated and mature vessel elements and xylem parenchyma, whereas they were rare in sieve elements. Virus particle number in the differentiating tracheary elements was high, suggesting that infection of the vessel elements preceded their differentiation. This would explain increased infection after early inoculation. Even the xylem tissue of the primary root was highly infected, the seedlings lacked virus particles in their hypocotyls and leaves.  相似文献   

The effects of genotype and seed size on the growth of sugar beetseedlings in liquid nutrient culture medium were examined. Seed size waspositively correlated to seedling weight at the 5/7-leaf stage of developmentbut had little influence on mean total root to shoot ratio. At the 8-leaf-stagethere was considerable variation in the fibrous root to shoot ratios betweenindividuals in each of three cultivars. Nevertheless, the mean root to shootratio of seedlings of each cultivar was relatively similar. However, largegenotypic differences were detected in the depletion of specific elements fromthe nutrient culture solution, this being particularly so for nitrogen,potassium and sodium.  相似文献   

Summary A restriction endonuclease fragment map of sugar beet chloroplast DNA (ctDNA) has been constructed with the enzymes SmaI, PstI and PvuII. The ctDNA was found to be contained in a circular molecule of 148.5 kbp. In common with many other higher plant ctDNAs, sugar beet ctDNA consists of two inverted repeat sequences of about 20.5 kbp separated by two single-copy regions of different sizes (about 23.2 and 84.3 kbp). Southern hybridization analyses indicated that the genes for rRNAs (23S+16S) and the large subunit of ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase were located in the inverted repeats and the large single-copy regions, respectively.  相似文献   

Methods are described for obtaining explants which produce adventitious shoots, for subsequent stimulation of rooting and then transplanting using six commercial sugar-beet cultivars. The rate of adventitious shoot regeneration from petioles or intact leaf explants was affected by the source of donor plants, cytokinin type (BAP or Kin) and concentration and cultivar. Increasing the sucrose concentration of the medium from 3% to 5% or 8% had no apparent effect. Adventitious shoots could be produced directly from callus formed on the base of the petioles. In general adventitious shoots were produced on either the concave surface of the petiole or from the callus, occasionally simultaneously on both, and on the convex surface of the petiole in intact leaf explants. The highest rooting rate with 3% sucrose and 1.0 mg l–1 NAA was obtained using half-strength MS medium. There was considerable variation in the propagules from petioles or callus indicating that this system may provide valuable somaclonal variation.Abbreviations BAP benzylaminopurine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid Author for correspondence  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial (mt) DNA, isolated from different sugar beet populations, was analyzed using BamHI and EcoRI restriction enzymes. It was shown that plants possessing the new mtDNA types are revealed among O-type fertilizers quite frequently. Among cytoplasmic male sterile (cms) plants, which evolved during cultivation of O-type fertilizers, plants with altered mt genome were found.  相似文献   

Molecular approaches to sugar beet improvement will benefit from an efficient transformation procedure that does not rely upon exploitation of selectable marker genes such as those which confer antibiotic or herbicide resistance upon the transgenic plants. The expression of the green fluorescent protein (GFP) signal has been investigated during a program of research that was designed to address the need to increase the speed and efficiency of selection of sugar beet transformants. It was envisaged that the GFP reporter could be used initially as a supplement to current selection regimes in order to help eliminate “escapes” and perhaps eventually as a replacement marker in order to avoid the public disquiet associated with antibiotic/herbicide-resistance genes in field-released crops. The sgfp-S65T gene has been modified to have a plant-compatible codon usage, and a serine to threonine mutation at position 65 for enhanced fluorescence under blue light. This gene, under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter, was introduced into sugar beet via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. Early gene expression in cocultivated sugar beet cultures was signified by green fluorescence several days after cocultivation. Stably transformed calli, which showed green fluorescence at a range of densities, were obtained at frequencies of 3–11% after transferring the inoculated cultures to selection media. Cocultivated shoot explants or embryogenic calli were regularly monitored under the microscope with blue light when they were transferred to media without selective agents. Green fluorescent shoots were obtained at frequencies of 2–5%. It was concluded that the sgfp-S65T gene can be used as a vital marker for noninvasive screening of cells and shoots for transformation, and that it has potential for the development of selectable marker-free transgenic sugar beet.  相似文献   

The organization of the mitochondrial genome of B3, B4 and B5generations of hybrids created by backcrossing sterile wild beet Betamaritima with a fertile O-type sugar beet line was studied usingrestriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis. Random amplifiedpolymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was used to study restoration of the fertile(O-type) sugar beet genotype in hybrids after multiple backcrossings.Restriction of mtDNAs from the cytoplasm of B. maritimaandhybrids revealed BamHI, EcoRI andXhoI restriction patterns different from those for sterileand fertile sugar beet lines. The most conspicuous feature of our accession ofsterile wild beet mtDNA was the absence of the 10.7-kbEcoRI fragment detected in the cytoplasm of S-type sterileB. maritima and sugar beet. The hybridization of digestedmtDNAs with coxII, atpA andatp6 homologous probes revealed alterations within thesegene loci that distinguished wild beet and hybrids from sugar beets.Characteristic hybridization profiles for the wild beet and B3, B4 and B5hybrids were observed for all probes regardless of the restrictase used todigest mtDNA. Notable changes in atpA andatp6 genes resulted when probes that comprised the5flanking sequences of these genes and a small part of the coding sequences wereused. RFLP analysis of the sterile B. maritimamitochondrial genome further supported the unique character of this source ofwild beet sterility. The genotypic differences between hybrids and parentalaccessions were determined by scoring PCR-RAPD reaction products for nineselected primers. The diversity of the B. maritimagenotyperesulted in a lower genetic similarity index in comparison with hybrids,sterileand fertile lines of sugar beet. The dendrogram obtained after cluster analysisdistinguished hybrids as a group that differed from wild beet and themaintainersugar beet line used for backcrossing. These results may indicate incompleterestoration of the fertile sugar beet genotype in hybrids.  相似文献   

Summary The development of microspore mother cells (MMC) and tapetum in male-fertile and male-sterile anthers of Beta vulgaris L. was compared at the electron microscope level. These studies were complemented by morphometric analyses of mitochondria in both tissues through successive stages of microsporogenesis. The earliest irregularities in the ultrastructure of male-sterile anthers were noted within the tapetum at the tetrad stage. These disturbances were initially expressed by a slight reduction in mitochondrial size and the appearance of concentric configurations of endoplasmic reticulum. As development proceeded, a further decrease in mitochondrial size become more conspicuous and was accompanied by a reduction in ribosome population and a failure of the tapetum to produce Ubisch bodies. This failure to produce Ubisch bodies is reflected in the underdevelopment of sterile microspore exine.  相似文献   

The responses of two sugar beet genotypes, 24367 (putative droughttolerant) and N6 (putative drought intolerant), to drought and nutrientdeficiency stress were investigated in an attempt to identify reliable andsensitive indicators of stress tolerance. In glasshouse-grown plants of bothgenotypes, relative water content (RWC) of the leaves decreased and leaftemperature increased in response to drought stress. Genotype differences inresponse to drought included leaf RWC, glycine betaine accumulation, alterationof shoot/root ratio and production of fibrous roots. Thus, in comparison to N6,genotype 24367 lost less water from leaves, produced more fibrous roots,produced more glycine betaine in shoots and tap roots and had a much reducedshoot/root ratio in response to withholding water for up to 215 h.The hydraulic conductance and sap flow of sugar beet seedlings grown innutrientculture decreased when subjected to nitrogen deficiency stress. Under nitrogensufficient conditions sap flow was greater in 24367 than in N6. The resultsindicate that genotype 24367 is more tolerant to stresses induced by water andnitrogen deficiency and that increased fibrous root development may be a majorfactor in increasing sap flow via a concomitant enhancement of aquaporinactivity.  相似文献   

Accumulation of various osmolytes was examined in plants of sugar beet cv. Janus grown under two soil water treatments: control (60% of the field water capacity; FWC) and drought (30–35% FWC). The water shortage started on the 61st day after emergence (DAE), at the stage of the beginning of tap-roots development and was imposed for 35 days. Osmotic potential of sugar beet plant organs, particularly tap-roots, was decreased significantly as a consequence of a long-term drought. Water shortage reduced univalent (K+, Na+) cations concentrations in the petioles and divalent (Ca2+, Mg2+) ions level in the mature and old leaves. Cation concentrations in the tap-roots were not affected by water shortage. The ratio of univalent to divalent cations was significantly increased in young leaves and petioles as a consequence of drought. Long-term water deficit caused a significant reduction of inorganic phosphorus (Pi) concentration in young and old leaves. Under the water stress condition, the concentration of proline was increased in all individual plant organs, except proline concentration in the youngest leaves. Drought treatment caused a significant increase of glycine betaine content in shoot without any change in tap-roots. Glucose concentrations were significantly increased only in tap-roots as the effect of drought. In response to water shortage the accumulation of sucrose was observed in all the examined leaves and tap-roots. Overall, a long-term drought activated an effective mechanism for osmotic adjustment both in the shoot and in the root tissues which may be critical to survival rather than to maintain plant growth but sugar beet organs accumulate different solutes as a response to water cessation.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that in vitro pollination can be used in future studies of the time course of pollen-tube development and analysis of self-incompatibility in sugar beet, Beta vulgaris L. Upon selfng a self-incompatible genotype showed the same incompatibility response after both in vitro and in vivo pollinations. No differences between cross-compatible and self-compatible pollentube growth were observed. The pollen-tube rejection occurred whether or not the pollen was prehydrated. RNA staining with Acridine Orange showed that there was less cellular RNA in the pistil tissue from in vitro-pollinated flowers. Nevertheless, pollen-tube growth and the self-incompatibility response were similar after in vivo and in vitro pollinations.  相似文献   

Summary The development of sporogenous and tapetal cells in the anthers of male-fertile and cytoplasmic male-sterile sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) plants was studied using light and transmission electron microscopy. In general, male-sterile anthers showed a much greater variability in developmental pattern than male-fertile anthers. The earliest deviation from normal anther development was observed to occur in sterile anthers at meiotic early prophase: there was a degeneration or irregular proliferation of the tapetal cells. Other early aberrant events were the occurrence of numerous small vesicles in the microspore mother cells (MMC) and a disorganized chromatin condensation. Deviations that occurred in sterile anthers at later developmental stages included: (1) less distinct inner structures in the mitochondria of both MMC and tapetal cells from middle prophase onwards. (2) dilated ER and nuclear membranes at MMC prophase, in some cases associated with the formation of protein bodies. (3) breakdown of cell walls in MMCs and tapetal cells at late meiotic prophase. (4) no massive increase in tapetal ER at the tetrad stage. (5) a general dissolution of membranes, first in the MMC, then in the tapetum. (6) abortion of microspores and the occurrence of a plasmodial tapetum in anthers reaching the microspore stage. (7) no distinct degeneration of tapetal cells after microspore formation. Thus, it seems that the factors that lead to abortive microsporogenesis are structurally expressed at widely different times during anther development. Aberrant patterns are not restricted to the tetrad stage but occur at early prophase.  相似文献   

A digoxigenin-labelled 5S rDNA probe (pTa-794) and a rhodamine-labelled 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA probe (pTa71) were used for double-target in-situ hybridization to root-tip metaphase, prophase and interphase chromosomes of cultivated beet,Beta vulgaris L. After in-situ hybridization with the 18S-5.8S-25S rDNA probe, one major pair of sites was detected which corresponded to the secondary constriction at the end of the short arm of chromosome 1. The two rDNA chromosomes were often associated and the loci only contracted in late metaphase. In the majority of the metaphase plates analyzed, we found a single additional minor hybridization site with pTa71. One pair of 5S rRNA gene clusters was localized near the centromere on the short arm of one of the three largest chromosomes which does not carry the 18S-5.8S-25S genes. Because of the difficulties in distinguishing the very similarly-sizedB. vulgaris chromosomes in metaphase preparations, the 5S and the 18S-5.8S-25S rRNA genes can be used as markers for chromosome identification. TwoXbaI fragments (pXV1 and pXV2), comprising the 5S ribosomal RNA gene and the adjacent intergenic spacer, were isolated. The two 5S rDNA repeats were 349 bp and 351 bp long, showing considerable sequence variation in the intergenic spacer. The use of fluorescent in-situ hybridization, complemented by molecular data, for gene mapping and for integrating genetic and physical maps of beet species is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Eleven isozyme systems were used to identify the extra chromosomes, originating from Beta procumbens, in progenies of 33 monosomic additions in beet (B. vulgaris). Nine groups of monosomic additions could be distinguished, representing the nine different chromosome types of B. procumbens.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the regeneration of wild beet (Beta maritima) from inflorescence pieces, the effects of growth regulator, genotype, explant source and stage of plant development on adventitious shoot formation and rooting in vitro and subsequent transplanting in the glasshouse were tested. Inflorescence tips produced more adventitious shoots than sub-apical segments and the best micropropagation was achieved on a Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 1.0 mg l–1 BAP. Addition of auxin was not beneficial. The induction rate of adventitious shoots was genotype-dependent and influenced by the stage of plant development. Adventitious shoots were produced from the base of the flower buds, i.e. from the receptacle, not from axils or stalks and only a few buds on inflorescence tip explants produced adventitious shoots. Rooting was increased by using a MS medium with 3% sucrose supplemented with 1.0 mg l–1 NAA. There was no variation in leaf morphology of the transplants. This work shows that inflorescence tips can be used successfully as explants for in vitro multiplication of sugar beet and wild beet.Abbreviations BAP benzylaminopurine - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - GA3 gibberellic acid - MS Murashige and Skoog medium - NAA naphthaleneacetic acid Author for correspondence  相似文献   

The technique of random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) offers a broad range of applications in the investigation of plant genomes. A promising prospect is the use of RAPD products as genetic markers. We have investigated a possible organellar source of fragments in RAPD patterns of total DNA. Two nearly-isogenic lines of cytoplasmic male-sterile and male-fertile sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) were subjected to RAPD analysis with six different primers. Total, nuclear, mitochondrial (mt), and chloroplast (cp), DNA from each line were investigated. Reproducible DNA fingerprints could be obtained from both organellar DNAs. Differences in band patterns of mtDNA between cytoplasmic male-sterile and -fertile lines were observed with five out of six primers, whereas different cpDNA patterns were generated by one of the primers. Consequently, the RAPD technique can be used to discriminate between different cytoplasms. Clear evidence is provided for the organellar origin of fragments in genomic (total DNA) RAPD patterns. The consequences of these results for the interpretation of RAPD analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

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