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The target organs of mice immunized with the respective syngeneic tissue extracts together with the capsular polysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPS-K) as a powerful adjuvant were examined for production of lesions. In 15 out of 24 mice injected three times or more with syngeneic eyeball extracts and CPS-K adjuvant at intervals approximately 30 days, severe eyeball lesions developed in which the normal structure was almost completely lost. A large part of the eyeball tissue of these mice was replaced by infiltration with cells such as lymphocytes, plasma cells and other mononuclear cells and by connective tissue. No definite eye lesions developed in mice injected with CPS-K alone, eyeball extracts alone or eyeball extracts emulsified in complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). In all of mice injected four times with thyroid gland extracts and CPS-K at intervals of approximately 30 days, definite thyroid gland lesions were produced. In three out of five mice of this group, the thyroid lesions were so severe that the normal thyroid follicular structure was almost completely lost, and a large part of the thyroid gland was replaced by infiltration with lymphocytes, plasma cells and other mononuclear cells and in part by connective tissue. In only one out of five mice injected with thyroid gland extracts emulsified in CFA, definite but milder thyroid gland lesions developed. No definite thyroid lesions developed in the remaining four mice of this group and also in any of the mice injected with thyroid gland extracts alone or CPS-K alone. Repeated injections of lymphoid tissue extracts and CPS-K also induced pathological changes in the spleen and lymph nodes, although less marked than those in the cases of the eyes and thyroid gland. The most remarkable change was a decrease in numbers of small lymphocytes at the areas surrounding the central arterioles in the white pulp of the spleen and the post-capillary venules in the cortex of the lymph nodes. From these results it has been concluded that our system can provide new and useful models for autoimmune diseases in man.  相似文献   

The role of humoral and cellular immune responses in the initiation and maintenance of autoimmune thyroiditis was investigated in mice immunized with syngeneic thyroid extract and Klebsiella O3 lipopolysaccharide (KO3 LPS) as an adjuvant. The transfer of spleen cells from hyperimmunized mice to 400R-irradiated syngeneic mice produced definite lesions in the thyroid glands, whereas the transfer of immune sera failed to do so. No lesions were induced in normal intact mice by the same transfer of sera and spleen cells from hyperimmunized mice. It was suggested that the induction of thyroiditis by immunization using KO3 LPS adjuvant is primarily due to cell-mediated immunity and that pretreatment of mice by X-irradiation is essential for production of the lesions. The role of X-irradiation in the induction of thyroiditis was discussed.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune thyroiditis could be produced in SMA, C3H/He and C57BL mice by repeated injection at intervals of 30 days of syngeneic thyroid extract mixed with the capsular polysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPS-K) as a powerful adjuvant. The sequence of the development of autoimmune thyroiditis was histologically followed using SMA strain of mice, in which the thyroid lesions were most marked. A single injection of the thyroid extract mixed with CPS-K induced interstitial infiltration of small lymphocytes and other mononuclear cells, and follicular architecture was partially damaged. At early times (5 to 12 days) after the secondary injection of the material, there were aggregation of polymorphonuclear neutrophilic leukocytes with formation of microabscesses in the follicles and hyaline degeneration of small vessels in the thyroid glands, suggesting that this stage of the thyroid lesions was expression of an Arthus reaction. The maximal severity of the thyroid lesions was reached at 30 days after the secondary injection. At this time, the thyroid lesions consisted of extensive infiltration of small lymphocytes, plasma cells and other mononuclear cells with complete loss of follicular architecture and mild proliferation of fibrous connective tissues. Even at 200 days after the secondary injection, there was no evidence of spontaneous regression and resolution of the thyroid lesions. Based on the histological findings, it seems likely that in our system cell-mediated immunity plays a dominant role in initiation and maintenance of thyroiditis and humoral antibodies do so in its aggravation.  相似文献   

To examine the role of T-cell subsets in the development of thyroid lesions, female CBA/J mice were immunized with 60 μg mouse thyroglobulin (MTg) in 0.1 ml complete Freund's adjuvant in both hind footpads. The thyroids were removed 12–21 days later, pooled, and dispersed. The cell suspension was examined by membrane immunofluorescence for the distribution of Thy-1+, Lyt-1+, Lyt-2+, and sIg+ lymphocytes. For comparison, peripheral blood leukocytes (PBL) from the same animals were similarly examined. Throughout this 10-day interval, B cells in the thyroid were consistently below 5%, whereas B cells represented 19–24% of PBL. Thy-1+ cells in PBL ranged from 45 to 59%, whereas Thy-1+ cells in the thyroid were 37–50%. However, only thyroidal T cells showed a consistent decline with time and were replaced gradually by cells without T or B cell markers. In particular, there was a clear shift in the Lyt-1+:Lyt-2+ ratio from about 7 down to 2 in the thyroid as the early predominance of Lyt-1+ cells was followed by a relative increase in Lyt-2+ cells. Our results show that there is an accumulation of Lyt-1+ and Lyt-2+ cells in the infiltrated thyroid. These cells may include MTg-reactive, helper, and cytotoxic T cells which localize (or differentiate) in the thyroid and initiate the lesions.  相似文献   

Abstract Immunization with lipopolysaccharide from Klebsiella O3 as an immunological adjuvant did not cause the death of mice in systemic anaphylaxis to bovine serum albumin. On the other hand, most mice immunized with lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli O111, Klebsiella O4 and Salmonella minnesota did die. Klebsiella O3 lipopolysaccharide enhanced IgM and IgG antibody response to BSA more markedly than Escherichia coli O111 lipopolysaccharide, while it affected the production of IgE antibody only slightly. Therefore, it is suggested that the inhibition of systemic anaphylaxis by Klebsiella O3 lipopolysaccharide adjuvant might be related to its strong adjuvant action on IgM and IgG class antibody production, and that high levels of circulating IgM and IgG antibodies might act as blocking antibodies in the development of IgE-mediated systemic anaphylaxis.  相似文献   

Previously we found that Klebsiella O3 lipopolysaccharide (KO3 LPS) isolated from culture supernatant of strain Kasuya (O3: K1) or its decapsulated mutant strain LEN-1 (O3: K1-) exhibited very strong adjuvant activity in augmenting antibody response and delayed-type hypersensitivity to protein antigens in mice. The preparation of KO3 LPS after deproteinization by four cycles of treatment with chloroform-butanol (5: 1) usually contained a small percentage of proteins and a definite amount of another antigen which was destroyed by heating at 100 C for 1 hr. This antigen proved to be derived from type 1 fimbriae which are responsible for mannose-sensitive hemagglutination of guinea pig erythrocytes. The preparation of KO3 LPS isolated from culture supernatant of the strains which did not produce type 1 fimbriae exhibited strong adjuvant activity similar to that of the preparation from those which produced them. The preparation of KO3 LPS treated with hot phenol water which is known to remove lipid A-associated proteins exhibited a similar strong adjuvant activity. The preparation of KO3 LPS after extensive deproteinizing, two cycles of pronase treatment followed by ten cycles of treatment with chloroform-butanol, no longer contained detectable amounts of proteins and the fimbrial antigen, but this preparation also exhibited similar strong adjuvant activity. Moreover, there was no difference in strength of the adjuvant activity between the preparation of KO3 LPS isolated from culture supernatant and that isolated by the phenol method from bacterial cells. The present study demonstrates that the strong adjuvant activity of the preparation of KO3 LPS does not depend in any way on proteins contaminating the preparation.  相似文献   

In a series of our earlier studies, the O3 antigen isolated from culture supernatant of Klebsiella pneumoniae strain Kasuya (O3:K1) (KO3) was shown to exhibit very strong adjuvant activity in mice. KO3 obtained was homogeneous in analyses by either gel filtration or ultracentrifugation. Its molecular weight determined by ultracentrifugal analysis was greater than 2 X 10(6). It contained 37.9% C, 6.20% H, 0.24% N, and less than 0.1% P. KO3 was degraded into the polysaccharide moiety and lipid moiety (about 20%) by hydrolysis with 1% acetic acid at 100 C for 1 hr. The molecular weight of the polysaccharide moiety obtained by the hydrolysis was 16,200 as determined by the Somogyi-Nelson method. Chemical analyses using methylation analysis and Smith degradation as the principal methods indicated that the polysaccharide moiety consisted of a mannan which has a pentasaccharide repeating unit of alpha-mannosyl-1,3-alpha-mannosyl-1,2-alpha-mannosyl-1,2-alpha-mannosyl-1, 2-alpha-mannose joined through alpha-1,3-mannosyl linkages. The number of repetitions was less than 20. The fact that minor components such as 2-keto-3-deoxyoctonate and glucose were detected suggests the presence of a core oligosaccharide, but its precise structure is unknown.  相似文献   

Klebsiella O3 lipopolysaccharide (KO3 LPS) was found to exhibit extraordinarily strong adjuvant activity in augmenting antibody responses and delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to protein antigens in mice. The O-specific polysaccharide chain of KO3 LPS consists of alpha-mannoside. We investigated the effect of concanavalin A (Con A) or succinyl Con A, which is known to bind to alpha-mannoside, on the adjuvant activity of KO3 LPS in augmenting DTH to ovalbumin. When KO3 LPS was mixed with Con A prior to injection, the strong adjuvant activity of KO3 LPS in augmenting DTH was inhibited and the degree of inhibition depended upon the dose of Con A. An equal amount of Con A elicited nearly complete inhibition of the adjuvant activity of KO3 LPS, Con A at 1/10 the amount of LPS elicited partial inhibition, and Con A at 1/100 the amount of LPS showed no inhibition. An equal amount of succinyl Con A, which induced less marked aggregation of KO3 LPS than Con A, elicited inhibition of the adjuvant activity of KO3 LPS to an extent similar to that by Con A. On the other hand, Con A or succinyl Con A bound to KO3 LPS did not impair in any way the lethal toxicity of KO3 LPS for mice which is known to be due to the lipid A moiety. From these findings it is concluded that the strong adjuvant activity of KO3 LPS does not solely depend upon the lipid A moiety but the O-specific polysaccharide moiety plays an important role in expression of the adjuvant activity.  相似文献   

Spleen cells from CBA/J or SJL mice sensitized with mouse thyroglobulin (MTg) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) could be activated in vitro with MTg to transfer experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) to normal syngeneic recipients. EAT induced by these transferred cells was similar in incidence and severity to EAT induced by active immunization of mice with MTg and adjuvant and cells from EAT-resistant Balb/c mice could not be activated to induce EAT. The specific antigen MTg was required both for initial sensitization of the mice and for activation of spleen cells in vitro. The cells that were active in transferring EAT to mice were shown to be T cells. Removal of B cells from the cultured spleen cells had no effect on the ability of the cells to induce EAT.  相似文献   

Hemangiopericytoma growth in syngeneic male mice F1 (CBA X C57BL/bj) led to regular hemopoietic changes: an increase in the spleen weight, spleen cell count, in the number of colony-forming units (CFU). It also induced augmentation of myelopoiesis in the spleen and leukocytosis with a sharp increase of segmented granulocytes in the circulating blood characterized as the "leukemoid reaction" syndrome. The latter occurred even when the tumour cells were transplanted into the splenectomized host. Although less marked, this leukemoid reaction was also noted in advanced hepatoma transplanted to syngeneic male mice F1 (CBA X C57BL/6j). No leukemoid reaction was observed in these mice after grafting syngeneic strain of urinary bladder carcinoma.  相似文献   

Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) responses against methylcholanthrene-induced fibrosarcomas in C3H/He and BDF1 mice were developed in BDF1 mice by sc injection of the respective mitomycin C-treated tumor cells. The DTH responses to the allogeneic and the syngeneic tumor cells were accelerated and enhanced tumor-specifically by priming 7 days previously with KCl extracts of the respective tumors. The ability in the mice primed with the tumor extracts enhancing the DTH response against the tumor cells could be transferred to recipient mice by the spleen cells, but not by the T-cell-depleted spleen cells. Rejection of allogeneic tumor was accelerated under the development of accelerated and enhanced DTH response against the allogeneic tumor antigens. Moreover, resistance to syngeneic tumor growth increased significantly with the development of accelerated and enhanced DTH response against the syngeneic tumor antigens. Thus, the augmentation of DTH response by preimmunization with tumor extracts was accompanied by the increased resistance to tumor growth, suggesting that T cells involved in the augmentation of tumor-specific DTH response play some role in increasing the resistance to tumor growth.  相似文献   

The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) molecule is an important virulence determinant in Klebsiella pneumoniae. Studies on the serotype O1 LPS were initiated to determine the basis for antigenic heterogeneity previously observed in the O1 side chain polysaccharides and to resolve apparent ambiguities in the reported polysaccharide structure. Detailed chemical analysis, involving methylation and 1H- and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance studies, demonstrated that the O-side chain polysaccharides of serotype O1 LPS contained a mixture of two structurally distinct D-galactan polymers. The repeating unit structures of these two polymers were identified as [----3)-beta-D-Galf-(1----3)-alpha-D-Galp-(1----] (D-galactan I) and [----3)-alpha-D-Galp-(1----3)-beta-D-Galp-(1----] (D-Galactan II). D-Galactan I polysaccharides were heterogeneous in size and were detected throughout the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) profile of O1 LPS. In contrast, D-galactan II was confined to the higher-molecular-weight region. The structures of the two D-galactans were not influenced by simultaneous synthesis of a capsular K antigen. Apparently, neither of the D-galactans constitutes a common antigen widespread in Klebsiella spp. as determined by immunochemical analysis. Examination of the LPSs in mutants indicated that expression of D-galactan I can occur independently of D-galactan II. Transconjugants of Escherichia coli K-12 strains carrying the his region of K. pneumoniae were constructed by chromosome mobilization with RP4::mini-Mu. In these transconjugants, the O antigen encoded by the his-linked rfb locus was determined to be D-galactan I, suggesting that genes involved in the expression of D-galactan II are not closely linked to the rfb cluster.  相似文献   

In the present study, two adjuvants, SGP and Quil A, were assessed for their ability to induce experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) in mice. SGP (a synthetic copolymer of starch, acrylamide, and sodium acrylate) and Quil A (a plant saponin) were compared with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA) given together with mouse thyroglobulin (MTg) for their ability to induce EAT in CBA/J mice. Immunization with MTg and LPS, MTg and CFA, or MTg with SGP was effective in inducing anti-MTg antibodies and histologic EAT, while MTg with Quil A was ineffective in inducing either anti-MTg antibodies or EAT. MTg with LPS was able to prime mice for the development of an in vitro spleen cell proliferative response to MTg while MTg with SGP or with Quil A was unable to prime spleen cells to proliferate detectably in response to MTg. MTg with LPS given in vivo primes CBA/J spleen cells for further activation by in vitro culture with MTg to transfer EAT to naive CBA/J recipients. MTg with SGP was also effective in priming CBA/J spleen cells for in vitro activation and transfer of EAT while MTg with Quil A was ineffective. The effective adjuvant activity of SGP and its lack of toxicity relative to LPS should make it a useful agent for further studies in murine models of EAT.  相似文献   

The effects of Ta-1, a peptide constituent of thymosin fraction 5, were studied on murine autoimmune thyroiditis using two congenic strains of mice, B10.Br (Br) and B10.D2 (D2), which are sensitive and resistant to experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) induction, respectively. EAT was induced by either 2 weekly iv injections of mouse thyroglobulin with adjuvant lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or intradermal injection of thyroglobulin mixed with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA). The criteria for induction and intensity of thyroiditis were the level of lymphoid infiltration in the thyroid gland and the titer of anti-thyroglobulin antibodies. Ta-1 was given in 5 or 10 daily sc injections in doses ranging from 0.0001 to 0.1 microgram/injection. The injections were commenced at varying intervals from the 1st to the 4th week after immunization. T-Cell subsets in the spleens were determined 2 weeks after the first antigen injection and thyroid infiltration was determined 3 weeks later. Treatment with Ta-1 between the two antigen injections increased the level of thyroiditis in resistant mice, but had no effect in sensitive mice. Treatment for the first 2 weeks had similar effects in resistant mice, but also suppressed thyroiditis in the sensitive strain. Later treatments, during the 3rd and 4th weeks after immunization also revealed immunomodulating properties of Ta-1, with a suppressing effect on thyroiditis in sensitive mice and an enhancing effect in the resistant strain. Both effects of Ta-1 were dose dependent. The effects of Ta-1 on the individual phenotypes were also dose dependent. The dose of 0.01 microgram greatly lowered the percentages of Lyt-2+3+ cells in D2 mice and mildly increased the percentages in Br mice, but did not change the Lyt-1+ cell level in either strain. On the other hand, the dose of 0.001 microgram greatly increased the percentage of Lyt-1+ cells in D2 mice and mildly decreased it in the Br strain, but did not alter the Lyt-2+3+ cell subset in either strain. Thus, both doses of Ta-1 modulated Lyt-1+/2+3+ ratios, with each dose affecting a different T-cell subset. The changes in the response to thyroglobulin are apparently exerted through the regulation of the functional T-cell subset balance.  相似文献   

The structure of lipid A-core region of the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from Klebsiella pneumoniae serotype O3 was determined using NMR, MS and chemical analysis of the oligosaccharides, obtained by mild acid hydrolysis, alkaline deacylation, and deamination of the LPS: [carbohydrate structure see text] where P is H or alpha-Hep; J is H or beta-GalA; R is H or P (in the deacylated oligosaccharides).Screening of the LPS from K. pneumoniae O1, O2, O4, O5, O8, and O12 using deamination showed that they also contain alpha-Hep-(1-->4)-alpha-Kdo-(2-->6)-GlcN and alpha-Kdo-(2-->6)-GlcN fragments.  相似文献   

Experimental autoimmune thyroiditis (EAT) can be induced in mice after the transfer of mouse thyroglobulin (MTg)-sensitized donor spleen cells that have been activated in vitro with MTg. CD4+ T cells are required for the transfer of EAT in this model. Because CD4+ T cells produce various lymphokines, such as IFN-gamma, that may be involved in the activation or regulation of the immune response to MTg and the development of EAT, the present study was undertaken to determine whether a neutralizing mAb to IFN-gamma could modulate the induction or expression of EAT. The anti-IFN-gamma mAb XMG-1.2 had no effect on sensitization of donor cells. However, addition of XMG-1.2 mAb during in vitro activation of MTg-primed spleen cells resulted in more severe EAT in recipient mice. The thyroid lesions in recipients of cells cultured with MTg and XMG-1.2 mAb also exhibited granulomatous changes, which differed qualitatively from the predominantly lymphocytic cell infiltrates in recipients of cells cultured with MTg alone. Recipients of MTg-activated spleen cells also developed severe granulomatous EAT when they were given injections of XMG-1.2 mAb. The effects of XMG-1.2 could be neutralized by IFN-gamma. Recipients of cells cultured in the presence of XMG-1.2 mAb had augmented autoantibody responses, although there were no apparent differences in the IgG subclass distribution of the anti-MTg autoantibody responses. These studies suggest that neutralization of endogenous IFN-gamma results in increased activity of cells capable of inducing granulomatous EAT in mice.  相似文献   

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